KAUST-IEMN Workshop Program - Photonics Laboratory


KAUST-IEMN Workshop Program - Photonics Laboratory
KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
May 6th, 2015
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
May 6th, 2015 (Wednesday)
Venue: Building 3 (Ibn Sina West, Redsea view), 5th floor, room 5220
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), KSA
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), KSA
University of Valenciennes (UVHC), France
Institute of Electronics Microelectronics & Nanotechnology (IEMN), France
The objective of the joint KAUST-IEMN/UVHC workshop is to provide a forum for interaction between the leading
scientists who are at the cutting edge of nanotechnology and photonics, and the faculty at KAUST and other institutions in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The workshop is supported in part by KAUST and IEMN/UVHC
Breakfast 9:00-9:30am
Session 1 (09:30 am – 11:00 am)
Chair: Prof. Boon S. Ooi (KAUST)
(9:30-10:00am) Semiconductor laser and LED research at KAUST, Prof. Boon S. Ooi (KAUST)
(10-10:30am) Application of Nitride-based Semiconductors to High-speed Optoelectronics, Prof. Elhadj Dogheche (IEMN)
(10:30-11:00) Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics Device Applications, Prof. Chennupati Jagadish (ANU)
Break and lunch (11:00 am – 01:30 pm)
Session 2 (01:30 pm – 3:10 pm)
Chair: Prof. Elhadj Dogheche (IEMN)
(1:30–2:10pm) High Frequency Electrical Characterization in Nano-electronics, Prof. Tuami Lasri (IEMN)
(2:10–2:40pm) Magneto Transport Properties of Three-dimensional Flexible and Conductive Interconnected Graphene
Networks, Prof. Xixiang Zhang (KAUST)
(2:40–3:10pm) Electrical Modes of Scanning Probe Microscopy for Charge Dynamics at the Nanoscale - from static toward
THz, Dr. Heinrich Diesinger (IEMN)
Break (3:10-3:30pm)
Session 3 (3:30-5:00pm)
Chair: Assistant Prof. Osman Bakr (KAUST)
(3:30-4:00pm) Perovskite Materials and their applications, Assistant Prof. Osman Bakr (KAUST)
(4:00-4:30pm) Nanocomposites of Reduced Graphene Oxide: Preparation, Characterization and Applications, Dr. Rabah
Boukherroub (IEMN)
(4:30-5:00pm) Photon Managements by Employing Nanostructures for Optoelectronics Devices, Assoc. Prof. Jr-Hau He
Semiconductor Laser and LED Research at KAUST
Boon S. Ooi
Photonics Laboratory,Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
The photonics laboratory at KAUST aims at delivering compact and energy saving integrated laser-diode
based devices and solutions for applications requiring light spanning the ultra-violet to visible and nearinfrared regime. A plethora of practical laser-based solutions were conceived, and proof-of-concept models
were built for data collection and testing of new class of innovative multi-function laser devices. The
research into laser device physics and group III-V nanostructure for eventual lasing applications further
enable practical solutions to be applied to exiting issues related to energy, water and food. The laboratory
has thus far embarked upon innovative lasers for solid-state lighting, broadband optical telecommunication,
and laser based horticulture applications.
The in-house laser-diode and related characterization knowhow, molecular beam epitaxy growth capability,
and advanced fabrication technique further fuel the innovative and creative activities within the laboratory,
and collaboration within KAUST, in-kingdom universities as well as international partners.
Professor Ooi's research is primarily concerned with the study of
semiconductor lasers and photonic integrated circuits. Specifically, he has
contributed significantly to the development of practical technologies for
semiconductor photonics integrated circuits, and the development of novel
superluminescent diodes. Most recently, he focuses his research on the areas of
GaN-based nanostructures and lasers for applications such as solid-state
lighting and visible light communications. Boon is the principal investigator for the photonics laboratory,
and director for KACST Technology Innovation Center for Solid State Lighting at KAUST.
