OUUF Newsletter â June, 2015 - Oberlin Unitarian Universalist
OUUF Newsletter â June, 2015 - Oberlin Unitarian Universalist
The Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship The OUUF Chalice 355 E. Lorain St. Oberlin, Ohio 44074 The OUUF Chalice June 2015 Volume 3 Issue 6 “MARY’S MUSINGS” Empowering Our Communication (2) Phone: 440-775-0355 www.ouuf.org Sunday Service: 10:30am Minister: Rev. Mary Grigolia mary@marygrigolia.com Minister Office hours: Tuesdays: By appointment Religious Ed Director Joanne Rahn joannerahn@aol.com Hours: By appointment Music Director Katie Cross crossk_connect@yahoo.com Newsletter editor@ouuf.org Inside this issue: Minister’s Musing 1 Service Schedule 2 Getting to Know You 3 CYRE News 4 OUUF Community News 5-6 OUUF Wider Community News 7 Board of Trustees / Kudos 8 & Kind Thoughts On six Monday evenings (May 18 through July 6), 23 members login to an interactive video series with Rev. Cat Cox. At our first session, Rev. Cat asked us why we’re doing this, what we hope will be the outcome (in ourselves and in the Fellowship). As a facilitator, she felt responsible to reflect back to us whether our hopes and expectations are realistic. Here’s [a sampling] of what we said we hope for: “Doors might open” “Deep listening” “Treating each other respectfully and honestly” “Not being afraid to name the conflict and step up to it” “Listening deeply and coming up with good compromises” “Coming to understanding so there’s not tension between different element of the congregation” “Learning communication skills so we might bring conflict out in the open Developing my skills to help others talk to each other” “Learning ways to explore differences without ripping the Fellowship down the middle” “Accepting that tension is good and working with it in ways that create community” “Learning better communication within the Fellowship and becoming a better listener” “Seeing past the words we hear people say and finding out the deeper mean -ing” “I’m excited that we’re all ‘face-to-face’ with each other. It’s easy for rumors to get started, rather than talking directly with each other about issues.” “Understanding our community better” “Separating personalities from issues” “I’m pondering if what we get past what we think people are saying to what they are actually saying.” “Establishing common goals which we all follow” “Learning to listen more effectively and speak more effectively” “To dialogue. Let’s go!” “It was moving and hopeful to hear our responses. (And to revisit them here for you!) And empowering to hear Rev Cat’s response: “That all sounds realistic. I’m confident we can make progress together.” Me, too. (cont’d on pg.5) The OUUF Chalice Page 2 JUNE Sunday Services Schedule - Community Dimension: “SERVE” Why are we here? ….Why are we here? We want our neighbors to know what makes our community different from other congregations: We are a religious tradition drawing wisdom from many sources. Our Sunday services schedule illustrates that diversity where this month we will focus on Standing on the Side of Love. CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE. ALL ARE WELCOME! Sunday Services at 10:30am All services are recorded! JUNE 7th - “LEARNING TO FALL” - Rev. Mary Grigolia In all martial arts (and sports), you have to let yourself fall, to go with the flow (and not get hurt!). Explore the spiritual gifts beyond control. JUNE 14th - “THE FIFTH PRINCIPLE” - Cal Frye "In our religious lives, the democratic process requires trust in the development of each individual conscience—a belief that such development is possible for each of us, as well as a commitment to cultivate our own conscience. We could call it a commitment to the value of each person. In the words of Theodore Parker, ‘Democracy means not “I am as good as you are,” but “You are as good as I am.”’ JUNE 21st - “TBA” - Damaris Davis JUNE 28th — “BUILDING A NEW WAY”— REV. MARY GRIGOLIA Explore what’s coming emerging in the UU Universe, with video-streaming from General Assembly in Portland (June 24-28). The OUUF Chalice Page 3 Getting to know “UUJO (Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio” UUJO is a 501c3 statewide action network for the 38 UU Congregations in Ohio and their more than 5,000 members – 27 churches and fellowships in the Ohio Meadville District of CERG and 11 in the MidAmerica Region. Mission: Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio organizes justice seekers statewide to promote education, service and advocacy consistent with Unitarian Universalist liberal religious principles and to witness with and on behalf of marginalized groups and individuals. The UUJO Board of Directors met on Saturday, May, 30th and discussed the following eight identified issues and justices: Immigration, Criminal Justice & Race, Economic, Environmental, LGBT Equality, Reproductive Justice, Peacemaking and Voting Rights. And of these eight issues, the focused in the coming year will be Racial Justice and Economic Justice. As the voice for Justice in Ohio, congregations are being asked to partake