Healthy Plates Healthy Planet


Healthy Plates Healthy Planet
Healthy Plates
Healthy Planet
Supermarket DietitianSymposium 5.0
March 22-24, 2015 • St. Petersburg, Florida
Oldways gratefully acknowledges the
generous support of this Symposium.
Healthy Plates
Healthy Planet
Supermarket Dietitian
Symposium 5.0
March 22-24, 2015
St. Petersburg, Florida
at the
Renaissance Vinoy Resort
Program and Schedule of Activities
Sunday, March 22
5:15-7:30 Cocktail Reception and Speed Networking Event
Vinoy Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30–9:30 Welcome Mediterranean Buffet Dinner
Vinoy Grand Ballroom
Monday, March 23
Breakfast Buffet
Mezzanine/ Terrace
All presentations will be in the Vinoy Grand Ballroom
Sara Baer-Sinnott, President, Oldways
Setting the Stage
Barbara Ruhs, MS, RDN, LDN
Finding Truth in the Failed Theories of Heart Disease
Jim Painter, PhD, RD, on behalf of National Pasteurized Eggs
The Information Hungry Shopper of Tomorrow: Using
Education to Build Customer Loyalty
Paddy Spence, CEO/Chairman, Zevia Zero Calorie Soda
Store Level Impact on Quality of Life
Anne Lee, EdD, RD, LD, Director of Educational Services,
Dr. Schar USA
Building Your Brand as an RD
Patricia Marie Chuey, MsC, RD, formerly with Overwaitea
Beverage Trends at Meal Time
Carolyn Kallio, MAN, RD, Nutrition and Health Manager,
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
California’s Healthy Retail Produce Program
Courtney Cagle, Marketing Specialist, Public Health Institute
Meeting Consumer Trends and Proving ROI
Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, Nutrition Manager, Mushroom
Buffet Lunch
Menu Calorie Labeling and the New Requirements for
Monica Amburn, RD, LDN, Director of Health and
Wellness, Vestcom International
Patty Packard, MS, RD, Director of Nutrition and Regulatory, Vestcom International
How Sustainability is Shaping the Shopping Cart
Kate Geagan, MS, RDN, on behalf of the Almond Board
of California
Supermarket Dietitian Snapshots
Buy-Ology of Store ReDesign
Cindy Silver, MS, RDN, LDN, Lowes Foods
Brand Partnerships to Engage Customers
Stephanie Frances Schultz, MSM, RDN, CD,
Skogen’s Festival Foods
From Organic Farm to Supermarket: Mobilizing
Supermarket RD Ambassadors
Cate Hollowitsch, Community Engagement Manager,
Organic Valley
From Cart to Heart: Potential Resources for Supermarket
Jessica Lee Levings, MS, RD, LD, Policy Analyst, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Meet in hotel lobby before boarding buses for dinner
at Loews Don Cesar
(Return to the Vinoy between 9 and 10 p.m.)
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 20153
Tuesday, March 24
Breakfast Buffet
Mezzanine/ Terrace
Barbara Ruhs, MS, RDN, LDN
Inspiring Collaboration with the Supermarket Dietitian
Marissa McCormick, MS, RD, Nutrition Scientist,
General Mills
Engaging Shoppers to Drive Fruit Sales: Social Media Best
Practices for Brand Loyalty
Brittany Wilmes, Communications Manager, Pear Bureau
Christine Christian, MS, Senior Vice President, California
Strawberry Commission
Squeezing Fact from Fiction
Diane A. Welland, MS, RD, Manager, Nutrition
Communications, Juice Products Association
Supermarket Dietitian Snapshots
Medical Sneak Peak
Marda Heuman, RD, LDN, Wegmans
An International Viewpoint
Nathalie Winn, MS, Waitrose (UK)
Reaching the Hispanic Shopper
Joan Williams, RDN, LDN, formerly with Albertson’s
10:30 –10:50
Supermarket Dietitian Snapshots
Managing Communication with Your RD Team
Julie McMillin, RD, LD, Assistant Vice President,
Retail Dietetics, Hy-Vee
Supporting Your RD Team Across a Country
Alexis Williams, RD, Senior Director of Health and
Wellness, Loblaw Companies Ltd.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Healthy Recipes and Supermarket Nutrition Programs
Greg Hoffman, Southwest Regional Business Director,
Sun-Maid Growers of California
The Kids Cook Monday: How Supermarket Dietitians Can
Benefit from Cooking with Kids
Diana K. Rice, RD, Public Relations Associate, The Monday
Setting the Record Straight
Anna Rosales, RD, Nutrition Manager, Barilla America, Inc.
11:50 –12:10
Trends and Functional Ingredients and the Consumers
Who Drive Them
Mary Ellen Lynch, Director of Consumer Insights and
Strategic Partnerships, SPINS
Supermarket Dietitian Snapshots
Tastings on TV
Alyson Joy Fendrick, RD, LD, CPT, HAC Inc.
Creating an In-Store Sampling Program
Meredith Mensinger, RD, LDN, Redner’s Warehouse
Lessons Learned from In-Store Demos
Patricia K. Farano, DTR, Dierbergs Markets, Inc.
12:40–1:40 Lunch Buffet
Mezzanine/ Terrace
2:30–4:30 Supermarket Dietitian Market Place: Taste, Talk and
Take Action!
Vinoy Grand Ballroom
Meet in hotel lobby before walking across the street
to board the Yacht Starship at the Vinoy dock for our
Final Feast Cruise.
(Return to the Vinoy at 9 p.m.)
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 20155
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet
Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 5.0
Supermarket Dietitians,
Health and Wellness Advisors,
Guests, and
the Oldways Team
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 20157
Supermarket Dietitians • Health and Wellness Advisors
Balls Foods Stores / Hen House and Price Chopper Markets
Jennifer Egeland, MS, RND,
B. Green Inc./ Food Depot Grocery
Sheryl Cottrell Hoehner, MS, RD,
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Carrie Taylor, RDN, LDN.................................................................
Choices Markets
Nicole Fetterly,
Dierbergs Markets, Inc.
Patricia K. Farano, DTR.........................................................
Fareway Foods Stores, Inc.
Caitlyn Lines, RD, LD.......................................................
Whitney Packebush, RD, LD..................................
Fishers Foods/Fishers Better for You
Natalie Marquardt, RD, LD..................................................
Giant Eagle
Samantha Montgomery, MS, RD, LDN.........
Giant Food
Wendy Anderson, RD, LDN...................................
HAC Inc.
Alyson Joy Fendrick, RD, LD, CPT......................................
Hannaford Supermarkets
Joanne Heidkamp, MS, RD....................................................
Laura Holtrop-Kohl, RD................................
H-E-B Grocery
Stacy Bates, MS, RD, LD,
Lorena Kaplen, RDN, LDN..................................................
Julie McMillin, RD, LD..........................................................
IGA/ Fresh Street Market/HY Louie
Diana Michelle Steele, RD.............................................
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Jewel Osco
Melissa E. O’Brien, MS, RD, LDN........................... melissa.o'
King Soopers/City Market
Mara McGuin, RDN................................................
The Kroger Company
Allison Kuhn, RD,
Loblaw Companies, Ltd.
Alexis Mary Williams, RD................................................
Lowes Foods
Cindy Silver, MS, RDN, LDN................................
Marsh Supermarkets
Mary Snell, MS, RD.............................................................
Martin’s Super Market
Kristen M. Humes, RD, CD...............................
Christina M. Miller, MS,
Cara Rosenbloom, RD............................................................
Niemann Foods/County Market
Hope Danielson Weittenhiller.................................
Outpost Natural Foods Cooperative
Judy Mayer, DTR....................................................................
Overwaitea Food Group
Raman Khatar, MPH, RD...................................................
Price Chopper
Ellie Wilson, MS, RD, CDN.......................................
Patty M.
Lindsey Ince, MS, RD,
Heather Steele, RD,
Redner’s Warehouse Markets
Meredith Mensinger, RD,
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 20159
Roundys Supermarkets, Inc. / Mariano’s
Peggy Balboa, RD, LDN...................................................
Safeway, Inc.
Lisa Bellini, MS, RD, CDE..................................................
Schnuck Markets, Inc.
Joanie Taylor...........................................................................
Patricia Ross, MS, RD...............................................................
Skogen’s Festival Foods
Stephanie Frances Schultz, MSM, RDN, CD.........................
Cheryl Turnbull-Bruce, RD............................................
Lisa Boyd,
Thrifty Foods
Jessalyn O’Donnell, RD..................................................
The United Family of Stores
Jennifer Gorman, MS, RD,
Nathalie Winn, MS.....................................................
Wakefern Food Corporation/ShopRite
Natalie Menza, MS, RD..............................................
Allison Shields............................................................
Marda Heuman, RD, LDN........................................
Weis Markets
Elizabeth Stark, RDN, LDN................................................
10 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Courtney Cagle
Marketing Specialist, Public Health Institute..............
Patricia Marie Chuey, MS, RD
Nutrition Consultant/
Kate Geagan, MS, RDN
Nutrition Consultant/Writer.......................................................
Hadas Hardoon, RD
Clalit Health Services, Haifa,
Jessica Lee Levings, MS, RD, LD
Policy Analyist, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)........................................................................
Mary Ellen Lynch
Director of Consumer Insights and
Strategic Partnerships,
Jim Painter, PhD, RD
Professor Emeritus, Eastern Illinois
Sharon Palmer, RD
Food and Nutrtion Writer/Editor.............................................
Diana K. Rice, RD
Public Relations Associate, The Kids Cook Monday........
Joan Williams, RDN, LDN
Food and Nutrition Translations..............................................
Oldways Team
Sara Baer-Sinnott
Georgia Orcutt
Rachel Greenstein
Communications Barbara Ruhs, MS, RD, LDN
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201511
Barbara Ruhs, MS, RDN, LDN
Barb is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the founder of
Neighborhood Nutrition LLC, a nutrition communications and
retail health marketing business. She’s a former supermarket
dietitian, has run a successful nutrition private-practice for
over a decade, and is regarded as leader in the field of
nutrition. Her mission is simple: To help people live healthier
lives through better nutrition and a more active lifestyle. She
believes that supermarkets and the food industry have the
potential to have the greatest influence on improving public
health. Barb launched the annual Supermarket Dietitian
Symposium in 2010 in partnership with Oldways. In addition,
she is a writer and retail health & wellness expert for Progressive Grocer magazine
and a regular contributor to Environmental Nutrition, a highly acclaimed syndicated
publication. Her writing has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Reader’s Digest, and
several other publications. She is regularly consulted by the media to share her views
on nutrition trends, hot products, and what’s happening in the aisles of supermarkets
across America. A native New Yorker, Barb spent the majority of her career on the East
Coast prior to moving to Arizona in 2008. She started her career in public health as
the Nutrition Education & Training Coordinator for USDA’s Child Nutrition Programs
in Massachusetts. Following, she was a Sports Nutritionist at Harvard University and
provided counseling services at both Harvard Business School and Harvard Medical
School. Barb graduated from Cornell University with a BS in nutrition and dietetics
and an MS in nutrition from Boston University. A former collegiate tennis player, she
enjoys an active lifestyle. She competed in the 2013 US Tennis Association Nationals.
She’s an avid cyclist, enjoys hiking with her dog, and loves to travel the world in
search of her next foodie fascination.
12 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Jennifer Egeland, MS, RND, LD/ Natural Food Buyer
Jennifer has been a supermarket dietitian for over 13 years
with Balls Food Stores (Hen House and Price Chopper
Markets). She promotes health and wellness to customers,
teammates, and the community. She is also involved in
creating a teammate wellness program and manages the CSA
(Community Supported Agriculture), a local food program.
Jennifer also oversees two RND’s who work with Balls Foods
to provide private consultations, classes, and store tours. As
the Natural Food Buyer, Jennifer is involved in every aspect of
overseeing the 20 Health and Naturals departments for the
company. Jennifer earned her BS in dietetics with a minor in
public health from Iowa State University and has a master’s degree in nutrition from
Kansas State University. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
Kansas City Dietetic Association, Missouri Dietetic Association, Kappa Omicron Nu,
NAPWU, and PBHF Consumer Affairs Advisory Group.
Sheryl Cottrell Hoehner, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition Coordinator
Sheryl has an extensive and varied background. Currently, she
is consulting for B.Green, Inc., a privately-owned chain of
three stores in Baltimore (Food Depot and Green Valley) as the
corporate and in-store dietitian. The chain was recently
awarded the best of merchandising at the National Grocers
meeting in Las Vegas for their program, Eat Right Live Well.
Sheryl has also worked in nutrition research with the USDA’s
Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville MD, clinical
dietetics at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital, as well as
teaching numerous nutrition classes and workshops throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Maine, including the University of
Virginia and Anne Arundel Community College. Additionally she is a retired US Army
reserves lieutenant colonel who served for 23 years, including work as an instructor in
the dietetics internship program at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201513
Carrie Taylor, RDN, LDN, Lead Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
A lover of food and of cooking delicious, nutritious recipes,
Carrie studied both nutrition and exercise science at Virginia
Tech in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Upon
graduating, she had the opportunity to work on a weight
management intervention where she learned first-hand the
impact behavior modification therapy has on lifestyle behaviors. After completing her dietetic internship at Virginia Tech,
Carrie joined UMass Extension to create and lead nutrition
education programs for low-income students and families
living in the South Coast region of Massachusetts. In 2005, she
joined Big Y Foods, Inc., a family-owned-and-operated food
retailer based in Springfield, MA. She serves as their Lead Registered Dietitian
Nutritionist for the Living Well Eating Smart program. Carrie now calls the Pioneer
Valley region of Western Massachusetts home and enjoys all it is has to offer with her
husband, infant son, and their dogs Milo and Bigelow.
