Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 1 of 7 Main Document UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI EASTERN DIVISION In re: Chapter 11 OTOLOGICS, L.L.C., Case No. 12-47045-705 Debtor, Hearing Date: May 27, 2015 Hearing Time: 10:00 a.m. FINAL APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE OF FEES AND EXPENSES FILED ON BEHALF OF LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH, LLP, SPECIAL LITIGATION COUNSEL FOR THE DEBTOR (Summary of Request) Name of Applicant Date of Approval of Employment Identity of Party Represented Time Period Requested Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Approved on October 8, 2014 Special Litigation Counsel for the Debtor All Work from Date of Retention Amount of Fees Requested $76, 275.00 Amount of Expenses Requested $204.39 Previous Fee Orders None Interim or Final Application Final COMES NOW, Otologics, L.L.C. (the "Debtor"), by and through its undersigned counsel, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 328, 330 and 331, and files this Final Application For Allowance Of Fees And Expenses Filed By Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP, Counsel For The Debtor (the "LBBS Application"). In support thereof, LBBS states as follows: Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 2 of 7 Main Document JURISDICTION This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1334 and 157 and E.D. Mo. L.R. 8 1 -9.01(8)(1). BACKGROUND 2. On July 23, 2012 (the "Petition Date"), Debtor filed its voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"). The Debtor is operating its businesses and managing its properties as a debtor-in-possession pursuant to § 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. 3. On or about September, 2014, the Debtor filed an Application for Employment of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP as Counsel for the Debtor (the "LBBS Employment Application"). On October 8, 2014, the Court approved the retention of LBBS on a final basis to act as counsel for the Debtor in Colorado litigation styled as Otologics, LLC v. Neurelec S.A. et al., Case No. 2011CV395, State of Colorado, District Court for the City and County of Denver (the "Litigation"). A summary of the services rendered during the period covered in this Application is included in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for reference as is fully set forth. LBBS ATTORNEY FEES AND EXPENSES 4. The LBBS Application covers the period from October 2, 2014 through date of the LBBS Application (the "Compensation Period") 5. LBBS maintains detailed daily records in the ordinary course of its business. These time records are prepared contemporaneously with the rendition of services to the client. These time records describe the person performing the services, the date the services are Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 3 of 7 Main Document rendered, a detailed description of the services, and the length of time spent delivering those services. These time records are kept in increments of one-tenth of an hour. The services provided by LBBS during the Compensation Period have been actual 6. and necessary. Reasonable compensation for such services based on the time, the nature, the extent and value of such services, and the costs of such services, other than in a case under this Title, is $76, 275.00. The amount of time recorded by each timekeeper is reflected on Exhibit A. Copies of the invoices for such services are attached hereto as Exhibit B, and incorporated by reference herein. LBBS has incurred expenses in this matter during the Compensation Period for 7. which it seeks reimbursement in the aggregate sum of $204.39. A summary of the expenses is set forth in Exhibit A and referenced in the invoices attached as Exhibit B. INFORMATION REQUIRED BY LOCAL RULES L.B.R. 20 16-1(B) requires that all professional fee applications analyze the twelve 8. factors (the "Jolmson Factors") for allowance of compensation set forth in Johnson v. Georgia Highway Express, 388 F.2d 714 (5th Cir. 1974). See also P.A. Novelly v. Palans (In re Apex Oil Co.), 960 F.2d 728 (8th Cir. 1992); Chamberlain v. Kuhr (In re Kula), 213 B.R. 729, 73639 (B.A.P. 8th Cir. 1997); In re Grimes, 115 B.R. 639, 642-43 (Bankr. D.S. D. 1990). The Johnson Factors are as follows: 9. a. The lime and labor involved: LBBS has described in detail the time spent and has included a complete description of the tasks performed b. The novelty and dfJIcully of the questions: Although the underlying Neurelec Litigation is highly complex, there was no premium charged for the tasks performed in this matter. Case 12-47045 c. Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 4 of 7 Main Document The skill requisite to perform the legal service properly: The LBBS lawyers involved in this case have demonstrated the skills necessary to prosecute this matter. d. The preclusion of other employment by the attorney due to acceptance of the case: Acceptance of this case did not preclude other employment and, accordingly, no premium was charged. e. The customary fee: The rates charged by LBBS are heavily discounted rates compared with rates it charges similar clients in similar matters. f. Whether the fee is fixed or contingent: The fees requested herein are neither fixed nor contingent. g. Time limitations imposed by the client or the circumstances: This case poses normal time pressures inherent of a case of this type. h. The amount involved and the results obtained: LBBS submits that the fees requested are appropriate given the value of the litigation. The litigation was recently settled on terms favorable to the Debtor; the settlement was approved by the Court on March 13, 2015. i. The experience, reputation, and ability of the attorneys: LBBS is a full-service law firm with over 900 attorneys and offices nationwide and is well known and respected in national legal markets. The LBBS attorneys are skilled in this type of litigation, especially in light of the fact that they previously represented the Debtor in the defensive Neurelec litigation which took several years and culminated in a 3 issues. V2 week jury trial and a several day bench trial on the injunction Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 5 of 7 Main Document j. The undesirability of the case: This is not an undesirable case. k. The nature and length qf the professional relationship with the client: The LBBS attorneys have represented Debtor for several years in various matters, including the original defensive Neurelec litigation. 