Drinking Water Cooler - panchaltradingcompany.com
Drinking Water Cooler - panchaltradingcompany.com
Digitally signed by: RAM NIWAS Email [d: Government of lndia Directoratc General of Supplies & Disposals Jccvan Tara Euilding, 5 Sansad Marg New Delhi-l1000t Tel Numbcr 233606 I 0 123360537 ramniwas.dgsnd@nic. in AmendmentNo.Dwc/ME-3iRC-12010000/1215/03/06399/1604154055 Dated: 20-APR- I 5 Effectivc Date: I 7-APR-l 5 To M/S VOLTAS LTD MARC' CHINCHPOKLT' MUMBAI - 3'] VOLTAS HOUSE A, DT BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MUMBAI MAHARASHTRA-4OOO3J. 10000/ t 2 I 5/01/06399/ 1604 Sub : This office R/C No. DWC/1v{E-3/RC- 120 Water Coolers' Drinking of Supply the Dated 26-MAR-15 fbr Rcf :'Your Lener No. Nil Eated l5-APR- l5' Dear Sir, subject Rate Conlract is hereby authorised The following amendment to the schedule of tlre LTNDER SCHEDULE-A cFC Rcfrigerant)Energy'Efficient Self contained Drinking water cooler with.lNon Compressor Item DescriPtion Capacity Cooting Capacity.'Ltni/Hr- : 40,Type : Storage'Siorage 575 Watts: Ltrs-: gO,Raie of Max. Energy Consurnption Finat Minimum Price OrdcrQty Revised Ratc Rs. 24500 NOS Rs. TWtsNTY-FOUR THOUSAND FfVE HUNDRED ONLY 27801.5 Lead time(ln days) Rate of suPPtY(Per month) 30 300 (Non cFC Refrigerant)Energy EfTicicnt self cortained Drinking water cooler with Compressor Revised Rate Item Dcscription Capaciry Cooling CapSciry Ltn/Flr.: 60'Type; Stora$e,storage 775 Ltrs.: DO,R;te of Max. Energy Cortsurnption Watts: Final Price 35871.68" Minimum orderQty Lead time(In days) NOS. Rate of suppty(per monrh) Rs.31605 Rs. TH{RTY-ONE THOLJSAND SI)G HUNDRED FTVE ONLY Download Date: 2 l-APR-15 Fage I of8 Ashram RoaC' Ahrnedabad' Ph:o7g-275a0oo2- (M)9824169966 198243oL774 /94765A1L91 i' nj"nt" Comm' Centre' Email: Panchaltradinscompanv@vahoo'co'in Cooler for Distance Slab Freight Charges of Erinking Water Item DescriPtion Cooler,Distance Slab: 50 Finat Price Minimum OrderQtY t- .Rs.4.9 No/Km- Ltrs Drinking water Cooling/Storage capacity: 40/40 LZ Revised Rate slab t000Kms 4.9 Lead time(In daYs) Rs. FOUR AND PAISE NTNETY ONI-Y Ratc of suPPlY(Per month) 0 Cooler for Eistance Slab Frcight Charges of Drinking Water Item DescriPtion No/Km- ttrs Drinking water Cooling/Storage eapaciry: 40/40 l000Kms Above Cooierbistance Slab: 4.27 Final Price Lead time(In daYs) Revised Rate slabr Itern"DescriPtion Ltrs Drinking water Cooling/Stoiage capaciry: 40/80 Km9 ' Cooler,Distance Slab: 5l-250 5;85 Final Price Lead time(In daYs) Rate of Revised Rate No/Krn- I . slab Item DescriPtion Ltrs Drinking water Cooling/Storage capacity: 40/80 Rs- 5.85 ns, f tVE eNO PA{SE tsIGHTY- FiVEONLY 'suPPlY(Per month) Cooler for Distance Statt FreightCharges of Drinking Water t5 PAISE TWENTYSEVEN ONLY Rate of suPPlY(Per month) Cooler for Distance Slab Freight Charges of Drinking Wa@r Minimum OrdcrQtY Rs.4.27 Rs. FOURAND Revised