Nicole Fetterly, RD, Nutrition Operations Manager
Nicole graduated from the integrated dietetic program at UBC
in 2007 after completing her internship with Vancouver
Coastal Health. She spent two years working in clinical
dietetics while also developing her private practice. In 2010,
she joined Choices Markets, an independent, family-owned
chain of seven natural and organic food stores in British
Columbia. She spent a year as Deli Operations Manager and
continues to work in other areas, such as private label. Nicole
is passionate about helping people make the best food choices
they can for themselves and for a sustainable food system.
Patricia K. Farano, DTR, School of Cooking, Test Kitchen Manager
Located in metropolitan St. Louis, Missouri, Dierbergs operates
cooking schools and a Culinary Event Center in six of their
twenty-four stores. The company has the distinct honor of
opening the first in-store cooking school in the country,
thirty-five years ago. As Test Kitchen Manager, Trish final tests
recipes for publication in Dierbergs cookbooks and their
quarterly magazine, Everybody Cooks. She provides nutrition
analysis for a variety of recipes, develops recipes for publication and for healthy-cooking classes. Trish serves as prop stylist
for cooking school publications/TV and works with Dierbergs
category managers on the company’s annual Kid’s BEE (Better
Eating and Exercise) Healthy campaign.
14 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Caitlyn Lines, RD, LD
Caitlyn’s goal is to help families develop and maintain healthy
lifestyles by sharing creative and practical ways to incorporate
nutritious foods into their day—without breaking the bank!
She has always been passionate about food and living a
healthy lifestyle, which inspired her to obtain a bachelor’s of
science in dietetics at Iowa State University. Prior to joining
Fareway, she worked in infant, child, and maternal nutrition at
Mid-Iowa Community Action and as a clinical dietitian for the
Iowa Veterans Home and Marshalltown Medical and Surgical
Center. She is also a member of the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics and the Iowa Dietetic Association.
Whitney Packebush, RD, LD, Corporate Dietitian
Before joining Fareway, Whitney received a bachelor’s degree
in dietetics from Iowa State University (ISU) in 2010 and
interned with ISU immediately following graduation. She
developed a strong passion for community and public
nutrition and joined the American Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) and the
Iowa Dietetic Association. She offers a wide range of nutrition-related services, with a focus on overall health and
wellness, along with information and counseling for individualized needs. She believes that Fareway is the ideal place for
customers to start improving their health and wellness—with a
wide selection of healthy options at affordable prices, to help individuals and families
live healthier lives today.
Natalie Marquardt, RD, LD
In 2013 Natalie received her BS in nutrition and dietetics from
the University of Akron's Coordinated Program, which also
included a supervised internship at Summa Health Center,
Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, Akron Public Schools, and
the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Through these handson experiences, she had the opportunity to provide clients and
patients with nutrition education and information. After
graduation, she worked with Akron Public schools on a
number of grants and small projects and obtained a job with
Enforcer eCoaching, an online weight loss program based on
the book, You on a Diet, by Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz. In the
spring of 2014 she was offered the position as Fishers Foods first retail dietitian. Since
then she has been working to develop and put into action classes, events, and
programming for her customers. She is constantly looking for new and improved ways
to reach out to customers and help them make improved nutritional choices.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201515
Samantha Montgomery, MS, RD, LDN, Corporate Dietitian
A Registered Dietitian and Pennsylvania Licensed Dietitian/
Nutritionist, Samantha serves as the Corporate Dietitian/
Wellness Coach at the Donaldson’s Crossroads Giant Eagle
store and offers advice on healthy eating, food nutrition and
safety, and meal ideas. She promotes healthy lifestyles to
customers of all ages through interactive, individualized
sessions, group classes and store tours. Samantha is a graduate
of University of Pittsburgh with a BS in clinical dietetics and
nutrition. Throughout her graduate studies, she worked
extensively with Giant Eagle on the development and implementation of several nutrition programs. Her professional
interests include adult weight management, family meal planning, and childhood
nutrition and wellness. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association and a
member of the weight management practice group.
Wendy Anderson, RD, LDN
Wendy is an in-store nutritionist for Giant Food in the Severna
Park location. Her educational background includes a BS in
Cardiorespiratory Sciences from SUNY at Stony Brook, the
completion of the dietetics program at the University of
Maryland, College Park, and a 10-month dietetic internship
with Sodexo Mid Atlantic at Johns Hopkins Hospital in
Baltimore, MD. She has experience as a personal chef and a
passion for and special interest in diabetes self-management
and heart health.
Alyson Joy Fendrick, RD, LD, CPT, Corporate Dietitian
Alyson received a bachelor’s of science degree from Iowa State
University in dietetics and completed the Iowa State University
Dietetic Internship at Great River Medical Center in
Burlington, Iowa. She is a member of the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics and the Oklahoma Dietetic
Association. Her goal is to help Homeland customers,
community members, and employees develop and/or maintain
healthy lifestyles. You can see Alyson weekly on Oklahoma
City’s KOKH FOX 25 morning news.
16 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Joanne Heidkamp, MS, RD
For the past three years, Joanne has been a supermarket
dietitian at Hannaford where she enjoys the variety of
interactions with customers, associates, and the community.
She spent the previous 15 years as program director of a
Vermont non-profit focused on food policy, especially in
relation to school and child care nutrition for low-income kids.
After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh she spent
several years as a clinical dietitian before completing graduate
work at the University of Cincinnati and Saint Michael’s
College in Colchester, VT. She lives in South Burlington, VT,
where she enjoys outdoor activities year-round.
Laura Holtrop-Kohl, RD
As a graduate of the University of Utah’s Coordinated Master’s
Program in Nutrition, Laura completed an AmeriCorp VISTA
year of service with Utahns Against Hunger as their Nutrition
and Farmers Market Coordinator. She has been the dietitian at
Harmons City Creek since February 2012. She loves sharing
new recipes in the cooking school, giving store tours, and
organizing wellness activities for Harmon’s associates. Laura
has a passion for growing and eating healthy food, as well as
for trail running in the Wasatch Mountains.
Stacy Bates, MS, RD, LD, CDE, Nutrition Services RD Programs Manager
Stacy is a Registered Dietitian and certified diabetes educator
with over seven years of experience in nutrition communications and education. As previous owner of Gruene Nutrition
LLC, Stacy developed experience in medical nutrition therapy
implementation and direct-to-patient education. She has
served as a food & fitness blogger, healthy cooking coach, and
spokesperson, offering ways to quickly and confidently help
individuals and families improve their healthy lifestyles. Stacy
has also worked with food companies as an ambassador,
spokesperson, and leader in health innovations. Prior to her
work as a consultant, she worked as the Nutrition Manager for
the Texas Beef Council. Stacy is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
and the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is an active member of the
Academy’s Practice Groups on Healthy Aging, Pediatric Nutrition, Diabetes Care and
Education, and Women’s Health. She received her bachelor’s degree in nutrition
science from Texas A&M University and completed her master’s degree in human
sciences from Texas A&M University in Kingsville. She currently resides in New
Braunfels, TX, with her husband, Colin, and two sons, Luke and Clay.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201517
Lorena Kaplen, RDN, LDN
Lorena is a Registered Dietitian, culinary enthusiast, and
self-taught chef whose passion for food and nutrition stems
from her childhood. At the age of eight, she began cooking for
her family. Her mother worked long hours as a registered
nurse, so she spent a lot of time with her grandmother. Since
her grandmother had lost most of her eyesight due to diabetes,
Lorena was her helper in the kitchen. She credits her Hispanic
heritage as being a strong influence on her everyday cooking.
As a child, Lorena began to struggle with her weight and
weighed in the 90th percentile for her height. Her mother
enrolled her in a weight-loss management program, which
helped her combine her love of cooking with proper nutrition. Having personally
experienced the challenges that come with being overweight and trying to lose
weight, she focused her discipline in nutrition. She wants to teach people that healthy
eating doesn't have to be boring or tasteless! In 2005, Lorena received her degree in
nutrition science and immediately after her dietetic internship, she started a small
business called Lorena's Lean Lessons, teaching the community how to cook and eat
for their health. Becoming a supermarket dietitian for H-E-B has allowed her to
combine her knowledge in food science with love for nutrition and turn it into
practical solutions for Texans. Lorena's husband and three young children inspire her
to develop healthy, nutritious meal ideas.
Julie McMillin, RD, LD, Assistant Vice President, Retail Dietetics
Julie is responsible for overseeing more than 185 in-store
dietitians and the numerous programs and services they
provide to all Hy-Vee customers, employees and the communities. She graduated from Illinois State University in 2001
with a bachelor’s of science in food, nutrition and dietetics
and a minor in chemistry. After graduation, she moved to
Huntsville, Alabama and completed her dietetic internship
with a focus on food science and community nutrition.
Immediately following her internship Julie started working at
Ottumwa Regional Hospital in Ottumwa, IA. Working within
the clinical setting for five years, she then started with Hy-Vee
in March 2005. Julie was a pioneer for the Hy-Vee dietitians program and started as
one of Hy-Vee’s first in-store dietitians. Her current focus is on how the retail setting
can help individuals live an easier, healthier, happier life while also showing a
positive ROI for Hy-Vee.
18 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Diana Michelle Steele, RD
Diana is the “in-house” nutrition expert for MarketPlace IGA
and the Fresh Street Market, owned by HY Louie in BC. She
writes a regular column for their newsletter, answers consumer
questions, runs grocery store tours and films a weekly spot on
the news in their stores. She is also the owner of Eating for
Energy, a nutrition consulting company with three locations in
the Lower Mainland. And she is co-author of the cookbook
Eating for Energy without Deprivation—The 80-20 Cookbook.
Committed to teaching nutrition in a realistic way, Diana has
provided personalized nutrition counselling to over 2000
individuals, couples and families and has designed and
delivered nutrition workshops and seminars across the country. She is Global TV’s
nutrition expert and can be seen every Tuesday on the Noon News. She is also a
media spokesperson for the Dietitians of Canada.
Melissa E. O’Brien, MS, RD, LDN
During the past year as a Registered Dietitian with Jewel Osco,
Melissa has enjoyed applying her knowledge and experience
to provide customers with practical and hands-on nutrition
counseling. She completed her BS and MS in food, nutrition,
and dietetics at Illinois State University where she also
completed her dietetic internship. During her twelve years as a
Registered Dietitian, she has worked in the hospital setting as
a clinical dietitian, clinical nutrition manager, and assistant
director of patient services, and in the community setting as
the nutrition director at the Senior Services Center of Will
County. She also served as adjunct faculty at Benedictine
University and Joliet Junior College and as a dietetic internship preceptor. In her free
time, she loves being active with her daughters and spending time with her family.
Mara McGuin, RDN
Mara is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at King Soopers/City
Market in Colorado and has been with the company since
April 2014. She works as the Community Partnerships RDN. In
her role, she focuses on building programs and promoting
partnerships with community organizations across the state.
Mara received her MS in human nutrition from Colorado State
University and completed her dietetic internship at the
University of Houston. She loves promoting a healthy, active
lifestyle for kids and adults through gardening, cooking, and
nutrition education. She also enjoys building community with
neighbors, friends and family by preparing and sharing meals
and fostering good conversation.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201519
Allison Kuhn, RD, LD, Corporate Dietitian
Allison is a corporate dietitian for The Kroger Company,
working daily to educate customers and the community about
Kroger products and how they can fit into a variety of special
diets and healthy lifestyles. In addition, she supports several
internal business units and brand teams within Kroger by
providing nutrition insight and content. Allison attended
culinary school at The Midwest Culinary Institute before
graduating from the University of Cincinnati and becoming a
Registered Dietitian in 2013. During her dietetic internship
tenure, she was selected by the Ohio Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics as “2013 Outstanding Dietetics Student of the
Year.” Allison is a Certified Food Safety Manager by the National Restaurant
Association and is currently working towards her master’s in nutrition science at the
University of Cincinnati, planning to finish this spring. Her past experience has
included working in chemistry education, nutrition research as a WISE scholar, and
clinical dietetics. Outside of her career activities, Allison’s interests include cooking
for and entertaining friends and family, traveling, and enjoying the many unique
restaurants and food venues Cincinnati has to offer.
Alexis Mary Williams, RD, Senior Director of Health and Wellness
At Loblaw, Alexis is responsible for developing and implementing new health and wellness services and programs, most
notably their in-store dietitian program and the Guiding Stars
program. A lifelong health and wellness advocate, she began
her career as a personal trainer and fitness instructor thirteen
years ago. In her dietetics career, she has managed a consumer nutrition program for Primacy Medical, owned a private
practice, taught at both the university and college levels, and
done clinical counseling in the hospital and family health
team setting. Alexis holds an undergraduate degree in applied
human nutrition and a master’s degree in applied nutrition,
both from the University of Guelph. She also holds a diploma in sport nutrition,
granted by the International Olympic Committee, and has worked with athletes of all
levels. Outside of work, she enjoys running, hiking, swimming, and cycling. She has
competed in running and triathlon events of all distances including an ironman
triathlon. She has recently become a new parent and is enjoying the fun of
20 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Cindy Silver, MS, RDN, LDN
For the past 16 years, Cindy has been the solo corporate
nutritionist for Lowes Foods, a 108-store chain based in
Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Her responsibilities are
heavily focused on nutrition education for customers of all
ages. She accomplishes her goals within the mission, vision,
and values of Lowes Foods via store programs, public speaking, a presence on the company website, traditional and social
media. Cindy’s passion lies in helping everyday people solve
their food and nutrition struggles and the “supermarket
classroom” offers a perfect venue for her hands-on, unforgettable education. Cindy worked full-time with Lowes Foods for
13½ years until May, 2010, when she opened her own business, Market Basket
Nutrition ( Lowes Foods is now Cindy’s major
business client along with a private counseling clientele, writing, speaking and
Mary Snell, MS, RD, Director of Nutrition and Wellness Marketing
As Director of Nutrition and Wellness Marketing for Marsh
Supermarkets, a regional grocery store chain of 78 stores,
Mary’s responsibilities include consumer education, employee
wellness and strategic planning for Marsh’s growing health and
wellness initiatives. As a trusted nutrition expert, she provides
practical and credible food and nutrition information via
television, newsprint, electronic media, and speaking engagements, and serves as editor of Marsh’s Eating Healthy weekly
newsletter. Join her weekly for health and nutrition tips on the
Ask the Dietitian segment of the Indianapolis NBC-affiliated
television station WTHR-TV13.
