CNS newsletter - School of Nursing


CNS newsletter - School of Nursing
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Alumni and Student Newsletter
Indiana University School of Nursing
April 2015
Save the Date ................................................... 1
#1 AJN Book of the Year ................................. 1
New! CIO-CNS Fellowship ............................. 1
New Dean of IUSON! ....................................... 2
Awards and Honors......................................... 2
Congratulations! .............................................. 3
Scholarships and Grants ............................. 3
Graduates & New Admissions ..................... 4
NACNS News ................................................... 4
NACNS Calls for Abstracts 2016 ................. 4
Annual Summit ............................................. 4
Preceptors Corner ........................................... 5
Need to Know .................................................. 5
Adult CNS Certification ................................ 5
ANCC Pediatric Clinical Nurse
Specialist Update........................................ 5
Applications to CNS Program...................... 5
Financial Resource Information .................. 5
American Assembly for Men in Nursing ..... 6
Program Plan ................................................ 6
Distance Accessible Course Update ........... 6
Questions ...................................................... 6
Social Media.................................................. 6
Did you know? .............................................. 6
CNS Newsletter Submissions ...................... 6
Publications and Presentations: Faculty,
Students, Alumni, Preceptors ...................... 7
Save the Date
March 3-5, 2016
2016 NACNS Annual Conference
The Future is Today: Entering a World of New
Practice Challenges for the Clinical Nurse
Loews Philadelphia Hotel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#1 AJN Book of the Year!!
Jan Fulton, Brenda Lyon, of IUSON along with
Kelly Goudreau (Portland, Oregon) published a
second edition of Foundations of Clinical Nurse
Specialist Practice. They are the First Place
Winners of the 2014 American Journal Award for
the #1 AJN Book of the Year! IUSON faculty and
alumnae contributing authors include: Carol Baird,
Cheryl Crisp, Pat Ebright, Mary Fisher, Desiree
Hensel, Kim Hodge, Diana Jones, Patricia Moore,
Jan Powers, Jo Ellen Rust, Lori Stark, Maria
Shirey, Michelle Treon and Jane Walker.
NEW! CIO-CNS Fellowship
Clinical Nurse Specialist Fellowship
Clinical nurse specialists are leaders in enhancing
quality of practice as clinicians, educators, and
researchers. The demand for advanced-degree
nurses like clinical nurse specialists is dramatically
increasing in an evolving healthcare system.
As clinical nurse specialists, we have a
responsibility to help prepare this next generation
of nurse leaders. Per the Institute of Medicine’s
recommendations, “nurses, nursing education
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
programs, and nursing associations should prepare
the workforce to assume leadership positions across
all levels.”
The Central Indiana Organization for Clinical Nurse
Specialists (CIO-CNS) has initiated the creation of an
Endowed Clinical Nurse Specialist Fellowship here at
the IU School of Nursing. We are proud to work with
CIO-CNS, alumni, and friends to support this
Robin P. Newhouse, a
University of Maryland School of
Nursing faculty member known
nationally for her research of
innovative methods to improve the
quality of care delivered to
patients, has been named dean of
the Indiana University School of
Nursing, effective July 1, 2015.
To endow this fellowship, a minimum of $25,000
must be committed within one year and pledges
fulfilled within five years. As an endowed fund, this
fellowship will exist in perpetuity to ease the financial
burdens of students who are pursuing a Clinical
Nurse Specialist degree (CNS) or those who are
currently a CNS and are enrolled in a doctoral
program at the School.
Consider making a gift to help us meet and exceed
this minimum contribution. The more funds that we
raise, the greater the difference we’ll make together.
For example, if $25,000 is raised, the 5% interest will
allow IUSON to provide $1,250 in funding to CNS
students each year. If we raise $100,000, $5,000 will
be available yearly to support the needs of our
You may make your gift online by going to Your gift to the fellowship will help
prepare future clinical nurse specialists to initiate
change to improve nursing practice.
If you have questions or would like to discuss the
Fellowship, please contact Janet McCully at
The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible
private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University
and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all
states requiring registration. For our full disclosure
statement, see
Thanks to the CIO-CNS Fellowship Steering
Kerista S. Hansell
Tamera L. Brown
Rebecca J. Ellis
Janet S. Fulton
Earlie M. Hale
Susan Storey
New Dean of IUSON!
Cheryl Crisp, PhD, RN, PCNS-BC, CRRN, received
the IUPC Excellence in Diversity Award for her work
with children and adults with disabilities and their
Michelle Deckard, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRNCMC, and Jean Balaguras, MSN, MBA, ACNS-BC,
CCRN-CSC, were awarded the 2014 Individual Circle
of Excellence Awards from the AACN.
