Grass to Glass Model Alleviates Falling Milk Price Pressure
Grass to Glass Model Alleviates Falling Milk Price Pressure
Sunny Kwok 郭日升 公司报告:中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) +852 2509 2642 1 April 2015 Grass to Glass Model Alleviates Falling Milk Price Pressure 垂直整合业务模式减轻原奶价格下滑的负面影响 Grass to Glass Business Model. Huishan engages in dairy farming, liquid milk and milk powder businesses. In Sept. 2014, Huishan had 162,394 heads of dairy cows. The Company also feeds its dairy cows with self-produced alfalfa and corn silage. Huishan’s liquid milk market share in Northeast China and IMF market share in Liaoning in 2013 were 19.5% and 9%, respectively. Huishan is promoting its fresh milk products and it has significant advantages over dairy manufacturers in Liaoning. Huishan set up a subsidiary with Zongyi to expand its business to Jiangsu. In addition, Huishan will establish a JV with FrieslandCampina and distribute new IMF products. We expect CAGRs of Huishan’s turnover and adjusted net profit to be 21.1% and 17.5% during FY14-FY17, respectively. The Company’s adjusted EPS is expected to be RMB0.110, RMB0.132 and RMB0.166 in FY15-FY17, down 2.5% in FY15 but up 19.6% and 26.0% in FY16-FY17, respectively. GTJA Research 国泰君安研究 Company Report: China Huishan Dairy (06863 HK) Accumulate Rating: Initial 评级: 收集 (首次研究) 6-18m TP 目标价: HK$1.60 Share price 股价: HK$1.410 Stock performance 股价表现 20.0 % of return 10.0 Dairy farming sector’s valuation is under pressure on weak demand of dairy products in China. However, Huishan’s net profit is less sensitive to raw milk price fall as the Company consumes roughly 60% of its own total raw milk output, which is much higher than at most 20% for its peers. Current share price represents over 30% discount to its historical valuation. We initiate “Accumulate” on Huishan with a TP of HK$1.60, which represents 11.6x, 9.6x and 7.6x FY15-FY17 adjusted PER, respectively. 从田间到餐桌的业务模式。 从田间到餐桌的业务模式。辉山主要从事奶牛养殖、乳制品及乳粉生产业务。于 2014 年 9 0.0 (10.0) (20.0) (30.0) (40.0) (50.0) Apr-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 月,辉山拥有 162,394 头奶牛。公司也使用自己种植的苜蓿草及玉米青贮饲养奶牛。另一 Dec-14 HSI Mar-15 Huishan Dairy 方面,辉山的液态奶产品在东北地区的市场份额于 2013 年为 19.5%,而其婴幼儿配方奶 粉产品在辽宁地区的市场份额为 9%。 Change in Share Price 股价变动 辉山于辽宁推广其拥有巨大竞争优势的鲜奶产品。辉山与综艺成立子公司将乳制品全产业 链的经营模式推扩至江苏。再者,辉山将与菲仕兰成立合营企业销售新的婴幼儿配方奶粉。 17.5%。 。公司每股调整后净利于 2015-2017 财年预期将分别达到人民币 0.110 元、0.132 元及 0.166 元,于 2015 财年下降 2.5%但于 2016 及 2017 财年分别上升 19.6%及 26.0%。 由于国内乳制品需求疲弱,奶牛养殖行业估值受压。然而,辉山自用原料奶占比约为 60%, 3M 3 个月 1Y 1年 6.8 5.2 (35.3) 6.0 0.1 (47.1) 1.4 1.3 1.7 Abs. % 绝对变动 % Rel. % to HS index 相对恒指变动 % Avg. share price(HK$) 平均股价(港元) 我们预期辉山 及 我们预期 辉山收入及 辉山 收入及调整后 收入及 调整后净利于 调整后 净利于 2014-2017 财 年的复合年均增长率分别为 21.1%及 1M 1 个月 Source: Bloomberg, Guotai Junan Int ernat ional. China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 远高于同业的最多 20%,辉山净利受生鲜乳价格下跌的影响较少。现价较历史估值有超过 30%折让。我们首予 我们首予“ 我们首予“收集” 收集”的投资评级, 的投资评级,目标价为 目标价为 1.60 港元, 港元,相当于公司 2015 财年、 Year End Turnover Net Profit EPS EPS PER BPS PBR DPS Yield ROE 年结 收入 股东净利 每股净利 每股净利变动 市盈率 每股净资产 市净率 每股股息 股息率 净资产收益率 3/31 (RMB m) (RMB m) (RMB) (△%) (x) (RMB) (x) (RMB) (%) (%) 2,552 945 0.082 110.2 13.7 0.512 2.2 0.000 0.0 27.9 FY14A 3,530 1,249 0.096 17.0 11.7 0.916 1.2 0.022 1.9 13.1 FY15F 4,240 1,322 0.092 (4.6) 12.3 1.029 1.1 0.023 2.0 9.6 FY16F 5,247 1,530 0.107 16.0 10.5 1.119 1.0 0.027 2.4 10.2 FY17F 6,665 1,930 0.135 26.5 8.3 1.231 0.9 0.034 3.0 11.7 FY13A Shares in issue (m) 总股数 (m) Market cap. (HK$ m) 市值 (HK$ m) 3 month average vol. 3 个月平均成交股数 (‘000) 52 Weeks high/low (HK$) 52 周高/低 14,320.1 20,191.3 23,798.1 2.290 / 1.200 Major shareholder 大股东 Free float (%) 自由流通比率 (%) FY15 Net gearing (%) 15 年净负债/股东资金 (%) FY14-17 PEG (x) 市盈率/增长率 (倍) Yang Kai 51.6% 48.4 25.2 1.0 Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 1 of 26 Company Report 2016 财年及 2017 财年核心市盈率分别为 、9.6 及 7.6 倍。 核心市盈率分别为 11.6、 COMPANY BACKGROUND integrated dairy companies in China. The Company was only established in 2009 but the history of “辉山 (Huishan)” brand can be traced back to the early 1950’s. Huishan has the second largest herd of dairy cows in China. The Company engages in planting and processing of various agricultural products such as alfalfa, corn silage and oats in Liaoning. Huishan feeds dairy cows with its self-produced alfalfa and corn silage and the Company’s liquid milk (ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk, milk 1 April 2015 “Grass to Glass” Business Model. China Huishan Dairy (“Huishan” or “the Company”) is one of the most vertically beverages, yogurt and fresh milk) and milk powder products (non-dairy creamers, D90 whey powder and infant milk formula powder) are made from raw milk produced by its own farms. Huishan believes “Grass to Glass” business model represents the best solution to address the lack of accountability in China’s dairy industry. The Company’s brands and products have never been associated with any food safety incidents. Step Out from Liaoning and Expand into Jiangsu. In Nov. 2014, Huishan has entered into a formal JV agreement with Alpha Spring, a subsidiary of Zongyi Group and a pre-IPO investor of Huishan, to establish a JV in Yancheng, Jiangsu for distributing consumer dairy products to Eastern China. Huishan will hold 65% equity interest in the JV, while Zongyi holds the rest. The initial investment for setting up the JV is RMB1,000 million but the project will require a funding of up to RMB2,500 million for the period between Sept. 2014 and Dec. 2018. The population of targeted market in Eastern China is estimated to be approximately 226 million and five times that of Northeast China where the Company’s sales are primarily carried out at the moment. JV with FrieslandCampina. Huishan will establish a 50-50 JV with FrieslandCampina for the manufacture, market and sale of infant milk formula (IMF) in China and the JV was approved by MOFCOM on 25 March 2015. FrieslandCampina will pay while FrieslandCampina will grant an exclusive licence to the JV for marketing, distribution and sale of IMF products under an existing brand of the FrieslandCampina. Both Huishan and FrieslandCampina will continue their own IMF businesses separately. The JV will initially utilise the existing sales and distribution network of FrieslandCampina and will develop its own new networks in the long run. FrieslandCampina has the right to increase its shares in the JV and has also committed to investing at least US$30 million by purchasing Huishan’s shares on the market. These shares are subject to a six year lock-up period. Two Pre-IPO Investors Left but One Cornerstone Investor Increased Shareholdings. Huishan was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 27-Sept-2013 at an offer price of HK$2.67/share. The net proceeds received by the Company amounted to HK$7,545 million and was/to be applied for importing heifers, construction of dairy farms, feeds processing plants, liquid milk production plant and milk powder production plant, leasing land for feeds plantation, expansion of distribution network as well as general working capital. Currently, Mr. Yang Kai and Ms. Ge Kun collectively own 51.6% equity interest in China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) approximately RMB700 million to Huishan for purchasing its production plant in China. Huishan will supply raw milk to the JV the Company. Other major pre-IPO investors include Chow Tai Fook & Crown Castle (collectively holds 9.0% equity interest), Hero Beteiligungen AG (held 3.6% equity interest), Nantong Zongyi (holds 2.0% equity interest), Investec (holds 2.0% equity interest) and An Yu (held 2.0% equity interest). Except for Hero, these pre-IPO investors’ subscription price per share ranges from HK$0.73 to HK$0.78. Hero and An Yu disposed all their shareholdings in the Company in Apr. 2014. On the other hand, Norges Bank, Yili and COFCO (Beijing) Agricultural Industrial Equity Investment Fund are Huishan’s cornerstone investors, with each holding 6.0%, 1.0% and 0.8% equity interests in the Company, respectively. Norges Bank’s shareholdings in Huishan had increased from 2.5% in Sept. 2013 to 6.0% in May. 2014. Excluding major shareholders, pre-IPO investors and cornerstone investors, the public holds approximately 27.5% equity interest in Huishan. Share Repurchase Plan of HK$780 Million. Huishan believes the current share price of the Company is significantly below financed by its existing cash reserves. Huishan used HK$141 million for repurchasing 88 million of shares in Oct. and Dec. 2014, which represented 0.6% of total outstanding shares before cancellation of shares. We expect Huishan to continue repurchasing shares as the Company’s management believes current share price is undervalued. See the last page for disclaimer Page 2 of 26 Company Report its intrinsic valuation and thus, Huishan implemented a share repurchase plan to repurchase its shares an amount up to HK$780 million in Oct. 2014, which also shows its confidence in future prospects of the Company. The repurchase will be INDUSTRY ANALYSIS using domestic consumption of dairy products provided by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) divided by total population estimated by World Bank. Estimated dairy products domestic consumption per capita in China in 2013 was only 26.6 kgs, which was much lower than that of Asian (Japan: 59.4 kgs; India: 107.4 kgs) and Western developed countries. With increasing acceptance of Western lifestyle of Chinese people, we expect China’s dairy consumption per capita to pick up in 1 April 2015 Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products in China is Lower than that of Other Major Countries. Figure-1 is computed the future, which is supported by rapid urbanisation and rising health awareness. However, we do not observe a very strong correlation between GDP and dairy products consumption. Figure-2 compares various countries’ dairy products consumption per capita when GDP per capita reached approximately US$7,000. Comparing dairy products consumption per capita at that time versus current consumption level, dairy products consumption per capita grew at a much slower pace than GDP per capita. Specifically, GDP per capita in Japan was approximately US$7,450 in 1977/1978, while dairy products consumption per capita already reached 51.8 kgs. GDP per capita in Japan grew by more than four times in the past 35 years but dairy consumption per capita only increased by less than 15%. Figure-1: GDP per Capita vs. Dairy Products Domestic Figure-2: GDP per Capita (~US$7,000) vs. Dairy kg 500 Products Domestic Consumption per Capita Eurozone kg 600 U.S. - 1974 India U.S. 400 500 China Brazil 300 Russia 400 300 Argentina 200 Ukraine 200 Mexico 100 Australia 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 US$ 80,000 Canada Japan Source: USDA, World Bank, Eurostat, European Central Bank, Guotai Junan International. 