Read our current newsletter


Read our current newsletter
May 2015
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
The Sentinel
What are you looking for ?
Well, Spring is in the air and with that comes change as well.
Studies show that many people make changes in the
Springtime. They change jobs, careers or simply their focus.
Marriages end more frequently in the Spring because they
have decided that they will not spend another long winter in
that situation.
Pastor Donald
Most of us do not like change. We hope for those boring lives, with not too many
new things to do. We are unwilling to embrace change as wonderful and meaningful.
It is amazing to me that normally in the midst of change, we learn new things. We
might learn better ways to cope or have more balanced lives. We might learn to lean
on the Lord more to find our way. Let me tell you a story…and I think it’s a good
one…..It’s called ‘LORD PROP US UP...’
Every time I am asked to pray, I think of the old fellow who always prayed, 'Lord,
prop us up on our leanin' side.' After hearing him pray that prayer many times,
someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently.
He answered, 'Well sir, you see, it's like this.... I got an old barn out back. It's been
there a long time; it's withstood a lot of weather; it's gone through a lot of storms, and
it's stood for many years. It's still standing. But one day I noticed it was leaning to
one side a bit. So I went and got some pine poles and propped it up on its leaning side
so it wouldn't fall. Then I got to thinking about that and how much I was like that old
barn.. I've been around a long time.. I've withstood a lot of life's storms. I've
withstood a lot of bad weather in life. I've withstood a lot of hard times, and I'm still
standing too. But I find myself leaning to one side from time to time, so I like to ask
the Lord to prop me up on my leaning side, 'cause I figure we all get to leaning at
Sometimes we get to leaning toward anger, bitterness, hatred, toward cussing, leaning
toward a lot of things that we shouldn't lean into. So we need to pray, 'Lord, prop
us up on our leaning side, so we will stand straight and tall again, to glorify the
So, its Spring…. I believe that many who are looking for change are not looking in
the right place. I think instead of looking outside, they should look inside and
develop a deeper relationship with God. There in, is the change that we all need. In
God, in our relationships, Spring simply becomes another season of joy and
We might pray, ‘Lord, prop us up….so that we might stand tall and glorify your name
In Christ,
Pastor Don
Grace to you and peace from
God our Father and our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Friends,
Pastor Marie Eckberg
Psalm 145 says, “I will extol you,
my God and King, and bless your
name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you,
and praise your name forever and ever. Great is
the Lord, and greatly to be praised; his greatness
is unsearchable. His kingdom is an everlasting
kingdom and his dominion endures throughout all
We give thanks and praise to God for this
wondrous kingdom that is everlasting to
everlasting. Usually we think of this kingdom as a
faraway place. Heaven comes to mind. But God's
reign over all that God has created is right here,
right now in the present day. It is right before our
eyes and under our nose. We can touch it, taste
it, smell it, see it and hear it. Because of the
loving reign of God over heaven and earth, we can
place our complete trust in God and God's
We don’t have to wait for our heavenly home – to
draw near to God or to experience God's love or to
do God's will. Everything we need is given to us
out of God's great love for us. God's grace is
sufficient for us to live a full and enriching life.
We have the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
to show us the height and depth and breadth of
God's generous and gracious love. Jesus died on
the cross to forgive us our sin. He rose from the
dead to GIVE us hope in his resurrection. It is the
gift of life that begins now and continues on into
the everlasting kingdom that endures forever and
God's love for us – pulls us into the everlasting
relationship with God through Jesus. “The Lord is
good to all, and his compassion is over all that he
has made.” Let us continue rejoicing in the Easter
joy; for Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia!
God be with you,
Pastor Marie
We continue to need your help to catch-up
from January and February. March helped
us make up some ground, please give as
you are blessed as the seasons pass.
Senior Recognition Sunday will
be Sunday, May 17th. A special
Senior Brunch will be held for
graduates and their parents at
9:45 am in the Fireside Room.
All of our graduates should have received a
letter about this.
Lunch Bunch: Members and
friends 55 and older are invited
to join us on a bus trip Tuesday,
June 16th, to Currie MN. We will be visiting the
End-O-Line Railroad Park and Museum.
The End-O-Line Railroad Park and Museum,
collects, preserves, exhibits and interprets
artifacts and stories of the Southwest Minnesota
frontier experience.
Their collection of buildings and artifacts are a
reminder of the past and the role that railroads
played in establishing our nation.
Join us as we check out the stunning HO
railroad display, which is a highlight of the
museum. Take a ride on the turntable that is on
the National Register of Historic Sites. Step
back in time and go to school in their unique
one room school house. Imagine what it was
like to shop in a general store. There are many
attractions as well as a 90 minute guided tour.
Price of admission is $7.00. To reserve a seat on
the bus, please call the church office by June
If you are not able to walk, there is a screened
porch for you to enjoy or you can explore at
your leisure.
Further details and the time of the trip will be
announced in an upcoming bulletin so watch for
On May 24th
Christians around
the world will
celebrate the Day
of Pentecost. It’s often
remembered as the church’s
birthday. Before Jesus
ascended into heaven, he
promised that the Holy Spirit
would come upon those who
believed in his resurrection.
Three thousand people were
gathered in Jerusalem when
the Spirit came upon them.