Jennifer Embree, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CCNS, has
been accepted as participant in the Sigma Theta Tau
International Nurse Faculty Leadership Academy.
Jennifer Embree, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CCNS, and
Yvonne Lu, PhD, RN, received the Lois C. Meier
Teaching Excellence Award last year (2014). This
award enable them to share their partial outcomes of
the teaching award ($1,500). They submitted two
abstracts of their teaching project to the MNRS and
NACNS in 2014. Their two abstracts are accepted
by these national professional conferences.
Embree, J. & Lu, Y-F. “ Identifying clinical
nurse specialist students’ perspectives of learning
in civic engagement activities” has been accepted
by The Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Essence of
Transformational Health Care. NACNS 20th
Anniversary. It will be presented on March 6,
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
Lu, Y-F. & Embree, J. “ Clinical Nurse
Specialist (CNS) student’s perception of CNS
Competency” has been accepted by the Midwest
Nursing Research Society. It will be presented
on April 18, 2015.
Jennifer Embree and Meg Moorman were
competitively selected to attend the 2015 NLN
Scholarly Writing Retreat in Denver, CO. The
Summer Scholarly Writing Retreat, sponsored by the
NLN Chamberlain Center and Pocket Nurse, will take
place the weekend of June 26–28, 2015 at the
Magnolia Hotel Denver.
Chancellor’s Academic Honors Convocation on
Friday, April 24, 2015, to be held in the Hine Hall
Auditorium commencing at 3:00 p.m.
Sue Rawl announced the IUSON has been
awarded a Robert Johnson Future of Nursing
Scholars grant to support 2 PhD students for full-time
study in the amount of $150,000.
Congratulations to alumna
Peggy Barksdale elected
as 2015-2016 President.
Vince Holly 2015-2017
Board of Directors of
Janet S. Fulton, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, FAAN, was
named one of the top 100 graduates for leadership in
Congratulations to Dr. Susan
healthcare transformation by her alma mater, Ohio
Storey upon achieving her
State University, College of Nursing.
Peggy Barksdale
PhD from IUSON. Dr.
Kathleen M. Hanna, PhD, RN, CNS, was presented Storey’s dissertation is
the prestigious Clinical Nurse Specialist Researcher entitled- "Malglycemia and Health Outcomes in
of the Year Award from the NACNS.
Hospitalized Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.”
Dr. Storey received funding from STTI – Alpha
Desiree Hensel, PhD, RN, PCNS-BC, CNE, has
Chapter and St. Vincent Grant Foundation to conduct
been selected to receive the Provost’s Award for
her study. She received numerous awards for her
Undergraduate Research.
work including the Susan Baird Excellence in Clinical
Writing Award from the Oncology Nursing Society,
Kathleen E. Hubner, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, ANVP,
Jan Bingle Scholarship Award from the Clinical Nurse
CNRN received the Excellence in Advanced Practice Specialist Foundation, William and Doris Rodie
Nursing Award at the 2015 American Association of Dissertation Award from the IUSON Endowment, and
Neuroscience Nurses national convention in
Rising Stars in Research and Scholarship from STTI.
Nashville, TN March 29th – April 1st. The Excellence
She accomplished this all while working full time as a
in Advanced Practice Nursing Award is awarded to a clinical nurse specialist caring for oncology patients
neuroscience nurse in an advanced practice role who and was recognized by receiving the Elite 50 award
demonstrates excellence in nursing care and
from IUPUI, an award that recognizes achievement
advancement of neuroscience nursing as a specialty outside the classroom among our 8,100 graduate
through the development and support of nurses.
and professional student population and represents
Kathleen is the Neuroscience Clinical Nurse
the top one half of one percent of the graduate and
Specialist at St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN.
professional student body at IUPUI.
Mitchell Knisely, MSN, RN-BC, ACNS-BC, was
Scholarships and Grants
selected to participate in the prestigious NIH Summer
Genetics Institute.
Rebecca Ellis Bartlett received two grants, one
from Center for Enhancing Quality of Life in Chronic
Illness for $4,673 and the other from Sigma Theta
Tau International Alpha Chapter for $2,500.
Congratulations to Jan Fulton on being named a
2015 Prestigious External Award Recognition
(PEAR) recipient for the School of Nursing. All PEAR
recipients will be honored as a group at the
Kathleen E. Hubner received a grant award for St.
Vincent Hospital’s, Indianapolis, IN participation as
one of 24 sites in Phase one of the Hospital Acquired
Pneumonia Prevention Initiative (HAPPI-2) project.
