Newsletter week 3.29.15 - Piney Grove Baptist Church of Mount Airy


Newsletter week 3.29.15 - Piney Grove Baptist Church of Mount Airy
Piney Grove Baptist Church
278 Piney Grove Road
Mount Airy, NC 27030
THE GROVE is published weekly by the Piney Grove Baptist Church, 278 Piney Grove Road, Mount Airy, NC.
POSTMASTER send change of address to THE GROVE, 278 Piney Grove Road, Mount Airy, NC.
Volume X, Issue 14, March 29, 2015
From the Pastor (Continued from Page 5)
Indeed, Abraham was promised a son. Because of his relentless faithfulness, the
story sets the stage for God to do what God does best and that is to show up on a
mountain, where a father’s heart was breaking, where a child’s heart was full of
fear, and where a tragedy was about to occur.
How does any of this connect to Holy Week? I look forward to our
reflection together on Palm Sunday, where we will explore the parallels and
intersections between this ancient text and Holy Week as we set our eyes on
Jerusalem. This Thursday night we will join together to hear the readings of
scripture that detail the night before Jesus’ betrayal, we will share together in a
time of voluntary foot-washing, and observe the Lord’s Supper in honor of Jesus
who went to the cross at the hands of sinful humanity. It is seldom that I write or
say words like this. But, I am totally convinced that there is nothing going on in
anyone’s life this week any more important than the Maundy Thursday service
whereby we spend time reflecting with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and as
expression of our love for the King of Kings. I look forward to seeing a church full
on Thursday night. For the sole purpose of not inviting anyone to the empty tomb
before we’ve gone to Golgotha, I’ve written and said very little about our Easter
celebration. I do trust, however, that you’re planning to be with us for our Sunrise
Service next Sunday morning at 7:00 AM, breakfast at 7:30 AM, Sunday school at
9:45 AM, and Easter Worship at 11:00 AM. Thanks for being such a great church!
May God richly bless you all in the week to come.
Rev. Mark A. Reece, Jr., Pastor
Rev. Kermit Gray, Pastor Emeritus
Paul Danley, Minister of Music
Marcus McGill, Minister of Youth
Scottie Isaacs, Ministry Assistant
Dawn Marion, Pianist
Ivy Head, Organist
Stephen Berrier, Sound
Tommy Haymore, Videographer
278 Piney Grove Road
Mount Airy, North Carolina
This Week
March 29
Janice Draughn
March 30
Danielle Riggan
March 31
Tom Payne
Blanche Brintle
Trista Berrier
Kristin Johnson
April 1
Emily Collette
April 3
Rev. Mark Reece
April 4
Dana Draughn
April Calendar of Events
Copies of the April calendar of events are now available on the stand in the
Piney Grove Baptist Church
278 Piney Grove Road
Mount Airy, North Carolina 27030
Weekly Newsletter
March 29, 2015
Easter Worship Services Schedule
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 29, 2015, at 11:00 AM
Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, observed by Christians
in commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, when
palm fronds were strewn before Him.
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 2, 2015, at 7:00 PM
What does “Maundy” mean?
According to a common theory, the English word Maundy is derived
from the Latin mandatum, the first word of the phrase, “Mandatum
novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos” (“A new
commandment I give to you: That you love one another as I have
loved you”), the statement by Jesus in John 13:34, by which Jesus
explained to the Apostles the significance of his action of washing their feet.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 5, 2015
7:00 AM Easter Sunrise Service
7:30 AM Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship Service
Our love, prayers, and Christian sympathy are extended to Leona Huffman
and family on the death of her husband, Clarence Lee Huffman.
A revival service will be held at Mount Zion Baptist Church
on Sunday, March 29, 2015, at 6:30 PM.
A Service of Music and Praise with Keith McHone and Others
Everyone is welcome!
Growing in Christ Together
Volume X, Issue 14
Revival Service
Church Staff
Sermon videos can be
viewed via PGBC website
or at
and type PGBC
in the search block.
Apps are available
for Smartphones and iPads
to view the videos.
