Elem Flyer - Oregon Coast STEM Hub


Elem Flyer - Oregon Coast STEM Hub
STEM Education Professional Development
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math -
Graduate Courses For Elementary Teachers
Summer 2015
Be a STEM Leader in your School!
Ignite and Invigorate your Practice with STEM Summer Courses
Focusing on Common Core-Math, Next Generation Science Standards, Engineering, and Technology!
Understanding the Next Understanding the Next
Generation Science
Generation Science
Standards (NGSS):
Standards (NGSS):
Interactions and
Change Over Time
Starts June—
Multiple Locations
(3 in-person & 5 online)
Understanding the Next
Generation Science
Standards (NGSS):
World of Energy and
Starts June—
Multiple Locations
(3 in-person & 5 online)
Measuring Space in
One, Two and Three
Starts June—
Multiple Locations
(3 in-person & 5 online)
Moving Science into the
Next Generation
6/22 & 29, Aug. 11
and Online
Advancing STEM
Instruction Through
Engineering Design
Aug. 17-21
Aug. 10 - 14
Algebraically About
Place-Based Education:
Authentic STEM in the
Aug. 11-14
Elementary Math
Aug. 10—14
Supporting English
Language Learners and
Equity Practices in STEM
Aug. 3-7
July 22-26
Technology Enhanced
Personalized Learning
as a Pathway to STEM
Aug. 3-5 and
Online Aug. 6 & 7
Integrating the Common
Core and NGSS —
through The Private Eye®
July 27-31
Let us know your interest by completing the Summer
2015 Course Interest Survey on www.pdxstem.org
Questions or Need Help?
Flyer Printing Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Portland Metro STEM Partnership/Portland State University Course Highlights
 Focus on Common Core-Math, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Engineering & Technology
 Attends to both content and pedagogy and the ways in which pedagogy can support the learning of content
 Supports educators with varying levels of experience and prior knowledge
 Courses use a shared measurement system to identify teachers' increase in content knowledge and instructional practices
For complete details visit:
SCI 515 Understanding the Next Generation Science Standards: Energy & Matter
4 credits
Math Science Partnership Instructional Science Specialist course
Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate
Multiple locations: Portland, South Salem and Newport
What do we mean by pushes and pulls? Why do some things dissolve and other don’t? Where did those bubbles come from when I mix baking soda and vinegar? Answer
these questions and gain a deeper conceptual understanding of the knowledge and skills in science needed to effectively teach the elementary level NGSS. Apply and extend
your learning of the science with an emphasis on the higher order cognitive skills, scientific and engineering practices, and cross cutting ideas embedded in the disciplinary
core idea learning progressions defined in the new standards. Focus on the disciplinary core ideas of Energy and Matter in physical, life and earth science.
SCI 516 Understanding the Next Generation Science Standards: Change Over Time
4 credits
Math Science Partnership Instructional Science Specialist course
Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate
Multiple locations: Portland, South Salem and Newport
How do the continents move? Why are there so many different plants and animals? What causes waves? Answer these questions and gain a deeper conceptual
understanding of the knowledge and skills in science needed to effectively teach the elementary level NGSS. Apply and extend your learning of the science with an emphasis
on the higher order cognitive skills, scientific and engineering practices, and cross cutting ideas embedded in the disciplinary core idea learning progressions defined in the
new standards. Focus on the disciplinary core ideas of waves, electromagnetic radiation, plate tectonics, and evolution.
SCI 517 Understanding the Next Generation Science Standards: Interactions & Systems
4 credits
Math Science Partnership Instructional Science Specialist course
Grant Sponsored Tuition Rate Multiple locations: Portland, South Salem and Newport
How does the sun affect weather? What are natural hazards and how do we live with them? How do people affect ecosystems? Answer these questions and gain a deeper
conceptual understanding of the knowledge and skills in science needed to effectively teach the elementary level NGSS. Apply and extend your learning of the science with
an emphasis on the higher order cognitive skills, scientific and engineering practices, and cross cutting ideas embedded in the disciplinary core idea learning progressions
defined in the new standards. Focus on the disciplinary core ideas of interactions within solar, earth and eco-systems.
SCI 810 Connect2Core-Elementary Math
3 credits
Focus on how students learn the basic operations and develop and make sense of computational algorithms as they extend from whole numbers to decimals. Also examined
are the important foundations of place value, properties of operations, and number systems. Learn to distinguish between misconceptions and error patterns in student
thinking and learn to orchestrate productive mathematical discussions through carefully planned lessons. Create lessons that integrate technology and other tools to support
students’ learning of the Common Core Standards and Mathematical Practices.