1. Awards in similar cases. On information and belief, the fees requested are below other similar cases in this District and in Colorado. LOCAL COMPENSATION RULES AND U.S. TRUSTEE GUIDELINES 10. On January 30, 1996, the Office of the United States Trustee promulgated guidelines for compensation and reimbursement of expenses from a bankruptcy estate (the "U.S. Trustee Guidelines"). Reprinted at 28 C.F.R. Part 58, Appendix. The information requested under the U.S. Trustee Guidelines not otherwise disclosed herein is as follows: Review of Application This application is being sent to the Debtor and other parties simultaneously with its filing. Status of Plan No plan is on file in this case. Monthly Operating Reports Debtor last filed an operating report for March, 2015. Quarterly Fees Debtor has made all quarterly fee payments due to the Office of the U.S. Trustee. Unpaid Administrative Expenses None, other than professional fees and ordinary course of business liabilities. Cash on Hand The Debtor has access to sufficient funds to pay the amounts due. Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 6 of 7 Main Document There are no secured creditors holding liens on the cash on hand. Unencumbered Funds WHEREFORE, LBBS respectfully requests that this Court allow it attorneys' fees in the amount of $76, 275.00, expenses in the amount of $204.39, authorizing and directing Debtor to pay all allowed fees and expenses that have not been paid to-date under the local rules, and for such other and further relief as is just and equitable. Dated: May 1, 2015 Respectfully Submitted, THOMPSON COBURN LLP By: /s/ David A. WarfIeld David A. Warfield (EDMo # 34288MO) dwarfield@thompsoncoburn.com One US Bank Plaza St. Louis, MO 63101 Ph. 314.552.6000 Fax: 314.552.7000 Attorneys for Otologics, LLC Case 12-47045 Doc 220 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Pg 7 of 7 Main Document Certificate of Service The undersigned certifies that on May 1, 2015, a true and accurate copy of the foregoing Final Application For Allowance Of Fees And Expenses Filed By Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP, Counsel For The Debtor was served on all parties receiving notice through the Court's CM/ECF system. /s/ David A. Warfield Case 12-47045 Doc 220-1 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Timekeeper Summary Pg 1 of 1 Exhibit A- EXHIBIT A Time Period: October 2014 - April 2015 Timekeeper Summary: I. Timekeeper Practice Group Hourly Rate Bar Adi,iission Date Number of Hours Total Billed Andrew B. Clauss - Comm. Lit 1993 $250 165.9 $41,475.00 Christopher W. Brophy - Comm. Lit. 2001 $200 168.3 $33,660.00 Jennifer A. Gordon - Comm. Lit. N/A $100 8.6 $860.00 RonaldJ. Comm. Lit. N/A $100 1.8 $180.00 Comm. Lit. N/A $100 1.0 $100.00 OfCounsel Bruyere - Daniel R. Mcintosh- $76, 275.00 TOTALS II. Expense Summary $92.00 $28.14 $6.25 $83.00 $204.39 Court Filing Fees Conference Calls Parking Reproduction/Copies TOTAL III. Project Summary The firm represented the Debtor as litigation counsel in trade secret, breach of contract and business tort litigation pending in Colorado against Neurelec, its owner Guy Charvin, and its CEO Cedric Briand. During this period, the firm performed discovery, reviewed documents, analyzed claims, planned strategy and generally prepared for a trial in July 2015. The firm also spent a considerable amount of time negotiating with the entity that purchased the Debtor's assets out of the bankruptcy estate in order to obtain critical documents, witness access and the like, all of which is necessary to prosecute the case. Finally, the firm assisted in negotiating a global settlement deal that concludes all of the various pieces of Neurelec-related litigation. Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 1 of 15 EXHIBIT B Invoices Exhibit B- Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 2 of 15 Exhibit B- LEwis BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH i.u' LAWYERS SUITE 4000 1333 W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 00011 TELEPHONE (213) 250-11100 File Number 34804-2 FE13ERAL 1.0. NO 95.3720522 SA Neurelec V Otologics ABC1 Date Atty 11/17/14 1408020 Otologics Description of Services Rendered Teleconferences with Bedoya and Bedoya and Warfield regarding. ownership of claims, asset purchase agreement and discovery from NL parties 10/03/14 ABC Prepare for status call with Westfall 10103114 ABC Status call with Westfall to discuss status Musgrave's email, remand in first case and how that might impact second case 10/03/14 CWB Telephone conference with Clauss and Westfall re status and strategy 10/08/14 ABC Review arid analyze Musgrave's email regarding various meet and confer topics, send same to Nina Wang for Cochlears position 10/09/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding discovery issues 10/09/14 ABC Respond to Musgrave and reach out to Wang regarding Musgrave's issues 10/09/14 ABC Additional teleconference with Jose regarding French witnesses 10/13/14 ABC Review Bankruptcy Order granting relief from stay for Neurelec to defend 10/1 3/14 ABC Prepare for (.2) an attend (.4) teleconference with Nina Wang regarding documents and Cochlear's involvement 10/1 3/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose Bedoya regarding conference with Nina Wang and Cochlears. involvement Analysis and conference with Brophy regarding Cochlear involvement and protective orders, Page Hours 10/02/14 ABC 10/13/14 ABC 10/15/14 ABC 10/15/14 ABC 10/16/14 CWB 10122/14 ABC 10/22/14 ABC 10/22114 ABC 10/24/14 ABC 10/24/14 ABC 10/24/14 JAG 10/27/14 ABC 10/28/14 ABC 10/28/14 ABC 10/29/14 ABC 10/29/14 ABC 10/29/14 ABC 10/29/14 ABC 10/29/1.4 ABC 10/29/14 CWB 10(29/14 CWB 10/30/14 ABC 10/30/14 ABC 10/30/14 ABC documents and damage proof Teleconference with Bedoya, Warfield and Westfall regarding status of case and prepare for same Follow up with Nina Wang regarding Cochlear issues Review and revise reply on motion to stay. conferences with Clauss and Krumholz re same Draft and revise entry of appearance and communicate with priorcounsel regarding same Draft response to Musgrave questions and analysis of how to handle issues Trade calls with Nina Wang regarding Cochlear Review discovery arid direct paralegal on objections, communicate with Westfall about docket in defensive litigation Teleconference with Nina Wang regarding Cochlear issues Begin drafting responses to lnterrogatories and RFPs. Teleconference with Jose regarding, end review of, discovery requests Meet with Jose regarding discovery and strategy and conference call with Jose and Dave Warfield regarding potential settlement and related issues Review Powerpoint from October 2010 SMAE conference in advance of discovery Talk to Jose regarding potential settlement options and analysis of same Draft Otologics responses to Neurelec discovery Meet with Westfall and Krumholz regarding strategy Meetings at Court house to obtain critical documents filed under seal in initial litigation and travel to and from same Analysis of case and potential defenses and strategies in event of case conversion and conferences with Brophy regarding same Begin reviewing and draft discovery responses