Rate No/Ktn- Rs.4.85 flownload Date: 2 t-APR-t Page 3 ol8 5 slab Cooler,Distance Slab: 25 t -500Kms 4.85 Final Pricc Minimum OrderQty l,cad tirne$n Rs. FOUR AND PAISE EIGHTY. FTVE days) ONLY Rate of supply(per month) Freight Charges of Drinking Water Cooler for Distance Slab Item: Reviscd Rate Item Description Cooling/Storage capaciry: 40/80 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler.Distance Slab: 50 I -t000Kms 'Final Price 4.65 r6 Minimum orderQty Lead timecn dqvs) No/Km- Rs.4.65 slab Rs. FOUR AND PAISE SIXTY-FIVE ONLY Rafe of supply(per month) Freight Charges of Drinking Water Coopr for Distance Slab Revised Ratc Item Dcscription' Cooling/Storage capacity: 40/80 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler,Distance Slab: Above t000Kms 4.25 Final Pricc Lead timefln days) No/Km- Rs.4.25 slab Rs. FOUR AND PATSETWENTYFIVE ONLY Rate of suppty(Per month) Frcight Chargcs of Drinking 'Watcr Cooler for Distance Slab .'Revised Rate Itefli D€scription Coolinlstorage capacity 60/120 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler,Distance Slab: 5 t-250 Kms ' 5.85 Final Frice Minirnum Page 4 ol HerQty Lead time(ln days) Rs.6.85 No/Kmslab Rs. SIX . AND PATSB EIGHTY.FIVE ONLY Rate o[supply(pcr rnonth) f)og'nload Date: 8 2I -APR- I 5 Freight Charges of Drinking Water Cooler for Dista'nce Slab ltem; Revised Ratc Item Description Cooling/Storage capacity: 150/150 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler,Distance Slab: 5 l-250 Kms 22 $inal,Price slab Rs. 7.35 Rs. SEVEN AND PAISE THIRTY. 7.35 FIVE ONLY R.ate of suppty(Per month) Lead tirne(In days) MinimumOrderQty No/Krn- Freight Charges of 'Drinking Water Cooler for Distance Slab Item: Revised-Rate Itcm Dcsiription Cooling/Storage capacity: 150/150 Ltrs Drinking water. Cooier,Distance Slab: 251'500Kms'' 23 Final,Price . slab 6.35 AND PAISE THIRTY-FtVE ONLY RS. STX Rate of supply(Per month) Lead timefln daYs) Minimum OrdcrQty Rs.6.35 No/Iftn- 0 { Frcight Chargcs of Drinking WaterCooler for Distance Slab Item: ttem 24 Minimum OrderQty Price Revised'Rate . Cooling/Storage capacity: 150/150 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler,Distance Slab: 50 t-t000Kms Final ltem: , Description Rs. 6. t5 No/Kmslab 6.15 AND PAISE FIFTEEN ONLY Rs. SIX Lead tlme(Ih'0aisj freight Charges of Eninking WaterCooler for Distaoce Slab rRcvised Rate 25 Cooling/Storage capacity: t50/150 Ltrs Drinking water Cooler,Distance Slab: Above 100OKms Final Page 6 of8 Price 5.75 No/Kmslab Rs. 5.75 Rs. FIVE AND PAISE SEVENTY. Download Date: 2l-APR-15 -i Minimurn OrderQty Lead time(In days) FIVE ONLY Rate of supply(per month) Kindly Note:- Slab Discount:- For item no.2i 40-80 Ltn.For Single Order of 30 to 40 Nos-is Rs.75.00For item no.2/ 40-80 Ltrs. For Single Order of 4 I Nos.and above is Rs- I 00.00. For item no.3 /60- | 20 Ltrs. For Single Order of 30 to 40 Nos.is