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
Grant funding was provided by Sage Products, LLC
as part of the HAPPI-2 Trial.
Deanna Reising was a recipient of the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing/Center for
Disease Control Small Grant for $5,000.
Graduates & New Admissions
Congratulations to the following graduates and
Welcome to our new admissions! Be sure to keep in
touch with your peers through the newsletter.
MSN Graduates
Amy Allen
Ivy Antonian
Rae Chelle Bennett
Lindy Bilimek
Cassie Bolduc
Dawn Butrum
Christopher Donaghey
Elizabeth Ferguson
Joycelyn Howard
Janelle Johnson
Carla Lambert
Rainey Martin
Amanda McCalment
Sarah Rockwell
Megan Siebert
Annette Smith
Susan Tyler
Jaime Weimer
NACNS Calls for Abstracts 2016
The NACNS is calling for Abstracts for their 2016
Annual Conference. The abstract submission opens
June 1, 2015. Deadlines are August 3, 2015 for the
Abstract Submission and October 26, 2015 for the
student Poster Submission. For more information, go
Jeni Embree’s poster presentation at NACNS.
L-R: Joy Howard, Jeni Embree & Beth
PhD Graduates
Susan Storey
New Admissions
Debra Armstrong
Shana Gaynor-Champion
Amanda Galik
Cathy Gerdes
Alison Gibson
Jessica Green
Kelly Hampton
Sarah Hines
Melody Morgan
Sharryl Overdorf
Amber Petty
Laurie Webb
Ron Kraus presenting at NACNS.
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
Annual Summit
The NACNS Annual Summit will be held July 20 and
21, 2015. Contact the NACNS for more information
via their website:
postgraduate, or doctoral degree from a pediatric
clinical nurse specialist program. A minimum of 500
supervised clinical hours must be included in the
pediatric clinical nurse specialist role and population.
Successful candidates are awarded the Pediatric
Clinical Nurse Specialist-Board Certified (PCNS-BC).
All students enrolled in a Pediatric CNS program prior
to October 31, 2017 who are not yet graduated by
that date may continue to sit for the Pediatric CNS
The Annual CNS Preceptor Meeting will take place
exam after October 31, 2017 for up to 6 months after
on May 12, 2015, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the IU
graduation. At present, IUSON will continue to enroll
School of Nursing, Room NU127. A lite dinner will be
students in the Pediatric CNS program through Fall,
served, and parking validation for Vermont Street
2017. ANCC will consider continuing the certification
Garage will be provided. If you plan to attend, RSVP
offering provided there are adequate test takers to
to Charlotte Pell at Space is
maintain test validity. http://
limited so RSVP early!
Preceptors Corner
Applications to CNS Program
Students may apply to the CNS Adult/Gero and Peds
programs at any time. Applications are reviewed and
Adult CNS Certification
students accepted until all available spaces are filled
or until Fall classes begin. Students applying after
The last application for ANCC Adult CNS
examination will be accepted on December 31, 2016. August will be accepted for admission the following
Eligible applicants may take the examination until the Fall. If you are interested or know someone who
final test administration on October 31, 2017. If you would be a great CNS, check out the CNS programs
on the IUSON website:
do not have practice hours and you can renew this
certification with professional development activities
and testing. Applications to renew this certification
Financial Resources for
using professional development activities plus testing Graduate Students
will be accepted until December 31, 2016. Eligible
applicants may take the exam to renew until the final Scholarships are available to graduate nursing
test administration on October 31, 2017. Beginning
students. The Indiana University School of Nursing
November 2017, the credential may be renewed if
Scholarship Committee has posted scholarship
professional development and practice hour
opportunities. To access scholarships and detailed
requirements are met. For more information see:
information, please visit the following website: http://
ANCC Pediatric Clinical Nurse
Specialist Update
The ANCC Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist board
certification examination is a competency based
examination that provides a valid and reliable
assessment of the entry-level clinical knowledge and
skills of clinical nurse specialist. This certification
aligns with the Consensus Model for APRN
Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification
and Education. Eligible candidates hold a master's,
IUPUI’s Office of Student Scholarships offers an
online resource for scholarship applications and
information. This site includes complete information
on IUPUI scholarships. These scholarships will
include campus wide, school-based and
departmental opportunities.
Students will also find information about searching
the Web for scholarships. Learn more at http://
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
Scholarship applicants must complete the FAFSA by
March 10 each year for maximum award
consideration. In addition to the FAFSA and the
completed application, students may also need to
include an essay, unofficial transcripts, and proof of
campus other than IUPUI, please e-mail Malarie
Piercy at to request a specific
campus site.
