Ãzgür Güngör Mühendislik
Ãzgür Güngör Mühendislik
Özgür GÜNGÖR Place of birth / Date : Izmir-TURKEY / 1976 E-mail : info@ozgurgungor.com Mobile : +90 533 4847460 Residence : Istanbul / TURKEY Chamber of Mech. Eng. Reg. No : EDUCATION Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Pre Bachelor of Engineering (PBE) Technical high school 51252 : Balıkesir University Balıkesir University Çınarlı / İzmir EXPERIENCE : MGE METAL A.Ş. Factory Manager İstanbul/TURKEY 2014 ~ EKOBANT METAL Factory Manager İstanbul/TURKEY 2010 ~ 2014 YARALI DEMİR ÇELİK Factory Manager Manisa/TURKEY 2006 ~ 2010 NORM CIVATA A.Ş. Production & Die Design Chief İzmir/TURKEY 2001 ~ 2006 ENGINEERING PROGRAM KNOWLEDGE : CAD Design software : Solid Works, Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD Complete FEA Software : Deform, Solid Works, Mechanical Desktop Complete CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS : Industrial and R&D innovation seminar Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry & Tübitak İstanbul/TURKEY Special washers & springs technical education Grower Metal & Petruccelli Export Sas. Cassago Brianza/ITALY Technical trip & education Ereğli Iron & Steel Factory Zonguldak/TURKEY Aluminium 2008 conference Aluminium-Messe Düsseldorf/GERMANY Computer aided engineering in processes Celal Bayar University “seminar owner” Manisa/TURKEY Internal quality audit training “ISO 9001:2000” Ege University “Proof. Deniz GÖKTAN” Manisa/TURKEY Zero defect machine training Dimac Division - Aetna Group S.p.A Ozzano Emilia/ITALY Nedschroef maintenance & production training Vermont Fasteners Manufacturing Co. Vermont / USA Internal quality audit training “ISO 16949” Turkish Standards Institute “Hüseyin GÜNDOĞDU” İzmir/TURKEY System certification training “ISO 14001” Turkish Standards Institute “Ramazan USTA” İzmir/TURKEY Ford technical training programs Ford motor company “Haluk AKTAŞ” IQuentis/GERMANY Global 8D & APQP & QOS & PPAP & FMEA Heat treatment furnace use and training Sun Yung Heat Machine Co. Ltd. Taipei/TAIWAN Samca maintenance and production training Sacma Limbiate S.p.A. Limbiate/ITALY Technology and R&D management Ege University Technology Development Center İzmir/TURKEY Cold And Warm Forging Course Prof. Dr. Taylan ALTAN “The Ohio State University” İstanbul/TURKEY Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Erman TEKKAYA “METU” Die design and production training & education O.C.S. & Sacma Limbiate S.p.A. Milano/ITALY Technical trip & education Carbodies s.a.s. & O.C.S. Milano/ITALY Liquid petroleum gas and technical education İpragaz A.Ş. İzmir/TURKEY ISO 14001 & ISO 16949 education Turkish Standards Institute “Hikmet BAŞTÜRK” İzmir/TURKEY 5S - Time management & Management of stress Kosgeb - Pagev “Atilla FİLİZ” İzmir/TURKEY Technology incentive awards competition Ankara/TURKEY Balıkesir University project competition awards 1st and 3rd place awards Balıkesir/TURKEY University students, project support Tübitak Scientist Education Group Ankara/TURKEY Project competition Tübitak Hüsamettin Tuğaç Foundation Ankara/TURKEY Balıkesir University School championship METU Education And Research Foundation Balıkesir/TURKEY PROJECTS : Cold Rolling Process Calculation Program Cold rolling force & reduction & tension & roll mill angle and diameters & work hardening calculating. Heat Treatment Process Calculation Program Process temperature and time & sequence by the reduction ratio calculating. Cold rolling of thin strips project & Automation Pneumatic Strap Machine Design & Production Product measurement and control robot Gas station fuel tank cleaning robot Austempering heat treatment furnace and salt bath production Bainite structure production of carbon steels for automotive industries’ special parts Sheet roll continuous heat treatment project “Martempering” Roll form chamfering machine design and production Roll form and slitting line die design and productions Special machine design and production Development of new technologies for the production of steel strip line producing Special seal die design and production line producing Steel wheel welding process improvement project Slitting lines design and producing Cut to length line design and producing Steel strap line design and producing Steel seal die and line design and producing Aluminium can printing machine revision Composite bumper production project of commercial vehicle Cold forming simulation project Cold forming press automatic feeding robot design and producing 3M coating line design and producing Dacromet coating line development project and revisions Hydrogen embrittlement removal oven development project revision PATENTS : 2008-G-78758 Method for manufacturing coated steel strips 2009-G-79953 Method for steel strip plating 2014-G-xxxxx Heat treatment (Martempering process) of steel rolls (File an international investigation) 2014-GE-55311 Resistance increased pneumatic steel strapping machine INTERESTS : Manufacturing and technologies, heat treatment and technologies, materials engineering, cold forging parts and die design, manufacture of special machines and production lines. REFERENCES : Prof. İrfan AY/ay@balikesir.edu.tr BAU Engineering faculty Head of the Dep. of Design and Manufacturing Asst. Profs Murat BAYDOĞAN/baydogan@itu.edu.tr ITU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department Asst. Prof Alaaddin TOKTAŞ/atoktas@balikesir.edu.tr BAU Engineering faculty Dep. of Design and Manufacturing