The Connection - Pickens Presbyterian Church


The Connection - Pickens Presbyterian Church
The Connection
Pickens Presbyterian Church
July 2015
311 W. Main St. Pickens, SC 29671  (864) 878-9422  
Welcome July! I am happy to see the month of July! When I think July, I think of summer, summer
fun. The children are out of school enjoying outdoor summer activities. Adults and those of all ages
embrace the outdoor and water activities as well. When I think of July, I think of the Fourth of July and
how everyone in our country celebrates that day, being thankful for our independence, freedom which
includes freedom of religion. In our country we are free to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We
all feel secure and safe in our places of worship. A few weeks ago, we were reminded that evil
intentions can enter our places of worship and our sanctuaries. We can respond to this tragedy in fear
and anger or we can respond in love, inclusion and reconciliation. We can be the beacons of light,
offering peace and warmth to those who are hurting and doing the hurt. We all have choices of how we
can respond.
Racial tension is nothing new in our country especially in the past year.
In the letter to the Galatians, Paul wrote in chapter 3, “26 for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God
through faith. 27As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female;
for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring,
heirs according to the promise.” As the footnote in the New Interpreter’s Bible Study states, “In
Christ, distinction of race, class and gender are irrelevant.” Do we include people of different races,
different classes and different gender as a brother and sister in Christ?
We should not look at each other with a label or a distinction but as a child of God. So I ask, how are
we as individuals and as a community of faith to respond to people and actions who try to separate us
and claim others as different than a child of God and one in Christ? As we try to enjoy our summer let
us remember that there is no stronger love than the love of God we see in Jesus Christ. It takes all of
us to share that love and overcome hatred. Then one day we can all live in our world that Paul wrote
about where “there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male
and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”
I pray that all of us have a safe and blessed summer.
Blessings and Peace,
Youth News
Senior High Montreat Conference will be July 12-18, 2015.
Montreat Middle School Conference will be July 22-26, 2015.
G-Force: God’s Love in Action
“In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:28a CEB
Please go to our church website to view pictures from the week:
Summer Sunday School and Worship Schedule
Sunday School begins at 9:00 a.m. and worship at 10:00 a.m. with a time of fellowship following
worship. The summer schedule will end on September 6th. September 13, 2015 will be Rally Day.
Our regular children and youth Sunday school classes will be taking a break over the
summer, as will The Fellowship Class for adults. An intergenerational class will be
offered in All Saints’ Hall. Throughout the summer we will be learning biblical
truths through the Veggie Tales Series! Please join us for fun-filled mornings this
Other adult Sunday school classes will continue to meet this summer:
The ASHers meet in the Session room and are led by Gaye Mouritzen. They are currently studying
Acts. The Seekers meet in the McJunkin room. The class meeting in the Carmical room is currently
studying the N. T. Wright series Surprised by Hope led by Larry and Anne Jennings.
The Connection - page 2
Session Highlights
From the June 1, 2015 meeting
Larry Jennings – Presbytery Meeting Report from April 28.
 Larry Jennings led a discussion on topics presented at the Session Retreat in February.
 Jessica Haines led a discussion on results of the RECHARGe survey distributed to the
 Worship Committee – Session passed a recommendation from the committee to honor
Donna Nabors as Organist Emeritus upon her retirement.
 Christian Education – Session passed a recommendation from the committee to hold VBS
Sunday on June 28 focusing on VBS themes from the previous week and having children
involved in leading worship.
 Evangelism and Membership – Session passed a recommendation from the committee to
change the name of Elder Oversight to Elder Shepherding Program.
 Congregational Care – Kay Tilley made a recommendation to the session for the need to
replace the existing chairs in ASH, with cost estimate of $1996. Richard Harper made the
motion with second by Jessica Haines. The purchase will come from the bequest from Bill
Taylor’s estate with the remainder from the Manse fund. Motion passed by the session.
 Nominating Committee – Len Josefson and Ralph Perkins will co-chair the committee to
nominate Elders. Remaining committee members will be elected at a congregational meeting
on June 14 along with acceptance of the 2014 Annual Report.
All full session minutes are on file for review in the library.
