The Beauty Industry ReportVisit


The Beauty Industry ReportVisit
volume 13 issue 12
Position your product
to a narrow target
By Suzanne Grayson
Lafayette Jones’ Multicultural Report
CND hits a homerun with Shellac
Brazilian Keratin achieves EU registration 8
Premiere Birmingham report
Oster’s David Guerin thanks troops
Empire gives back
Kirschner Group expands to Middle East20
Coty acquires OPI
Bio Ionic taps Salon Centric
Mane St.
Watch list: Screen USA Micro-Distributors
& check out BIR’s 2011 BIG! Show Calendar
This is your industry’s newsletter, and
BIR welcomes your feedback!
Mike Nave, editor
I invite you to connect with me on Facebook and
follow me on Twitter@MikeNave
by Mike Nave
ime flies when we’re
having fun in the world
of professional beauty,
and it’s hard to believe
that another year is
almost history. As this
year closes, I am pleased and relieved that
the overall industry grew in the right
direction in 2010. Did it match the robust
growth of a couple of years ago? No, but
with modest sales increases and some
decreases in product diversion, 2011 can be a
banner year.
This month, I am delighted to share my
interview with the M&M Teixeira duo to
learn about their Brazilian Keratin
Treatment. Also, it was a pleasure to have
John Heffner share the story of CND’s
blockbuster success, Shellac.
BIR was also on the road and reports
from Premiere Birmingham.
Best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday
season and a happy and prosperous 2011!
ho’s it for? And what’s in it for them?
Have you asked yourself those two
questions when you are developing a new
product or service and/or writing/evaluating
the ad or display headline that will be critical
to creating a demand?
And why do so many products fail or just
don’t have the consumer appeal that the
marketers expected them to have? The
answers lie in inadequate positioning, from
which all else follows. Determining the target
is a key marketing skill and must be the
primary focus of the team involved with
positioning the product or service. In fact,
defining the product positioning for a specific
target market is numero uno—and it must be
determined before you even write the
product specifications.
The target is not a demographic; i.e.,
women over 40—if it’s an anti-aging
product—or even a psychographic; i.e., their
lifestyle preferences and character traits,
although the latter will come into play during
the creative execution phase in advertising
and communication. The process is much
more specific and need-based.
Developing the positioning strategy starts
with the phrase, “This product is for the
woman who (define the problem/need) and
either is probably using (specify key
competitive product) or does not have the
product benefits she needs (whether she
knows what she needs, or not).”
If it’s the former, what significant product
advantage will you have to create dissonance
with that competitive product? If it’s the
latter, it will be important to classify her
degree of need (real or imagined) and the
higher, the better.
But beware of defining a market too
narrowly, especially since most women do
Who’s it for?....cont. on p. 2
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
Who’s it for?...cont. from p. 1
not want to use several products at one time,
especially these days. Narrow targeting with
broad appeal can be the road to Nirvana. The
basic consumer insight for narrow targeting is,
“If it’s good for the people with real problems,
and it works for them, it will be great for me.”
Thus, the expanded market.
So, by reading the headline in an ad or
display, anyone should be able to determine
the target market, and what’s in it for her/him.
If it projects a competitive edge—to create
dissonance with her current product—so
much the very better.
Finally, if you believe that this basic
approach to positioning and targeting our
products or service is too simplistic, think
again, and then re-read the first sentence of
the second paragraph of this article. (For a
complete discussion of narrow targeting, with
examples of success or not, contact me and
request the information from my HAPPI
Suzanne Grayson is a managing partner in
Grayson Associates LLC, marketing
consultants based in San Juan Capistrano, CA
and New York City. She writes two bi-monthly
columns in HAPPI magazine—The Grayson
Report, a marketing analysis newsletter now
in its 38th year, and
TheBrand-AdAudit, which
covers predictions for both
new product success and
advertising impact. To learn
more and request her
column with more
information, reach her at or visit
BIR invites you to become a Guest
Columnist. Send your thoughts in about 450
words, including a one-paragraph author
bio, to in an MSWord
document. We will edit your column for
style and space.
Screen USA, importer of Italian professional
beauty products, is bringing the one-to-one
personal relationship back to professional
salon and spa distribution by introducing a
“Micro-Distribution” concept to the
marketplace. The Screen USA MicroDistributors, who will range from single
entrepreneurial salespeople to boutique
distribution companies and will serve as the
company’s sales force in the field, will manage
exclusive territories in which they sell Screen
Hair Care and T-Spatium Skin Care Products
directly to salons and spas. By cultivating
strong partnerships with salon professionals,
Micro-Distributors will guide salons to building
stronger, sustainable businesses through indepth and ongoing education focusing on
real-world trends, techniques and business
strategies and tactics.
Screen USA will provide Micro-Distributors
everything they need to establish their own
businesses. That includes a full wet line, three
color lines, a chemical line and skin care,
supported by promotional materials, sample
kits, product training, online tools, public
relations, advertising and educational programs
in the field. Micro-Distributors will not be
required to warehouse products, which will
ship directly to the salons and spas from
Screen USA’s automated warehouse and
processing center. In addition, the company
will provide entrepreneurial Micro-Distributors
with assistance in establishing and running
their own businesses through incorporation
guidance, independent contractor agreements,
accounting software referrals and technology.
“In an age where mergers and acquisitions
on both the manufacturing and distribution
levels of the professional beauty industry have
removed so much of the personal touch from
the beauty business, Screen USA is bringing
back the opportunities that can only be
created through cultivating strong personal
relationships with our customers,” says Yves
Henrichon, managing partner. “This noinventory business allows ambitious sales
people who love to help their customers
succeed to become entrepreneurs by
launching their own businesses with no startup costs. You simply invest your own drive,
energy and ambition. There’s no cap on how
much you can earn with Screen USA.”
Ideal candidates have five years of previous
outside sales experience selling professional
hair care and hair color products, established
relationships in their territories and a
cosmetology license or beauty background. In
addition, they must be self motivated, have a
can-do attitude and a drive to help salons and
spas grow their business by partnering with a
company that has their best interest as its only
focus. Existing boutique distributors are also
eligible to become Screen USA stocking or
The company is interviewing candidates for
a January launch. Interested candidates are
invited to contact Sandy Mangione, principal
at iBeauty, LLC, who is managing MicroDistributor recruiting and training for Screen
USA, at or
215-275-0952. Visit
The Professional Beauty Association (PBA)
Salon/Spa Performance Index (SSPI) for
quarter three dropped from the second
quarter’s record high due to softer sales and
customer traffic levels. The Salon/Spa
Performance Index stands at 103.3 in the third
quarter, down 0.3% from the record high of
103.6 registered in the second quarter. Fiftyfour percent of salon/spa owners reported an
increase in same-store service sales between
the third quarters of 2009 and 2010, while 20%
reported a sales decline. Forty-one percent of
salon/spa owners reported higher retail sales
between the third quarters of 2009 and 2010,
down from 51% who reported a retail sales
gain in the second quarter. In comparison, 31%
of salon/spa owners reported lower retail
sales in the third quarter, up from 25% in the
second quarter. Seventy-eight percent of
salon/spa owners said they expect to have
higher service sales in six months, and 60% of
salon/spa owners said they plan to have
higher staffing levels in six months. Reach
Myra Irizarry, PBA manager of government
affairs, at 800-468-2274 or Visit
The 2010-2012 Global Supply Chain Trends
report by PRTM, a management consulting
company, surveyed participants from around
the world, including Europe, North and
South America and Asia, to provide insights
to increase revenue and margin growth.
“Survey respondents, on average, expect
annual revenue growth of 8.3% between
now and 2012,” according to the report.
“Survey participants are also confident that
gross margins will rise. More than two-thirds
expect average gross margins to surpass 10%.
And more than one-third expect them to
surpass 20%.” Although customers are
returning to stores, consumer activity is
likely to remain low. In order to increase
sales and appeal to increasingly demanding
customers, consumer goods and retail
companies are launching a bevy of new
products. Sixty percent of the 350
companies surveyed in a recent report by
PRTM reported rolling out new products or
variations on old ones. Other areas of focus
for companies attempting to lower costs
and increase revenue are effective
inventory/stock management (78%);
improving delivery performance to
customers (76%); focusing on profitability
and cash management (74%); reducing order
fulfillment lead time (62%) and optimizing
accounts payable and receivables
management (48%). The free report is
available at
On November 1, the H.O.P.E. for Beauty
education center in Southampton, PA,
celebrated its grand opening with beauty
professionals from Pennsylvania, New Jersey
and Delaware, including special guests, such
as Cheryl and Jim Markham, founders of
PureOlogy Serious Colour Care, and
Martino Cartier from Bravo’s Tabatha. The
facility opened weeks ahead of schedule to
accommodate special education events with
industry icons Michael O’Rourke and
Phillip Wilson. H.O.P.E. offers professional
education and a curriculum that ranges from
intimate workshops to large-scale (up to 125
people) presentations that teach new skills
and techniques, as well as business courses.
“My wish for H.O.P.E. is that it will continue
to inspire the beauty professionals who
attend to dream bigger and raise current
industry standards of excellence,” says John
Philipp, founder/CEO. “There are so many
talented, passionate people who are looking
for a place they can share their gifts with
others. H.O.P.E. for Beauty welcomes them
all.” Reach John at 888-371-5040 or Call
888-789-9995 or visit for information
about H.O.P.E. and a schedule of classes.
The Bed Head Colour Combat collection of
shampoos, conditioners and treatments
keeps hair color looking salon fresh.
Products seal in color pigment to keep hues
lasting longer, thanks to “color lockdown
technology.” The range includes Bed Head
Colour Combat Dumb Blonde Shampoo
(8.45 ounces/SRP $16.95), Dumb Blonde
Conditioner (6.76 ounces/SRP $17.95) and
Dumb Blonde Leave-In Conditioner (8.45
ounces/SRP $16.95). For rich caramel brown
and spicy red hues, Bed Head Colour
Combat features the Bed Head Colour
Goddess product range. It includes Bed
Head Colour Combat Goddess Shampoo
(8.45 ounces/SRP $16.95), Bed Head Colour
Combat Goddess Conditioner (6.76
ounces/SRP $17.95) and Bed Head Colour
Goddess Leave-In Conditioner (8.45
ounces/SRP $16.95). Reach Vince Davis,
general manager of TIGI Americas, at
800-259-8596 or Visit
The Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers
& Distributors Association (ICMAD)
recently announced the winners of its 2010
ICMAD Young Designers Competition at a
dinner in New York City. Alex Pabian, a
student at Miami International University
of Art and Design, took first place and a
cash prize of $2,500 for “Footsie Foot Scrub;”
Horacio Acevedo, a student at the
American Academy of Art in Chicago, won
second place and $1,500 for “Hunny
Nourishing Baby Lotion” and Maggie
McCormick, a student at the Fashion
Institute of Design and Merchandising in
Los Angeles, placed third, receiving $1,000
for “Core Daily Moisturizer.” As part of their
prize packages, the Young Designers met
with Maureen Kelly, founder of Tarte
Cosmetics; Kelly Kovack, founder of
Purpose-Built and Matthew Malin, founder
of Malin + Goetz, for a glimpse into how
cosmetics companies and design firms work.
