

2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Horace Allison
DBN: 13K011
Applicant I was a substitute teacher, I worked with the PTA to conduct book sales, Movie nights and the
Background Halloween Spooky Festival. I have also been a parent that goes on class trips.
Personal Hello Fellow New Yorker! My name is Horace Allison and I am a proud resident of Brooklyn NY.
Statement The reason why I should be your choice to join the Community Education Council is that I am
uniquely intimated with the NYC public School system. I am a product of a public school education,
I’ve taught as a substitute teacher in a public school covering grades k-8 and I currently have a 7 year
old daughter attending a NYC Public School. Education and community involvement have always been
high priority for me. I believe you can’t expect from the system what you are not willing to t put into it. I
am an active member of the PS(?) PTA and have helped to coordinate many fun events that excite
children about learning and inspire them to excel. I feel that my broad and diverse perspective on
education would be an asset to this forum. Together we can create impactful and sustainable efforts to
improve and maintain a high quality of education. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow
and their potential is directly correlated to the future of our nation. Your vote will allow me to do my
part to make sure we are giving our children the adequate launch pad they deserve!
Geoffrey M Amend
DBN: 13K009
Applicant I have served as a teacher for high school students, college students, and international students in arts
Background and media education.
Personal I wish to participate in CEC as a duty to the community. I wish to provide a fair and even-handed voice
Statement in working towards a safe, fair, and educationally stimulating environment for our children.
Ed Brown
DBN: 13K492
Applicant For more than 25 years I have been involved with youth and community development. I have been a
Background PTA President and Vice President for 6 years. A member of Community Board 2 for 4 years. A
Tenants Association President for 6 years and served on several other boards over the past 15 years.
Personal My mission is to use my educational and life experiences to help youth and families become successful
Statement in whatever positive endeavors they may undertake.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Renee L. Burke
DBN: 13K133
Applicant I have a daughter in the general education section of PS 133, however, I have worked for all parents
Background and students since 2010, participating on PS 133's PTA Executive Board; 1 year as Financial Secretary,
3 years as President. During this time I have worked closely with the District 13 President's Council in a
Board Position as well as a member. I have also worked closely with District 13's CEC group on
matters involving District 13 as well as pertinent matters involving PS 133 becoming a Choice School.
Being a part of PS 133's PTA board has afforded me great insight as to how to work with parents,
teachers, parent coordinators, and principals that can only support me as a CEC applicant and
member. I love trying to encourage people and strategizing on how we can do better. My corporate
background is Accounting, as I am an auditor by trade; but my core background is rooted in helping
and serving. I am currently serving as a temporary District 13 CEC member, in hopes of learning the
system and expanding the role CEC plays within our District.
Personal District 13 CEC needs individuals with 'service' in mind. District 13 CEC needs more members
Statement dedicated to protecting the needs of parents and students. I represent both the desire to serve along
with the dedication towards helping District 13 CEC grow. I have worked as a leader within my
daughter's school for many years and I would love to grow as a leader within the District, to empower
our District, as we can never not know or learn enough. From having handled key matters on a more
individual basis at my current school, I would like to be of assistance to other schools, because what is
point of just doing for yours and not looking out for others as well? I would like to be an advocate for
progress within District 13. I want to take my knowledge and learned skill sets from past positions to
the next level for District 13. I am not looking for a title, but looking to create empowerment,
excitement and an informed parent community base for making District 13 better than ever.
Suzette Eve Cook
DBN: 13K009
Applicant I'm currently a 2nd year Masters of Social Work student at NYU doing an internship at Clara Barton
Background High School with the CATCH Program, a program at the OSH. I've worked with high schoolers in
other settings including wilderness therapy and in my church service. I worked with an agency that
taught social skills to foster children and other children in need as part of an after school program.