100 0 6,600 51.8 26.6 6,800 7,000 7,200 US$ 7,600 7,400 China 2013 Brazil 2007 Russia 2006 Argentina - 2006 Mexico 2003 Australia 1975 Canada 1974 Japan 1977/1978 Source: USDA, World Bank, Guotai Junan International. Figure-3: GDP per Capita (China vs. India vs. Japan) Figure-4: Dairy Products Domestic Consumption per Capita (China vs. India vs. Japan) US$ 10,000 US$ 50,000 kg 120 8,000 40,000 100 6,000 30,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 10,000 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Consumption per Capita in 2013 80 60 0 1973 1983 China - LHS 0 1993 2003 2013 India - LHS Japan - RHS 20 0 1974 1984 China 1994 India 2004 2014 Japan Source: World Bank, Guotai Junan International. Company Report Source: World Bank, Guotai Junan International. 40 See the last page for disclaimer Page 3 of 26 Demand for High-End Liquid Milk Products to Grow Faster than Mass Market Liquid Milk Products. China’s liquid milk market had a total retail sales value of RMB144.8 billion in 2013, and represented a CAGR of 11.1% during 2007-2013. Driven awareness, consumer preferences and improved dairy production distribution, demand for liquid milk is expected to remain high in the future. Total retail sales value of liquid milk market in China is expected to reach RMB238.4 billion, representing a CAGR of 10.5% during 2013-2018. With expected increasing demand for high-end, high nutrition liquid milk products from reputable brands with reliable milk sources, the market size of high-end liquid milk, which is defined as the products with a 1 April 2015 by rising urbanisation leading to expected increase in per capita consumption of dairy products, as well as growing health retail price of over RMB12 per litre, is expected to report a CAGR of 20.8% during 2013-2018 (CAGR of 22.7% during 2007-2013), while mass market liquid milk market size is only expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% during 2013-2018 (CAGR of 8.0% during 2007-2013). Figure-5: Retail Sales Value of Liquid Milk Figure-6: Retail Sales Value Growth of Liquid Milk Market in China Market in China RMB bn 238 250 200 132 16 71 76 87 77 12 65 92 79 51 42 30% 89 74 61 21% 107 20% 13% 122 127 131 97 103 110 116 0% 0 2008 2007 2009 11% 11% 10% 10% 10% 9% 10% 8% 6% 10% 2011 2013 Mass Market Liquid Milk 2015F 2010 2012 2014F 2016F Mass Market Liquid Milk High-End Liquid Milk Total 2017F High-End Liquid Milk Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company, Shengmu. Note: Numbers in red represent total retail sales value. 2018F Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company, Shengmu. Note: Numbers in the figure represent total retail sales value growth. Relaxation of One-Child Policy in China Drives IMF Demand. Relaxation of one-child policy is one of the major catalysts helping IMF products in China to maintain rapid growth momentum in 2014-2017. China’s IMF retail sales value grew at a CAGR of 17.6% during 2007-2012 and is expected to reach RMB142.3 billion in 2017, representing a CAGR of 17.4% during 2012-2017. In addition, foreign IMF brands were involved in food safety scandals in 2013 which gave domestic brands another chance to promote their IMF products. According to a survey conducted by Frost & Sullivan, approximately 86% respondents in China are willing to buy domestic IMF products that are made from self-owned raw milk supply. Figure-7: Retail Sales Value of Infant Milk Formula Figure-8: Retail Sales Value Growth of Infant Milk Market in China Formula Market in China RMB bn 25% 150 22.2% 21.8% 19.8% 18.3% 20% 120 18.5% 15% 90 142 60 30 34 41 43 44 53 64 76 89 105 123 16.9% 17.4% 16.1% 10% 5% 4.4% 0 1.9% 0% 2007 2009 2011 2013F 2015F Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company. See the last page for disclaimer 2017F 2008 2010 2012 2014F 2016F Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company. Page 4 of 26 Company Report 50 121 94 100 29 35 18 21 145 160 196 177 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 150 100 40% 216 Expectation on Further Milk Yield Improvement. Estimated milk yield is calculated using total raw milk production estimated by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) divided by number of dairy cows projected by USDA. From China was higher than that of India, Brazil and Russia, such figure was still lower than that of the U.S. In addition, large-scale dairy farming companies’ milk yield such as CMD, Huishan, Shengmu and YST is not significantly lower than that of the average of the U.S. We see high possibility that estimated milk yield in China to further improve in the future, driven by increasing market share of large-scale dairy farming companies which have absolute quality and cost advantages over small 1 April 2015 Figure-10, the estimated milk yield of the U.S. was 9.84 kgs in 2012, while that of China was 4.72 kgs. Although milk yield in dairy farmers. Figure-9: Number of Dairy Cows Figure-10: Estimated Milk Yield k head 60,000 kg 12 50,000 10 40,000 8 30,000 6 20,000 4 10,000 2 0 1990 1995 China 2000 India 2005 U.S. 2010 2015 Brazil 0 1992 Russia Source: USDA. 1997 China 2002 India U.S. 2007 2012 Brazil Russia Source: FAO, USDA, Guotai Junan International. protein content above 3.2%, fat content above 3.7%, bacterial content below 100k CFU/ml, and somatic cell count below 400k CFU/ml. Due to increasing demand for high-end liquid milk products, CAGR of premium raw milk supply grew at a CAGR of 17.6% during 2007-2013. However, conventional raw milk supply dropped and total raw milk production was flat in 2013 versus that in 2007, at 35.3 million tonnes. As large-scale dairy farming companies are aggressively importing heifers and calves from overseas, premium raw milk supply is expected to reach 36.1 million tonnes in 2018, representing a CAGR of 18.7% during 2013-2018. Total raw milk supply is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% during 2013-2018 and reaches 46.7 million tonnes. Figure-11: Raw Milk Production in China Figure-12: Raw Milk Production Growth in China mn tonnes 50% 50 40 35 2 36 2 35 2 36 3 37 37 3 4 30 20 34 34 33 33 33 33 35 37 39 5 5 6 31 41 7 44 9 47 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Raw Milk Supply is On the Rise Driven by Premium Raw Milk Supply. Premium raw milk is defined as raw milk with 40% 11 30% 20% 31 33 34 35 36 10% 1% -1% 2% 2% 2% 0% 10 6% 7% 7% 3% 5% -6% -10% 0 2008 2007 2009 2011 2013 Conventional Raw Milk 2015F 2017F Premium Raw Milk Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company, Shengmu. Note: Numbers in red represent total raw milk production growth. Company Report Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company, Shengmu. Note: Numbers in red represent total raw milk production. 2010 2012 2014F 2016F 2018F YoY Growth - Conventional Raw Milk YoY Growth - Premium Raw Milk YoY Growth - Total Raw Milk See the last page for disclaimer Page 5 of 26 National Raw Milk Shortage to Persist and Such Gap to be Filled By Reconstituted Milk. Raw milk demand in China grew at a CAGR of 4.3% during 2007-2013, while raw milk supply stayed flat in 2013 versus that in 2007. As such, the gap beverages made from milk powder reported satisfactory growth during the period. CAGR of raw milk demand in China is expected to be 7.1% during 2013-2018, while raw milk supply is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% during the period. Frost & Sullivan expects that the premium raw milk market in China continues to experience a shortage in supply and such gap is expected to be widened to 22.4 million tonnes in 2018. However, the gap will continue to be filled by reconstituted milk. In 1 April 2015 was widened from 2.7 million tonnes in 2007 to 13.7 million tonnes in 2013. The gap was filled by reconstituted milk and milk addition, low milk powder price favours dairy manufacturers to produce dairy products made from milk powder. Whole milk powder price was only US$2,400/MT in Nov. 2014, the lowest quotation since 3Q09. Although whole milk powder price rebounded to US$2,928/MT in Mar. 2015, the shortage in raw milk is expected to be much smaller than previously forecasted if the PRC government does not introduce any policy related to reconstituted milk. Figure-13: Raw Milk Demand and Supply in China Figure-14: Whole Milk Powder Price US$ / tonne mn tonnes 6,000 80 60 40 20 38 39 41 47 45 43 49 59 55 52 69 64 5,000 4,000 3,000 35 36 35 36 37 37 35 37 39 41 44 47 2,000 1,000 0 Jan-15 Jul-14 Jan-14 Jul-13 Jan-13 Jul-12 Source: Global Dairy Trade. Estimated Raw Milk Demand in Northeastern China in 2013 was 1.5 Million Tonnes. According to Frost & Sullivan, Huishan’s market share of liquid dairy products in terms of retail sales value in 2013 was 19.5%. Assuming the Company’s market share of liquid dairy products in terms of sales volume is not significantly deviated from that in terms of sales value, estimated total liquid dairy products sales volume in Northeastern China in 2013 (Huishan’s liquid dairy products sales volume in FY14 divided by market share in 2013) was approximately 1.5 million tonnes. We expect a conversion ratio of raw milk to liquid dairy products of 1:1 and thus, raw milk demand in Northeastern China in 2013 was at most 1.5 million tonnes (assuming limited contribution from imported liquid dairy products and liquid dairy products sold in Northeastern China but manufactured outside Northeastern China). China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, Frost & Sullivan, the Company, Shengmu. Jan-12 Raw Milk Demand 0 Jul-11 2017F Jan-11 2015F Jul-10 Raw Milk Supply 2013 Jan-10 2011 Jul-09 2009 Jan-09 2007 Possible Pressure on Raw Milk Price in Northeastern China in the Near Future due to Abundant Supply. Huishan and YuanShengTai Dairy (YST, 01431 HK) are listed dairy farming companies based in Northeastern China. YST is a leading dairy farming company based in Heilongjiang and Jilin. On the other hand, China Shengmu (Shengmu, 01432 HK) is a leading dairy farming company based in Inner Mongolia, which is very close to Northeastern region of China. In 2013, Huishan (FY14) and YST produced a total of 666k tonnes of raw milk, which accounted for 45.2% of total raw milk demand in Northeastern China in 2013. Assuming demand for liquid dairy products in Northeastern China to grow by 10% per annum in 2014-2016 and taking into account of both Huishan and YST estimated raw milk supply growth, Huishan and YST could account for more than 65% of Northeastern China’s raw milk demand in 2016. Although we expect consumers in Northeastern China (or even the whole China) to consume more fresh milk and yogurt, raw milk supply growth in Northeastern China is expected to surpass that of Company Report demand growth. Therefore, we expect raw milk price in Northeastern China to be under pressure in the near future. See the last page for disclaimer Page 6 of 26 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS CAGR of Huishan’s Turnover (Excluding Inter-Segment Sales) was 111.3% during FY11-FY14. Huishan’s major businesses include production and sales of