Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International


Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International
Office of the
Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation),
5 Floor, Aayaka r Bhavan, Dabaga rdens, Visa khapatna m-530020 .
T:VF8x: 089 1-2713409 Mobile: 89859-72308 Email id :
._-_._- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F.No. llCTT{lT)fVSPfVehicle Hiring/2015·16
Dated: 01.05.2015 .
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Incometax (Internationa l
Taxation), V isakhapatnam intends to hire one " mid-sized ope rationa l
ve hicle" capable of carrying 7 or more persons s uch as INNOVA,
SUMO, BOLERO, TAVERA only for the Office located at
Visakhapatnam. Hiring shall be initiall y for a period of ONE yea r. Reputed
t"lMf, ITal\i. operators having requi site vehicles Iinfrastructu re may furnish
their ' quotations latest by 25.05.20 15 in the office of the Deputy
Commissroner of [ncometax ([nternational Taxation), 5th floor, Aayaka r
Dh.van:·, Pabagardens, Visakhapatnam.
Tender doc uments and terms and conditions regard ing the above may
be collected from the above office or can be down loaded from the link
"tenders" on the Official website
Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (IT)
SUbject: Hiring of vehicles by Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Incometax (International Taxation), Visakhapatnam - Reg.
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Incometax (Internationa l
Taxation), Visakhapatnam invites quotations in sealed covers latest by
for hiring " mid-sized operational ve hicle" capable of
carrying 7 or more persons such as INNOVA, SUMO, BOLERO,
TAVERA only for the Office at Visakhapatnam.
The Quotation should be submitted in sealed cover super scribed as
"Quotation for hiring of vehicles ". Interested bidders will have to furni sh an
"Earnest Money" of an amount equivalent to 2 % of the annua l contract
value by way of Account payee demand draft/Banker's Cheque or Bank
Guarantee in favour of the "ZAO,CBDT,VISAKHAPATNAM ". Bids
without Security Deposits shall be treated as void and will not be considered.
All the information sought under the head "Terms & Conditions" and other
information to be supplied are to be given along with the quotations.
The Bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on 26.05.2015 in the presence
of one representative of each of the bidder who wishes to be present.
Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (IT)
The Office of Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation) ,
Visokhapatnom invites sealed quotations for hiring of "mid-sized operational
vehicle" capable of carrying 7 or more person s such as INNOVA, SUMO,
Vehicle is proposed to be hired for an initio I period of ONE YEAR wi t h a provision
of extending it for a further period of one year at the discretion of the Principal
Commissioner of Income Tax (rT&.TP). Hyderabad. The vehicle proposed to be
hired should be of 2015 or 2014 year make. The vendor will hove t o put up a
separate board on the vehicle showing that it is on -Govt. of India Duty· ,
3, The vehicle must be in good condition. The vehicle will be run by department for
approximately 2000 kilometers per month. The unutil ized mileage kilometers will be
carried forward to the next month and this will be continued till the end of the
contract period of one year or the extended period beyond one year, as the case
may be. The mileage from the vehicle provider s office I or any ot her place t o the
office premiSes of the entitled officer will not count under the mileage.
4. The minimum hiring charges should be specified (exclusive of Service Tax) for 2000
kms (reckoned from place of reporting to place of release) on monthly basis .
5. The h;r;ng of veh;cle ;s subject to the sot;sfoct;on of the Off;ce of the Deputy
Commissioner of Income Tax (IT) , Visakhapatnam with regard to quotation filed
cc..rnmcnsurate with the good condition of the vehicle.
6. If the quotations equal in all aspects have been received, selection will be done on
follOWing gUidelines:
In case the quotations of more than one bidder are equal in respect of
vehicles, preference will be given to the bidder having more number of
vehicles with lesser meter r eading (Vehicle travelled for lesser kilometers)
7. The successful bidder shall supply the vehicle to the department within a week of
communication from the deportment. Further. the vehicle shall be produced for
inspection within 3 days of date of tender closure.
8. The Contractor shall provide dedicated driver and any change in driver should be
made only in very exceptional circumstances. Replacement of the vehicle / driver
should be provided in the event of breakdown of vehicle/ non availabi lity of driver .
The vehicle can be called for reporting at any time. The vehicle would remain at the
disposal of the department for all seven days in a week during the entire contract
Feriod. The vehicle shou ld not be used by the contractor or driver for any other
organization or individual either during day or night during the entire contract
9. The driver should be having driving license , with a minimum experience of 3 years.
10. Payment of minimum charges agreed upon sholl be made every month, provided that
if the contract does not commence / end in the beginning / end of a month , payment
of minimum charges will be made on proportionate basis.