Obtain, review and analyze motion to amend complaint in first case in order to determine trade secret information and supporting documents to respond to current discovery Review community interest agreement Travel to and from and meet with Palmeri and G&R regarding G&R riles for Oto Work on discovery responses and review file and motion for leave to amend and exhibits in old case to refresh recollection on new case DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVEI, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT a .3 4 .6 .2 .6 .2 .1 .1 .6 .3 .4 .9 .1 1.0 .2 .5 .1 .4 3 .6 .5 3.2 .4 .2 1.1 .5 .9 7 2.2 1 .0 .5 4 2.3 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 3 of 15 Exhibit B- LEwis BRIsBois B1SGAARD & SMTTH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 900/1 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 File Number ABCI Date FEDERAL 1.0. NO 054720522 11/17/14 1408020 Ototogics SA Neurelec V Otologics 34804-2 Page Description of ServIces Rendered Atty 2 Hours 10/30/14 ABC Review orders in defensive case regarding stay and analysis of same 10/30/14 CWB Draft objections and responses to discovery requests 10/30/14 CWB Review notes, pleadings and documents to prepare for meeting with Brian Conn to go over trade secrets 10/31/14 ABC Meet with Nina, Brian and Jose to go over facts and discovery .2 4.0 1 .0 35 1.0 1.2 10/31/14 ABC Meet with Jose to go over discovery 10/31/14 ABC Travel to and from Boulder to meet with Brian and Nina to discovery requests and case 10131/14 CWB Meeting with Conn, Bedoya, Wang and Clauss re responses 5.0 strategy and draft and revise responses to document requests Units Description of Disbursement Date 10/31/14 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 10/2014 District Court, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court #2011CV395 Case 10/31/14 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 10/2014 DenverCounty Court History Purchase #2008CV10601 Rate Amount 13.50 10.00 Effective Recap of Hours Services Andrew B. Clauss ChrlstophrW. Brophy JenniferA. Gordon Total 23.1 14.8 .6 38.5 Rate 250.00 200.00 100.00 Total Fees Total Disbursements Total Current Charges DISOURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVEO. WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 5,775 00 2,960.00 60.00 8,795.00 8,795.00 23.50 8,818.50 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 4 of 15 Exhibit B- Liwis BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMiTh LAWYERS SUiTE 4000 833W. FIFTh STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 000/1 TELEPHONE 1213) ThC-1800 File 34804-2 Number ABCI Date Atty r-EDERAL 1.0. NO Y54720522 12/10/14 1420950 Otologics SA Neurelec v Otologics Page 1 Hours Description of Services Rendered Review documents regarding client lists and financial's sent from Jose, review and revise discovery responses, teleconferences with Jose regarding same 11102114 ABC Review Brophy changes to discovery responses, additional revisions to same 11/03/14 ABC Review response to document requests and discuss same with Brophy 11/03/14 CWB Draft and revise responses to Defendant's discovery requests 11/04114 ABC Draft and revise Protective Order, analysis of special terms, send same to N. Wang for review 11/04/14 ABC Teleconference with Bedoya and analysis of compilation and review of documents In Cochlear's possession Bedoya 11/04/14 ABC Review settlement emails from Warfield, analysis of same and discuss same with 11/04/14 ABC Teleconference with Warlield and Bedoya regarding settlement offer from Bryan Cave 11/04/14 CWB Analysis of conflict issues regarding potential global settlement involving some but not all of defendants, conferences with Clauss and Warfield re same, draft and revise proposed confidentiality order, review documents from prior litigation 11/05/14 ABC Teleconference with Bedoya regarding status, review and revise Common Interest Agreement in advance of call With Nina Wang 11/05/14 ABC Teleconference with Nina Wang regarding common interest agreQment 11/05/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding call with Nina Wang and other issues 11/06/14 ABC Teleconference with Nina Wang regarding protective order 11107/14 ABC Prepare for Court hearing, review file, analysis of issues 11/07/14 ABC Teleconference with Nina Wang regarding hearing and prepare for same 11/07/14 ABC Review Musgrave status conference filing and analysIs 11/07/14 ABC Finalize Protective Order and send to Musgrave formulate position for 11/07/14 ABC Review and analysis of Musgrave changes to protective order and court hearing discussions with Bobbee 11/07114 ABC Attend court hearing on status of case requested by Neurelec and regarding settlement 11/07114 ABC Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding status and hearing status conference with 11/07114 CWB Review pleadings filed by opposing counsel, prepare for and attend 11/01/14 ABC . Court Brophy regarding same 11110/14 ABC Review and revise protective order agreement, communicate with communicate with Warfield and Review and analysis of Motion for Relief from stay and 11/10114 ABC Bedoya regarding same offensive case 11/10/14 CWB Review motion for relief from stay and analysis of impact on Teleconference with Bedoya regarding summary of Jose call with Warfield and discovery 11/11/14 ABC communications with 11/11/14 ABC Review and revise Protective Order per court order and related opposing counsel 11/11/14 ABC Teleconference with Nina Wang and related em ails communications regarding common interest and protective order . Analysis of discovery in bankruptcy case Review and redline common interest agreement with Cochlear and analysis of impact on asset purchase agreement review and analyze 11/11/14 CWB Research prior litigation documents and draft and revise discovery, proposed common interest agreement, conferences with Clauss re same what needs to be kept as filed under 11/12/14 ABC Per CourVs order at hearing, review full docket and label seal and send same to Musgrave district court. 