Current Newsletter - Parker County Women`s and Newcomers` Club
Current Newsletter - Parker County Women`s and Newcomers` Club
PARKER COUNTY WOMEN’S AND NEWCOMERS’ CLUB April 2015 Volume 17 Issue 8 From the President PCWNC’S Dana Cook 2014-2015 Theme: “Cowgirl Strong” April 10th General Meeting Place: First United Methodist Church, Family Life Center 301 S. Main St., Wfd. Social Time: 9:30 Club Shop: open at General Meetings from 9:30 – 10:30 and briefly after lunch The Celebration of Women week was wonderful! A big thank you goes out to Nancy Darden and to all of you who helped for a job well done! Many of our club members joined in the weeklong events of being together and celebrating each other. The involvement and participation of our members is one of the things that makes our Parker County Women’s and Newcomers’ Club so special. Spring is special, too! The earth is certainly all aflutter with butterflies abounding, lawns turning green, and birds singing gloriously. And our club is all aflutter with many different kinds of activities for one to be involved in or to give a try for the first time. If you are a new member or even if you have been a member for a while, be sure to check out the list of activities in the monthly newsletter. Attending one or more of the activities and attending our monthly meetings at the First United Methodist Church is a great way to meet friends and to stay connected. See you soon! Thought for the Month Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend. —Albert Camus Meeting: 10:30 Cost: $10 for lunch, $1 for drinks only Program: Details are still being finalized. In the interest of time, please give announcements by phone or email to Dana Cook (817-966-0154, by the Wednesday before each meeting. For those desiring to make a report, please let Dana know before the meeting. Please refrain from making comments or announcements about politics, politicians, voting, or other outside special interests at the general meetings.Please silence all cell phones at general meetings. PCWNC Activities You can find all of our activities listed on the next page and also on our Calendar at Please be aware that activity groups sponsored by PCWNC are for members only. You may bring a guest to check out the activity, but they will be asked to fill out a membership form on an ensuing visit. April 2015 Volume 17 Issue 8 April Board Meeting The Board Meeting will take place immediately following the General Meeting on April 10th. The deadline for changes to the next newsletter is on Tuesday, April 14th. A Stitch in Time We will not meet in April due to Good Friday observance. For information, call Linda Lawson (817-913-1054). Friends Connecting The next meeting date will be Monday, May 18th at 2:00 at the home of Sheryl Carter (3022 Sunrise Trail, Wfd., 575-390-8245). Contact Alicia Pittman (817-441-7422, or for more information. Bible Sharing Mary Pearson (817-596-9354) will hold this time of sharing in her home at 501 Pearson Ranch Rd., Wfd., on Monday, April 20th, at 1:00. Jo Cheatham (co-chair, 817-596-0984) and Patricia Harder lead us through topical discussions that relate to our everyday lives using the Bible for reference. Game Daze Game Daze will be on Friday, April 24th from 10:00 – 2:00 at the Spring Creek Volunteer Fire Station at 6300 Granbury Hwy. We ask that everyone donate at least $2 for the utilities and supplies and leave the facility clean. If you need more information, call Marlene Kelsch (817-988-8875 or or Bobbie Speegle (817-441-1009 or Birthday Lunch Your birthday month is your special month and we will celebrate with lunch at a locally owned and operated Parker County eatery on the 4th Thursday of each month if at all possible at 11:30. Contact Penny Warren ( or c 817597-6458). Lunch Bunch Breakfast Club Lunch Bunch will be held on April 2nd at 11:30 at the Vintage Grill and Car Museum, 202 Ft. Worth Hwy. (just east of the courthouse) in Wfd. Please RSVP Merilea Pannell (817-4582312 or by March 31st. We hope you can join us! We will be having the April breakfast at Cracker Barrel, 132 Interstate 20 Frontage Road, Wfd. on Tuesday, April 7th at 9:00. Please call Barbara Farley (817-694-2202) or Mildred Beard (817-594-5342) if you are planning to attend and for further information. Mah Jongg Bridge Club Join us each Wednesday at 10:30 at Antonio’s, 1900 Santa Fe Dr. No reservations needed. Play for a few hours or all day! For information call Janie Harmon (817-599-7393). Join us at Iron Skillet, 2001 Santa Fe Drive, Wfd., at 10:00 on April 28th. For info, call Charlene Ball (817-341-1616) or Shirley McCauley (817-596-0029). PCWNC Book Club Book club will meet Thursday, April 9th at 1:00 at the home of Patti Lankford (1018 Teresa