11. The vehicle sholl be deemed to be at the disposal of Income Tax Deportment during
the period of official use and the billing sholl be made from the reporting place to
the relieving place. In certain cases where relieving place is not the ordinary place
of reporting. the ordinary place of reporting sholl be deemed to be relieving place.
12. The liability on account of fuel , driver salary / allowances / perquisites & all
expenses relating to the vehicle would solely and wholly be on account of the
contractor and deportment sholl not bear any liability apart from the hiring charges.
13. The contract between the Department and the Contractor can be cancelled with a
notice period of 15 days from either side. However, the department may cancel the
contract without giving the aforesaid notice in case of severe failure of the
controctor to abide by the terms of agreement .
14. In the case of transfer / superannuation / retirement of the officer for whom
vehicle has been hired, the deportment may discontinue the vehicle from the end of
the month. The notice period will not be applicable in such cases. However, in case
of cancellation of allotment of vehicle by the competent authority to the entitled
office. the agreement is liable to be terminated with effect from the date of such
15. The vehicle should always be maintained in good condition. Towels , Air Fresheners
and other requirements which present the vehicle in good looking and running
condition shall be arranged by the service provider , the department retains the
right to furnish the same and deduct such expenses , if required.
16. The officer in-charge or the stoff of the office may inspect the veh icle from time
to time to ensure that the vehicle is maintained in good condition.
17. The contractor will be responsible for loss I domage to property or life because of
negligence of driver or poor maintenance of vehicle or due to an accident. The
department would not be responSible for loss / damage to property or life on
account of such incidents.
18. In case of non-compliance of the above terms and conditions of contract, a penalty
may be levied. The penalty for some of the defaults is as under:1.
Late reporting Rs .I00/ - per day
Non reporting Rs .500/- per day
Refusal of duties RS.500/- per instance
Non-observation of dress-code Rs.200/- per instance
Change of drivers without prior intimation Rs.200/ - per instance.
19. In case a vehicle is not maintained properly, the same should be replaced with a good
condition vehicle of some brand immediately. In case of failure to do so. it would be
considered as non-reporting of the veh icle and penalty charges may be levied as
given above. in addition to deduction of proportionate contract charges.
20. A log sheet specifying daily reporting and relieving time as well as daily opening ,
closing meter reading and other details as may be specified by the Department shall
be maintained for each vehicle. The Contractor should submit the duly filled long
sheet Signed by the Controlling Officer to whom the vehicle has been ass igned along
with the bill on the monthly basis .
. 2l. The driver employed alongwith vehicle should satisfy the following cond itions:-
Driver should have minimum 3 years of experience in driving
Driver should be well versed with the roads and different localities of
Once the driver has been allotted to a part icular vehicle, he should remain with
the some vehicle for a period of at least 1 year unless change is called for.
However, any change in the designated driver should be intimated to the
concerned officer before 24 hours.
Driver should be provided with mobile phone. The expenses for mobile phone
shou ld be borne by the contractor.
Driver should be decent and well behoved and should ma intain the uniform
22. The contractor to whom the contract is awar ded, would f urnish name, address and
contact number of a person wit h whom the deportment / cont rolling officer should
contact in case of any problem faced with regard to services being provided by such
contractor on day to day basis.
23. The successful bidder sholl enter into a contract with deportment
24.5"10 of t he total contract value of t he successful bidder will have to be deposited as
security deposi t . The EMD of the successful bidder (2 "10 ) wi ll be reta ined by the
deportment and the successfu l bidder has to deposit the balance amount (3%)
towards security deposit within one week of declaration of successful bidder. The
total security deposi t will be refunded after the expiry of t he contract period or
ext ended contract period as t he case may be. In case of contract being terminated
before the expiry of the contract period, the security deposit will be refunded
after 60 days of such termination.
25. The EMD of the remaining bidders will be refunded one week after enter ing int o
contract with the successful bidder.
26. The Income Tax Department reserves the right to accept or reject any port of the
tender or whole tender without assigning any reason.
Quotation for Vehicle Hire:
Name of the service provider
Address (Please enclose documentary proof) :
Name of the contact person
Mobile IContact No.
Whether you have minimum 3 years
experience in supplying vehicles
Details of EMD: DD/BC No._ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ _ Bank _ _
Hire charges per month
Type of
Year of
make ,...
Hire charges
per month
*: In case of new vehicles proposed to be purchased and to be provided on
hire to the Department , the year of make may be mentioned as " proposed to
be purchased".
I here by declare that the details furnished above are true and correct . I
have read over the entire terms and conditions of the tender document and
abide by the same.