Katy Leakey, eco-jewelry designer and
founder of the Leakey Collection,
presented the awards. Reach Penni Jones,
ICMAD executive director, at 847-991-4499
or Visit
Surface Hair won two Launchpad Readers'
Choice Awards. The Surface Hair Collection
won in the eco-chic category, and Surface
Hair Push Powder won in the styling
powder category. Reach Wayne Grund at
866-944-7863. Visit
Two DevaCurl products have earned the
2010 Allure “Best of Beauty” designation.
DevaCurl No-Poo was named best shampoo
and conditioner for African-American hair,
and DevaCurl AnGel was selected as the
best styling product (defrizzer) for AfricanAmerican hair. Reach William Ludwig,
president/COO, at 202-251-3004 or Visit
News continued on page 4
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
News continued from page 3
beauty experience, business savvy and
exuberant personality. Reach Byron Dennis,
vice president of business development, at
954-514-7429 or
Robb Dubre joins Deva Concepts as
national field education manager. Robb will
oversee the deployment and execution of
Deva Curl’s training and education programs.
In addition, he will also support Deva Curl's
new product research and development
initiatives and help expand and further
develop the creative and technical
components of Deva Curl's training and
education. Reach Robb at 619-922-2929 or Visit
Adam J. Manenti has been promoted to
vice president of operations for Blue Cross
Beauty Products Inc., a manufacturer of
low-cost cosmetics and Blue Cross Cuticle
Remover. Reach Adam at 818-896-8681, ext.
102, or Visit
Steve Bublitz and William Cameron have
joined Shark Fin Professional Shear
Company in sales positions in the company’s
school division. They will be developing and
maintaining customer relationships and
ensuring client satisfaction. Reach Randy
Ferman, CEO/founder, at 888-544-7254 or Visit
Vicki Gunvalson of The Real Housewives
of Orange County has been named vice
president of product development for
PureSuasion, Inc. Last year, PureSuasion
launched its inaugural product, Cilea
Eyelash Growth Stimulator, a nonprescription product. Since its introduction,
Cilea has been selling online, in select spas
and salons and internationally in Europe and
Australia. The addition of Vicki to the
PureSuasion team is a strategic move to link
East Coast and West Coast opportunities, as
well as to extend the product line using her
Susanne Schmaling is Bioelements’ new
education and business manager for the
Northern California region. Over the past 10
years, Susanne has been a Bioelements
learning coach and sales representative. She
also worked closely with spas to help them
grow their businesses. In her new position,
Susanne will oversee and assist Bioelements
Partnership Spas with their educational
needs, ensuring that they receive unlimited,
free education at the Bioelements Learning
Centers or right in their own spa. She will
work one-on-one with spas to expand their
service menus, grow their retail sales and
maximize their full potential. Reach Susanne
at 800-433-6650 or
Congratulations to Jeff Orrell and Caryn
Letcavage, who wed in Hawaii recently.
Guests included Kevin Palmquist, Product
Club vice president; TRU Beauty's John and
Denise Philipps and West Coast Beauty's
Todd and Sue Rutherford. Reach Jeff,
Neuma Beauty’s senior vice president of
sales/marketing, at 949-702-7050 or
Heather Hughes is the new buyer’s
consultant at NovaLash. In this role, she will
coordinate all training classes and provide
continued ongoing support to NovaLash
customers. She will play a key role in the
launch of the NovaLash Eyelash Extension
Specialized Training Program for beauty
schools. She will serve as a company liaison
between clients and extensionists to convey
the NovaLash commitment to exemplary
customer service, product safety and results.
Heather has a degree in public relations with
a minor in graphic design from Baylor
University. Reach Heather at 866-430-1261 or Visit
Do you currently have any closeout,
overstock or buyback inventory
opportunities? One of the country’s largest
closeout wholesalers that services more
than 1,500 different accounts, mainly in the
secondary closeout market, could be the
solution to your overstock problems. The
company has been in business for 25 years
with a huge capacity—no quantity is too
large. Forward your list with quantities and
wholesale pricing to BIR Box 12-1.
Arteasecolors is adding a sales rep in
Southern California to cover the Inland
Empire, Palm Springs/Desert area and North
San Diego County areas. To learn more
about the position, call 888-993-9912 or visit
Clairol Professional reinvents Miss Clairol
with Liquicolor Permanente, a professional
hair color that provides up to 84% more
deep conditioning than the leading
professional cream color. The new product
infuses the iconic Miss Clairol brand with
the power of soy with its soy4plex
technology to deliver improved conditioning
for healthy-looking color. Reach John Perry,
senior vice president of sales for P&G openline salon business, at 818-712-7707 or
David Rubinstein, president of Klix Hair
Inc., announced that the U.S. Government
Patent Office has awarded the company
with patent number U.S. 7,753,057 B2 for the
installation system for its Klix Hair
Extensions. Reach David at 877-289-5549 or Visit
News continued on page 13
The Multicultural Report
he Fishman family has been in the ethnic
beauty care distribution business for 75
years. Ted Fishman earned a Lifetime
Achievement Award from OTC Beauty
Magazine and authored several OTC articles
on store evaluation and new product selection.
Ted remembers pressing oil at the age of 10
with his Russian immigrant father, Philip. With
his two brothers, he serviced beauty salons for
African-American women. Ted Fishman &
Associates was founded in 1954. Ted has
received awards from the American Health
and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI), Alberto
Culver, Fantasia Industries, Standard
Distributing and the National Beauty Supply
Dealers Association, the association for 1,500
Korean-owned beauty and barber supply
stores. Contact Ted at 800-323-5320 or Visit
After 30 years of styling the coifs of black
men and women, Barry Fletcher shows
women the best way to win a man's heart and
commitment in “Learn a Man, Earn a Man.”
Barry is also the author of “Why are Black
Women Losing Their Hair?” He has styled
celebrities Halle Berry, Tina Turner, Dr. Maya
Angelou, Mary J. Blige, Chaka Khan, Patti
LaBelle and Iman. He has a Barry Fletcher
Products line and sees clients at The Hair
Palace in Washington, DC. Contact Carole
Davis at 202-756-7757 or
In a tough economy, forward thinking
retailers and marketers planning 2011
promotions and looking for new growth can
look to multicultural markets as a source of
new customers, according to U.S. census data
and the department of commerce. Forty
million African-American consumers are
approaching 14% of the U.S. population.
Hispanics have contributed to more than 50%
of the U.S. population growth in the past 10
years. Six to 8 million Muslims are spending
$170 billion a year.
Packaged Facts reports multicultural
industry trends, market projections and indepth analysis. Retailers have ventured beyond
hair relaxers, darker tints of makeup and
moisturizers to offer high-end beauty and
by Lafayette Jones
grooming regimens in expanding ethnic
channels: food, drug, mass, mom and pop
bodegas and tiendas, OTC beauty stores and
the Internet. Ethnic hair, beauty and makeup is
a $2.7 billion business. Contact Russ Eustice,
research specialist, at 240-747-3053 or
Ebony, the largest selling magazine for
African-Americans, embraces new media with
an iPad edition for its 65th anniversary
November issue. At $3.99, the app, available at
the iTunes store, is the same price as the
magazine. In other news from Johnson
Publishing Company (JPC), Ethan Foster has
become the vice president of sales for Fashion
Fair Cosmetics. Founder of E.G. Foster Group,
Inc., Ethan has more than 30 years of expertise
in driving large sales operations and
competitive market penetration for brands,
including Carol’s Daughter and Namasté Salon
Systems. He was formerly senior vice president
of worldwide sales for Soft Sheen-Carson, a
division of L’Oreal USA. To learn more, visit
"Acculturation describes the process by
which Hispanics assume the traditions and
manners of expression of Americans, while also
maintaining the traditions and identifiers
related to their homelands," say book notes on
“Hispanic Marketing: Addressing Acculturation.”
Why is that important? It is key to having the
right selection of products for Hispanic
consumers; it also cues media usage. Hispanic
youth born and raised in the United States who
want to explore their roots and adopt the
traditions of their family’s country of origin are
signs of “retro-acculturation.” Young or old,
Hispanics can be anywhere along the scale of
acculturation, regardless of when they arrived
or their country of origin: and whether they are
English-dominant, bilingual or Spanishdominant at home. Contact EPM
Communications at 212-941-0099 or Visit
Crème of Nature is bringing argan oil to
retail shelves, beauty supply stores, mass
retailers and the Internet. (no
relation the magazine) carries Crème of Nature
Argan Oil Intensive Conditioning Treatment
Pack (12 packs/$20.95); Crème of Nature
Argan Oil Gloss & Shine Polisher (4 ounces/
$6.95); Crème of Nature Argan Oil Foaming
Wrap (7 ounces/$4.95); Crème of Nature
Argan Oil Gloss & Shine Mist (4 ounces/
$6.95) and Crème of Nature Argan Oil
Replenishing Sheen Spray (11.25 ounces/
$5.95). Connect with the company at; @cremeofnature on
Twitter; for
for salon professionals or via the blog
The Ultra Sheen Supreme styling line
introduces three products, each at $4.95. Ultra
Sheen Supreme Super Smooth Flat Iron
Protection Spray (8 ounces) helps achieve
professional results by protecting hair during
thermal styling. Both Ultra Sheen Supreme
Conditioning Sheen Spray (9.5 ounces) and
Ultra Sheen Conditioning Setting Lotion
(8 ounces) have vitamins E and B5 (panthenol).
The conditioning spray has safflower oil and
shea butter. The lotion has keratin protein and
aloe vera. Contact Megan Winston, custom
marketing analyst, Johnson Products
Company, at 469-533-3227 or;
Wendi Levy and Kim Etheredge are two
“mixed chicks” of varying ethnic backgrounds
who created a product line to address their
unique hair care needs. The line includes
Gentle Clarifying Shampoo (10 ounces/ $11.99;
33 ounces/$40); Detangling Deep Conditioner
(8 ounces/10.99; 33 ounces/$45); Leave-In
Conditioner (10 ounces/$16.99; liter/$50);
Gloss and Shining Hair Silk (1.7 ounces/$11.99);
His Mix Shampoo for Men (8.5 ounces/ $10);
His Mix Conditioner for Men (8.5 ounces/
$14.50). Call 818-888-4008 or visit
Lafayette Jones is CEO of SMSi-Urban Call
Marketing, a promotion and
marketing company, and publisher
of Urban Call custom publications.
Contact him with your
multicultural news at 336-759-7477
or Visit
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
CND hits a grand slam home run with Shellac
or 31 years, CND has served the professional
beauty industry by providing new and
innovative professional service and retail
products for nail
technicians and their
clients. Recently, the
company introduced
Shellac, a breakthrough
product line that has had
a transformational impact
John Heffner,
on the business. Since
CND President
joining the professional
beauty industry in 1997, CND President/CEO
John Heffner has left his stamp not only on
CND, but on the industry as a whole. A City of
Hope/Spirit of Life Award recipient, former
chairman of the Professional Beauty
Association’s board of directors and all around
nice guy, John has been dedicated to continuing
the company’s heritage in leadership, as well as
defending its mission of advancing the state of
the industry. Beauty Industry Report (BIR) sat
down recently with John to better understand
what is happening at CND and to gain insight
into Shellac and the industry in general.
BIR: Shellac has been a blockbuster success
and it represents what the beauty business is
all about—new, innovative products that
bring excitement to the marketplace and are
the catalyst for a new category of salon
services and retail. What led to that success?
