2015 Packet - Parkcrest Swim & Tennis Club


2015 Packet - Parkcrest Swim & Tennis Club
General Manager Kevin Booske
Associate Manager Molly Walsh
Paul Eckerle
Dave Gillman
Vice President
John Temprano
Anne Marie Bell
Greg Kaldor
Swim/Dive Team Dean Schmitz
Aly VanDer Weide
Grounds/Improvements Peter Zarov
Activities Committee Carol Carr
Bob Nennig
Teresa Schutz
John Beard
Dave Lyons
Membership Coordinators – Peter Olson and Charlene Drumm - call 233-3573
and press 3 to leave a message
Please join us on Saturday, May 2nd from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to help us clean
up Parkcrest and get the pool ready for summer fun. We need all the volunteers we can
get. There is a lot of work to be done in order to get the pool opened by May 23rd and
your efforts in kicking off this process will help the pool save money.
There will be a job for everyone so bring the kids! As a token of our appreciation,
each family that participates will receive 5 free guest passes for the 2015 season.
Please bring any of the following if you can: trimmers, rakes, wheelbarrows, yard
tools, scrub brushes, gloves (make sure you label the items you bring).
If you are unable to make it on May 2nd, and you are interested in helping out,
please email our Managers at poolmanager@parkcrestpool.com and they can set up a
time for you to come over and help out. You can still get the free guest passes if you help
at another time before the pool opens.
The Parkcrest Board of Directors has established the following procedure for receiving
suggestions and responding to concerns. If followed, a resolution will be reached more
efficiently than by word of mouth.
1. Discuss the matter in person with the Pool Managers or put your comments in
writing and place in our COMMENTS MAILBOX located at the front desk.
2. If not resolved to your satisfaction by the Managers, you are welcome to write a
letter to any Board member specifying the details.
3. The Board will reply in writing within 7 business days.
4. If still unsatisfied, you may appear in person to present your views to the Board
for resolution.
Early Summer Hours: Saturday, May 23rd through Friday, June 12th
Saturday, May 23rd through Monday, May 25th
1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, May 26th through Friday, May 29th
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 30th
1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Sunday, May 31st
1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday, June 6th & Sunday, June 7th
12:00 pm–8:00 pm
Monday, June 8 through Wednesday, June 10
3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Thursday, June 11th
1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Friday, June 12th
12:00 pm–9:00 pm
** pool will be closed from 6-8pm on June 4-5 & 8-10 from swim/dive clinics
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim**
Open Swim
Open Swim**
Open Swim
Open Swim
Regular Summer Hours: Saturday, June 13th – Sunday, August 16th
Adult Swim
Swim & Dive Team
Adult Swim (Water Aerobics 2x per week)
Open Swim
Lessons/Adult Lap Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Exceptions to Regular Summer Hours:
• Pool will open 45 minutes after the conclusion of Home swim meets on June 20th & July 25th
• Pool closes at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, June 16th for Family Float-In
• Pool closes at 1:00 pm on Thursday, July 2nd & Wednesday, July 15th for Home Swim Meets
• Pool closes at 6:30 pm on Thursday, June 25th, Totally Teen Night
• Pool Closes at 6:00 pm on Saturday, June 27th for the Adult Social.
• Pool closes at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, July 21st, Water Ballet Show
• No Lessons week of July 27-31, extended Open Swim hours 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Late Summer Hours: Monday, August 17th through Monday, September 7th
Monday, August 17th through Friday, August 21st
Sat/Sun, Aug 23rd -24th
Monday, August 24th through Friday, August 28th
Saturday, August 29th & Sunday, August 30th
Monday, August 31st
Saturday, September 5th & Sunday, September 6th
Monday, September 7th (Labor Day)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 9:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Adult Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Adult Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Open Swim
Doggy Dip
Water Aerobics will be taught two times per week during Adult Swim from 12:15 pm until 1:00
pm, commencing the week of Monday, June 15th. The specific days will be posted at the front
hallway of the pool.
********* Sunday, May 31st *********
Members who have paid their dues in full may register for swim and tennis
lessons, water ballet, and Swim & Dive Team during our All-Activities Sign-Up on
Sunday, May 31st. We will continue to utilize a number system and a central
registration area for all lessons. This will avoid standing in multiple lines, and will
improve updating of classes that have filled. Swim & Dive Team and Water
Ballet Show will have separate registration areas. Numbers will NOT be
distributed until the start time for each section of the alphabet, as listed below.