Kristen M. Humes, RD, CD, Health and Wellness Advisor
Kristin is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and sharing
her knowledge with others. She started her career in the
clinical long-term care setting, making the transition to the
grocery store, retail market in January, 2015. Her mission in
her new role as Health and Wellness Advisor for Martin’s
Super Market is to help the community be a healthier place by
sharing her passion and knowledge with others. Kristin
received her bachelor’s of science degree in dietetics from
Central Michigan University and completed her dietetic
internship at Michigan State University. She enjoys cooking,
trying new foods, and fitness.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201521
Christina M. Miller, MS, RD, Healthy Living Advisor
Tina is the Meijer Dietitian and Healthy Living Advisor for East
and Mid-Michigan. She has over twenty-five years of experience as a Registered Dietitian and reaches thousands of
consumers weekly through community events, media appearances, and educational presentations. As part of the Meijer
Healthy Living team, Tina helps shoppers create easy meals
that are affordable and healthy. She is a frequent guest on local
TV news programs including WDIV TV4 Detroit and, FOX2 News Detroit, and is a weekly contributor to the Lucy Ann Lance radio show heard on 1290AM with
her accompanying Healthy Living blog found at Lucy Ann Tina completed her undergraduate degree in dietetics at Madonna
University and subsequently interned at the Detroit Medical Center. She received her
master’s of human nutrition from Eastern Michigan University (EMU). She also serves
as adjunct lecturer in the Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at EMU.
Cara Rosenbloom, RD
Cara is the president of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications company based in Toronto. Currently, she is the
contract dietitian at Metro grocery stores, which have 365
locations throughout Ontario and Quebec. With a literature
degree from the University of Western Ontario and a Food &
Nutrition degree from Ryerson University, Cara has married
her two passions: media and nutrition. Communicating to the
public through lectures, magazine articles, blogs, tweets,
recipes and personal appearances, she translates complex
nutrition information into helpful advice. She completed a
dietetic internship at North York General Hospital to become a
Registered Dietitian, and is a member of Dietitians of Canada and the College of
Dietitians of Ontario. As a volunteer, Cara is the chair of Dietitians of Canada’s
Business and Industry Network, and is the past-chair of the Technical Advisory
Committee for the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Health Check Program. An avid
home cook, Cara is currently working on her first cookbook. You can read Cara’s blog,
try recipes and peruse articles at
22 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Hope Danielson Weittenhiller, Health and Wellness Advisor
Hope is a community health graduate from Northern Illinois
University with an emphasis in nutrition. She interned as a
wellness coordinator with Catholic Charities, where she was
responsible for designing and implementing wellness seminars
for senior citizens. She has also worked one-on-one with
individuals as a fitness and nutrition consultant and has
developed youth exercise programs with the YMCA. She has
spent the last seven years employed as a Health and Wellness
Advisor for Niemann Foods/County Market, where she is
responsible for educating shoppers on healthy eating, quick
and healthy meal ideas, cooking tips, and overall wellbeing.
She helps shoppers identify healthier options throughout the grocery store aisles; is
responsible for developing healthy in-store brochures; creates healthy recipes and tips
for ads and a healthy living blog; and conducts health and wellness related store
tours. In the past few years Hope has been working with the gen H coalition in
Springfield, Illinois, to help develop community programs that teach and support
healthy behaviors for children. She has appeared on local news stations, radio, and in
newspapers and other publications throughout Illinois. She is very involved in local
communities working with major employers, schools, and government bodies. Hope
resides near Springfield, IL with her husband and two daughters. Her passion is health
and wellness and she believes in an “all foods fit” philosophy. She is also very
passionate about children’s’ health and creating a healthy future generation.
Judy Mayer, DTR, Consumer Nutrition Educator
Judy is a graduate of the Milwaukee Area Technical College
Dietetic Technician program and holds the position of
Consumer Nutrition Educator for Outpost Natural Foods
Cooperative in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has worked in the
retail grocery business in many different capacities and has
been employed by Outpost for the past 20 years. She is
passionate about food and health and knows firsthand the
importance that eating wholesome food has in maintaining
well being. She has the luxury of working with all age groups
but the senior population has always been close to her heart.
Judy lectures, teaches, and conducts cooking classes on many
different health topics, including Healthy Start Grocery Store Tours, Healthy Outlook
employee wellness program, and a series called Seniors Can Cook. She is very
involved with community health organizations and community outreach. In 2002, she
received the Dietetic Technician of the Year award for Wisconsin and is a current
member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Wisconsin Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201523
Raman Khatar, MPH, RD, Marketing Supervisor
Raman is a Registered Dietitian from Vancouver, Canada. She
received her dietetics degree from the University of Manitoba
and went on to earn a MPH from the University of British
Columbia. She has worked as an acute-care dietitian, has
supervised international nutrition projects with the United
Nations, and worked as a nutrition educator with the BC Dairy
Association. Her diverse skillset has led her to her current role
with the Overwaitea Food Group as a marketing supervisor.
This role allows Raman to share her passion and dedication for
educating consumers through a variety of platforms including
in-store, TV, and print media. Key areas of Raman’s work
include educating on meal solutions, food and nutrition trends, coordinating the
nutrition tours program, and planning, implementing and evaluating shopper marketing programs. For fun, Raman enjoys cooking, hiking, globetrotting, and spending
time with her nephews.
Ellie Wilson, MS, RD, CDN, Senior Nutritionist
Ellie is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and Senior
Nutritionist for Price Chopper/Golub Corporation, located in
Schenectady, NY. She develops nutrition and health resources
for the entire chain of 134 stores. She is active professionally
with the Hudson Valley Dietetic and New York State Dietetic
Associations. Ellie is honored to be one of 21 appointees to
the New York State Governor’s Council on Food Policy,
Co-Chair of the DASH-NY Obesity Prevention and Coalition
Steering Committee, and Co-Chair of the DASH-NY Food
Policy Workgroup. She leads the New York State Dietetic
Association alliance work group, and is also a preceptor for
the Troy, NY-based Sage Colleges Dietetic Internship. She holds a MS in Community
Health Education, and advanced certification in weight management for pediatrics,
adolescents, and adults, and worksite wellness planning. Ellie lives in Schenectady
with her husband, Walter and their son, Don.
Patty M. Mastracco, Food Stylist and Recipe Developer
Patty loves food! It is her life’s passion. Her college degree, her
internships, her 25 years of corporate and freelance work—all
food! Being a freelancer allows her to develop recipes and
style food photos for companies big and small, farmers,
commodity boards, branded food products, and everything in
between. She has toured farms, factories, wineries, and artisan
dairies. Her favorite vacations are to far-away destinations and
are centered around food! In 2005, she took on the role of
food editor for Something Extra magazine for the Northern
California-based Raley’s/Bel Air supermarket chain. Something
24 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Extra evolved into something special for consumers and she has since created a
sizable catalog of recipes and styled photos for the company and various vendors.
Patty will admit to a bias toward healthy, easy-to-prepare recipes, but her assignments
have her handling all kinds of foods from coast to coast. She takes pride in creating
reliable recipes that work so that even novice cooks can feel at ease in the kitchen.
She offers behind-the-scenes prep for satellite media tours and often gets in front of
the television cameras on behalf of clients.
Lindsey Ince, MS, RD, LD
Lindsey was born and raised in Tulsa, OK. She attended the
University of Central Oklahoma, where she earned both her
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nutrition, dietetics, and
food management. She completed her dietetic internship in
the Oklahoma City area, where she gained experience in
clinical and community settings. She returned to Tulsa in 2012
to work in Indian Health Care, with a focus on diabetes
prevention and weight management. Lindsey was extremely
excited to begin the new year by joining the Reasor's team in
January, 2015. She looks forward to helping fellow Tulsans
navigate their way through the grocery store and become more
educated in their food choices. Lindsey enjoys spending time with her husband and
their Brittany Spaniel, Annie. She also loves all things food, including cooking at
home and watching Food Network.
Heather Steele, RD, LD
Heather was raised in Tulsa and attended the University of
Oklahoma, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in
nutritional sciences in 2012. She has worked with several
companies to implement successful corporate wellness
screenings and events. In addition, she has experience with
pediatrics in providing nutritious meals, wellness promotion,
and counseling for food allergies and medical nutritional
needs. Heather joined the Reasor's team in 2014 with a goal
of improving the public's knowledge on health and wellness
and looks forward to helping those who are seeking to
improve their well-being. She is an avid cyclist and enjoys
cooking and spending time with family.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201525
REDNER’S WAREHOUSE MARKETS Meredith Mensinger, RD, LDN, Corporate Dietitian
Meredith is the Corporate Dietitian at Redner’s Warehouse
Markets, a 44-store chain based in Pennsylvania. There she
coordinates the HealthCents program, a vendor funded health
and wellness initiative that supports healthy eating among
customers and employees. This multifaceted program combines print, in-store merchandising, media and community
appearances, all tying in to a health and wellness message.
Meredith works closely with the vendor community and
Redner’s buyers to assist in new product selection and
promotional events. In addition to HealthCents, in 2013,
Meredith developed, launched, and currently manages
TasteStation, an in-house product sampling program. This program was developed to
increase sales and provide an added value to customer’s shopping experience. Within
the first three months of operation, TasteStation became a profit center for the
company. Prior to working in the supermarket industry, Meredith spent her career in
clinical dietetics. She worked as a clinical dietitian, dialysis dietitian, and clinical
nutrition manager. She has taught college nutrition courses at both Alvernia University
and Pennsylvania State Berks Campus and works as a pediatric dietitian at an
adolescent treatment facility in Reading. She is a member of the American Dietetic
Association and is involved in dietetic practice groups that support her area of
practice: Food & Culinary Professionals (FCP) and Dietitians in Business and
Communications (DBC). Meredith has also served as the nominating chair for the
Lehigh Valley Dietetic Association. She has a bachelor’s in nutrition from the
University of Pittsburgh.
Peggy Balboa, RD, LDN
Peggy is a supermarket dietitian with Mariano’s, a Chicago
banner under Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc., where she
combines her passion for food and nutrition. Her professional
education in nutrition, cooking, and baking uniquely positions
her with customers interested in learning more about preparing and eating healthy meals. Peggy develops and delivers
cooking seminars with nutrition education, and works
individually with Mariano’s customers. She received her
bachelor’s degree in nutrition science from the University of
Illinois at Chicago, graduating in 2010. During her time at
UIC, Peggy was awarded the prestigious “Jefferson Award” for
community service, a nationally recognized honor for her active involvement within
the community. This was in recognition of her volunteering efforts providing nutrition
education for Bonaventure House, part of Alexian Brothers AIDS Ministry, and
practical grocery shopping guides for incoming refugee populations through
Heartland Alliance. Both are Chicago non-profit organizations. Peggy’s culinary
experience included supervising and preparing meals for an active senior citizen
community, where culinary creativity gave way to healthier recipes for this community. She believes it is crucial to be current in the ever advancing healthcare trends and
continues to maintain her clinical relationship as a part-time dietitian at Weiss
Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
26 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Lisa Bellini, MS, RD, CDE, Manager of Nutrition and Wellness Programs
Lisa is a Registered Dietitian with a BS in clinical dietetics
from the University of Connecticut and a MS in nutrition
communications from Boston University. She has written
numerous articles on health and nutrition, which have been
published in magazines such as American Health, Brides,
Cooking Light, Family Circle, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Harper’s
Bazaar, Health, Mademoiselle, New Body, Self, and Weight
Watchers. She also co-authored two books, Quick and Easy
Recipes To Lower Your Cholesterol and Cooking with Catfish
Hunter and contributed to Eat Lean and Green. Lisa has
appeared on network television on both national and local
news programs in over 50 cities to discuss her nutrition and exercise philosophy.
Currently she is the Manager of Nutrition and Wellness Programs at Safeway.
Joanie Taylor, Director, Consumer Affairs & Community Relations
Joanie is a dedicated advocate for the customers of Schnucks,
a family-owned regional supermarket chain. Founded in north
St. Louis in 1939, Schnucks currently operates 101 stores and
95 in-store pharmacies in five states: Missouri, Illinois,
Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. Joanie’s role blends her original
career as an elementary school teacher with her supermarket
store experience. Assuming leadership of the consumer affairs
department in 1986, she has served as the voice of the
customer in matters related to service, selection, food safety,
health and wellness needs, sustainability, hospitality, policy,
transparency, and trust. She leads the customer relations team,
oversees corporate contributions and community partnerships, and is a member of the
social media advisory team. Joanie is a long-time member of the Food Marketing
Institute’s Consumer Affairs Council and Communications Committee. She has served
on several advisory boards, working committees and Boards of Directors for various
not-for-profit organizations in the St. Louis area, including Operation Food Search and
the Better Business Bureau of Eastern Missouri & Southern Illinois.
Patricia Ross, MS, RD, Corporate Dietitian
Patsy is currently the Quality Services Manager and Corporate
Dietitian for 7-Eleven, Inc. She received a BS in dietetics,
magna cum laude, from Indiana State University and an MS in
foods and nutrition from Illinois State University. Previous
experience has included working as a home economist/food
technologist at Ponderosa, Inc; food research manager at
Wendy’s International; and manager of technical services and
chief home economist for Golden Dipt/DCA.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201527
Stephanie Frances Schultz, MSM, RDN, CD
Director of Wellness & Corporate Communications
Stephanie is a nationally accredited, Wisconsin state-certified
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with a master’s degree
in management with a Managerial Leadership emphasis.
