NEW 2015 Engagement Form Info - the NSW & ACT Baptist Churches


NEW 2015 Engagement Form Info - the NSW & ACT Baptist Churches
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Applying for an SRE (Special Religious Education aka
Scripture) Authorisation Card from the Baptist Union of NSW.
Greetings SRE Teacher/Minister/Coordinator,
Forgive me for the wordy document but we are aiming to be as thorough as possible.
To help with the process of applying for a Baptist SRE Authorisation Card we are
trialling a new on-line system. The program we are using, called ‘guestlist’ is usually
used for registering for our training (and used for other special events) – hence the
use of the words ‘ticket’ and ‘customer’. Please ignore that.
Both teachers and helpers need to have an Authorisation Card. Wherever the term
‘Teacher’ is used it is also includes ‘Helper’.
All current teachers with an Authorisation Card that is the old green cardboard card
need to immediately apply for a new card as the new Working With Check Number
needs to be included.
Sadly the program requires that the application needs to be done in one go – you
cannot stop and come back to it. So to assist you in filling out the on-line application
for a Baptist SRE Authorisation Form we’ve provided a document to fill out first
(which you need to file away with your church records).
Pages 3-9 are for your information and to be used as a guide. Pages 10-14 are the
ones you need to fill out and use to transfer the information.
Upon completing pages 10-14 (as a Word document on your computer) you need to
print it, (or print it and hand write) then have both the minister and SRE teacher sign
Please keep this signed copy with your confidential church records (do not
send it to us).
Then transfer the information to the on-line format (
This information will then come to us electronically and we will verify it, and if all the
requirements are fulfilled (i.e. have your new Working With Check Number,
completed the Creating Safe Space and initial SRE training) we will process your
application and issue a three-year full authorisation – the new ones will now expire at
the end of term one of the appropriate year so to avoid the stress of the beginning of
the year starts.
Those with incomplete requirements may be issued with a one-year provisional
authorisation to allow them to teach but they will need to complete the rest of the
requirements within 6 months.
No authorisation cards will be issued without the new Working With Children
Please be aware of teachers on your team who may not have access to a computer
and/or internet. Once they have filled out and signed the ‘paper’ version of the
application form anyone may go on-line and complete that process on their behalf.
They will need an email address as a contact. Could be a church office one, church
secretary, minister, friend, etc.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Once the information is verified we will send the minister a letter with the
Authorisation card. The card needs to be signed by both the minister (or church
secretary in the absence of a Baptist minister) and the SRE teacher.
Ministers need to have an elder/deacon/church secretary/other pastor sign
their form.
Note – we are keen to get as many teachers as possible to Full Authorisation. And
those cards will be valid to end of Term One to save the sudden rush to have cards
at the start of the new year. From January 2015 only one Provisional authorisation
card will be issued per person and will expire the end of December.
Due to the generosity of an anonymous donor we now have funds to purchase a
plastic card printer that will allow us to print professional looking Authorisation Cards
(credit card size and thickness). Only those receiving the full Authorisation Card
will receive the new cards.
Upon completion of the on-line process you may receive a receipt which is sent by
the ‘guestlist’ program but this is NOT your authorisation. It is just part of the on-line
program we are using at this time.
You will receive a follow up email that will confirm that we have received your
application. This is not your authorisation either – you will receive your
authorisation card after your application has been reviewed and your new Working
With Children Check Number is verified.
If you have any questions please contact us.
Email is best –
Thank you for your patience in reading this and making the effort to complete the
Cheryl Clendinning | SRE Consultant & Training
p. 02 9868 9235
w. www.baptist/
Privacy statement
How we collect, hold, use and disclose information about you is important to us. The purpose of collection, holding,
use and disclosure of the information is to fulfil the ministry and administrative functions of the Baptist Association.
We also collect your information to administer your SRE authorisation process, registration for training events, to
contact you, to sign you up to our newsletters and invite you to other relevant events. If you do not provide your
information, we may not be able to do these things. We may communicate with you for these purposes by email or
mail which you can unsubscribe to at any time by writing/email to us.
