NSSP-2015 Poster - Department of Physics
NSSP-2015 Poster - Department of Physics
3rd IAPT National Student Symposium on Physics Indian Association of Physics Teachers and Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh 17–19 September 2015 To foster a culture of innovation and creativity among the young students, IAPT has instituted the annual National Student Symposium on Physics (NSSP). The first and second in the series were held in the years 2013 and 2014 in collaboration with Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh. The Symposium provides a national forum to young students to present their new ideas and innovative work at an early stage. The third in the series, NSSP2015, will be held during 17–19 September 2015. In addition to the invited talks by experts, there will be oral and poster presentations by the students. The undergraduate and postgraduate students with physics background can apply for the symposium latest by July 31, 2015. Registration fee of Rs. 500 shall be collected from selected participants. Local hospitality and limited travel support (bus or sleeper class by train) shall be provided to students. Application form and other details are available at the symposium website given below. CONTACT Dr. C.N. Kumar Department of Physics Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014 nssp@pu.ac.in NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A.K. Grover (VC, PU Chandigarh) – Patron R. Chidambaram (New Delhi) P.N. Ghosh (Kolkata) Arvind Kumar (Mumbai) S.D. Mahanti (USA) H.S. Mani (Chennai) Arun Nigavekar (Pune) Satya Prakash (Chandigarh) J.S. Rajput (Delhi) T.V. Ramakrishnan (Varanasi) Vijay Singh (Mumbai) LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Manjit Kaur (Chairperson), C.N. Kumar (Coordinator), Kuldeep Kumar (Secretary), N. Goyal, B.C. Chaudhary, P.S. Gill, M.S. Marwaha, Sheojee Singh, Ranjan Kumar, Sunita Srivastava, Bimal Rai, Amit Goyal http://physics.puchd.ac.in/events/nssp NATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE H.C. Pradhan (Mumbai) – Chairman, NSSP-2015 L. Satpathy (Bhubaneswar) – Convenor, NSSP-2015 D. Mehta (Chandigarh) P.K. Ahluwalia (Shimla) S.K. Joshi (Ratlam) S.N. Tiwary (Ranchi) Gajanan Patil (Sangli) A. Anandavadivel (Chennai) H.C. Verma (Kanpur) Bhupati Chakrabarti (Kolkata) U.S. Kushwaha (Chandigarh) M.L. Ogalapurkar (Pune) B.P. Tyagi (Dehradun) K.N. Joshipura (Vallabh Vidyanagar) Ravi Bhattacharjee (Delhi) A.M. Srivatsava (Bhubaneswar) R.P. Malik (Varanasi) P.K. Panigrahi (Kolkata)