As the Director of Wellness & Corporate Communications at
Festival Foods, she leads the development and oversight of
all nutrition, associate wellness, and corporate communications. She works closely with company associates, guests and
community partners in an effort to educate on nutrition and
wellness topics and services. One of Stephanie’s most notable
achievements was leading the implementation of the NuVal®
Nutritional Scoring System in 2010. She successfully guided
the training of all company associates on the program prior to launch, and she and
her team continue to educate the community. In addition, Stephanie is responsible
for the development of the Eat Well at Festival Foods ad program. She is passionate
about finding innovative ways to promote good nutrition and health for a lifetime. Bay
Business Journal named Stephanie one of the “20 People You Should Know” in 2011,
and she also received the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce’s “Future 15” Award for
her achievements in 2013. Most notably, Stephanie holds the distinguished honor
of being named the inaugural recipient of RDBA’s 2014 Retail Dietitian of the Year
Cheryl Turnbull-Bruce, RD, Manager of Dietitian Services
Cheryl is passionate about motivating people to improve their
nutritional health. She has been practicing as a dietitian for 24
years and for the past 14 years, has been the lead dietitian for
Sobeys, a major grocery chain in Canada. She founded the
Sobeys dietitian program and now manages a team of 27
dietitians working from six provinces in Canada as part of
Sobeys pharmacy. Her team covers 42 Sobeys stores and offers
over a dozen dynamic nutrition programs, the most popular
being a 10-week healthy weight program, healthy cooking
classes, taste and learn classes and label tours. The dietitian
team has recently expanded its focus to reach more shoppers
on the floor of the store using tips and recipes highlighting healthy products in every
department. Cheryl has helped to develop storewide relationships, connecting
dietitians, pharmacy and grocery, to further Sobeys commitment to health and
wellness. She is a member of Dietitians of Canada and was the past president of the
Consulting Dietitians of Canada. She lives in Prince Edward Island, a beautiful island
on the east coast of Canada. Her passions are gardening, photography, enjoying great
food, relaxing on the beach and spending time with family and friends.
28 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Lisa Boyd, CSR, Senior Group Manager of Food Social Responsibility
Lisa is Senior Group Manager of Food Social Responsibility at
Target in the Merchandising Division. In this role she is
responsible for partnering with buying teams, supply chain
managers, vendors, NGOs, academia and other key partners
to develop policies, product standards, and lead initiatives that
support the responsible growth of Target’s grocery business.
Specific areas of focus include social responsibility & wellness, environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing of
food. Prior to this role, she held positions in corporate social
responsibility with an emphasis on supply chains, public
affairs & marketing, community relations and communications. Lisa received her BA in communications from the University of Minnesota.
Jessalyn O’Donnell, RD
As a part of the Health and Wellness team, Jessalyn advocates
delivering research-based education and resources that will
cultivate awareness and empower individuals to make choices
for optimum health, well-being, and a balanced lifestyle. As a
part of the marketing team, she delivers tours and classes,
heads up the gluten-free program, participates in community
events and contributes to Thrifty Foods’ flyer, wellness inserts,
social media and media opportunities. Jessalyn has a diverse
background of experience working with individuals and
groups in hospital and community settings. Registered with
The College of Dietitians of BC, and Dietitians of Canada, she
completed her studies in dietetics and kinesiology at McGill University. Locally
operated and proudly Canadian, Thrifty Foods, a banner of Sobeys Inc., has a total of
29 retail grocery stores serving communities across the Lower Mainland and throughout Vancouver Island.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201529
Jennifer Gorman, MS, RD, LD, Wellness Manager
Jennifer is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian. She obtained
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nutritional sciences from
Texas Tech University and completed a dietetic internship at
Texas Tech University. She is a member of the Academy of
Nutrition. Jennifer has experience in nutrition education for
cardiovascular disease, diabetes education, and has received
her Certificate of Training in adult weight management. She is
also a certified Master Fitness Specialist with a background in
exercise science. She specializes in helping people to make
lifestyle changes in every realm – fitness, diet, and stress
management. As Wellness Manager of The United Family of
Stores, she is responsible for educating team members, store guests, and community
groups on issues related to nutrition, health, wellness, and disease management.
Jennifer is involved in many realms of media representing The United Family of Stores,
including live radio and TV appearances and cooking demonstrations. She is also a
busy mom of one-year-old twins and enjoys spending time with her family and
cheering on her husband as he coaches football and basketball.
Nathalie Winn, MS
Nathalie has been working as a nutritionist within the nutrition
team for over four years, involved in nutrition policy, eCommerce, and web content, product development and reformulation, and Waitrose in-store and online nutrition advice
services. She has a key role in improving nutrition communications across all channels. Nathalie had five years previous
experience in health promotion before she joined Waitrose,
health writing and educating about healthy eating and weight
management at the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF UK),
as well as leading ‘shape-up’ weight management groups for
the Primary Care Trust. She has a special interest in customer
facing in-store nutrition communications and workplace health, where she has been
working with the wider business to inspire healthier eating through nutrition labeling
and healthy eating initiatives.
30 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Natalie Menza, MS, RD, Manager of Health and Wellness
Natalie Menza has been with Wakefern since February, 2005.
Prior to joining the company, she worked in clinical settings as
well as in private practices providing dietary counseling to
help clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Natalie
graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor’s of science
in nutritional science and completed her dietetic internship at
the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
(UMDNJ). She went on to receive her master of science in
nutrition, also from UMDNJ. After serving as the corporate
dietitian for Wakefern for six years, Natalie was named the
Manager of Health and Wellness. In that role, she manages
ShopRite’s in-store retail dietitian program, the health and wellness marketing and
advertising initiatives, as well as the in-store wellness initiatives and nutrition education programs. Natalie also develops consumer education materials including recipes,
shopping lists, and brochures – always with the goal of providing customers with
healthy and nutritious meal and snack choices. She also shares that information
online at, where customers can contact her via the health and wellness
Allison Shields, Health and Wellness Category Manager
As the Health and Wellness Category Manager for Wakefern
Food Corporation, Allison is the link between the ShopRite
retail dietitians, Wakefern procurement divisions, and vendor
partners. She works closely with vendor partners to execute
marketing programs that showcase ShopRite’s dedication to
wellness throughout the aisles. Allison has a passion for
healthy living and as a Wakefern health and wellness team
member, can continue to spread a wellness message through
in-store activation, digital messaging, and in print. Partnering
with more than 100 Registered Dietitians who service
ShopRite stores in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Connecticut and Maryland, Allison helps to coordinate store level wellness programs
for customers to participate in. Together the health and wellness team offers nutrition
advice, meal planning, and community outreach to ShopRite customers.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201531
Marda Heuman, RD, LDN
Marda is the Wegmans nutritionist for the Pennsylvania
division. She serves employees with programs such as “Know
Your Numbers” and “Meet the Nutritionist.” She has a BS in
food science and human nutrition from the University of
Florida. She has worked as a clinical dietitian, at a cardiac
rehab center, in a private practice, and helped a primary care
physician start a weight loss clinic where she worked as the
clinic’s program director. For fun, she enjoys hiking in the
woods, photography, and cooking. She is a busy mom of two
active teenagers and lives outside Philadelphia.
Elizabeth Stark, RDN, LDN, Manager of Lifestyle Initiatives
In her role as Manager of Lifestyle Initiatives at Weis Markets,
Beth leads a growing team of three in-store and corporately-based dietitians and plays an integral role in the development of the company’s retail health and wellness strategies.
She has been the key contributing writer and recipe developer
for the Weis Healthy Bites™ Magazine for more than six years
and now serves as the magazine’s editor-in-chief. This FMI
Gold Plate Award winning program delivers timely, relevant,
and cutting-edge nutrition information to customers in stores
and online. Beth appears regularly in how-to cooking videos,
newscasts, and a monthly local radio show. She also contributes content to the Healthy Living section of the Weis Markets’ website, their It’s in
the Bag blog, and social media marketing platforms. You can also find her regularly
conducting cooking demos, nutrition presentations, and supermarket tours in the
community and at store level. Beth received her bachelor’s of science degree from
Penn State University and completed the Aramark Metro NY dietetic internship. Her
professional background includes inpatient GI and oncology and outpatient medical
and surgical weight management counseling. She is involved in various professional
organizations including the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food
Culinary Professionals Dietetic Practice Group, and the Central PA Dietetic
32 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Marketing Specialist, Public Health Institute
Courtney is a marketing specialist for the Public Health
Institute’s Center for Wellness and Nutrition - Healthy Retail
Program, which has earned the Produce Business Magazine’s
Marketing Excellence Award, National Public Health
Information Coalition award, and American Association of
Health Educator award. She has an extensive background in
social marketing, promoting fruits, vegetables, and physical
activity for large grocery chains to small corner stores, and she
has been instrumental in the strategic development, planning,
implementation, operations, and evaluation of the Retail
Program, which served over 700 California stores. Her
previous work includes organizing major events, working with corporate and
government partners, conducting presentations, training stakeholders, and designing
and implementing programs. Courtney received her BS in Human Ecology from Ohio
State University.
Nutrition Consultant/Writer
For nearly three decades, Patricia has been influential in
helping Canadians eat healthier and achieve their well-being
goals. Through her consulting company,,
she has assisted people of all ages with weight loss, diabetes
management, eating for sports performance, feeding kids,
cooking classes and fitting delicious healthy eating into a busy
life. She has delivered hundreds of seminars, keynote addresses and been interviewed and quoted in many TV, newspaper
and magazine articles throughout Canada. She creates
delicious recipes, has authored six books and contributed to
several others. Her recipes appear regularly in the Sunday
Province newspaper in Vancouver, BC. She has been the team nutritionist for the
Vancouver Grizzlies NBA team, Whitecaps Soccer Club, NHL players and continues
assisting athletes at all levels with eating for energy. Having Chaired the Board of
Directors, Dietitians of Canada, she remains very active in mentoring nutrition interns
and dietitians. In 2014, she was awarded Fellowship in Dietitians of Canada and also
received an Alumni of Influence Award from her Alma mater, the University of
Saskatchewan. To further understand why people buy and eat what they do, she spent
nine years managing the nutrition affairs for supermarket chain the Overwaitea Food
Group where she helped create an award-winning well-being initiative. An avid baker
who was diagnosed gluten-intolerant in 2009, she created her first food product, a
nutritious, bean-based, gluten-free flour that subs beautifully 1:1 for all purpose flour
in muffins, loaves, and cookies. She is passionate about healthy living and believes
that it can and should be very simple. She is a wife and mother and in her free time
enjoys creating recipes, staying fit and taking in the natural beauty of Canada. She
grew up in Saskatchewan but now makes her home and big fruit and vegetable
garden by the ocean on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201533
Nutrition Consultant/Writer
Kate is an award-winning dietitian who has helped millions
fall in love with food that powers a vibrant, high energy life.
Called “a global thought leader in her field” by Discovery
Health of South Africa, Kate is the author of Go Green, Get
Lean: Trim Your Waistline with the Ultimate Low Carbon
Footprint Diet (Rodale). She is on the forefront of a national
conversation which champions cleaner food choices to
support a thriving body and planet. She has shared her unique
and inspiring messages about the connections between a
healthy diet and a healthy world with consumer, healthcare
and business audiences globally. A sought after nutrition
expert by some of America’s top television and media outlets, Kate has appeared over
two dozen times on the Emmy Award Winning The Dr. Oz Show, and has been a
featured expert on numerous national shows including Access Hollywood, Katie, and
more. She has shared her insights and expertise in over 1000 print, television, radio
and digital media outlets globally. She currently serves as a Medical Advisory Board
Member and expert blogger for The Dr. Oz Show, as well as a member of the
Advisory Board for Kiwi Magazine. A proud parent to two young children, Kate is
passionate about enabling families to discover simple, sound, and sane strategies that
make better food within their reach. And she’s on a mission to empower fellow moms
to change the food system from the ground up—through choosing delicious, easy
foods that feed their families right. For nearly 15 years, Kate has worked with some of
America’s leading Fortune 500 companies and global brands including Honeywell
International, Amgen Pharmaceuticals, GE Aircraft, Goldman Sachs, Citistreet, The
Yankee Candle Company and Reebok International to enable executives to find their
highest levels of energy, performance, and health. In 2013, Kate was named “One of
the Top 10 RDs Making a Difference in the US” by Today’s Dietitian Magazine, and in
2014, she was awarded the Outstanding Nutrition Entrepreneur of the Year by the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She will speak on behalf of the Almond Board of
California at this year’s symposium.
Clalit Health Services, Haifa, Israel
Hadas has been working for seven years at Clalit Health
Services, the largest health service in Israel. She is the head
dietitian at the diabetes department and is responsible for
counseling and lecturing patients and medical staff about
up-to-date nutrition for diabetes. Hadas has established the
Israeli PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) nutrition center and
speaks, blogs, and counsels about PCOS nutrition. Her vision
is that every woman with PCOS will change her lifestyle as
first line therapy. She recently decided that in order to best
improve the health of others it's best to reach out and improve
what’s in their shopping carts. She is developing a program for
supermarket dietitians working together with retailers in Israel. Hadas has a bachelor’s
degree in medicine, a bachelor's degree in nutrition, and is now doing her MA in
public health.
34 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Policy Analyst, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Since joining CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke
Prevention in 2009, Jessica has worked to support the agency’s
Sodium Reduction Initiative and coordinates the division’s
work with supermarket dietitians. She holds a bachelor’s of
science degree in nutrition from the University of Florida and
a master of science degree in exercise physiology from
Georgia State University.
Director of Consumer Insights and Strategic Partnerships, SPINS
In her work for SPINS, the leading provider of retail consumer
insights, analytics, and consulting for the Natural and Specialty
Products Industry, Mary Ellen brings over 25 years of experience digging deep into each facet on the path to purchase to
uncover how consumers think, shop, and buy with an eye
towards strategy and growth. To fully support that endeavor for
established and emerging natural brands she also works closely
with cornerstone natural industry organizations and a variety of
strategic consumer research partners including Mintel and IRI.
Mary Ellen is a parent and a mentor who lives in the Chicago
area. She graduated with a marketing degree from DePaul
University and a master’s of marketing research from the University of Georgia. She is
an avid follower of fast technology but passionate about humanizing data.
