Instructor: Mr. Anthony W. âTonyâ Lyza Office: NSSTC/Cramer Hall
Instructor: Mr. Anthony W. âTonyâ Lyza Office: NSSTC/Cramer Hall
ATS/ESS 454, ATS 554 Instructor: Forecasting Mesoscale Processes Spring 2015 Mr. Anthony W. “Tony” Lyza Office: NSSTC/Cramer Hall 3081 (before moving to SWIRLL) SWIRLL 215 (after moving to SWIRLL – stay tuned) Email: (preferred method of contact) Phone: (256) 961-7797 (in NSSTC) Office Hours: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Otherwise, I am usually in my office from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday-Friday and hold an open-door policy, but it’s best to schedule an appointment if you need to meet outside of the formal office hours. Class Supervisor: Dr. Kevin R. Knupp Office: NSSTC/Cramer Hall 3052 (before moving to SWIRLL) Email: (preferred method of contact) Phone: (256) 961-7762 (in NSSTC) Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM Location: NSSTC/Cramer Hall 4085 Webpage: Documents for this class will be uploaded to my vortex webpage and made available for the entire semester. My webpage can be found at: []. Course Summary and Objectives: At the end of this course, students who perform well will demonstrate: 1) Knowledge of what mesoscale meteorology is and the distinction between mesoscale phenomena and other scales, including dynamic and empirical definitions; 2) Working knowledge of state-of-the-art diagnostic, forecasting and observational tools and methodologies in mesoscale meteorology, including radar and satellite detection of certain mesoscale phenomena; 3) A deep understanding of basic atmospheric physical principles related to mesoscale phenomena, including the theory and concepts related to buoyancy/stability and wind shear/vorticity generation; 4) A knowledge of the relationship between synoptic-scale patterns and severe convective hazards; 5) Understanding of processes and features that can lead to convective initiation, including boundaries, waves, the low-level jet, and other boundary layer phenomena; 6) An ability to distinguish convective modes (single-cell vs. multicell vs. supercell), between supercell types, and associated hazards; 7) A firm foundation in forecasting severe convective hazards and discriminating between the probability of hazards, including damaging winds, hail, tornadoes, and flash flooding; 8) Knowledge of the physics and forecasting of mesoscale phenomena driven by land-sea thermodynamic differences, particularly land-sea breezes and lake-effect convection; 9) Identification, physical knowledge, and ability to forecast flow phenomena induced around topography. Prerequisites: ATS/ESS 451 – ATS 551, Atmospheric Fluid Dynamics I. Although not formally a prerequisite, some concepts from ATS/ESS 441 – ATS 541 (Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Cloud Physics) are used and therefore reviewed, as needed. Similarly, some synoptic background (e.g., ATS 452) is helpful and will be reviewed, as needed. ATS/ESS 454, ATS 554 Forecasting Mesoscale Processes Spring 2015 Required Textbook (note that required reading will accompany many lectures): Markowski, P. and Y. Richardson, 2010: Mesoscale Meteorology in Midlatitudes, 1st ed. Wiley, ISBN10: 0470742135, ISBN-13: 978-0470742136, 430 pp. (available in hardcover and eBook editions) Other Recommended Books, Monographs, and Textbooks: Bluestein, H. B., 1993: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes Vol. II, Oxford University Press, New York. Djuric, D., 1994: Weather Analysis. Prentice Hall, 304 pp. Doswell, C. A., 2001: Severe Convective Storms. Meteorological Monographs, Vol. 29, No. 50, American Meteorological Society, Boston. Holton, J. R., 2004: An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. 4th ed., Academic Press, 535 pp. Houze, R. A., 1994: Cloud Dynamics. Volume 53, International Geophysics, Academic Press. Lackmann, G., 2012: Midlatitude Synoptic Meteorology: Dynamics, Analysis, and Forecasting. American Meteorological Society, 345 pp. Ray, P. S., 1986: Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting. American Meteorological Society, Boston. Wallace, J.M and P. V. Hobbs, 2006: Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. 