Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus
Calculus III MATH 2401 L1-L3 Spring 2015 Lecture: TR 15:05 pm - 16:25 pm at Howey (Physics) L1 Instructor: Dr. Maryam Yashtini Email: Website:∼myashtini3/Teaching/Spring2015/index.html Phone: (404) 894-9364 Office: Skiles 016 Office Hours: T: 2-2:50 pm, R: 1:00-2:00 pm. Course Description: Multivariable calculus: vectors and geometry of space, vector valued functions and motion in space, partial derivatives, Lagrange multiples and constrained optimization, Linear approximation and Taylor’s Formula, multiple integration and vector fields. Course prerequisites: Math 1502. Textbook: “Thomas’ Calculus: early Transcendentals”, Addison-Wesley (Pearson), 13th edition. The tentative outline of topics is given below. Topic Vector calculus, lines and planes in space Curves, arclength, curvature, normal vectors, tangentiles, and motion in space Functions of several variables, gradients, differentials, optimization Double and triple integrals Vector fields, Green’s theorem, surfaces and area, stokes’s theorem Sections 12.1-12.6 13.1-13.6 14.1-14.10 15.1-15.8 16.1-16.8 Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures. The student who misses a class meeting is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements made. Office hours will NOT be utilized to re-teach material presented in class. Make up policies: There will be no opportunities for make-up tests or quizzes after the fact. In case of serious illness, doctor’s note is required. In the event of an absence due to travel representing Georgia Tech, such as an intercollegiate sports competition, you must notify the professor at least two weeks in advance to arrange an early test or other alternative. Otherwise, such absences will be treated as personal. Recitation: Recitation sections which meets twice a week MW 14:05–14:55 will give you a valuable opportunity for open discussion of the lecture material and assigned problems in a smaller class setting. Below gives information regarding to each recitation. Section: Room: TA’s Name: Email: TA’s Office: TA’s OHs: L1 Skiles 268 Yuze Zhang Skilles 138 M 1:10-2:00 pm W 1:10-2:00 pm L2 Skiles 270 Hanqing (William) Zhu Skiles 230 M: 10:05-10:55 am W: 10:05-10:55 am L3 Physic N210 Marcel Celaya Skiles 146a W 9:30-10:30 am W 10:30-11:30 am Your Success: Other than having a strong Calculus II (Math 1501) background, success in MATH 2401 depends largely on your attitude and effort. Attendance and participation in class is critical. It is not effective to sit and copy notes without following the thought processes involved in the lecture. For example, you should try to answer the questions and be able to solve all homework assignments posed by your lecturer on your own. Students who do not actively participate have much more difficulty. However, be aware that much of the learning of mathematics at the university takes place outside of the classroom. You need to spend time reviewing the concepts of each lecture before you attempt homework problems. As with most college courses, you should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours working on your own for every hour of classroom instruction (at least 6 hours per week). Additional Resources: In addition to the textbook, lectures, recitations, and office hours there are other resources available that might be of use for you during the course. All Georgia Tech students are eligible for 1-on-1 tutoring, see the website associated with the Office of Success Programs. There is also the Math Lab in the School of Mathematics where tutoring services are provided. Course Grades: Your course grade is based on the following: 4 quiz scores: Homeworks: 2 Midterm Exams: Final exam: Score: 20% (5% each) 10% 40% (20% each) 30% 100% We will use the following scale: A: 90-100 %, B: 80-89 %, C:70-79 %, D: 60-69 %, F:0-59 % Quizzes: Your TAs will administer four 35 minutes quizzes in the recitation class, on the dates listed in the course calendar. Each will be graded on a scale of 0 to 5 points. Each quiz will be based on lecture materials and the homework assignments. Homework: Each lecture has corresponding homework assignments which will be posted on Dr. Yashtini’s MATH 2401 course website. Students are required to do the homeworks and STAPLE them for each lecture separately. All homeworks need to be done independently by students with justifications. Student should bring ALL homeworks in EVERY lecture. By lottory an specific lecture will be selected and its corresponding homework will be collected periodically through the semester. The homeworks are 10% of your grades. Midterm Exams: During the semester, two 75 minutes exams will be given during the lecture room on the dates shown on the calendar. These will be scored on a scale of 0 to 20 points. Final Exam: There will be a final exam which will be scored on a scale of 0 to 30 points. The final exam is cumulative. Exams