Page 6
Today’s Sermon
“Just As I Am”
Genesis 22:1-14
Activities Today
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship Service
The Week Ahead
Monday, March 30
4:00 – 5:00 PM Kid’s Café
Tuesday, March 31
4:00 – 5:00 PM Kid’s Café
Wednesday, April 1
6:30 PM Worship Seeds with
the Pastor
6:30 PM G.R.O.V.E. Kidz
6:30 PM SEEDSyouth
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, April 2
11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Friendship Meal
7:00 PM Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 3
Church Office Closed for
Good Friday
Saturday, April 4
12:00 – 2:00 PM Easter Egg
Hunt at Piney Grove
Page 1
Dates to Remember
March 29
Palm Sunday
April 2
Friendship Meal
Maundy Thursday Service
April 3
Church Office Closed
April 4
Easter Egg Hunt at Piney
Grove Baptist Church
April 5
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service and
April 18
Children’s Trip to the NC Zoo
April 19
Deacon Ordination
A Spring Gathering:
An Evening of Celebration
May 2
Festival of Tables
May 10
Mother’s Day
May 31
Graduation Sunday
June 14
Church on the Mountain
June 14–19
Vacation Bible School
June 21
Father’s Day
July 17–19
Children’s Summer Retreat
Stewardship Report
Week #26
YTD Goal:
This week
$3,003.00 $102.985.03
Over/(Under) ($1,067.79) ($2,855.51)
Children’s Ministries/Mission
G.R.O.V.E. Kidz
Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at 6:30 PM
Children’s Bible Study, Crafts,
Games, Music, and FUN!
G.R.O.V.E. Kidz meets the 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd Wednesday nights of each month
Children’s Summer Retreat
The children’s summer retreat will be July 17-19, 2015, for all third
through fifth grade students. Any sixth grade students that are not going
with the youth this summer are welcome to attend.
A $25.00 deposit for each child going to Garden City is due by
Sunday, April 12, 2015. Please give your deposit to Donna Tucker.
Trip to the North Carolina Zoo
Calling all 2, 3, and 4 year olds!!!
The preschool teachers are taking their
wonderful, little monkeys to the zoo on
Saturday, April 18, 2015. They will head down
the road around 8:00 AM to see all the animals
God has made. Please contact
Ruth Ann Lattimore, Tabatha Mauldin,
or Beth Gordon if you have any questions.
Kid’s Café
Sunday School Attendance
Last Sunday – 138
Children from our community and tutors meet each Monday and Tuesday
afternoon from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM in the church fellowship hall.
Student of the Week
Daniel Ingram
179 Ski Crest Road
Blowing Rock, NC 28605
Deacons of the Week
Tommy Haymore, 710-8515
Eileen Kidd, 386-8938
Persons of the Week
Myron and Robin Davis
140 Narrow Way
Dobson, NC 27017
This is a ministry for children grades K-5 and is a FREE service
to the children of the Piney Grove community.
MM2 Lammon, Andrew
USS Theodore Roosevelt
(CVN 71)
RX/RM FPO AE 09599-2871
If you’re available from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM
on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, this mission is for you.
Volunteer tutors are still needed.
Youth Ministry – Marcus McGill, Youth Minister
Youth Meetings
Sunday, March 29, 2015
No Evening Youth Meeting
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
6:30 PM SEEDSyouth
From the Pastor – Rev. Mark A. Reece, Jr.
Page 2
Holy Week is here. Every week is a Holy Week for the people of
God, but this particular week is a Holy Week set aside to remember and
reflect upon the most challenging week of Jesus’ life and the events that
set the stage for the most pivotal event, the Resurrection, in the history of
humankind. Through our Lenten journey, I have enjoyed my studies in
Genesis and traveling along the path of Abraham and Sarah. This path has
revealed the highs and lows of Abraham’s life. He seemed to migrate back
and forth on a spectrum of absolute obedience to God and taking matters
into his own hands. We’ve witnessed the growth, development, and transformation of a
man who faithfully heard the call of God and responded. Much like in our own lives,
however, his transformation didn’t happen overnight and we’ve witnessed this on his
pilgrimage. Abraham kept walking with God and this path leads us to a mountain that is
even more challenging to preach about than the subject of disciplined giving that we took
up last week. The Lord told Abraham to head towards the land of Moriah and where he
was to offer Isaac as a burnt offering.