Ct, Wfd., 972-965-6065).The book selection is Still Alice, by Lisa Genova. Contact Loretta Hale (817757-7676). Canasta Meet us Monday, April 13th, at Antonio’s, 1900 Santa Fe Dr., Wfd., at 11:30 (change in time) for a fun time. For reservations, call Anna Colley (817-441-7167) or Toni Posey (817-5650814). Uka Ladies Chick Flicks We will meet at the First United Methodist Church, 301 S. Main St., Wfd. on Monday, April 20th at 10:00. Bring your uke and strum along! Contact Sherry (817-599-7556 or for information. Let’s go to the movies! We will go to City Lights Theater on Monday, April 27th. We eat lunch first, so for time and restaurant, please call Nell Hauk (817-598-5989 or White Dragon Ladies Community Resources Bring your 2014 card and let’s play Mah Jongg. We will meet on April 7th &14th from 12:30 – 3:30 at the Aledo Community Center. Bring a snack and a drink. Contact Jerre Miller (817341-2884 or if you are attending. Please call Jo Cheatham (817-596-0984) with your recommendations or request for services. 2 Decorations Donna Caudle coordinates the groups of creative ladies who decorate the tables for our meetings each month. If you are interested in helping or have some decorating ideas, contact Donna Caudle (h 817-613-9078, c 817-253-9397, or April 2015 If you have some good news to share about your family or friends—new grandbabies, great-grandbabies, anniversaries, weddings—please send your information to Opal Dale (home 817-441-6725). Celebrating Spring Equinox (excerpted from The spring equinox is one of the four great solar festivals of the year. Day and night are equal, poised and balanced, but about to tip over on the side of light. The spring equinox is sacred to dawn, youth, the morning star and the east. The Saxon goddess, Eostre (from whose name we get the direction East and the holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, like Aurora and Eos. Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the vernal equinox is the time of new life. In many traditions, this is the start of the new year. The Roman year began on the Ides of March (15th). The astrological year begins on the equinox when the moon moves into the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, the Ram. The Greek God Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars for whom the month of March is named. Between the 12th century and 1752, March 25th was the day the year changed in England and Ireland. March 25, 1212 was the day after March 24, 1211. Texas Pledge of Allegiance to the State Flag Before each meeting we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the Texas State Flag. Here is the Texas pledge for you to memorize. Honor the Texas flag; Texas Sunshine & Shadows Marcy Brooks Jean Banks & granddaughter Tiffany Dale Burns Barbara & Garry Boswell Trish Clowdus Frances Froehlich’s aunt Sherry Magee Cher & Roger Harrison Barbara Stagner Doreen Kammer & her daughter Jan & Bill Barrow Sheryl Carter’s husband Connie Licari’s mother Our military men and women, our nation, and world peace. Volume 17 Issue 8 I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. Membership Our membership is now 188. New & Returning Members: Sandra Ballard (817-613-0079) Lynda Lanier (817-565-4302) Carla Linehan (817-594-0510) Diane Washabaugh (817-560-2124) For privacy reasons, address and email information is not printed in the newsletter. This information is available at the next General Meeting. You may also contact Carolyn Pierel (940-447-3755). April Birthdays 07 – Mildred Beard 20 – Toni McGregory 08 – Frances Skiles 21 – Bobbie Speegle 09 – Jeanne Cecil 22 – Carole Peterson 09 – Nell Hauk 23 – Lydna Lentz 10 – Anna Jeannine Colley 24 –Gail Simko 10 – Alicia Pittman 28 – Linda Lawson 13 – Beth Collins 29 – Margaret Daniel 17 – Opal Dale Photos Galore! This month you will find an extended gallery of pictures taken during our Celebration of Women Week. I had so many great shots at the Tea that I decided to put them all online as well as pics taken at the breakfast, bingo and lunch. You can find the gallery at Celebration of Women Week Activities ( and Celebration of Women Week 2015 Tea ( hope you enjoy the pictures! 3 April 2015 Volume 17 Issue 8 Connie Licari, Editor 1216 Burkburnett Dr. Weatherford, TX 76087 You can see more pictures at, Photo Galleries, Celebration of Women Week 2015 Susie Severson checking in with Gail Simko & Ruth McCandless Special events coordinator Nancy Darden Beautiful music Left: Alicia Pittman, Gayle Strangmeyer, Bonnie Fitch, Jackie Dixon Center: Jo Cheatham, Marcie Brooks, Mildred Beard Right: Joyce Bratcher, Diane Ernst, Sherry Swenson Connie Licari, Marjorie Roach Award & Alicia Pittman, Woman of the Year Sherry Magee & Dana Cook 4