raw milk, liquid milk products and milk powder products. The Company’s turnover (excluding inter-segment sales) reached RMB3,530 million in FY14 (year end Mar.), and represented a CAGR of 111.3% 1 April 2015 Revenue Analysis during FY11-FY14. Huishan uses a portion of raw milk to produce its liquid milk products, milk powder products and dairy ingredients and such internal supply of raw milk is eliminated from consolidated results. In FY14, Huishan’s liquid milk business’s turnover amounted to RMB2,288 million and accounted for 64.8% of the Company’s turnover (excluding inter-segment sales). Taking into account of inter-segment sales, Huishan’s dairy farming business, liquid milk business and milk powder business accounted for 48.8%, 46.1% and 5.1% of the Company’s turnover (including inter-segment sales) in FY14, respectively. In 1HFY15, Huishan’s turnover (excluding inter-segment sales) went up by 30.0% YoY to RMB1,995 million, of which milk powder business’s contribution increased from 7.0% in 1HFY14 to 13.2% in 1HFY15, while revenue contributed from liquid milk business in 1HFY15 was 59.0%, down 6.3 ppts YoY. Figure-15: Huishan’s External Sales Figure-16: Huishan’s External Sales – Breakdown By Business (Amount) – Breakdown By Business (%) 100% 4,000 3,530 80% 254 3,000 2,552 88 2,000 1,333 1,000 0 374 244 FY11 Dairy Farming 4% 2,288 564 681 989 FY12 FY13 FY14 Milk Powder 7% 7% 13% 67% 65% 65% 59% 27% 28% 28% 28% FY13 FY14 1,995 1,534 108 1,002 672 3% 42% 60% 1,707 Liquid Milk 7% 31% 424 263 40% 65% 1,178 554 0% FY11 1HFY14 1HFY15 Grain Processing 50% 20% Dairy Farming FY12 Liquid Milk Milk Powder 1HFY141HFY15 Grain Processing Source: the Company. Note: Numbers in red represent total external sales. Source: the Company. Figure-17: Huishan’s Total Sales (Incl. Inter-Segment Figure-18: Huishan’s Total Sales (Incl. Inter-Segment Sales) – Breakdown By Business (Amount) RMB mn Sales) – Breakdown By Business (%) 100% 6,000 4,962 254 4,500 3,463 88 3,000 1,614 1,500 377 0 247 FY11 Dairy Farming 564 953 FY12 FY13 Liquid Milk 3% 5% 5% 9% 49% 46% 46% 41% 46% 49% 49% 49% FY13 FY14 30% 35% 4% 60% 2,288 1,707 1,591 80% 6% China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) RMB mn 2,421 2,179 108 1,002 1,069 FY14 Milk Powder 2,847 263 1,178 40% 65% 59% 20% 1,406 1HFY14 1HFY15 Grain Processing FY11 Dairy Farming FY12 Liquid Milk Milk Powder 1HFY141HFY15 Grain Processing Source: the Company. Company Report Source: the Company. Note: Numbers in red represent total sales including inter-segment sales. 0% See the last page for disclaimer Page 7 of 26 Dairy Farming Business 20,000 mu YoY to over 140,000 mu in FY14. The Company harvested alfalfa 3 times in FY14 with a total production volume of 137,510 tonnes, up 21.2% YoY. Average production cost of alfalfa in 1HFY15 was US$108 per tonne, up from US$70 per tonne in FY12-FY13 and US$92 per tonne in FY14 due to higher rent for the newly added plantation field. However, such cost is still much lower than that of imported alfalfa (approximately US$400 per tonne in FY14 and 1HFY15). The majority of land 1 April 2015 Current Plantation Fields Satisfy 300,000 Heads of Dairy Cows’ Needs. Huishan’s alfalfa plantation fields increased by leases are with fixed rents expiring between 2026 and 2028. Commencing from May 2013, Huishan also plants other feeds for dairy cows including corn silage (60%-70% of total consumption of forage) in Liaoning on approximately 340,000 mu of land. Total production volume of other feed crops was 361,758 tonnes in FY14 and is expected to reach 1,310,000 tonnes in FY15. According to the management, current production volume of alfalfa and feed crops is able to satisfy 300,000 heads of dairy cows’ needs. The Company is able to adjust the feed mix in order to lower feed cost per milk yield. In addition, Huishan also hires Mexican agricultural specialists in order to improve alfalfa and corn silage output on the existing land. Therefore, the Company may not secure additional plantation fields in Liaoning in FY15-FY17. The Number of Milkable Cows is Expected to Account for Less than 45% of the Company’s Dairy Cows in FY15-FY17. Huishan had 59 dairy farms in operation in Mar. 2014, up from 29 dairy farms in Mar. 2011. The Company’s total herd size of dairy cows reached 144,191 heads, up 27.8% YoY and represented a CAGR of 37.4% during FY11-FY14. Among all the dairy cows in Mar. 2014, number of milkable cows was 61,286 heads, up 22.8% YoY and accounted for 42.5% of total number of dairy cows. In contrast to other dairy farming listed peers in Hong Kong, Huishan’s dairy cows comprise Holsteins and Jerseys. Holsteins are larger in size and generate higher milk yield, which are most welcomed by dairy farming companies. On the other hand, Jerseys are smaller and generate lower milk yield but Jerseys’ milk generally contains higher levels of protein and Company intends to import a total of 60,000 heads of dairy cows in FY15 and FY16. We expect Huishan’s number of dairy cows to reach 188,090 heads, 246,717 heads and 280,235 heads in FY15-FY17, respectively, representing a CAGR of 24.8% during FY14-FY17. The number of milkable cows as a percentage of dairy cows is expected to stay below 45% in FY15-FY17 due to continuous import of heifers and calves. Such ratio is relatively low comparing to approximately 53%-58% of China Modern Dairy (CMD, 01117 HK), YST and Shengmu in 2014. Table-1: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Latest Herd Size CMD (01117 HK) No. of Dairy Cows (Heads) Huishan (06863 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) 93,929 97,082 48,220 18,618 Milkable Cows 107,578 65,312 55,032 26,005 Total 201,507 162,394 103,252 44,623 53.4% 40.2% 53.3% 58.3% Calves & Heifers Milkable Cows as a % of Dairy Cows China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) fat. In Sept. 2014, Huishan had 63 dairy farms in operation and had 162,394 heads of dairy cows, up 12.6% HoH. The Source: the Companies. Comparable Milk Yield Versus Peers. Huishan’s number of milkable cows increased from 18,584 heads in FY11 to 61,286 heads in FY14, and represented a CAGR of 48.8% during FY11-FY14. Estimated milk yield, being sales volume divided by average number of milkable cows, reached 8.6 tonnes, 8.7 tonnes, 8.7 tonnes and 8.8 tonnes in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively. Huishan’s estimated milk yield for the latest 12 months was comparable with that of its peers (CMD, YST and Shengmu) in 2014. Total sales volume of raw milk, including both inter-segment sales (for production of liquid milk products and milk powder products) and external sales (mainly Yili (600887 CH) and Mengniu (02319 HK)), amounted to 482,428 the latest 12 months was lower than that of CMD but was much higher than that of Shengmu and YST. Driven by strong demand of the Company’s liquid milk products, inter-segment raw milk sales in terms of sales volume accounted for 59.3% of total raw milk sales volume in FY14, up from 1.1% in FY11. Excluding inter-segment raw milk sales, external raw milk sales in terms of sales volume in FY14 was 196,119 tonnes, up 29.5% YoY and represented a CAGR of 51.2% during FY11-FY14. See the last page for disclaimer Page 8 of 26 Company Report tonnes in FY14, up 36.9% YoY and represented a CAGR of 103.3% during FY11-FY14. Huishan’s raw milk sales volume for Figure-19: Major Dairy Manufacturers’ Raw Milk Sales Figure-20: Major Dairy Manufacturers’ Milk Yield tonnes 1,000,000 (Latest 12 Months) tonnes 10 931,334 800,000 9.7 8.8 8.8 7.6 8 540,251 600,000 6 344,696 400,000 1 April 2015 Volume (Latest 12 Months) 4 230,121 200,000 2 0 0 CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) Huishan (06863 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: Internal sales were included. CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) Huishan (06863 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: Estimated using total raw milk sales volume divided by average number of milkable cows. External Raw Milk Sales Volume Growth is Expected to Report a CAGR of 27.3% during FY14-FY17. Huishan’s number of milkable cows in 1HFY15 amounted to 65,312 heads, up 6.6% HoH. We expect the Company’s number of milkable cows to be 78,306 heads, 95,028 heads and 117,818 heads in FY15-FY17, respectively, representing a CAGR of 24.3% during FY14-FY17. Estimated milk yield is expected to remain fairly stable in FY15-FY17 on possible change in feed mix affecting feed cost and milk yield, and rising number of Jerseys (lower milk yield than Holsteins). However, such negative impacts are expected to be offset by increasing proportion of cows reaching the third and the fourth lactation periods (higher raw milk output than other lactation periods). Thus, we expect total raw milk sales volume (including inter-segment sales) to be 602,710 External raw milk sales in terms of sales volume is expected to reach 256,489 tonnes, 324,500 tonnes and 389,726 tonnes in FY15-FY17, respectively, and representing a CAGR of 25.7% during FY14-FY17. Dairy Farming Companies are Expected to Report Faster Revenue Growth than that of Dairy Manufacturers during 2014-2016. Major listed dairy farming companies in China include Huishan, CMD, Shengmu and YST. These 4 companies’ total external sales are expected to reach RMB12,562 million in 2014, up 42.0% YoY. According to our estimate and Bloomberg consensus, the aforementioned companies’ total revenue (raw milk sales and liquid milk sales) is expected to achieve a CAGR of 22.5% during 2014-2016. On the other hand, Mengniu, Yili and Bright Dairy (600597 CH) are major dairy manufacturers listed in Hong Kong and China. These 3 companies’ total revenue (Yashili’s results were excluded from Mengniu’s results) in 2014 are expected to increase by 15.2% YoY, to RMB121,987 million. According to our estimate and Bloomberg consensus, the aforementioned companies’ sales in 2016 are expected to be RMB156,597 million, up 12.8% YoY China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) tonnes, 752,139 tonnes and 928,209 tonnes in FY15-FY17, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 24.4% during FY14-FY17. and represent a CAGR of 13.3% during 2014-2016. Dairy manufacturers’ sales growth is expected to be much slower than that of dairy farming companies during 2014-2016. Although we still expect demand for premium raw milk from major dairy manufacturers to stay high, there could be some pressure on raw milk price due to competition from imported UHT and rising import of milk powder. Raw Milk Price in Northeastern China is Expected to Fall in FY15-FY17. Huishan and other major dairy farming companies’ raw milk ASPs were higher than that of national raw milk price as they provide premium raw milk which contains higher protein and fat content but with lower bacterial limits and somatic cell count. Yili and Mengniu are Huishan’s major raw milk customers but they are also the Company’s competitors in liquid milk market. Huishan is the market leader in fresh milk in Northeastern China, while competition in UHT milk remains fierce. With expected changing consumption habit from UHT milk to fresh milk in Northeastern China, raw milk demand growth from Yili and Mengniu may be weak if raw milk price in such external raw milk average selling price (ASP) to fall by 4.5%, 4.5% and 2.0% YoY in FY15-FY17, respectively. Estimated raw milk ASP for external sales are expected to be RMB4,815, RMB4,599 and RMB4,507 in FY15-FY17, respectively. See the last page for disclaimer Page 9 of 26 Company Report region stays high as these dairy companies are able to manufacture UHT milk elsewhere. Therefore, we expect Huishan’s Figure-22: National Raw Milk Price - Quarterly RMB / kg 4.5 RMB / kg 4.5 4.0 National - LHS 30% YoY Growth - RHS 20% 4.0 10% 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 -20% 2.0 2.0 -30% 1Q15 3Q14 1Q14 3Q13 1Q13 3Q12 1Q12 3Q11 1Q11 3Q10 1Q10 3Q09 -10% 1Q09 Jan-15 Jul-14 Jan-14 Jul-13 Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. Figure-23: Huishan’ Raw Milk ASP Figure-24: Major Dairy Farming Manufacturers’ Raw Milk ASP vs. National Raw Milk Price RMB / kg 6 Source: the Companies, Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. Figure-25: Major Dairy Farming Manufacturers’ Figure-26: Major Dairy Farming Manufacturers’ External Raw Milk Sales Total External Sales RMB mn RMB mn 5,000 8,000 4,000 6,000 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Source: the Company, Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. 