Personal I once told my grandmother I liked her sweater. A second later, she was standing topless in front of me,
Statement pushing the sweater into my hands. Every time I came home from college on a break, she pushed a
little purse into my hands full of dollar bills and coins, money she earned growing sesame leaves in our
back yard and selling them at the oriental market. The purse contained her entire earnings from the last
time I saw her. A survivor of a torture camp and an abusive relationship, she had plenty of reasons give
into a life of consuming bitterness. Instead, she survived for herself and then lived for her family. I have
sought to honor my family matriarchs by continuing their legacy--to live for the benefit of family and
community. I learned passion from them, and am continually seeking skills to practice this passion. I
not only have a desire to serve, I also have begun to learn how to do it ethically, responsibly, and
effectively through my education and work. I have been inspired by the courageous matriarchs in my
family to pursue a life of service, which I hope to realize through community engagement on the
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Kevin Harryson Cummins
DBN: 13K233
Applicant Boy Scouts of America Scoutmaster helping develop boys in character and service.
Personal Education is the Civil Right Issue of the future it will balance those who are prepared.
Mona C Faison
DBN: 13K011
Applicant School Related : Recess volunteer, event volunteering, trips, fundraising, class parent. Community:
Background ALC Outreach Coordinator, Voter Registration Advocate (Rock the Vote), Junior Achievement
Training Volunteer, PEACE for Peace Basketball Tournament and Summer Resource Fair, PEACE
through Performance , Book Readings at Recreation Centers Civic: NAN: Occupy the Corners,
GVAM Coalition Member *I work with at risk youths, special needs, youths ages 6months to 18years
Personal As a student of P.S. 91, M.S. 391, and Brooklyn Technical High Schools, I will always champion for
Statement the Public School System. Extraordinarily, the messages throughout my school years were consistent:
do your best, dream big, follow your passion, give back and encourage others. Those rudiments shaped
this Mom / Entrepreneur/ Humanitarian and I will eternally remain grateful and an active advocate for
education. Reminiscent of that basis I founded P.E.A.C.E for Peace, where I assemble Professionals,
Educators, Advocates, Community Groups, and Entrepreneurs to provide a high level of support,
training and development to at risk young men and women ready to become constructive participants
in their lives and society. I continue to service communities as a Junior Achievement Trainer,
Abundant Life Church Outreach Coordinator, Gun Violence Awareness Month Coalition, Voter
Registration Advocate, and I am a volunteer presence at P.S. 11, as well as various public causes. My
daily mantra:" define your life, don't let life define you" serves as the stepping-stone for my groundwork
toward a life filled with hope for our future leaders.
Denise Ferdinand
DBN: 13K003
Personal As a mother of three I always remind them to strive for the very best. There is nothing that they can't
Statement accomplish as long as they have believe in themselves and to never let others discourage them from
reaching their goals
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Vallyn Fleming
DBN: 13k056
Applicant I am very active in volunteering with public high schools throughout the Brooklyn community,
Background preparing students for GED and college preparation. I have committed to this for the past three
months. I also provide English tutoring to college students on a part time basis. I am very active in
communicating with the NAACP and other organizations that fight for social justice.
Personal I am a recent college graduate who majored in the field of Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology. I
Statement have an extensive background in the field of Criminal Justice and believe that I can bring purpose and a
deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of an effective school system and how that
shapes the community and the children we serve. I am hard-working, confident and conscientious and
have a keen desire to be a part of the CCEC. For the longest time, I have always wanted to pursue a
career within the education field. I really enjoy the tutoring aspect on so many levels. I have always
been enthusiastic about teaching the English language to adult learners. I am a fun loving, outgoing, and
sociable young women. I love kids and working with them. My calling is to teach the youth and young
adults; inside and outside of the school system. I know I can bring diversity and a great wealth of
knowledge to the discussion table. I look forward to being nominated and nothing is going to stop me
from following my passion.
April Gariepy
DBN: 13K011
Applicant I have been an elected parent member of PS11's School Leadership Team (SLT) since September
Background 2014.
