township of ocean schools - Township of Ocean School District


township of ocean schools - Township of Ocean School District
Humanities Department
English, Fine Arts, Library
550 West Park Avenue
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
(732) 531-5650 ext. 1007
Jayne VanNosdall
Honors English I
Summer Assignment 2015
Dear English I Honors student and parents:
Students who wish to participate in the ninth grade honors English program are required to complete a summer
reading assignment. The purpose of the assignment is to prepare you for the challenging school year ahead.
Each student will read John Knowles’ novel, A Separate Peace, and a correlated short story by Sylvia Plath,
Initiation, which can be found on my website. While reading the novel and short story, students should critically
analyze the two pieces, placing special emphasis on the author’s use of characterization, and theme. Students are
then to write a well-organized response to the prompt below. The typed assignment using correct MLA format must
be submitted on the first day of class. :
Prompt: Write a 5 paragraph essay that analyzes how both texts treat the issue of peer pressure.
 Assignment- The INTRODUCTION should introduce both works, the authors and include a general
statement about both. The THESIS STATEMENT is typically the last sentence in the introduction. This
THESIS should clearly state the themes that are similar in the novel and short story.
 The topic sentence: should support the thesis and tell what the paragraph will be about. Cite strong
textual evidence to support the thesis and the themes these works share. One quote from each
work in each body paragraph is required.
 Body paragraphs: Analyze the author’s use of young teens to convey the shared theme of peer
pressure. Use transition words and phrases to show similarity *Examples: also, in the same way,
just as, likewise, similarly, for example, to illustrate. QUOTES AND TEXTUAL EVIDENCE
 Conclusion: What does the reader learn about human nature from these two stories? Is the
behavior in both typical of teens today? Is the pressure any different today? Be sure to use
conclusive transitions: Finally, In conclusion, in the final analysis, to conclude. The thesis is
restated, but not word for word.
 Essay will be graded on MLA format, use of correct standards of English grammar, supporting
details, evidence and quotes to successfully prove or support the thesis.
Students will also be asked to demonstrate mastery of the reading on another form(s) of assessment. The Honors
English teacher, Mrs. Gilman, may ask you to complete an alternate assessment. Students should prepare
accordingly. Please give this assignment your full attention. If there are any questions, please email Mrs. Gilman
Jayne VanNosdall
Supervisor of Humanities
Mrs. Gilman – Honors English I teacher
Honors English teacher