We may share our information collected with hosts of events you are attending, other Baptist Churches and affiliated
SRE Providers. Your individual information can be accessed by contacting the Privacy Officer by writing to PO Box
122 Epping NSW 1710, phoning (02) 9868 9200 or emailing Also, if you
believe that a correction is required, please contact us also. By submitting this form you consent to us using and
disclosing your personal information and contacting you as described above. For further information, refer to our
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
To help you compile your information for the on-line process, pages 3-9 are
instructions on what is needed and pages 10-14 are the ones you need to fill
out, print, sign, then transfer to the on-line application.
Please be aware of teachers on your team who may not have access to a
computer and/or internet. Once they have filled out and signed the ‘paper’
version of the application form anyone may go on-line and complete that
process on their behalf. They will need an email address as a contact. Could
be a church office one, church secretary, minister, friend, etc.
for Authorisation Card from the Baptist Union of NSW
Teacher’s Name: This needs to be your full name – same name that was
used for your Working With Children Check
Teacher’s Email Address: If a teacher does not have their own email
address please ask if they may use either one belonging to the church office,
church secretary, minister, friend, etc.
Teacher’s phone number: Mobile and/or landline (please include area code)
Teacher’s Preferred Name to be written on the card:
As your Authorisation Card could also be used as your name badge (which
you are required to wear while in school) you have the option of choosing
what format you would like to be shown.
e.g. Mrs S White or Mrs Sue White or Sue White (must include your surname)
Confirm this declaration – that you are not a prohibited person
There is a place on the form for you to click that you have read and agree with
the following declaration:
declare that I do not have a criminal conviction for
assault or
providing prohibited drugs
Should my status as a prohibited person change, I commit to notifying my
Authorising Church.
What Church do you attend: Please write out the full name of your church.
Please include suburb location if that is not obvious in the name.
Name of Baptist Minister agreeing to support you:
The name of your pastor (or Church Secretary if no minister at the church).
You need to ensure that the Baptist Minister is made aware that as our
authorising agent they have a responsibility to interview you to be an SRE
Teacher and recommend you as a teacher of Special Religious Education for
the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT for 2014. See Information on the
website for pastors.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
In recognition of the privileged ministry nature of this task, the minister will seek
to find or provide training and to provide pastoral care throughout your ministry.
The minister commits to encourage the prayerful support of the Church as the
sending body.
They will support you through the legalities and process of becoming a SRE
teacher Authorised through the Baptist Association of Churches of NSW & ACT.
A letter and your authorisation card will be sent to the Minister (or Church
Secretary) so we need the church’s address (not the pastor’s personal one). This
needs to be done in separate steps.
Baptist church’s postal address: (number & street name or PO Box)
Baptist church’s postal address - suburb:
Baptist church’s postal address - state:
Baptist church’s postal address - postcode:
New Working with Children Check Number
This requirement came into effect June 2013 for paid people and March 2014 for
SRE teachers. Any number you may have had prior to those dates is no longer
valid. We need the WWCC number – must have been confirmed by the Roads
and Maritime Services. APP numbers are not acceptable.
Without the WWCC number we will not issue any new authorisation card
without it.
If you don’t have one you can obtain it on-line
This then gets confirmed at the RMS (old RTA). Free for volunteers. $80 for
employed folk – including Pastors.
When writing in your new Working With Children Number please add the WWC
with the seven digit number and the end letter (either V for volunteer or E for
Date of birth so we can verify your WWCC number dd/mm/yyyy and the expiry
date of your WWCC Number dd/mm/yyyy .
The Church also needs to verify this number for their own records.
Creating Safe Space (or other church equivalent safe church training)
It is a Government requirement that all teachers attend initial and ongoing training
in child protection. We require that you attend one that includes spiritual
aspects. The current calendar is available
Non Safe Church Training Agreement SCTA courses are acceptable. Please
contact Judy Henderson to confirm course
prior to commencing.