Personal April Gariepy is an elected School Leadership Team parent member at PS11, where her daughter
Statement attends 1st grade. April has spent the past 10 years working on behalf of high quality public education,
cultivating and supporting talented teams of educators and administrators tasked with providing
transformational learning experiences for all children. April is currently Director of Network Support
Recruitment and Human Capital for Achievement First. Previously, she worked for TNTP’s
Performance Management group, consulting on talent practices with Newark Public Schools and the
Louisiana State Department of Education. During the 2011-12 school year, April served on the
leadership team at La Cima Elementary Charter School, where she helped make a dream playground
reality for more than 900 students co-located in a public school building in Bedford-Stuyvesant,
Brooklyn. From 2006 to 2011, April worked for the NYC Department of Education’s Division of
Human Resources and Talent. April is a National Urban Fellow and holds a MPA from Baruch’s
School of Public Affairs and a BA from Bridgewater State College. April is also an advisory board
member of Compass Charter School.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Benjamin Greene
DBN: 13K307
Applicant Ensuring that all children receive a quality education is my passion, I have been advocating for NYC
Background public school children for over 20 years through many different avenues. I am a current a member of
District 13 District Leadership Team. I sit on the School Leadership Team and I chair the Title 1
Parent Advisory Council at one of my children school. I am a current member of CEC 13, and a
current member of Chancellor Parent Advisory Council. I sit on the Chancellor’s Citywide Steering
Committee for Title 1. I sit on a Statewide Committee for Title 1. I served on PA/PTA, Presidents
Council for several years, I also facilitated training and trained other parents in becoming parent leaders
for the best interest of children. I empower and engage parents to get involved in their children
Personal Representing District 13 has been an honor. I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table as well as being
Statement a team player in getting things done for the district. I believe in training other parents and bringing them
on board in advocating for the district and the families of district 13. In the past 8 years I have grown in
my endeavors in advocating for parents on many different levels. District, City and Statewide. . I know
that communicating with the parents of the district and city is vital in the work that the CEC's currently
do. I believe that everyone has a say and their voice should be heard. I know that in my duties as a
CEC member I will represent the parents who elected me to advocate on their behalf. I am transparent
and believe in sharing information to ensure that everyone has a say within the district. Transparency is
something I believe that all elected and appointed CEC members should practice it ensures that the
district is involved in the welfare of all schools, parents and children. Ensuring that we are advocates for
their well-being.
Candice Guy
DBN: 13K009
IEP: Yes
Applicant I am a member of New York Cares and when the time permits I serve as a volunteer in various
Background communities of need. I have also participated in community events with Mayor Bill De Blasio.
Personal Parents are vested in their children's futures and would like to see progression and change in the school
Statement system for the better. Being a parent of children in special and regular education has provided me the
knowledge of some of the hardships parents face trying to navigate the educational system. They may
have hurdles in understanding the ins and outs of the edcautional system and may need additional
assistance to feel more welcomed. If given the chance I can attempt to bridge the gap of
communication bewteen school staff and parents. In a time where cut backs have severly affected these
programs P.S 9 hasencourage the development of these skills in the students and promote for parental
attendance. In working in my community on an educational level, I can also learn new innovative
techniques from parents, school staff, and the community as a whole in hopes of continuing to work
together more effectively.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Gregory Hagin
DBN: 13K008
Applicant Current Borough President Appointee finishing first term. Maintain and improve CEC 13 website,
Personal Hi I have been completely immersed in the satisfying and important work that CEC 13 has been doing
Statement for the children and parents of our public schools. We have tackled and pushed back against
inequitable co-locations of schools and de facto segregation, and we live by the motto of promoting
excellence through diversity, I am proud of my time on CEC and would like to continue to be of
James Izurieta
DBN: 13K492
Personal I am a fourth generation resident of the City of New York, and an exceptionally appreciative product of
Statement the NYC public education system. I want all our children to have the same opportunities I had through
our city's education system. I want our city to be a place where all can come together and be proud of
themselves and from where they came. All must be welcome, and have the options that best meet their
needs and best enable them to give back to their community. We need to return our city to being a
place where families can put down roots without drowning in the cost of admission. I want to do what I
can to make New York City a better place.
Sheila M Letang
DBN: 13K054
Applicant I have served on the city wide head start policy council, as well as have been a former PTA president
Background for KAPPA 7. i currently am the PTA president of PS 54 and i am the President of President Council
Personal Given the opportunity ,I would like to continue to support our schools and parents within the district.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Nikita Lopez
DBN: 13K282
IEP: Yes
Applicant I involved in fundraising at a privatedaycare that my child attended. I volunteer my services with
Background escorting children on school trips at the private daycare.