2nd ed., Academic Press, 504 pp. Online Course Materials: The UCAR-COMET Meteorology and Education and Training (MetEd – web-based training modules available on the Internet will be used often. Most of the necessary modules will come from the “Convective Weather”, “Mesoscale Meteorology”, “Radar Meteorology”, or “Satellite Meteorology” topic areas. Additionally, select Internet websites, such as, with useful meteorological data and information will be utilized. Research Articles: We will occasionally read online and PDF copies of various conference proceedings (e.g., AMS Conference on Severe Local Storms) and peer-reviewed journal articles (e.g., Weather and Forecasting). ATS/ESS 454, ATS 554 Forecasting Mesoscale Processes Spring 2015 Course Grading: The grading will be determined as follows: Percentage 15% Assignment 1st Exam Tentative Date Thursday 12 February 15% 2nd Exam Thursday 19 March 20% Final Exam Tuesday 28 April, 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM 10% Homework 10% Quizzes 15% “So You Want to Be an SPC Forecaster?” Typically collected 1-1.5 weeks after assignment. Every Thursday except for weeks with or after an exam. Assignment will be completed by Tuesday 21 April. 15% Research Project/Paper Thursday 23 April Comment Covers roughly first 1/3 of class material. Exam will be a mixture of short answer, word problem/problem solving/derivation, and multiple choice questions. No unexcused absences. All other absences must be arranged before the exam. Same format and procedures as above except covers approximately second 1/3 of class material. Part I (10%). Same format and procedures as above except covers approximately last 1/3 of class material. Part II (10%). Real-world forecasting exercise. Requires comprehensive knowledge of all class materials. No late work accepted unless part of an excused absence. Short 10-15 minute quizzes for comprehension of material. Lowest grade is dropped at the end of the semester. Series of forecasting exercises focused on severe convective storms. These forecasting exercises will form a complete, thorough case study. See handout for more information. No late work accepted unless part of an excused absence. Paper will be 10 pages (12 pt. font, double-spaced), plus figures, references, etc. See project handout for more information. No late work accepted. This is a split advanced undergraduate (ATS/ESS 454) and entry-level graduate (ATS 554) course. For each class, letter grades will be assigned based on the following scale: A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: ≤ 59%. Some homework and exam questions may be different for the ATS/ESS 454 and ATS 554 classes. Assignments in ATS 554 might sometimes require a more in depth conceptual understanding of material and/or increased mathematical rigor. Expectations for the research paper will be different for each class (more details to follow in class). Semester Scheduling Issues – Missed and Make-up Classes I have a few unavoidable conflicts associated with research obligations that will result in me missing class on the following (tentative) day(s) during the semester: Great Lakes Operational Meteorology Workshop (Date TBD). My preference is to cancel class on these days and make up missed time by (1) extending class by 10-15 minutes or (2) making up missed days at a mutually agreeable day/time. We will decide on these tentative options during class. If you must miss class for a legitimate, planned reason (e.g., attend a conference), please inform me in advance so that we can coordinate any missed lecture notes, assignments, and exams. If you are feeling ill and must miss a class, then please inform me via e-mail as soon as possible (in advance of class, if possible) and follow up to coordinate missed material. Make-up exams and quizzes will only be given in cases of excused absences, such as an illness documented by a physician, official college-sponsored activities with appropriate documentation, or a death in the immediate family with a note from the Dean’s office. While attendance is not mandatory, be aware that 5% of your grade comes from participation and your performance on weekly quizzes. Late homework and “So You Want to Be an SPC Forecaster?” assignments without an excused absence will not be accepted. In all cases, it is your (the student’s) responsibility to make sure that you are up to date with your lecture notes, assignments and exams after an excused absence. ATS/ESS 454, ATS 554 Forecasting Mesoscale Processes Spring 2015 Complaint Procedure: If you have difficulties or complaints related to this course, your first action usually should be to discuss them with me or the supervising professor for this course, Dr. Kevin Knupp (see top of this syllabus for more information). If such a discussion would be uncomfortable for you or fails to resolve your difficulties, you should contact Dr. Larry Carey, Associate Professor and Interim Chair of the Atmospheric Science Department. Dr. Carey’s office is NSSTC Room 4042, his telephone number is (256) 961-7872, and email address is If you are still unsatisfied, you should discuss the matter with the Associate Dean of the College of Sciences, located in C206 of the Materials Science Building. His phone number is (256) 824-6605. Students with Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation (i.e., some modification of