Write the date and venue of when you completed the course
or write in that you intend to within the next 6 months.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
SRE Curriculum used in SRE: It is a legal requirement that you be using an
approved curriculum, that is publically available, so we need to know the
name of it.
We acknowledge the Bible as our foundational text, but it is not regarded as a
curriculum - an approved curriculum needs to have a sound educational
basis, and acknowledges the pedagogy appropriate to the students.
The Baptist Association of NSW/ACT (Baptist Union of NSW) has empowered
the ministers in their local context (as our Authorising Agent) to work in
conjunction with clergy of other local churches to oversee and authorise the
curriculum to be used in SRE classes.
Both the curricula used in primary schools and those engaged in a high
school setting who use a locally developed curriculum, are required to have a
summary of the course available on a website. This website could be the local
school’s, a church, an SRE board, etc. A full copy of the curriculum and
resources also needs be available and accessible for
parents/caregivers/principals to examine and understand.
We have engaged a consultative group to review all curriculums used by all
our SRE teachers. You will be requested to submit a detailed outline for all
years taught listing expected outcomes and resources being used.
Your Church SRE Contact’s name: This is the person who we will send
updated news about SRE
Your Church SRE Contact’s email: So we can send them updates
Your Church SRE Contact’s phone: Mobile and/or landline (please include
area code)
List of schools you’ll be teaching in. If you are teaching in more than two
schools then list it as an ‘area’. Use the geographical name. Eg. Sample City
Area Public Schools.
Teaching in Primary Schools – tick yes or no
Teaching in High Schools - tick yes or no
Employed by a Board
Give the name of the Board who is employing you to work as an SRE teacher
Name of Contact Person from the Board e.g. Chairperson or Secretary
Email of Contact Person from the Board
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Completed SRE training
To be authorised you need to take part in initial and on-going training to
ensure that you teach to the best of your ability, work within government
guidelines, and can competently represent our own denomination as well as
the different churches of those involved in SRE.
To receive a full authorisation card SRE teachers will need to have completed
at least 3 of the 6 initial training modules, based upon the agreed ICCOREIS
NSW Inc. Initial SRE Training framework, and commit to doing the other three
within the next twelve months. (Note: this may change after the SRE/SEE
review taking place in 2015)
Due to changes since 2011 to legislation and DEC expectations, only
training done since Jan 2012 will be recognised for current
Training is run joint denominationally in various regions and we recognise
those denominations whose training fits in with Initial SRE Training
framework, agreed to in 2011 by the members of ICCOREIS NSW Inc.
Our preference is for face to face training and there are opportunities around
the state for you to attend. Go to the website for a summary and planned
venues of the initial SRE Training modules that need to be completed. and access
other training opportunities via the ICCOREIS website.
Face-to-face training days, along with on-the-job training, are undoubtedly the
most effective type of training. Getting together with a professional and other
teachers provides valuable opportunities to share challenges, pray, learn new
skills, share your best tips and stay updated, not to mention having fun with
like-minded people. This training is also required for classroom teachers and
Because of the difficulty of providing training for all teachers, all around the
state, at a suitable time, the Baptist Association and GodSpace have
combined to produce training DVDs based on the competencies in the
ICCOREIS agreed training framework of Modules 1-4. These DVDs are ideal
for new teachers, for those who have not yet done all the essential classroom
modules at a training day and for those who want a refresher. Email with your name and postal address to order.
If you have completed SRE training by the GodSpace/Baptist team since
2012 then you may click 'yes'. No further verification of face to face training by
the GodSpace/Baptist team is needed as we will have it on record.
You may also say yes to GodSpace/Baptist training if you have completed the
DVD handout while or after watching the SRE Training DVD’s. You need to
email us at with details about when and where
you have done this.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
If you have done training by another provider (based upon the agreed
ICCOREIS NSW Inc. Initial SRE Training Framework) then you will need to
write in the date, venue and trainer. We trust your word that you have done
this training. There is a personal training record available on the SRE website.
Upon completing Mod 6, observation lesson, please email the date you did
it/them to Paperwork is to stay at church with
your application.
