Here - Oak Hills Church


Here - Oak Hills Church
About Oak Hills Church
We invite you to experience
the love of Christ’s
community here as you
explore the purpose of your
life with Jesus. Our staff is
available to serve you –
please connect with them in
person, by phone or e-mail.
Office Hours M-F 9-5
(503) 645-2245
2800 NW 153rd Ave
Beaverton OR 97006
Carl Leep, Pastor
Howard Spaan, Pastor
Sharry Kragt, Ministry Coord.
Please send bulletin
announcements to
Sheila Deeth at:
by Thursday at 5:00 pm
Just go to
and click on the MEDIA page
to access the messages. If you
would like a copy burned on a
CD, please contact Curtis
Holm and he will take care of
your request.
Pastoral Elders
Seth Atsma
Gene Dykema
Rosemary Dykema
Dave Slotemaker
Bonnie Yonker
Care Ministry
Rosemary Dykema
Leslie Kragt
Administrative Elders
Joey Kragt
Morgan Law
Jerry Yonker
Bev Baarspul
Susan Buchholz
Jeff Diephuis
Todd Veenhuis
Prayer Chain
Small Groups
Don Johnson
Dave Slotemaker
Evelyn VanderVeen
Email Prayer requests: Nan Van Dyke -
Sharry Kragt 503-645-9663
Building Use
Sharry Kragt 503-645-2245
Steve and Jan Michmerhuizen, Lupeni, Romania
Chris & Heather Enns, Tanzania
Minnie Hill, Manila, Philippines
Amy Lineburg, International Princess Club Ministry
Evy Smith
Today: 11:00 am: Sunday School & Adult Education classes
11:00 am: Women’s Fellowship gathering (Fireside)
(See announcement for details)
6:00pm: 3rd – 5th Grade Youth Group
Tuesday: 9:15 Coffee Break & ESL
10:15 Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday: 2:30-4:15 Kids’ Club
June 22-26, 2015: Son Seekers Summer Camp - Mark your
calendars and pray about how God might use you to help.
July 6-10, 2015: Camp Calvin (mark your calendars)
July 9-13, 2015: Cascade Family Bible Camp (see announcement)
Living out our commitment to Love Jesus, Obey Jesus & Serve Jesus for God’s glory!
Welcome to Oak Hills
We’ve come to worship God together.
We hope you sense the Spirit of Jesus
among us and share the joy of praising
God. Please join us for refreshments
after worship and meet someone new.
Worship guests, please sign a guest card
found in the racks in the pew in front of
you, and place it in the offering plate.
TODAY: April 19
Encouragement In JESUS’ WORD
Acts 20:1-12
A key component to encouraging
believers comes through listening to
the Word of Jesus. Together
believers open themselves to the
Word. Jesus nurtures our faith so
we grow in knowing him and how to
express our love and obedience to
him. We experience grace from God
as we daily live out his Word in
character shown in our behavior.
NEXT WEEK: April 26
Encouragement for Active Faith
Acts 20:1-12
April 19th
Call to Worship
“Blessed Jesus, at Your Word” #763:1-3
Welcome & God’s Greeting & Greeting One Another
Praising God Together
“God’s Holy Ways Are Just and True”
“God We Sing Your Glorious Praises” #519
Confessing Our Sins and Assured of Forgiveness
Psalm 15
“Ancient Words” #762:1
Prayer of Confession
“Ancient Words” #762:2
Bringing God’s Tithes and Our Offerings
(Children’s Worship: age 2 – Grade 4)
Prayers of God’s People
Hearing God’s Word
“Speak O Lord” #755:1
Scripture: Acts 20:1-12
Message: Encouragement In JESUS’ WORD
Bringing Our Worship to God
“Speak O Lord” #755:2,3
Going Out to Serve
God’s Parting Blessing
Parting Praise:
“Keep What You Have Believed” #769
ACTS: What A Christian Can Expect series
April 2015
The challenge of Jesus rising from the dead changes our
lives in ways that are different than we often expect. What
does believing in Jesus look like? Beginning with Easter, we
will explore what you can expect as a follower of Jesus.
Here are the basics for you to begin your faith journey
following Jesus with all the support and encouragement
that you need to live well.
Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a
harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
General Fund $6,088.45
Minnie Hill $150
YTD offering: $244,709.49
YTD budget: $283,795.32
- CONTINUE TO REMEMBER Howard Spaan and Stan
VanderVeen through their recovery.