Application of Nitride based Semiconductors to High-speed Optoelectronics
Bandar AlShehri, Karim Dogheche and Elhadj Dogheche
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), Cité Scientifique, Avenue
Poincaré, CS 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
III-nitrides materials are very promising ternary alloy system that receives a lot of attentions
thanks to theirs tunable bandgap that varies from near infrared to near ultraviolet regions. Until now,
InGaN/GaN materials have been widely used in various applications like high efficiency solar cells,
high-brightness blue to green LED as well as non-phosphor based direct white light generation. Their
unique set of properties (optical index, electrooptic & piezoelectric effects) makes them suitable
candidates for a number of potential optoelectronic applications as well for modulation, high speed
switching, optical interconnection required for future full optical fiber links. In order to design
efficient GaN-based active devices, it is a prerequisite to fully characterize the optical properties of IIInitrides materials. In this research, we report the optical indices and the losses of InxGa1-xN films
grown by MOCVD. We report experimental results on a field effect refractive index change into
gallium nitride structures using surface Plasmon. In order to understand the origin of the index
modulation, we conducted a TEM analysis and discussed the influence of threading dislocations
density. We discuss the design and the fabrication process of InGaN-based ultrafast devices.
Keywords: Indium gallium nitride, refractive index, electrooptic effects, surface plasmon, high-speed
Dr Elhadj Dogheche is Professor at the University of Valenciennes and
Hainaut-Cambrèsis. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Sciences & Technology in 1993 at Lille. His research
interests at the Institute of Electronic, Microelectronic & Nanotechnology
(IEMN CNRS), are in the area of III-nitride materials and nanostructures. The
applications are more focused in high-speed optoelectronics and active
interconnections. He is a co-author of 80+ research publications and he has 2
patents or patents pending. He has established international collaborations
with different institutes and Universities in Europe, USA, Korea, Singapore,
Indonesia, China, Saudi Arabia and Algeria.
Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics and Energy Applications
Chennupati Jagadish, FAA, FTSE
Research School of Physics and Engineering
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT0200, Australia
Semiconductors have played an important role in the development of information and communications
technology, solar cells, solid state lighting. Nanowires are considered as building blocks for the next
generation electronics and optoelectronics. In this talk, I will introduce the importance of nanowires and
their potential applications and discuss about how these nanowires can be synthesized and how the shape,
size and composition of the nanowires influence their structural and optical properties. I will present results
on axial and radial heterostructures and how one can engineer the optical properties to obtain high
performance optoelectronic devices such as lasers, THz detectors, solar cells. Future prospects of the
semiconductor nanowires will be discussed.
Professor Jagadish is an Australian Laureate Fellow, Distinguished
Professor and Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology
Group in the Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian
National University. He is also serving as Vice-President and Secretary
Physical Science of the Australian Academy of Science. Prof. Jagadish is
an Editor/Associate editor of 6 Journals, 3 book series and serves on
editorial boards of 17 other journals. He has published more than 810
research papers (540 journal papers), holds 5 US patents, co-authored a
book, co-edited 5 books and edited 12 conference proceedings and 15 special issues of Journals. He won the
2000 IEEE Millennium Medal and received Distinguished Lecturer awards from IEEE NTC, IEEE LEOS
and IEEE EDS. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy of
Technological Sciences and Engineering, IEEE, APS, MRS, OSA, AVS, ECS, SPIE, AAAS, IoP (UK), IET
(UK), IoN (UK) and the AIP. He received Peter Baume Award from the ANU in 2006, the Quantum Device
Award from ISCS in 2010, IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Service Award in 2010, IEEE
Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Service Award in 2011 and Electronics and Photonics Division
Award of the Electrochemical Society in 2012, 2013 Walter Boas Medal and 2015 IEEE Pioneer Award in
High Frequency Electrical Characterization in Nano-electronics
A. El Fellahi, J. Marzouk, K. Haddadi, S. Arscott,
C. Boyaval, G. Dambrine and T. Lasri
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), Université Lille1, Avenue
Poincaré, CS 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
In the perspective of compliance with the timeline of nanoelectronic technologies, that assumes the
continuation of downscaling laws and performance increase, bottlenecks are still to be overcome. Indeed,
nanoelectronics and future silicon technologies are carriers of new measurement challenges especially in
high frequency electronics. In particular, microwave characterization of nanodevices (nanotubes, nanowires,
atto Farad capacitance,…) is still demanding research efforts to respond to the new requirements imposed in
terms of spatial resolution and frequency range. Two major issues when considering this kind of
measurement are the scale mismatch and the electrical impedance mismatch between the probe and the
device to be measured. Actually, the nanometer sizes of devices do not match those of the conventional
measurement instruments. In particular, because of the pitch of the HF probes (between 50 and 100µm), the
devices have to be inserted into specific test fixtures leading to large scale discontinuity and inaccurate
results. The second challenge is related to the difference between the impedance value of nanometer devices
that is very high and the 50 Ohm impedance of the commercial measurement systems (ie. Vector Network
Analyzers). This impedance mismatch makes such conventional measurement instrument practically
unusable for the measurement of such devices. At IEMN, solutions are being developed to bring answers to
these important challenges. These studies are conducted in the framework of Excelsior (Experimental
CEnter for Large Spectrum prOpeRties of nanostructures from DC to Mid-Infrared) project. Efforts are
made to develop a new generation of on-wafer probing instrumentation dedicated to HF characterization of
T. Lasri received the Ph.D. degree in electronic from the University of
Lille 1 in 1992. Since 2002 he has been Professor of Electronics and
Electrical Engineering in the University of Lille 1. His main research
interests, in the Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de
measurement techniques, and the conception and realization of systems
for microwave and millimeter wave Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
purposes including the characterization of nano-devices.