Please contact any session member if you have any questions or concerns,
Grace and Peace,
Cyndi Banks, Clerk of Session
Session Highlights of the meeting held on June 29
The session continued conversations from information from the session retreat.
Celebrated that the CDC raised close to $10,000 from the golf tournament.
Approved Kathy Chamlee to preach on July 12 and Patricia Gwinn (from Fourth Presbyterian
Church, Greenville) to preach on July 19 while our pastor is on vacation.
Approved 5th Sunday service of music on August 30, 2015.
Approved Tina LaFoy and Amanda Stokes to serve as Mid High Youth Advisors and Jessica
Haines and Emily Harper to serve as Sr High Youth Advisors.
Approved a round-table discussion to be scheduled between parents of children and youth with
session during the month of July.
Approved a survey about health related activities from our Abundant Living Committee to go
out to the Adults.
Building and Grounds will update the congregation of the impending purchase of new pew
cushions for the sanctuary.
Building and grounds is forming a committee to address the window treatment in the sanctuary.
Mission and Outreach is looking for input in continuing the church’s relationship with Family
Promise of Pickens County.
Approve Kay Tilley as Assistant Clerk.
Next meeting will be on August 9.
The Connection - page 3
New Church Directory
The new directory of members, spouses, children and friends of Pickens Presbyterian Church has been
updated. It is available to pick up in All Saints’ Hall and includes addresses, phone numbers, email
addresses, and birthday dates. Some additional information has been added that may be of interest to
you. Make sure you get your copy!
Update from your Winter Warmth Team
On Thursday, June 25, your Winter Warmth team met for
its bi-weekly Sorting Party! Seven volunteers from four
PMA churches met to sort over 20 bags of winter clothes
that had arrived just this month alone. These included four
large bags of kids' coats which we always gladly welcome,
and they had all been washed! Large amount of coats and
clothes have continued to arrive regularly since January.
We are proud to say that some of the incoming items get
used immediately, as out-of-season items, but of excellent
quality, are donated to Mary's House and United Christian
The secret to our success as a team, of course, is that many hands make light (and quick) work. And
not everyone can come everytime, so we welcome new people!
Of course, you might have to pass the "Label Test" to see if you know S, M, L, XL, 3X, 16PS, 3T,
XXL, UK6, EU39.
Hope you will join us!
Winter Warmth Team
UCM Food Pantry Needs
Summer 2015 Pantry Needs
Saltine Crackers
Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti Noodles
Canned Meals
(Ravioli, Beef Stew, Chicken & Dumplings)
Peanut Butter
Canned Chicken/Tuna
Canned Fruit
Laundry Detergent
Diapers (sizes 3, 4, & 5)
Donations may be dropped off at UCM (303 Dacusville Hwy., Easley) Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Volunteers are on duty from 9am – 12noon to accept donations at the double doors facing
Henry Street at the south end of the facility. Arrangements to drop off donations outside of these hours
may be made by calling 855-0853 ext 14. Please leave a message and you will receive a return call to
schedule a delivery time.
Thanks to all! Please note that UCM will be closed Friday, July 3rd.
The Connection - page 4
Donna Nabors, Organist Emeritus
On Sunday, June 7th, our church celebrated the ministry of Mrs. Donna Nabors as she retired from 41
years as our church organist. Throughout the worship service, appreciation was shown for her ministry
by the children and youth she accompanied during the Children’s Choir and on other occasions, and by
our current and former choir directors who offered their musical talents. At the conclusion of worship,
Rev. Nath Briley and Mrs. Cyndi Banks, on behalf of the Session of Pickens Presbyterian, presented
Donna with a certificate stating she is receiving the honored position of Organist Emeritus. The
congregation continued to express their gratitude at a luncheon held in her honor in All Saints’ Hall.
Our church will forever be thankful for Donna’s faithful service and will continue to be blessed by her
contributions to the ministry of our church.
Welcome to Our New Organist
We are so pleased to welcome Ms. Carla Padgett as our church organist. Carla
Padgett, daughter of Joe and Faye Padgett, is a native South Carolinian who grew
up in Columbia, SC. She began her appreciation for the arts at a very young age,
studying music, drawing and painting, and dance. She graduated from the
University of South Carolina where she earned a B.S. degree in 1989 and a M.S.
in 1991, both in Statistics. We were thrilled to have her join our church staff in
June and have already been blessed by her music ministry.