Personal I am active with my children in school. I have attended to meetings and have given feedback on how to
Statement improve and what services that the schools may need. I have sat in my childs class to observe. My
young child started a new daycare and with a small class setting Iwas able to assist the teacher with my
time and provided supplies. Education is very important and I understand that schools need more
parent involvement . As a parent with two children in the NYC public school one in a general
education class and one in middle school I understand that parent involvement is needed to help
teachers , students, and other parents. As a parent I understand that parent involvement assist students
into becoming sucessful adults.
Carla Lorenzana
DBN: 13K056
I'm currently employed at the Bedford Stuyvesant Early Childhood Development Center Inc. as a
Family Worker. I have been there as an employee for a year and started as a volunteer parent for two
years before I was employee. As a family worker I provide my parents with great information about
parenting and the resource in the community around them. As a parent I am also involved in my
children's school in different activities and events.
I believe that serving on the Community Education Councils will be a great opportunity to work hard
towards all goals put fourth and achieve goals. The experience I have towards working in the
community and amongst parents and children will help me add to the position.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Mecca Nelson
DBN: 13K266
Applicant Currently, I am the PTA parent at Park Place Community Middle School 266. I have a Bachelors
Background Degree in Business Management and completing my Masters. I have a Group Fitness Instructor and
Personal Trainer certification. I have experience in Outreaching to multiple organizations that assist
with various events. I have experience with children and adults that have special needs. Experience with
IEP’s and advocating for the needs of the children. I provided Special Need Community Advocacy,
providing communication with the schools and community resources for students that needed help and
a voice within the school. Experience in Crisis Avoidance and Management. Assisted families or
caregiver for successful functioning in the home and community.. Provided Families or Caregiver with
Supports and Services offers the family/caregiver concrete services as well as education on resources
available to them to enhance the students interaction with other children, family members and people
in the community. Assisted families with some personal time off where the student goes into the
community and engage in activities.
Personal I believe in being part of team that is willing to fight for our student’s education rights and parent’s
Statement rights. It will assist with building multiply communities and parents involvement along with the
community shareholders to assist creating a healthy and flourishing future for the students and parents.
Building communication within the community will assist with building knowledge among those that are
in need of help. It is important to have a strong voice to advocate for the schools, students, teachers,
parents and all those that are involved with creating a difference. I am willing to go above and beyond to
assist the students with achieving their goals. Teamwork is what it will take to make it happen. Being
positive will make a difference no matter what challenges we may experience there is always a brighter
light at the end. I would like to share this quote with you. I love this quote. Vision without action is
merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.
Joel A. Barker
Stephanie Pettway-Ozman
DBN: 13K067
Applicant I have been working with children for 6 years. I love community advocate work and have many great
Background ideas to bring to any community. I was instrumental in implementing TASC formerly known as GED
for PS 67 within Districts 13. The program also includes ESL. Increased parent involvement through
various workshops. President of the PTA 2012-2014 Chairman of the Title 1 (PAC) 2012-present
After-school coordinator Active member of School Leadership Team 2012-present Corresponding
Secretary of District 13 President Council 2013-2014
Personal I have grown up in District 13. I just want to give back to this great community and I have various ideas
Statement that will contribute to the betterment of the community.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Rhonda Pirvulescu
DBN: 13K009
Personal My child is currently enrolled in kindergarten and I want to be involved in how NYC public schools
Statement educate our children.
William Kevin Ryan-Young
DBN: 13K133
Applicant Over the past 4 years, I have served as Chair of Grant/Fundraising Committee, Co-Chair of the Parent
Background Outreach Committee, Member of the Nominating Committee, and this year I am the PTA President
of PS 133. Also I am a member of the SLT, sit on the executive board of District 13 Presidents
Council and serve as the school's trainer/facilitator for "The Leader In Me."