John Heffner (JH): Shellac’s “overnight
success” has been nearly five years in the
making. It is the result of a diligent
collaboration between our amazing R&D and
marketing teams and builds on 30 years of
listening and responding to nail professionals.
BIR: How does Shellac differ from other
products in its category?
JH: Shellac is a revolutionary polish-gel
fusion that has 14+-day, flawless wear but
comes off easily in 10 minutes with absolutely
NO damage to the natural nail.
Other copy-cat products are simply gel
enhancements that may look easy going on,
but have questionable wear and are, in fact,
very difficult to remove. The key to Shellac’s
success is delivering a salon service that
exceeds the expectations of the nail
professional and the client. It’s what 85% of the
women in America who currently don’t go to
the salon for regular manicures have been
waiting for.
BIR: What did you see in the professional
beauty marketplace that indicated there was
an opportunity for Shellac?
JH: Consumers were telling us that they
needed longer wear, higher shine, easy removal
and shorter service time from their manicures
and pedicures. Nail professionals told us they
wanted to get the universe of new consumers
who were not yet salon clients into the salon
for a service that offered high value.
Indeed, what we have seen is that Shellac
brought the clients back! And furthermore,
Shellac allows the nail
professional to charge
50+% more for the same
service time as a basic
manicure or pedicure!
BIR: How has the
success impacted CND?
JH: We are very
pleased with the impact
Shellac has had on the
business. Beyond
reaching our financial
goals, I am particularly
pleased to see the
CND’s Shellac has
impact of such a
helped nail salons
winner on our team. It’s attract new clients.
also very rewarding to
know that a product you helped launch has
contributed to the resurgence of our category.
Everyone at CND has played a part in the
success, and it’s very rewarding to witness the
pride everyone feels. This will also enable us to
invest in future innovation and reinforce our
heritage as an industry leader.
BIR: John, you mentioned consistency in
describing CND’s 30-year history. How has
that manifested itself over the years?
JH: For more than 31 years, CND has
consistently inspired and served the needs of
nail professionals and partnered with fullservice distributors. At the same time, we’ve
consistently challenged ourselves to evolve
ahead of the industry pace. We have never
wavered from our charter, which is firmly based
on innovation and education—two critical
transformational components. That
commitment to the beauty professional
remains steadfast, despite the amazing change
in this industry and the many temptations to
step outside of it. We pride ourselves on
following a focused, methodical approach to
growth via organic initiatives and TRUE
innovation. Knocking off others for short-term
gain is a flawed strategy.
BIR: My daughter is a long-time manicurist,
and as long as I can remember, she has been
using CND products. Besides providing top
quality products, what is it about the
company that has created such a large and
loyal following among nail technicians?
JH: We have a laser focus on our true
customer, the nail professional. As a passionate
team, we spend our collective energies on
identifying and exceeding professionals’ needs,
so that as their partner, we can better serve the
salon client. That roadmap was established
from day one by the Nordstrom family and
stands true to this day.
BIR: What is your company’s overall
operating philosophy, and how do you
approach each day?
JH: We at CND aspire to be valued globally
by nail professionals as their preferred resource
for reliable products, empowering education
and practical business building tools. Each
member of our team works to that end. Each
day is spent focusing on the highest priorities
that get us closer to that goal in the most
efficient way possible.
BIR: In addition to Shellac, what are some of
CND’s best-selling products?
JH: We enjoy leadership positions in nearly
all of the categories in which we compete.
Radical and Retention+ are the anchor brands
for the liquid monomer business. Our Perfect
Color Powders have long been the mainstay of
the powder category. Both SpaPedicure and
SpaManicure were the first systems
introduced to salons. Brisa and Scentsations
are respective leaders in the gel and lotion
categories. SolarOil has led the cuticle
treatment category for more than 20 years, and
Shellac has created its own category—not to
be confused with soakable gels, of which there
are many players. I am proud to add that in the
recent Nails Magazine Readers’ Choice survey,
CND captured first place in 10 of 30 categories
(including Best Product of the Year) among all
industry manufacturers. That’s a real testament
to the brand loyalty we have secured over our
30-plus years.
BIR: What are the key success factors you
look for in selecting a distributor partner?
JH: The ideal distributor has a connection
with the nail professional. In a hair-driven
business, it is a challenge to maintain focus and
prioritization in a niche category. We strive to
educate distribution on the tremendous upside
of nail category focus. Fortunately, most of our
distributor partners have been with us from the
beginning and value the partnership and
potential of this business. On the international
front, most of our partners have grown with us
from very humble beginnings to second
generation ownership. We’ve literally grown up
with these folks.
BIR: Recently, growth in the domestic nail
care business has slowed, and at the same
time, the international nail care market is
exploding. How does that impact CND?
JH: While domestic salon services revenue
has trended downward over the past few years,
we have seen a spike this year, largely due to
new services led by Shellac. I see this
resurgence continuing for some time. We find
that the international markets represent a very
different business that tends to be regionalized.
The nail care consumer in China is very
different from the person in Latin America or
the United Kingdom. It is our challenge to find
the right product and service mix that draws
each unique client into the salon. Those new
discoveries, coupled with closer alignment with
global fashion trends, have triggered
disproportionate international growth.
BIR: Tell me about your education programs.
JH: CND is not just a product, it’s a PATH!
We invest considerable resources behind
education on a global scale. CND has been
responsible for setting the educational
standards for our industry. Our programs
ensure that aspiring nail professionals are
empowered with intelligence that allows them
to make the right choices for their clients. Our
hope is for them to realize their dreams by
practicing success philosophies, including
custom servicing, fashion expertise, scientific
understanding, technical excellence and
winning business practices.
“Shellac allows
the nail
professional to
charge 50%+ for
the same service
time as a basic
manicure or
BIR: What role do national salon trade and
distributor shows play in your marketing?
JH: Despite the many changes across the
tradeshow landscape over the past few years,
we still view them as a very effective means of
reaching our customer. Our expectation is that
show operators will use best practices to
evolve and provide the widest possible reach.
If they don’t, we likely will not participate and
focus on those that do. History has shown that
those manufacturers that abandon show
participation for whatever reason eventually
come back. CND is bullish on shows.
BIR: Who are your mentors?
JH: Over the years, I have tried to emulate
the good qualities I’ve observed, and I have had
the good fortune to be exposed to wonderful
managers, entrepreneurs and visionaries. Jan
Arnold and Jim Nordstrom both took me
under their wing, introduced me to this
wonderful business and showed me the right
way to do things!
BIR: What is the best business advice you
ever received, and who was it from?
JH: Of the many valuable business insights
my father provided me, the one that I hold
most dear is, ”Never cross the line.” In his own
wise way, he didn’t elaborate. At one point
later on, when I asked where the line was
drawn, he responded, ”Deep down inside,
everyone knows where the line is drawn.” It
really is true. Whenever I am challenged with a
tempting choice, the line becomes very clear
and those sage words readily come to mind.
BIR: Tell me about your online initiatives,
including social networking sites, such as
Twitter, You Tube, Facebook and LinkedIn.
JH: Social media is an important portal
through which we directly communicate with
our customer base, and we believe we’ve only
begun to scratch the surface of possibilities.
We currently have more than 12,000 Facebook
friends and several thousand Twitter followers.
Our marketing strategy utilizes those
touchpoints along with our corporate website,
not only to share information but to learn what
our customers are thinking in real time. We
utilize our Education Ambassadors to monitor
various sites and to answer questions and
troubleshoot issues as they arise.
BIR: Please tell us more about your
company’s website?
JH: is a comprehensive website
geared to both the consumer and the beauty
professional. Consumers have the ability to
learn about new CND salon services and to
search for salons using CND products.
Professionals have a whole host of tools
available to them, including a nail style gallery,
product profiles, educational videos, MSDS, an
event calendar, class searches and
customizable salon support materials. We’ve
also recently added a blog to encourage
interactivity with the CND team. A great recent
example was the New York Fashion Week bloga-thon, featuring our co-founder Jan Arnold.
Jan shared her backstage experiences and
provided commentary on how the season’s
runway looks incorporated nail style and color.
It was very well received and professionals
worldwide were able to tune in to get inspired.
BIR: What are your thoughts about the
future of our industry?
JH: I think it is critically important that the
industry not lose its entrepreneurial spirit. In
the age of corporate consolidation, it is easy to
have it dissipate. We need to ensure that the
professional beauty landscape remains a fertile
ground for new ideas, passion and vision. We
must focus on stimulating the next generation
of visionaries. Without them, we become
institutionalized, homogenized and ubiquitous.
Reach John at (760) 599-2900, ext. 277, or Visit
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
Brazilian Keratin Treatment achieves EU registration
arcia and Marcelo Teixeira are the two
Ms of M&M International, the company
they founded that is marketing the Brazilian
Keratin Treatment
(BKT), one of the leading
brands in the exploding
salon hair smoothing
category. They have
introduced their
company’s story in past
Marcia Teixeira, issues of Beauty
Industry Report (BIR),
so we are delighted to share this end-of-theyear report with our readers.
BIR: What is new at your company?
Marcelo Teixeira (MT): 2010 has been a
very significant year for us, both personally and
professionally. Marcia and I are now U.S.
citizens, which represents a major milestone for
our family. At the same time, we have
continued to grow as a company.
Marcia Teixeira (M): By this time each year,
we look back and reflect on how much we
have learned and what we have achieved. 2010
has been a year filled with significant learning
and expansion. We have been fortunate to
have the support and direction of Bill Decker.
With his participation, we established and
developed our U.S. distribution network and
continue to move in the right direction. Our
experiences will contribute to ongoing growth.
BIR: What are your achievements?
M: This past August at the Miami
International Beauty Show, I was recognized
with an award for having pioneered the keratin
treatment category in the United States. It was
a very gratifying moment for me and our
company after years of hard work.
Region by region, we are filling in the map of
the U.S. salon market with new BKT
distributors. We have welcomed The Bella
Company, servicing the state of Michigan, and
Professional Salon Concepts, servicing the
state of Colorado. Covering Illinois, Network
Salon Services has expanded its coverage and
is now distributing BKT in Indiana and Ohio. We
have added a representative in Alaska and have
established salons in Hawaii. Currently, the only
states that are not yet serviced by a BKT
distributor are Alabama, Georgia, New Mexico,
Nevada (outside of Las Vegas), Montana,
Wyoming and Mississippi. We are directly
servicing salons in those locations. I invite
distributors in those areas to contact us.
MT: The events of the early months of this
year forced us to master a crash course in
European Union (EU) regulations and
compliance. We were able to overcome a
major challenge by developing our newly
approved and registered EU treatment
formulas, which we officially launched in
October at the Salon International show in
London. It was a fantastic success. Our booth
was standing room only. We were the only
keratin treatment company out of a dozen able
to present EU registration documents to prove
that our products are EU compliant. It was a
priceless opportunity to educate hundreds of
people. 2011 is going to be a year of major
growth and expansion throughout Europe.
M: Over time, we have developed a better
understanding of the science behind our
products by working with various scientific and
toxicology experts. What we learn from them
enables us to ensure the safety of our products
when used as directed. Expanding our
knowledge base makes it possible for us to
provide more in-depth education to our
certified stylists, who, in turn, provide more
excellent service to their clients. Education is
not only the cornerstone of excellence, but the
key to working safely,
which continues to
be our first priority.
