Gender in PeaceBuilding and Conflict Transformation


Gender in PeaceBuilding and Conflict Transformation
Peace Action, Training and Research
Institute of Romania (PATRIR)
International Peace and Development
Training Center (IPDTC)
Advanced Training of Trainers:
Collaborative Approaches to Diversity in Conflict Settings (CoSCAD)
Advanced Certificate Program (ACP) for Practitioners & Policy Makers
April 20th-24th, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Program Outline
The CoSCAD program prepares practitioners, policy
makers and international peace and development
workers to engage as trainers in conflict and
development settings by effectively responding to
the challenges of diversity in such settings and
managing differences as a value. The CoSCAD
program includes a basic peacebuilding and conflict
transformation framework, intercultural preparation
on selected focal areas, collaborative leadership skills
for working with groups engaged in conflict settings,
and a full “training for trainers” toolbox.
Hosted at the IPDTC Global Academy, the program
takes place over 5 days and provides intensive, stateof-the-art training in peacebuilding, conflict
prevention and post-war recovery. Participants come
from UN agencies, governments, and other national
and international organisations. Selection is rigorous
and those interested in participating are encouraged
to apply early.
“The vibrant dialogue, friendships nurtured and anecdotes from personal experiences from the field were an eye opener
but most of all the precious few days of training gave me the chance to put my thoughts to paper in a way that I had never
done before. What made this experience so valuable was that whether peace building was seen from a donor lens or
through the eyes of a participant from a country experiencing conflict or in a post-conflict context we all found common
ground in a ‘safe space’ with warm hosts from PATRIR.”
Lana Captan Ghandour
UNDP, Lebanon
International Peace and Development Training Center (IPDTC);
Collaborative Approaches to Diversity in
Conflict Settings (CoSCAD)
Advanced Certificate Program (ACP)
International Peace and Development Training Center (IPDTC)
20th-24th of April, 2015–
CoSCAD is one of the newest programs of the IPDTC, responding to the expressed
need of professionals working in a conflict and development setting to be
equipped with the proper tools, knowledge and instruments to deliver highquality training programs.
Delivering training programs is one of the most common activities in peacebuilding
and development settings as an effort to increase local capacities and share
knowledge. Yet, conflict and development settings are also some of the most
delicate environments to train in, requiring special preparatory steps, special
knowledge and skills on the trainer side, a conflict-sensitive group management
approach and a constant awareness and engagement with the diversity of identities
of the actors involved.
Bringing together practitioners working in the fields of peacebuilding and
development from governments, the United Nations, regional organizations,
development organizations, national and international civil society groups, the
CoSCAD program aims to be a practitioners’ laboratory for designing meaningful,
effective, strategic and systemic training programs that enhance peacebuilding and
development capacities. Transforming the challenge of working with diversity in
conflict and development settings into a real asset substantiates the training
The Collaborative Approaches to Diversity in Conflict Settings (CoSCAD) is a 5-day
Advanced Certificate Program (ACP) with a hands-on approach focusing on “walking
the walk while talking the talk,” namely on preparing peace workers to deliver
quality training and facilitation programs using both the substance and methods of
peacebuilding. The substance component will include fundamental peacebuilding
training from a conflict transformation point of view, sessions on gender, social
class, ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, and an exploration of identity as power,
as multitude and as a challenge. The program will frame these topics from the point
of view of the training and facilitation process, which includes preparation, delivery,
evaluation and follow-up, and will be based on hands-on experience and reflection
and sharing among the training team, participants and others.