Professor Emeritus, Eastern Illinois University
Jim earned a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Southern
Illinois University/Carbondale, a master’s degree from
Oklahoma State University, and a PhD from the University of
Illinois. He has been a Registered Dietitian since 1980 and is a
member of the American Dietetic Association. He taught at the
University of Illinois during the 1990s and at Eastern Illinois
University, where he also chaired the School of Family and
Consumer Sciences. He is now a professor emeritus at EIU. He
has served on commodity scientific advisory boards, such as
Paramount Farms Pistachio Health, National Pasteurized Eggs,
and has directed Nutrition Research for the California Raisin
Marketing Board as well as Sun-Maid Growers of California. Jim has more than 100
peer reviewed publications and presentations to his credit. He produced the video
Portion Size Me and authored Nutrition You Can Use. His current studies focus on
mindless eating and stealthy calorie intake control. He will speak on behalf of
National Pasteurized Eggs at this year’s symposium.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201535
Food and Nutrition Writer/Editor
Sharon is an award-winning food and nutrition expert,
journalist, and editor. She is author of The Plant-Powered Diet
(The Experiment, 2012) and Plant-Powered for Life (The
Experiment, 2014). More than 850 of her articles have been
published in national publications, including Prevention,
Better Homes and Gardens, and Yoga Journal. Sharon also is
editor of Environmental Nutrition, nutrition editor of Today’s
Dietitian, blogger for The Plant-Powered Blog, and publisher of
her monthly The Plant-Powered Newsletter. Her specific
expertise is in plant-based nutrition, including flexitarian,
vegetarian, and vegan diets. She serves as the consultant
dietitian for the Oldways Vegetarian Network, an editor for the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetic’s website, and judge for the prestigious James Beard
Foundation Journalism Awards. Sharon is regularly invited to speak on food and
nutrition at a number of events across the country. She is passionate about sharing her
enthusiasm for sustainable, delicious, healthy food. Living in the chaparral hills
overlooking Los Angeles with her husband and two sons, Sharon enjoys visiting her
local farmers market, gardening, and cooking for friends and family
Public Relations Associate, The Kids Cook Monday
Diana is the Registered Dietitian on staff with The Kids Cook
Monday, a nonprofit initiative of The Monday Campaigns. In
this role she writes and speaks on the many benefits of
introducing children to culinary and nutrition education and
works to provide parents and educators with high-quality
resources to aid in the process. She is also an advocate for the
many social and health benefits of regular family dinners. At
The Monday Campaigns, Diana also manages the nutrition-related elements of the organization’s largest initiative, Meatless
Monday, and works with partners to help them best utilize the
nonprofit’s free concepts, resources and materials. Prior to
joining The Monday Campaigns, Diana designed and implemented children’s cooking
programs for organizations including The YMCA of Greater New York, Manhattan
Youth and HealthBarn USA and provided program assistance to Spoons Across
America. She studied dietetics at the University of Northern Colorado and completed
her dietetic internship through Cedar Crest College. She is active in the Greater New
York Dietetic Association and also holds a BA in journalism and mass communications from New York University. She lives in Jersey City, NJ where she spends most of
her spare time cooking and gardening.
36 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Food and Nutrition Translations
Joan is a nutrition expert, self-motivated individual, and
passionate professional, with more than 19 years of experience in nutrition and dietetics within corporate, consulting,
food service, and clinical settings. Currently, Joan is the owner
of Food and Nutrition Translations, a professional translation
agency for the food and health industry. Her goal is to translate
documents, research, educational materials, Web sites, and
recipes for food companies and the health industry to primarily Spanish, but she also offers seven other languages. She also
spends her time as an independent trainer and diabetes
educator with multiple medical device companies, including
Medtronic, Roche, OmniPod®, Valeritas, and Animas®and pharmaceutical companies, including Lilly USA, Merck and Astra Zeneca. Her role is to train patients on
intensive diabetes management and insulin pumps, along with educating health care
professionals on new diabetes medications. To date, she has trained over 250 patients
with their insulin pumps and/or continuous glucose monitors.In addition, she is also
the Advertising Manager for, a website designed for healthcare professionals. Previously, Joan helped to grow a successful nutrition program for
Albertsons’ Florida division for nearly seven years – from the ground up. She has
participated in more than 200 television and radio interviews. She translated broad
nutrition recommendations into specific meal planning and shopping strategies. Joan
also spearheaded the quarterly newsletter Healthy Lifestyles, designed for families to
learn and adopt valuable nutrition tips, as well as to try new recipes and products.
Joan was born in Puerto Rico, but she and her family moved shortly thereafter to the
United States. She grew up in Florida and is bilingual in Spanish and English. She is a
graduate of Florida International University, Miami, FL, with a bachelor’s of science in
dietetics and nutrition. She currently is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics, Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, LAHIDAN (Latinos and
Hispanics in Dietetics and Nutrition), Nutrition Entrepreneurs, and Orlando Dietetic
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201537
Oldways Team
Sara Baer-Sinnott, President
Sara has been an instrumental figure at Oldways since its early
days, joining the staff in 1992. After serving for many years as
Executive Vice President, she assumed the presidency of
Oldways in May 2010, on the death of founder K. Dun
Gifford. She now develops company strategy, oversees all
Oldways projects and programs, and works closely with all
members of the Oldways staff. In her years at Oldways, Sara
has been an integral part of Oldways’ growth and success. She
has helped develop ground-breaking programs including its
Traditional Diet Pyramids; the Whole Grains Council; Healthy
Pasta Meals; African Heritage and Health; High Five Children’s
Cooking Curriculum; Oldways Nutrition Exchange; Oldways Vegetarian Network;
Oldways Culinarias; and many others. Sara is also co-author of the The Oldways Table
with Oldways’ founder Dun Gifford. Before joining Oldways, Sara was the Special
Projects Editor at Inc. Magazine, and she has also worked for state and federal
government agencies. She has a BA in Economics from Hobart and William Smith
Colleges, and an MA in Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts at
Georgia Orcutt, Program Manager
Georgia joined Oldways early in 2010 to add her voice to our
media outreach team. She is currently the program manager
for the Oldways Vegetarian Network (OVN). She collaborated
with Barbara Ruhs, MS, RD, LDN, to plan and coordinate this
year’s symposium, as well as Oldways Supermarket Dietitian
Symposiums in 2011 (Santa Rosa), 2012 (Savannah), 2013
(Dallas), and 2014 (Scottsdale). Georgia received a BA in
English from Boston University and spent several decades as a
writer and editor for Yankee Magazine, most recently as the
food editor. She was also the editor of Changing Homes in
New York, the managing editor of The Walking Magazine, and
the editor of special projects for The Old Farmer’s Almanac. She has written four
books on American cooking, including Cooking USA and The All-American Christmas
Cookbook. When her two sons hit the ravenous teenage years, Georgia tackled the
challenges of keeping good, nourishing food ever at the ready by writing How to Feed
a Teenage Boy, an odyssey that led her to understand the hidden costs of unhealthy
38 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Rachel Greenstein, Communications Manager
Rachel joined Oldways in April of 2011 to raise the organization’s communications efforts to new heights. She is responsible for all day-to-day communications for Oldways and its
programs including the Whole Grains Council, the
Mediterranean Foods Alliance, and African Heritage & Health.
Rachel came to Oldways with a strong background in public
relations having spent 13 years in Boston area agencies
working with a diverse portfolio of clients. Her sweet spot has
always been food-related clients, so joining the Oldways team
was a dream come true. Today, she is channeling her public
relations know-how to educate all who will listen about
Oldways and its mission to change the way people eat.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201539
40 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet
Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 5.0
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201541
Almond Board of California
Jenny Heap, MS, RD,
Corporate Nutritionist....................................................
Lauren Shelar, MBA, RD, Account
Arla Foods
Liberty Sveke, Brand Manager.......................................
Barilla America, Inc.
Anna Rosales, RD, Nutrition
California Strawberry Commission
Christine Christian, MS, Senior Vice President...............
Canned Food Alliance
Katie M. Calligaro, Communications
Daisy Brand
Laura Hershey, MBA, RD,
Health and Nutrition
Dr. Schar USA
Don Braun, Director of
Anne Roland Lee, EdD, RD, LD,
Director of Nutritional Services...........................................
General Mills
Ali Dorazio, MS, RD, Senior Nutrition Scientist.................
Marissa McCormick, MS, RD,
Juice Products Association
Stephanie Meyering, Account Supervisor................
Diane A.Welland, MS, RD, Manager,
Kellogg Company
Kristen Germana, MBA, RD,
Senior Nutrition Marketing Business
KIND Snacks
Stephanie Perruzza, MS, RD,
42 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Mushroom Council
Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, Nutrition
Steven Muro, MBA,
National Pasteurized Eggs
Katie Clay, RD, LDN, Corporate
Deborah Rayhab, MBA, Director of Healthcare Marketing....
National Turkey Federation
Lori Gerstley, Partner,
Organic Valley
Cate Hollowitsch,
Community Engagement Manager................
Sara Tedeschi, Nutrition Consultant........................................
The Peanut Institute
Ashley Hammond, Program
Pear Bureau Northwest
Brittany Wilmes, Communications Manager........................
Sun-Maid Growers of California
Rich Paumen,
Senior Vice President Retail Sales and
Greg Hoffman,
Regional Business
Maria Gustafsson, RDN, Nutrition
Carolyn Kallio, MAN, RD,
Nutrition and Health Manager...................................
Nadean Peskun, RD, Nutrition and Health
Vestcom International
Monica Amburn, RD, LDN,
Senior Director of Health &
Patty Packard, MS, RD,
Director of Nutrition and Regulatory................................
Zevia Zero Calorie Soda
Natalie Gershon, Vice President, Marketing.................................
Paddy Spence, CEO/
Natalie Wallach, Marketing
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201543
Jenny Heap, MS, RD, Corporate Nutritionist
Jenny joined the Almond Board of California in June 2010. As
corporate nutritionist, she facilitates the translation of nutrition
research to actionable messages and is responsible for
ensuring regulatory compliance of almond nutrition messaging
with marketing and advertising regulations around the world.
A self-proclaimed agricultural enthusiast, she began her career
in DC as an intern with the International Food Information
Council, after which she spent seven years supporting US egg
farmers as Director of Scientific Communications with the
American Egg Board. For the past two years, she has continued
to pursue her passion for promoting nutrient-rich and flavorful
foods with the Almond Board of California. Jenny is originally from Bountiful, UT. She
completed her undergraduate degree at Weber State University and her master’s
degree in nutrition at the University of Utah.
Lauren Shelar, MBA, RD, Account Executive, Porter Novelli
Lauren is an account executive in the Washington, DC office
of Porter Novelli, where she provides strategic nutrition
communications counsel as a member of the Food, Beverage
and Nutrition team. With a foundation in science, she helps
her clients translate the latest research into meaningful
campaigns for influencer and consumer groups. Over the past
two years, she has worked to assess the business implications
of food regulations, dietary recommendations, and public
nutrition policy, and aided in influencer outreach and relationship management programs. She has experience working with
commodity boards and corporate clients including the Almond
Board of California, SOYJOY, the Hass Avocado Board and McDonald’s. Prior to
joining Porter Novelli, Lauren completed her dietetic internship at Dominican
University in the Greater Chicago area. While there, she aided in community
outreach programs for at-risk populations including focus group studies and nutrition
counseling in bilingual health clinics. Lauren also piloted a research study to assess
the changing landscape of the dietetic profession and developed a strategic plan to
elevate supervised practice programs to meet emerging areas of expertise and
employment. She currently serves as the communications coordinator and co-chair of
the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Thirty and Under group. She is also an active
member of Dietitians in Business and Communications, Food and Culinary
Professionals, and Hunger and Environmental Nutrition practice groups and the DC
Metro-Area Dietetic Association. She received her BS in kinesiology and health from
Miami University (OH) and her master’s degree in business administration from
Dominican University.
44 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Liberty Sveke, Brand Manager
Liberty has been managing the marketing efforts for the Arla
Dofino brand of cheese for nearly one year. She is based in
Basking Ridge, NJ. Prior to holding this position, she worked
for Arla Foods in Denmark as part of its post-graduate leadership program, holding several positions over two years.
Anna Rosales, RD, Nutrition Manager
From guiding and instructing clients on clinical nutrition to
directly working for food companies and restaurants, Anna’s
career has blended a love of cooking with her passion for
healthy living. For the past four years, Anna has been the
Nutrition Manager of Barilla America. Her focus is to bring
Barilla’s Good for you, Good for the planet way of doing
business to life through nutrition. At Barilla, she helps instill
the benefits of the Mediterranean diet through both employee
and consumer education programs. Anna was previously the
corporate dietitian for Yakult, an international probiotic
company, where she educated health professionals and
consumers on the benefits of probiotics. The California Health & Longevity Institute at
the Four Seasons Hotel & Resort in Westlake Village, CA retained her as a chef
instructor and consulting dietitian for several years. Anna developed her clinical
nutrition expertise as a dietitian at St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. She
is a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Art with a degree in culinary arts and New York
University with a degree in nutrition, food studies, and public health. Anna holds a
certificate in International Food Law from Michigan State University where she is
currently pursuing a master’s degree. She is a Registered Dietitian and a Board
Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201545
Christine Christian, MS, Senior Vice President
A produce industry professional with over twenty-five years of
experience, Chris serves as senior vice president at the
California Strawberry Commission, where she oversees
financial operations and leads marketing and nutrition
research programs. Prior to her twelve years at the
Commission, Chris worked in management positions in the
food and agriculture industries, including ten years at Fresh
Express Inc., where she held key roles in business management. Throughout her career, Chris has gained credibility and
established relationships with produce professionals in the
retail and food service industries, world-class researchers, and
food safety professionals. Chris holds an MS in food science and a BS in microbiology
from Pennsylvania State University. She serves on several produce trade association
leadership councils and is a member of the Institute of Food Technologists (past Chair
of Fruit & Vegetable Products Division), and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Katie M. Calligaro, Communications Manager
With nearly 11 years of public relations experience at a top-five
global public relations agency, Katie is known for her energy,
creative thinking, and organized approach to program execution.