3Q14 1Q14 3Q13 1Q13 3Q12 1Q12 3Q11 1Q11 1Q09 1Q15 3Q14 1Q14 3Q13 1Q13 2 3Q12 2 1Q12 3 3Q11 3 1Q11 4 3Q10 4 1Q10 5 3Q09 5 1Q09 National - LHS Huishan - Raw Milk (External) CMD - Raw Milk (External) YST Shengmu - Raw Milk (External) Huishan - Raw Milk (External) 3Q09 National - LHS 3Q10 RMB / kg 6 1Q10 vs. National Raw Milk Price 1Q15 Jan-13 Jul-12 Jan-12 Jul-11 Jan-11 Jul-10 Jan-10 Jul-09 Jan-09 0% 1 April 2015 Figure-21: National Raw Milk Price - Weekly 3,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) 2012 2013 Huishan (06863 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) 2014 2015F 2016F CMD (01117 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International, Bloomberg. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY13-FY17 results with peers’ 2012-2016 results. Company Report Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. 0 See the last page for disclaimer Page 10 of 26 Figure-28: Major Dairy Manufacturers’ Total Sales RMB mn RMB mn 40,000 80,000 30,000 60,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 20,000 0 2011 Mengniu (02319 HK) 2012 2013 Yili (600887 CH) 1H14 Bright (600597 CH) Source: the Companies. 1 April 2015 Figure-27: Major Dairy Manufacturers’ Liquid Milk Sales 0 2012 2013 Mengniu (02319 HK) 2014 2015F Yili (600887 CH) 2016F Bright (600597 CH) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International, Bloomberg. Note: Yashili’s (01230 HK) contribution is excluded from Mengniu’s sales. We Expect CAGR of Huishan’s External Sales of Raw Milk to be 21.1% during FY14-FY17. Huishan’s external revenue from dairy farming business was RMB989 million in FY14, up 45.3% YoY and represented a CAGR of 59.4% during FY11-FY14. Including inter-segment sales, total revenue from dairy farming business reported a CAGR of 114.1% during FY11-FY14, and reached RMB2,421 million in FY14. In 1HFY15, the Company’s external revenue from dairy farming business grew by 30.6% YoY to RMB554 million, which was attributable to 25.5% sales volume growth and 4.0% ASP growth. Driven by increased number of milkable cows but partially offset by a slight decrease in ASP, we expect the Company’s external revenue from dairy farming business to be RMB1,235 million, RMB1,492 million and RMB1,756 million in FY15-FY17, respectively, and Table-2: Huishan’s Dairy Farming Business Breakdown FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F No. of Dairy Cows (heads) Calves & Heifers 36,968 59,033 62,962 82,905 109,784 151,689 162,417 Milkable Cows 18,584 31,221 49,889 61,286 78,306 95,028 117,818 Total 55,552 90,254 112,851 144,191 188,090 246,717 280,235 YoY Growth - Total n.a. 62.5% 25.0% 27.8% 30.4% 31.2% 13.6% Estimated Milk Yield (tonnes) n.a. 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.7 8.7 56,776 151,083 151,431 196,119 256,489 324,500 389,726 Sales Volume (tonnes) External Internal 605 62,837 200,980 286,309 346,221 427,639 538,482 57,381 213,920 352,411 482,428 602,710 752,139 928,209 n.a. 166.1% 0.2% 29.5% 30.8% 26.5% 20.1% External 4,298 4,448 4,495 5,042 4,815 4,599 4,507 Internal 4,255 4,467 4,530 5,001 4,801 4,584 4,493 Consolidated 4,298 4,453 4,515 5,017 4,807 4,591 4,499 n.a. 3.5% 1.1% 12.2% -4.5% -4.5% -2.0% 244 672 681 989 1,235 1,492 1,756 3 281 910 1,432 1,662 1,961 2,419 Total YoY Growth - External China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) representing a CAGR of 21.1% during FY14-FY17. ASP (RMB / tonne) YoY Growth - External External Internal Total 247 953 1,591 2,421 2,897 3,453 4,176 YoY Growth - External n.a. 175.4% 1.3% 45.3% 24.9% 20.8% 17.7% Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 11 of 26 Company Report Revenue (RMB mn) Liquid Milk Business milk beverages, yogurt and fresh milk to consumers via third-party distributors, modern channels (supermarkets, convenience stores and department stores) and specialty channels (home delivery, e-commerce, club memberships and etc.). In FY13, distributors, modern channels and specialty channels accounted for 67.6%, 29.2% and 3.2% of the Company’s total liquid business sales, respectively. On the other hand, yogurt, UHT milk, fresh milk and milk beverages (in terms of sales value) 1 April 2015 Intensifying Competition of UHT Products but Rising Contribution from Fresh Milk Products. Huishan sells UHT milk, accounted for 34.3%, 33.3%, 32.3% and 0.1% of the Company’s total sales of liquid milk business in 1HFY15, versus 41.2%, 16.1%, 41.9% and 0.8% in 1HFY14, respectively. According to Frost & Sullivan, Huishan’s market share in liquid dairy products in terms of sales value in Northeastern China was 19.5% in 2013. Competition in UHT milk and milk beverages remains fierce as brand recognition of Yili and Mengniu is higher and pricing of imported UHT milk is comparable with those of the Company and its peers’ high-end products. However, we expect consumer taste is shifting towards fresh milk and Huishan is a leading player in providing fresh milk in Northeastern China. Therefore, we expect contribution of fresh milk products of Huishan to rise but UHT products’ sales growth could slow. However, the Company is expanding its distribution network to districts outside Northeastern China, which helps UHT products’ sales to keep growing in FY16-FY17. CAGR of Liquid Milk Business’s Sales is Expected to be 8.9% during FY14-FY17. Total sales volume of Huishan’s liquid milk products reached 287,528 tonnes, representing a CAGR of 468.7% during FY11-FY14. Consolidated ASP of Huishan’s liquid milk products in 1HFY15 was RMB8,500 per tonne, up 17.7% YoY, but was still lower than that of CMD and Shengmu as Huishan is still selling some low-to-mid-end liquid milk products. Huishan’s total sales of liquid milk business was RMB2,288 million in FY14, up 34.0% YoY and represented a CAGR of 429.8% during FY11-FY14. Thanks to growing fresh milk sales and 17.7% consolidated ASP improvement but partially offset by weak UHT sales, Huishan’s revenue from liquid milk business China and penetration into new markets selling UHT products, we expect Huishan’s sales volume of liquid milk to achieve a CAGR of 8.6% during FY14-FY17. Huishan’s liquid milk business sales are expected to reach RMB2,414 million, RMB2,670 million and RMB2,955 million in FY15-FY17, and represent a CAGR of 8.9% during FY14-FY17. Table-3: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Liquid Milk Business Breakdown (Latest 12 Months) Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) Sales Volume (tonnes) 287,324 87,096 51,248 ASP (RMB / tonne) 8,574 9,561 14,426 Revenue (RMB mn) 2,463 833 739 Source: the Companies. Table-4: Huishan’s Liquid Milk Business Breakdown FY11 FY12 Sales Volume (tonnes) YoY Growth ASP (RMB / tonne) YoY Growth FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F 1,563 85,107 246,162 287,528 286,770 326,562 368,082 n.a. 5345.1% 189.2% 16.8% -0.3% 13.9% 12.7% 9,845 6,631 6,935 7,957 8,419 8,175 8,029 n.a. -32.7% 4.6% 14.7% 5.8% -2.9% -1.8% 0 17 178 503 830 1,012 1,208 14 292 786 938 784 839 904 2 255 743 846 800 819 843 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) increased by 17.5% YoY in 1HFY15 to RMB1,178 million. With expectation of growing fresh milk consumption in Northeastern Fresh Milk UHT and Milk Beverages Yogurt Total YoY Growth - Total 15 564 1,707 2,288 2,414 2,670 2,955 n.a. 3567.2% 202.5% 34.0% 5.5% 10.6% 10.7% Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 12 of 26 Company Report Revenue (RMB mn) Milk Powder Business powder products in Jan. 2013. The Company offers IMF to end-consumers (B2C) and also supplies IMF powder, non-dairy creamers and D90 whey powder to industrial customers (B2B). Huishan’s infant milk formula brands include Huishan (辉山), Huishan Gold Label (辉山金装), Huishan Grace Star (辉山星恩) and Huishan Gold Queen (辉山金皇后). The suggested retail price per 100 grams of Huishan, Huishan Gold Label, Huishan Grace Star and Huishan Gold Queen IMF products in Mar. 1 April 2015 Comprehensive Product Offerings Targeting Different Customer Groups. Huishan commenced production of milk 2013 were roughly RMB17-RMB22, RMB25-RMB33, RMB11-RMB13 and RMB43-RMB48, respectively. Huishan sold 1,478 tonnes of IMF in 1HFY15 and Frost & Sullivan estimates that the Company’s market share in IMF products in terms of retail sales value in Liaoning was 9% in 2013. Huishan’s total sales volume of milk powder business were 4,875 tonnes and 9,476 tonnes in FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively. In addition, Huishan will set up a 50-50 JV with FrieslandCampina to produce IMF products under an existing brand of the FrieslandCampina Group. Expect Milk Powder Business to Maintain Fast Growth Momentum in FY15-FY17. Huishan’s milk powder sales in FY14 were less than one-tenth of that of major listed IMF manufacturers in China (Beingmate (002570 CH), Biostime (01112 HK) and Yashili (01230 HK)) in 2014. Leveraging on strong brand recognition of Huishan’s liquid milk products and Mr. Mark Anthony Wilson’s extensive experience in helping Huishan’s IMF products to gain success in Eastern China, we believe that the Company’s B2C milk powder business has huge growth potential. In addition, leveraging on Huishan’s close relationship with FrieslandCampina, B2B sales of milk powder products are also expected to achieve strong growth by securing more orders from FrieslandCampina as well as orders from large domestic and/or foreign dairy companies. We expect Huishan’s sales volume of