Lessons sign-ups for Session 2 will begin at 6:30 p.m. after the evening classes
on the date printed below. Exit competency cards will be distributed to all
participants on the sign-up day. Those who miss their sign-up time must contact
the pool manager or lesson coordinator to register for all activities. All additional
fees will be collected at the time of registration.
K-Z 11:00 A.M.
A-J 12:00 P.M.
A-J 6:30 P.M.
K-Z 7:30 P.M.
Session #1: Monday, June 15th through Friday, July 10th.
Session #2: July 13th through July 24th and August 3rd through Friday, August
14th. No lessons July 27th through July 31st.
SWIM LESSONS: Swim lessons will be offered from 10:45 am – 12:15 pm & 5:30 –
6:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Dive and Water Ballet lessons are scheduled from
10:45am – 12:15 pm and meet on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday and
alternate Fridays. Lessons are 25 minutes long. Each student will receive an exit
competency card on the last Thursday of each session. The last Friday of each session
of lessons concludes with the always popular “game-day”. J
DIVE LESSONS: *Prerequisite: Must pass Octopus (level 3) to enroll in dive lessons.
Level 1 (Beginner): Learn approach. Complete front dive off wall and board. Introduce
back dive & back half twist.
Level 2 (Intermediate): Master back dive, front half twist, inward and front flip.
Level 3 (Advanced): Must be on Dive team and working on 5 min. dives to enroll.
Level 1 (Beginner): Have: 1) NOT performed in Water Ballet show or taken Water Ballet lessons
previously; OR 2) under 8 years old. (lesson in shallow end of lap pool)
Level 2 (Intermediate): Have performed in show AND over 8 years old AND passed out of Level
1. (lesson in diving well)
Level 3 (Advanced): Have performed in show for 3+ years and passed out of Level 2. (lesson in
diving well).
Swim Lesson Placement Testing: Saturday May 30th, 1-4pm
Lesson placement testing is highly recommended for students planning to enter Levels 2
through 6. Children have varying levels of swim exposure during the off-season, and
testing will allow instructors to place them according to their current skill level. To avoid
waiting in line, your child will be given a number for testing upon checking-in. Relax and
enjoy the pool until your number is announced.
WATER BUGS: Focus is on water adjustment, safety and enjoyment. At least one adult must
accompany child in water. Water bugs is designed for swimmers 3 months to 3 years of age.
STARFISH: (Red Cross level 1)- Exit skills required to advance: Move 5 yards and bob 5 times
to chin level. Float on front for 3 seconds. Roll to back and float for 3 seconds.
OCTOPUS: (Red Cross level 2)- Exit skills required to advance: Front float 5 secs. Roll to back
and float for 5 secs. Swim with combination arm & leg actions for 15 feet on front and on back.
Jump into chest deep water independently.
OTTER: (Red cross Level 3)- Exit skills required to advance: Jump into chest deep water and
swim front and back crawl 15 yards with rhythmic breathing and face in water. Maintain position
by treading water or floating for 30 seconds.
RAY: (Red Cross Level 4)- Exit skills required to advance: Swim front and back crawl 25 yards.
Maintain position on back for 60 secs in deep water. Swim elementary backstroke & breaststroke
15 yards. Tread water and float on back for 2 minutes each. Swim elementary back and
breaststroke for 25 yards each.
PORPOISE (Red cross level 5)- Exit skills required to advance: Swim 500 yards continuously in
following order: front crawl (100 yards), back crawl (100 yards), elementary backstroke (50
yards), sidestroke (50 yards), butterfly (50 yards); and choice (100 yards).
STROKE REFINEMENT and FITNESS FUN- Must successfully complete PORPOISE to enroll.
“Lunch Bunch” Babysitting Service
Parkcrest employs certified babysitters to care for member’s children from 12:15
– 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Sitters will be available Monday, June 15th
through Friday, August 14th. This service allows adult members to use Parkcrest
facilities to attend water exercise class, swim laps, shoot hoops, play tennis, or
relax at the pool. There will be a $25 fee for use of this service but the $25 fee is
good for unlimited use throughout the summer.
Please note: Babysitters are provided on an “as needed” basis each day. Adults
should sign up their child(ren) each day babysitting services are requested, either
in person or by phone with the Manager or Lesson Coordinator. Please call
before 11:45 pm as requests made after 11:45 pm may not be met.
A parent/guardian is REQUIRED to remain on facility grounds during “Lunch
Each babysitter is assigned specific children to watch and will be responsible
for those children the entire time a parent/guardian requests (between 12:15
& 1:00pm).
