Lessons for Malaysia - UTM PERDANA School


Lessons for Malaysia - UTM PERDANA School
Training Course on
Science, Technology and Innovation Policies
for the 21st Century: Lessons for Malaysia
October 11-16, 2015
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Course Background
Science, technology and innovation (STI) underpin virtually every aspect of modern life,
driving economic growth and prosperity and fuelling advances that enhance health,
environmental and social well-being. The importance of STI as an important driver of
socio-economic growth requires no belabouring. Empirical studies have revealed the
benefits of STI in terms of new and improved products, processes and services, better
quality of life and lower prices. Malaysians understand that, if we want to create jobs
and opportunities in a competitive world and address the key societal challenges that
confront us in the 21st century, STI must be an integral part of the national agenda.
Malaysia’s relatively sound economic position provides us with an opportunity to build
on and take better advantage of those STI areas where we are presently strong and
enhance our performance in those areas where we are weak—to reach for global STI
leadership and thereby reap the resulting economic and societal benefits. We have
introduced numerous policies, action plans and initiatives to spearhead our STI agenda.
The results have been mixed and it is vital that we evaluate the appropriateness of
many of these initiatives given the changed external environment that we are in.
Course Rationale
In all countries, science, technology and innovation (STI) are increasingly considered as
crucial for further development. This has given rise to the emergence of policies centred
on boosting the STI capacities of firms, public sector organisations and society. These
policies have to take into account our enlarged understanding of STI processes. Success
in STI is not only about investing in research and increasing enrolment figures but is
also about the demand for the outputs of STI, the absorptive capacities of firms, the
interlinkages among the various actors of the STI system and the support of society for
STI. These and other dimensions need to be understood in the policy mix of countries to
address these systemic issues. Given this cross-cutting nature of STI, it is vital that
policy makers from different sectors understand and appreciate these nuances about
STI. It is to these dimensions that this course aims to address.
Course Objectives
To equip participants with knowledge on relationships between STI and the
economy as well as the dynamics of the nation-state and the national innovation
To enhance competency of participants in various aspects pertaining to policy
formulation particularly in any area that impacts on the nation’s competency in
Course Synopsis
Science, technology and innovation (STI) are important driving forces in economic and
social change. Deliberate efforts are required to attain fluency in STI. This course aims
to impress on course participants that success in STI is not automatic. Instead, fluency
in STI is aided by conscious and assiduous efforts aided by a dynamic STI policy process
that ensures that policies that are crafted are responsive to the specific needs of the
country. The 5 templates of STI policy as advanced by Tan Sri Omar Abdul Rahman will
be presented. The course will also guide participants in the formulation of specific
policies related to STI.
Course Content
Session 1
Session 2
What is STI; why STI; genesis of STI
policy; changing paradigms of STI
5 templates of STI Policy
5 templates of STI Policy (cont’d)
Case Study: Malaysia’s
National Innovation System
Public policies on STI in Malaysia :
A review
Formulating specific policy to
enhance particular aspect of
STI (to be specified by course
Presentation by groups
Recapitulation and Lessons
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
Describe what is a policy and why a policy and management of science,
technology and innovation (STI) are essential;
Articulate a policy based on key components of STI policy formulation;
Describe key features and elements of a dynamic National Innovation System;
Analyze the effectiveness of particular policies/programmes and formulate
specific responses to address the challenges.
Date, Duration and Venue
The course will be held over 5 days from October 11 – 16, 2015 in Pulai Springs Resort,
Johor Bahru.
Who to Attend
The course is targeted at medium and high level officials from ministry, public research
institutions, universities, industry and NGOs.
Modes of Delivery
The training course will be delivered by using the following methods:
Series of lectures.
Group discussions and presentations.
Group activities
Medium of Instruction
The training workshop will be conducted in English.
Course Convenors
Dr K. Thiruchelvam is presently a Professor and Dean of the
Perdana School of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He served the Malaysian Civil
Service for over 24 years with stints at various Ministries including
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). He was involved in a
number of policy studies while in the civil service. He recently led a team in the drafting
of Malaysia’s new National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. Dr Thiru has also
been engaged in a number of consultancy reports in recent years for both local and
international organizations. He has also been involved in international training
programmes conducted on behalf of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia as well as the
International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation
(ISTIC). He is a member of the Editorial Board of 3 international journals on STI and has
co-edited 3 books on STI.
Prof. Zamri Mohamed is presently a professor and was the former Dean at the Perdana
School of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Graduated as an engineer, Prof. Zamri has since led the Computer Science Faculty, the
University’s Computer Centre and also the K-Economy Research
Alliance at UTM.
Prof. Zamri has given lectures in numerous training programs at
various levels in the area of ICT, both within and outside UTM.
Prof Zamri has also been member of various committees and task
forces at the university, state and national levels. He has also
undertaken several research and consultancies on topics of his
Since the 1990s, Prof Zamri has been involved in National ICT agenda and policies. More
recently, since the establishment of the Perdana School, he has been fully involved in
teaching, researching and consulting in the area of STI and STI-based Policies .
Registration Fee
RM 3,500 per participant
Mode of Payment
Payment by participants (other than those sponsored by JPA) can be made using
crossed cheques or bank drafts made payable to UTM Holdings Sdn Bhd. All
transfers should be directed to the following account:
Recipient Name
Account No
Maybank Jalan Raja Muda, WP Kuala Lumpur
Please send a copy of the transfer slip to the Secretariat. An acknowledgement will be
sent on receipt of payment
 Substitution is allowed for registered participant, cancellation will not be
 Fee is NOT inclusive of accommodation.
Application and Enquiries
All applicants are required to complete the prescribed application form as attached in
this brochure and submit the completed form to the following address:
Secretariat UTM Perdana – JPA Training Programme
c/o UTM Perdana School,
6th Floor, Menara Razak,
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,
54100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-21805151 Fax: +603-21805340
Email: ablatiff07@gmail.com Website: http://perdanaschool.utm.my/
ISTIC will inform the successful applicants to the training workshop not later than 4
September 2015. Applicants who do not receive word within this date are rendered
Closing Date of Application
All applications should be submitted to the secretariat office before 31 July 2015
Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for
the 21st Century:
11 – 16 October 2015
Pulai Springs, Johor Bahru,
Full Name
Designation : Prof. /Dr. /Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. /_
Gender (Male/Female)
I/C Number
Date of Birth
Applicant’s Office Address
Person to be Contacted, in Case of Emergency
(Name and Address)
Title of Post
Duration of Service
Type of Organization (Please √ box)
Main Functions of Organization
Description of your current work including your responsibility
(Please use supplementary pages, if necessary)