Her strategic insights and passion for the canned food industry
led her to join her client, the Canned Food Alliance (CFA), in
2011. At the CFA she now helps lead the charge for promoting
the many benefits of canned foods, including nutrition, convenience, affordability, and sustainability. Providing a voice for the
industry and the organization, Katie’s enthusiasm is contagious
and generates fruitful alliances on behalf of the CFA. Katie holds
a bachelor’s of arts in public relations from the College of
Communications at Pennsylvania State University, with minors in women’s studies and
business. Specializing in media relations and brand account management during her
time at Ketchum, her experiences come from food marketing for various brands and
public relations and media relations campaign execution.
Laura Hershey, MBA, RD, Health and Nutrition Manager
With an extensive background in nutrition and marketing,
Laura is responsible for Daisy Brand’s influencer outreach to
health professionals and specifically Registered Dietitians. As
Daisy’s first Registered Dietitian, Laura leads the development
and execution of the nutrition program strategy and provides
health and nutrition thought leadership for media and
consumer communications on behalf of Daisy Brand Cottage
Cheese. Prior to her role at Daisy Brand, Laura was the
nutrition account manager at LifeCare Solutions in Los
Angeles, CA, where she was responsible for marketing efforts
46 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
of the enteral and parenteral nutrition program. She trained sales managers and
developed marketing materials, including newsletters with contributing articles. Laura
previously was a Nutrition Communication Consultant for Yakult USA in Los Angeles,
CA, where she presented lectures and conducted webinars on various health topics
related to probiotics, as well as represented the company at health conferences. She
earned both her bachelor’s of science in nutritional science and master of business
administration in marketing at Pepperdine University. Laura is now a Board Member
of Pepperdine University’s Alumni Organization-Dallas Chapter. She is also a member
of the Dallas Dietetic Association.
Don Braun, Director of Sales
Don has been with Dr. Schar for over six years and has
overseen the introduction and launch of the Schar brand in the
US market as well as in Canada and Mexico. He manages a
growing sales team that is responsible for all trade classes
(food / drug / mass) as well as natural and specialty for both
the ambient (shelf stable) and frozen portfolios now available
from Schar. In addition he manages the Schar Food Service
business in the US market. Don and his team of regional
managers deal with all major specialty food distributors as
well as a wide array of regional and local food distributors.
Utilizing SPINs sales and market research data, Don and his team provide fact-based
solutions to assist retailers and distributors in being the best “destination” for consumers’ gluten-free needs. Previously Don managed for a consumer products company
specializing in private label/store brands.
Anne Roland Lee, EdD, RD, LD, Director of Nutritional Services
Anne is the Director of Nutritional Services for Schar USA.
Previously she was the nutritionist at the Celiac Disease Center
at Columbia University, where she was involved in patient
care and research. Her research has resulted in published
articles on the effect of a gluten-free diet on the quality of life,
the nutritional adequacy of the gluten-free diet, the economic
impact of a gluten- free diet, and on the cross contamination
of inherently gluten-free grains. She has authored chapters on
celiac disease in nutrition textbooks as well as co-authored a
chapter in a gastroenterology text. Anne has developed
numerous educational materials on the gluten-free diet for
patients and both clinical and food service professionals. She has been an ADA
member for many years and has reviewed the chapters on celiac disease for the ADA
on-line nutrition care manual. She is also a member of the ADA Gluten Intolerance
Work Group who developed the Gluten Intolerance tool kit and the Certificate of
Training for Gluten Related Disorders. She completed her doctorate in nutrition
education at Teachers College of Columbia University. Her dissertation topic was the
impact of social support networks on quality of life in individuals with celiac disease.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201547
Ali Dorazio, MS, RD, Senior Nutrition Scientist
Ali is part of the Global Health and Wellness Communications
team within the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and
Nutrition. In her current role, she creates and executes health
and wellness strategies for health influencers and General
Mills’ businesses. In previous roles within the Bell Institute she
has provided nutrition and regulatory guidance for the K-12
channel, Global Meals business, and Global Cereal business.
Ali received a bachelor’s degree in nutrition management and
a master’s degree in health systems administration from the
Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. Prior to
joining General Mills in 2007, she was the dietitian and chief
spokesperson on health and wellness for a large supermarket chain. Ali also was a
nutritionist with the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC). Outside of work,
Ali likes to cook, travel, try new restaurants in the Twin Cities, and go for walks
around the lake near her house with her husband and 12-month old daughter.
Marissa McCormick, MS, RD, Nutrition Scientist
Marissa completed her BS at the University of WisconsinMadison in dietetics and went on to obtain her RD credential
in Phoenix, AZ. She worked part-time with the product
labeling department of General Mills while completing her MS
in nutrition science from the University of Minnesota.
Currently, Marissa’s role in the Bell Institute of Health and
Nutrition is to implement and advance nutrition communication strategies and coordinate health professional outreach. As
an RD, Marissa is passionate about nutritious food and sound
science, and personally enjoys cooking, being outdoors, and
spending time with friends and family.
Stephanie Meyering, Account Supervisor
Stephanie oversees communications and media relations for
the Juice Products Association and its consumer education
program, Juice Central. In this role, she works with members
of the Juice Products Association to provide meaningful and
strategic information to consumers and health professionals
via owned, earned, and paid media. When not communicating the benefits of 100% juice in the diet, Stephanie enjoys
cooking, creating new healthy recipes, and playing with her
dog, Kirra.
48 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Diane A.Welland, MS, RD, Manager of Nutrition Communications
Diane is a Registered Dietitian and Manager of Nutrition
Communications for the Juice Products Association (JPA). In
this role she uses her expertise to translate scientific nutrition
information into layman’s terms, manage nutrition policy and
regulatory issues, and evaluate nutrition science. In addition to
working directly with the scientific community, Diane also
communicates nutrition information to the media and the
general public and often presents on nutrition issues. Before
joining JPA she was a freelance food and nutrition writer,
speaker, consultant, and award-winning recipe developer, who
wrote for a variety of consumer and trade publications,
websites, and blogs. She specialized in stories on food and food trends, nutrition,
health and fitness, and is the author of several diet and health books in the Complete
Idiot’s Guide series. Diane holds a master of science degree from New York University
and dual bachelor’s degrees in communication and human nutrition from Rutgers
University. She is an active member of the American Dietetic Association, Food and
Culinary practice group, and former chair of the Nutrition and Food Science Section
of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. In her spare time Diane
loves to cook, visit farmers’ markets, and travel.
Kristen Germana, MBA, RD, Senior Nutrition Marketing Business Partner
As a member of Kellogg’s Nutrition Team, Kristen plays an
integral role in bridging nutrition science, consumer insights,
and marketing to help develop foods that delight consumers
and nourish families. She works with retail stakeholders to
drive point of purchase sales with relevant nutrition and
wellness activations, partners with brand teams to create
differentiating nutrition opportunities, and acts as the nutrition
expert for the cross-functional team. Kristen holds an MBA
from Rowan University in New Jersey, a BS in Nutrition &
Public Health from West Chester University of Pennsylvania,
and a BA in Mass Communication from York College of
Pennsylvania. She lives in Battle Creek, MI with her husband, three-year-old twin
boys, and two crazy dogs.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201549
Stephanie Perruzza, MS, RD, Communications Coordinator
Stephanie is a New York-based dietitian working for KIND
Snacks, where she focuses on influencer communications
relations and outreach, specifically in the health and wellness
space. Prior to KIND, she worked as a clinical dietitian at
Northern Westchester Hospital developing wellness programs
and a monthly feature on the hospital’s From the Expert’s blog
and held internships with Ketchum PR’s Food & Nutrition team
and Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine in New York. She’s
an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
(AND), the Greater New York Dietetic Association, and various
Dietetic Practice Groups of the AND, including Dietitians in
Business & Communications, Nutrition Entrepreneurs, and Food and Culinary
Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, Nutrition Manager
Kara is a nationally recognized food and nutrition expert and
yoga teacher based in Boston, MA. She offers nutrition and
culinary coaching, consults with corporate wellness clients,
and partners with like-minded food brands and organizations
on recipe development and nutrition communications and
marketing. Often sought after for her passion and expertise for
various media and speaking opportunities, Kara has most
recently been featured in Fitness, Shape, Today’s Dietitian,
Environmental Nutrition, Food & Nutrition Magazine, Dot
Complicated, and Tennis View Magazine. Her food and
healthy living blog, The Foodie Dietitian, features delicious
seasonal vegetarian recipes and simple strategies to bring more yoga and mindfulness
into readers’ lives, and has been featured on The Kitchn and FeedFeed. Prior to
starting her own private practice and consulting business, Kara led health communication strategy for Chobani, Inc., where she pioneered an integrated program
targeting health professionals, and served as the key nutrition spokesperson. She
began her career in clinical nutrition at The Weight and Wellness Center at Tufts
Medical Center. Kara graduated with honors from Boston University with a bachelor’s
of science in nutritional sciences and completed her dietetic internship at Mount
Auburn Hospital, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School
50 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Steven Muro, MBA, President
Founder and president of Fusion Marketing, Steven is a
dynamic and creative leader with deep roots and expertise in
the fresh produce and consumer packaged goods industries.
He brings a winning combination of executive-level perspective and executional know-how in brand building, strategic
marketing and communications, sales leadership, and shopper
and retail insights and analytics. Prior to establishing Fusion
Marketing, Steven held the position of vice president of
marketing worldwide for a division of Wella Corporation (a
Proctor and Gamble Company), responsible for all domestic
and global marketing. Prior to that, he was the director of sales
and marketing for a brand of cosmetic giant L’Oreal.
Katie Clay, RD, LDN, Corporate Dietitian
Katie has worked with many industry leaders and has foodservice and nutrition experience both domestically and internationally. She is a member of many industry associations;
presents numerous webinars and seminars; and develops
consumer and RD educational materials with her primary
focus on the retail segment. For dietitians, consumers,
educators and foodies, the love of food and all that goes with
it is ever-changing and creating an exciting field for all of us
who enjoy eating! Promoting knowledge through nutrition,
wellness, and healthy eating inspires and motivates Katie. Her
enthusiasm for wellness-focused nutrition education provides
a fresh and unique perspective she shares with the Safest Choice consumer.
Deborah Rayhab, MBA, Director of Healthcare Marketing
After attaining her master’s degree at Loyola University of
Chicago, Debbie has worked in varying capacities within the
healthcare industry. Prior to joining National Pasteurized Eggs,
she worked for Baxter International, Kraft Foodservice, Dietary
Products, and the Emerson Group. Debbie’s passion for
education and working with food has allowed her to focus on
food education, food safety education, and marketing
strategies. In her current role, she is a member of several
industry associations and works closely with healthcare
professionals in both acute and long term care, focusing on
consumer education and health & wellness promotion.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201551
Lori Gerstley, Partner, Outloud
A seasoned public relations professional, Lori is a partner of
Outloud, a marketing communications consulting firm that
specializes in working with food and beverage associations
and companies. One of Lori’s key roles at Outloud is leading
the communications program for the National Turkey
Federation, specifically its outreach to Registered Dietitians.
Lori has worked on both the client and agency side during her
career in the communications field. She has successfully
partnered with CEOs and key executives to balance creative
thinking with strategic oversight to drive marketing communications strategies and revenue growth. Lori has been an
integral member of Outloud’s leadership team since 2012 and was responsible for
building and leading the retail channel communications component for the got milk?/
Milk Mustache program. Before joining Outloud, she was a member of the senior
management team at Levin Group, the country’s largest dental business consulting
firm. She built and ran the public relations department with a focus on corporate
communications. Previously, she was the president of her own PR firm, PR works, for
eleven years, providing B2B public relations services for a diverse group of companies
and organizations. Earlier in her career, she worked for several PR/ad agencies on
local, regional, and national accounts including Hechinger and Home Quarters
Warehouse. In addition, she was a PR Brand Manager for Heublein, where she was
responsible for national PR for three brands of spirits. Lori also served as marketing
communications manager for two brands of footwear at Nashville, TN-based Genesco
Cate Hollowitsch, Community Engagement Manager
Cate has been the Community Engagement Manager at
Organic Valley since 2011. In this role, she oversees all trade
shows, consumer events, and brand partnerships and sponsorships. With more than fifteen years’ experience in tradeshow
and consumer marketing, she is always looking for smart,
engaging ways to connect consumers and influential audiences
to the Organic Valley brand.
52 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Sara Tedeschi, Nutrition Consultant
Sara has been working in the fields of nutrition, organic and
sustainable agriculture, and food systems all of her professional life. She has worked on local food initiatives for over twelve
years, most currently serving as a Farm to School Outreach
Specialist through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She
also serves the non-profit world by providing garden-based,
nutrition education to inner city Milwaukee youths. Sara is
passionate about organic foods and farming and spent her ten
years prior as a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
farmer and educator, and as an organic certification specialist
with the Midwest Organic Certification Association. She lives
on her family farm in Western Wisconsin and is an over-enthusiastic home gardener
and food preservationist.
Ashley Hammond, Program Manager
Ashley is the Program Manager at PMK Associates, Inc. where
she uses her prior event management experience and background in the biological sciences to coordinate programs on
health and wellness. She works with team members to manage
logistics and implement client programs, projects, and events.
She also monitors current nutrition trends in the news and
media. Ashley received her BS in biological science from
Virginia Tech.