Collaborative Approaches to
Diversity in Conflict Settings
Mid- to senior-level policy and
decision makers
UN staff
Government officials
Political representatives
Donor agencies
Military officials
National and international aid,
development and peacebuilding
Key Skills Improved:
Conflict analysis
Conflict transformation
o Empathy
o Creativity
o Nonviolence
Collaborative leadership
Gender analysis
Facilitation skills
Group management
Consensus building
Dialogue and listening
Nonviolent communication
Diversity in peace work
Inter- and multicultural
International Peace and Development
Training Center (IPDTC)
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
April 20th-24th, 2015
Target Audience:
UN, OSCE, EU, Commonwealth, OAS, AU, ASEAN Staff
Government and conflict party leadership, senior negotiators and mediators
Deployable civilian experts, policy and field staff for international and national organizations and agencies
working in areas affected by violent conflict/war and in post-war situations
Senior to mid-level staff and executive officers in national and international aid and development
organizations and organizations dealing with peacebuilding or working in areas affected by armed conflict
Staff of international and national NGOs working in the fields of development, human rights, stabilization and
recovery, conflict resolution, confidence and security building measures, democratization and social
empowerment, gender and peacebuilding, and reconciliation and healing
National and local level politicians in countries affected by war and conflict or with portfolios responsible for
issues dealing with peacebuilding, conflict transformation, violence prevention, post-war stabilization and
recovery, reconciliation and healing
Mediation parties including government leadership and conflict parties and their representatives involved in
mediation and negotiation processes
Mediators and those involved in facilitating and supporting formal and informal mediation processes,
including back channel negotiations and quiet diplomacy
Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations involved in funding, capacity building and support
operations for peacebuilding, conflict transformation, violence prevention and post-war recovery programs
Members of working groups, expert groups and negotiation teams involved in mediation and peace
processes and confidence building working groups
The Training of Trainers: Collaborative Approaches to Diversity in Conflict Settings Program is designed to:
Offer a set of key tools and practices needed in facilitating and training on peacebuilding and development
diversity work, particularly adapted for conflict, war, and post-war settings;
Facilitate the task of practitioners needed to engage with complex identity and power imbalance issues in
conditions of high conflict pressure and urgency;
Address some of the major ‘fault lines’ that appear in conflict and development settings such as working to
transform gender relations, social inequalities, religious divides or youth challenges;
Overview the process of planning, delivering and evaluating a training/facilitation program in peacebuilding
and development going over developing the training outline, ensuring an adequate logistic for the training
and proper communication with participants, delivering the training and planning and implementing realistic
follow-up processes;
Have a clear understanding of different methods (small group, brainstorming, simulations, role plays, etc.)
and styles of training and facilitation with their respective advantages and disadvantages;
Develop and practice relevant skills such as public speaking, empathy, time management, intercultural
communication, group management, etc.;
Explore particularities of training in conflict situations (achieving multi-partiality, transforming adversarial
positions, exploring needs and interests, looking for shared solutions);
Devi-in and conduct mini-sessions on a theme of participants’ choice, where they will receive methodological
feedback from the trainers and fellow participants.
Relevant, Operational, Practical
CoSCAD will enable participants to:
Become aware of which social groups they belong to and their own personal discrimination potential;
Recognize perceptions of social injustice specific to different cultures and groups;
Understand the effects of discrimination against specific groups;
Develop techniques and approaches based on dialogue and mutual acceptance which expand one’s
capability to counteract discrimination;
Identify and take into account factors that influence inequalities when planning and carrying out projects
Understand diverse group dynamics within peace work teams and develop needs-based strategies that
create a safe place for all people to work in;
Reflect on power dynamics and the north-south global structure and come up with more inclusive programs;
Develop effective, customized processes relevant for their organizations’ missions and the needs and
contexts in which they are working;
Improve applied conflict analysis and conflict intelligence in facilitation and training settings including the
use of actor mapping, engagement with diverse participants and their respective needs and positions,
participatory planning and dialogue, and conflict transformational outcomes for conflicts generated by
cultural differences;
Support better design of peacebuilding programs which can operate effectively in situations and contexts of
conflict and violence and contribute to transforming the root causes and impacts of the conflict;
Develop improved skills for facilitating relevant and appropriate workshops, conferences, dialogue sessions
or training programs for conflict transformation, development, good governance, human rights, gender,
youth, and stabilization and recovery programs;
Better integrate peacebuilding and conflict transformation into the work of their organization/agency;
Improve appropriate skills for monitoring and evaluating the impact of training programs implemented;
Support local capacity for development and strengthen community and national peacebuilding resources.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ms. Andra Tănase
Contact Details :
April 20th-24th, 2015
Director, IPDTC/Center Coordinator, IPDTC
Ms. Zsuzsanna Kacsó/Mr. Michael Pressl
Tel: +40 264 420 298
Participants are encouraged to apply early as there are a limited number of positions. Final deadlines are:
March 14th for Applicants WHO NEED a Romanian Visa;
March 27th for Applicants who DO NOT NEED a Romanian Visa
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Welcome and Introduction:
Program Overview & Participants’ Aims and Objectives
Group and team building, Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation
Training Fundamentals: A systemic approach to training from preparation to
follow-through. Simulation games, alternative approach to group facilitation.