If you have done no initial SRE training, or less than three modules, you need
to commit and indicate that you intend to begin or complete three within the
next 6 months. All six modules need to be completed before a second threeyear authorisation card will be issued.
Note: To help you maintain your own records of training we have provided a
summary sheet on the website.
Here is a summary of all the modules based on the agreed ICCOREIS
NSW Inc. Initial SRE Training Framework)
If you have completed SRE training by the GodSpace/Baptist team since
2012 then you may click 'yes'. No further verification is needed as we will
have it on record.
If you have done training by another provider, following the agreed ICCOREIS
Framework (2012), then you will need to write in the date, venue and trainer.
Please forward copies of any paperwork you have for verification. Send to:
SRE Administrator PO Box 122 Epping NSW 1710.
Module 1 Teaching SRE in Government Schools
Exploring ways of doing SRE that schools and parents are likely to appreciate,
while teaching a strong biblical message. This includes Essential Dos and
Don'ts and Staying within the DEC Guidelines.
Module 2 Learning and Teach
How do children (and adults) learn and what ways do we teach? This module
looks at communication and particularly ways to communicate effectively with
kids. We'll look at elements of Good Communication, What’s Different About
Communicating With Kids? SRE Appropriate Language, Messages that are
Shaping Kids, Different Teaching Styles.
Module 3 Preparing and Delivering Lessons
Focusing on what we teach, the Curriculum, kid's and our God view,
preparing and delivering lessons and exploring on-going learning and support
for teachers.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Module 4 Communicating in the Classroom
Looking at relating well to contemporary kids, group management and
strategies that help kids learn. Participants will have opportunity to share their
top tips and discuss classroom challenges.
Module 5 Introduction to the Bible (SRE & the Bible)
An interactive Bible overview to help teachers have a good understanding of
the development of the Bible, when/where people and events fit into God’s
Story for us all. As well as ensuring that what and how we teach of the Bible is
relevant for today’s kids and youth.
Module 6 Observation in the Classroom
Module 6 is an observation lesson where you are observed by someone you
feel you can learn from (i.e. another SRE teacher, coordinator, pastor). For
those who are in remote areas and not able to have such a person observe,
there is a form that you may give the classroom teacher to fill out. Please ask
permission of the Principal first.
Both templates are available on the website.
We encourage you to observe someone else too. Peer learning is a wonderful
For Baptist folk - upon completing Mod 6, observation lesson, please email
the date you did it/them to
On-going SRE training
For those who have completed the 6 Basic SRE training modules, you are
expected to do some kind of on-going training each year (minimum of 2 hours
a year). This needs to be kid/youth-related and could be adapted to use in
SRE. E.g. read a book, develop a new skill, attend a conference that
discusses children/youth development.
Write in what you’ve done, when, where and by whom etc. (This is based on
an honour system)
Lastly you need to tick on the application that you agree to this
'Undertaking and Declaration'
By undertaking the role of a volunteer/paid SRE teacher
I agree to
* Carry out my tasks in accordance with the principles, beliefs and values of
the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT
* Exercise due care for the safety and behaviour of students when teaching or
supervising them
* Provide students with teaching in the SRE classroom that follows an
approved curriculum and is at all times of the highest quality possible
* Give high priority to participation in teacher training and child protection
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
I understand that
* I am an ambassador for Christ as an SRE teacher and agree to abide by
school protocols.
* I am dependent upon and accountable to God, through my local church
I acknowledge that
* The Baptist Association of Churches of NSW & ACT has special
responsibilities to the students, their parent/s, or carer/s and to the school
authorities because of the opportunities given it as an Approved Provider to
instruct students in SRE.
* I am volunteering my services on the above basis to the Baptist Church that
has engaged me, unless otherwise stipulated.
* I am responsible to my Authorising Agent (Church Minister) and his/her
After transferring the information to the on line application process
( please print pages 10-14, and have it signed by
the Baptist Minister and SRE teacher and kept confidentially in the Church
files, accessed only by Pastoral Team/Secretary (do not send it to us).