Another interest is in the area of energy with the development of
microgenerators based on thermoelectric transduction. He is author or
co-author of about 100 publications and communications.
Magneto Transport Properties of Three-Dimensional Flexible and Conductive
Interconnected Graphene Networks
Q. Zhang1, P. Li1, Xin He1, W.C. Ren2. H.M. Cheng2 and X.X. Zhang1
Physical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
23955-6900, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China.
A new type of graphene material, three-dimensional flexible and conductive interconnected graphene
networks (graphene foam) has been synthesized using chemical vapor deposition with Ni foam as a template
[1]. This material exhibit interesting properties and has found a number a applications, such as, flexible
lithium ion batteries with ultrafast charge and discharge rates [2], electromagnetic interference (EMI)
shielding materials [3]. In this work we present the study of magneto-transport properties of the threedimensional flexible and conductive interconnected graphene networks.
The temperature dependent resistivity of the graphene networks of dimension of 1x3x10 mm was
measured with four probe techniques in the temperature range of 1.8 K to 300 K. With decreasing
temperature from 300K, the resistance increases monotonically till a maximum at 23 K, in which resistance
increased about 50%. With further decreasing temperature form 23K to 1.8K, the resistance decreases
The magnetoresistance (MR) as a function of applied magnetic field was measured in different
configurations: a) magnetic field being perpendicular to both the foam plane and the current; b) magnetic
field being parallel the foam plane and the current; and c) magnetic field being perpendicular to the current,
but angle between the magnetic field and normal direction of the foam plane being changed.
As large as 300% of magnetoresistance was observed in two both configurations of (a) and (b). More
importantly, the observed MR is not only very large, but also nearly temperature independent over the whole
temperature range. The characteristic of the MR qualifies the graphene foam as a potential material
candidate for the field sensors operating in both wide temperature range and with magnetic field range.
Another very interesting observation is that an anisotropic MR was observed in the third configuration,
which was not expected for three dimensional nature of the material. All the above observation indicates that
this novel material opens a wide possibility not only for applications but also for the fundamental research.
(1) Z.P. Chen,W.C. Ren, L.B. Gao, B.L. Liu, S. F. Pei and H. M. Cheng, Nature Materials 10, 424 (2011).
(2) N. Lia, Z. P. Chen, W.C. Ren, F. Li and H. M. Cheng PNAS 109, 17360–17365 (2012).
(3) Z. P. Chen , C. Xu , C.Q. Ma , W. C. Ren and H.M. Cheng Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 1296–1300 (2013).
Dr. Xixiang Zhang is currently a professor in the Divison of Physical Sciences
and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST). He was the director of core labs at KAUST before he became a
faculty member. Previously, Dr. Zhang served as the funding manager of the
Advanced Nanofabrication, Imaging & characterization (ANIC) core labs from
September 2008. Before joining KAUST in September 2008, he served as
faculty member for 11 years in Physics Department at Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology (HKUST). Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph.D from
Universitat de Barcelona. Xixiang Zhang has co-authored more than 350
publications. The number of total citation of these papers (Web of Science) is
larger than 12400 with h-index 56. The number of citation after excluding the
self citation is larger than 11900. He also holds more than 15 patents. His
research interests include magnetism, magnetic materials, Spintronics and Nano materials.