Diversity: from challenge to asset in conflict and development settings
How conflict settings affect the individuals/groups/communities
Transforming conflicts through working with identity
Training on and with issues of Nationality, Ethnicity and Race
Training on and with issues of Gender, Sexual orientation
Reflection on the Trainer: multi-partiality, creativity and ability to cope with
difficult moments
Training on and with issues of Social Class
Training on and with issues of Age
Training on and with issues of Faith/Religion
Collaborative in diverse Leadership, a training approach in programs and
The training journey step-by step design laboratory for a Diversity training
Open session: Participants prepare a mini-training session
Workshops: participants deliver a mini-training session + Group
Workshops: participants deliver a mini-training session + Group Feedback
Bringing it Together:
Training Journey: Developing Participants’ Peacebuilding in Diversity Training
Mapping Resources and Networks for Peacebuilding and Development
Diversity Trainings
Designing follow-up actions
Institutional recommendations
Evaluation and Closing
Upon successful completion of the program participants receive an IPDTC Advanced CoSCAD Certificate.
The CoSCAD Process: Preparation, Implementation & Post-Program Support
The CoSCAD Program is made up of three distinct phases:
1. PREPARATION: During the preparation phase, participants will receive all the information they will need to take
part in the program. Participants will also receive a Pre-Travel Information Package with details on arranging their
travel, accommodation and meals (paid for in the cost of the program), weather conditions, and frequently asked
questions. Furthermore, participants will receive Preparation Materials to help them prepare for the program; this
will include a short selection of key readings. Additionally, each participant will be contacted directly by the IPDTC
with a Needs Assessment. The purpose of the Needs Assessment is to identify with participants issues of key
importance they would like to have addressed in the program and to identify what they would like to achieve
through the training. Participants will also be asked to send in a short biography. The biographies of all participants
will be shared with the group before participants travel to the program.
2. IMPLEMENTATION: The implementation phase will be made up of the CoSCAD 5-Day Training and Capacity
Building Program.
3. POST-PROGRAM SUPPORT & FOLLOW-UP: After the training, participants will continue to be supported by the
IPDTC. This has been seen as a highly valuable additional contribution for participants, assisting them in
strengthening the integration and application of knowledge and skills developed during the program in their work.
This will include support materials provided after the training, optional participation in the IPDTC alumni platform,
and direct access to mentoring, support, and consultation upon request.
Needs Assessment
Preparation Materials
Participant Bios
Training & Capacity Building Program
Post-Program Support & Follow-Up
Support Materials
Consultation on Request
Participation contributions
OECD Participants
Non-OECD Participants
Early Payment*
Multiple Participants**
Category I options paired together***
Full Contribution
Discount Category I
Discount Category II
* Payment prior to March 21
** Departments, Agencies and Organizations sending 3 or more staff
*** i.e. Early Payment and Multiple Participants.
Participation contribution includes meals and hotel accommodation.
