1415-0020 - New website


1415-0020 - New website
Curriculum and Standards
Executive summary
To provide information on method of recording
and submitting assessment data and provide
deadline dates for submission of data to the
required organisation.
Main Issues:
All assessment data to be recorded in AM7
EYFS, Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, Year 2
Phonics Screening Re-checks and KS1 Teacher
Assessments submitted to the Local Authority via
KS2 Teacher Assessments submitted to the STA
via NCA Tools website
Data collection
Headteacher, Assessment Coordinator, SIMS administrator
Cc: Sue Ivermee (Head of School
Date of issue: April 2015
Action required and due date:
End of KS1 Teacher Assessment data by 15th
June, EYFS by 24th June, Phonics Screening
and Re-checks by 26th June – ALL 4 TO BE
RETURNED TO THE LA. End of KS2 Teacher
Assessment data to be with STA via NCA Tools
website by 26th June.
Further Information
Name Jo Hewlett
Tel: 01275 884572
e-mail address: jo.hewlett@n-somerset.gov.uk
Reference number: 1415/0020
Related documents:
e.g. Capita’s Key Stage Entry
Explained or Key Stage Processing or
as supplied by your MIS support
My Ref:
Your Ref:
Apr 2015
Jo Hewlett
Direct dial: 01275 884572
All Infant, First, Junior and Primary Schools, Specials, Primary Academies and PRU (Primary
Phase) North Somerset
Dear Headteacher
Please read this letter and share the contents with all relevant colleagues who will be
involved in the assessment, collection, recording and submission of EYFS, Year 1 Phonics
Screening Check, Year 2 Phonics Screening Re-checks, Caspa (Special Schools only), Key
Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 teacher assessments and test results this year. Early co-ordination
with classroom teachers and planning for data collection and entry into Assessment Manager
in school is essential this year as there are a number of collections to be processed within a
very short time frame before schools break for summer.
North Somerset requirements for 2015
EYFS, Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, Year 2 Phonics Screening Re-checks and KS1 Key
Stage teacher assessments will be collected electronically from schools, then processed and
validated before submitting to the DfE on your behalf by the Management Information and
Research Team. Schools are required to submit KS2 teacher assessments directly to the
STA via the NCA Tools website. All data will be entered into Assessment Manager 7 using
the Wizard Manager functionality with a result date of 31.05.15.
It is a statutory requirement to submit P Scale assessments for pupils working below
Level 1 of the National Curriculum.
Please send your result CTFs electronically using the Anycomms+ Secure Data Transfer
system. In Anycomms+ browse to the relevant SIMS folder to select your result file, and for
‘Service’ select ‘Data Team’. When you have selected your file then click on the ‘Upload
Selected File’ or ‘Upload All Files’ button.
If an EYFS or KS1 pupil starts at a new school on or before Friday, 22nd May 2015, the new
school is required to submit results to the LA. If they start the new school after Monday, 1st
June 2015, the old school is required to submit their results to the LA. If a KS2 pupil moves
school, the school the pupil was on roll with during the KS2 tests should report teacher
assessments to the STA.
The DfE instructions state:
• If a child starts at a new school before the summer half-term holiday, the new school must
report the child’s results to the local authority.
• If a child starts at a new school during the second half of the summer term, the previous
school must report the child’s results to the local authority. This includes children who
transfer to a new school during the holiday.
• If a child moves school within Year 2(for KS1) or Year 6(KS2), the new school must report
the end of key stage results to the child’s parents.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Use the Wizard EYFS Profile 2015 mark sheet and complete the 17 ELG assessment
columns. Once all columns are completed ‘save’. The ‘f’ header columns will then be
populated. If even one mark for a pupil is missing then no marks for them will be carried over
into the ‘f’ header columns. Once you have validated and checked you have a complete
dataset create a CTF using the North Somerset destination code 8020000 and send to the
LA via Anycomms by Wednesday, 24th June 2015. When you create the CTF please ensure
that the ‘Student Basic Details,’ ‘Assessment Data’ and ‘Include KS1 tasks/tests’ are
ticked. Please see Appendix 1 for guidance on how to create a new destination school
using codes 8020000, 8021111 and 8022222 before trying to create the CTF.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check and Year 2 Phonics Screening Re-checks
Use the Wizard ‘KS1 Y1 Phonics Screening Check’ for Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.
You will need to record a ‘Mark’ for each pupil. Our understanding is that marks only will be
necessary (except for A, Q, D L which are added in the next column – when the test has not
been taken for any of those reasons) as the validation outcomes Wa and Wt have been
removed. So result files should be sent to us by the Friday, 26th June deadline as the pass
mark threshold will be announced on Monday 29th June. Where a pupil has not achieved
the appropriate standard of Phonics coding in Year 1 they will be re-assessed in Year 2.
For the Year 2 re-assessment you will need to use the ‘Phonic Screening Year 2’ mark sheet,
which if Year 1 Phonics results were entered into the corresponding wizard last summer they
will be displayed automatically. Click the ‘calculate’ button to highlight those Year 2 pupils
who require a Year 2 check. Enter the ‘mark’ and ‘save.’
