Call for Participation in Autumn School with students from Doha


Call for Participation in Autumn School with students from Doha
Call for Participation
Summer School and Arabic Language Class in Beirut 2015
for BA, MA and PhD students from Beirut (Lebanon), Cologne
(Germany) and Doha (Qatar)
28/09 – 19/10/2015
Human Rights Center, Beirut Arab
University /BAU (Lebanon)
b) Arabic Language Class in Beirut (06/10 – 19/10/2015)
In addition to the summer school in Beirut students will participate in a 14-day
Arabic language course. This will be jointly organized by the BAU Beirut and the
Institute of Oriental Studies of UoC. The language course will start after the
summer school.
Please note that we have scheduled an 8-days excursion for the Lebanese
students of the BAU to Cologne/Bonn as well to Berlin in October/November
2015. We encourage our German students to welcome the Lebanese students in
Cologne and to be available for a two-day workshop with our Lebanese guests.
Who can apply?
Application Deadline:
1 May, 2015
a) Summer School „Global Justice and Migration: Middle Eastern
and European Perspectives“ (28/09 – 05/10/2015)
Among the challenges of our time are migration and displacement caused by
armed conflict, social and economic injustice and political oppression. The
second summer school of the cooperation project “Struggling for Social Justice”
(Partners: Beirut Arab University & Hamad Ibn Khalifa University Doha) will focus
on the interrelation between social/global justice and migration in the Middle
East and Europe.
The summer school aims to encourage students to think critically about injustice
on a global and a cross-cultural level and in relation to migration and
displacement. Moreover, it offers an opportunity for intercultural exchange and
learning. The topic of global/social justice and its manifold conceptualizations in
different societies, classes and milieus, social movements and selected sectors of
society will be analyzed and discussed by students and scholars of various
In addition to academic exchange we will visit local and international
organizations and stakeholders in Lebanon, active in the field of migration and
The summer school and Arabic language class are open for advanced BA
students, MA and PhD students of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (SKIW). A
good knowledge of English and a high motivation to engage in cross-cultural
discussion and learning are the main prerequisites for participation. Moreover,
we expect all participants to contribute actively to the program of the summer
school (preparation of a smaller research paper, text suggestions, etc.).
Applying for participation requires a motivation letter (600 - 800 words) in
which participants should illustrate their interest in the topic and provide a short
sketch of the course of your studies (main interests and focus areas).
Please send your application to Daniela Krenzer (
The Summer School and Arabic Language Class in Beirut are funded by the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and organized by the Institute of
Oriental Studies (Prof. Dr. Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf), the Human Rights Center of
the Beirut Arab University (Dr. Omar Houri) and the Center of the Study of
Contemporary Muslim Societies at Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies/Hamad Ibn
Khalifa University Doha (Dr. Samer El Karanshawy).