-PLEASE PRAY for our Middle School youth who are on a
retreat this weekend.
- PLEASE ASK God’s blessing on these OHC families this
week: Gordon & Janet Vreugdenhil, Kimberly & Valerie;
and Brad & Candy Weber.
- PLEASE PRAY for those from our church family struggling
with on-going health issues.
- PRAY FOR TROOPS and their families; pray for all those
who live in countries where war and terror are a constant
threat. PLEASE JOIN THE 641 CLUB by praying at 6pm every
day for one minute for the men and women fighting for the
cause of freedom and our country. Also, please pray for the
efforts of World Renew. See Don or Earle for information.
ADULT EDUCATION opportunity. If you missed the
January Series lectures presented by Calvin College this
year we will be showing some of them during the Sunday
School hour beginning today with Tova Friedman presents
“Kinderlager: Reflections of a Child Holocaust Survivor.”
LIBRARY: We have most of the January Series lectures on
DVDs. If you miss the Adult Education classes, you can find
them on the back shelf in the Church Library ready to be
checked out.
NURSERY: Morgan or Nate Law,
Nelleke Kline
COFFEE HOSTS: Joey & Leslie Kragt
USHERS: Crystal & Jason VanDyken,
GREETERS: Georgette Sezonov;
Wesley Kwong
Room 1: Rebecca Armour
Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt
Fireside Room: Allison Bates
LEADER: Janet Vreugdenhil
PIANO: Mary Slotemaker
Serving Next Sunday
NURSERY: Bev Baarspul,Myrna DeMots
COFFEE HOSTS: Wesley & Eleanor Kwong
USHERS: Ed VanderPol, Dennis Widman
GREETERS: Joey & Leslie Kragt
Room 1: Heather Gillenwater
Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt
Fireside Room: Allison Bates
SPECIAL OFFERING TODAY for Youth Summer Camps and Retreats. You have the opportunity to
support our youth in a special offering for Camp Calvin (Middle School) and/or City Camp. Your gifts
will be used to provide scholarships for campers, to help train staff and build programs. For more
information contact Mary vanBuren
WOMEN’S GATHERING: Join our Ladies Fellowship TODAY following church in the Fireside Room
at 11 am. Please bring snacks/brunch items if you wish. We can share how our Stars are impacting our
lives, how we celebrated Resurrection Day, and all kinds of things. It is a time to fellowship and share.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe
for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
SIGN UP TO HELP WITH SON SEEKERS SUMMER CAMP – We have a full camp and growing waiting list
and we need your help! Please talk to Sharry Kragt or Floyd Helm, email
or, or talk to Leslie, Shauna, Floyd or Sharry. With more volunteers we can
serve more kids who would love to attend our camp. Please pray about it and volunteer ASAP!
EARLE SEZ: Memorial Day is a long way off from Easter, so they tell me! But please Hear This! Before
we pass the “Thank you Veteran” cards out on May 24th, think NOW about something extra special
you can write to a man or woman vet in HOSPITAL BED, a LONELY ROOM, tired and, by now, down-inthe-dumps. (Sign your first name only.) And don’t forget the 3rd world and hungry and sick – pray for
someone – dig down for our World Renew aid. You will get a good feeling when you do this, so be
ready. Thx. Ed. P.S. I will mail the cards in.
CREATION CARE E-BOOK - What does "fill the Earth and subdue it" look like in our everyday lives? A
special collection on creation care from Think Christian explores this intriguing question. For Earth
Day, we look at perspectives on an array of environment-related topics from some of TC's
contributors. Get it at
FREE WEBINAR - Join us on April 22 for "Youth, Depression and Suicide" presented by June Zwier and
Winnie Visser. This webinar will explore the issues of depression and suicide particular to youth and
how we as a church can be equipped to effectively help and support. To register for this free, onehour event, visit
INVEST IN YOUR FAMILY THIS SUMMER. From inspiring worship to startling sunsets over Puget
Sound, Warm Beach Camp has events and activities for kids of all ages. Cascade Family Bible Camp
is July 9-13 at Warm Beach Camp. Speakers include Heidi De Jonge, Tim De Jonge, and Clayton Libolt.
Register online at or use the forms at church. First time registrants
will receive 50% off registration.