Brittany Wilmes, Communications Manager
Brittany is responsible for the communications component of
the integrated marketing and foodservice programs for USA
Pears, including social media, public relations, development
of, and The Pear Dish blog, newsletter editorial,
and outreach to educators, school foodservice professionals,
and Registered Dietitians. She has a background in marketing
communications, writing, and event planning for companies
including People to People Ambassador Programs and
Discovery Student Adventures. She holds a bachelor’s degree
in journalism and Spanish from Gonzaga University. She lives
in Portland, OR.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201553
Greg Hoffman, Southwest Regional Business Director
Greg graduated from Florida State University with a BA and
has been in the grocery industry for forty-one years, working
with such recognizable national grocery companies as Mueller
Pasta, M&M/Mars, and Florida food brokerages
Bonacker&Leigh and Budd Mayer. He has spent the last
seventeen years working for Sun-Maid Growers of California.
He and his wife currently reside in Valrico, Florida with their
four rescued dachshunds.
Rich Paumen, Senior Vice President Retail Sales and Marketing
Rich brings years of diverse experience and hands on knowledge to his current position at Sun-Maid Growers of
California. During his high school and college years he
worked in a grocery store, which kick started what has turned
into a successful career that has spanned over 40 years. For
the last 25 years, Rich has worked for Sun-Maid Growers
holding various sales and management positions covering all
channels of trade. He has traveled throughout the United
States and Canada while helping grow the business. Rich’s
position of senior leadership within Sun-Maid has helped
increase the Sun-Maid business over 35% in many channels
over the last five years. While employed by Sun-Maid, Rich and his family have
enjoyed living in the Philadelphia area and Northwest Arkansas. They currently reside
in Fresno, CA so Rich can be more involved in the day-to-day operations of Sun-Maid
and be able to oversee both the sales and marketing aspects of the business. Rich
currently holds the position of Senior Vice President of Retail Sales and Marketing. He
is in constant contact with the regional business directors and has his hands full with
product development. His emphasis with Sun-Maid is to further promote the health
and wellness benefits of raisins and dried fruits.
54 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Maria Gustafsson, RDN, Nutrition Manager
Maria is the Nutrition Manager for Refreshment Unilever in
North America. She manages the brands Lipton Tea and the ice
cream brands Breyers, Ben & Jerrys, Klondike, Good Humor,
Talenti, and Popsicle. Maria is from Sweden, where she
worked as a clinical dietitian in cardiology at one of
Stockholm’s largest hospitals before she joined Unilever. She
worked for Unilever in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Canada
before she moved to the United States. She has a bachelor’s of
science degree in Dietetics from the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro. Maria is the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics Country Representative for Sweden and is
involved with the American Overseas Dietetic Association.
Carolyn Kallio, MAN, RD, Nutrition and Health Manager
As a Registered Dietitian at Unilever, Carolyn is actively
working to make products throughout the grocery store
healthier to help consumers eat and drink healthier versions of
what they know and love. She is a cross between a marketer,
scientist, and chef. She takes what she learns from science and
brings it to life by helping to ensure more good than bad goes
into a food or beverage and that the final product tastes
Nadean Peskun, RD, Nutrition & Health Manager, Unilever Canada
Nadean is responsible for the long-standing health care
professional outreach program through the Becel Centre for
Heart Health. In addition, she leads the consumer nutrition
communications activities for Becel and Hellmann’s businesses and works closely with doctors, dietitians, marketers, and
agency partners on a daily basis. She loves anything related to
the overall food experience. Passion, positivity and a desire for
high quality performance are her inner drivers. She firmly
believes that you must love what you do. And, luckily she
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201555
Monica Amburn, RD, LDN, Senior Director of Health & Wellness
Monica is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist with a passion for
creative wellness education and communications. Her
experience in clinical nutrition, weight loss counseling, and as
a corporate supermarket dietitian has allowed her the privilege
of leading thousands of people towards healthier lifestyles and
personal goal achievements. Monica is the Senior Director of
Health & Wellness with Vestcom International, the leading
provider of shelf-edge nutrition communication solutions to
thousands of supermarkets nationwide.
Patty Packard, MS, RD, Director of Nutrition & Regulatory
Patty Packard, MS, RD is the Director of Nutrition &
Regulatory for healthyAisles® and vitaAisles® at Vestcom
International, the largest provider of FDA/USDA-based
shelf-edge nutrition claims to the supermarket industry. Patty is
a Registered Dietitian with over 15 years of extensive regulatory nutrition experience in the food industry. In her prior role as
Director of Nutrition at ConAgra Foods as well as in her
current position, Patty has been a frequent speaker and
contributor to regulatory issues at national meetings, presented
oral comments to FDA, co-chaired the National Nutrient
Database meeting in 2011, and has co-authored over 10
56 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Natalie Gershon, Vice President, Marketing
Natalie is a marketing executive with multi-functional
experience in the natural/organic consumer packaged goods
industry. She currently serves as the Vice President of
Marketing at Zevia, a brand of naturally sweetened, zerocalorie sodas. Prior to joining Zevia, she was the Director of
Marketing at Dogswell, a natural, functional pet food line.
In her tenure at Dogswell, Natalie managed consumer and
customer marketing, product development, creative and
customer service teams under Marketing. While always having
her voice in the creative direction of the company, she
originally joined the Dogswell team as the Sr. Manager of
Finance & Operations, managing both teams, in addition to Human Resource, before
transitioning to marketing full time. Prior to discovering her passion for the natural
CPG industry, Natalie lent her creative vision to the Comedy Development team at
Fox Broadcasting Network. She previously served on the Junior League of Los Angeles
Finance Board in addition to holding the Director of Philanthropy and Vice President
of Marketing positions in Alpha Phi at California State University Long Beach where
she gained her BA in communication studies, with a minor in ballet. She resides in
Burbank, CA and is an avid hostess, decorator and event planner. It’s been said she
can find just about any reason to throw a party. When not planning a soiree, Natalie
can often be found in the kitchen whipping up her own version of the 15-minute
meal, building forts with her son, playing with her new daughter, or organizing a
Paddy Spence, CEO/Chairman
Paddy is a recognized authority on health and wellness with
over 20 years of experience in the natural/organic consumer
packaged goods industry. He currently serves as Chairman and
CEO of Zevia, a line of naturally sweetened, zero-calorie
sodas. From 2005 to 2009, he was President of Levlad, a
personal care manufacturer known for its natural personal care
brand Nature’s Gate. Before joining Levlad, Paddy served as
Chairman of SPINS, a leading provider of syndicated market
research that he sold to private investors in 2004. In 1995, he
founded SPINS to introduce sophisticated marketing information services to the rapidly growing health and wellness
industry, and served as the company’s Chief Executive Officer for eight years. Prior to
founding SPINS, Paddy served from 1992 to 1995 as Vice President, Sales &
Marketing for the Kashi Company, a manufacturer of natural cereals based in La Jolla,
CA. He has also held positions at Harvard Business School’s Division of Research, the
Center for Leadership and Career Studies at Emory University and United Parcel
Service’s International Marketing department. He holds an AB magna cum laude from
Harvard College and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He resides in Los
Angeles with his wife and two daughters, and is an avid athlete, having completed
over forty triathlons and trained in martial arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling,
Shotokan Karate and boxing.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201557
Natalie Wallach, Marketing Manager
Natalie started her career in the natural/organic consumer
packaged goods industry at Levlad, a personal care manufacturer, in the marketing department for Nature’s Gate, a natural
personal care brand. There, she managed the digital and social
platforms, executed online promotions and provided support
to the sales team. Currently in her position as Marketing
Manager for Zevia, a brand of zero calorie, naturally sweetened soda, she manages trade and consumer events, market
level programs, and their wellness professionals program
which includes both in-store and out of store dietitians.
Natalie graduated cum laude from Cal State University
Northridge with a BA in business management. On the weekends, you will find her
hiking in the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains of the San Fernando Valley where she
resides, or getting crafty. As the resident baker at Zevia, she has been known to whip
up some pretty awesome soda cakes, but cheesecake is her specialty.
58 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet
Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 5.0
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201559
About Oldways
“If you’ve ever wondered how some of the world’s healthiest and best-tasting foods seem to wind up in your favorite home recipes and restaurants
these days, you’ll be glad to know it’s not by accident. You have friends in
the business.”
Cooking Light Magazine, about Oldways
Let the old ways be your guide to good health and well-being.
Oldways is a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization with a mission to
guide people to good health through cultural food traditions and lifestyles, using practical and positive programs grounded in science and tradition. Simply, we advocate
for the healthful pleasures of real food.
At Oldways, we are more determined than ever to help everyone, everywhere, live
longer and healthier lives. We will do this by continuing to encourage people to seek
out the joys of good foods and drinks, well prepared and consumed with pleasure,
in the company of family and friends. That is the profound and worthy mission that
drives us and our partners every day.
Healthy eating and healthy foods have the power to improve the health and wellbeing of all of us. Science and common sense tell us that good health and good food
go hand in hand. The healthy old ways have a special importance and impact because
they bring together: (1) good nutrition with delicious foods, (2) culture and heritage,
and (3) eating, shopping and cooking. As Michael Pollan wrote in The New York
Times on Sunday, October 2, 2011, “I have yet to hear of a traditional diet – from any
culture, anywhere in the world – that is not substantially healthier than the ‘standard
American diet.’ The more we honor cultural differences in eating, the healthier we
will be.”
Oldways was founded in 1990 to address health issues (increasing rates of obesity,
heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases of excess) and to preserve culinary
traditions, helping people make healthy connections to their food (cooking and eating
real foods) and their heritage.
We learned early on that change happens by motivating individuals and influencers to
move in a common direction. Working throughout the world – from Australia to Brazil
and from Italy to the US – Oldways has collaborated with hundreds of international
experts including dietitians, scientists, doctors, chefs, historians, food producers,
retailers, and food writers to create “mini-movements” that have inspired millions of
people to change the way they eat.
To fulfill our mission, we have developed a number of innovative programs promoting
cooking, traditional ingredients and diets, and healthy lifestyles.
Learn more at
60 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Mediterranean Diet Resources
From Oldways and the Mediterranean Foods Alliance
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee highlights the Mediterranean Diet
as one of the best eating patterns for proven good health. Oldways’ Mediterranean
Foods Alliance (MFA) has all of the resources you need to teach shoppers about this
healthy way of eating, including:
Med Diet Pyramid. Since 1993, when we
created the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid,
we’ve been the leading communicators on
the power of the Mediterranean Diet and the
science behind it. Download our updated
pyramid to give your shoppers a clear picture
of healthy eating at a glance. The pyramid is
also available from our online store as a 24”
x 36” printed poster, as a refrigerator magnet,
or as a 100-sheet tear pad.
The Oldways 4-Week Mediterranean Diet
Menu Plan. Order copies of this publication,
which offers 80 pages of user-friendly recipes
and tips for adopting the Mediterranean Diet,
co-branded with your store’s logo.
Med 101 Brochure. For a quick overview
of the Med Diet, download a copy of our Welcome to the Mediterranean Diet
brochure ( You’ll find 8 simple steps to follow for good health, plus a simple guide to
the Mediterranean Diet pyramid. You can purchase printed copies of the brochure
from our online store or work with us to create a customized PDF of the brochure
featuring your store’s logo.
Celebrate National Mediterranean Diet Month. Every May is Med Month,
and Oldways offers resources to help you celebrate, like our “Make Each
Day Mediterranean” calendar with 31 tasty tips for enjoying the flavors of the
Fresh Fridays. Discover easy techniques, affordable ingredients, and delicious
flavors of Med Diet recipes on our website and sign up for our free bi-weekly
e-newsletter, Fresh Fridays.
Med Tool Kit. Our newly updated Toolkit is a comprehensive tool for communicating the remarkable health benefits, fresh flavors, and affordability of the
Mediterranean Diet. Find it in the Oldways Nutrition Exchange Toolkits on our
Seasonal Med Menus and Healthy Holidays. Download the MFA’s 7-day seasonal menus or May All Your Holidays Be Mediterranean for great ways to cook
up healthy, mouthwatering recipes using foods that are easy to find in American
Mediterranean Diet Shopping List. Proper nutrition starts at the store. Help your
shoppers make smart, healthy choices they can feel good about. Download our list
designed to help shoppers stock up on healthy foods. You can also purchase a Med
Diet Grocery List pad with 52 weekly double-sided sheets.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201561
More Resources for Healthy Eating
From Oldways
While Oldways is perhaps best known for creating the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
and the Whole Grain Stamp, these are just two of the scores of resources available to
RDs and other supermarket professionals. You may also enjoy the following resources:
Traditional Healthy Eating Pyramids. Our
Mediterranean, African Heritage, Latin American, Asian
and Vegetarian & Vegan pyramids make it easy for you to
show shoppers a healthy total diet at a glance. Available
as a free download (all 5) or from our store in poster size
(Med, African Heritage, Vegetarian & Vegan, and Latino).
The Latino Nutrition Collection. Oldways offers free
bilingual meal plans, nutrition basics, label reading, our
Camino Mágico shopping guide, and more—all great
resources, in English and Spanish, for communicating
with Latino shoppers.
Healthy Pasta Meals are an easy, affordable way to
increase consumption of vegetables, legumes, and other
healthy foods. Our Pasta Meal resources include a consumer nutrition brochure, a
children’s cooking and nutrition program, and a free one-hour webinar offering
CPE credits.
The Oldways Table—our book—features essays and recipes that weave a story
of delicious health, and our blog of the same name continues the tradition of the
pleasures of the table!
Conferences with Continuing Education Credits. Oldways’ conferences are legendary, featuring top speakers and media from around the globe—and CPE credits for
Healthy Delicious Online Recipes. You can count on Oldways to translate the
science of nutrition into scores of appetizing recipes guaranteed to appeal to everyone. Bonus: they’re already analyzed for nutrients, calories, etc.
Culinary Tours. Learn about healthy eating traditions
worldwide through culinary travels with Oldways and
our favorite top chefs and cookbook authors. Previous
trips have included Istanbul, Normandy, Morocco, many
regions of Italy and Greece, and China. May we put you
on our list for information about our next trip?
Scientific Consensus Statements. Oldways has developed a number of Scientific Consensus Statements and
Reports with leading scientists from around the world.