Electrical modes of Scanning Probe Microscopy for Charge Dynamics at the
Nanoscale - from Static Toward THz
Heinrich Diesinger
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), Cité Scientifique, Avenue
Poincaré, CS 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
The development of electrical AFM based characterization techniques, conducting (c-AFM), electric
force microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin force microscopy (KFM) will be presented along with their
applications at IEMN. Examples of static measurement include force-current measurements on colloidal
nanoparticle arrays and 4-probe sheet resistance on silicone. The dynamic aspect is then first addressed in a
fundamental study of KFM noise-bandwidth behavior, aiming at the best performance in terms of
acquisition/accuracy tradeoff that can be directly related to the parameters of the used oscillating sensor.
Different widespread sensors are compared with respect to their KFM performance. Finally, the
development of KFM combined with optical pump-probe spectroscopy is presented. The scanning probe
component adds nanoscale resolution to ultrafast all-optical spectroscopic approaches. The method is
complimentary to the pump-probe STM developed by the Shigekawa group [1] by using a different
detection mechanism. Its intended use is the study of charge dynamics in nanostructured materials and
devices. It obviously addresses the morphology problem of photovoltaic (absorption depth vs charge
extraction), and may play a major role in photovoltaic devices based on charge multiplication or multiple
exciton generation.
[1] S. Yoshida, Y. Terada, M. Yokota, O. Takeuchi, H.
Oigawa, H. Shigekawa. Optical pump-probe scanning
tunneling microscopy for probing ultrafast dynamics on the
nanoscale. The European Physical Journal, 222, 2013
Dr. Heinrich Diesinger is a CNRS Senior Scientist at the Institute of
Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), Unversity
Lille1, France. His research interests are in the area of electrical modes
(KFM/STM/EFM), application in liquid environment; combination of
semiconductors. He is a co-author of 40+ research publications in
subjects related to nanotechnology, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
imaging and spectroscopy. He has developed number of collaborations
with Singapore where he was adjunct senior researcher in 2011-2013 at
the joint International Center “Cintra” with Thales, CNRS & NTU.
Perovskite Materials and Their Applications
Osman Bakr
Physical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
23955-6900, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Along with the rapid progress in power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells, the key materialsbased aspects behind the photovoltaic superiority of organolead trihalide perovskites are being vigorously
pursued. However, the fundamental properties, and ultimate performance limits, of organolead trihalide
MAPbX3 (MA = CH3NH3+; X = Br–, or I–) perovskites remain obscured by extensive disorder in
polycrystalline MAPbX3 films. We report an antisolvent vapor-assisted crystallization (AVC) approach that
enables us to create sizable crack-free MAPbX3 single crystals with volumes exceeding 100 cubic
millimeters. These large single crystals enabled a detailed characterization of their optical and charge
transport characteristics. We observed exceptionally low trap-state densities of order 109 to 1010 per cubic
centimeter MAPbX3 single crystals (comparable to the best photovoltaic-quality silicon), which is ~ 7-orderof-magnetitude lower than nanocrystalline perovskite thin films. The low trap-state density leads to both
superior photophysical and transport charachteristics of the MAPbX3 single crystals over nanocrystalline
thin films. Exceptionally long photoluminescence (PL) lifetime, up to a microsecond time scale, and high
charge-carrier mobility, up to a hundred cm2/Vs. was obtained in MAPbX3 single crystals. Charge-carrier
diffusion lengths exceeding 10 μm in MAPbX3 single crystals were calculated based on the measured PL
lifetime and charge-carrier mobility. By revealing the intrinsic properties of hybrid halide perovskites – here
shown to be comparable to the best optoelectronic grade semiconductors – and conditions for their highquality growth, this study demonstrates that perovskite photovoltaics stand to see further breakthroughs
through substantial improvement in material purity. The emergence of these intrinsically high-quality
materials suggests new avenues to deploy hybrid perovskites in an even wider range of semiconductor and
optoelectronic devices.