milk powder to achieve a CAGR of 97.2% during FY14-FY17. The Company’s revenue generated from milk powder business is expected to be RMB591 million, RMB1,085 million and RMB1,953 million in FY15-FY17, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 97.5% during FY14-FY17. Internal consumption of raw milk is expected to grow on rising demand for Figure-29: Major Infant Formula Manufacturers’ China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) milk powder products, hence putting less pressure on abundant raw milk output in FY15-FY17. Figure-30: Major Infant Formula Manufacturers’ Infant Formula Sales Total Sales RMB mn RMB mn 6,000 10,000 8,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 2012 2013 1H14 Yili (600887 CH) Beingmate (002570 CH) Biostime (01112 HK) Yashili (01230 HK) Source: the Companies. YoY Growth ASP (RMB / tonne) YoY Growth Revenue (RMB mn) YoY Growth 2013 2014 2015F 2016F Biostime (01112 HK) Source: the Companies, Bloomberg. Table-5: Huishan’s Milk Powder Business Breakdown FY11 FY12 Sales Volume (tonnes) 2012 Beingmate (002570 CH) Yashili (01230 HK) FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F 0 0 759 4,875 19,106 26,644 37,410 n.a. n.a. n.a. 542.3% 291.9% 39.5% 40.4% 0 0 116,011 52,055 30,928 40,727 52,218 n.a. n.a. n.a. -55.1% -40.6% 31.7% 28.2% 0 0 88 254 591 1,085 1,953 n.a. n.a. n.a. 188.2% 132.8% 83.6% 80.0% Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 13 of 26 Company Report 2011 Consolidated business is expected to slow during FY14-FY17 (12.3%) comparing to that in FY11-FY14 (429.8%), rising raw milk output on increased number of milkable cows as well as fast-growing milk powder business helps alleviate such negative impact. We expect the Company’s total external sales to be RMB4,240 million, RMB5,247 million and RMB6,665 million in FY15-FY17, up 20.1%, 23.7% and 27.0% YoY, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 23.6% during FY14-FY17. In terms of external sales, 1 April 2015 We Expect CAGR of Total External Sales to be 23.6% during FY14-FY17. Although CAGR of sales of Huishan’s liquid milk liquid milk business’s contribution is expected to fall from 64.8% in FY14 to 44.3% in FY17, while milk powder business is expected to account for 29.3% of Huishan’s total external sales in FY17, up from 7.2% in FY14. Figure-31: Huishan’s External Sales Volume Figure-32: Huishan’s Average Selling Price – Breakdown By Business (Amount) – Breakdown By Business k tonnes 1,000 795 800 678 562 200 398 1 246 489 5 27 19 37 368 327 120,000 8,000 100,000 7,000 80,000 6,000 60,000 5,000 40,000 287 288 151 196 256 FY13 FY14 FY15F 324 390 4,000 20,000 FY13 0 Dairy Farming FY16F Liquid Milk FY17F FY14 FY15F FY16F Dairy Farming - LHS Milk Powder - RHS Milk Powder FY17F Liquid Milk - LHS Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in red represent total external sales volume. Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Figure-33: Huishan’s External Sales Figure-34: Huishan’s External Sales Growth – Breakdown By Business – Breakdown By Business RMB mn 8,000 250% 6,000 5,247 4,240 3,530 4,000 2,000 0 6,665 200% 1,953 150% 1,085 91.5% 100% 591 254 2,955 2,552 88 1,707 2,288 681 989 1,235 1,492 1,756 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F Dairy Farming Liquid Milk 2,414 2,670 Milk Powder Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in red represent total external sales. 38.3% 50% 23.7% 27.0% FY15F FY16F FY17F 0% FY13 Grain Processing 20.1% China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 600 400 RMB / tonne 9,000 FY14 Dairy Farming Milk Powder Liquid Milk Total Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent total external sales growth. Gross Margin Analysis Comparable Cost Structure of Dairy Farming Business. Concentrated feeds are feeds for dairy cows that are made by blending various crops, including corn, soybean meals and cottonseed meals. For Huishan’s dairy farming business, feed costs accounted for 77.7% of the Company’s dairy farming COGS in 1HFY15. Huishan enjoys lower feed cost than that of its was US$108 per tonne, which was substantially lower than the average CIF (cost, insurance and freight) price of imported alfalfa of close to US$400 per tonne. However, the cost structure of Huishan and its peers are relatively similar that feeds accounted for roughly 80% of COGS of dairy farming business. On the other hand, Huishan’s cost of raw milk accounted for 73.0% of the Company’s COGS of liquid milk business in FY14. Such ratio was much higher than that of Shengmu (2013: See the last page for disclaimer Page 14 of 26 Company Report peers by engaging in alfalfa and corn silage plantation. For example, the Company’s cost of production for alfalfa in 1HFY15 57.7%) and Mengniu (2013: ~44%). Mengniu also sells milk beverages made from milk powder so that raw milk accounted for a lower proportion to its COGS, while Shengmu only focuses on selling high-end organic milk products with packaging costs Figure-35: Huishan’s Dairy Farming COGS Figure-36: Huishan’s Liquid Milk COGS Breakdown in 1HFY15 Breakdown in FY14 Feed Salary, Welfare & Social Insurance Depreciation Raw Milk 3.0% 2.0% 3.0% Raw Materials 19.0% Utilities & Other Processing Costs Veterinary Cost Labour Costs Utility 73.0% 77.7% Other Costs Depreciation Source: the Company. Source: the Company. Figure-37: China Modern Dairy’s Dairy Farming Figure-38: China Modern Dairy’s Liquid Milk COGS Breakdown in 2014 COGS Breakdown in 2014 Feeds 8.5% 5.8% 2.4% 5.1% Labour 78.2% Raw Materials 1.9% 3.6% 3.0% 2.9% Labour Cost Utilities Depreciation Depreciation Utilities Other Costs of Farms Other Processing Costs 88.7% Source: CMD’s 2014 Annual Report. Source: CMD’s 2014 Annual Report. Figure-39: Shengmu’s Dairy Farming COGS Figure-40: Shengmu’s Liquid Milk COGS Breakdown in 2013 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 6.0% 3.5% 5.4% 2.6% 4.6% 1 April 2015 accounting for a higher proportion of its COGS than that of other dairy manufacturers. Breakdown in 2013 Raw Milk 9.3% 13.1% Feeds 1.9% 8.4% Packages Salary, Welfare & Social Insurance 31.1% Others 57.7% Salary, Welfare & Social Insurance 78.4% Source: Shengmu’s Prospectus. See the last page for disclaimer Company Report Others Source: Shengmu’s Prospectus. Page 15 of 26 Figure-41: YST’s COGS Breakdown in 2014 Feed 5.2% 3.4% 3.6% 6.1% 1 April 2015 Salary, Welfare & Social Insurance Depreciation 4.8% Veterinary Cost Utility 76.9% Other Costs Source: YST’s 2014 Annual Report. Subject to Less Raw Milk Price Risk than Peers Amid Weakening Raw Milk Price Expectation. Huishan’s cost of production of alfalfa is substantially lower than imported alfalfa price. The Company also sources corn and soybean meal from domestic suppliers and their prices remained relatively stable in 2014. In addition, Huishan’s internal raw milk consumption accounted for 60.3% of its raw milk output in 1HFY15, which was substantially higher than other dairy farming peers (Shengmu: 21.1% in 2014; CMD: 10.1% in 2014). Huishan is expected to subject to less raw milk price risk than its peers, which means the Company shares less profit when raw milk price increases but the Company’s profitability will remain relatively stable when raw milk price drops. US$ / ton 420 Imported Alfalfa Price - LHS YoY Growth - RHS YTD Growth - RHS 15% Jan-15 Nov-14 Jul-14 -10% Sep-14 320 May-14 -5% Jan-14 340 Mar-14 0% Sep-13 360 Nov-13 5% Jul-13 380 Mar-13 10% May-13 400 Jan-13 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Figure-42: Imported Alfalfa Price Source: China Customs. RMB / kg 2.8 Figure-44: China Soybean Meal Price China Corn Price - LHS YoY Growth - RHS YTD Growth - RHS 15% RMB / kg 5.0 China Soybean Meal Price - LHS YoY Growth - RHS YTD Growth - RHS 30% Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. See the last page for disclaimer Jan-15 Mar-15 Sep-14 Nov-14 Jul-14 Mar-14 May-14 Jan-14 Nov-13 -20% Sep-13 2.5 Jul-13 -10% May-13 2.3 Mar-13 -10% Jan-13 3.0 Jan-15 -5% Mar-15 2.4 Nov-14 0% Sep-14 3.5 Jul-14 0% Mar-14 2.5 May-14 10% Jan-14 4.0 Nov-13 5% Jul-13 2.6 Sep-13 20% Mar-13 4.5 May-13 10% Jan-13 2.7 Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC. Page 16 of 26 Company Report Figure-43: China Corn Price Huishan’s Dairy Farming Business Enjoyed Higher Gross Margin than Peers. Huishan’s gross margin (after elimination of internal supplies of raw milk and including fair value gain on unused alfalfa grass and other feed crops) of dairy farming gross margin than that of CMD, YST and Shengmu as Huishan recorded fair value gain on alfalfa grass and other feed crops. Excluding such fair value gain, Huishan’s gross margin of dairy farming business was 48.5%, 58.7%, 62.0% and 57.3% in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively. Huishan’s gross margin of liquid milk business (before elimination of internal supplies of raw milk) arrived at 15.1%, 22.1%, 28.5% and 29.6% in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively. Huishan’s liquid milk 1 April 2015 business in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15 was 48.5%, 61.4%, 68.9% and 125.9%, respectively. The Company reported higher business enjoyed similar gross margin with Shengmu but outperformed that of CMD. Figure-45: Major Dairy Farming Manufacturers’ Figure-46: Major Dairy Farming Manufacturers’ Dairy Farming Business Gross Margin Liquid Milk Business Gross Margin 70% 40% 60% 30% 50% 20% 40% 10% 30% 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Huishan (06863 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note-1: After elimination of internal supplies of raw milk but exclude fair value gain on agricultural products. Note-2: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. 