This past fall,
the industry saw
coverage of the
Brazilian Keratin Treatment surrounding
has provided salons with a formaldehyde
new revenue stream.
in various
brands of keratin based smoothing treatments.
As our clients are aware, we have always had a
policy of full disclosure with regard to our
ingredients. Having the focus placed on
disclosure by impartial organizations, rather
than competitive manufacturers, is just what
the public needed to finally start asking the
right questions and holding all manufacturers
accountable to higher standards. We see that
as a tremendously positive development.
We are proud of the fact that we have been
honest with the public since the day our
products went on the market. The goodwill we
have generated by educating about the facts
and providing clear, thorough explanations to
our stylists and consumers continues to serve
us well. We are proud of our integrity.
BIR: Marcelo, at Cosmoprof North America,
you shared with me your goal to establish an
association of companies marketing keratin
treatment lines. Please provide an update.
MT: We have played an integral role in
recommending the formation of a Keratin
Council under the guidance of the
Professional Beauty Association (PBA). The
topic was formally discussed by the PBA for the
first time this past September and was well
received. We are very optimistic that the PBA
will follow through and establish a Keratin
Council in the coming months. It is our
understanding that the PBA has looked into the
legal aspects of forming a new council and
sought out expert consultants to assist with
developing the basis for moving forward.
BIR: What will the new council’s mission be?
MT: The mission will be to form an alliance
between manufacturers and distributors, salons
and cosmetology schools, by providing a forum
through which cooperative discussions and the
exchange of information can thrive.
BIR: What are the council’s objectives?
MT: The goals will be to elevate the keratin
treatment product category as a whole by
cooperating in areas such as safety, proper
usage, education, government regulations and
public relations. The council will also
encourage full disclosure of ingredients and the
availability of OSHA compliant Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS).
BIR: Can you describe the potential benefits
of forming a Keratin Council?
MT: The media saturation we saw this year
certainly speaks to the timeliness of forming
this council. Many of us in the industry will
reap significant benefits by actively
participating. In addition to manufacturers and
distributors, a Keratin Council would benefit
the PBA and the salon industry in its entirety.
At this time, new PBA members that participate
in this category are often at a disadvantage
because of the lack of information to ensure
proper education. Creating a group of people
who share a mutual interest in maintaining the
integrity of the category will protect its
longevity while broadening the scope of
BIR: What are your plans going into 2011?
M: We are very excited about two new
products we have scheduled to launch during
the first quarter of 2011. For both professional,
in-salon use and at-home use, we have
developed our Keratin Intensive Leave-In
Spray. It features a specialized blend of
vitamins and anti-oxidants, detangles, prevents
split ends and protects the hair from UV rays.
We have also put the finishing touches on our
Pracaxi Intensive Masque. It’s a deep
reparative treatment, formulated with a special
blend of keratin and other natural ingredients
that are especially hydrating. It’s designed to
penetrate the cuticle and strengthen,
moisturize and repair stressed hair. Both
products will extend the longevity of a
Brazilian Keratin Treatment and are incredible
on any type of hair, with or without a BKT.
BIR: What is your operating philosophy?
MT: We pride ourselves on being a
relationship driven and service oriented
company. We try to maintain an approachable
demeanor and make ourselves available to
communicate with both professionals and
consumers. To put our philosophy into words,
Beauty—Knowledge—Truth expresses our mind
set. Beauty: One of our primary goals is to help
salons grow by offering excellent products and
services of the highest quality to satisfied
clients. Knowledge: We emphasize and require
education. Truth: We have always operated on
an open-book/open-door basis with regard to
every aspect of our products and make
ourselves available to share facts and respond
to all questions since introducing not only our
brand, but the keratin treatment category back
in 2006.
BIR: What are your suggestions for those
interested in providing or receiving a keratin
“Education is
not only the
cornerstone of
excellence, but
the key to
working safely,
continues to
be our first
M: We continue to strongly encourage
professionals and consumers to do their
homework. Don’t rely on the misinformation
that is perpetuated throughout the media. The
Internet can be a great source of information,
but it’s important that people don’t believe
everything they read. The majority of the socalled “data” available on the Internet are
written by self-proclaimed pundits with no
scientific background. Instead, go directly to
the manufacturers. Continue to question
companies that don’t give satisfactory answers.
Before choosing a product to work with,
request an MSDS and read it. If you have
questions about any of the content or don’t
understand something, ask someone at that
company to explain it to you. If you don’t think
that you have received a thorough and truthful
response, move on to the next until you are
satisfied. Don’t be patronized by companies
that don’t respect your intelligence.
BIR: How many distributors do you have?
MT: Including the new additions mentioned
earlier, we have 14 U.S. distributors, including
ourselves with direct service to those locations
not yet serviced by a distributor. Now that our
EU compliant products have been added to
our line, our international network will
continue to expand rapidly.
BIR: What role do salon and distributor
shows play in your overall marketing
MT: We continue to be amazed by the total
volume of sales and overwhelming traffic
through our booths and attendance at our onsite classes. We don’t foresee our presence
tapering off any time soon. Although, having
effective distributors in many regions has
begun to reduce the size of our Florida
entourage! We attended the Global Beauty
Exchange in September and met with more
than 20 buyers. We established many excellent
contacts and have since solidified several
relationships as a result. We already mentioned
the London show in October, which was
phenomenal. Immediately following, we
participated at the Expo Beauty Show in
Mexico City, Mexico. November included the
San Juan Beauty Show in Puerto Rico and the
Salon MCB in Paris—the final show of 2010.
Shows are exhausting and expensive, but each
one brings us fabulous opportunities that we
would otherwise miss.
BIR: What inspires you?
M: We still hear from stylists, salon owners
and clients on a regular basis who tell us how
adding the BKT to their service menu kept their
doors open during the tough economy, or the
joy they have brought to their clients who
never before had beautiful, healthy,
manageable hair. Clients tell us that having the
BKT has been a life transforming experience.
Hearing those sincere reviews never gets old.
Our clients are a constant source of inspiration.
BIR: Anything you would like to address that
I have not asked?
MT: As we have expressed in the past, we
are very grateful for the loyalty and dedication
of our team, distributors, consultants and
clients. We sincerely wish all a healthy, happy
new year!
Reach Marcelo Teixeira at 561-272-8443 or To learn more,
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
Premiere Birmingham: A regional show that rocks!
remiere Birmingham is a regional show with
the look and feel of a major market show—it
offers an extensive education program
featuring top platform artists, numerous classes
and more than 200 companies exhibiting on
the show floor.
Prior to the show after set up was complete,
Kelly Huether, SalonCentric’s regional vice
president, invited Beauty Industry Report
(BIR) to join the distributor’s VIP cocktail party
for salon customers attending the show. Guests
were treated to an open bar, hors d'oeuvres
and complimentary manicures by the CND nail
technician team. In spite of being “after hours,”
SalonCentric made arrangements for its Value
Center to be open, so guests roamed the area
and made their selections before the show
floor officially opened the next day.
Kelly introduced me to Michael Bianchi,
LOX Extensions’ coordinator and son of owner
Ralph Bianchi. The firm operates three large
L’Oréal elite salons in Royal Oaks, MI. As a
result of Ralph’s long relationship with Paul
Sharnsky, long-time L’Oréal executive and
current SalonCentric president, SalonCentric is
the exclusive distributor for LOX hair
extensions. The line features low-cost flexible
hair extensions that are applied without glue,
tape, heat or wax in less than two hours for
most clients. LOX Wefts comes in five-foot
lengths and are available in Straight ($275.00
per weft) and Wavy ($295.00 per weft). LOX
Single Strands come in packs of 10 ($30.00).
Complete stylist starter kits include a license,
set of tools, initial hair supply, training video,
swatch ring and stylist’s literature ($799.00).
Salon starter kits contain the same contents for
four stylists ($2,299.00). Reach Maggie Powser
at 888-LOX-0110 or
Kelly said, “Lox represents SalonCentric’s
first venture into the hair extension business,
and our distributor salon consultants and salon
customers are excited about the potential of
this growing category.” Reach Michael at
888-LOX-0110 or
BIR caught a number of Main Stage
performances, including Nick Arrojo, who
10 DECEMBER 2010
demonstrated the newest trends in scissor and
razor cutting. He also conducted a classroom
session each day. At Sunday’s class, each of the
600 seats in the room was filled, according to
show producer, Howard Britt.
Nick chatted with the crowd of stylists and
said, “The first week I opened my salon, I had
25 clients, and the next week I had zero due to
September 11, 2001, but that did not stop me.
Slowly, our client base grew as a result of
focusing on delivering the client a quality
experience that justifies charging more and
gives the client a reason to come back.” Nick
paused and added, “I charge $500.00 for a cut.”
Reach Nick at
212-242-7786 or Visit
The show floor buzzed with activity.
Other Main Stage artists included Patric
Bradley, featuring his BLUprint collection of
cuts and color; Matrix’s Cori Randall and
Ammon Carver; Mike Karg and Jerome Terry
from Karg Inc., New York; Sexy Hair’s Steven
Melito, Michelle Rouzer and Jimmy Melton;
Lanette Dwyer, Wendy Barnes and Jonathan
Kent Swaim from Framesi; and Joe Anthony
Pena, Rocky McCormick and George Cooper
from Farouk Systems. In addition to the Main
Stage, the educational schedule featured more
than 180 classes and workshops in barbering,
nails, business, esthetics and spa, extensions
and weaves, and hair styling and cutting.
The 2010 show floor covered two halls on
two levels. Level one filled the north hall with
a variety of exhibitors and level two in the east
hall housed the show floor exhibits dominated
by SalonCentric business partners, including
L’Oréal-owned Matrix, Redken and
Pureology, alongside BaBylissPro/Satin
Smooth, Sexy Hair, Repêchage, Kenra, Tressa,
TIGI, OPI, Product Club, Agadir, DevaCurl
and FHI Heat. Also located on this level were
the Main Stage area and a large food court.