Topics include Healthy Fats, Healthy Pasta Meals,
Glycemic Response, and Report on Latin American
Health Studies Database. Search through scores of
health studies documenting the benefits of traditional
62 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
Oldways Nutrition Exchange (ONE)
Online Resources for Dietitians
Designed to Help You Do Your Job More Easily
ONE, an online resource created specifically for supermarket RDs, puts comprehensive information about healthy eating and healthy products at your fingertips. Whether
you’re searching for the latest health study, inspiration for your blog or store tour, or
nutrition information about a product, ONE supports your work with these tools:
Themed Toolkits
Each month we post a new toolkit, filled with free, downloadable resources written
in consumer-friendly language. You can use the content “as is” or cut and paste it to
fit your needs. Hot trends such as gluten-free, plant-based diets, and eating healthy
on a budget are addressed, and health issues such as diabetes, weight loss, and heart
health are explored. Kits are published several months prior to major health awareness months and holidays, so you’ll have time to incorporate these resources into your
Additionally, throughout the year we host toolkits produced by commodity boards
and food companies so you’ll have the latest resources developed by these organizations, too.
All resources are dietitian reviewed and approved so you can rest assured that the
information we provide is accurate and relevant.
The ONE-Stop Resource Directory
ONE-Stop was created to help RDs make connections with food companies, commodity boards and nutrition nonprofits. With the searchable database, not only are
the health and wellness information and resources of these companies just a click
away, you also have access to contacts within their organizations (many of them are
RDs themselves) who can answer your questions about product nutrition or procuring
samples for your next food demo (or anything in between!)
With ONE-Stop, you can spend less time surfing multiple websites and more time
doing what you love best – inspiring shoppers to choose healthier foods.
It’s Easy to Access the Toolkits and the ONE-Stop Resource Directory.
Just log onto our website and signup for your free account and begin
downloading or searching—or scan the QR code (at the right) to access
the ONE portal.
We Value Your Feedback
After you’ve used the Toolkits and the ONE-Stop Resource Directory, please tell us
how you use the resources and the connections you’ve made; we’d love to hear your
ideas for topics or ways to improve the program, too.
Please email, or take our online survey at www.oldwayspt.
org. Everyone who emails us or takes the survey is in the running for our “$50 for
Feedback” award.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201563
Whole Grains Resources
From Oldways and the Whole Grains Council
You’re already promoting whole grain products to shoppers, and we want to make
your job easier! In addition to our well-known packaging symbol, the Whole Grain
Stamp, the Whole Grains Council offers many other resources to supermarket
Get Free Goodies. Are you planning a nutrition education initiative or in-store wellness promotion? Order whole grain posters, buttons, and stickers from us to pass out to your customers!
Recipes and handouts. If you’d like to demo how to use different whole grains and grain flours, we have a large database of
recipes on our website to meet your needs. Also, we offer an
assortment of printable educational materials, including handouts and a colorful
tri-fold brochure.
Shopping Tour Kit & Trivia Game. Guiding shoppers to whole grain choices is easy
with our Whole Grain Grocery Store Tour Kit, available for free download on our
website. Also check out our Whole Grain Trivia Contest Kit, a great way to interact
with customers and test their whole grain knowledge.
Health Studies and Research. The Whole Grains Council is a hub of whole grains
education and research. Check out our frequently updated health studies page
to learn the latest whole grain science. Also, if you missed our conference this
November, the video presentations are up online and available for CPE credit.
E-newsletter & Blog. For the latest whole grains news, trends, research, and recipes,
subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, or recommend it to your customers!
Also, be sure to check out our whole grains blog, with new posts appearing weekly.
Call our Hotline. Do you have questions about the health benefits of specific whole
grains? Are your customers looking for a whole grain version of one of their favorite
foods? Are you or your customers unsure if a product is a whole grain? Contact
Kelly Toups, RD at (, or 617-896-4884). Also, for any questions
about how to access the materials referenced above, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Kelly as well.
64 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
African Heritage Diet Resources
From Oldways
Did you know that there are over 150 types of edible greens in West Africa alone?
Or that early African American cooks actually had a name for their greens water—
Potlikker—that they reserved after cooking for its nutritional power? Oldways’ African
Heritage Diet Pyramid celebrates the culinary, agricultural, and nutritional wisdom of
African descendants across the world.
The African Heritage Diet is based on the traditional foods and healthy, plant-based
eating patterns of African American ancestors from Africa, South America, the
Caribbean, and the American south. Like the Traditional Mediterranean Diet, the
African Heritage Diet is based on an abundance of vegetables, whole grains, legumes,
nuts, herbs, spices, and healthy oils prepared with incredible flavor.
Supermarket dietitians can benefit from Oldways’ African Heritage Diet in three
important ways:
1) A Taste of African Heritage: Health Through Heritage Cooking Classes and Demos
To bring the African Heritage Diet Pyramid to life for people everywhere, Oldways
has developed A Taste of African Heritage, a national cooking program that combines
cultural history, nutrition, and cooking lessons on healthy, heritage-inspired meals to
dramatically improve health and wellbeing.
“African-American food ways have, for many years, been perceived negatively
because less-healthy ‘special occasion’ dishes are now marketed more as everyday
foods,” says Vivien Morris, RD, “But we are celebrating the real traditional AfricanAmerican culinary heritage, which is wonderfully health-promoting.”
This empowering six-week program is a roadmap to living and eating well, written by
history, to dramatically improve health and wellbeing today. Contact Sarah McMackin
( to learn how you can host a class.
2) Free African Heritage & Health Online CPE Course (2 Credit Hours)
Earn your Continual Professional Education credits with this in-depth overview of
the African Heritage Diet. This self-directed course offers an evidence-based, culturally competent, nutrition intervention guide that provides information and tools
to help clients of African heritage prevent and manage many of today’s diet-related
3) Access other African Heritage Diet resources on the Oldways website
Visit for resources like Oldways’:
▲▲ African Heritage Diet 101 Brochure: This colorful trifold, available as a downloadable PDF or in hard copy, introduces the rich cultural and nutritional background
of the African Heritage Diet, its health benefits, and ten simple steps to enjoy this
traditional way of eating today.
Setting Up Your African Heritage Kitchen: A list of delicious African Heritage
staples to have on hand to make quick and healthy meals (includes proper storage
African Heritage Diet Grocery List: A handy grocery list of common African
Heritage foods to fill your cart.
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201565
Vegetarian/Vegan Diet Resources
From Oldways and the Oldways Vegetarian Network
The Oldways Vegetarian Network (OVN) is a new endeavor to team up with the
world’s leading plant-based nutrition researchers, nutrition experts, and culinary
professionals in order to promote the health benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet
that celebrates traditional, whole plant foods. In 2013, the Oldways Vegetarian Diet
Pyramid, created in 1997, was reviewed and updated by a scientific committee that
included Dr. Joan Sabate of Loma Linda University, and Drs. Walter Willett and Frank
Sacks of the Harvard School of Public Health, Registered Dietitian Sharon Palmer, and
others. To extend and expand the reach of the updated Pyramid, and with an overall
goal of increasing consumption of plant foods, the OVN is creating a number of new
resources for dietitians including:
Oldways Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Pyramid. Our
newly revised pyramid depicts all the colorful foods
that form a well-planned plant-based diet and the
enhanced lifestyle panel at the bottom focuses on
cooking meals at home and enjoying them with
family and friends. The pyramid is available from
our Oldways online store as a 24” x 36” printed
The Oldways 4-week Vegetarian and Vegan Diet
Menu Plan, by plant-based dietitian, Sharon
Palmer. This useful book features easy and affordable recipes and sound advice for planning
healthy, delicious meals.
Welcome to the Vegetarian/Vegan Diet brochure.
A trifold brochure, available either as a downloadable PDF or in hard copy, provides 10 simple
steps to healthier plant-based meals.
The Basics of Plant-Food Nutrition. Helpful tables show how a well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet can provide important sources of protein, calcium, Vitamin D
and Vitamin B-12.
What Can You Do With? resources currently offer helpful tips on making good use
of beans, bulgur, cottage cheese, peanuts and peanut butter, raisins, and tofu. We
will soon be adding many more pages to this popular collection.
Recipes. Tour the world of plant-based recipes to find new ways to prepare and
enjoy familiar foods.
Visit our webpage for these and other helpful free resources:
66 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
The Latest News in Nutrition
March is National Nutrition Month: “Bite Into a Healthy
Lifestyle” is the 2015 Campaign Theme
Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee Released
“Eggs are no longer bad guys. Coffee with those eggs? Go ahead, have a cup,
maybe even three.” -WebMD
“We likely still have a long way to go reorienting our culture to a renunciation
of quick-fix diets, and an embrace of the tried-and-true fundamentals of healthful eating. In an age of polarized opinions, magnified in the echo chambers of
cyberspace, there are a lot of competing dogmas to overcome. Getting past that,
and coming together, is an important mission – but perhaps a topic for another
day. For today, we at least now have recommendations, and the promise of official
guidelines, that emphasize wholesome foods in sensible combinations, rather than
isolated nutrients – which for far too long have unbalanced our diets, like a tail that
wags the dog.” —Dr. David Katz
FDA Finalizes Menu and Vending Machine Calorie Labeling Rules
Finalized ruling requires calorie information be listed on menus and menu boards
by November 2015 in chain restaurants, similar retail food establishments and
vending machines with 20 or more locations to provide consumers with nutritional
information about the foods they eat outside the home.
▲▲ The Rise of Supermarket RDs — Today’s Dietitian, October 2014
Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 201567
Oldways is grateful to the many individuals and organizations who have contributed
their support, time, and efforts to make this Symposium a success.
We extend a very special thank you and our gratitude to all our sponsors. We have
been energized by your excitement and interest, and we thank you and those who
have worked on your behalf for your generous support:
Don Braun and Anne Lee, Dr. Schar USA; Stephanie Scott, Monica Amburn, and
Patty Packard, Vestcom International; Maria Gustafsson, Carolyn Kallio, and Nadean
Peskun, Unilever; Natalie Gershon, Paddy Spence, and Natalie Wallach, Zevia
Zero Caloria Soda; Jenny Heap, Lauren Shelar, and Kate Geagan, Almond Board
of California; Anna Rosales, Barilla America, Inc.; Stephanie Meyering and Diane
Welland, Juice Products Association; Ali Dorazio and Marissa McCormick, Bridget
Montag, General Mills; Kara Lydon, Steven Muro, Katie Preis, Mushroom Council;
Katie Clay, Jim Painter, and Deborah Rayhab, National Pasteurized Eggs; Cate
Hollowitsch, Stephanie Knutson, and Sara Tedeschi, Organic Valley; Greg Hoffman,
Rick O’Fallon, and Rich Paumen, Sun-Maid Growers of California; Tracey Altman and
Rusty Pullam, Wholly Guacamole; Liberty Sveke and Samantha Liebhard, Arla Foods;
Christine Christian, California Strawberry Commission; Katie Calligaro and Dasha
Shor, Canned Food Alliance; Laura Hershey and Kate Wilson, Daisy Brand; Kristen
Germana and Sarah Ludmer, Kellogg Company; Stephanie Perruzza, KIND Snacks;
Lori Gerstley, National Turkey Federation; Ashley Hammond and Pat Kearney, The
Peanut Institute; Brittany Wilmes, Pear Bureau Northwest.
Thank you also to the participants—the supermarket dietitians, health and wellness
advisors, and other experts—who have come to share their time and their ideas. We
look forward to learning from you.
Many thanks to the staff at the Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club
who have listened to our vision for the Symposium, and who have helped make this
event a reality. We particularly acknowledge Carolina Nodsle, Senior Sales Manager;
Carol McKenna, Senior Events Manager; and Mark Heimann, Executive Chef/Director
of Restaurants; and Jose Laboy, Sales and Production Manager, American AV. We
would also like to extend our thanks to the team at Loews Don Cesar including
Ashley Succow, Conference Manager, and Executive Chef Kenny Hunsberger; and to
the crew at the Yacht Starship including Laura Lothridge, Sales Manager; Eric Abrel,
Services Manager; Executive Chef Bob Barfield; and Sous Chef Alphonso Poole.
Finally, we wish to extend our gratitude to Barbara Ruhs for her vision, ideas, and
creativity. She continues to inspire us with her passion. And special thanks to the
Oldways team members who have been instrumental in planning this program:
Georgia Orcutt, Program Manager, who is always interested in exploring new ways
to boost our collective learning experience; Rachel Greenstein, Communications
Manager, who kept us moving at the Sunday night reception; Joan Kelley, Manager
of Graphics and Website, for creating all the program materials; and Abby Sloane,
Financial Manager, for keeping track of so many important details.
Sara Baer-Sinnott
President, Oldways
68 Healthy Plates Healthy Planet: Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Symposium 2015
The Important Role of Supermarkets
One of the most frequent questions callers have is how Hy-Vee
calculates its financial return on its investment in dietitians. “We
have store directors in eight states who have looked at it and
say they can’t afford not to have a dietitian in their stores,” Andy
McCann, Senior Vice President for Retail Health at Hy-Vee said.
“It’s very difficult to calculate a return on investment, but when
you look at day to day what the dietitians do, it’s easy to see how
they’re valuable.”
– The New York Times, August 24, 2012
“Employing Dietitians Pays Off for
How important is health marketing to supermarkets? “Today we’re
a supermarket company… selling wellness services and wellness
products. I think in 10 years’ time we’ll be thought of more as a
wellness company selling food.”
– Steven Burd, Former CEO of Safeway
As Americans become more interested in maintaining health and
preventing chronic disease, grocery store chains are relying on
dietitians to provide nutrition education to shoppers, and stay
abreast of nutrition trends and research to help them remain competitive. Conventional, natural, big box retailers as well as convenience and discount stores are all fighting for a slice of the healthy
shopper’s dollar. It makes sense when you consider the average
person visits their doctor less than twice per year and steps into a
grocery store nearly twice per week!
– Barbara Ruhs, MS, RDN,
Oldways Supermarket Dietitian Ambassador
Celebrating Traditional Diets
for 25 Years