11/12/14 JAG Drafted Complete request for transcript (audio) from Denver 11/11/14 ABC 11/11/14 ABC DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCoUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN REcEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 2.5 .5 .7 45 1.6 .4 .4 .5 4.4 .6 .2 .2 1.3 .3 .1 .2 3 1 .5 5 3.2 .2 7 .8 4 3 .2 7 49 4 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 5 of 15 LEwis BRisBols BISOAARD & SMITH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 900/1 TELEPHONE 1213)250-1300 File Number ABCI Date 34804-2 Atty 11112/14 JAG 11/12/14 JAG 11/13/14 ABC 11/13/14 ABC 11113/14 ABC 11/13/14 CWB 11/13/14 JAG 11/13/14 JAG 11/14114 ABC LLP FEDEALI.D. NO 954720522 12110i14 1420950 Otologlcs SA Neurelec v Otoiogics Page '11/14/14 ABC 11/14114 ABC 11/14/14 ABC 11/14/14 CWB 11/17/14 ABC 11/18/14 ABC 2 Hours Description of Services Rendered Drafted email to Denver district court regarding hearing transcript. Letter to follow UP Ofl communication with clerk regarding transcript. Communicate with B. Musgrave and N. Wang regarding P0 and options and related analysis of options Teleconference with Bedoya regarding discovery and various issues related to criminal cases Analysis of action items, case strategy, relation of criminal ISSUES, etc. and conferences with Brophy and review file regarding same Review and revise protective order and conferences with Clauss and Wang re terms of proposed protective order Drafted letter to Clerk re: permission to obtain hearing recording related to sealed matter. Letter to follow up with clerk regarding transcript and finalize arrangements for receipt thereof. Communicate with N. Wang and B. MusgiaVe regarding P0 and agree on same as well as protocol for raising expert issues with court Draft and revise P0 for submission to Court in opposition to Neurelec form P0 in event that Musgrave will not agree to expert provisions Draft discovery for submission to NL Teleconference with Bedoya regarding discovery, privilege and related issues Teleconference with Bedoya regarding bankruptcy case issues, conferences with Brophy regarding same Draft and revise discovery topics and telephone conferences with Clauss and Badoya re same, communications with opposing counsel re protective order, analysis of protective . 11/14/14 ABC Exhibit B- order and document production Teleconference with Bedoya and communications with Nina Wang regarding document review with Brian Conn Meetings with Bedoya regarding global strategy, discovery, William Demant's purchase of Neurelec, and 30b6 issues for William Demant and related analysis following meeting and research and analysis of Hague issues with Demant vs. Oticon depositions communications with Nina Wang draft initial discovery 11/18/14 CWB Meeting with Clauss and Bedoya rediscovery and strategy, 11/18/14 JAG Researched corporate identities in anticipation of serving same. and finalize Rule 30b6 topic 11/19/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding William Demant deposition list for submission to Musgrave bankruptcy case 11/19/14 ABC Teleconference with Bedoya and Warfield regarding status of Otologics regarding production and send S. Ward 11/19/14 ABC Analysis of deadlines and respond to S. Ward email 30b6 deposition request for William Daniant and communications back and forth regarding same, analysis of William Demant options 11/19/14 ABC Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding William Dernant Teleconference with Nina regarding common interest agreement and discuss same with 11/19/14 ABC Bedoya Draft initial discovery 11/19/14 CWB deposing William Demant company 11/19/14 CWB Analysis and communication with opposing counsel re 11/20/14 ABC Review emails from Krumholz arid Bedoya Common Interest Agreement, discovery. 11121/14 ABC Various teleconferences with Bedoya regarding how to handle cochlear and obtain documents. etc. Conn, Common interest 11/21/14 ABC Communications with N Wang regarding meetings with Brian agreement and follow up DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACcOuNT, FOR WHICH SILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT .1 3 3 1.3 1.5 .2 .2 4 2.4 4.1 3 5.7 5,5 .3 .6 .4 .5 3 .3 2.5 1.0 .1 g 3 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 6 of 15 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH Exhibit B- LLP LAWYERS SUITE 400(1 633W,FIFThSTREEI LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 900/1 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 File Number ABCI Date 34804-2 FEDERAL 1.0. HO 95-3720522 Otologics SA Neurelec v Otologics 12/10114 -1420950 Page Atty 3 Hours Description of Services Rendered Teleconference with Brian Conn arid Nina Wang regarding docunient search and prepare for same 11/24/14 ABC Multiple teleconferences with Bedoya regarding status and strategy 11/24/14 ABC Teleconferencewith Bedoya and Olivia regarding Common InterestAgreement 11/24/14 ABC Analysis surrounding common interest agreement and Cochlear's language stripping away rights from Asset Purchase Agreement 11/24/14 ABC Multiple reviews and revisions to draft Common Interest Agreement 11/24/14 ABC Review of trade secrets document search results, analysis of same and follow up emalls to Bedoya and Wang regarding same 11/24/14 ABC Review and comment on Warfield discovery and bedoya comments and suggest changes 11/24/14 CWB Review document list provided by Brian Conn, conferences with Clauss and Bedoya re method of compiling responsivedocuments '11/25/14 ABC Review, revise and send CIA to N Wang for review arid comment 11/25/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding William. Demant situation and discovery/Hague convention issues arid adequacy of Cochlear documents 11/25/14 ABC Analysis of content of letter to Demant and related Issues 11/25/14 CWB Review and revise correspondence to William Demant, research contact information forWD, review and revise discovery topics 11/26/14 ABC Draft and revise letter to William Demant and analysis regarding same and approve same 11/21/14 ABC .7 .3 8 .6 .8 .2 .3 1.2 .3 3 1.5 withclient 11/26/14 ABC Numerous teleconferences with bedoya regarding discovery and Demant 11/26/14 CWB Review, revise and telephone conferencewith Bedoya and Krumholz re motion to vacate 11/28/14 ABC 4 1.5 costs award Review draft pleading to set aside in other case .1 Units Description of Disbursement Date 11/25/14 Conference Call Soundpath Conferencing cloAmericari Teleconferencing Services Conference call of Andrew Clauss on 10/03/2014 11/13/14 Parking Andrew B Clauss 11/04/2014 Parking for meeting with Jose Bedoya and Brian Conn 11/13/14 Parking Andrew B Clauss 11/04/2014 Parking for meeting with Jose Bedoya and Brian Conn 11/13/14 Reproduction/Copies District Court, Denver County Colorado Reproduction Copies 11/14/14 Reproduction/Copies Christopher W Brophy #31 10129/2014 Copies of Pleadings from prior Otologics case (2008 CV 010601) to be used in discovery responses In present case. Rate 2.97 2.50 3,75 35.00 48.00 Effective Hours Recap of Services Andrew B. Clauss Christopher W. Brophy Jennifer A. Gordon 37.6 35.5 1.2 . Total Amount Rate 250.00 200.00 100.00 75.3 DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YoUR ACCOUNT, FOR wuicn BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 9,400.00 7,300.00 120.00 16,820.00 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 7 of 15 LEWIS BRIsBoIs BISGAARD & SMITH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 00011 TELEPHONE (2131 2f0-1600 File Number ABCI Date 34504-2 Atty 12101/14 ABC 12/01/14 ABC 12/01/14 ABC 12103/14 ABC 12/03/14 ABC 12/03/14 CWB 12/05/14 CWB 12/08/14 ABC 12/08/14 ABC 12/06/14 ABC 12/08/14 CWB 12/08/14 