and Quizzes policies: a) Only have ink pen, pencils, eraser, and your Buzz card to take the exam or quizzes. Do NOT bring books or other aids. b) Calculators are not permitted. c) Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight. If any such device rings, buzzes, or otherwise causes a distraction during the exam, your test will be considered to be compromised. d) No student will be admitted to the test later than 20 minutes after its starting time, and no one will be permitted to leave the exam room in those 20 minutes. e) Graded tearoff sheets will be returned in recitation. Make sure to retain all returned papers in case of any discrepancy with your course grade. You should check T-square regularly and consult with your discussion leader if you have any questions about recorded grades. All grade concerns must be taken care of within one week of receiving the score. Learning Disabilities: It is the right of any student with a certified learning disability to request necessary accommodation. Such requests must be made well in advance of the time that the accommodation is required and a letter of documentation from the ADAPTS office must be presented at the time of any request. Honor Code: All students are expected to comply with the Georgia Tech Honor Code (this can be found Any evidence of cheating or other violations of the Honor Code will be submitted directly to the Dean of Students. MyMathLab Information: We will be utilizing MyMathLab (MML) through a joint code for the Thomas Calculus text and the Lay Linear Algebra text. In order to register, you will need our course id listed below MyMathLab Course ID: yashtini12248 Important notes on MML: If you already have an account on MyMathLab using this combined textbook within the past 18 months, then you do not need to purchase a new code. Login to your account on MyMathLab, select the option to add a new course, and enter our course ID. If you already have a MyMathLab account that used either the Thomas or the Lay texbook in the past 18 months, but you were unable to add our course using the previous step, please send an email to and include the following information: - Your First and Last Name - The email address used to register for MML - Your Login ID for MML - Our course ID (listed above) for Spring 2015 You should receive a reply within 36 business hours from the Pearson support team regarding your account status. In the meantime, you can access our course using the “temporary access” option when registering. Please do not pay for a new code until you receive a reply from Pearson. If you do not have a MyMathLab account using the Thomas or Lay textbooks, or if your account is over 18 months old, you will need to purchase a new code for our course. Please refer to the registration document, located in the “Resources” section on t-square, to create your new account. When signing up for MyMathLab, it will be immensely helpful to me if you will set your STUDENT ID to your USERID for the GT system (i.e., your T-square USERID, as in gburdell3, etc). MyMathLab comes with an entire electronic version of the textbook; it is your choice if you would also like to own the textbook in print. You may purchase a MyMathLab code either from the bookstore or on-line while registering at If you prefer to own a hardcopy of the text, the bookstore offers packages of MyMathLab combined with a loose-leaf or hardcover version of the Thomas textbook that is less expensive than purchasing the text and code separately. PLEASE NOTE: GEORGIA TECH HAS A SPECIAL CODE PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES BOTH TEXTBOOKS. THIS CODE CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED THROUGH THE CAMPUS BOOKSTORES OR DIRECTLY FROM PEARSON. CODES PURCHASED BY OTHER VENDORS WILL NOT WORK! Possible ISBNs for this text are: 1269861298, 1269891596, 1256954721, 1269861328, 1269936069. Course Calendar–MAP 2401 Spring 2015 Weeks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 Jan 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 14th L2 15th L3 20th 21st L4 22nd 23rd L5 27th Quiz 1 28th L6 29th 30th 4th L8 5th 6th 11th L9 12th 13th First Day of classes Week 2 12th Fee due Week 3 19th Martin Luther King Week 4 Week 5 26th Feb 2nd L1 13th L7 3rd Schedule change deadline 16th 9th Exam1 10th 16th L10 17th 18th L11 19th 23rd L12 24th Quiz 2 25th L13 26th L14 3rd 4th L15 5th 9th L16 10th 11th L17 12th 13th 16th L18 17th Quiz 3 18th L19 19th 20th Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break 23th 24th 25th 26th 27th Week 13 30th L20 31th April 1st Exam 2 2nd 3rd Week 14 6th L21 7th 8th L22 9th 10th 13th L23 14th 15th L24 16th 17th 20th L25 21st Quiz 4 22nd L26 23rd 24th Review Last Day of Classes Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 15 Week 16 March 2nd Review Final Exam: April 28th, 2015 11:30am - 2:20pm in Physics L1. Progress report due 20th 27th Drop course with a “W” 6th