July Birthdays
Marianne Holland
Dianne Gardiner
Leo Tilley
Sylvia Erickson, Penny Perkins
Dianna Morris
Allene Hope
George Acker, Daniel Lockhart, Anna
Simmons, Roy Stoddard, Ella Kate Ward
Bert Allison
Robin Giddings, Donna Owen
Martha Brooks, Doug Snyder
Roy Fowler
Charlie Beaver
Amy Barrett, Della Black, Shayna Lilland
Wood, Mackenzie Owens
Taylor Owens, Cheryl Reece
Carole Thomas
Noah Gessell, Richard Harper, Bonnie
Emily La Foy
Mary Gaillard
The Connection - page 5
Our Church Family
“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:16
Please remember the following in your prayers.
Susan Acker
Pat Boney
Jean Bryson
Marian Givens
Jeanne Hagood
Al and Bonnie Henderson
Musette Hoefer
Jonathan Holder
Donna Nabors
Family and Friends of Members:
Betty, friend of Roy and Arvilla Stoddard
Brenda Fishpaw, aunt of Tina LaFoy
Carolyn Webb, mother of Cyndi Banks
Chris Ferguson, husband of Maria Ferguson
Chrisey Lowe, cousin of Lisa Thomas
Eleanor Hawkins, mother of Debbie Teeple
Gyneth Tilley, mother of Leo Tilley
Inka Josefson, mother of Len
Kali Rivers, granddaughter of Patti Rivers
Kim, daughter of Patti Rivers
Margaret Taylor, cousin of Tina Lafoy
Mary Lucas, aunt of Patti Rivers
Pat Garrett, brother of Della Black
Thomas and Jamey Dodd, in-laws of Cheryl Reece
Jim Brewer, friend of Roy and Arvilla Stoddard
The family and friends of Gene Speer
The family and friends of Bill Taylor
The family and friends of Hazel Smith
The family and friends of Edith Peacock Black, Eileen
Peacock, and Bob Dubois
Mal Newton
Hank Owens
Taylor Owens
Cheryl Reece
Wil and Anna Simmons
Lucia Spratt
Arvilla Stoddard
Mack Swayngham
Kent Townsend
In the Armed Forces:
Rebecca Harper Brim, Army, daughter of Richard and
Jennifer Harper
Matthew C. Brim, Army, son-in-law of Richard and
Jennifer Harper
Alexander Burgess, Air Force, Zig Borough’s grandson
Ryan Buurman, Air Force, Korea, Carol Marsh’s
Matthew Engel, Army, USA, Aubrey Righetti’s
Jack Folger IV, Army, USA, Fort Riley, Kansas, great
nephew of Jay and Dot Pence
Ian Fuchs, Army, in Kuwait, great grandson of Zig
Pat Hanley, long time recovery from injuries sustained in
Iraq, Zig Borough’s grandson’s friend
John Hyland, long time recovery from injuries sustained
in Iraq, former PPC member
Erica Shehan’s husband
Michael Maynard, Army, USA, David & Kathy
Chamlee’s nephew
Zack Shuler, Air Force, in England, Raymond &
Margaret Dawkins grandson
Victor Wade, Air Force, USA, Al & Bonnie Henderson’s
Missionaries and Mission Partners:
Peru – David and Marilyn Simmons
Michael and Tiffany Simmons
Todd, Stephanie, Naia, Anya, & Kaitlin Edgar
Ghana - The towns of Donkorkrom and Mpraeso
Please call the church office, 864-878-9422, when a concern needs to be added to or taken away from the list.
The Connection - page 6
Thank You.