They were so touched by the
Holy Spirit that they began to
worship regularly, especially
on Sundays, the day of
Christ’s resurrection.
To symbolize the “tongues, as
of fire” (Acts 2:3, NRSV) that
came upon the people present
at Pentecost, liturgical
churches display the color red
in their worship services on
Pentecost Sunday. Many
people attending worship
wear red on that day.
We encourage members of
Our Savior’s to do so as well!
begins on May
Our worship service will be
at 9:00 am.
Join us for worship all summer
We will continue this schedule
until the Sunday after Labor Day.
Special Thanks to
the Altar Guild
for all their extra
work during the
Lenten Season. For
stripping the altar on Maundy
Thursday and decorating the
Sanctuary in such a beautiful
way. Thank you Janice Olsen
and all of our Altar Guild ladies.
We would also like to thank
everyone who donated flowers,
those who did special music,
our wonderful organists, choir
and instrumentalists. You all
certainly know how to give God
the glory! Thank you!
Right Now Media
Monday –Thursday,
7:30 am -4:30 pm.
Fridays, 7:30am to noon.
We will continue this
schedule until fall.
At your finger tips is a resource
for good Christian learning. It is
called Right Now Media. There
are over 20,000 teaching videos
on this site for you and your
family. If you are interested and
have yet to sign-up contact
Pastor Don. There is some really
good stuff here.
We thank the Choir for
another wonderful
season of singing. May
3rd is the last Sunday they
will sing until Fall. The choir
is under the excellent
direction of Barb Smith and
accompanied by Sue
Varpness. We have been
blessed by your singing.
We also want to thank our
talented Contemporary
Choir. Their last Sunday was
April 12th. They will also
return in the fall.
We will miss the music!
I do not know your name Nor for which battle you died.
I do not know your home,
Nor the tears that were cried.
I do not know where you rest
Nor the promises broken,
I do not know your uniform
And yours fears unspoken.
But, I know your spirit exists
That your courage is
And your sacrifice is honored
By each soul that’s inspired.
And I offer you from my
Thank you, to guardians
For offering yourselves for us
That we may keep
Our home.
Bless You.
By Sherrie Ball
Luminaries will be sold in the
Narthex May 3rd and May 10th, for
the Relay for Life. The
Relay will be held on May
15th from 4:00 pm to
12:00 midnight. You may
purchase one or more luminaries, for
$10/each. You can give one in memory
of, or in honor of someone who has
had, or is currently battling cancer. You can
decorate your own luminary or we can do it for
Confirmed in Christ
May you be blessed with the
wisdom and strength of the Holy
Spirit as you go forth to share the
love of Jesus Christ.
The following children were confirmed on
April 26th:
If you decorate one, please have it to the
church office by Thursday, May 14th.
Baked French Toast for Mother’s Day
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 20 min. + chilling Bake: 40 min.
MAKES: 12 servings
12 slices day-old French bread (1 inch thick)
6 eggs
1-1/2 cups 2% milk
1 cup half-and-half cream
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 cup chopped pecans
4 cups chopped fresh strawberries
Additional maple syrup
Place bread in a single layer in a greased 13x9-in.
baking dish. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, milk,
cream, syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg; pour
over bread. For topping, in a small bowl, mix
brown sugar, butter and syrup; stir in pecans.
Spread over bread. Refrigerate, covered,
overnight. Preheat oven to 350°. Remove French
toast from refrigerator while oven heats. Bake,
uncovered, 40-50 minutes or until a knife inserted
near the center comes out clean. Let stand 10
minutes before serving. Serve with strawberries
and additional syrup. Yield: 12 servings.
Hannah Cushing, daughter of John and Stacy
Emmalee Enevoldsen, daughter of Ken and
Renelle Enevoldsen
Kaitlynne Enevoldsen, daughter of David and
Robin Enevoldsen
Kari Jo Fragodt, daughter of Jerome and Kelly
Kaylee Lund, daughter of Michael and Deanne
Chase Pearson, son of Barbara Arndt
Kamren Saue, daughter of Tom and Tina Saue
Jack Tweeter, son of Tim and Wendy Tweeter.
Toni Vorvick, daughter of Ben and Bobbi Jo
Meets on Wednesday, May 6th
from 1:30-5:00pm.
We will take a field trip to the park and then
to Home Front to give the residents gifts we
have been making and have treats!
The kids can take Bus 56 from Ramsey or the
Middle School to the church.
Please pick your child up at church at 5:00.
This is our last meeting for the school year!
If you have questions, please contact the
church office or call Tera Gades at 269-3038
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
222 North Fifth Street
Montevideo, MN 56265
Worship Services
Our Savior’s Staff
Two services at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Office Hours
Donald McKee
Marie Eckberg
Christian Education
Lisa Schultz
and Financial
Sue Winter
Ministry Secretary
Jana Moeding
Dave Hedin
Lois Baker
Timothy Burns
Rita Knutson
Barb Smith
Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
(FAX) 269-8516
The Sentinel is published monthly for members and
friends of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Montevideo,
Minnesota. Announcements must be in the office by
the 15th of the month. Articles received later than
this date will not run or will run in the next month’s
newsletter. All articles are subject to editing for
content or length.
Choir Director
Volunteers—too many to list. Thank You!