Town Talk - Oliver Cooper


Town Talk - Oliver Cooper
April 2015 ■ Working for Hampstead Town,
South End Green, North End, and Belsize Park
Town Talk
Spe ction
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Tel: 07929 466890
Twitter: @OliverCooper
Edited by Conservative by-election candidate Oliver Cooper
Hampstead Town by-election and general election: Polling Day 7th May
Tories force Tesco lorry U-turn
Local Conservatives have pressured Tesco into using small vans
for deliveries to their Heath Street store. See overleaf.
Issue 1
Protecting Hampstead Heath
Simon Marcus and Oliver Cooper are fighting the Hampstead
Dams project that threatens our Heath. See overleaf.
Fighting against
the Mansion Tax
Oliver and Simon think the
plans for 29 New End will
harm the health of children
at the three nearby schools,
undermine the character
of the village, and disrupt
the lives of residents during
years of construction.
Camden rejected the plans
in 2013, under pressure
from local Conservatives
Councillor Stephen Stark
and then-Cllr Chris Knight,
but were over-ruled by the
Planning Inspectorate.
Oliver has written to Eric
Pickles asking him to
restore Camden’s decision
and block the development.
The Mansion Tax - or, as the Lib
Dems call their nearly-identical
policy, the ‘High Value Property Levy’
- would hit Hampstead residents
in ordinary homes with bills for
thousands of pounds a year. And
unlike Council Tax, Camden wouldn’t
receive a penny of that revenue.
Both Lib Dems and Labour support
a Mansion Tax and backed a 1.99%
Council Tax increase: the highest
possible without a referendum. The
Conservatives opposed it and Oliver
and Simon will campaign against
new taxes on Hampstead.
■ Oliver Cooper and Simon Marcus are fighting alongside local
campaigners against the development of 29 New End. We will
always fight to preserve the character of Hampstead.
Oliver Cooper marching with residents in
opposition to the re-developent of 29 New End.
Keep Hampstead special by blocking over-development
I will oppose developments that threaten Hampstead’s heritage, such as 29
New End, the Hampstead Dams, Grove Lodge, and 9 Streatley Place.
Fight for local residents and local businesses
I will preserve weekly bin collections, back 20 minutes of free parking in our
shopping areas, and oppose abuse of our streets by Tesco.
Stop the Lib Dems’ and Labour’s Mansion Tax
I will oppose the Lib Dems’ and Labour’s attempts to high Hampstead
homes with a ‘Mansion Tax’ and support lower, not higher, Council Tax.
■ Oliver Cooper and Simon
Marcus have vowed to
oppose the Lib Dems’
and Labour’s attempts to
impose a Mansion Tax on
Hampstead homes.
Defending weekly
bin collections
■ Camden Conservatives are
leading the fight to protect
weekly bin collections
- while Labour want to
reduce collections to once a
Labour-run Camden Council want to
move to fortnightly bin collections.
This is completely inappropriate for
our area, causing serious public
health concerns and threatening
the cleaniness and attractiveness of
our community. Oliver will always
support weekly bin collections.
Local issues, local action, local Conservatives
Printed and promoted by David Douglas on behalf of Oliver Cooper and Simon Marcus, all of 1a Heath Hurst Road, London, NW3 2RU.
If you have a problem or concern call us on 020 7794 5679
Keeping in touch
Printed and promoted by David Douglas on behalf of Oliver Cooper and Simon Marcus,
all of 1a Heath Hurst Road, London, NW3 2RU.
How can Oliver and your local
action team help you?
Please raise any issue or problem of
concern you would like help with.
How can you help us?
Display a poster at election time
Deliver leaflets
Attend social events
Join the local Party
Vote by post
Stand for Council
How we use your information
The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party
and Hampstead & Kilburn Conservatives (“the data holders”)
in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act
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are consenting to the data holders making contact with you in
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Home/Mobile no
Please return to: 1a Heath Hurst
Road, London, NW3 2RU
■ Local Conservatives Oliver Cooper, Cllr Stephen Stark, and Cllr
Siobhan Baillie have forced Tesco to use smaller vans at central
London stores, starting with Heath Street.
While local Conservatives accept Tesco’s
place in Hampstead, we know that Tesco isn’t
the best neighbour. The Heath Street store’s
lorries often cause gridlock on Fitzjohn’s
Avenue and Heath Street, especially during
the school run.
Cllr Siobhan Baillie, Cllr Stephen Stark,
and Oliver Cooper campaigned against
expanding Tesco’s loading bay, which would
have exacerbated the problem, and they
have forced Tesco to use smaller vans at
their stores in the area. This will alleviate
traffic across Hampstead village, and level
the playing field between Tesco and smaller
Oliver has also campaigned against Tesco
opening on Haverstock Hill until fears about
lorries are addressed.
Backing local business
Oliver Cooper and the local Conservatives
are strong supporters of Hampstead’s
innumerable independent shops and pubs,
who need more support to survive and thrive.
Boris Johnson’s ‘Stop and Shop’ scheme
offers 30 minutes of free parking in 600
spaces across London. Oliver and Simon
Marcus are calling for Camden to mirror this
with 20 minutes of free parking time in select
spaces on smaller shopping streets.
Keeping Hampstead special by backing our High Street and local businesses:
1) Oliver meeting Cllr Siobhan Baillie about lorries at Tesco on Heath Street.
2) Oliver protesting with residents against another Tesco opening on Haverstock Hill.
3) Oliver investing online in Camden Town Brewery - in Hampstead’s The Horseshoe pub,
where Camden Town Brewery was founded!
Hands off our Heath!
■ Oliver Cooper and Simon
Marcus both love the Heath and
want to preserve it for the next
Because they care about it, they
both opposed the Dams project,
which will scar the Heath forever.
Caring and campaigning for Hampstead