2015 NeSPE E State A Annual l Meeti ing
2015 NeSPE E State A Annual l Meeti ing
2015 NeSPE E State A Annuall Meetiing May M 28 & 229, 2015 Nebrask ka Innova ation Camp pus Confeerence Cen nter 2021 Trransforma ation Drivve ~ Lincolln, Nebrasska Co onference Agenda Thursday, T May M 28 CONFEREN C NCE 10:00 – 12:30 0 p.m. 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 – 1:15 p.m. p 1:15 – 2:10 p.m. p 2:10 – 3:00 p.m. p 3:00 – 3:10 p.m. p 3:10 – 4:00 p.m. p 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. p BANQUET B 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. p 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. p p 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. p NeSP PE State Board Meetingg Regiistration Welccome Remarrks, State Annnual Meetinng & Electioon of Officerrs Riveerbank Filtrration of Mu unicipal Waater Supplyy in the USA ADr. Chittaranja C an Ray, Neb braska Wateer Center (11 PDH) NIC C Maker’s Sttudio - Dr. F Farritor & Liana Owaad (1 PDH) Breaak Tourr of NIC Maker’s Stud dio (1 PDH) Trav vel, Break & Hotel Chec k-in Social Hour / Caash Bar Dinn ner & Banqu uet Instaallation of NeSPE & NeS SPEEF Officcers / Presenntation of Aw wards Keyn note addresss – Mr. Blak ke Lawrencce, Former H Husker Football Play yer and CEO O of Opend orse "Experriences with Football andd Conccussions" (1 PDH) Friday, F May y 29 CONFEREN C NCE 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. 8:30 – 9:20 a.m. 9:30 – 10:20 a.m. Regiistration & Continental C B Breakfast NSP PE Update – Ms. Kodi V Verhalen, V Vice Presideent (1 PDH) NIC C Central Reenewable En nergy Systeem (CRES) Davee Roberts, Olsson O Assoociates (1 PD DH) 10:20 – 10:30 0 a.m. Clossing Remarks 0 a.m. Breaak/Travel to CRES 10:30 – 10:40 0 a.m. CRE ES Walking g Tour (1 PD DH) 10:40 – 11:30 Adjo ourn 11:30 a.m. Hotel Acco ommodatio ns A block off rooms has bbeen reserveed for Thursdday, May 288th at the Hilton Garrden Inn for $$109 + tax. Call the Hiltton directly at 402475-9000 before b April 25 to reservve a room at the Nebraskka Society of Professionall Engineers rrate. There iis an attached parking garrage to the hhotel (self-paark or valet). 2015 NeSPE N E State A Annuall Meeting May M 28 & 229, 2015 Nebrask ka Innovattion Camp pus Confeerence Cen nter 2021 Trransforma ation Drivee ~ Lincolln, Nebrasska REGIISTRATIO ON FORM M Option O 1 – NeSPE N 2-Day y Conferencce and Banq quet (7 PDH Hs) - $125/p person Conference C in ncludes: • Contin nuing educattion sessionss May 28th aand 29th • Thursday Banquett / Keynote Speaker: S Blaake Lawrencce "Experiennces with Football and Concussions" • Friday y Continentaal Breakfast Name: N _____ ___________ ___________ _________ Ph hone: _____ ___________ __________ _________ E-mail: _____ __________ ___________ _________ Circle C one: Prime P Rib Chickeen Crisspy Salmon Option O 2 – NeSPE N Banq quet Only (1 1 PDH) - $500/person Banquet B inclu udes: • Thursday Banquett / Keynote Speaker: S Blaake Lawrencce "Experiennces with Football and Concussions" Name: N _____ ___________ ___________ _________ Ph hone: _____ ___________ __________ _________ E-mail: _____ __________ ___________ _________ Circle C one: Prime P Rib Chickeen Crisspy Salmon Fo or questionss or informattion contact: Katy Boggss at katy.bogggs@nspenebraska.org oor 40 02-875-2800 0 Send S this reservation n form and d paymentt by May 15, 2015 too: NeSPE N Annual Meeting PO Box 6356 6 6 Lincoln, NE 68506 Please note that t there is not a Thursd day or Fridayy only optioon. *P Cancelllation Policyy- If you register and aree unable to atttend, you maay receive a rrefund, minuus a 50% adm ministrative fee by noon on n May 15, 20015. There w will be no reefunds given after this datte. Should thhe annual meeeting be canncelled for aany reason out o of our coontrol, no refunds will bbe given. 2015 NeSPE E State A Annuall Meetiing May M 28 & 229, 2015 Nebrask ka Innova ation Camp pus Confeerence Cen nter 2021 Trransforma ation Drivve ~ Lincolln, Nebrasska SPONSORSH HIP FORM M The T Nebraskaa Society of Professionaal Engineers (NeSPE) is offering greeat sponsorshhip opportunities at the Annu ual Meeting. Presentatioons at the Annnual Meetinng include: tthe NIC Central C Renewable Energ gy System, UNL U Water ffor Food, thee NIC Makeer’s Studio, aand NSPE N Nation nal update. Our O featured keynote adddress will be from Mr. B Blake Lawrennce, Former F Husk ker Football Player P and CEO C of Openndorse. We’re W offerin ng three leveels of sponso orship for suppporting proofessional enngineering annd sh howcasing your y business or products to Nebraskka’s best andd brightest enngineers: Gold G Sponso orship $5500 Special sp ponsorship recognition r for f one of thee following (with logo oon signage): o o o o o Naametags Baanquet Brreakfast Seession Presenttation Brreaks Larger co ompany logo o in meeting program, loggo in NeSPE E Newsletterr Plus all th he benefits of o Silver Spo onsors Silver S Sponssor $3300 Easel for company c disp play in vendorr area Special reccognition durring the banqu uet Plus all thee benefits of Bronze B Sponssors Bronze B Spon nsor $1150 Company logo in meetiing program Special reccognition durring the meetiing Mention in n the NeSPE Newsletter N Company___ C ___________ __________ ________________ S Sponsorship Level: (checck one) Contact C Nam me_________ ___________ _______________ □ Gold Email______ E ___________ __________ ________________ □ Silver Phone______ P ___________ __________ _______________ □ Bronze Gold G Sponsorrs – List you ur 3 preferen nces for Speccial Sponsorrship ___________ _ ___________ __ _______ __________________ ___________________________ *Make cheecks payablee to the Nebraaska Societyy of Professional Engineerrs. **S Send your lo ogo to katy.booggs@nspen nebraska.org by May 15, 2015 to be included on media materrials. Mail form m and check tto: NeSPE An nnual State M Meeting Spoonsor PO Box 6356 N 68506 Lincoln, NE,