I confess that as a child, I struggled with this text. I confess that as an adult, I
struggle with this text. If this passage doesn’t lead one away from fundamentalist
interpretations of scripture, nothing will. The Lord tells Abraham to sacrifice his beloved
son that he’s waited so long for. Many have tried to tip-toe around this passage by stating
that Abraham knew that the Lord would intervene. This interpretation would undermine
that entire meaning of the text itself, which is focused on Abraham’s faithfulness. The
central meaning of the text seems to be centered on Abraham’s willingness to give to God
what meant the most to him, and clearly his most prized possession was his son.
This story is considered foundational to three major world religions: Judaism,
Islam, and Christianity. All three religious traditions have had their share of ignorant and
brutal zealots, terrorists, and cults with misplaced passions and energy. It’s important to
understand that the Old Testament is a collection of inspired stories, and while some of
these stories have great historical value, their primary purposes are to offer theological
lessons that inspire faithfulness and a deepening of one’s commitment to God. Many
scholars argue that this story is a tale that reflects the shift from human sacrifice to animal
sacrifice. Scholar Kathryn Schifferdecker suggests when we consider the fact that Leviticus
18:21, Jeremiah 7:30-34, and Ezekiel 20:31 forbid child sacrifice, we’re lead to believe that
it was indeed a practice in the time of Israel. Indeed, this story may be reflecting this
transition. But the story seems to be much more than a transitional bridge in history.
What is the theological lesson that the one and only God who came to live among us in
Jesus would have us learn from this ancient story?
The Lenten journey is all about denying ourselves, taking up crosses, and following
Jesus. The life of Jesus is made up of stories about Jesus denying himself, marching into
wildernesses of temptation, and towards the powers of Tiberius Caesar and Pontius Pilate.
Our collection of sacred writings, the Gospels, shares the teachings and parables of Jesus
that were grounded in self-denial. A hyper-literal meaning of this week’s passage could
lead one to find inspiration in being so devoted to God that they sacrifice their family. As a
minister, I take great offense to this. An allegorical reading of this story, which recognizing
that it has a deeper theological meaning, leads us to read this story in the greater context of
Abraham’s life. When he left Ur, God made Abram a promise, but in order to receive that
promise he had to be faithful to God. In today’s text, God tests how close he is to God by
asking him to sacrifice the promise itself. It is indeed a twisted narrative that requires
great concentration. It’s a text that if you have little children, you should spend a little time
providing some clarity and assurance. The depth of Abraham’s faithfulness is a running
theme through the narrative in Genesis. But a larger emerging theme is God’s faithfulness.
(Continued on Page 6)
Nursing home and
long-term care
Nancy Edwards
Gertrude Marion
Gladys Hooker
Melba Wright Hutchens
Roshell Mayes
Claude Branch
Home or hospital
Lloyd Hayden
Dean Branch
Linda Hodges
Avis & Hilda Huff
Phyllis Hewitt
Lonzo McHone
Roger & Norma Draughn
Sharon Hardy
Charles & Blanche Brintle
Grover Haymore
Rodney Brintle
Banner Combs
Josie Woodruff
David White
Cecil & Faye Beasley
Todd Brown
Leona Huffman
Bobby Draughn
Roger Smith
Rev. Jimmy and Helen
Seth Beacham
Michael Stephens
Patti Miller
Ricky Draughn
Junior Sawyers
Norma Simmons
J.W. & Joan Branch
Susan Johnson
Sandy Mayes
David Graybeal
Elsie Hayes
Ernest Brackett
Myron Davis
Gladys Collins
Billie Mae Davis
Doug Smith
Anne Sechrist
Luke Dollyhigh
Dawn Marion
Mike Turner
Rixie Gordon
MM2 Lammon, Andrew
USS Theodore Roosevelt
(CVN 71)
RX/RM FPO AE 09599-2871
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Patrick Muckey
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Matthew Boss
Please contact Scottie Isaacs
to add or remove names
from our prayer list.