Once you have validated and checked you have 2 complete sets of marks, create 1 CTF for
each of the 2 data collections, using the North Somerset destination code 8021111 for the
Yr1 Phonics test and 8022222 for the Yr2 Phonics retest and send to the LA via Anycomms
by TBC (see highlighted note above). When exporting the CTF either select the CTF
export type of ‘Phonics Test Results’ or ‘General’. If ‘General’ has been selected please
ensure ‘Student Basic Details,’ ‘Assessment Data’ and ‘Include KS1 Tasks/Tests’ are
Key Stage 1
Use the Wizard ‘KS1A Teacher Assessments 2015’ to enter Teacher assessments only. You
will need to record assessments for ENAT1, ENAT2, ENAT3, MATHS TA, ScAT1, ScAT2,
ScAT3, and ScAT4. To enter P Scales use ‘KS1B P Scale Data Entry 2015’. (Overall
mathematics only is required except within P-scales i.e. when working at Level W (working
towards level 1). Once you have validated and checked you have a complete set of 8
assessments create a CTF using the North Somerset destination code 802LLLL and send to
the LA via Anycomms by Monday, 15th June 2015. The DfE have requested that data
contained in the Key Stage CTF is restricted to basic pupil details and assessment results, so
please ensure there are only ticks against ‘Student Basic Details,’ ‘Assessment Data’ and
‘Include KS1 Tasks/Tests,’ then proceed as normal to create the CTF.
Key Stage 2
Pupils will receive separate test results for grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading and
maths. Teacher assessments need to report a level for each attainment target in English,
mathematics and science, and an overall teacher assessment level in each of these subjects.
Pupils’ writing will be subject to teacher assessment judgement.
At school level, the results of each test and assessment will also be published separately and
the DfE will not calculate a combined overall English test level. This will enable schools,
parents and the wider public to make informed judgements about schools’ performance
based on each subject area.
Use the Wizard ‘KS2A All Subjects TAs 2015’ to enter the English teacher Assessment data,
you will need to record ENAT1, ENAT2 and ENAT3, and also attainments for mathematics
and science. Wizard ‘KS2B Minimum Subject TAs 2015’ can be used to record the overall
subject TAs for Maths and Science. To enter P Scales use ‘KS2C P Scale Data Entry 2015’.
Once you have validated and checked you have a complete set of Teacher Assessments
create a restricted CTF (see KS1 requirements), select National Assessment Agency
(NAA) in the ‘Destination LA/other’ column, and send to the STA via the NCA Tools
Website https://ncatools.education.gov.uk/ no later than Friday, 26th June 2015, although I
believe schools have agreed to the Learning Exchange’s request to have returns
submitted by Monday, 22nd June to enable checking of mutually agreed moderation
changes ahead of the STA deadline. Please check the NCA Tools website when it
becomes available as they also provide spreadsheet templates.
Statutory end of KS2 test results can be viewed from the ‘pupil results’ section of the NCA
tools website at www.education.gov.uk/ncatools on Tuesday, 7th July. Result files
(preferably a CTF) may be used to import results directly into SIMS to populate the Key
Stage 2 wizard 2015; KS2D Test Summary Data, schools are not required to then submit
KS2 test results to the LA.
The Wizards will be in schools as part of the Capita SIMS release 7.162. The Capita
document ‘Key Stage Entry Explained’ provides step by step instructions for using the AM7
wizards. Capita’s ‘End of Key Stage Entry Data Processing (England)’ also contains
useful guidance. Other MIS support providers will produce their own guidance.
CASPA (Special Schools Only)
Please return your data CTFs by Friday, 26th June 2015 via Anycomms+ Secure Data
Transfer system. In Anycomms+ browse to the relevant SIMS folder to select your data file,
and for ‘Service’ select ‘Management Information and Research Team’. When you have
selected your file then click on the ‘Upload Selected File’ or ‘Upload All Files’ button. Anne
Caney is your contact for any queries regarding this collection. Anne.caney@nsomerset.gov.uk tel no 01934 427335.
Please contact your MIS support provider for all queries relating to the use of AM7. For all
other queries regarding the content of this letter please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Jo Hewlett
Information Officer
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDIX 1
Type in NAME – Yr1Phonics For the LA, click on the eyeglass icon and in the LA Number,
type 802, click Search, highlight 802 North Somerset and either double click, press enter or
click OK
Put a tick next to DESTINATION (box to the right of the screen)
Click the SAVE icon, located middle left of the screen - it is not necessary to enter any
additional information for a dummy school.
Repeat this exercise for Yr2 Phonics – Code 2222
Some schools may find that establishment code 802 0000 is already available in your SIMS
database as we have used this in the past to move Early Years Foundation information
between schools and the LA and between SIMS and eProfile. This code may already be set
up as a school or an alternative destination. If you do not have this code in your system,
please repeat the above routine to create a third new dummy school named EYFS.
Once in your SIMS database, these destinations can be chosen when creating the relevant
CTF for onward submission to the LA via Anycomms+.