April 2012


April 2012
DY-611 - Iowa Landlord Association - Issue: 04/01/12
Viewed: 07/28/12 07:30 PM
April 2012
• Pat Knueven (515) 278-2821
• pres@iowalandlord.org
• --------------------Vice President
• Rex McClaflin (515) 556-1053
• vpres@iowalandlord.org
• --------------------Secretary/Treasurer
• Andrew Lietzow (515) 710-1955
• ilaservices@iowalandlord.org
• --------------------Vendor Committee Chair
• Gordon Kratz (515) 986-4442
• vendor@iowalandlord.org
• --------------------Education Consultant
• David Sollenbarger
• education@iowalandlord.org
Membership Committee Co-chairs
• Kent and Bev Lehs (515) 279-4699
• membership@iowalandlord.org
• -----------------------Public Relations Committee
• Scott Harlan (515) 284-8186
• publicrelations@iowalandlord.org
• -----------------------Event Planning
• Steering Committee
Day 1 Starts Here ... in the
Heart of Des Moines
April 18 is Kick-off!
Don’t sleep in; don’t
roll over and hit the
snooze button - not
Des Moines Botanical today!
Today is the first
day of our exciting, 2-Day Conference
where our members, vendor partners
and guests from all over Iowa and
beyond, indulge in something we so
seldom get to do -- hobnob with
people we really like!
8:30 - Check-in; then feel free to
enjoy the Botanical Center gardens.
We start at 9:00 with an intense
schedule and plenty of learning
Our goal is to help you either
make, or save, $000’s this year that
you would not have made, had you
not been at the ILA Conference.
------------------------This is your time. Look inside for
more info. Register online, or via
the mail, but do register ... today!
Welcome New Members
• Robert A Brown Rental
Properties - Bondurant
• Chris Westphal - Westhaven
Properties - Casey
• Michael Klenk - Urbandale
• Brenda Fjeld - Juniper Homes Iowa Falls
• Ralph Rieck - Des Moines
• Thomas Boring - Swisher
Day 1 Ends Here ... at Stoney
Creek Inn - Johnston
Our conference is
at two locations, as in
the recent past. After
a very
Stoney Creek Inn
day at the Botanical
Center, we move to Stoney Creek Inn
for a board reception coupled with
some “District Networking.”
Some Vendors will be setting up in
the 3:00-5:00 time frame, so there will
be chances to meet Vendor Partners,
as well. We will be offering some
exciting networking opportunities for
those who have traveled a distance
and will be staying over night.
-------------------------Our 50-Senate District Strategy will
encourage us to reach out to
Landlords from all over the state, so
call your pals, call another rental
property owner or manager and bring
them -- but get thee here tonight for
some fun and industry building! If we
aren’t the champions for our industry,
who is?
New Members (cont. ...)
• Virginia Hunter - Urbandale
• Richard Bason - BaStone, LLC Des Moines
• Walter & Kathi Skovronski Davenport
• Ben & Lindsay Brozene Iowa City
• Marcie Stout - Eugene, Oregon
Executive Director: Andrew Lietzow - ILAservices@IowaLandlord.org
DY-611 - Iowa Landlord Association - Issue: 04/01/12
Viewed: 07/28/12 07:30 PM
Some Successes, Many
Challenges for 2012 Session
subcommittee work
Technology Tips & Tricks
In the recent past, I mentioned that
you can help build the ILA email list by
having fellow rental property owners
and managers text “ILA” to 22828.
They can also go to the Contact Us
page and key in an email address
directly to Constant Contact. That’s a
huge help. This is part of how we will
rapidly begin to expand our
membership base.
This month, I want to share with
you an application (app) for a Smart
Phone called “YouMail.” On the
Windows 7 Mobile phone, it’s called
“MagikMail.” It’s ridiculously cheap at
$1.99, and it basically converts your
phone into a call center. When
someone calls, the app is so smart it
addresses the person by name -without any tips from the cell phone
owner! I’m sure it’s available for other
platforms, as well. * * End * *
Next, there is an outstanding
package called “Dropbox.” So far, it’s
been free! I like FREE, don’t you? So,
what does it do? Dropbox offers some
powerful features features but the
primary ones are:
• Web-based file hosting service.
Files in your Dropbox
auto-“magically” synchronize with
anyone with whom you care to
share the file.
• Back-up your files - up to 2GB,
for free.
• Just download from
Dropbox.com and enjoy! - ACL
City Enterprise Services Bill HF2323, the Only Bright Spot?
This was Joe’s latest update, as
we went to press:
The municipal utilities are making a
late attempt to defeat HF 2323, the
city enterprise services bill. Attached
is a revised information sheet on the
bill. I’ve made one change to counter
an argument the municipal utilities are
using. They are complaining that they
will have difficulty identifying the user
of the enterprise services. Their first
hope is to kill the bill. Their second
objective is to keep the requirement
that landlords have to notify the
ILA Restarts PAC
The ILA is restarting a Political
Action Committee. Jim Ervin from
Mason City will serve as Treasurer,
and Pat Knueven, as President. Joe
Kelly is going to be intimately involved
with distribution of funds to worthy
causes, candidates, and consortiums.
A hearty thank you to each!
This effort is in concert with our
50-Senate District Strategy to combat
the bedbug monster, and other such
villains. Incidentally, if you or someone
you know is a good candidate to serve
as a Senate District/Representative
District Captain, please send us an
email or call the office.
We expect these positions to take
only a few hours per month, on
average. Some will want to be very
active, others not so much. It’s easy
to make a meaningful contribution
when many hands are on deck.
We will need contributions -- not
municipal utility each time a tenancy
changes. The reason for that objective
is they know most landlords won’t do
the notification in a timely manner, if
at all.