Over the past two years, JKS International
has quietly grown by marketing with an
exclusive direct-to-salon model and is now
seeking small aggressive distributors. John
Kaytaz, president, hair stylist and salon owner,
was doing double duty working at the large JKS
floor exhibit and teaching a color correction
class. He told BIR,“Last year, no one knew
about JKS International. After a year of doing
extensive trade advertising and public relations
and exhibiting at shows, we are now more
recognizable. Two years ago with the recession
hitting the salon industry, both salon owners
and stylists were in survival mode and not
looking for anything new. With the economy
improving, it has opened up the opportunity
for us because those same salon professionals
are now open to new brands and ideas and are
not as compelled to stick with major brands
that are also on retailers’ shelves. Also, some of
those same large companies have reduced their
trade show participation, cut back on back bar
programs and are not doing the same amount
of education, and it’s resulting in positive
response to JKS programs and emphasis in
those areas. Offering salon owners and
colorists an Italian hair color in a two-ounce
tube for $2.95 is also getting lots of interest
from cost-conscious salon professionals, as
well.” Reach John at 877-JKSUSA2 or Visit
BIR checked out some of the manufacturers
that focus on the multicultural market. Salon
Exclusive featured its complete line of relaxers,
treatments, shampoos, conditioners and styling
products. Reach Dardell Le Grand, sales
manager, at 704-598-1971 or visit Morning Glory
Products featured Gro-Protect Solutions, a
line that provides hair protection from gluing
products used with hair weaves. Reach CEO
Tula Garris at 866-596-2902 or Visit The Edge
Beauty is a combination product line backed
by extensive education from the founding trio
of Andrea Cheese, Karen Bailey and Marcia
Gallant. Their Edge Academy at the company
headquarters in Farmingdale, NY, features a
curriculum that includes the basics and
advanced knowledge in haircutting, hair
coloring, chemistry and how it applies to daily
hair care and techniques on how to achieve the
newest trends. Soon the trio will take the
academy on the road to salons and stylists. The
product line includes Duration Oil for shine,
texture and strength (4 ounces/SRP $12.00 and
8 ounces/SRP $20.00). Duration contains
natural oils that activate when shaken to create
enhanced sculpting and waving effects. The line
also includes Puddy, a pomade (2 ounces/SRP
$13.99 and 4 ounces/SRP $20.00), and
Timeless, a flexible holding spray (8
ounces/SRP $14.99). Reach Andrea at
877-551-3343. Visit
Don Stone, White Sands chief operating
officer, shared that Orchid Oil is currently the
brand’s big item. Orchid is a treatment oil that
instantly restores balance to the hair and scalp,
while creating shine and adding natural
moisture to tired, stressed tresses. Orchid oil
treatment restores longevity by returning
moisture, shine and softness to hair that is
damaged from chemical treatments, thermal
stress and daily UVA and UVB exposure (3
ounces/SRP $20.00). Reach Noel Salas, chief
financial officer, at 949-206-1300 or Visit
Michael Megna, president of
Backscratchers Salon Systems, recently
celebrated his firm’s 25th anniversary. He noted,
“It was satisfying to look back and think how
we started from just a dream and humble, little
beauty school and then grew into an
international company. I’m humbled and
amazed when someone says, ‘I’ve been using
your products for more than 20 years.’ I wish I
could tell our story to every struggling salon
owner and nail professional. It’s always an
uphill challenge for any start-up, but even
more so in the current economic conditions.”
After the show, he told BIR, “Premier
Birmingham 2010 created some fantastic
memories. Nouveau Nail Tips, our biggest
seller, was a product that was not available at
the trade show but produced the most sales in
“Focusing and
education is
the key to our
attendees’ and
pre-orders. The tips have a loyal following and
everyone has been waiting for months for the
redesign. The tips have many new features for a
more natural look, and better yet, a more
natural feel.” Reach Michael at 800-832-5577 or Visit
According to Monica Johnson, Ace Nail &
Beauty Distributor’s sales manager, the
company had great success with its two nail
care manufacturers, CND and OPI. Not
surprising, Shellac was CND’s big seller. OPI’s
many holiday nail care promotions sold well,
too. Monica has been working closely with the
firm’s two main hair care lines, Onesta Hair
Care and Advanced Coloration Hair Color.
The Onesta platform artists, Anthony
Gonzalez and Shoni Golding, showcased hair
cutting and styling techniques. At Advanced
Coloration, they were demonstrating the
newest fall hair colors on the same models
being used by Onesta. Monica stated, “The
products work well together because they are
healthier for clients’ hair. Onesta products are
made with certified organic ingredients. The
name means ‘honesty,’ and the company
donates 10% of its net profits to cancer
research. Advanced Coloration hair color is
made with micro color molecules and uses
almost no ammonia. The color allows stylists
to easily achieve beautiful, vibrant and longlasting hair color, and the Onesta products help
to maintain the condition of the hair between
services. The synergy of the two brands has
made it much easier for our sales force to
generate new distribution and increase sales.”
Reach Monica at 770-853-6228 or Visit, or
Pibbs Industries is one of the Petruccelli
family’s many beauty business entities and a
supplier of salon equipment and furniture. At
Premiere Birmingham, Buy Rite Beauty
Equipment, one of its large equipment
distributors owned by Richard Eichholz, was
exhibiting one of Pibbs’ portable pedi carts,
which features a mini spa. This mini foot spa is
on rollers and can be moved easily from one
client to another. The unit features disposable
liners and provides heated whirlpool action for
massage. At 16 inches wide by 21 inches long
and 12 inches high, the unit takes up little space
(DG 103/FM13848/list $649.00). Reach Joe
Carpenter, Pibbs national sales manager, at
727-644-1131 or Visit
Empire Education Group, one of the largest
providers of cosmetology education, was
recruiting stylists interested in becoming
educators. Karen Tenpas, educator
development manager, told BIR that the
company is searching for qualified instructors.
Karen shared the many opportunities for salon
professionals who earn an instructor’s license in
cosmetology, including academic director,
educational training manager, academic
operations director, educator
recruiter/coordinator and more. Reach Karen at
570-429-4321 or Visit
Sofia Drozdowski, president, and Irena
Norwak, vice president of Gab & Adams
International, have spent a lifetime in the skin
care business. Both are practicing estheticians
and market Inventia, a collagen based product
Premiere Birmingham continued on page 12
DECEMBER 2010 11
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
Premiere Birmingham continued from page 11
line. Natural Collagen Inventia contains a
triple helix formula of collagen from fish skin
that is an identical match to human collagen.
When the gel is applied to wet skin, it replaces
missing collagen. The company says that
wrinkles start to fade away and skin gains back
lost firmness (30ml/SRP $134.00). In their
booth, BIR was treated to the 24K Gold mask
treatment while lying quietly on a lounge chair
for 20 minutes. The mask is available in a threepack box (SRP $80.00). Reach Sofia at
941-726-0006 or
Airbrush makeup has rapidly grown from a
limited technique used by makeup artists to a
growing salon service offered by progressive
salon owners and salon professionals looking
for opportunities to generate more service
revenues. Initially created for use by makeup
artists working with high definition television,
air brush makeup gives quick flawless coverage
that lies on top of the skin, doesn’t clog the
pores and is long-lasting. Dina Ousley, Dinair
Airbrush Makeup founder, has developed a
thriving business educating salon professionals
and salon owners on the art of air brush
makeup. At the show, she offered a complete
air brush starter makeup kit and the airbrush
unit at a reduced price of $169.00. Reach Dina
at 800-785-4770 or Visit
Hair straightening and smoothing has
become a salon service category that is
generating new revenues for stylists and salon
owners. Unfortunately, many of the brands’
formulations contain formaldehyde. However,
not all of the companies marketing in this
category include that potentially dangerous
chemical. One is Tressa’s thio-based Smooth
Operator. With 30 years of experience in
waving and color services, Tressa has
developed a straightener that is effective, easy
and fast. Available in two formulas, the kit
contains a six-ounce Straightener Crème and a
six-ounce Neutralizer (list $15.99). Support
products include Smooth Operator Shampoo
and conditioner (13.5 ounces) and Smooth
Operator Smoothing Therapy (8.5 ounces) at
the same list price ($6.00). Reach Brian Gulles,
company educator, at 931-227-7980 or Visit
12 DECEMBER 2010
Chuck Frank, founder and president of AllNutrient professional salon and spa products,
says his company might be one of the best
secrets in the professional beauty field. Chuck
produces his own products and does not use a
contract manufacturer, which provides him the
opportunity to conduct ongoing research and
development in his own lab. In addition to a
complete line of hair care products, his AllNutrient Hair Color is a certified organic base
hair color and hair care system that is available
only to licensed salons and cosmetology
schools. Chuck shared, “All-Nutrient uses a
totally different hair color cream base to open
the cuticle for faster and more penetrating hair
color results. The base is made of natural, pure
oils and keratin protein to allow for a gentler
penetration of hair color pigment with a
“...a regional
show with the
look and feel
of a major
market event.”
greater depth and intensity of color. The cream
base is sulfate-free, which produces less color
fade and healthier hair.” In addition, the
company provides continuous education and
support through its distributors and its
educational team that work directly with them
and their salon customers. At Premiere
Birmingham, Chuck was doing double duty,
working his large booth and conducting a full
day of hair color education divided into four
classes devoted to theory, formulation,
application, creative techniques and chemistry.
Chuck is still seeking distributor partners in a
few areas of the country. Reach him at
800-221-3496 or Visit
After the show Kelly Huether told BIR, “In
general, SalonCentric was very pleased with
our Premiere Birmingham results, as evidenced
by the fact that our sales on Sunday exceeded
our two-day sales from the year before.
Redken, Matrix and Pureology, our core brands,
were delighted with their booth traffic, but
more importantly, with their VIP Room
response. Strong partner brands, such as Sexy
Hair, OPI, Kenra, TIGI, CND and Pravana,
were also very satisfied with their results. At
the show, we launched Bosley Pro, L’anza and
Alterna. They, too, were impressed with the
traffic and new customer inquiries. He added,
“Our salon furnishings department was
enthusiastic about the number of salon owners
and stylists inquiring about remodels and new
equipment. That is often a leading indicator
that the economy is coming back, which is
good news for all of us.” Reach Stephen
Michael, territorial sales manager, at
888-806-9556 or
Reach Kelly at 727-544-8861, ext. 8080, or Visit
After the show, BIR checked back with
Howard Britt, president of Premiere Beauty
Show Group, who said, “With the challenges
that have been happening in the economy,
attendees have told us that education is more
important than ever. Premiere responded by
expanding and improving the quality of the
education offered. As a result, 10,764 salon
professionals attended the show, reflecting a
strong 16.9% increase. Premiere presented more
than 100 classes in hair education; 33 nail
classes; 21 skin care classes and 28 business
classes. Focusing and providing excellence
through education is the key to our attendees’
and Premiere’s success. With the increase in
attendance and exhibitor sales up from last
year, the economy may be showing signs of
improvement.” Reach Howard at 800-335-7469,
ext. 111, or Visit
Mark your calendar for next year’s Premiere
Birmingham scheduled for September 18-19,
2011. For exhibit space information, contact
Alinda Ramos, vice president and director of
operations, at 704-265-3131, ext. 114, or
News continued from page 4
New from Keune Hair Cosmetics is Care
Line 2-Phase Spray. It contains two phases
that condition and protect the hair. The blue
phase controls frizz, and the white phase
enhances shine. The blue phase balances the
condition of the hair by hydrating it and
replacing lost moisture in an incredibly
lightweight formula. Once inside the hair,
that moisture protects the hair from
becoming frizzy or being affected by
external moisture. The low pH levels close
the cuticle, sealing in the moisture from the
blue phase and protecting the hair from
external pollutants. Closing the cuticle
enhances the hair’s natural shine (200 ml/
SRP $19.90). Reach Nancy Carroll, president,
at 800-330-9302, ext. 256, or Visit
Sexy Hair adds Spritz & Stay to its Big Sexy
Hair line. This non-aerosol spray is
formulated with a fast-dry technology that
provides a long-lasting, touchable hold with
a boost of shine. Its sprayer releases a fine,
concentrated mist that creates powerful
hold without weighing down hair. It also
provides the option to focus on a small,
specific area or to create an even,
lightweight and long-lasting, all-over hold. It
offers a quick-drying hold by coating and
sealing the hair’s cuticle, which also improves
hair strength, body and shine. Reach Karl
Heinz Pitsch, president/CEO, at
818-435-0804 or
White Sands Liquid Texture Medium Hold
Styling Spray is now available in a 4-ounce
size that fits into portable hair stations used
by top star stylists for in-between scene
touch ups. Use it for round-brush styling on
wet or dry tresses (4 ounces/SRP $10.00).