JAG 12/10114 ABC 12/10/14 ABC 12/10/14 ABC 12110/14 ABC 12/10/14 CWB 12/11/14 ABC 12/11/14 ABC 12/11/14 ABC 12/11/14 CWB 12/11/14 CWB 12/11/14 JAG 12/12114 RJB 12/15/14 ABC 12/15/14 CWB 12/15/14 JAG 12/15/14 JAG 12/16/14 ABC 12/16/14 CWB 12/17/14 ABC 12/17/14 ABC FEDERAL .0. NO Exhibit B- LU' 95-3720522 Otologics SA Neurelec v Ototogics Description of Services Rendered Teleconference with Jose regarding Cochlear documents Teleconferences with Nina Wang regarding Cochlear Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding conversation with Nina Wang Various caHs with Jose Bedoya regarding cases issues, discovery and potential settlement Teleconferences with Nina Wang regarding disclosures and CIA agreement and prepare for the same Telephone conference with Nina Wang and Brian Conn re document search Document review and production, review and respond to correspondence from opposing counsel re trade secrets, Review and analyze technical documents for production and otherwise prepare documents for production and teleconferences with Nina Wang Finalize CIA and communicate with Nina and Bedaya regarding same Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding documents from Cochlear and sufficiency of same Review and produce responsive documents from Cochleor, conferences with Cochlear re common interest agreement, review and revise same Prepare and review documents in anticipation of disclosing same. Teleconferences with Jose regarding new order from bankruptcy court and related analysis of settlement options Investigate and review additional documents related to flriancials and damages and employment records/employee lists Review affidavit of Martel Analysis of additional documents necessary to supplement in response to inquiry from opposing counsel and talk to Nina about patent portfolio Review additional documents for disclosure, begin initial review of neurelec documents, conferences with Clauss and bankruptcy counsel re trial strategy Review and redact financials and employee lists for filing and set deposition dates with Musgrave Teleconference with Bedcya and Warfield regarding status, global settlement options and related issues Analysis and development of global settlement strategies and options Review documents produced by Neurelec Attempt to unlock password protected employee files that may be responsive to discovery requests Review additional documents for disclosure and prepare same for disclosure. Prepared a searchable index of the NEUR365 documents of 65210 pages and native files for use by attorneys in preparing for upcoming depositions and motion work Review redactions for supplemental disclosure and direct service of same Review financial and employee documents, prepare and serve supplemental disclosures Draft Supplemental Disclosure Certificate for Supplemental Docs. Finalize disclosures for filing. Erriails with Bobbee Musgrave and Nina Wang regarding conference call and issues surrounding disclosures to experts, related analysis of options and involvement of Cochlear Review Neurelec trade secret chart and motions re obligation to produce trade secret chart in prior litigation, continue review of Neurelec documents Review documents and begin to prepare trade secret chart, and enlist assistance from Bedoya Teleconference with Jose regarding status DISBuRSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 1128/15 1438169 Page 1 Hours 5 3 '14 .6 1.4 6.7 5.3 4.1 3.3 1 .6 .1 .5 2.6 1.6 .6 4.0 1.2 5 1.8 .6 3.5 .4 .1 .4 1.8 .7 .3 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 8 of 15 Exhibit B- LEWIS BR1soIs BISGAARD & SMITH Lii' LAWYERS SUITE 000 633W. FIFTH SIflEET LOS AHOELES. CALIFORNIA 900/1 TE-LEPF-IONE (213) 20-100 FEOCRAL LI). NO File Number ABCI Date 34804-2 9..3720S22 Otoiogics SANeurelec v Otologics 1128115 1438169 Page Atty Description of Services Rendered 2 Hours 12/17/14 CWB Review and revise trade secret chart arid conferences with Clauss re creating cross-reference chart Teleconference with Musgrave and Nina Wang and prepare for same regarding disclosures to experts and Seans issues 12/1 8114 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding status 12/18/14 ABC Review email from Ward and provide dates for status conference with Court 12/18/14 CWB Review and respond to opposing counsel re trade secret identification 12/23/14 ABC Review settlement offer and analysis of the same and alternate options 12/28/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose Bedoya and analysis of potential counteroffer and discovery with Brophy 12/29/14 ABC Af101ysis of action items and follow up with Jose regarding trade secret chart and settlement and emails to/from Nina, Bobbee and Sean regarding expert meet and confer 12/29/14 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding settlement 5 12/18/14 ABC Units Description of Disbursement Date 12/18/14 Court filing fee Colorado interactive 11/2014 District Court. Court of Appeals and Supreme Court #2011CV395 12118/14 Court filing fee Colorado interactive 11/2014 Denver County Court Case History Purchase #2008C Vi 0601 12/12/14 Conference Call Soundpath Conferencing Conference call of Andrew Clauss on 11/24/2014 .4 .1 .1 .6 .3 .5 3 .2 Rate Amount 7.50 10.00 5.68 effective Hours Recap of Services Andrew 8. Clauss Christopher W. Brophy JenniferA Gordon Ronald J. Bruyere Total 19.3 26.4 4.3 1.8 51.8 Rate 250.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 Total Fees Total Disbursements Total Current Charges DISEURSEMENTS MAOE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH SILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 4,825.00 5.280.00 430.00 180.00 10,715.00 10,71 5.00 23.18 10738.18 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 9 of 15 LEWIS BRSO!S BISGAARD & SMITH Exhibit B- LU' LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFOR(IAE0Q1 TELEPHONE (213) 2bc-1a0o FEOCRAL 1,0. NO 34804-2 File Number 95.3T20522 Otologics SA Neurelec V Otologics ABCI Date Atty 1102/15 ABC 1102115 ABC 1/02/15 CWB 1/05/15 ABC 1/05/15 ABC 1/06/15 ABC 1/06/15 ABC 1/06/15 ABC 1/06/15 ABC 1/06(15 ABC 1/06/15 CWB 1/06/15 JAG 1/07/15 ABC 1/07/15 ABC 1/07/15 ABC 1/07/15 ABC 1/07/15 ABC 1/07/15 ABC 1/07(15 ABC 1/07/15 CWB 1/07/15 CWB 1/07/15 CWB 1/09/15 ABC 1/09/15 ABC 1/09/15 CWB 1/10/15 CWB 1/11/15 CWB 1/12(15 ABC 1/1 2/15 ABC 1/12/15 CWB 1/1 3/15 ABC 1/14(15 ABC 1114115 ABC 1/14(15 ABC 1/14/15 CWB 1/20(15 ABC Description of Services Rendered Communicate with opposing counsel regarding discovery issues and status conference Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding status and trade secret chart and related issues and review and comments to global settlement counter-proposal Review and revise trade secret chart and supporting documents and communications with opposing counsel regarding discovery dispute Review Musgrave and Wang emails regarding Cochlear Review file and