and engage in these justices work and to be trained in meetup4justice legislative and organizer trainings, and other form of activism. Click on the link to read the Newsletters and to learn more about UUJO: http:// ohiomeadville.org/uujo/?page_id=1088 LISTENING TO EACH OTHER, CLEARING THE AIR, ENERGIZING THE FELLOWSHIP Join in another open conversation at the Fellowship this Friday, 7-10p.m. Facilitated by Rev. Elaine Strawn (UU minister from Wooster), it welcomes all members to explore the issues facing us as a congregation. The OUUF Chalice Page 4 Children & Youth Religious Education News Our Children’s Religious Education Mission ~ “To nurture children and youth to develop a commitment to religious freedom, critical thinking, ethical action, and individual responsibility. We achieve this through experiential learning and developing appropriate curricula in keeping with UU principles and tradition”. Youth Programs: Expanding, Exploring, Providing Opportunities Like a small but beautiful jewel in an exquisite setting, the OUUF Youth led a very Earthcentered worship service in the Fellowship Garden on the evening of Thursday, May 21st, with youth, Ella, Maya, Dorian and youth advisor Mike Frye leading about a dozen adults in worship. Shepherding us into a circle on the lawn surrounding the central boulder, the youth brought us into touch with our senses and with the Earth through our senses and through expressive action suitable for older adults. We then went back into the sanctuary and an exercise in really noticing one another. A small Chalice was lit in each setting. Both exercises evoked an intense sense of the sacred. Refreshments were serve June is Service Learning Month The Elementary children have elected two projects for the Sunday’s in June ~ The class wanted to help homeless families and homeless animals. The donations and activities will divided between Family Promise & Oasis Shelter for Dogs Please support their efforts by making a donation during social hour: June 7th – Cookies – vegetables & dip June 14th – Taco Bar st June 21 – Cheese & crackers – popcorn June 28th – Assorted breads and spreads Ice Tea & Lemonade along with coffee & teas d in Fellowship Hall. Service Learning Month is an opportunity to inspire, equip and mobilize youth to take action that changes the world and themselves through service. Service Learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities." National Commission on Service Learning Service-learning allows learners to apply classroom theories to authentic and practical situations by connecting it to the needs of the local and global community. Goals of Service-learning: - involves collaboration - addresses significant community need - enriches the traditional classroom learning - provides structured time for stud Refletion - fosters the development of civic and social responsibility The OUUF Chalice OUUF Schedule of Events 6/1 Shamanic Journey 6/1 Empowering Comm. 6/2 &16 Meditation: Tues Afternoon 6/7 Sunday Service 6/7 UU History 6/7 Cookies Dip 6/10 Covenant Grp 6/11 Meet & Eat 6/11 UU History 6/14 SUNDAY SERVICE 6/14 TACO BAR 6/21 SUNDAY SERVICE 6/24 COVENANT GROUP 6/25 MEET & EAT 6/25 UU HISTORY 6/28 SUNDAY SERVICE 6/28 UU HISTORY OUUF Community News COVENANT GROUP: UU HUMANIST VISIONS Promotes listening, sharing, and discussion. Moved by curiosity, participants explore a variety of topics. The Covenant Group usually meets twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. June 10: at 245 George Street, Elyria June 24 at 189 E. College St at 3:30pm. Everyone interested are welcome! SHAMANIC JOURNEY GROUP Shamanic journeying is a time-honored tool for accessing an altered state of consciousness, much like a dream state, for spiritual guidance and healing. The meeting time is the first Monday of the month, June 1st, 2015 at 7:00pm. Location: OUUF—355E. Lorain St., Oberlin. Everyone interested are welcome! Contact: edie@plumcreekassociates.com GREETERS make a difference. We need a few more Greeters for our services.. Contact to volunteer: bafuchsman@oberlin.net UU HISTORY: LONG STRANGE TRIP Watch the video and join the discussion of Unitarian Universalism, the final DVD in our history series: Thursday, June 11 and Sunday, June 7th The Hundred Year Waltz, Humanism, Liberal Religious Education, The Merger June 25th and June 28th The Theology of Social Justice, Inherent Worth and Dignity, International UUism, reviewing the Long Strange Trip Page 5 “ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT” MEET AND EAT: Informal sharing builds a sense of community. Oberlin UU’s gather to break bread together every second and fourth Thursday at a local restaurant—no program, no preparation. Thurs., June 11: , Lorenzo's, Oberlin, on the patio, weather permitting. Thurs., June 25: Sterk's of Oberlin, 580 W. Lorain St. This Vermilion catering family has moved to the former Presti's location to run a restaurant as well as their catering service. — Contact Elizabeth, tobymccall@yahoo.com for any questions. All are welcome! (cont’d from pg.1) DIMENSIONS OF COMMUNITY: Serve! Reflection questions for the dimension of the month: from Rev. Mary: As we move toward summer: How are you called to serve? How are you serving your deepest wisest self? How are you serving friends and family? How are you serving the Fellowship? How are you allowing yourself to be served? Which social justice need(s) do you serve? How are you helping others serve? PThe OUUF Chalice Page 6 OUUF COMMUNITY NEWS . Rev. Mary facilitates weekly sessions drawing from many teachers and traditions. This year our themes include neurospirituality (how meditation shapes your brain), the Buddhist precept of Right Speech, aging, and a potpourri of other voices. Some instruction given. All are welcome TUESDAY AFTERNOON MEDITATION We meditate together on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 1-2 p.m. at the Fellowship. This month, June 2nd and 16th. TUESDAY EVENING MEDITATION: New Schedule! We meditate together on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m. at the Fellowship. This month, June 9th and 23rd. As part of our covenant with one another, OUUF members have made a . commitment to live our values in the world through Causes of the Month, which we support through our offering. The cause for June 2015 is OCS Churches Helping Others Fund. The Social Justice Team has chosen for its June Emergency Distribution the Churches Helping Others Fund of Oberlin Community Services, a responsive community organization that provides direct assistance, referrals and other services to our Oberlinarea friends and neighbors who need help meeting their basic needs. This fund has traditionally relied on our support as well as that of other Oberlin area churches. We send members of the greater community who come to us for help to OCS for such emergency assistance as utility payments, shelter, gas cards or prescription purchases. Refreshments after Service Every member and friend is asked to sign up to furnish simple refreshments after the Sunday service. You may also do this with another person if it is easier to share expenses. Sign up and choose the Sunday that is most convenient for you. Thanks. Ask for the Hospitality Co-Chairs, Virginia Erdy and Jo Huber The OUUF Chalice Page 7 OUUF WIDER COMMUNITY NEWS HUULTI is Flipping the Classroom! Room is Coming in the Fall! CERG (Central East Regional Group) has changed the format of UULTI (UU Leadership Training Institute) from an expensive residential leadership training to a Hybrid/online training for the OMD District. The District is encouraging all leadership to consider interest in participating in this new format of connections, flexibility, deep and team-building format. Please get in touch with the District (www.cerguua.org/HUULTI) or your own congregation member, Samuel Prince. From voting rights to mass imprisonment to police brutality and Black Lives Matter protests, racial justice issues in the United States have a new sense of urgency. This urgency is bringing communities together across boundaries of race, faith, and geography in solidarity with movements as diverse as immigration, economic inequality, LGBTQ equity, and climate justice. We invite Unitarian Universalists of all ages and backgrounds to share their hopes and dreams for the role that UUs can play in the coming years in advancing racial justice in the United States. Responses are anonymous. This survey will help UUs describe a shared vision for how we can support racial justice in the United States in the next few years. Together we can help end systems of racism in our society and create a more just and compassionate world. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/uuaracialjustice The survey will remain open through June 15, 2015. For more information, contact socialjustice@uua.org. Please share your thoughts on how Unitarian The Green Team of The First Church in Ober- Universalists can and should engage with racial lin (UCC) is sponsoring a community-wide justice. "Climate Conversation" on Wednesday, June 10. Potluck supper at 5:30 p.m., program at UU KENDAL GATHERING 6:30 p.m. The program will be conducted by staff of Ohio Interfaith Power and Light to Wednesday, June 17, 2015 "connect the dots between climate change, our 4:15 pm, Kendal's Heiser Auditorium values and religious traditions, and our acSpeaker: Anthony Wilgus, Associate Profestions." Members of all faith traditions and sor of Social Work at the University of "spiritual but not religious" individuals are Findlay. cordially invited! The OUUF Chalice OBERLIN UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP Phone: 440-774-0355 Email: editor@ouuf.org To cancel your OUUF Chalice, please call or email the editor. 355E. Lorain St. Oberlin, Ohio 44074 www.ouuf.org Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Board of Trustees: Kudos /Thanks & Kind Thoughts to: Stephanie Gibson Board Chair ■ Our Board Chair, Stephanie, on a successful surgery. Good Health! Diantha Pare Vice Chair Judith Patterson Sellers Secretary Lee Drickamer Treasurer Marge Diamond Trustee at Large Rev. Mary Grigolia Minister Page 8