Serving One Another
Ushers and Greeters
5 Musette Hoefer
12 Barbara Caruthers
19 Della Black
26 Mary Sue Day
Norm and Kay Rentz
Marianne Holland and Amy Briley
5 Debbie Carmical
12 Nancy Goldsmith
19 Charles Briley
26 Burnett Kelly
Toddler and Preschool Church
5 Ginger Chastain
12 Maddie Cole
19 Nancy Goldsmith
26 Tina La Foy
Children’s Moment
5 Rev. Nath Briley
12 Rev. Beverly Kelly
19 Jessica Varney
26 Gaye Mouritzen
Pulpit Elder
5 Dennis Schwab
12 Mary Sue Day
19 Richard Harper
26 Len Josefson
Sunday Morning Refreshments
5 Ben and Sue Cole
12 Bill and Allison Ranson
19 Louise Hope
Crisis and Celebration Coordinator
Nancy Goldsmith
Sanctuary Guild
Mary Sue Day
Communion Set-Up
11:00 AM Centering Prayer
1:30 PM Ministry for
6:30 PM Session Meeting
9:00 AM Jane B Morris
Service Fund
5:00 PM CDV Class
9:45 AM CDC Children's
10:30 AM Bible Study
12:00 PM Rotary
Nath on vacation
11:00 AM Centering
1:30 PM Ministry for
Nath on vacation
9:00 AM Jane B Morris
Service Fund
5:00 PM CDV Class
Nath on vacation
9:45 AM CDC Children's
10:30 AM Bible Study
12:00 PM Rotary
5:15 PM Evangelism and
Membership Meeting
Nath on vacation
10:00 AM Book Club
6:00 PM Beekeepers
6:30 PM Mission and
Outreach Meeting
Nath on vacation
Nath on vacation
9:00 AM Parent
Training -CDC
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship-Kathy
11:00 AM Fellowship
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
11:00 AM Centering
1:30 PM Ministry for
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
9:00 AM CDC
9:00 AM Jane B Morris
Service Fund
12:30 PM State Director
Board Meeting DSS
5:00 PM CDV Class
6:00 PM Foster Parent
6:30 PM Worship
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
9:45 AM CDC Children's
10:30 AM Bible Study
12:00 PM Rotary
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
10:00 AM Book Club
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
Nath on vacation
Senior High Montreat
10:00 AM CDC
Junior High Montreat
9:45 AM CDC Children's
10:30 AM Bible Study
12:00 PM Rotary
Junior High Montreat
10:00 AM Book Club
Junior High Montreat
Junior High Montreat
11:00 AM Centering
1:30 PM Ministry for
Junior High Montreat
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship
11:00 AM Fellowship
12:30 PM Session
11:00 AM Centering
1:30 PM Ministry for
9:00 AM Jane B Morris
Service Fund
5:00 PM CDV Class
6:45 PM Christian
Education Meeting
9:00 AM Jane B Morris
Service Fund
5:00 PM CDV Class
6:00 PM Upcountry
Quilters-Mary Sue
Online calendar:
9:45 AM CDC Children's
10:30 AM Bible Study
12:00 PM Rotary
10:00 AM Book Club
6:00 PM CDC Training
10:00 AM Book Club
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship
11:00 AM Fellowship
Nath on vacation
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM WorshipPatricia Gwinn
11:00 AM Fellowship
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship
11:00 AM Fellowship
Pickens Presbyterian Church
311 West Main Street
P.O. Box 834
Pickens, SC 29671
(864) 878-9422
Ministers: All Members of the Church • Pastor: Rev. Nath
Briley • Parish Associate: Rev. Beverly Kelly • Director of
Christian Education and Communications: Jessica Varney •
Administrative Assistant: Mackenzie Owens • Choir Director:
Ashley Dodgens • Organist: Carla Padgett • Organist
Emeritus: Donna Nabors • The Session: Cyndi Banks, Mary
Sue Day, Jessica Haines, Teri Lilland, Richard Harper, Larry
Jennings, Len Josefson, Jay Pence, Ralph Perkins, Allison
Ranson, Aubrey Righetti, Dennis Schwab, Robert Simms, Kay
Tilley, Matthew Varney
July 2015 Official Monthly Newsletter of Pickens Presbyterian Church
Join us on Sundays!  Sunday School: 9:00am  Worship: 10:00am
The Connection is published monthly to inform members and friends about the life of Pickens
Presbyterian Church. Please submit newsletter articles by the 20th of each month (email articles to Thank You!