The teacher needs to sign it too
SRE Teacher’s Signature
Date it
The Minister, as our Authorising Agent, needs to declare and sign that:
I have interviewed (SRE Teacher - name of teacher/helper) and recommend
him/her as a teacher of Special Religious Education for the Baptist
Association of NSW & ACT.
In recognition of the privileged ministry nature of this task, I will seek to find or
provide training and to provide pastoral care throughout her/his ministry. I will
encourage the prayerful support of the Church as the sending body.
I will support him/her through the legalities and process of becoming a SRE
teacher Authorised through the Baptist Association of Churches of NSW &
Minister’s name:
Date it
Note: Minister’s need to have an elder/other pastor/Church Secretary sign.
Transfer all the information to the on-line format (
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Teacher’s Full Name: ______________________________________
Teacher’s Email Address: ______________________________________
Teacher’s phone number: ______________________________________
Mobile and/or landline (please include area code)
Teacher’s Preferred Name to be written on the card:
e.g. Mrs S White or Mrs Sue White or Sue White (must include your surname)
Confirm this declaration – that you are not a prohibited person
There is a place on the form for you to click that you have read and agree with
the following declaration:
declare that I do not have a criminal conviction for
a crime against a minor
assault or
providing prohibited drugs
Should my status as a prohibited person change, I commit to notifying my
Authorising Church.
For the purpose of a record on this form –
please sign your initials here ____________
What Church do you attend: _____________________________________
Name of Baptist Minister agreeing to support you:
Baptist church’s postal address: (number & street name or PO number)
Baptist church’s postal address - suburb: __________________________
Baptist church’s postal address - state: _________
Baptist church’s postal address - postcode: __________
New Working with Children Check Number _________________________
When writing in your new Working With Children Number please add the
WWC with the seven digit number and the end letter (either V for volunteer or
E for Employed).
Date of birth so we can verify your WWCC number dd/mm/yyyy __________
The Church also needs to verify this number for their own records.
Expiry date your WWCC number yyyy/mm/dd __________
Status: Leave this box blank on the on-line form – this is for our Admin use.
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Creating Safe Space (or other church equivalent safe church training)
Write the date and venue of when you completed the course
or write in that you intend to within the next 6 months.
Curriculum used in SRE: ________________________________________
Curriculum weblink: ___________________________________________
Your Church SRE Contact’s name: ________________________________
Your Church SRE Contact’s email: ________________________________
Your Church SRE Contact’s phone: _______________________________
Mobile and/or landline (please include area code)
List of schools you’ll be teaching in. If more than two then list it as an area. Use
the geographical name. Eg. Sample City Area Public Schools.
Teaching in Primary Schools – tick yes or no
Teaching in High Schools - tick yes or no
Employed by a Board
Give the name of the Board who is employing you to work as an SRE teacher
Name of Contact Person from the Board e.g. Chairperson or Secretary
Email of Contact Person from the Board
Completed SRE training
If you have done no training then you need to commit to doing it and
indicate that you intend to begin within the next 6 months.
Module 1 Teaching SRE in Government Schools
Exploring ways of doing SRE that schools and parents are likely to appreciate,
while teaching a strong biblical message. This includes Essential Dos and
Don'ts and Staying within the DEC Guidelines.
Attended training by GodSpace/Baptist trainers or DVD’s:
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Alternative training done – following the agreed ICCOREIS Framework (2012)
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Trainer if you remember ______________________
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Module 2 Learning and Teach
How do children (and adults) learn and what ways do we teach? This module
looks at communication and particularly ways to communicate effectively with
kids. We'll look at elements of Good Communication, What’s Different About
Communicating With Kids? SRE Appropriate Language, Messages that are
Shaping Kids, Different Teaching Styles.
Attended training by GodSpace/Baptist trainers or DVD’s:
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Alternative training done – following the agreed ICCOREIS Framework (2012)
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Trainer if you remember ______________________
Module 3 Preparing and Delivering Lessons
Focusing on what we teach, the Curriculum, kid's and our God view,
preparing and delivering lessons and exploring on-going learning and support
for teachers.