status and analysis. of action items and strategy Teleconferences with Jose regarding trade secret chart Conference with Brophy regarding settlement, trade secret chart, discovery and document review and analysis of strategies and prepare for hearing on Jan 8 Review trade secret chart and compare to documents Plain strategy and case going forward including discovery, experts, depositions, etc. and related analysis Document review Review and revise trade secret chart and cross-reference document citations Created Trade Secret Chart and Drafted Pleading for filing of same. Review email from Wang regarding experts and email Ward regarding trade secret chart and analysis of hearing issues Emails with Wang, Musgrave and Ward regarding expert Issues, trade secret chart and hearing and related anaylsis Review and revise trade secret chart and send to Bedoya Teleconference with Bedoya and related trade secret chart analysis Prepare for status conference on trade secret chart and prepare examples for the court Emails with Nina and search for information on experts per Nina's requests Teleconferences with Peter Krumholz and Jose Bedyoa regarding counsel and representation issues for 010 in other litigation and related analysis Revise and finalize trade secret chart and discussion re need for discovery hearing Review Hale West Fall notice of withdrawal and analysis of strategy related thereto initial review and analysis of Neurelec disclosures and arrange to upload to document review system Review documents and analysis of case management Review documents and case analysis Document review Review Neurelec initial disclosure documents Review Neurelec disclosures Teleconference with Jose regarding status Review notice of withdrawal Review notice of withdrawal of Sean Ward, conference with Clauss re same, review Plaintiff's disclosure documents Review file and begin planning and drafting written discovery and analysis of discovery plan now that trade secret chart is complete Finish preparing first set of discovery to Defendants, communications with Brophy and Bedoya regarding same, related case analysis and revisions to same Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding settlement and case management Communicate with Musgrave regarding depositions Draft and revise discovery to Neurelec and review deposition notice and topic list Teleconferences with Jose Bedoya regarding depositions, settlement and related issues b(SBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCoUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YEr BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 2118/15 Page 1448225 1 Hours .1 .5 2.1 .1 .2 3 .4 1.3 1.3 2.3 1.0 .2 .5 .3 .3 1.1 .4 .3 1.1 .7 3.3 2.4 3.1 3.0 4.0 4.0 .1 .1 2.0 2.3 3.8 .4 .1 4.4 .4 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 10 of 15 LEwis BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITFI LAWYERS SUITE 4000 533W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90011 TELEPHONE (213) 250-fl300 File Number ABCI Date 34804-2 FEDERAL 1.0. NO Exhibit B- LIP 95-3720522 Otologics SA Neurelec v Otologics 2118115 Page Description of Seivices Rendered Atty 1448225 2 Hours 1/20/15 ABC Communicate with Muograve regarding depositions 1/20/15 ABC Email Musgrave regarding depositions 1/20/15 ABC Analysis of strategy and impact of Hague convention and conference with Brophy regarding .1 .1 same .8 1/20/15 CWB Correspondence with Musgrave redeposition scheduling, discuss corp rep topics, review 1/20/15 CWB 1/21/15 CWB 1/22/15 ABC 1/23/15 CWB 1/26/15 ABC 1/26/15 CWB 1/28/15 CWI3 1/29/15 ABC 1/29/15 CWB 1/30/15 ABC 1/30/15 ABC 1/30/15 ABC 1/30/15 ABC 1/30/15 ABC 1/30/15 CWB expert information provided by Musgrave Document review of NL initial disclosures Document review of NL initial disclosures Review documents and case analysis Document review Review sample fee application and Investigate confidentiality option for time entries given Bryan Caves involvement in Bankruptcy proceedings Research and begin drafting fee application Document review Prepare for and meet with client regarding history of facts and overall fact strategy in advance of deposition Prepare for and attend client meeting re discovery and trial strategy and avenues of settlement Review documents produced by Neurelec Teleconference with Bedoya regarding witnesses, strategy, audio tape, etc. Communicate with Brophy regarding Olivier and potential tesimony and audIotape Teleconference with Nina Wang regarding Olivier and trade messages regarding same Preparation and analysis for Bedoya deposition as 30b6 witness and creation of topics Review documents and pleadings in preparation for 30b6 deposition Units Description of Disbursement Date 1/16/15 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 12/2014 District Court, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court #2011GV395 1/16/15 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 12/2014 Denver County Court Case History Purchase #2008CV1 0601 1.7 2.5 .5 2.1 35 4 .8 2.0 3.7 2.9 4.3 .7 .3 .2 1.4 3.5 Rate Amount 7.50 10.00 Effective Hours Recap of Services Andrew B. Clauss ChristopherW. Brophy JenniferA. Gordon Total 35,0 44.3 1.0 80.3 Rate 250.00 200.00 100.00 Total Fees Total Disbursements Total Current Charges DISBURSEMENTS MADE POR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 8,750.00 8,860.00 100.00 17,710.00 17,710.00 17.50 17,727.50 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 11 of 15 Exhibit B- LEWiS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W FIFP-I STREET LOS 1NGELES. CALIFORNiA 900/1 TELEPHONE (213f2.0-tH00 34804-2 File Number FEDERAL 1.0. NO 05.3720522 otologics SANeurelecv Otologics ABC1 - Date Description of Services Rendered Atty 2/02115 ABC 2/02/15 ABC 2/02/15 ABC 2/02/15 ABC 2/02/15 CWB 2/03/15 ABC 2/03/15 ABC 2/03/15 ABC 2/03/15 ABC 2/03/15 ABC 2/03115 CWB 2/03/15 CWB 2/03/15 JAG 2/04/15 ABC 2/04/15 ABC 2/05/15 ABC 2/05/15 ABC 2/05/15 CWB 2/06/15 ABC 2/06/15 CWB 2/09/15 ABC Review email from Musgrave regarding consolidation, teleconference with Jose regarding same, analysis with Brophy regarding same, teleconference with Jose and all counsel regarding same Prepare for Otologics 30b6 deposition, review documentS, analysis of preparation topics, etc. Communicate with Musgrave regarding NL depositions and research location issue and analysis regarding same with Brophy Review documents Research and analyze consolidation issue raised by NL confidentiality of documents and designation of production, moving to compel all foreign depositions in Denver and applicability of Hague convention to discovery in light of prior rulings in Colorado Prepare for meeting with bedoya regarding deposition prep Investigate docket and confidentiality issues and work with Brophy to correct issues Deposition prep with Bedoya Meet with Bedoya regarding deposition prep, conferences with