Some of you have asked me what
do we do now. The answer is to make
your contacts with your Iowa Senator,
either the Senator whose district you
live in, or the Senator who represents
a district where you own some
properties. Some of you will have
more than one Senator that you
can contact.
Ask for their support of HF 2323.
-- JK
Joe will have some updates for us
at the Conference. This has been a
tough year on the Hill, so we are
regrouping to find better traction next
year. Perhaps the biggest gain this
session will be passage of some
commercial property tax relief.
from corporate entities, and not tax
deductible. For convenience, we will
begin accepting contributions
online soon.
If you want to write a check:
PO Box 354
Mason City, IA 50402-0354
-------------------Payee is the IowA Rental Property
Owners PAC. (Notice that we left the
term “Landlord” out of the name.
That’s by design. We want to throw
out a wide net, to encourage nearly
anyone who doesn’t want the
administrative burden of a PAC to
make donations to this one, if they
so choose.)
We hope to be conducting a silent
auction at our Conference in April to
kick-start the balance in the account.
Anyone with creative ideas on how to
help build our war chest, feel free to
let us hear from you!
DY-611 - Iowa Landlord Association - Issue: 04/01/12
Viewed: 07/28/12 07:30 PM
Wit & Wisdom
“Arbor Day is not like other holidays.
Each of those reposes on the past,
while Arbor Day proposes
for the future.”
—Julius Sterling Morton
Pappajohn Education Center
Site for Saturday’s Real Estate Investing and Neural
Linguistic Training Program
Limited Seating!
Optional Meetings - Friday & Saturday - Dwan & Bill
Twyford, from Colorado, will be the featured presenters
for the Two Rivers REIA (Real Estate Investors
Association) of Central IA. ILA members are welcome
to attend. Details are included in the enclosed flyer.
About Bill and Dwan Twyford
Dwan and Bill Twyford have been
RE Investors for 20+ years. They are
teachers, coaches, authors, and
founders of
For years, many at Two Rivers
REIA have attended classes taught by
Dwan and Bill, and have offered rave
reviews about their down to earth, in
the trenches teaching style. Theirs is a
hype-free approach. We are delighted
to have them in Des Moines for two
days - Friday and Saturday, and will
share the room with ILA attendees.
These meetings are optional and
nominally priced.
Bill will offer a presentation on
Thursday evening (after the
All-Industry reception) for Landlords
on how to avoid losing thousands with
tenants who declare bankruptcy.
Scheduled for 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Both
ILA and TRREIA members are
welcome to attend.
NLP as Applied to Real Estate
Investing, Negotiating
Here is a short bio about Bill, and a
glimpse of what he will be teaching
on Saturday.
------------------------Bill Twyford has been buying
foreclosures for almost a decade. In
his first year as an investor, he sold
eighty properties. The money was ten
times better than any commission he
had earned, so he made the switch
from agent to investor, and his career
took off. To date he has sold well over
850 properties.
Bill is so successful because he
has learned the art of communication.
The difference between earning good
money and great money is the way
you speak. Learning Neuro Linguistic
Programming, NLP, will change your
life, too.
------------------------Some of our ILA members are also
rehabbers who buy, fix and hold, as a
long-term, wealth building strategy.
Acquiring pre-foreclosure properties
can be an excellent way to buy low,
while beating the crowd to the punch
once the property becomes a
bank-owned foreclosure.
While distressed properties have
been making up nearly 50% of RE
transactions in this current market, we
wanted to bring these top-notch
trainers to Iowa. We trust you will find
them some of the best in the biz!
“I like trees because they seem
more resigned to the way they have
to live than other things do.”
—Willa Cather
“In nature, nothing is perfect and
everything is perfect. Trees can be
contorted, bent in weird ways, and
they’re still beautiful.”
—Alice Walker
“The best time to plant a tree
was 20 years ago. The next
best time is now.”
—Chinese proverb
“Knowing trees, I understand the
meaning of patience. Knowing grass,
I can appreciate persistence.”
—Hal Borland
“What is the good of your stars and
trees, your sunrise and the wind, if
they do not enter into our daily lives?”
—E. M. Forster
“Trees and plants always look like the
people they live with, somehow.”
—Zora Neale Hurston
“And this, our life, exempt from public
haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in
the running brooks, sermons in
stones, and good in everything.”
—William Shakespeare
“It is well that you should celebrate
your Arbor Day thoughtfully, for within
your lifetime the nation’s need of trees
will become serious.”
—Theodore Roosevelt
DY-611 - Iowa Landlord Association - Issue: 04/01/12
Viewed: 07/28/12 07:30 PM
April 2012
Contest Starts
2 Hotel Room?
6 Register Today!
Booked Your Room?
Want to Split Costs?
Call the ILA Office
for Help!
Have Steak With
Dwan & Bill Twyford
Friday Night! 4/20
8 SC Meeting 9-11
9 Board Meeting
Two Rivers REIA Steering Committee
Mtg. ILA Leadership
welcome to attend.
We Need to Plan
Early. Please
Register ASAP!
11 Last Day B4 ..
11:00 - 1:00 - ILA
Board of Directors
19 Optional Mtg
20 Optional Mtg
... Price Increase.
Beat the Bump Register Today!
17 Conference!
18 Conference!
Botanical Center
Today - Lots of
Learning Going on!
9:00-5:00 - ILA Mtg
Day 3 - Stoney
Day 2 - Stoney
Creek - 8:00-3:00
Creek Inn - Full Day
- 8:00 - 8:30PM - ILA
Bill & Dwan Twyford
Two Rivers REIA
Inside ... 2012 Annual Conference News!!!
Site for Saturday’s Finale Meeting!
Pappajohn Center Downtown - Day 4 9:00 - 4:00 Dwan
and Bill Twyford Two
Rivers REIA Mtg