LifeCycle [OnRoad] 2015 update - OffRoad Life Cycle for Canteen


LifeCycle [OnRoad] 2015 update - OffRoad Life Cycle for Canteen
LifeCycle [OnRoad] 2015 update
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s event. Special thanks go to the escort crew, caterers and marshals, without whom the event would not occur. The current total available for CanTeen is $132,000. All those who raised more than $100 and all teams are listed in order on the website (Current Top Fundraisers). Special recognition is given to Ian Lee, Kim Rushton, Dave Rutherford, Tony Sabatino, Glen O’Donnell, Steve McNally, Martin Troy and Tony Ianetta, who all raised more than $2000, and to all the teams who made a special effort with fundraising events. Statistics from the ride
Demographics: Oldest: Brian 74 Youngest: Connor 13 Average age: 45 New riders: 41% Female riders: 30% Fundraising: Over $2000 8 Over $1000 18 33 Over $500 No fundraising 32 (25%) Note: Next year there will be a $200 minimum to be paid before the event During the event some valuable networking for CanTeen occurred, with generous offers to CanTeen of skilled help from 3 riders. There is more to Life Cycle than just the ride! The committee had several other offers of assistance during the event. If you have a contribution that you can make towards improving the event, no matter how small, please contact Jenny to discuss. Green Group marshal Thirl has made the Red and Green Group’s routes and elevations available on Map My Ride and is willing to do the same for the other 3 groups. If anyone has route GPS data, please let Jenny know. Lost Property
Two riders would be very grateful to find their lost items ‐ Blue, white and grey SOAS knicks and a top, also a black and blue NZ vest. Rider Profile – Brian Gale (74 yo)
Cycling has always been a part of my life ever since I can remember, even as a 4 year old on the 16” bike going to the track and road racing in the 1950s. The bike was always there. After many years and many miles of touring the globe, there came a time to put my ability to use for the good of others by riding each year for CanTeen [OnRoad] and [OffRoad], the annual Ride from Mandurah to Cape Leeuwin, the 24 Hour Delirium Ride (usually solo) and two Tours de Gracetown. With the help of these rides and thanks to the people who organise them, it has given me the will to live, help others and keep healthy at the same time. Getting funds or donations is very hard for me, so now I repair and resurrect any type and size of bike almost daily, often made to order. These are placed in front of our house on the street and sold for what people can afford. Some are very generous. Helmets and poetry books and CDs of my own poetry are freely given or sold for charity. I was also a hairdresser in my lifetime and now 100% of these takings are also added to my charity collection. Life is rolling smoothly. Everyone gets a good deal and I have money put aside for the needy. The interest shown has helped me to look at life with love and respect. Editor’s note: Brian donated $1250 for the [OnRoad] and $1000 for the [OffRoad] last October. He has ridden 6 [OnRoad] and one [OffRoad] events and is aged 74. During his speech at Harvey, CanTeen Programs Officer, Rhys, gave us these stats To give some perspective on how $1million helps CanTeen members, one million dollars would enable ONE of these:  Allow 20,000 Young People Living with Cancer (YPLWC) the chance to attend a recreation day where they get a chance to have a break from the struggles they face and meet another YPLWC that gets what they are going through OR
 Allow 2000 YPLWC the chance to attend an overnight program, which equates to about 60 camps. When you think that WA division runs about 5 camps each year, that is over 12 years’ worth of camps OR
 Pay for 17,000 counselling sessions with a registered psychologist specialising in YPLWC [OffRoad] 2015
Nominations for the 2015 [OffRoad] open on Friday May 1st. The cost is $350 with an Early Bird discount of $75 until for the first two months (ie $275). The ride is capped at 70 riders, so get in early. This year there will also be a minimum fundraising amount of $200. This $200 must be paid before the event. Register at: (from 1 May 2015) The dates for [OffRoad] 2015 are 2‐4 October (Friday to Sunday). The route is from Lake Navarino (Waterous Trail) via Nanga and Dwellingup to Langford Park just north of Jarrahdale, i.e. the reverse of 2012 plus a bit extra, to allow recent and new recruits to ‘fill the gap’ – and to ease the burden on crew and committee. Base distances are approximately 35 km, 40 km and 42 km, with extra distances each day for the enthusiastic. A bus is provided between Kelmscott and the beginning and end of the ride (or your family can meet you at the end), BYO tent camping at or near Dwellingup and Whitakers Mill, luggage transported, all meals supplied. Fundraising
The minimum fundraising has been introduced because there are people who take advantage of the low cost without raising money for the cause, while others strive hard. Many riders from the [OnRoad] have been suggesting this for years. The committee is very happy to assist with fundraising ideas and introductions. There is a long, long list of ideas on the website. From experience this year, forming a small team and running an event or two is very successful and not too stressful. Four people running one sausage sizzle or quiz night can raise far more than their required $200 each. We are preparing some “How to” instructions for activities such as sausage sizzles, high teas, quiz nights, etc. Please let Jenny know if you wish to be part of a team. Everyday Hero will be available from May 1. Training Rides
Training rides are an essential aid for riders with little or no off‐road mountain bike experience. The first practice ride was on April 12 and 9 riders attended. Dates and tentative venues for the rest are as follows (check emails and/or the website each month):  Saturday 16 May ‐ Kalamunda  Sunday 14 June ‐ Lake Leschenaultia  Saturday 12 July ‐ Heritage Trail  Sunday 16 August ‐ Northam to Mundaring on the Kep Track – as transport is provided one direction, you need to book in advance  Saturday 5 September ‐ Darlington/Helena Valley  Sunday 20 September ‐ Darlington/Glen Forrest Rock N Roll Mountain Biking at the Camel Farm on Mundaring Weir Road has offered a discount deal for Life Cycle riders who wish to hire a bike for practice rides or for the event in October. Contact Jenny for details.
Can you help? If anyone knows Ben Forrest, can you please get him to email Jenny at