Reach Don Stone, COO, at 877-720-8477 or Visit
Sara Jones, Joico senior vice president/
general manager, gave BIR this update on her
company: “We launched the KPAK
Reconstrux Vapor Iron in February and sold
out of our full year quantities in two
months! We’ll do close to four times our
initial projections by the time the year ends.
We brought on Beth Minardi as our Joico
color spokesperson in March, and our color
business is through the roof. Every one of
Beth’s classes at the major shows and at our
academy in Connecticut has been sold out.
Beth just completed a Joico color favorite
formula book and a four-part DVD
education series. We are launching some
new products next year that Beth and our
new Color Council have been instrumental
in formulating and testing. In August, we
launched our online virtual tool kit called
“Beauty for a Cure.” This is a tool for salons
to use in their efforts to hold fundraising
events. Our tool kit allows salons to take
professionally made materials and customize
them. It also gives them everything they
need in order to plan, organize and follow
up on a fundraiser. I have been amazed at
how many salons are using the material and
how grateful they are to have the tools
available to them…and it’s all free at” Reach Sara at
800-805-6426, ext. 109, or
Affinage has repackaged its Lite High
Performance Powder Bleach and its Ice
Crème Ammonia Free Powder Lightener
from boxes to plastic canisters. The old
packaging forced hairdressers to twist tie the
interior plastic bag after each use, adding
time to the lightening process. The plastic
canisters are airtight, allowing the plastic
inserts to remain open. Affinage Lite High
Performance Powder Bleach (500 grams/list
$14.90) is a dust-free formulation that can be
used with 10, 20, 30 and 40 volume
developers to achieve high lift with
optimum condition. Lite contains hydrolyzed
collagen to eliminate damage and retain
elasticity. It is fast-acting and mixes to a
creamy consistency in a white or blue
powder with a fresh apple fragrance.
Versatile and gentle, Lite can be used on or
off the scalp and with or without heat.
Affinage Ice Crème Ammonia Free Powder
Lightener (500 grams/list $16.80) offers up
to eight levels of lift, depending on the base
color. Its technology produces less swelling,
porosity and damage while its dust-free, onthe-scalp formulation mixes into a creamy
consistency that won’t dry or flake during
the lightening process. Efficient in its use of
oxygen, despite being ammonia free, Ice
Crème can be used with very low volumes
of developer. Depending on the hair type,
processing time ranges between 5 and 35
minutes. It’s available in two fragrances—
apple mint (green powder) and coconut
(white powder). Reach Michael Ifergan,
managing director, at 760-597-2929 or Visit
Curly Girls have a new option for pampering
freshly cleansed curls with Deva Curl's new
DevaTowel, an alternative to drying curls
with ordinary terry cloth towels, which
promote frizz by extracting too much water.
The DevaTowel provides a smooth surface
that gently and quickly absorbs water while
allowing curls to retain enough moisture to
allow styling products to set and define
curls without disrupting their natural order
(SRP $12.00). Reach William Ludwig,
president/COO, at 202-251-3004 or Visit
Keune Haircosmetics launches Care Line
Man High Shine. This high-shine, flexiblehold styling pomade can be used for
groomed looks and gentle-hold hairstyles
for any length of hair ranging from short to
long (100 ml/SRP $20.00). Keune Care Line
Man products come in simple packaging
with masculine fragrances and are easy to
use. Each product uses rock crystals and
silicium to improve skin and hair strength.
Reach Nancy Carroll, president, at
800-330-9302, ext. 256, or Visit
News continued on page 14
DECEMBER 2010 13
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
News continued from page 13
FHI Heat’s Nano Weight Pro 1850 Blow
Dryer is lightweight at just 12.2 ounces, yet
delivers incredible drying power. NanoFuzeion technology, a combination of
nano-titanium, nano-titanium oxide and
nano-silver, leaves hair soft and shiny, while
removing chemical build-up, toxins, bacteria,
static and impurities. Ceramic tourmaline
seals in moisture while reducing drying time
by up to 50%. Available in black, white and
pink, it comes with a concentrator and
diffusor (SRP $149.00). Contact Dave Genes,
vice president of global sales, at visit
Solano’s 2-in-1 dryer attachment serves as a
comb attachment for straightening or a
concentrator for blowouts. The dryer
attachment fits most professional dryers.
The slightly curved teeth are gentle on the
scalp and glide easily through the hair (SRP
$21.00). Reach Rodney Feltner, national
sales manager, at 770-418-7326 or
Rusk adds two professional styling tools.
The 1875-watt Deepshine Dryer features an
ionic generator that emits negative ions to
eliminate frizz for softer, fuller and shinier
hair. The Deepshine 1-inch Str8 Iron features
ceramic plates that heat up to 450˚F fast,
hold the heat and keep it even. The
combination of natural ions and far-infrared
heat produces smooth, frizz-free, shiny hair.
They are available as individual skus or in a
launch display containing three dryers and
nine irons (#IREDSDISP/deal list $399.95).
Both have an SRP of $79.95. Reach
Jacqueline Pasqua, assistant product
manager, at 800-USE-RUSK or Visit
14 DECEMBER 2010
The new Smart Heat Nano Ceramic Triple
Barrel Waver (SRP $49.99) and the Smart
Heat Nano Ceramic Crimper (SRP $59.99)
can be used together or separately to create
texture. Both feature Smart Heat controls—
simply select a hair type and the irons
automatically adjust to the precise
temperature setting that’s best. The irons
radiate gentle, far-infrared heat, locking in
moisture and sealing the cuticle, leaving hair
frizz-free, shiny and silky. An extra-wide
thumb press provides stability, while an
easy-to-read LED displays the selected
setting. A temperature lock eliminates
accidentally changing settings while in use.
Reach Tom Gebhart, senior vice president
and general manager of Belson Products, at
915-225-4899 or
Hot Styler introduces the Vibe Titanium.
Floating one-inch titanium plates provide
even heat distribution and a smooth surface,
which allows hair to slide easily without
excessive pressure. A maximum temperature
setting of 450˚F and the benefits of vibrating
motion combine for less pulling and
breakage, resulting in longer-lasting silky,
straight hair (SRP $99.95). Contact national
sales manager, Carolina Alves de Lima, at
561-908-3060 or or
Jeff Bogard, national sales manager, at
800-382-8204 or
Andis introduces the e.logica tourmaline/
ionic/ceramic hair dryer, which combines
improved technologies with 1875 watts of
drying power for smoother, shinier, healthier
hair. The dryer's high-velocity, hyper-DC
motor generates 40% more airflow, resulting
in a faster drying time. The dryer is equipped
with three heat and two air settings and
comes with a concentrator and pick
(#80840/SRP $45.00). A portion of the
proceeds will be donated to nonprofit
organizations that help preserve rainforests
worldwide. Reach Fred Koeller, vice
president of marketing, at 800-558-9441 or Visit
CND will unveil 12 Shellac shades in March,
with colors ranging from beige to black. This
expands the line to 24 shades, plus countless
layering options. “This new range features
perennial classics and fashionable favorites
to give salon-goers a wide variety,” says Jan
Arnold, CND co-founder and style director.
CND recently hosted its "Kicking It Up a
Notch" Third Annual Learning Leadership
Conference in Arizona, where CND
leadership inspired, motivated and facilitated
skill building in all aspects of nail program
leadership for beauty school owners,
managers and instructors from across the
country. “Our aim was to encourage
attendees to embrace the motto, 'The
minimum standard for the instructor
becomes the maximum goal for the student,'
and raise the bar on education,” says Jan
Zanettini, CND national school account
manager and master of ceremonies. Jan
Arnold showcased The Look Fall 2010 trend
class to help deliver high style and custom
service to the client. Reach John Heffner,
president/CEO, at 800-833-6245, ext. 277, or Visit
American International Industries
launches Frutique, a skin care line
formulated from fruit extracts and available
at Sally Beauty Supplies nationwide. The
eight-products work as a system, but also
perform individually. The collection includes
Mandarin Anti-Puff Eye Roller,which
reduces the appearance of puffy eyes and
dark circles (SRP $29.99); Berry Berry
Purifying Cleanser, which erases skin
damage with a rich blend of goji berry and
acai berry to clarify, revitalize and hydrate
skin (SRP $21.99); Papaya Enzyme Exfoliating
Gel, a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliator packed
with papaya enzymes to improve skin’s
texture (SRP $21.99); Apricot Nectar
Nourishing Mask, a light-weight mask that
contains vitamin E and apricot extracts (SRP
$21.99); Hydrating Peach Smoothing Crème,
which infuses moisture into skin (SRP $23.99);
Harvest Grape Firming Crème, which
contains grape extract to fight free radical
damage, as well as retinyl palmitate and
vitamin E to promote elasticity and smooth
the appearance of wrinkles (SRP $25.99);
Citrus Essence Brightening Crème, a
combination of natural citrus extracts,
vitamin C and licorice extract to instantly
brighten and even out skin tone for more
radiant-looking skin (SRP $25.99) and Apple
Night Restore Crème, an intensive night
treatment, featuring apple extract, which is
known for its brightening properties, and
retinyl palmitate and glycolic acid to leave
skin soft, smooth and younger looking (SRP
$29.99). Reach Mark Moesta, vice president
of sales, at 323-728-2999 or Visit
EMK Placental Skin Care introduces AntiAging Hand Treatment. According to Emilia
Karsh, president, “This botanical placenta
ensures the most efficient delivery of cell
regenerating proteins into the skin and
enhances the efficacy of every age-repairing
ingredient in this new hand treatment.” Twice
daily use of the Anti-Aging Hand Treatment
formula helps repair age and environmental
damage and gives visible results with longterm regeneration. A potent peptide
improves elasticity and firmness, hydrates,
protects and smoothes skin. Biopeptide EL is
clinically proven to increase firmness up to
38%. Natural licorice and mulberry extracts
lighten and brighten age spots. Shea butter
hydrates and helps prevent environmental
and chemical stress. EMK Placental AntiAging Hand Treatment makes hands smooth,
hydrated, firm and plumped with a radiant,
youthful clarity that belies one’s natural age
(2 ounces/SRP $26.00). Reach Emilia at
310-770-4553 or
In 2011, Fake Bake will replace its signature
orange and brown look with a fresh logo and
new packaging, along with new products set
to hit shelves nationwide in January. The new
packaging was introduced to the European
market in 2007. Steve Azar, president, says,
“The new packaging gives Fake Bake a shelf
presence and delivers premium cues for the
brand. The design work is spot on in
injecting luxury and sensuality into the
brand.” In conjunction with the new
packaging, Fake Bake will unveil Golden Faux
Glow, a subtle, shimmery wash-off selftanner; Gelee Daily Wash, a natural,
soap-free cleanser designed to extend a tan;
Bronzing Gel, a light-weight, unisex selftanner containing the signature Fake Bake
triple action formula and Fair, a self-tanner
designed for fair skin. Reach Tamara
Czartoryski, public relations contact, at
310-746-7764 or Visit
Makeup brush supplier Royal & Langnickel
has developed three programs that offer a
complete assortment of styles
merchandised on rotating counter displays
with a small footprint. Each brush is
packaged with instructions. They include the
Silk Brush Assortment (#BC243/assortment SRP total $869.28/SRPs range
from $3.99 to $29.99); Master-Pro
Assortment (#BMP18-3/assortment SRP
total $506.46/SRPs range from $3.99 to
$19.99) and Brush Essential Assortment
(#BBE-18-3/assortment SRP total
$254.46/SRPs range from $1.99 to $9.99).
