Re: Release of Information - Parents for Fulton Schools
Re: Release of Information - Parents for Fulton Schools
4/8/2015 Gmail Re: Release of Information Amanda Murdie <> Re: Release of Information 1 message Amanda Murdie <> Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:13 AM To: Jacque Cowherd <>, Ruth Burt <>, Todd Gray <>, Dennis Depping <>, Kevin Habjan <>, Andrew Bonderer <>, "" <>, Karen Snethen <>, Suzanne Hull <>, Christopher Crane <>, Jason Whitt <>, Connie Epperson <>, Lynne Engle <>, Beth Houf <> Cc: Kristi Donohue <> Bcc: Tammy Gillespie <>, Avery Murdie <> Dr. Cowherd, Unlike your email April 7th to me, my Sunshine Law request of March 3, 2015 had nothing to do with "Policy BDDL." As I stated in the March 3rd request, I am requesting the following: "a. All emails and other correspondence between Dr. Cowherd, Dr. Hull, their assistants, and any Board member pertaining to the Board Policy BDDH1 from its enactment in March 2011 to the present. b. All emails and other correspondence for any school official pertaining to public comments or public citizens requesting to be on the Board of Education agenda from March 2011 to the present. c. All emails and other correspondence between Dr. Cowherd, Dr. Hull, Mr. Crane, Mr. Daily, Board members, their assistants, and FMS Counsellors regarding the proposed change to any alternate school day schedule (ie block, modified block, extended reading time, etc) from May 2014 to the present." I'm hoping this was just a typing mistake on your part and that you are referring to all of my actual request of March 3rd as available this week. You appear to be delaying in this request. I would like to remind you of Missouri Statute 610.023.3: "If access to the public record is not granted immediately, the custodian shall give a detailed explanation of the cause for further delay and the place and earliest time and date that the record will be available for inspection. This period for document production may exceed three days for reasonable cause." At this point, I would like an explanation for this delay, as it appears based on your April 7th email 1/3 4/8/2015 Gmail Re: Release of Information that my request has not actually been complied with yet. I'm happy to pay the actual cost of locating the emails and correspondence I requested on March 3rd. I will remind you, however, that the Sunshine Law is clear that: "the public governmental body shall produce the copies using employees of the body that result in the lowest amount of charges for search, research, and duplication time" (MO 610.026.1). Further, I did not request and am not requesting "duplication" or copies. The emails I requested should be in electronic form; as such, I am requesting it in electronic form, this should eliminate copying costs, which should greatly reduce the estimate you provided me. Missouri Statute 610.023.3 is clear that: "if records are requested in a certain format, the public body shall provide the records in the requested format, if such format is available" Also, as referenced in my request of March 3rd, I am an individual seeking this information for both personal and community use; it is not for commercial use. In line with Missouri 610.026.1: "Documents may be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge when the public governmental body determines that waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the public governmental body and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester" I'm fine to pay the costs of locating the materials I requested; I am dismayed in your tacit refusal to see this request in line with the public interest. Please provide me the following as soon as possible: (1) Confirmation that your email yesterday is in reference to my request for the information I referenced in my March 3rd request (BDDH1, public comments, day schedule); (2) An explanation as to the delay in my request from March 3rd; (3) An updated estimate of costs for providing me an electronic copy of my request of March 3rd, without any unnecessary costs for “duplication;” (4) When my request of March 3rd will be available. 2/3 4/8/2015 Gmail Re: Release of Information Best regards, Amanda On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Jacque Cowherd <> wrote: Dr. Murdie, In regard to your information request Policy BDDL provides for recovery of research fees and duplication. Research fees are estimated at approximately $200 calculate at the average clerical salary of $11.71 for about 20 hours. The materials will be ready this week, if you wish to proceed. Jacque A Cowherd, Ed.D. Superintendent 573.590.8000 Fulton Public Schools Achieving Excellence Every Day 3/3