John Smith CC - Tower Hamlets Council
John Smith CC - Tower Hamlets Council
John Smith Children’s Centre Activity Timetable 13 April – 17 July 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Story Time 9.30am – 11.30am A session that brings the magic of stories to life. We visit the Idea Store on the last Monday of every month. Bangladeshi Mothers Support Group 9.30am – 12.30pm For families with disabilities only. Referrals only including self-referrals. For more information contact Bangladeshi Parents Advisor Service on 020 8121 4444. Physical Play and Learn 9.30am – 11.30am A session to promote small and large muscle development. 8 Months and 2 Year Check 9.30am – 12.30pm (By invitation only) Creative Play 9.30am - 11.30am Sessions to promote creativity. John Smith Children’s Centre Just ask staff to join or change your books at Story Time session THAMES Music (Locality based) 9.30am – 11am Whitehorse Play Centre Sing, Rhyme and Move Sessions to promote language and physical development held at local schools. (By appointment only) John Smith Children’s Centre Come and Play for Mothers and Female Carers Only A choice of different activities. 1.30pm – 3pm John Smith Children’s Centre Little Talkers (Locality based) 1.30pm – 3pm A support group for children with speech and language needs. (By referral only) Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre John Smith Children’s Centre Young Parents’ Group (Borough-wide service) 12.15pm – 3pm Advice on getting into education, training and employment for young parents under 23 years. Crèche provided. Please call John Smith Children’s Centre for more information John Smith Children’s Centre Little Explorers (Fortnightly) (Borough wide service) 1pm – 3pm A support group for children with additional needs. Please call John Smith Children’s Centre for more information. John Smith Children’s Centre Rhyme Challenge 9.30am – 11am A session promoting language development through making props and nursery rhymes. (By invitation only) John Smith Children’s Centre Babies Come and Play (Under 15 Months) with Toy Library (Locality based) 1.30pm – 3pm A session with activities to support baby’s development. John Smith Children’s Centre THAMES Music (Locality based) 1pm - 2.30pm John Smith Children’s Centre Baby Massage 10am - 11.30am Delivered by a trained instructor. (By invitation only) John Smith Children’s Centre Housing and Domestic Violence Surgery (No appointment needed) 9.30am – 3pm Drop in session to discuss housing and or domestic violence issues with our specialist, Shumi Rani. Shadwell Site Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre Little Chefs, Healthy Cooking (By invitation only) 1.30pm - 2.30pm Play in the Home Whitehorse Play Centre Sessions to promote learning carried out within the home. Shadwell Site = Term Time Only (By appointment only) (Referral only) Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre John Smith Children’s Centre Whitehorse Play Centre Bigland Street 90 Stepney Way Whitehorse Road E1 2JP E1 2EN E1 0ND Tel: 0207 364 6004 Tel: 020 7364 0537 Tel: 0207 364 6605 Shadwell Site 418 – 422 Cable Street E1 0AF Tel: 0207 364 0544 John Smith Children’s Centre Activity Timetable 13 April – 17 July 2015 John Smith Children’s Centre aims to help give your child the best start in life. If you are expecting a baby or are a parent or carer with a child under five, we can provide family support, early education, child and family health services, childcare advice, employment, volunteering and training support. Educational Psychology The Educational Psychologist work closely with the Children Centre team in supporting families who find it difficult to set boundaries in managing their child’s behaviour, potty training, parenting strategies and support parents to understand their child’s disability diagnosis. • ESOL: Please call to register your interest for the next course. Adult Psychology Support Parents get one to one counselling service from the Adult Psychologist. • Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities and Raising Happy Babies: Please call to register your interest. Dates to be confirmed. Breastfeeding You are welcome to breastfeed anywhere in the children’s centre. If you prefer privacy, please ask a member of staff. Please call 020 7364 0537 for more information on courses. Pathway to Employment • One-to-one appointments • Volunteering opportunities • Access/support into training and employment • CV writing • Job searches • Interviewing techniques • Career advice • Nursery Education Grant for 2 year olds. Please call 020 7364 0537 for further information or to book an appointment. Family Information Service (FIS), Monday to Friday (8.00am to 6.00pm) Tel. 020 7364 6495 or e-mail Parents’ Forum (Thursdays, 10.00am – 12.00pm) Meet other parents, share experiences and get involved in discussions to shape services offered by the Children’s Centre. Please contact Syeda Pasha on 020 7364 0421 or John Smith Children’s Centre for further information. Upcoming sessions: 22 April, 20 May and 24 June. Crèche available. Current Sure Start termly leaflets can be found on the council’s website: Family Support Our family support team signpost to community resources, help develop positive parenting skills, build self-esteem and empowering parents. We work closely with the Social Service, local schools, health and educational professionals, daycare, libraries and other local organisations. For further information, please call John Smith on 020 7364 0537. Please speak to a staff member or drop you suggestion in our Suggestion box in the reception area. Contact FIS for free advice and information on local services for children, young people and families, e.g. childcare, child-minders, tax credits, and childcare vouchers. Feedback Welcome We value your feedback and suggestions to help us learn, adapt and improve our services to meet your needs. Please let us know what we did well and what we could change. Our children’s centre is committed to delivering policies and practices which promote inclusion for all our children, families, staff and visitors. We believe that all children and their families have a right to a high quality provision in the area where they live. In celebrating diversity and difference in our community, we aim to welcome all children and their families.