seating, testing, or other class procedures), please see me after class or during my office hours to discuss appropriate modifications. UAlert Emergency Notification System: UAHuntsville has implemented the UAlert emergency notification system. UAlert allows you to receive time-sensitive emergency messages in the form of e-mail, voice mail, and text messages. Everyone who has a UAHuntsville e-mail address will receive emergency alerts to their campus e-mail address. In order to also receive text and voice message alerts, you are asked to provide up-to-date phone contact information. Participation in UAlert text and voice messaging is optional, but enrollment is strongly encouraged. You can’t be reached through UAlert unless you participate. The information you supply is considered confidential and will not be shared or used for purposes other than emergency notification. To review your UAlert account, add or update phone and alternate e-mail addresses, and set the priority for your contact methods, please visit the UAlert web site: Course Topics / Schedule: Unit 1 – Introduction to Mesoscale Meteorology What is mesoscale? How do we define the mesoscale? What are some examples of mesoscale atmospheric phenomena? What is a severe convective storm? The roles of the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) and Weather Prediction Center (WPC; formerly the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center/HPC), as well as overviews of select products. Radar and satellite applications primer. Unit 2 – Buoyancy, Static Instability and Sounding Analysis; An Introduction to Convection Buoyancy. Single-cell convection. CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) and convective updrafts – parcel theory. Limitations of parcel theory. NCAPE (Normalized Convective Available Potential Energy). The sounding diagram. Dry and moist adiabatic ascent. Static instability. Moist convection. Instability indices. CAPE – calculation and interpretation. Airmass types. Potential Instability. ATS/ESS 454, ATS 554 Forecasting Mesoscale Processes Spring 2015 Unit 3 - Convective Initiation and Boundary Layer Primer Requirements and role of larger scales on CI. Mesoscale complexities of CI. Moisture convergence. Elevated Convection. Drylines, pacific fronts, and outflow boundaries. Basic wave theory and dynamics. Structure and environment of ducted mesoscale gravity waves. Bores. The nocturnal low-level wind maximum/low-level jet. Forecasting. Detection. Unit 4 – Structure and Evolution of Convection: Relationship between Storm Environment and Convective Cell Type Convective storm structure and evolution (single cell, multicell, and supercell). Role of wind shear. Application - the hodograph. Convective storm type prediction using buoyancy, shear and associated combined indices (e.g., bulk Richardson number). Other advanced indices. Fundamentals of the convective downdraft. The supercell. Supercell type. Mesocyclogenesis. Types of downdrafts and resultant outflows. Theory and forecasting. **Exam 1** Unit 5 - Mesoscale Convective Systems Definitions. Climatology. Large-scale environment. Radar and satellite structure (e.g., squall lines, bow echoes, Mesoscale Convective Complexes). Non-downdraft driven high winds, including rear inflow jet, mesovortices, and derechos. Detection and Forecasting. Case studies. Unit 6 – Severe Convective Weather Hazards: Tornadoes, Hail, and Damaging Winds Tornadogenesis, maintenance, and decay. Structure and intensity of tornadoes. Radar detection of mesocyclones. Indices for forecasting supercells and tornadoes. Tornadic vs. non-tornadic supercells. QLCS tornadoes, landspouts, and waterspouts. Interactions between gravity waves and mesocyclones. Hail formation. Storm characteristics. Hailstone trajectories: supercell vs. multicell. Radar detection of hail. Microburst formation and detection. Microbursts vs. bow echoes. Case studies. **Exam 2** Unit 7 – Mesoscale Phenomena at Land-Sea Interface Land-sea breeze formation. Climatology and implications for convective initiation. Lake-effect convection forecasting. Structure of lake-effect snow bands. Climatology of lake-effect precipitation, particularly in the Great Lakes region. Relationship between lake-effect snow bands and mesoscale convective systems. Forecasting and detection. Unit 8 – Topographically-Induced Mesoscale Flow Phenomena Slope flows and valley flows. Mountain waves and downslope windsotrms. Terrain blocking; the Froude number. Cold-air damming. Lee vortices and gap flows. The Denver Cyclonic Vorticity Zone (DCVZ) and the Denver cyclone. Catalina Eddies. Forecasting of terrain-induced phenomena. ** This is an approximate schedule of course material to be covered. Some deviation from the schedule and/or topics may be necessary.