A target ratio of 4 children will be assigned to each babysitter. (Please note:
this ratio may be modified due to the ages and/or special needs of the
Babysitters will assist potty-trained children by accompanying them to the
bathroom. Sitters are not responsible for changing diapers, and will notify
parents/guardians if their child needs a diaper change.
Babysitters typically walk children across Yellowstone Drive to play on the
outdoor equipment at John Muir school during babysitting time. Babysitters
will supervise children as they cross the street.
Babysitters will inform parents/guardians of any injuries that occur during
babysitting times and will report injuries to the Head Lifeguard on duty. An
incident report will be completed for all reported injuries.
Parents/guardians are responsible for informing babysitters of any special
issues regarding their child(ren) (i.e. allergies, health concerns, behavioral
concerns, etc.)
MANDATORY BABYSITTER MEETING: Anyone interested in being a “Lunch
Bunch” babysitter for the season must attend an organizational meeting on
Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30 pm on the upper deck. Please bring your
certification card with you. Sitters will not be assigned shifts until certification
card is on file.
Member Obligations
1. Members must identify themselves at the front desk upon arrival during open
swim periods.
2. Annual Membership dues must be paid in full by season’s opening, at which
time an updated membership list will be placed at front desk for identification
3. Family membership includes dues paying member, spouse, and dependent
4. If you suspect that someone is using the pool without authorization, please
contact manager, assistant manager, head guard or pool board member.
Guest Pass Information
1. Guest Passes are good for one day and Cost $5.
2. Weekly (5 consecutive days) guest rates (for out of town guests) are $15 per
person or $50 per family.
3. Guests must be accompanied by an active member and must register by
signing the GUEST REGISTRATION form at the front desk before entering the
pool. The guest fee must be paid prior to use of facilities. Guests cannot be
sent to the pool with instructions to use your name unless special
arrangements are made with the pool managers.
4. Guest pass information will be filed at the front desk.
5. Conduct of guests is the direct responsibility of sponsoring members. The
managers or head guard on duty may suspend guest privileges when
deemed necessary.
6. The free guest passes that are given for prompt payment of dues and for
grounds cleanup are good throughout the current season only.
Lap Lane
During recreation swim at least one lane will be available for lap swimming. Adults get
priority over use of lane. Children may use the lane for lap swimming when adults are
not using the lane. Additional lanes may be added at the request of members if space is
available. Please ask the on-duty guard to clear the lane for you
The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefits of all members.
Any failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate
suspension of pool privileges for a period of one to seven days. Successive violations
can be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of the family or individual
Children will be held accountable for their behavior, and will be asked to leave the water
or the pool if necessary. Parents are requested to remind their children of the rules
before they come to the pool, and to remind their children to obey instructions of the pool
director and other employees.
Members are welcome to report any unacceptable behaviors to the staff. The Parkcrest
Staff will act decisively and consistently to deter any disruptive activity or persistently
negative behavior.
The By-Laws are adopted by all members of Parkcrest and give specific
responsibilities to our Board of Directors. One of these responsibilities is the
hiring and supervising of the Pool Managers. The managers oversee the entire
operation of the pool. If a manager is not on the grounds, the head lifeguard or
most senior staff member on duty is responsible for the operation of the pool.
Check-in procedure requires that members always check in upon arrival at the
pool during open swim hours. A staff member will check in each member and/or
guest at the front desk.
Bad weather is sometimes a concern. The staff will take appropriate safety
precautions which may include closing the pool. Under no circumstances will
children be left unattended. On cold and rainy days/nights, please call to verify
that Parkcrest is open for normal hours. Our policy is to stay open for your
convenience as much as possible.
Lightning policy. The most senior staff member present has responsibility and
authority regarding pool use during storms. A 30 second or less “flash to boom”
count shall require all swimmers and divers to exit the pools and seek shelter in
the pool building. Once swimming and diving has been suspended, our “30
minute rule” requires us to wait 30 minutes after the last flash of lighting or clap of
thunder before swimming and diving resumes.
The use of cellular phones, other electronic devices that capture images, or
cameras of any kind is prohibited in locker rooms, showers, and toilet stalls.
Children five and older should always use the gender appropriate locker room. If
you think your child needs assistance, ask a pool staff member to escort your
child to the appropriate locker room or the family bathroom.
Please notify the pool staff if you are planning an event like a birthday party or
team sport party at the pool. This is particularly important if the group will exceed
10 people.
A gas grill is available for use on the pool grounds. Please observe safety rules
that are listed when you use it.
Members shall drive slowly and carefully in the parking area and on the streets
near the pool site.
Bicycle riders should use bicycle stalls and lock bikes.