Osman M. Bakr is an Assistant Professor of Materials Science and
Engineering, SABIC Presidential Career Development Chair, at King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. He
holds a B.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT (2003) as well
as a M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University (2009). He
was a post-doctoral fellow in the Laboratory for Nanoscale Optics at Harvard
University. In 2010 he moved to KAUST and founded the Functional
Nanomaterials Lab, a research group dedicated towards the study of
nanoparticles and hybrid nanomaterials; particularly advancing their
synthesis and self-assembly for applications in photovoltaics,
optoelectoronics, and photocatalysis.
Nanocomposites of Reduced Graphene Oxide: Preparation, Characterization and
Rabah Boukherroub
Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), Cité Scientifique, Avenue
Poincaré, CS 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Recent developments in materials science and nanotechnology have propelled the development of a
plethora of materials with unique chemical and physical properties for various applications. Graphitic
nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, fullerenes and, more recently, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced
graphene oxide (rGO), have gained a great deal of interest for their potential applications in various aspects
of science and technology.
Graphene, the name specified to a one atom-thick two-dimensional (2D) single layer of sp2
hybridized carbon atoms arranged in a honeycombed lattice with large surface area and exceptional thermal,
mechanical, optical and structural properties. This wonder material is a “hot topic” of research in
interdisciplinary sciences with potential applications in several fields such as nano-electronics, organic
catalysis, environmental remediation, drug delivery, etc.
Due to its low cost of production, large specific surface area and abundant surface chemistry,
reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has shown great promise in the development of novel composites, biosensors
and catalysts.
The last decade has witnessed an increasing interest for the preparation of graphene-based hybrid
nanomaterials, which offer unusual combinations of electrical, thermal, mechanical, catalytic, and optical
and magnetic performances that are difficult to attain separately from the individual components. In this
presentation, I will focus on the different strategies for the preparation of rGO-based hybrid materials and
the various applications of these nanohybrids in biomedicine, biosensing and photocatalysis.
Dr Rabah Boukherroub is a CNRS research director at the Institute of
Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), University
Lille1, France. His research interests are in the area of functional
semiconductor/metal nanostructures with emphasis on biosensors and
lab-on-chip applications, and development of new tools for studying
molecular dynamics in vivo. He is a co-author of 320+ research
publications and wrote 25 book chapters in subjects related to
nanotechnology, materials chemistry, and biosensors. He has 8 patents
or patents pending.
Photon Managements for Optoelectronic Devices
Jr-Hau He
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering,
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
It is of current interest to develop the photon management with nanostructures since the ability to
suppress the reflection and light trapping over a broad range of wavelengths and incident angles plays an
important role in the performance of optoelectronic devices, such as photodetectors, light-emitting diodes,
optical components, or photovoltaic systems. Superior light-trapping characteristics of nanowires, including
polarization-insensitivity, omnidirectionality, and broadband working ranges are demonstrated in this study.
These advantages are mainly attributed to the subwavelength dimensions of the nanowires, which makes the
nanostructures behave like an effective homogeneous medium with continuous gradient of refraction index,
significantly reducing the reflection through destructive interferences. The relation between the geometrical
configurations of nanostructures and the light-trapping characteristics is discussed. We also demonstrated
their applications in solar cells and photodetectors. This research paves the way to optimize the
nanostructured optoelectronic devices with efficient light management by controlling structure profile of
Dr. Jr-Hau He is an Associate Professor at Computer, Electrical and
Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, King Abdullah
University of Science & Technology (KAUST). He was a Visiting Scholar at
Georgia Tech (2005), a Postdoc Fellow at National Tsing Hua University
(2006) and Georgia Tech (2007), a Visiting Professor at Georgia Tech (2008),
UC Berkeley (2010 and 2014), UC San Diego (2012-2013), and HKPolyU
(Dec. of 2014), and a tenured Associate Professor at National Taiwan
University (2007-2014).
He devotes his efforts in the development of transparent and flexible electronics using novel devices
based on nanomaterials, including solar cells and photodetectors, LEDs, and memory devices. He is also
interested in harsh electronics. His particular interest in solar energy include efforts to understand light
scattering and trapping in nanostructured materials and designs for next-generation solar cells. He is also
interested in transport of charge carriers across these solar cells as well as the improvement in light coupling
with the combined effect to increase the efficiency of separating the photoinduced charges. Dr. He’s group
is also currently involving in fundamental physical properties of nanomaterials, such as the transport and
switching behavior of 2D nanomaterials.