2014 CMD (01117 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note-1: Before elimination of internal supplies of raw milk. Note-2: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. CAGR of Gross Profit is Expected to be 23.6% during FY14-FY17. Huishan’s consolidated gross profit reached RMB2,273 million and RMB1,518 million in FY14 and 1HFY15, up 62.8% and 54.0% YoY, respectively, and represented a CAGR of 166.7% during FY11-FY14. Such growth is supported by strong sales volume growth of raw milk and liquid milk products as well as ASP increment for both raw milk and liquid milk products. Due to expected fair value gain on agricultural products with more leased land, we expect gross margin of dairy farming business in FY15-FY17 to be higher than that in FY12-FY14, despite raw milk price decline. We expect Huishan’s consolidated gross profit to be RMB2,782 million, RMB3,366 million and RMB4,289 million in FY15-FY17, up 22.4%, 21.0% and 27.4% YoY, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 23.6% during FY14-FY17. Consolidated gross margin is expected to arrive at 65.6%, 64.2% and 64.3% in FY15-FY17, respectively. Figure-47: Huishan’s Gross Profit Figure-48: Huishan’s Gross Margin – Breakdown By Business (Amount) RMB mn 5,000 100% 1,396 53 922 2,273 92 1,499 2,782 216 1,569 422 60% 1,906 1,729 40% 997 1,566 682 1,215 418 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F Dairy Farming 80% Milk Powder Grain Processing Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note-1: Numbers in red represent total gross profit. Note-2: Gross profit includes fair value gain on agricultural products. See the last page for disclaimer 65.6% 64.2% 64.3% FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F 20% FY13 Liquid Milk 64.4% 54.7% Dairy Farming Milk Powder Liquid Milk Consolidated Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent consolidated gross margin. Page 17 of 26 Company Report 0 817 3,366 3,000 1,000 – Breakdown By Business 4,289 4,000 2,000 China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 20% Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBT Analysis consist of staff costs, transportation costs, travel and promotion expenses, while the Company’s core administrative expenses (excluding share option and IPO expenses) consist primarily of staff costs, depreciation and amortisation, consultancy expense, taxation and surcharges. Huishan relies more on liquid milk business than that of its peers and the Company’s distribution costs as a percentage of revenue was higher than that of its peers. On the other hand, Huishan’s core 1 April 2015 Huishan’s Operating Expenses to Revenue Ratio was Higher than that of Peers. Huishan’s distribution costs primarily administrative expenses as a percentage of revenue was/is expected to be also higher than that of its peers in 2013 and 2014, which was partially attributable to Huishan’s expansion of liquid milk and milk powder businesses. Figure-49: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Distribution Figure-50: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Core Admin Costs as a Percentage of Revenue Expenses as a Percentage of Revenue 15% 10% 12% 8% 9% 6% 6% 4% 3% 2% 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. Industry’s Adjusted EBITDA Margin was on a Rising Trend in 2013 and 2014. Adjusted EBITDA excludes fair value gain/loss on biological assets and agricultural products as well as non-core items. Huishan’s adjusted EBITDA in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15 was RMB546 million, RMB1,290 million, RMB1,849 million and RMB969 million, respectively, and represented a CAGR of 154.8% during FY11-FY14. The Company’s adjusted EBITDA margin was 41.0%, 50.5%, 52.4% and 48.6% in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively. Huishan enjoyed higher adjusted EBITDA margin than its peers in 2011-2013 due to lower feed costs of alfalfa and corn silage plantation as well as higher proportion of revenue generated from higher-margin liquid milk business. However, the Company’s operating costs increased at a much faster pace than that of revenue growth and thus, we expect adjusted EBITDA margin in FY15 to be lower than that in FY14. On the other hand, driven by rising raw milk price, major dairy farming companies’ adjusted EBITDA margin improved/remained stable YoY in 2014. Figure-51: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 0% Figure-52: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA Margin RMB mn 60% 2,500 50% 2,000 1,500 40% 1,000 30% 500 20% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. See the last page for disclaimer Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY12-FY15F results with peers’ 2011-2014 results. Page 18 of 26 Company Report 0 We Expect CAGR of Adjusted EBITDA to be 18.7% during FY14-FY17. By business breakdown, dairy farming business (including profit from selling raw milk to liquid milk business) accounted for 80.2% and 81.7% of Huishan’s adjusted EBITDA in the same corresponding period, respectively. Milk powder business recorded tiny profit in FY13 but was loss-making in FY14. We expect the Company’s adjusted EBITDA in FY15-FY17 to reach RMB2,060 million, RMB2,468 million and RMB3,094 million, up 11.4%, 19.9% and 25.3% YoY, respectively. CAGR of Huishan’s adjusted EBITDA is expected to be 18.7% during FY14-FY17, of which CAGR of adjusted EBITDA of dairy farming and liquid milk businesses are expected to arrive at 17.5% 1 April 2015 FY14 and 1HFY15, respectively, while liquid milk business contributed 22.2% and 18.0% to Huishan’s adjusted EBITDA for and 8.5% during FY14-FY17, respectively. In addition, we also expect milk powder business to begin turning profitable in FY16 on increasing recognition of the Company’s IMF products. Huishan’s adjusted EBITDA margin is expected to be 48.6%, 47.0% and 46.4% in FY15-FY17, respectively. The fall in adjusted EBITDA margin in FY15-FY17 is mainly attributable to expected fall in raw milk price. Figure-53: Huishan’s Adjusted EBITDA Figure-54: Huishan’s Adjusted EBITDA Margin – Breakdown By Business (Amount) – Breakdown By Business RMB mn 4,000 80% 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,468 1,849 1,290 410 268 973 2,060 3,094 60% 524 40% 444 379 52.4% 48.6% 47.0% 46.4% FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F 20% 1,483 1,697 1,998 FY14 FY15F FY16F 2,403 0% 0 FY13 50.5% FY17F -20% Dairy Farming Liquid Milk Milk Powder Dairy Farming Milk Powder Grain Processing Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in red represent adjusted EBITDA. Liquid Milk Consolidated Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent consolidated adjusted EBITDA margin. CAGR of Adjusted EBT is expected to be 12.9% during FY14-FY17. Huishan’s adjusted EBT was RMB409 million, RMB1,091 million and RMB1,473 million in FY12-FY14, respectively, and represented a CAGR of 255.9% during FY11-FY14. Due to aggressive CAPEX, Huishan’s net interest expense, depreciation and amortisation are expected to grow at a faster pace than the Company’s adjusted EBITDA in FY15-FY17. We expect Huishan’s adjusted EBT in FY15-FY17 to arrive at RMB1,481 million, RMB1,691 million and RMB2,122 million, up 0.5%, 14.2% and 25.4% YoY, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 12.9% during FY14-FY17. The Company’s adjusted EBT of milk powder business is still expected to be loss-making in FY15-FY17 on small business size. We expect Huishan’s adjusted EBT margin to fall from 41.7% in FY14 to 34.9%, 32.2% China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) (1,000) and 31.8% in FY15-FY17, respectively, on weak raw milk price assumption. Figure-55: Huishan’s Adjusted EBT Figure-56: Huishan’s Adjusted EBT Margin – Breakdown By Business (Amount) – Breakdown By Business RMB mn 3,000 60% 2,122 2,000 1,473 1,091 1,000 1,481 30% 42.7% 41.7% 493 424 34.9% 32.2% 31.8% FY15F FY16F FY17F 0% 380 374 1,227 1,227 1,380 1,631 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F 253 815 1,691 -30% 0 -60% FY13 FY14 (1,000) Dairy Farming Liquid Milk Milk Powder Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in red represent adjusted EBT. See the last page for disclaimer Grain Processing Dairy Farming Milk Powder Liquid Milk Consolidated Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent consolidated adjusted EBT margin. Page 19 of 26 Company Report FY13 Reported Net Profit and Adjusted Net Profit Analysis RMB1,249 million and RMB789 million, up 32.1% and 53.0% YoY, respectively. The CAGR of the Company’s reported net profit during FY11-FY14 was 63.0% but was much slower than that of adjusted EBITDA (154.8%) and EBT (255.9%) because 1) Huishan reported fair value of RMB295 mn on biological assets in FY11 but recorded fair value loss of RMB68 mn in FY14; and 2) equity-settled share option expense of RMB117 mn and IPO expenses of RMB35 mn were recorded in FY14. 1 April 2015 CAGR of Reported Net Profit was 63.0% during FY11-FY14. Huishan’s reported net profit in FY14 and 1HFY15 was Excluding these non-core items, Huishan’s adjusted net profit in FY12-FY14 and 1HFY15 was RMB386 million, RMB1,040 million, RMB1,470 million and RMB912 million, respectively. We Expect CAGR of Adjusted EPS to be 13.7% during FY14-FY17. Driven by increasing raw milk output and growing milk powder business but offset by weakening gross margin and fair value loss on biological assets, we expect Huishan’s reported net profit to arrive at RMB1,322 million, RMB1,530 million and RMB1,930 million in FY15-FY17, and represent a CAGR of 15.6% during FY14-FY17. Reported EPS in FY15-FY17 is expected to arrive at RMB0.092, RMB0.107 and RMB0.135, down 4.6% in FY15 but up 16.0% and 26.5% in FY16-FY17, respectively. The Company’s adjusted net profit is expected to reach RMB1,588 million, RMB1,896 million and RMB2,383 million in FY15-FY17, and represent a CAGR of 17.5% during FY14-FY17. We expect Huishan’s adjusted EPS in FY15-FY17 to be RMB0.110, RMB0.132 and RMB0.166, respectively, and represent a CAGR of 13.7% during FY14-FY17. Figure-57: Huishan’s Reported Net Profit Figure-58: Huishan’s Adjusted Net Profit and Reported Net Margin and Adjusted Net Margin 45% 1,930 2,000 40% 1,530 1,500 1,249 1,322 45% 1,896 2,000 1,470 40% 1,588 1,040 35% 35% 1,000 30% 500 0 25% FY13 2,383 1,500 945 1,000 RMB mn 2,500 FY14 FY15F Reported Net Profit - LHS FY16F 30% 500 0 FY17F 25% FY13 Reported Net Margin - RHS Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent reported net profit. FY14 FY15F Adjusted Net Profit - LHS FY16F FY17F Adjusted Net Margin - RHS Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. Note: Numbers in the figure represent adjusted net profit. Comparable Earnings Growth with Peers. Reported net profit of CMD, Shengmu and YST are expected to deliver CAGR of China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) RMB mn 2,500 14.3%, 33.8% and 7.9% during 2014-2016. The average growth is similar with that of Huishan (20.8%) during FY15-FY17. Figure-59: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Figure-60: Major Dairy Farming Companies’ Reported Net Profit Reported Net Profit Growth RMB mn 2,500 120% 100% 2,000 80% 1,500 60% 40% 1,000 0% 0 -20% 2012 2013 Huishan (06863 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) 2014 2015F Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International, Bloomberg. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY13-FY17 results with peers’ 2012-2016 results. See the last page for disclaimer 2016F CMD (01117 HK) YST (01431 HK) 2012 2013 2014 2015F 2016F Huishan (06863 HK) CMD (01117 HK) Shengmu (01432 HK) YST (01431 HK) Source: the Companies, Guotai Junan International, Bloomberg. Note: We compare Huishan’s FY13-FY17 results with peers’ 2012-2016 results. Page 20 of 26 Company Report 20% 500 Capital Expenditure and Cash Flow lease prepayments, and breeding costs of calves and heifers) of RMB1,744 million, RMB1,567 million and RMB5,509 million in FY12-FY14, respectively. The Company intends to import at least 30,000 heads of heifers in FY15 and FY16, respectively. In addition, Huishan will construct at least 30 dairy farms in Liaoning in FY15-FY17. On the other hand, Huishan co-operates with Nantong Zongyi to expand the Company’s vertically-integrated dairy value chain to Jiangsu. Huishan and Zongyi hold 1 April 2015 Possible Free Cash Inflow in FY17. Huishan made capital expenditures (purchase of PP&E & biological assets, addition of 65% and 35% equity interests in newly set up subsidiaries and the project will require total funding of up to RMB2,500 million in 2014-2018. We only expect this new business to contribute to Huishan commencing from FY18. Total CAPEX is expected to reach RMB5,364 million, RMB4,593 million and RMB2,749 million in FY15-FY17, respectively. The fall in CAPEX in FY17 is attributable to absence of addition of lease prepayments and we expect number of imported heifers to sharply fall YoY. With respect to possible CAPEX savings in FY17, we expect Huishan to report free cash inflow in FY17. Table-6: Huishan’s Capital Expenditure Plan and Free Cash Flow RMB million FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15F FY16F FY17F Capital Expenditure (1,934) (1,744) (1,567) (5,509) (5,364) (4,593) (2,749) Free Cash Flow (1,905) (1,083) (173) (4,398) (2,869) (1,958) 550 Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Less Subject to Raw Milk Price Fluctuation than Peers. Huishan is less subject to raw milk price fluctuation due to higher 21.1% in 2014) and liquid milk business’s profitability is relatively stable comparing to dairy farming business. Assuming raw milk price in FY16 is 5% lower than our estimate, the Company’s gross margin will be 1.4 ppts below our previous estimate and adjusted net profit will be 6.6% lower than our previous estimate. Comparing to CMD, Huishan’s adjusted net profit is less sensitive to raw milk price fluctuation. According to our estimate, CMD’s core net profit will fall by approximately 20% if raw milk price is 5% lower than our estimate. Table-7: Sensitivity Analysis for Change in Raw Milk Price in FY16 Revenue Adjusted Net Profit Chg. in ASP Gross Margin (RMB million) (RMB million) Adjusted Net Margin Chg. in Adjusted Net Profit -5% 5,169 62.7% 1,771 34.3% -6.6% -3% 5,200 63.3% 1,821 35.0% -4.0% -1% 5,231 63.9% 1,871 35.8% -1.3% Base Case 5,247 64.2% 1,896 36.1% n.a. 1% 5,263 64.4% 1,921 36.5% 1.3% 3% 5,294 65.0% 1,971 37.2% 4.0% 5% 5,325 65.6% 2,021 38.0% 6.6% China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) proportion of internal raw milk consumption (Huishan: 57.4% in FY15F; CMD: 10.1% in 2014; YST: Nil in 2014; Shengmu: Company Report Source: Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 21 of 26 VALUATION companies; and 2) Absolute valuation using Discounted Cash Flow method. Dairy Farming Manufacturers Listed in Hong Kong are the Closest Peers. CMD, YST and Shengmu are the closest peers listed in Hong Kong that all these companies and Huishan engages in dairy farming business. On the other hand, 1 April 2015 We apply two methods to valuate Huishan: 1) Relative valuation using peer comparison with HK-listed dairy farming Huishan also engages in liquid milk and milk powder businesses so that liquid milk and IMF manufacturers are also comparable peers. Liquid milk manufacturers listed in Hong Kong and China include Yili, Mengniu, Bright Dairy and Beijing Sanyuan (600429 CH). Major Hong Kong and China-listed IMF manufacturers are Beingmate, Biostime, Yashili and Ausnutria (01717 HK). Similar Valuation Compared to China Modern Dairy. Comparing Huishan with CMD, Huishan is subject to less single customer risk that the Company is allowed to sell raw milk to both Yili and Mengniu, while CMD is not allowed to sell its raw milk to Yili and Bright Dairy. In addition, Huishan’s liquid milk business (Latest 12 Months: RMB2,463 million) is much larger than that of CMD (2014: RMB833 million), which provides stable free cash inflow to the Company. On the other hand, Huishan’s internal consumption of raw milk accounted for more than 50% of total raw milk output, while CMD internal consumption accounted for 10.1% of total raw milk output in 2014. Thus, Huishan’s results are less affected by raw milk price fluctuation. However, all Huishan’s dairy farms are located in Liaoning, while CMD’s dairy farms are more diversely located. Thus, CMD faces less risk of oversupply issue of raw milk. On the other hand, Huishan’s profitability was higher than other peers’ as the Company involves in planting and processing of agriculture products. However, Hong Kong-listed agricultural processing companies’ valuations are much lower than those of food and beverage peers. To conclude, we expect Huishan’s Slight Valuation Premium over Shengmu. Shengmu mainly sold its raw milk to Mengniu before 2013. Shengmu entered into a raw milk supply agreement with Yili in July 2013. In 2013, Mengniu and Yili accounted for 79.3% and 19.4% of Shengmu’s raw milk sales, respectively. In 1Q14, Shengmu also entered into raw milk supply agreements with Want Want (00151 HK). Similar to that of Huishan, Shengmu is another vertically integrated “grass-to-glass” dairy farming companies but focuses on organic raw milk. Shengmu’s revenue generated from liquid milk business was only approximately 30% of that of Huishan. In addition, Shengmu focuses on producing UHT milk only, while Huishan’s dairy products’ portfolio is more comprehensive than that of Shengmu. Thus, we expect Huishan to be awarded a slight valuation premium over Shengmu. Premium Valuation over YuanShengTai. YST’s top five customers were Yili, Mengniu, Feihe Dairy Group, Bright Dairy and Aibeite in 2013. The largest customer and five largest customers accounted for 36% and 100% of YST’s sales in 2013, respectively. Although YST’s customer base is larger than that of Huishan, YST does not engage in agriculture planting and China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) valuation to be similar to that of CMD. liquid milk businesses. Thus, YST’s free cash flow is expected to be weaker than that of other dairy farming peers. On the other hand, YST is the only dairy farming company which does not engage in liquid milk business. Therefore, YST’s results will be hugely affected by raw milk price fluctuation and are subject to the highest risk comparing to peers when raw milk price falls. To sum up, we expect Huishan to trade at a premium over YST. Discount over Liquid Milk and IMF Manufacturers. Liquid milk and IMF manufacturers are able to freely adjust their products’ ASP, while raw milk base price is determined by demand and supply of raw milk and dairy products. Liquid milk and IMF manufacturers’ cash flows are generally stronger than that of dairy farming companies due to lower CAPEX. In addition, liquid milk and IMF manufacturers sell their end-products directly to distributors and/or retailers and their brand recognition is much higher than that of dairy farming companies, which sell their raw milk to liquid milk and IMF manufacturers for further Company Report processing. Therefore, we expect Huishan to trade at a discount over liquid milk and IMF manufacturers. See the last page for disclaimer Page 22 of 26 Company Ticker $ Share Price Market Cap (HK$ mn) PER (x) PBR (x) ROE (%) EBITDA Margin (%) FY14A FY15F FY16F FY14A FY15F FY15F FY15F Dairy Farming Companies China Huishan Dairy 06863 HK HK$ 1.410 20,191 12.0 9.9 8.5 1.1 1.1 11.8 43.2 China Shengmu Organic Milk 01432 HK HK$ 2.080 13,217 14.0 10.8 7.5 3.2 2.0 24.3 40.8 China Modern Dairy 01117 HK HK$ 2.600 12,551 13.6 10.6 8.9 1.5 1.4 13.3 27.2 YuanShengTai Dairy Farm 01431 HK HK$ 0.890 3,479 6.6 5.9 4.7 0.6 0.5 10.2 40.8 Simple Average 11.5 9.3 7.4 1.6 1.3 14.9 38.0 Weighted Average 12.5 10.0 8.1 1.8 1.4 15.4 38.3 1 April 2015 Table-8: Peers Valuation Comparison Liquid Milk Manufacturers Inner Mongolia Yili 600887 CH RMB 31.440 120,530 21.5 17.6 14.9 4.6 4.3 24.9 11.4 China Mengniu Dairy 02319 HK HK$ 40.550 79,463 26.6 23.4 19.9 3.0 2.7 12.0 8.5 Bright Dairy & Food 600597 CH RMB 19.840 30,545 43.1 30.0 23.2 5.4 4.7 15.8 6.4 Beijing Sanyuan Foods 600429 CH RMB 11.010 20,627 122.3 110.1 73.4 n.a. n.a. 2.5 2.2 Simple Average 53.4 45.3 32.8 4.3 3.9 13.8 7.1 Weighted Average 34.0 28.5 22.3 4.1 3.8 17.9 9.1 002570 CH RMB 20.870 26,697 69.1 39.1 31.6 4.4 4.5 10.9 9.7 Biostime International 1112 HK HK$ 32.000 19,419 19.0 18.4 17.2 5.3 4.7 26.9 24.6 Yashili International 1230 HK HK$ 2.830 13,430 32.1 27.5 22.3 2.5 1.8 8.0 14.3 Ausnutria Dairy 1717 HK HK$ 2.690 2,655 23.5 n.a. n.a. 1.9 n.a. n.a. n.a. Simple Average 35.9 28.3 23.7 3.5 3.7 15.3 16.2 Weighted Average 43.5 29.7 24.8 4.2 4.0 15.4 15.6 Source: Bloomberg, Guotai Junan International. Note: All data are updated as at 1 April 2015. Table-9: DCF Valuation WACC Calculation Risk-Free Rate Market Risk Premium Beta Cost of Equity g = 2.50% DCF Calculation (HK$ million) 1.75% 11.44% 0.75 10.33% 4,432 PV of Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FY15-FY24) 23,495 PV of Terminal Value Net (Debt)/Cash & Minority Interest (4,987) NAV 22,940 1.60 NAV / Share (HK$) Cost of Debt 6.35% Effective Tax Rate 4.61% After Tax Cost of Debt 6.08% D/(D+E) WACC Sensitivity Analysis on FY16 NAV (HK$ / Share) 1.5% 40.00% 9.11% WACC Perpetual Growth Rate RMB/HKD 2.50% 0.79 Perpetual Growth Rate 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.6% 2.04 2.23 2.46 2.74 3.08 8.1% 1.78 1.94 2.12 2.34 2.61 8.6% 1.56 1.69 1.84 2.01 2.22 9.1% 1.37 1.48 1.60 1.74 1.91 9.6% 1.21 1.30 1.40 1.52 1.65 10.1% 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.32 1.44 10.6% 0.94 1.00 1.07 1.16 1.25 Source: Guotai Junan International. See the last page for disclaimer Page 23 of 26 Company Report Beingmate Baby & Child Food China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Infant Formula Manufacturers Initiate with “Accumulate” and Set TP at HK$1.60. Valuations of dairy farming companies are under pressure as raw milk price in China continues to fall. Raw milk price might continue to be under pressure in 2Q15 and 3Q15 as demand for dairy favours dairy manufacturers to produce dairy products using milk powder. However, we believe that reconstituted milk will not be welcomed by consumers and demand for raw milk will speed up. In addition, the fall in raw milk price puts pressure on small dairy farmers and dairy farmers might choose to sell dairy cows if raw milk price continues to fall. Therefore, we expect raw milk price to stabilise in 2015 and valuation of dairy farming companies could rise if earnings continue to grow despite 1 April 2015 products remain weak, while supply of premium raw milk continues to rise and low cost milk powder as a substitute to raw milk expected fall in raw milk price. With respect to the assumptions stated in Table-9, our DCF model suggests Huishan’s fair value should be HK$22,845 million, or HK$1.60/share. Huishan is currently trading at 11.7x FY14 reported PER and 10.2x FY14 adjusted PER, which is not demanding as we expect the Company’s adjusted EPS to deliver a CAGR of 13.7% during FY14-FY17. In addition, the Company is trading at approximately 32% discount to its historical average PER and 25% discount to historical average PBR. Thus, we initiate “Accumulate” on Huishan and TP is set at HK$1.60, which represents 11.6x FY15 adjusted PER, 9.6x FY16 adjusted PER and 7.6x FY17 adjusted PER. Figure-61: Huishan’s Reported and Adjusted PER Figure-62: Huishan’s PBR 30.0 3.0 25.0 2.5 20.0 2.0 15.0 1.5 10.0 1.0 0.0 Sep-13 Reported PER (x) Adjusted PER (x) Average Reported PER (x) Average Adjusted PER (x) Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Source: the Company, Bloomberg, Guotai Junan International. 