CI 510 Reasoning Algebraically About Operations
3 credits
Examine generalizations at the heart of the study of operations in the elementary grades. Express these generalizations in common language and in algebraic notation,
develop arguments based on representations of the operations, study what it means to prove a generalization, and extend their generalizations and arguments when the
domain under consideration expands from whole numbers to integers. Student thinking is at the center of this course through examination of student work and students at
work (written and video cases). This course is part of the Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader program and can be used toward either the TSPC specialization or a
Deepening Mathematical Understanding for Elementary Teachers Graduate Certificate of Completion, http://www.pdx.edu/ceed/elementary-math.
CI 510 Measuring Space in One, Two and Three Dimensions
3 credits
Examine different attributes of size, develop facility in composing and decomposing shapes, and apply these skills to make sense of formulas for area and volume. Explore
conceptual issues of length, area, and volume, as well as their complex inter-relationships. Student thinking is at the center of this course through examination of student work
and students at work (written and video cases).This course is part of the Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader program and can be used toward either the TSPC
specialization or a Deepening Mathematical Understanding for Elementary Teachers Graduate Certificate of Completion, http://www.pdx.edu/ceed/elementary-math.
Integrating the Common Core and NGSS — through The Private Eye®
3 credits
Dandelions! Crickets! Eyeballs! Explore how to use this hands-on, interdisciplinary program to rev up student motivation, enrich content understanding, and heighten critical
and creative thinking. Apply crosscutting ideas of analogies, patterns, scale and proportion, systems and models, and structure and function throughout science, math, and
literacy. Focus on embedding the use of a jeweler's loupe and questioning strategies into literacy and art, STEM content areas, and scientific and mathematical practices. You
will: 1) enhance student ability to build motivational bridges between content areas; 2) make investigations into content areas simpler, but sophisticated and scholarly; 3)
develop students who naturally write-across-the curriculum with high-level results. You’ll design lesson plans that incorporate The Private Eye® process and activities to
address specific learning targets for elementary students in STEM areas. And you’ll bring the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core to life for all your
students. (As part of a grant, participants receive a set of Private Eye loupes.)
SCI 510: Place-Based Education: Authentic STEM in the Community
3 credits
This course supports teachers to identify the connections between place-based education, STEM, and sustainability to engage students in authentic learning in their
community. A variety of outdoor settings within the Portland-Metro area provide the study of nature and community from aesthetic, historic, and scientific perspectives.
Content standards and practices and Next Generation Science Standards will be the backdrop to create integrated instruction across disciplines for elementary to high school
levels. Participants will develop an understanding of the content learning progressions and the rich experiences that can be created by using place-based practices as a
pathway for student engagement and achievement. Teachers will utilize a wide variety of community-based resources and develop instructional materials addressing placebased education and STEM to incorporate meaningful experiences into academic learning. Participants engage in both class and field programming, receiving philosophic and
pragmatic organizational strategies for student success.
SCI 510 Advancing STEM Through Engineering Design K-6
3 credits
Learn about the engineering practices, disciplinary ideas and crosscutting concepts aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the vertical progression of
the standards and practices along with detailed grade level specific engineering design embedded lessons. Educators learn how to instruct and assess student progress
towards the engineering components of the standards and gain strategies to help their students see themselves as engineers and discover the varied career options in the
field of engineering. Cary Sneider, leader of the writing team for the engineering standards for NGSS, is a co-course creator and guest speaker.
SCI 510 Moving Science into the Next Generation
3 credits
Align to student performance expectations in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the correlate shifts in teacher instructional practices necessary to meet
these new standards. Using a variety of digital, print, and collaborative learning formats (including video exemplars, student work samples and perspectives of scientists and
engineers) participants increase their skills in incorporating the NGSS Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Disciplinary Ideas into their instruction.
SCI 510 Supporting English Language Learners and Equity Practices in STEM
3 credits
Focus on the language practices that all English Language Learners must acquire to successfully engage in the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science
Standards. Identify how to implement effective instructional strategies to engage students in the scientific and mathematical sense making and language use for teaching
English to ELLs. Develop formative assessments to measure student progress in the development of essential academic language skills needed for success. Incorporate
research-based instructional shifts to provide equitable learning opportunities for non-dominant student groups.
SCI 510 Technology Enhanced Personalized Learning as a Pathway to STEM
3 credits
As instruction expands beyond traditional boundaries, technology-enhanced personalized and student-centered learning focuses on providing all students with equitable
access to the knowledge and skills to achieve success in STEM. Learn how technology can provide a powerful teaching tool to help diagnose and address individual needs,
equip students with the essential skills for work and life in a 21st century global society, and provide an active experience for all students. Strategies will be explored for
developing a classroom, school and district culture that promotes effective technology use and the adoption of new teaching practices through collaboration.