Personal I am Kevin Ryan-Young and I am a parent leader for all students. Our district is made up of
Statement individuals. Individuals from various backgrounds with various strengths. As a community, we must
acknowledge, respect and celebrate those differences. We must be resourceful and use those strengths
to help our community grow, because if we are not growing, we are dying. And if we are dying, what will
that do to our children’s education? The entire district must work together as one for the good of all
students. By listening to the voice of the new and respecting the voice of the old, we will have created
one voice that will speak for all.
Tracian Shaibu
DBN: 13k003
Applicant CEC13 13-15 active member of PS3 PTA
Personal I believe in the capacity of all the District 13, under great leadership our children can not only survive
Statement but thrive.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Margaret Spillane
DBN: 13K009
I have been a Board member of the PS 9 PTO for two years and have been very engaged in PS 9 and
with education policy issues in this district. I am active in the Prospect Heights community through our
block association and other local organizations.
I have been interested and active in parent advocacy for our public schools well before my eldest
started kindergarten, when the school we were zoned to became subject to a contentious co-location
with a charter school. Since enrolling my children in our zoned school (PS 9), I have developed a
detailed understanding of the local, city and state policy issues that are affecting our public schools. I
have attended multiple CEC meetings, and I am familiar with many of the specific issues facing
individual schools in our district. I am excited by the prospect of continuing the strong parent advocacy
role that our current CEC perform, and I look forward to bringing my knowledge and commitment to
help improve our District 13 public schools.
Diane Stephen
DBN: 13K133
Applicant Current Council Member of CEC 13 and also serves on the Executive Board as Treasurer Former
Background PTA Secretary P.S. 133 4 years Current Learning Leader
Personal I am a parent that is truly committed in seeing that our children receive a quality education. I have been
Statement working on engaging parents to get involved in their PTAs, SLTs, parent workshops, and also
interacting with teachers on a regular basis. I've grown in the past two years as a council member on
how to support the schools in the district I serve. There is much work to continue and I would like to
continue to be part of that process.
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2015 NYC Education Council Elections
Candidate Profiles for
Community Education Council 13
Robert F Underwood
DBN: 13K282
IEP: Yes
Applicant In school year 2013-2014 I served as the co-VP of the PS/MS 282 Parent Teacher Organization, during
Background which we raised over $90,000. During that same year, I was instrumental in securing a $10,000
donation to the school's national champion chess team. I have been a member of the Community
Board 6 Youth, Human Services, and Education Committee since 2012. As a member of that
Community Board committee I led an initiative to advocate for and expand computer coding
instruction in CB6 (i.e., District 13 and 15) schools. I am also a member of the Kings County
Democratic Committee, representing the 64th Election District in North Park Slope. I presently serve
on CEC 13. In both my CB6 and CEC13 capacities I have been one of the leading advocates for the
expansion of more computer coding and computational thinking instruction in our schools, and have
connected up numerous programs that offer this instruction to our local schools.
Personal My name is Rob Underwood. I have lived in CSD 13, in Brooklyn, since 2000. I am married with 3
Statement children my 2 oldest children attend PS 282, our neighborhood zone school. I hope my youngest will
attend pre-K at 282 next year. I am presently an elected member of CEC 13. My priorities if re-elected
to the CEC would remain: - Promoting the benefits of diversity and diverse student bodies. We must
deal with the fact that Brooklyn presently has among the most segregated schools in the United States. Creating new opportunities to promote and expand STEAM education, especially computational
thinking and computer science. - Blending the best of the old• with the best of new.• Continuing to
create a culture that values ALL people and views is important to me. - Advocating for our amazing
District 13 teachers. My mother was a Special Education teacher for 30+ years and I saw what an
amazing but hard job it is. - Working for more free-standing middle schools, and addressing overall
middle school quality in District 13. Access to high quality education is THE great equalizer of
opportunities. We all must work hard to create opportunities for all of our students, regardless of
background, to have access to a great education.
Josh Young
DBN: 13K009
Applicant Financial Secretary for PS9 Brooklyn PTO 2014-2015
Personal I will work across district 13 to understand school and community needs, optimally allocate resources
Statement to strengthen our schools and the programs they offer, while working to support and increase the value
the schools provide to the fabric of our communities.
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