Questions for the Master’s Advisor?
If you have any questions regarding any of our
For answers to your questions and information about masters programs, please contact Lisa Thompson at
available financial resources for Indiana University
(317)278-2205 or
School of Nursing graduate students, contact Nathan
Lohr, Assistant Director of Student Financial
Social Media
Services, at (317) 274-5920 or and the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Scholarships are distributed to top nursing
school applicants four times a year. Application
deadlines: October 31, January 31, April 30, and
July 31. Click here for more information and to
download the application:
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Continuing Professional Development
American Assembly for Men in
Regular chapter meetings are every third
Tuesday. Check out the AAMN website at: http:// For questions about the local
chapter contact Marsha Baker at
Need to make a program plan change?
Remember, you must have a current program plan
on file with the school and for you to know when to
register for each courses. If you need to make a
program plan change, contact Jan Fulton at or Lisa Thompson at:
Follow IU School of Nursing on Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram! Please share with anyone interested.
Here’s how to find us:
Twitter: @IUSONIndy
Instagram: iusonindy
Did you know?
CNN Money Magazine recently rated Clinical
Nurse Specialist one of the best and fastest growing
jobs in America! Check out the list . . . CNS is #7!!!
CNS Newsletter Submissions
The CNS Newsletter is electronically published and
widely distributed biannually in the Fall and Spring.
If you are an IU alumnus(a) or student who would like
to update your contact info or include information in
the newsletter, please send to: Charlotte Pell at
Distance Accessible Course Update
Courses will be uploading an announcement
explaining several options for access to the course
from your home. If anyone needs a room on a
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
Publications and
Presentations: Faculty,
Students, Alumni Preceptors
Miller, W.R., Lasiter, S., Bartlett Ellis, R.J. &
Buelow, J. (2015). Chronic Disease SelfManagement: A Hybrid Concept Analysis. Nursing
Outlook, 63, pp.154-161. DOI: http://
Fulton, J.S. (2015). Working virtually. Clinical
Nurse Specialist, 29(2), 64-65.
Fulton, J.S. (2014). Show Your Courage. Clinical
Nurse Specialist, 28(6), 308-309.
Knisely, M.R., Fulton, J.S. & Friesth, B.M. (2014).
Perceived importance of teaching characteristics in
clinical nurse specialist preceptors. Journal of
Professional Nursing. [Epub]
Hensel, D., & Lyon, D.W. (2015). Interprofessional
education at a pediatric optometry clinic. Nurse
Educator, Published Ahead of Print. Doi: 10.1097/
Knisely, M.R., Bartlett Ellis, R.J. & Carpenter, J.S. NNE.0000000000000144. Available at http://
(In Press). Complexities of Medication Management
Across Care Transitions: A Case Report. Clinical
Nurse Specialist: The International Journal of
Advanced Practice Nursing.
Bartlett Ellis, R.J., Connor, U. & Marshall, J.
(2014). Development of Patient-Centric Linguistically
Tailored Psycho-educational Messages To Support
Nutrition and Medication Self-management in Type 2
Diabetes: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Patient
Preference and Adherence, 2014(8), 1399-1408.
DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S69291
Hensel, D., Malinowski, C. & Watts, P. (2014).
Implementing a Pediatric Camp Clinical for PreLicensure Education [Innovation Center]. Nursing
Education Perspectives. [Epub]
Fulton, J.S. (2015). Engaging in scholarly
conversation. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 29(1), 5.
Hendricks-Ferguson, V.L., Sawin, K.J., Montgomery,
K., Dupree, C., Phillips-Salimi, C.R., Carr, B., &
Haase, J.E. (2015). Novice Nurses’ Experiences
Hensel, D., Todd, K. & Engs, R.C. (2014). College
student’s health, drinking and smoking patterns:
What has changed in 20 years? College Student
Bartlett, Ellis, R.J., Invited Review. Panel Member Journal, 48(3), 378-385.
for Eli-Lilly Course. Making Medicines: The Process
Hensel, D., Malinowski, C. & Watts, P.A. (2014).
of Drug Development Court.
Implementing a Pediatric Camp Clinical for PreLicensure Education [Innovation Center]. Nursing
Meek, J.A., Runshe, D., Young, J., Embree, J., &
Education Perspectives Online Early. Doi: http://
Riner, M.B. (2015). Creating a Faculty Community
That Values Curricular Assessment and
Improvement: One DNP Program’s Experience.