Musgrave regarding depositions, analysis of settlement options Review Amended Notice of 30b6 Deposition pleading Conferences with court regarding designation of Otologics case file as suppressed and not disctosed to public in contradiction of protective order, conferences with Bedoya's counsel re strategy, review and analyze 30-b-6 deposition notice Deposition preparation with Bedoya and Call Review and analyze documents in anticipation of preparing client for deposition. Teleconference with Jose regarding settlement proposal and status and follow up with Brophy on Ivan Call regarding same Review documents and file in preparation of Bedoya deposition Analysis of potential claims and witnesses and leverage In event settlement negotiations begin depending on outcome of offer on table, multiple teleconferences with Bedoya, conferences with Brophy regarding same Review Order dismissing Krumholz from case and related analysis Legal analysis and research of impact of release on BK estate and remaining claims based on proposed settlement terms and multiple conferences with Clauss and Bedoya re same Multiple teleconferences with Brophy and Call and Bedoya regarding settlement terms and issues, multiple teleconferences with Bedoya regarding settlement and analysis of value of offensive case Research case law, statutes and prior rulings and appellate opinion in light of proposed settlement and corresponding releases and conferences with Clauss and Call re same Teleconferences with Bedoya, review draft settlement agreement prepared by Warfield, prepare for meeting with Musgrave and identify potential issues for discussion and problem areas 2/09/15 ABC 2/09/15 ABC Meet with Ivan Call in advance of Musgrave meeting and meet with Musgrave and Call regarding settlement issues and logistics Review initial judgment and other papers provided by 1. Call and make substantial revisions to draft agreement based on discussions with client, such documents, and meeting with Call and Musgrave, and additional teleconference with Bedoya, and teleconference with Call regarding redlines 2/09/15 ABC Draft cover email to all parties and send draft for review. conferences with Clauss re 2/09/15 CWB Review and comment on initial draft of settlement agreement, same and issues and analysis of issue 2/10/15 ABC Communicate with Warfield regarding settlement terms DIsBURsEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACcOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN REcEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 3/1 3/15 1460270 Page 1 Hours 1.5 2.4 4 .7 4.1 .5 .4 .1 5.0 .1 1.2 45 1.5 .2 37 4.6 .2 3.2 3.7 -1.5 1.9 1.2 2.4 .1 .7 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 12 of 15 Exhibit B- LEWIS BRisBols B[SGAARD & SMITH w LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 900h TELEPHONE (213)250-1500 File 34804-2 Number ABC1 Date Atty 2/10/15 CWB 2/10/15 CWB 2/11/15 ABC 2/11/15 ABC 2/11/15 ABC 2/11/15 CWB 2/12/15 ABC 2/12/15 CWB 2/12/15 CWB 2/13/15 ABC 2/13/15 ABC 2/13/15 ABC 2113/15 CWB 2/16/15 ABC 2/17/15 ABC 2/18/15 ABC 2/19/15 ABC 2/19/15 ABC /19115 CWB 2/20/15 ABC 2/20/15 CWB 2/23/15 ABC 2/24/15 ABC 2/24/15 CWB Date FEDERALLO. NO 95-3720522 3/13115 Otologics SANeurelec v Otologics 1460270 Page 2 Hours Description of Services Rendered 4 raised by Wartield in advance of call Research case law and statutes regarding settlement terms and release of claims in light of proposed settlement terms Review recording of SAME conference audio in relation to valuation of offensive case Multiple teleconferences with Bedoya and review and revise settlement agreement drafts from Warfield, review comments from all, email communications with team, etc regarding same, address issues raised by Wart leld Draft letter to Musgraveregardirig confidentiality housekeeping matters and email regarding settlement issues Review, and analysis related to, Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement drafted by Wart ield and teleconference with Bedoya Research issuesrelating to confidentiality of pleadings and documents in case marked as suppressed and the corresponding sections of protective order Meetings with Jose and communications with Warfeild and Ivan Call regarding settlement status, timing problems, and potential solutions and analysis with Brophy regarding same Research case law and statutes relating to release of one joint tortfeasor in conspiracy claim Analysis of proposed settlement terms on Bk estate and litigation against Neurelec in light of proposed releases and pending remand trial Teleconferences with Jose and Brophy regarding settlement status and related issues, analysis of issues, detailed emails to and from joint counsel team involved in settlement Additional teleconferences with Jose, Brophy, Ivan, Warfield in various combinatuion regarding status and whether to move to enforce settlement, agree to NL's BK counsel's idea to file motion for approval without key terms. etc., and related analysis Review draft Motion for approval and related analysis Review and revise proposed settlement agreement and conferences with Clauss and Warfield re same Teleconference with Bedoya regarding status Teleconference with Bedoya and review status ernails regarding Bobbee and draft agreement Teleconference with Bedoya regarding status of settlement Review and revise settlement agreement and analysis of potential issues and problems raised by NL's modifications and relat:ed legal reseach into contribution issues Additional conterence calls with Bedoya, bedoya and Warilied and entire team regarding settlement issues and related analysis Review proposed settlement proposal and comment on same, review pleadings and appellate opinion in defensive case and pleadings in offensive case in relation to dismissal versus release of a subset of claims Review several settlement agreement redlines and comment on same, communicate with the team regarding same, analysis of available options In light of Cullen's conversation with Wart ield and teleconferences with Bedoya regarding same Research case law relating to contribution claim by joint and several detendants when no payment has been made or if claim can be assigned Teleconference with bedoya regarding French Issues with Otologics French campanies and Neurelec allegations and strategy regarding same Teleconferences with Bedoya regarding French Oto Issues and settlement with NL and review final redlines and communications with co-counsel and conferences with Brophy Review latest settlement proposal and conferences with Clauss, Call and Warfield re same Description of Disbursement Units DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED. WiLL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 1.8 1.1 1.9 .2 .2 .8 1.1 2.5 a .7 2.4 .3 1.9 .1 .1 .1 1,4 1 .6 1.4 1 .2 2.3 .3 .6 Rate Amount Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 13 of 15 