0.5 Mar-15 PBR (x) 0.0 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Average PBR (x) Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Source: the Company, Bloomberg, Guotai Junan International. MAJOR RISKS Weakening Raw Milk Price. Raw milk price in China is still declining, which imposes a negative impact to Huishan’s profitability of dairy farming business. We expect raw milk supply in China, especially in Northern and Northeastern regions of China, to grow at a faster pace than dairy products’ demand growth. Although we do expect Huishan’s raw milk ASP to fall by 4.5%, 4.5% and 2.0% in FY15-FY17, respectively, raw milk price could be weaker than our estimate. To recap, if raw milk price is 5% below our estimate, adjusted net profit in FY16 will be 6.6% lower than our forecast. China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) 5.0 Intensifying Competition of Liquid Milk Business in Liaoning. Huishan’s liquid milk business reported satisfactory growth during FY12-FY14, which was partially due to increasing contribution from yogurt and fresh milk. Huishan enjoys advantages over major liquid milk manufacturers in promoting yogurt and fresh milk as the Company produces premium raw milk herself, while other peers procure raw milk from Huishan or other dairy farming companies. However, Huishan’s branding power in UHT milk and milk beverages are expected to be weaker than its peers’. In addition, Huishan also faces competition from imported UHT milk. If Huishan’s liquid milk business underperforms our forecast, the Company has to sell its raw milk to liquid milk manufacturers, which could put more pressure on raw milk ASP. Unsuccessful Expansion in Jiangsu. In Nov. 2014, Huishan entered into a formal JV agreement with Zongyi Group to establish a JV in Yancheng, Jiangsu for distributing consumer dairy products to Eastern China. Huishan will hold 65% equity with the consumer market in Eastern China, Huishan does not. In addition, due to difference of weather in Liaoning and Jiangsu, Huishan’s agriculture planting and dairy farming businesses could face unexpected risks in trial operation. See the last page for disclaimer Page 24 of 26 Company Report interest in the JV, while Zongyi holds the rest. The initial investment for setting up the JV is RMB1,000 million but the project will need a funding of up to RMB2,500 million for the period between Sept. 2014 and Dec. 2018. Although Zongyi is familiar Financial Statements and Ratios Balance Sheet FY14A FY15F FY16F FY17F As at Mar 31 (RMB m) FY13A FY14A FY15F FY16F FY17F 681 989 1,235 1,492 1,756 PP&E 3,832 5,337 8,005 9,807 10,663 1,707 2,288 2,414 2,670 2,955 Biological Assets 3,242 4,359 5,543 7,107 8,010 Milk Powder 88 254 591 1,085 1,953 Lease Prepayments 521 3,043 3,863 3,993 3,493 Grain Processing 77 0 0 0 0 Others 970 998 551 537 561 Total Turnover 2,552 3,530 4,240 5,247 6,665 8,565 13,738 17,963 21,444 22,727 Cost of Sales (2,110) (2,821) (3,590) (4,500) (5,448) Inventories 447 915 1,554 1,764 1,961 954 1,564 2,132 2,619 3,072 Other Receivables 501 784 504 519 551 1,396 2,273 2,782 3,366 4,289 Trade Receivables 173 220 268 306 370 Cash Equivalents 826 5,063 3,219 2,982 3,070 Liquid Milk Fair Value on Agriculture Gross Profit Non-Current Assets Other Net Income 42 9 55 40 45 Term Deposits 0 300 1,000 1,000 1,000 Distribution Costs (106) (344) (615) (735) (966) Current Assets 1,946 7,283 6,544 6,572 6,952 (91) (370) (376) (447) (531) 1,241 1,568 1,846 2,224 2,837 Trade & Bills Payables 910 738 965 1,109 1,210 Other Payables 435 490 609 581 534 Bank Loans 909 1,641 2,357 3,000 3,000 Administrative Expenses EBIT Finance Income, Net (142) Share of JV (206) (299) (327) (391) 0 0 0 (25) 0 1,099 1,363 1,547 1,872 2,446 Fair Value on Biological (87) (68) (167) (286) (389) Income Tax (67) (45) (59) (74) Profit After Tax 945 1,249 1,322 1,512 0 0 0 18 (9) 945 1,249 1,322 1,530 1,930 1,040 1,470 1,588 1,896 2,383 EBT Minority Interests Reported Net Profit Adjusted Net Profit * 39 51 57 68 84 Current Liabilities 2,292 2,919 3,989 4,758 4,829 (119) Bank Loans 2,103 4,679 5,500 7,000 7,000 1,939 Others 233 227 230 230 225 2,336 4,906 5,730 7,230 7,225 Reported EPS (RMB) 0.082 0.096 0.092 0.107 0.135 Adjusted EPS (RMB) 0.091 0.113 0.110 0.132 0.166 DPS (RMB) 0.000 0.022 0.023 0.027 0.034 Others Non-Current Liabilities Minority Interests 0 0 350 333 341 Shareholders' Equity 5,883 13,195 14,439 15,695 17,283 BPS (RMB) 0.512 0.916 1.029 1.119 1.231 Financial Ratio Cash Flow Statement Year end Mar 31 (RMB m) FY13A FY14A FY15F FY16F FY17F 1,012 1,294 1,547 1,872 2,446 69 164 280 450 Finance Costs, Net 140 178 285 Fair Value Change 52 0 Other Non-Cash Items (5) Working Capital Change Tax Paid Net CFO 1,442 Sales Growth (%) Profit Before Tax Depr. & Amort. FY14A FY15F FY16F FY17F 91.5 38.3 20.1 23.7 27.0 Gross Profit Growth (%) 154.1 62.8 22.4 21.0 27.4 581 EBIT Growth (%) 148.2 26.4 17.7 20.5 27.6 313 377 Reported NP Growth (%) 110.2 32.1 5.8 15.7 26.2 167 286 389 Adjusted NP Growth (%) 169.6 41.3 8.1 19.3 25.7 123 83 85 40 228 (537) (356) (141) (231) Gross Margin (%) 54.7 64.4 65.6 64.2 64.3 (54) (70) (62) (81) (134) Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%) 50.5 52.4 48.6 47.0 46.4 1,152 1,944 2,784 3,468 EBIT Margin (%) 48.6 44.4 43.5 42.4 42.6 Reported Net Margin (%) 37.0 35.4 31.2 29.2 29.0 35.7 (538) (4,271) (2,960) (2,471) (1,045) Adjusted Net Margin (%) 40.8 41.6 37.5 36.1 (1,003) (1,215) (1,704) (2,122) (1,704) ROA (%) 10.7 7.9 5.8 5.8 6.7 174 (437) (134) 278 319 ROE (%) 27.9 13.1 9.6 10.2 11.7 (1,367) (5,923) (4,798) (4,315) (2,430) Inventory Days 79.9 118.0 176.6 180.5 170.4 386 3,315 1,537 2,143 0 Trade Receivable Days 22.9 20.3 21.0 20.0 18.5 (191) (263) (450) (495) (545) Trade Payable Days 103.5 98.4 93.9 90.0 85.0 55 6,000 (18) (330) (381) Cash Conversion Cycle (0.6) 40.0 103.7 110.5 103.9 Net FCF 250 9,052 1,069 1,318 (926) Current Ratio (x) 0.8 2.5 1.6 1.4 1.4 Change in Cash 325 4,281 (1,785) (213) 112 Quick Ratio (x) 0.7 2.2 1.3 1.0 1.0 FOREX (12) (44) (58) (24) (24) Net Gearing (%) 37.2 7.3 25.2 38.3 34.3 8.8 7.6 6.2 6.8 7.3 Biological Assets Others Net CFI Net Borrowings Interest Paid Others Ending Cash 826 5,063 3,219 2,982 3,070 Net Interest Cover (x) Source: the Company, Guotai Junan International. * Exclude fair value changes on biological assets, IPO expenses and share option expenses. See the last page for disclaimer Company Report PP&E & Leases FY13A 1 April 2015 Dairy Farming FY13A China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Income Statement Year end Mar 31 (RMB m) Page 25 of 26 Company Rating Definition The Benchmark: Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Rating Definition Buy Relative Performance >15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is favorable. Relative Performance is 5% to 15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is favorable. Accumulate Neutral Relative Performance is -5% to 5%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is neutral. Reduce Relative Performance is -5% to -15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is unfavorable. Sell Relative Performance <-15%; or the fundamental outlook of the company or sector is unfavorable. 1 April 2015 Time Horizon: 6 to 18 months Sector Rating Definition The Benchmark: Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Definition Relative Performance >5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is favorable. Neutral Relative Performance is -5% to 5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is neutral. Underperform Relative Performance <-5%; or the fundamental outlook of the sector is unfavorable. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS (1) (2) (3) (4) The Analysts and their associates do not serve as an officer of the issuer mentioned in this Research Report. The Analysts and their associates do not have any financial interests in relation to the issuer mentioned in this Research Report. Except for Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited-H shares (01812), China All Access (Holdings) Limited (00633), Guangshen Railway Company Limited-H shares (00525), Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited (01788) and Binhai Investment Company Limited (02886), Guotai Junan and its group companies do not hold equal to or more than 1% of the market capitalization of the issuer mentioned in this Research Report. Guotai Junan and its group companies have not had investment banking relationships with the issuer mentioned in this Research Report within the preceding 12 months. DISCLAIMER This Research Report does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities by Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited ("Guotai Junan"). Guotai Junan and its group companies may do business that relates to companies covered in research reports, including investment banking, investment services and etc. (for example, the placing agent, lead manager, sponsor, underwriter or invest proprietarily). China Huishan Dairy 中国辉山乳业 (06863 HK) Time Horizon: 6 to 18 months Rating Outperform Any opinions expressed in this report may differ or be contrary to opinions or investment strategies expressed orally or in written form by sales persons, dealers and other professional executives of Guotai Junan group of companies. Any opinions expressed in this report may differ or be contrary to opinions or investment decisions made by the asset management and investment banking groups of Guotai Junan. Though best effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and data contained in this Research Report, Guotai Junan does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information and data herein. This Research Report may contain some forward-looking estimates and forecasts derived from the assumptions of the future political and economic conditions with inherently unpredictable and mutable situation, so uncertainty may contain. Investors should understand and comprehend the investment objectives and its related risks, and where necessary consult their own financial advisers prior to any investment decision. This Research Report is not directed at, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject Guotai Junan and its group companies to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. See the last page for disclaimer Company Report © 2015 Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited. 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