Work, J., Hensel, D., & Decker, K. (2014). A Q
Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(1), 11-17.
methodology study of perceptions of poverty among
Midwestern nursing students. Nurse Education
Embree, J.L., Swenty, C.F., Schaar, G. (2015) A
Today. [Epub]
balanced scorecard with strategy map. Measuring
the value of a nursing sabbatical. Journal of Nursing
Miller, W.R., Bakas, T., Weaver, M.T., Buelow,
Care Quality. [Epub]
J.M., & Sabau, D. (2015). The life changes in
epilepsy scale: Development and establishment of
Ansel, B., Boyce, M. & Embree, J.L. (In Press).
Extending peripheral intravenous catheter dwell time, content and face validity. Clinical Nurse Specialist,
best practice discussion. Journal of Infusion Nursing 29(2), 95-99.
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care
with Palliative and End-of-Life Communication.
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. [Epub]
Pittman, J., Beeson, T., Kitterman, J., Lancaster,
S., & Shelly, A. (2015). Medical device-related
hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: development of
an evidence-based position statement. J Wound
Ostomy Continence Nurs, 42(2), 151-154.
Storey, S., & Von Ah, D. (2015), Prevalence and
impact of hyperglycemia on hospitalized leukemia
patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19
(1), 13-17.
Howard, J. & Ferguson, E., (2015). Health Coach:
Advancing the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role in an
Urban Community Wellness Center. National
Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference,
San Diego, CA, March 5-7. Poster presentation.
Hull, M. (2015). Barriers to Diabetes Self
Management. National Association of Clinical Nurse
Specialists Conference, San Diego, CA, March 5.
Poster presentation.
Hull, M. & Kitchens, J. (2015). Nursing Ground
Rounds for Patient Teaching: An Innovative Clinical
Education Strategy. National Association of Clinical
Nurse Specialists Conference, San Diego, CA, March
6. Poster presentation.
Von Ah, D. (2015). Cognitive changes associated
with cancer and cancer treatment: State of the
science. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(1),
Keen, A. (2015). Improving Nurse Knowledge and
Attitudes about Caring for Hospitalized Patients with
Persistent Pain. National Association of Clinical
Nurse Specialists, San Diego, CA, March 5.
Bartlett Ellis, R.J., Haase, J., Sitterding, M.C. &
Wu, Jingwei. (Accepted for Presentation). Patients’ Hansell, K. (2015). Applying Evidence; An
Electronic Solution to Improve Patient Outcomes.
Perceptions of Healthcare Provider Communication
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists,
and Understanding of Prescribed Medications. The
Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics San Diego, CA, March 6.
(COMET) 2015 in Hong Kong.
Kraus, R. (2015). Care Setting are not Universally
Equal: Tailoring the Falls Approach to Prevent Harm
Bartlett Ellis, R.J. & Bartlett, M. Enhancing
in the ED. National Association of Clinical Nurse
Communication in Medication Management and
Specialists, San Diego, CA, March 6.
Reconciliation Across Transitions of Care: The
Patient and Family Perspective [Poster Presentation].
American Academy of Communication in Healthcare Miller, W.R., Lasiter, S., Bartlett Ellis, R.J. &
Teaching and Research Forum Conference, October Buelow, J. (2014). Chronic Disease SelfManagement: A Hybrid Concept Analysis. [Poster
2014, Orlando, Florida.
Presentation]. Aging and Public Health Section’s
Bartlett Ellis, R.J., Eisert, S., Davisson, S., Geers, Program of the 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition
of the American Public Health Association, November
J., Werskey, K., Bernat, J.K, Franklin, M., Carmon,
2014, New Orleans, LA
A., & Hartz, J. (2014). Workshop: Coaching for
Meaningful Communication. American Association of
Tyler, S. (2015). Motivational Interviewing to Engage
Communication in Healthcare. Teaching and
Pediatric Patients in Treatment and Management of
Research Forum Conference, October 19, 2014,
Pain. National Association of Clinical Nurse
Orlando Florida
Specialists Conference, San Diego, CA, March 5-7.
Poster presentation.
Embree, J. (2015). Identifying Clinical Nurse
Specialist Students’ Perspectives of Learning in Civic
Wornhoff, B. (2015). Clinical and Fiscal Outcomes
Engagement Activities. National Association of
Facilitating and Sustaining A SCIP-9 Improvement
Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, San Diego,
through CNS Leadership. National Association of
CA, March 6. Poster presentation.
Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, San Diego,
CA, March 5. Poster presentation.
Indiana University School of Nursing
Department of Science of Nursing Care