Rs. t 00.00. For item no.3 /60,120 Ltrs.For Singte Order of 4l Nos and above.is Rs. t 25.00. For item no.4 i 150- t 50 Ltrs.For Single Order of 30 to 40 Nos is Rs- t 50.00 For itern no.4 /l5O-150 Ltrs.For Single Order of 4t Nos and above is Rs.200.00. All other terms and oonditions of the R/C Shall rernain unaltered. Please ack. receipt- Yours faithfully, ( For Page 7 ol8 Secti on Ot trceri A. D./D. D./Director/l]Dc(S)) & on behalf of Purchaser named in DGS&D-100{ Download Date: 2 l-APR-l i.:i:t 5 is Digitally signed by: RAM NIWAS Email Id: Rate Contract Governmert 0f India Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals Jeevan Tara Buildng 5 Sansad Marg New Ddlill000l Tel Number 23368670 Rate Contract Dated no. DWC/lv{f -:fnC- t ZO I 0000/1 21 5/0 ramniwas.dgsnd@nie.in 1233 60537 3n6391 | 604 26-MAR-15. To,'. VOLTAS LTD VOLTAS HOUSE A, DT BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR YARG, CHINCHPOKLI. MUMBAI - 33 MUMBAI Sub: Rate Contract for supply of Drinking Water.Cooleri Yalidity: From 26-MAR-15 To 23-JUL-15 Ret( I ) This Offi ce Tender Enquiry No. DWC/I,!E-3/RCOpened on 09-DEC- 14. ' (2) *our Qubtation No. 6306 Anrl '07-DEC-r4. I Dated 20 I 0000/ I 2 I 5/03 ' .r . :' Dear Sir,. You are hereby informed that yoirr above refered iender read with subsequent letters menijoned above for the Siores specified in the Schedules annexed ras been accepted- This rate.contract will be governed by the terrtr"s dnd conditions -available from DGS&d saies counter brought in the Form no. DGS&D l00l including DGS&D Arbitration Clause on payment of Rs. 501- The dispute cannot be referred by the contractor or'entertainbd 6y facilitaticn Council or any other adjudicating forum.The Rate Contract and the schedules annexcd here to shall be the sole repository of this Rale Contrqct/traluugiion- ,. SqHEDULES ANNEXED i . S"heOule "A" Descripti on of stores,pricesdutieJtaxes2.Schedule "B" special o,h; #o.*"tior,. 3,schedule "C" Informalion tb.DDOs about par-allel rate conhacts. ;;il;;^;i;;t;;; : 4-Annexure - Technical Specifi cation 5. Schedule "D" - Fonrr;it of l-eutr rrl'Au$oriry "Suspense Account facilities for indentors of Central ei:vil Ministries/Departments and UT Administration,except for M/o Defence,M/o.Railways and D/o Posts,have been wilhdrarvn with effect ftom O3-A7.2012. As per revt-sed procedures/guidelines, the indentors are required to plrce funds at the disposal of O/o Chief Controller of Accounts(SupplylD/o Commerce,l6-A,A,kbar Road tlutrmtsJ.