EUR 945
EUR 645
Full contribution – 10%
Full contribution – 15%
What participants will gain from the CoSCAD Training Program
A collaborative and innovative learning environment;
A hands-on program based on continuous praxis (theory and practice);
A chance to exchange good practices and challenges with other participants;
Inspiring case studies;
Conflict-sensitive facilitation;
Inter- and multi-cultural intelligence: knowledge, skills and practice;
Public speaking;
Presentation skills;
Dealing with difficult situations;
Facilitation and training methods;
Knowledge about how fixed social views are formed based on people’s membership in a particular group;
Awareness of self-image and public image based on social, ethnic, religious background and awareness of
the existence and impact of culturally specific codes;
Acknowledgement of the importance of equality for all social groups;
How to input, formulate and lobby for equal opportunity policies, anti-discrimination laws, support
measures and solidarity with people pertaining to diverse groups and backgrounds;
Awareness of the socially perceived characteristics that put people in disadvantageous positions
How to build a training program;
How to research and cover topics related to diversity and conflict;
How to structure the training program in an engaging and inspiring way
Participation in the CoSCAD program is open to senior staff of national and international governmental and
non-governmental agencies, the UN, field workers, donors, and people who have worked in peacebuilding,
development, human rights, gender, and politics;
Participants in the CoSCAD program come from across the world, from a wide-range of conflict backgrounds
and experiences that they are encouraged to share within the program
Actor mapping for potential stakeholders in training;
Possible conflicting situations in training;
Needs, interests and positions of participants in training;
Transforming conflicts that might appear in training in a creative and nonviolent way
Monitoring the design, implementation and follow-up in a training program;
Mechanisms for training sustainability
Designing trainings and training infrastructure that are coherent and complementary to existing structures;
Including action plans into training programs;
Training key actors in conflict situations;
Choosing the most effective methodologies and tools from the “trainer’s palette” according to the actors
1. Applying to the Program: To apply, please visit or write to to have an
application form sent to you. Only fully completed application forms will be considered.
2. Selection Process: Only a limited number of positions are available for the program. Participants will be selected
based upon their experience and positions, ability to implement knowledge and skills gained from the program,
need in their country and the context they are working in, and their level of commitment and seriousness. In
selecting participants, the IPDCT will ensure gender balance, as well as appropriate geographical, knowledge and
experience representation.
3. Receiving Notice of Your Selection: Participants will receive notice of their selection to the program within 5
days of their application.
4. Preparation and Resource Materials: A website will be created in advance of the program to assist with
materials and resources. These may also be shared with departmental and organizational colleagues and staff.
Upon completion of the program, the website will be updated to provide to all participants with the report of
the program, slide shows and materials used, and selected materials chosen to assist in your work. Copies of all
key documents made available during the program will also be accessible from the website.
5. Accommodation and Meals: The course contribution for the training program covers:
a. Training Contribution;
b. Accommodation in double room (room with two beds) from Sunday, the 19th of April (check-in time
12:00pm) until Saturday, the 25th of April (check-out time 12:00pm);
i. For those who prefer accommodation in single room, an extra contribution fee will be charged;
c. Breakfast at the hotel for the duration of the training;
d. Lunch for the duration of the training (Monday, 20th of April–Friday 24th of April)
e. Three dinners (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
6. Visas: Participants requiring visas are responsible for applying for them on time to ensure they are able to take
part in the program. Participants requiring visas will receive a letter of invitation confirming their participation in
the program for the Romanian Visa and Consular authorities. Participants requiring visas are encouraged to
apply for their visas 4-6 weeks in advance.
Please Note: Visa Applications
Participants requiring visas must apply at the Romanian Embassy or Consulate immediately upon receiving
confirmation of their acceptance. Participants requiring visas must submit their application form to the Embassy or
Consular Office responsible for their country at least 4 weeks in advance of their day of travel. IPDTC staff will be
available to assist you at all points should you require it. A Guide to Visa Applications for the training program will be
sent to you upon your acceptance.
Andra Tănase, Director, PATRIR
Andra Tănase is the Director of PATRIR and an expert consultant on development cooperation,
education, conflict transformation, youth and peacebuilding. She works in peace education,
strategic program design, intercultural intelligence, policymaking and civil society development
from the perspective of conflict transformation and peacebuilding. She worked as a consultant
and a trainer or adviser for various institutions such as the European Commission, The
Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Red Cross and Save the Children.