Attended training by GodSpace/Baptist trainers or DVD’s:
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Alternative training done – following the agreed ICCOREIS Framework (2012)
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Trainer if you remember ______________________
Module 4 Communicating in the Classroom
Looking at relating well to contemporary kids, group management and
strategies that help kids learn. Participants will have opportunity to share their
top tips and discuss classroom challenges.
Attended training by GodSpace/Baptist trainers or DVD’s:
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Alternative training done – following the agreed ICCOREIS Framework (2012)
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Trainer if you remember ______________________
Module 5 Introduction to the Bible/SRE & the Bible
An interactive Bible overview to help teachers have a good understanding of
the development of the Bible, when/where people and events fit into God’s
Story for us all. As well as ensuring that what and how we teach of the Bible is
relevant for today’s kids and youth.
Attended training by GodSpace/Baptist trainers or DVD’s:
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Alternative training done – following the agreed ICCOREIS Framework (2012)
Completed (date): _________ Venue: _______________________________
Trainer if you remember ______________________
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Module 6 Observation in the Classroom
Module 6 is an observation lesson where you are observed by someone you
feel you can learn from (i.e. another SRE teacher, coordinator, pastor). For
those who are in remote areas and not able to have such a person observe,
there is a form that you may give the classroom teacher to fill out. Please ask
permission of the principal first.
Completed (date): _________________ Venue: _______________________
Observer: _____________________________________________________
On-going SRE training
For those who have completed the 6 Basic SRE training modules, you are
expected to do some kind of on-going training each year (minimum of 2 hours
a year). This needs to be kid/youth-related and could be adapted to use in
SRE. E.g. read a book, develop a new skill, attend a conference that
discusses children/youth development.
Write in what you’ve done, when, where and by whom etc. (This is based on
an honour system – we trust you to do it)
Lastly you need to check that you agree to this 'Undertaking and
By undertaking the role of a volunteer/paid SRE teacher
I agree to
* Carry out my tasks in accordance with the principles, beliefs and values of
the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT
* Exercise due care for the safety and behaviour of students when teaching or
supervising them
* Provide students with teaching in the SRE classroom that follows an
approved curriculum and is at all times of the highest quality possible
* Give high priority to participation in teacher training and child protection
I understand that
* I am an ambassador for Christ as an SRE teacher and agree to abide by
school protocols.
* I am dependent upon and accountable to God, through my local church
I acknowledge that
* The Baptist Association of Churches of NSW & ACT has special
responsibilities to the students, their parent/s, or carer/s and to the school
authorities because of the opportunities given it as an Approved Provider to
instruct students in SRE.
* I am volunteering my services on the above basis to the Baptist Church that
has engaged me, unless otherwise stipulated.
* I am responsible to my Authorising Agent (Church Minister) and his/her
SRE Teacher’s Signature _______________________ Date ___ /___ /_____
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC
Info for On-Line Application for Baptist SRE Authorisation
June 2015
Authorising Agent’s Declaration
I have interviewed (SRE Teacher) __________________________________
and recommend him/her as a teacher of Special Religious Education for the
Baptist Association of NSW & ACT for 2015.
In recognition of the privileged ministry nature of this task, I will seek to find or
provide training and to provide pastoral care throughout her/his ministry. I will
encourage the prayerful support of the Church as the sending body.
I will support him/her through the legalities and process of becoming a SRE
teacher Authorised through the Baptist Association of Churches of NSW &
Minister’s name _____________________________________
Signature _____________________________
Date ____ /____ /______
Note: Minister’s need to have an elder/other pastor/Church Secretary sign.
After transferring the information to the on-line application process by clicking
here or typing it in please print pages 1014, and sign it and have it signed by the Baptist Minister then kept
confidentially in the Church files, accessed only by Pastoral
File it away with your church records
Cheryl Clendinning | SRE Consultant & Training
p. 02 9868 9235
w. www.baptist/
Version 06/15 Prepared by CJC