{ew delhi-l l00l I in the form of letter of Authority. The format of Letter of Authority is attached. The indentors are advised to allocate funds to cover the cost of stores ordered which includes value of supply orders inclusive ofall duties & taxes asper relevent Rate Contract plus 5% of the valub of supply orrJer toivards other incidental chages in case of Rate Conrract with firm & final priies or I 0% of the value of supply order towards other incidental charges in case of rate contracl wirh price variation clause. In a<lditio4indentors are also reguired to include 2-V/o of t|*cost of the stores(i-e value of supply order + ini.idental charges) as DGS&D departrnent charges. Suppty Order sot accompanied with letter of authority in the prescnbed form'at along with requisile fun<js shall not be comidered as valid supply orders. Ink-signed copy of Letter of Autbo{ty is to be'sent to rhe Office of chief Controller of Accounts(SUpply)"D/o Commerce,l6-A, Akbar Road Do*'nload Dale:26 MAR l5 G=====Ei:-ilni--;=i =r;:ii;-:g. l=;-==:.:'--. 3,7t,='o lr,.i.:, ;.f ; Clr'-:r:t. Ctnt:'+=.""=i:'+:r ,to;4. l'-=i:L-:' itl) 9324159966 /9824?'{}1i71 l9{t'}1,\,}7'tt} gry;-:if ; p;1rr'h,rjir,1ijj11,1curyle lYf\lalq,o_.cc.!n Ph: 079-2?5riC0O2 i SCIIEDI'LE - A I n 6A4 I 2 0 I 0000/ I 2 I 5 rc3 I 06399 .Rate Contra ct N o' : -DWCME-3iRCDated26-MAR-l5ForthesuppiyofDrinkingWaterCoolers 2.Advance Rate Contract No':. Dated 1.(a) Name and Full Address of the Firm:- ' VOLTNS LTD AMBE'DKAR VOLTAS HOUSE A' D; BABA.SAHEB MUIV1BAI MNRG, CHTNCHPOKLI, 33 MUMBAI MAHARASHTM -4OOO33' Tel- No. Fax - Email: . .. 'I (b) . Name and Fdll Address . VOITAS LIMITED ' of Manufacturer :- Estate' Sector-8' Industrial Inlerrated ;^;;;;;urrn'^N*inr ;i:lT,:-::"-';'ff;iJ"Jiilllliff : . '. zoltsl . ' {c) BranrJ: VOLTAS 4-Validity of Rate Contracl: 26-MAR- 1 5. ': ,, , To 23:JUL- I 5 Rate 5.Description of ltern, Specifi cation'Unit' 1in Rs) VOLTASiDG sND (40/40) Excl. N.A aAaTffiG I M*Ca"tary(inunit):VOLTAS/DG Fcontuined Drirrking SND ( l 50/1 50) Water Cooler with (No:t CFC Refri gerant)Ener gY Efficient ComPressor days):-30 r 3,5 R"ilf$pty(-"tthlY): @llr-:l5o,TYPe: sro-t"gis,o*ge CaPaciry !*..,1:::*::: f"*gv Consumptiort Watts: 1550 "i-l,ri*. NOS. -3 00 40615 Rs. FORTY THOUSAN D S}X HTJNDRED FiFTEEN ONLY N,A Excl t3 s l)o$'nload Dale: 26-\{AR- l5 Min.Order Qtv(in unit):- I - Lead fc(in days):-30 Rate of Supply(monthlY): -300 Freelblivery up to 50 Kms or up to Municipal Lirnits. Beyoncl 6-TermsofDelivery: thescfuits freight charges may a gaid iespective distance slab. be ailowed as per rate indicated ExciscDuty not applicable at present and will not be charged 7-Excise Duty: even ifit is applicable later on, 8-Sales Tar: CST/YAT extra @13.5oA. 9-Delivery Period: As ir#cated agai.nst each item under ilause-5 above. I '?Airr-1z 531382 Lakh 20l$ll s24308 Lakh O(a)-Annual furnovcr: 2O09l0 459l86Lakh b).Mwrary Limit(Irr I l:Payment Terms: Rs.) ( Mibout Any Limit : iffipy-.nt . against complete acceptance of.the nntprial by cmignee after due verification of quality and quantity- This prowof verification shall'be coi'rpleted within a period of 60 ttre {iysdthe .:. shall l2-Slab Discount Clause: FIXED . . 