Reach Michael Dovellos, general manager,
at 800-247-2211 or
Beauty Addicts’ new formulation of its Face
2 Face Foundation offers all of the skin care
benefits of the original, plus more flawless
coverage. This medium- to full-coverage
cream-to-powder foundation has a photo-
ready finish and is available in seven shades.
The formula contains vitamins A and E and
green tea extract to soothe and protect skin.
It also contains dermaxyl to smooth and
hydrate skin and diminish the appearance of
fine lines (.35 ounce/SRP $45.00). Sweet
Lips Gloss is a high-shine gloss that hydrates
the lips with vitamin E and jojoba butter. It is
available in four shades—Glow/Blush, a soft
pink great for a special occasion;
Express/Sheer Peach, a natural shade with a
touch of coral; Motivate/Lilac, a lavenderpink and Seduce/Black Cherry, a deep berry
shade (0.18 ounce /5.1 gram size/SRP $17.00).
The salon intro deal comes with a counter
display, five each of the four shades and four
free testers (list $170.00). Beauty Addicts also
introduces a cruelty-free collection of
makeup brushes that are made from 100%
synthetic hair. The six-brush set comes in a
quilted, easy-to-care-for fabric case with a
protective flap and zipper cosmetic
compartment. It includes an angle face
brush, foundation brush, eye shader brush,
contour brush and double-ended concealer
and angle liner/brow brush (SRP $60.00). A
bronzer/powder brush (SRP $24.00), blender
brush for eye shadow (SRP $12.00) and
smudge brush for a smoky eye effect (SRP
$10.00) can be purchased separately. Contact
Lisa Saladino Mihok, senior advisor, at 888327-8692 or
IGP Beauty, Inc., the exclusive marketer of
Ed Hardy merchandise to the salon industry,
introduces the Vintage Collage Hair
Accessories and Mirrors Collection,
featuring clips, headbands and hand-held
mirrors. Incorporating the most popular
artwork from Ed Hardy's clothing line, these
accessories feature fashion forward colors
and designs (SRPs $8.00 to $20.00). Reach
Jennifer Wilson, director of marketing, at
630-862-8128 or Visit
News continued on page 16
DECEMBER 2010 15
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
News continued from page 15
J&D Beauty's new Holiday Edition Diva
Tweezers are fun stocking stuffers. Made
from high-grade surgical steel, these
tweezers come in six styles on a small
counter display (SRP $9.99). Reach Phil
Greco, president, at 800-523-2889, ext. 333,
or Visit
The Bollinger family’s Sta-Rite 2011 catalog
is full of items from bobby pins to hair
accessories. In honor of the company’s long
history, the 2011 catalog features a Sta-Rite
ad from the 1920s next to one from 2010
with a picture of Julia Bolinger, a fifth
generation Bolinger who entered high school
this year. Reach Noel Bolinger, president, at
217-774-3921 or
Emiliani Enterprise recently re-launched its
“Education Rocks” show at the New Jersey
Convention Center as part of the Beauty
Expo event. Highlights included a VIP
reception, a student competition and more
than 2,000 seats of hands-on classes and
tailored packages that allowed experts and
novices to access a full day of education.
The show attracted 6,000 attendees, and
more than 500 salon professionals
participated in education workshops, which
consisted of hands-on look and learn and
business courses with a number of industry
leaders, including Nicholas French, Michael
O’Rourke, Chrystofer Benson, Charles
Marcus, Emiliani’s own Brian Grieve and
Tracy Smith, plus others. The Main Stage
featured Nicholas French, Michael
O’Rourke, Rafe Hardy, Chrystofer Benson,
Ira Pope Sage, Rocky Vitelli, Leonel
Rodriguez and Colin Caruso. Participating
manufacturers included Matrix/Logics,
L’Oréal, John Paul Mitchell Systems,
Framesi, Michael O’Rourke Hair Care,
Farouk Systems, Joico/ISO, Paul Brown,
Keratin Complex, Sexy Hair, Bosley Pro,
16 DECEMBER 2010
American Crew, Moroccanoil, OPI,
Repêchage and others. During the event, a
Wall of Hope was also featured where
manufacturers, schools, salons and stylists
were able to have their names painted on
the wall for a donation to the City of Hope.
The “Education Rocks” wall will be donated
to a local school. Reach Grisel Garcia,
education project manager, at 908-378-2161
or Visit
Stroman Beauty Supply and Global Beauty
Partners, Inc. are now Oligo Professionnel
distributors. Stroman Beauty will service
salons in North and South Carolina, and
Global Beauty Partners will service salons in
Florida. Reach Ian Cohen, vice president, at
514-636-4444, ext. 116, or
Ward Bassett, president of Orange, CA
headquartered Bassett Salon Solutions,
announces a number of appointments.
Deborah Johnston is the new customer
service supervisor. She will be responsible
for expanding the customer service
department and all aspects of customer
relations. Bobby Gardner has been
appointed sales administrator. Working for
the past year in customer service, purchasing
and sales reports, Bobby will continue to
perform purchasing tasks for all brands. Suse
Sullivan is the new director of education.
Says Ward, “Suse has been with our
organization from day one and has done an
amazing job in operations and working
within all aspects of the business. Over the
past year, our education programs have
become an integral part of our growth. The
demands by our customers to provide highly
educational and inspiring events has made it
necessary to create an education
department that is focused to meet those
demands. Suse has proven to be extremely
effective in the planning and execution of
education events. Now, all matters
concerning education will be the
responsibility of this department.” Bassett
Salon Solutions services salons in California,
Southern Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
Reach Ward at 877-BSS-9288 or Visit
Orly has expanded its product offerings at
Nancy’s Beauty Warehouse, based in
Huntington Park, CA, and New York City
Beauty Supply. Nancy’s will now carry the
complete Orly lacquer and treatment line.
New York City Beauty Supply will offer all
Orly treatments and lacquers. Reach Liz
Dellinger, director of sales, at 404-892-3712
or Visit
Entity Beauty, Inc., a professional nail and
beauty products manufacturer, taps four
new U.S. distributors to represent its nail and
skin care products. The new distributors
include 3 Chix Salon Supply in Phoenix;
Hollywood Nails in Miami; Mikala Nail
Supply in Columbus, OH and Sunlight
Beauty, Inc. in Orlando, FL. “I am thrilled
with our U.S. growth—especially in this
shaky economy,” says Vicki Heller,
president/CEO. Reach Vicki at 312-466-3973
or Visit
The Kirschner Group, Inc. adds Nicole
Trier to its sales team in the southeast
territory. Nicole replaces Bill Vey as a
regional sales executive and store support
team member. She brings more than 20 years
of experience in sales and marketing to The
Kirschner Group, including her most recent
work in new business development. “We
welcome Nicole’s successful track record
and knowledge in both sales and
merchandising”, says Jane Caris, vice
president of sales and marketing. “She will
be a strong addition to both our sales and
store support teams.” Reach Nicole at
704-968-8360 or Visit
The International SalonSpa Business
Network (ISBN) adds Allan Grogan to its
board of directors. Allan worked in top
salons in Atlanta as a hairdresser before
merging his namesake salon with friend Bob
Steele's company to form the three-salon
company he leads today with business
partner, Amanda Hair. His vast industry
experience has helped the Bob Steele Salon
develop a top-notch training program, which
Allan believes is the key to a salon's success.
He and Amanda are moving the salon's
image to a fresher, less conservative image
that will attract younger talent and clientele,
while remaining true to the salon's core
values. "As an ISBN member, I have learned
so much from being able to have direct
conversations with successful business
people who are open, honest and willing to
share. Saving a large amount of money on
our annual insurance premiums doesn’t hurt
either. The opportunity to get to know this
high caliber of salon owners and business
executives on a close and personal level,
and perhaps the opportunity to contribute
to the growth and future success of such an
incredible organization are the main reasons
I look forward to serving on the ISBN board,"
says Allan. Reach him at 404-262-9499 or
The Georgia Spa Association (GSA), a
professionals-only network of spa, salon and
medical spa owners, employees, vendors
and educational facilities, announced the
launch of its services tailored to the Georgia
spa community. The GSA offers its members
well-priced, comprehensive benefits,
including the educational tools, resources,
networking opportunities and personalized
support necessary to excel in the industry.
"We strive to be Georgia's primary spa
resource by connecting all levels of spa
professionals, thus creating feasible
opportunities that facilitate the exchange of
best practices and making an accomplished
advisory board available to help our
members take their businesses to the next
level,” says founder, Laura Walker. "We cater
to well-established destination spas,
facilities looking to launch, salons that wish
to reposition their services, local vendors
promoting spa innovations and new
graduates seeking the ideal position, all for a
reasonable yearly fee." To learn more, reach
Laura at 678-388-9010 or visit
The Global Beauty Exchange is built around
private, personal 20-minute meetings
between suppliers and senior-level customer
decision-makers who've chosen to meet
them. The event takes place in a friendly,
relaxed environment that encourages people
to bond, build trust and establish strong
relationships. After attending the first event,
Adam Broderick, owner of Adam
Broderick Salon & Spas, said, "This is the
way business should always have been done.
I would recommend it to anyone who's
serious about their business and their
margins.” Dee DeLuca-Mattos, vice
president of Ecru New York, said, “As a
supplier, I'm sitting down with buyers oneon-one in a very intimate setting. I know
exactly whom I'm talking to. I know their
profiles, and I can have a meaningful
conversation. I'm interacting at every
moment—not just on a business level, but
on a very personal level. This truly is about
building business-to-business relationships.”
“We wanted to create an event where
people really would network, build
relationships and have meaningful business
discussions," says Joyce Jamison, vice
president of the Global Beauty Exchange.
"We wanted them to discover a new and
more productive way to conduct business.
We wanted them to leave with a smile on
their face and eager to come back next year.”
Building on the inaugural event's success,
The Effort Group plans two Beauty
Exchanges for 2011—May 1-4 at the Four
Seasons Resort in Palm Beach, FL and
October 9-12 at a luxury resort to be
announced. They’ll expand the focus to
include wellness. Reach Joyce at 203-2022576 or Visit
The Professional Beauty Association (PBA)
will launch a new pavilion dedicated to skin
care and wellness products, education,
business and hands-on training at the
International Salon & Spa Expo (ISSE) Long
Beach and Midwest. The EstheticsAmerica
and Wellness Pavilion will feature
international skin care lines, including
Repêchage, Dermalogica, Martinni Beauty
and Temptu, along with emerging brands
such as JB Cosmetics and Saian. Along with
complimentary wellness education, the new
pavilion will feature CIDESCO USA
education. Attendees will be able to learn
directly from company founders and
CIDESCO certified beauty professionals and
have the opportunity to obtain a CIDESCO
Diploma, the most prestigious qualification
in the field of esthetics and beauty therapy.
Continuing Education credits will also be
available for licensed massage therapists.