No food, gum, or soft drinks may be brought into the pool area, locker rooms,
and changing areas except during special events planned by the club.
No intoxicants may be brought onto club grounds except as set forth by the
board of directors.
No abusive language or profanity is allowed.
No tobacco use on pool grounds.
Only pool personnel are allowed in the office except during special events
planned by the club
No weapons may be brought onto the club premises.
1. Long hair not held in place by a swimming cap must be pulled away from the
eyes of the swimmer and secured by some method (e.g., a non-metallic band or
2. No pets are allowed on the club property (except during special events – i.e. the
Doggy Dip).
3. Glass containers of any kind are not allowed in the pool area.
4. Running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undue disturbance in or about the pool,
showers, or grounds is not allowed.
5. Equipment such as air-inflated tubes and mattresses, jackets, flippers, masks,
play pens, buggies, lounge chairs, etc. shall not be allowed in the swimming area
unless authorized specifically by the pool director or life guards.
6. Soft plastic toys are permitted in the shallow pool, but are discouraged in the
large pool. Small rubber torpedoes, rings, soft rubber balls, etc., may be used in
the pool but never motorized or propeller driven toys of any size.
7. Children under the age of seven must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or
someone 16 years or older in the main pool, except during instructional
periods/swim team activities, or with lifeguard approval on a daily basis.
8. Children 7 to 10 who have not passed the deep water test must be accompanied
by a responsible baby sitter or adult. Tests can be arranged with a lifeguard on
9. Children under 11 shall not be allowed in the deep end until they have passed
the deep water test or with guard approval.
10. Children in the wading pool must be directly supervised at all times by a
responsible person who is watching them because it is unguarded by staff.
11. Diving off the pool edge into water less than 4’6” deep is not allowed except
during instructional periods and swim meets.
12. Unnecessary conversation with lifeguards while on duty is discouraged.
13. Adults shall have priority over use of chaise lounges.
14. All swimmers must wear swimming suits. Shorts and Cut-offs are not to be used
in place of proper suits.
1. Avoid moving the fulcrum all the way to the rear of the board.
2. Only one person on the diving board at one time.
3. Only one bounce on the board during open swim.
4. No running on the dive take-off.
5. Be sure that the diving area is clear before take-off.
6. Wait for the previous diver to reach the side of the pool before beginning your
7. Divers must clear the area immediately following entry.
8. Enter the water straight off the board, not the side.
9. Hands must enter water first on head entry dives.
10. Follow verbal instructions from pool staff.
Parkcrest is committed to a clean and sanitary water and your compliance with the
following rules is required for pool entry.
Anyone having flu symptoms or gastrointestinal illness within the past twenty-four
hours should not use the pool.
Admission to the pool may be refused to anyone with a cough, cold, inflamed
eyes, infection, wearing bandages or other significant health issues.
Wash or shower before entering the pool water and wash hands after using the
Please don’t swallow pool water and also avoid getting it into your mouth if
Notify pool staff if you or family members develop an illness that you think may
have been related to a visit to the pool.
The aquatics staff will do its part by maintaining the highest standards of water
sanitation. However, the nature of certain bacteria is such that your compliance
with City and State Health Codes is absolutely necessary. These rules will be
strictly enforced in order to prevent the possibility of an outbreak of
Cryptosporidium or other water-born bacteria.
The Parkcrest Board has adopted the following guidelines for infant use of the pool:
1. Non-Toilet Trained, or Recently Toilet Trained Infants
a) Infants who are not toilet trained may not use the large pool at any time.
b) All Infants still in diapers or those in the midst of training must wear a
swim diaper and a swim suit with tight fitting legs in the shallow pool.
c) Infants who have recently become toilet trained must wear swimsuits with
tight-fitting legs.
d) Nudity outside of the locker room is prohibited.
2. All children using the shallow pool must be accompanied at all times by a
responsible person who is watching the children. Make certain an adult
constantly watches children in or near water. This is especially true in the gated
wading pool area. Please be aware that there is no lifeguard positioned in the
wading pool.
3. The wading pool is intended for children who are non-swimmers and those
supervising or playing appropriately with non-swimmers.
4. Caution children who are playing with buckets of pool water. A baby or toddler
can drown in as little as an inch of water.
5. All life jackets must be U.S. Coast Guard certified and must be approved by staff.
6. Children using PFD/flotation devices must remain under the close and direct
supervision of the responsible adult.
7. Soft plastic toys will be permitted in the wading pool.
8. Protect children’s skin with cover-ups or with appropriate sunscreen applied ½
hour before entering the water.