Phone 356-4196
Page 5
“The Grove’s Helping Hand”
“The Grove’s Helping Hand” is a ministry that gives a helping hand to struggling families who run out
of groceries before their paycheck arrives. It’s also a ministry to those who have been in the hospital
and just don’t have the strength to tackle the grocery store yet. Perhaps we could give a helping hand
to some elderly person who can’t get out at all. The food closet is located in the rear of the chapel. If
you’d like to help with this ministry, please contact the coordinator, Nancy Watson.
We will be accepting canned soup, canned vegetables, cereals, canned green beans, canned lasagna,
canned fruit, spaghetti, Beenee Weenees, peanut butter, and crackers during the month of March.
“Helping Hands” for March
Wanda Smith and Hassell and Nancy Watson
“Helping Hands” for April and May
Carolyn Sawyers and Tim and Kathy Creed
Friendship Meal
Thursday, April 2, 2015
serving 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Hot Dogs
We will be preparing lunch take-out plates for our senior adults.
If you are unable to pick up your lunch, we will deliver it to you.
You may call the church at 356-4196 for delivery service.
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Piney Grove Baptist Church
Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration
Saturday, April 4, 2015
12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
Everyone is welcome!!
We will have activities, crafts, games, and an Easter egg hunt.
Two age divisions:
6 years old and under
7 years old and older
Pizza will be served for lunch.
If you have any questions or need any additional information,
please contact Jon Lattimore, Ruth Ann Lattimore, or Donna Tucker.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina
A Spring Gathering: An Evening of Celebration
“Planting in Hope. Sowing God’s Mission. Reaping God’s Glory.”
When: Sunday, April 19, 2015
Where: Piney Grove Baptist Church
Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Bill Leathers
Meal: 5:30 PM
Worship: 7:00 PM
An initiative of Calvary Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Mount Airy,
First Baptist Church of Elkin, and Piney Grove Baptist Church
The meal will be catered by 13 Bones Restaurant in Mount Airy and the menu includes BBQ chicken halves,
green beans, oven-roasted potatoes, and rolls. Desserts will be provided by Calvary Baptist Church.
The cost of the meal is $10.00 per person. The deadline for meal payment is Sunday, April 12, 2015.
Payments can be submitted to church office (make check payable to PGBC) or made online at the CBFNC
Page 3
F Discipleship
Worship Seeds with the Pastor
e Festival of Tables
Saturday, May 2, 2015
5:00 PM ~ Table Viewing
5:30 PM ~ Dessert Choice
6:00 PM ~ Dinner
6:30 PM ~ Program
Various Door Prizes. Dinner by Lorene's Bakery.
Guest speaker will be Margaret Johnson of WXII News.
Ticket cost is $15.00 each.
Please see one of the following table hostesses to get your ticket:
Wednesday, April 1, 2015, from 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Text: To Be Announced
Ruth Dollyhigh
Lisa Haynes
Melinda Cornett
Kathy Robertson and Daughters
Katie Draughn
Kathy Creed
Donna Tucker
Kathy Brintle
Debbie Post
Catrena Whitaker / Santana Fulp
Reneé Morgan
Tina Johnson
Katy Spurgas
Brittany McGill / Bonnie Haymore / Teresa Haymore
Crystal Whitaker
Carolyn Sawyers
All proceeds will help support the food ministries of Piney Grove Baptist Church.
A Note of Thanks
h We would like to thank everyone that supported the Children’s Ministry in their soup and sandwich meal last
n Sunday. It was a huge success and $880.00 was raised for the Children’s Garden City Trip. We have raised
k funds from the sale of Rada knives and have received several donations. This will greatly help with the cost,
and hopefully we will not have to ask you for more help for this trip, except to ask for your prayers as the
y committee plans the activities and fun time for the children. God has blessed us all and we thank you again.
The Children's Ministry Committee
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