15-Minimum Quantiry in Single Supply Order: ' 16:Mininum orderValue in Single Supply Order: l7:Status of the RC. Hokling receipt of the coriiignrirent, failing which paymen! released. Not $gplicable I l3-Prices. la-Quan-try O{feretl: l* Firm: 'L$ . PAO,#sei Deptt l8-Paying Aulhcrity: (a)Tkpaynent tolhe suppliers in all the adhoc Contract (A,r.fsland / or Supply Order placed against.DGS&D Rate ConMs shall be made directly by indentors i-e. order placing autl4ity through their concemed Pay & Accounts Offices only' .ins"teailof CCA(Supply) or its Regional Pay & AceounlS Officrs of Department of Commerce(b)Tbc payment to the suppiier shall be paid by the indentors as per iitscribed forms of payments including tiinelines for palrrrsts wi'thin 60 days of due date which must be ensured by the i*ntors.Delays,if any, in this regard would render the indegs responsible and not the DGS&D in any manner . wlrrFoever. (c)Cr.n<equent ly,th e requisite Departmental c har ge s + prevaoling Service Tax thereon shall be deposited by the respedive Pay & Account offices (PAO) of the indentors direc*ty to rhe Receipt Head Account of DGS&D as prescribed ,oJrm;" shall be <lirectly responsible for any non- cor@nce/default for th e afore-sai d provisi .j I 9- Inspection Atrthori ty : on s. Notrylicable since the firm is holtling Download Date: 26-MAR- l5 xfr iF vorT*s *s*!tv€I} It. t'' i'i PIli;'sl-lQi D{-; S Da{e: 17.0.1. N D,'639 ji} l-5 'l'o Whomever It \{ay Concem i)ear Siris,): Sri ... b: :\uthsri t-v Lettcr od:l: ibl.?:tlt:^.!-n \Vr:.irdrebt'a*therizc 'l'Iis Panchal.Trading Coin;ran-v'io "oliett \\';rt3:1' ('ir.llti plrr:e,i.' st-r, i:n DGS&'D Rilte Ct-)ritmct ,no' D\lC':'I'lE-i'RC'l:iriiji;ijii, lliiriii.r0hlrta l6()-i l)r. l$.0j.l0lj rririr Nl"s.Volras Lld iront gtrverntrt'nl. :.(:tili.t:1!\,i'l'r:tnritl t:t:l.tlttz.riiot:. . .'I-Ils .Ilrrrrchat 1'r:rtling Comp:rn-y.' sh;iil e'r.lilect. on (xrr irelrall-. the government QrdcrS lor err-v :ri.rrr.,,c ru;n:ilrsgl;;11:tluc:ts, lvcy'hilli road *tlnnits, Octroi E.remption Csrtificate, -lhe t{) supplt . crriet. florn respeciive gol'ernment organization. rrini:i;rizaticn silall reLn*in r,llid up to 3l.i)-l.20lii r.ii.rcrlrrigrri relatei! i iic ;idrlrt-ss of \ i'': .,.i,, .\_1:ir':i:r \ i:ui.t ']iis lit:t;rche.l 'Irarling Ccrnpnny' is as fcllorvs: i. li.:rrr- i'ql,-.rn. L'tt :i t,;. .\ :it latrt Rr>ril. lr':iib,aii . ., I l1111ili i6q -ri:u- Yr"',rus f irithlirl lJ. \icl l:rtr Lrd \'I U I \"i;ii:ir.jcI ii:a.li i .\ t t: l'rrrri; Signaior-v.') Ui::i:iv Irsiliii:is 3;-,li:ress G:cup - SilG 'rra:ias i i :i. :ri) 3 3.j iriii.': ; 3 :(sdrin 1,.:3iQ Ci:r::irl::\i: i"lu:*!:ai 4G3 C33 ,!:-'r-:i;: l:l 1)i :.' li3sseiF Fax $: 22 ie55iS35;ri:lsiiQ *rr*'.',,clts.-< csr. i:+-:{.i+r$; i.}iitcr :ir:;,: itc"ss A }: Aai:a$i}eh jirlrl€dir;:r ,t::arj Chilichpi:i l!:i:tij:J: 3.ti ii::i . ' . :-": i:,:3:a lije n:ili' fiiiitJ.it t-23:Cf d:t1'I:-'iti {lSlS3:-1 AYS?A ir:::ri;tiss