Exhibit B- LE\vls BRIsBOIS BJSGAARD & SMITH Lii' LAWYERS SUITE 4000 t3W FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 250.1800 File Number 34804-2 FEDERAL 1.0. NO 95.312522 3/13115 OtologicS SA Neurelec v Otologics Page ASC1 Units Description of Disbursement Date 2/17/15 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 01/20 15 District Court, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court 12011CV395 Rate 1460270 3 Amount 15.00 Effective Recap of Services Andrew B. Clauss Cluistopher W. Brophy Hours Rate Fees 41.8 250.00 200.00 100.00 10,450.00 5,680.00 150.00 16,280.00 28.4 1.5 Jennifer A. Gordon Total 71.7 Total Fees Total Disbursements Total Current Charges DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT 1 6,280.00 15.00 16,295.00 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 14 of 15 LEWIS BRisBols BISGAARD & SMITH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 File 34804-2 Number ABCI Atty 4/03/15 ABC Date FEDERAL I.D. NO Exhibit B- LLI' 95-3720522 4/30/15 1482135 Otologics SA Neurelec V Otologics Page Description of Services Rendered Hours . Review email from Musgrave, analysis of same and remaining action items, analysis of how to respond and conference with Brophy, reply to same vi email and voicemail 4/06/15 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding document destruction and related issues 4/06/15 ABC Review files regarding document deletion and return and draft letter to Musgrave regarding same 4/07/15 DRM Assisted Andy Clauss and Chris Brophy in reviewing and destroying confidential documents. 4/08/15 ABC Final revisions to Musgrave letter and circulate to team 4/08/15 CWB Review and destroy documents per settlement agreement 4/09/15 ABC Manage deletion and certifications issues and communicate with Bobbee Musgrave about logistics regarding same, follow up with Krumholz, etc 4/09/15 CWB Review and destroy documents per settlement agreement 4/15/15 ABC Teleconferences with Bedoya and draft re-certification for Bedoyas signature, communicate with Musgrave and Bedoya regarding Oto data 4/28/15 ABC Assemble information for final fee application, communicate with Warfield re same 4/28/15 ABC Receive and review certification letter from Musgrave Date 1 Units Description of Disbursement 4/16/15 Court filing fee Colorado Interactive 03/2015 District Court, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court #2011CV395 4/24/15 Conference Call Soundpath Conferencing do American Teleconferencing Services Conference call of Andrew Clauss on 02/13/2015 4/24/15 Conference Call Soundpath Conferencing do American Teleconferencing Services Conference call of Andrew Clauss on 02/13/2015 4/24/15 Conference Call Soundpath Conferencing do American Teleconferencing Services Conference call of Andrew Clauss on 02/19/2015 Rate .8 .3 .3 1.0 .1 4.0 .6 6.0 .5 .4 .1 Amount 13.50 4.95 8.72 5.82 Effective Hours Recap of Services Andrew B. Clauss ChristopherW. Brophy 3.1 Daniel R. Mcintosh Total 10.0 1.0 14.1 Rate 250.00 200.00 100.00 Total Fees Total Disbursements Total Current Charges DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 775.00 2,000.00 100.00 2,875.00 2,875.00 32.99 2,907.99 Case 12-47045 Doc 220-2 Filed 05/01/15 Entered 05/01/15 13:34:52 Invoices Pg 15 of 15 LEWIS BRIsBoIs BISGAARD & SMITH LAWYERS SUITE 4000 633W. FIFTH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 File 34804-2 Number ABCI Atty 3/02/15 ABC LLI' 95-3720522 4/28115 Otologics SA Neurelec V Otologics 1480610 Page Emails with Warfield regarding Gordon & Rees documents, analysis of issue regarding demand for destruction, review draft demand letter Follow up communications with Warfield and Bedoya regarding settlement status, funding issues, etc. 3/07/15 ABC 3/07/15 CWB 3/09/15 ABC 3/09/15 ABC 3/09/15 CWB 3/09/15 CWB 3/10/15 ABC 3/10/15 ABC 3/12/15 ABC 3/12/15 CWB 3/13/15 ABC 1 Hours Description of Services Rendered Date 3/04/15 ABC FEDERAL I.D. NO Exhibit B- Teleconferences with Bedoya and Moumane regarding settlement and March 16 trial Review draft Bk court orders resettlement approval and conferences with Clauss re same Teleconference with Krumholz regarding Moumane and Badih, analysis, and emails to all regarding same and teleconference with Moumane regarding same Review and analysis of Gordon & Rees objection to settlement, teleconference with Bedoya, and send comments to Warfield, review draft Bedoya affidavit Review correspondence from BK counsel and from French defendants re status of settlement, review G&R objection, conferences with Clauss and Call re objection and trial setting Analysis of G&R objection and response and Bedoya declaration Communicate with Laurent Badih regarding settlement questions Communicate with Dave Warfield regarding affidavit background Review and revise fee application and draft timekeeper summary, expense summary and Project Summary attachment and review local rule Research and draft fee application and supporting affidavit Additional revisions to fee application and exhibits, compile exhibits and send same to Warfield for .2 .2 .7 .4 .5 .6 .9 .8 .1 .1 .7 1.8 review 5 settlement agreement .5 .2 3/13/15 CWB Review orders approving settlement and review and calendar corresponding deadlines per 3/16/15 ABC Communicate with co-counsel and review settlement agreement 3/17/15 CWB Communications with Clauss and Call re dismissal of actions per settlement agreement and issues regarding pending trial Review and send Dave Warfield billing records for fee application Draft and revise letter to Musgrave regarding confidentiality issues and return of documents Review file for status and analysis of action items per settlement agreement, etc. Review emails and follow up on status Conferences with Clauss and Call re dismissal of Bedoya, remaining claims for trial and Otologics position re settlement and dismissal if Musgrave intends on going forward with trial 3/23/15 CWB Prepare for and attend trial and review dismissal papers 3/25/15 ABC Review Musgrave email and follow up 3/27/15 ABC Review Musgrave's email and follow up 3/30/15 ABC Teleconference with Bedoya regarding status 3/30/15 ABC Review file and analysis to determine what papers need to be filed and other activities now that 1M settlement has been received 3/30/15 CWB Research and draft stipulation of dismissal pending NL dismissal of defensive case 3/31/15 ABC Review Musgrave's stipulation and revise our stipulation to dismiss and send to client for approval 3/31/15 ABC Teleconference with Jose regarding settlement issues 3/31/15 ABC Review dismissal order 3/18/15 ABC 3/18/15 ABC 3/19/15 ABC 3/20/15 ABC 3/20/15 CWB .1 .3 .2 .2 1.2 1.5 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 4 .1 Effective Recap of Services Andrew B. Clauss Christopher W. Brophy Hours 6.0 7.9 Rate 250.00 200.00 DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Fees 1,500.00 1,580.00