2015 June Newsletter - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
2015 June Newsletter - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
OURSAVIOURLUTHERANCHURCH June 2015 - Season of Pentecost Edition Congratulations Confirmation Class of 2015 In alphabetical order: Zedonna Baksh, Alexa Foster, Andrew Govindeisami, Rachel Ishak, Emmanuel Orellano, Jonathan Ramotar - Class Teacher Bianca Erriah and Pastor Bob - Confirmation is a two-year class where young people grow in their faith, learning not only the “big” Bible stories, but also learn the basics of what we Lutherans believe. Confirmation starts again in September for young people at least 13 years of age. Final Care Kit Total = 650 Kits You are amazing From a goal of 200 kits, to a goal of 500, to a final total of 650 - we have done amazing things. 650 kits were delivered to Lutheran World Relief to help displaced people around the world. Each kit contained a bath towel, a toothbrush, two bars of soap, a nail clipper and a sturdy comb. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s Lenten Project. Special thanks to Holy Trinity Lutheran in Bellerose for their gift of $500 to take us way over the top. Check out the delivery pic on the back of this newsletter, or on the church FB page If every person brings just one can of food to church each time they come to church - we would never have to ask for food again ! Here's what we need - right now --Tuna Fish in cans - Tomato Sauce OR Spaghetti Sauce Canned Soup - Canned Vegetables Chef Boyardee-type foods You Can Make A Difference Our Saviour Lutheran Church 90-04 175 ST Jamaica, Queens, NYC Worship Every Sunday three times 8:30 AM ~10:00 AM ~11:30 AM Worship on Wednesday at 8:00 PM P ILGRIMAGE HOLY W ITH O PTIONAL Our Saviour Office 718-739-7452 Our Saviour School 718-739-7452 Church Fax 718-739-3964 Church Web Site www.oursaviourjamaica.com Church e-mail oursaviourjamaica@nyc.rr.com Pastor Bob (Home) 718-657-2890 (cell) 917-488-8154 e-mail rfritch@nyc.rr.com THE… LAND POST T OUR TO P ETRA G ROUP C OORDINATOR: R EV. R OBERT “BOB” F RITCH G ROUP HOST: F IONA SUKHNANDAN How to reach us . . . TO O CTOBER $3,999 O PTIONAL POST 21-30, FROM NEW 2015 YORK T OU R TO PETRA | O C TO BER 3 0 -N OVEMBER ADDITIONAL $ 9 9 9 FROM N EW Y OR K 2, 2015 w ww.pi lgr i m ages. com / our savi our Registration deadline = July 21 --- Full Payment due = August 21 -- please call 206Tours for more info: 800-206-TOUR ! Our Saviour Lutheran Church 90-04 175th St. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID JAMAICA, NY PERMIT NO. 35 Jamaica, NY 11432 June 2015 Church Newsletter or current resident www.oursaviourjamaica.com getting to know you - don’t miss out on 2nd saturday Kid’s Church June 7 at 10 AM the best way to get to know someone is to work alongside them take a chance - take a risk - join us for the June 2nd Saturday on Saturday, June 13 -- lots to do - lots to do but, many hands make quick work. Wear your grubby clothing and come serve God in a whole new way. June 13 at 10:00 AM Laurissa Jane Music School Get the kids involved in fun and educational activities this summer ! We will be hosting the Laurissa Jane Music School Summer Arts Program this year. The program accommodates kids from ages 4 - 16. Date : June 29 - August 14 This is NOT a free program - For more information about tuition and session times contact : Laurissa Jane - 718-560-3016 welcome new members may 2015 Lilah Ramnarine Alanna Chan