Process Facilitation: Andra has helped design and facilitate numerous national and
international meetings contributing to policy making, advancing peace theory, building institutional capacities for
conflict transformation and coordination among multi-stakeholder processes. Since 2006 she engaged extensively in
defining, developing and improving the role and capacities that European New Member States play in the development
cooperation policy of the European Union, particularly the role that Romania plays in this process.
Training: Andra has provided over 100 training programs in 20 countries to government ministries, national and
international organizations, UN agencies and country missions, diplomats, NGOs, community-based practitioners,
military personnel and others in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict transformation, strategic peacebuilding,
designing peacebuilding programs, project writing, project and contract management, monitoring and evaluation, peace
education, human rights, development education, lobbying and advocacy, intercultural communication and mediation.
Public Lectures and Teaching: Andra has lectured at universities and colleges throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia
including Babeş Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca), University of Nicosia, UN University for Peace (Costa Rica), United World
College (Costa Rica and Italy), University of The Gambia and others. She has also held talks within the International
Summit of the Francophonie in Romania and The International Peace Salon in Paris.
Country/Regional Experience: Andra has worked, contributed and learnt extensively at the EU level in Brussels, working
with civil society and governments in the EU New Member states and in short-term missions in Moldova/Transdniestra,
Nicaragua, The Gambia, Thailand/Burma, Armenia, Cyprus and Nepal.
The Organizers
The Peace Action, Training and
Research Institute of Romania
Founded on March 1st, 2001, PATRIR works in applied peacebuilding, violence prevention, mediation, conflict transformation, and
post-war recovery. Through its Department of Peace Operations (DPO), PATRIR provides expert support to local, national and
international organizations in the development, facilitation and implementation of peace processes, mediation, and communitybased to national-level peacebuilding. PATRIR’s involvement in peacebuilding processes and local and national peacebuilding
initiatives is based upon requests from governments, conflict parties, and local and international organizations. The Institute has
worked in cooperation with UN agencies, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, Save the Children, and a wide-range of local and national
organizations and partners in Colombia, Mexico, the United States, Canada, the UK, Norway, Spain, Italy, Moldova-Transnistria,
Austria, Jordan, Israel-Palestine, Somalia, Kenya, Cambodia, Burma-Myanmar, Southern Thailand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan and AcehIndonesia. PATRIR has provided training programs to more than 4000 practitioners and policy makers in 42 countries. PATRIR is a
member of the European Network of Civil Peace Services and Nonviolent Peaceforce and the Global Partnership for the Prevention
of Armed Conflict.
International Peace and Development
Training Center
Established in 2003, the International Peace and Development Training Center specializes in providing advanced and expert training
programs for governments, UN staff, policy makers, conflict parties and leadership, field workers, local and national organizations,
and staff of international agencies. IPDTC annual programs include:
Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation and Post-War Recovery (PCTR)
Gender in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding (GaP)
Enhancing Peacebuilding Effectiveness (EPE)
Designing Peacebuilding Programs (DPP)
Reconciliation and Healing After Violence
Democracy, Human Rights and Peace by Peaceful Means
In addition, the majority of IPDTC trainings are developed upon request and provided in host countries around the world. Programs
requested of the IPDTC are custom-designed to meet the specific needs, contexts, objectives and experiences of the requesting
organizations. Programs have been designed for:
Political Leadership and Policy Makers
Conflict Party Leadership
Humanitarian Relief, Aid and Development Agencies and Organizations
National and International Organizations
Community-Based Organizations
Chambers of Commerce
Military Academies and Training Centers
For more information or to register as a participant, please contact:
Mr. Michael Pressl, IPDTC Center Coordinator at
Or visit:
Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
Street Ion Ghica, Nr. 30
400306, Cluj-Napoca
Postal Address:
OP. 1, CP 331
400110, Cluj-Napoca
Tel./Fax: +40 264 420 298
Editors: Andra Tănase, Lauren Shealy, & Michael Pressl
Design: Zsuzsanna Kacsó
Photos: IPDTC
© PATRIR, November 2014