Monday, May 4th - Oakville Milton Flying Club


Monday, May 4th - Oakville Milton Flying Club
Newsletter of the
Oakville Milton Flying Club
April 2015
F4U Corsair
Our next club meeting is:
In This Issue
Minutes of April Meeting
2015 Swap Meet
Cat’s Cradle
Meeting and Events Calendar
Monday, May 4th
at 7:30 pm
Unit 13, 785 Pacific Rd. Oakville
OMFC Fliteline
Annual Beauty Contest
The upcoming May meeting is the club’s Annual Beauty Contest.
Bring your winter project, whether it is an ARF or a self-built. We’d all love to see what
you’ve been working on this winter!!
Minutes of April Meeting
The OMFC March meeting was brought to order by
President Denis Loo on Monday, April 6th at 7:30 pm,
with 30 members present, including two new members, Ken McLean and Fred Messacar, as well as two
former members returning after an absence, Rick
Naylor and Rick Els.
proach the owner regarding brush clearing.
Denis announced the date for this year’s Air Show
(June 21st) and called for volunteers to help out with
this major club event.
The signs at the entrance to the club will state that
flying is by club members only; this includes guests
accompanied by a club member. Spectators (nonflying) are welcome at any time.
Our CFI, Brian Anderson, gave us the dates of the
Wings Ground School, as well as the date of the first
on-field classes .
Denis then gave us a summary of our discussions with
the Town of Milton regarding our flying sites. Our
search for an additional field is still ongoing, and centers around some quarries, which are unfortunately
still active. Once these sites have stopped production,
we may intensify our activities to acquire one of these
for a second field. Location is not great (north of the
401), but there is very little land left south of the highway.
The town will not be posting ‘No Smoking’ signs in the
Drumquin Park area as this is a provincial legislation
issue. Enforcement is up to us.
‘Poop & Scoop’ signs will be provided by the town—
however, some of these are already in place in the
park and seem to have very little effect, so again it will
be up to us to enforce the by-law.
The town will let us know who owns the lands at the
ends of our runways, once we know that we can ap-
Concerns about the use of our field by ’drones’
was addressed—we will not provide drone-only
training or membership. People wishing to fly
drones at the club must first be cleared on standard fixed-wing aircraft.
Mention was made of the Aurora (905 Squadron
MFC) Swap Meet to be held on Sunday, April 26th.
See their website for details.
There were again a lot of magazines available for
taking home—be sure to avail yourselves of this
resource should you be interested.
There was one aircraft on display; Andy Sulkowski
brought his partially finished Super Sportster 60.
This is the third SS he has built since 1985, one
OMFC Fliteline
every 15 years; they seem to last about five years on
average. The kit is very ‘old style’; a lot of wood blocks
that then have to be carved and sanded into an airplane! Not a great kit to build, but a very nice flying
model. This most recent one is powered by a Saito .82FS, and features a fuselage mounted landing
gear as well as some cosmetic changes to the basic kit.
After the business part of the meeting concluded, we
had our coffee break and raffle draw.
After the break, Denis introduced this month’s guest
speaker, Chris Clackett of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. Chris gave us a very well presented
overview of the museum, it’s history and also the
history of some of the many aircraft on display. We
got some background into what is involved in acquiring and then restoring some of these machines
to flying condition. In some cases these planes are
now over seventy years old. One of the more famous examples of a restored plane is, of course,
the Lancaster, of which only two in the world are
Our thanks to Chris for some intriguing insight into
planes that many of us may have seen flying along
the lakeshore.
***** Attention Prospective Wings Students *****
First day of classes at the field is Tuesday, May 19th. Your trainer should be completed,
checked out and ready to go for that date.
OMFC Swap Meet
The OMFC Toronto West Swap Meet was held on Sunday, February 8th at the Union Hall.
By mid-January, we had rented 26 tables, and had several people on a waiting list.. We rented both Bar tables, as well as two we brought in to fill the demand.
Setup was at 8:00 am, and by 8:30 we had patrons
lined up to enter.
Attendance was a bit higher than last year (97 vs 88)
but still low with respect to some previous years in the
past. Given the time of year, we are always at the mercy of winter weather, and the previous day had seen
some very icy road conditions.
As usual, vendor tables were $10 each, and the entry
fee was $5.
By 11:00 am the crowd started to dwindle, and the
vendors started to pack up.
Hall Rental
Table Rental
Net Profit
I would like to thank the following for their contributions:
Terry Sears—Event Sanctioning
Denis Loo, Jim Eichenberg, Dan Morgan & Dave
Slote—Helping with the table set-up and clean-up
Rasheed Juman
OMFC Fliteline
Cat’s Cradle
Pretty early in the year for photos (I don’t like the cold  ), but here are a few I couldn’t resist. The first is a
great shot by Yuri Zhigalov of his trusty PT40. Reminds me of one of those STOL bush planes, but I have to
wonder where the CG is after a bit of taxiing! Bottom left is Ted Mruck’s Avistar Elite. Plane flew as if on rails
through some pretty heavy winds the other day. Bottom right is Arun Ghose’s Four Star 40 that same day.
Not too much trouble handling the wind either. Congratulation, guys!
OMFC Fliteline
OMFC 2015 Executive
Past President:
Chief Flying Instructor:
Field Acquisition Mgr.:
Denis Loo
Rasheed Juman
Terry Sears
North Field Manager:
Membership Director:
Bill Funnell
Paul Foreman
Brian Anderson
Mike McDermott
Fliteline Editor:
Andy Sulkowski
Bert Armstrong
Jim Eichenberg
1316 Gainsborough Drive
Oakville, Ontario L6H 2H5
Telephone: (905) 849-9721
OMFC Meeting Dates for 2015
Monday, May 4th
Annual Beauty Contest
OMFC Event Dates for 2015
Event Sponsor
Tuesday, May 19th
OMFC Ground School
Wings Programme—First Field Lesson
Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson
June 6th
June 13th
June 21st
July 11th
July 25th/26th
Electric Fun Fly
Milton Street Show
Annual Air Show
Family Fun Fly
Pattern Contest
Denis Loo
Bill Funnell
Denis Loo
Terry Sears
Jim Eichenberg