Admission is included with ticket purchase
to both events. ISSE Long Beach takes place
January 29-31 in Long Beach, CA. ISSE
Midwest takes place March 26-28 in
Rosemont, IL. Reach Eric Horn, associate
executive director of business development,
at 800-468-2274, ext. 114, or Visit
The Makeup Show is expanding to the
Midwest with the addition of The Makeup
Show Chicago on June 12-13. Co-founded by
Metropolitan Pavilion Events &
Production and The Powder Group in 2005,
The Makeup Show was started by makeup
artists for makeup artists. “One of our main
goals for The Makeup Show was to expand
the show’s potential at a national and
international level. Our extensive research
News continued on page 18
DECEMBER 2010 17
The Beauty Industry Report Visit
News continued from page 17
led us to Chicago, where the beauty industry
is as much developed as the New York and
Los Angeles markets. We are confident it will
become the third core city where our
beauty pros will find success,” says Shelly
Taggar, vice president and managing director
of The Makeup Show. The pro-only trade
show has demonstrated steady growth in
the last five years, starting with its flagship
show, The Makeup Show NYC, which takes
place annually at The Metropolitan Pavilion.
Expanding to Miami in 2008 and annually in
Los Angeles since 2009, the show marked a
five-year milestone this past May with a
record attendance of more than 5,000
professionals and more than 70 key makeup
brands exhibiting. The Makeup Show will
also be expanding to Berlin, Germany, as the
first European destination in 2011. Reach The
Makeup Show at 212-242-1213 or Visit
Regis Corporation reported a first quarter
net income of $18.3 million, or $0.30 per
diluted share, up from the $7.8 million, or
$0.14 per diluted share, reported in the
comparable period in fiscal 2010. Absent
non-operational items, prior year’s first
quarter operational results were $0.30 per
diluted share, equal to the current year’s
results. The company reported that revenues
for the first quarter, which ended on
September 30, decreased 4.5% to $578
million, with first quarter total same-store
sales declining 1.5%. “We were very pleased
with our results in the quarter as we
continue to operate efficiently in a
challenging, but improving same-store sales
environment,” commented Paul D.
Finkelstein, chairman/CEO. “We expect
visitation trends to normalize and believe
that our focus on top-line growth will result
in improved customer traffic. As a result, we
continue to budget positive comps in the
18 DECEMBER 2010
second half of fiscal 2011. Moreover, our
second quarter is off to a good start with
October same-store sales currently running
slightly positive."
On August 4, Regis Corporation
announced that the board of directors
authorized the exploration of strategic
alternatives to enhance shareholder value.
There can be no assurance that the review
of strategic alternatives will result in any
agreement or transaction. As of September
30, Regis Corporation owned, franchised or
held ownership interest in 12,758 worldwide
locations. Reach Paul at 952-947-7910 or Visit
Brian Luborsky recently shared with the
beauty industry that his company has
successfully exited Chapter II bankruptcy
protection. He stated, “I wanted to drop
everyone a short line to let you know that
our Chapter 11 proceeding has concluded
with the sale and assignment of the Trade
Secret, Beauty First, Beauty Express and
Pure Beauty Stores to Pure Beauty Salons
& Boutiques, Inc. We believe the outcome
to be quite successful in that we were able
to either exit or re-negotiate rents at all
locations where we had been losing money,
and we can now carry on without the
financial burden that those stores placed on
the rest of the system. Overall, we closed
135 stores, which were about 100 stores less
than we had originally thought we might
have to close, and we have remained open
at 475 locations.
“The Trade Secret group of stores had
reported a loss of $23M the previous year
when we began operating them in February
2009. Through a combination of changes in
the business model and this restructuring
process, we now have a profitable business
that we believe is well positioned to grow in
the years to come. Obviously, a lot of
people in our organization worked very hard
to achieve this, and we are proud of what
has been accomplished. Likewise, we could
not have achieved this without the
assistance of our product vendors and our
landlords, and we are very grateful for your
encouragement and support.
“As you probably know, the restructuring
did not involve either our Premier Salons
Company or our Canadian beauty store
operations, and adding these Canadian and
other Premier Salon locations to the 475
stores that emerged from the Chapter 11
process, we now operate 825 locations total
throughout Canada and the United States.
Two weeks ago, we opened our newest Pure
Beauty Store in Canada. Note that along
with the upgraded design, we also have a full
six-station salon located within the store,
which is indicative of our strategy to greatly
expand the services component of our
business. I welcome any comments you
might have on our new store presentation as
this will be the new look for our renovations
and new builds at all of our beauty stores.
“Thank you again for your patience and
support. We are glad that this is now behind
us, and we look forward to growing our
business with you in the years to come.”
Reach Brian at 905-470-7850, ext. 234, or Visit
David Guerin, global artistic director for
Oster Professional, has taken a large step in
showing the men and women in our armed
forces how much we in the salon industry
appreciate their commitment to our safety
and freedom. David tells BIR, “Last winter, it
was important to me to find a way to thank
the men and women who put their lives on
the line for every American. I went to our
local National Guard unit, as this unit was
deployed in Iraq, and we decided that I and
my salon staff would set up a salon for a
day at the National Guard armory and
service the family members from this unit. It
was a great thing to do for them, as
financially, the families' income had taken a
hit.” David added, "I called it Operation
Homefront and made arrangements with
them to set up a salon in their location one
week before Christmas. It was an awesome
and emotional event for all of us. Families
shared stories of how they will get through
Christmas while their loved one is in Iraq.
We lost two members of this unit in Iraq,
and I cut the hair for the widow of one of
them. It was pretty emotional, as she
couldn't believe we would do this for them
at this time of year. I then came up with an
idea for Oster Professional to partner with
Operation Homefront. As a result, Oster has
given its Oster Classic 76, the Oster Fast
Feed and the Oster T-Finisher a desert
camouflage look, along with the Operation
Homefront logo, and will donate proceeds
from the sale of those products directly to
Operation Homefront. Anyone who
purchases one or all of those products is
showing how proud they are to tell our
service men and women, `Thank you for
being there.’” David has also formed a nonprofit organization called Renegades On A
Mission. “There are so many people in the
barber and beauty industry whose lives have
been faced with devastation beyond their
control. It is our goal reach out to help
rebuild their lives in any way we can," he
adds. “Renegades On A Mission will be going
into the country of Chile in January. After
the devastating earthquake that hit Chile last
spring, many of our peers in the barber and
beauty industry have been affected. We will
go in and help several salons and a beauty
school get back on their feet, as well as
bring education into the beauty school.” If
you would like to donate or help, please
visit” Reach
David at 817-731-1600 or
The Beauty Bus Foundation is committed
to changing the lives of homebound,
terminally or chronically ill individuals and
their primary caregivers with free in-home
beauty treatments. It recently honored its
volunteers with a cocktail award reception.
Calling attention to the tremendous support
of beauty professionals and individual
volunteers that help drive the bus, the
Beauty Bus Foundation recognized five
standout volunteers: Bus Driver of the
Year—Michael Bassett; Beauty Buddy of the
Year—Beverly Kessler; Beauty Professional
of the Year—Janine Jarman; Salon of the
Year—ROB|B Salon and the Melissa Award—
Jennifer Zide. The Beauty Bus Foundation
hopes to double the number of clients it can
serve in 2011 but needs the professional
beauty industry’s help. “We have big dreams
and need more volunteers to reach them. If
you want to learn more, please contact us,”
says Alicia Liotta, founder. Reach Alicia at
310-287-1272 or visit
The Zotos Inc./ISO/Joico manufacturing
team in Geneva, NY produces the company’s
products using eco-conscious methods,
including developing a wind turbine program
to power the entire plant and increasing
bottle molding to 70% post consumer
recycle material and 30% bio-resin material,
while also making strides on completely
eliminating petrol based plastics. But they’re
never too busy to lend a helping hand. They
recently received double honors as the
largest corporate sponsor of the March of
Dimes in the New York Finger Lakes/
Genesee Valley community and for adopting
more than 100 families and raising $2,000 for
the Salvation Army. The team also
participated in a March for Babies benefit
and raised more than $17,000, earning them
a display in Times Square in New York City
as Volunteer Organization of the Year. Reach
Ron Krassin, COO/president, at 203-6567783 or Visit
Students at nearly 100 Empire Beauty
Schools across the country took part in the
company’s annual National Day of Beauty
recently. On that day, Empire donates all
proceeds from services performed at
Empire’s student salons to local women’s
shelters. This year’s event raised $47,212
system wide in just one day. Since August,
students have raised $147,918 in cash
donations, donated items and free beauty
services provided to shelter residents and
their children. This is the third year Empire
has raised money on a national level for its
Empire Gives Back program, a charitable
campaign aimed at raising awareness of
domestic violence and funds to combat it.
Each of Empire’s 100 schools has adopted a
local women’s shelter in its community to
which the funds will be donated. Also in
support of National Domestic Violence
Awareness Month, Empire joined forces with
Judge Jeanine Pirro of the “Judge Pirro”
show, who is on the National Domestic
Violence Hotline’s celebrity advisory board.
Judge Pirro, along with Empire’s chairman and
CEO, Franklin K. Schoeneman, appear in a
public service announcement supporting the
hotline. For more information, visit
Andis introduces the Pink Style
tourmaline/ionic/ceramic hair dryer, which
combines tourmaline, ionic and ceramic
technologies with 1875 watts of drying
power for softer, smoother and healthier
hair with more luster and shine in less time.
A portion of the sales will be donated to
benefit breast cancer research. The Pink
Style includes three heat and two air
settings and comes with a concentrator and
pick (#67375/SRP $30.00). Contact Fred
Koeller, vice president of marketing, at
800-558-9441 or
John Harms, CEO and founder of
Millennium, launches Millennium Be-Cause.
The movement is to work harder, dream
bigger and be the best you can be to
continue fulfilling your vision. Current Because honorees include Colin Caruso of
Salon Caru; 2010 NAHA winners Shawn
Trujillo and Angie Katsanevas; Rita Hazan;
John Paul DeJoria; Robert Cromeans and
Justin DePasquale. What’s your “Be-cause?”
Millennium wants to know. Search “Because” on Facebook or visit Reach Matt Martinelli,
public relations manager, at 973-402-9500,
ext. 172, or
DECEMBER 2010 19
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The Kirschner Group (TKG)
expands its international reach by
forming a cooperative agreement
with JMA International, Inc. and
Joe Rihani to service the entire
Middle East. JMA is a sales
representative group with strong,
long-term relationships with
beauty distributors and through
this agreement, gains access to
TKG’s business partnerships and
infrastructure. Reach Harlan
Kirschner at 661-257-6260 or Visit
As BIR went to press, Coty
announced the acquisition of
OPI, rumors/speculation about
which OPI CEO/President
George Schaeffer denied in this
space last month. Coty gave
George about $1 billion reasons
to change his mind.
Bio Ionic is moving its
distribution to Salon Centric, a
division of L’Oréal USA, effective
January 1. Salon Centric will be
the exclusive distributor for Bio
Ionic products nationwide,
except for in the Northeast
where Bio Ionic is distributed by
DePasquale Salon Systems in
the New York/New Jersey/
Connecticut area and Essential
Salon Products in New England.
According to Bio Ionic president
and founder Fernando Romero,
“We look for a distributor who is
passionate about the Bio Ionic
brand; motivated to educate
stylists and dedicated to putting
in the time and effort required to
grow. SalonCentric’s commitment
to education and added value
programs made them the clear
choice to become our premier
distributor partner.” Previously,
the company was with Beauty
Systems Group. Reach Jay
Jacobs, executive vice
president/general manager, at
323-626-3001 or
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