Vice President of Policy and Advocacy


Vice President of Policy and Advocacy
The Position
The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) seeks a skilled and passionate
leader to serve as its Vice President of Policy and Advocacy. This individual will serve as a member
of NACSA’s leadership team, developing and executing a strategy to strengthen state and federal
charter school laws in order to provide more children with the opportunity to attend a great school
that prepares them for success in life.
The Cause
Charter schools have proven to be the most sustained and high-impact public education
improvement strategy of the past quarter century. During that time, it has become clear that the
authorizers – the agencies that approve, monitor, renew and, if necessary, close charter schools –
have a tremendous impact on both the number and quality of charter schools in existence. Better
authorizing leads to better charter schools and a better education for more children.
The Organization
Since its founding in 2000, NACSA has set the standard for authorizing. NACSA crafted and
published—and continues to refine—Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing,
universally recognized as the professional practices for authorizers. NACSA has worked in dozens
of cities and states across the nation to improve their authorizing practices, sometimes as a partner,
other times as a consultant, advising authorizers on ways to improve their application, contracting,
monitoring, and renewal practices. Through its policy and advocacy work, NACSA seeks to create
conditions that promote excellence and ensure accountability throughout charter school sector.
NACSA is a unique not-for-profit organization. While it proudly serves a membership that
represents more than half of the “market share” of the nation’s authorizers, NACSA also is a
leadership organization devoted to pushing for the best options for all children.
The Plan
In 2012, NACSA launched a five-year strategic plan with a goal of helping one million children
attend a better school by opening 2000 excellent charter schools and by closing 1000 charter
schools that persistently fail. One major lever for achieving that goal is stronger state and federal
policy. At the state level, NACSA advocates for eight practical polices that fall into three categories:
holding schools accountable; holding authorizing entities accountable; and creating alternative
authorizing entities. At the federal level, NACSA advocates for authorization and appropriations
legislation that provides for professional authorizing practices and clear expectations for schools.
The Role, and Major Responsibilities
The Vice President, Policy and Advocacy manages NACSA’s Policy and Advocacy Division and is
responsible for successfully leading the efforts to achieve the policy objective within the
organization’s strategic plan: that 60 percent of states with charter school laws will enact 60
percent of NACSA’s eight policy recommendations. S/he is also responsible for ensuring the federal
authorization and appropriation legislation contains provisions to strengthen charter school
quality, accountability and authorizing.
To achieve these objectives, the Vice President will:
Review and refine the organization’s current strategies for advocacy in the 43 states, plus
District of Columbia, that have charter schools and in the seven states that do not;
Develop annual plans, including state-specific plans, for making progress toward the
strategic plan objectives;
Implement those plans by working with division team members, NACSA staff, consultants,
and partner organizations;
With the policy team, work closely with legislative bodies to propose bill language, testify
before committees, and monitor legislation as it advances;
As needed, write opinion pieces and organize events to promote NACSA’s policy objectives;
Develop and maintain relationships and partnerships with a wide range of education policy
and advocacy organizations;
Continuously monitor developments in charter school and authorizing policies and
practices across the country, identifying developments that may require action by NACSA;
Develop new policy positions as needed, particularly in regard to student equity issues and
appropriate charter school governance and financial management;
Produce, in collaboration with the Communications Division, NACSA’s annual report card on
states’ adoption of NACSA’s recommended policies, “On the Road to Accountability”; and,
Represent NACSA at the federal level with Members of Congress and their staff, the
Administration, and national advocacy organizations.
The Vice President is a part of NACSA’s Leadership Team, comprised of the CEO, Chief of Staff, Chief
Financial Officer and four other Vice Presidents. Accordingly, s/he has responsibilities for sharing
in the leadership and management of the organization and for managing her/his division and staff.
To achieve this, the Vice President will:
Develop yearly division goals and budgets that help advance and achieve NACSA’s strategic
plan and ensure strategic alignment;
Build and manage a small but dynamic team around the concept of strengths-based
management in order to achieve priorities and goals;
Interact with NACSA Board members, advisory board members, funders, members and
other stakeholders,
Participate in the development of NACSA’s next strategic plan.
S/he will report to the President & CEO.
NACSA seeks a dynamic, passionate self-starter who will serve as a visionary, leader and manager
in the Policy and Advocacy department and the organization at-large. The successful candidate will
have the following experience and characteristics.
A quantifiable record of professional success in achieving ambitious goals
Knowledge and experience with the education community and education policy
Knowledge of state and federal legislative processes
At least five years of legislative and/or political experience
Management experience preferred
The perfect candidate has the following characteristics
A strategic thinker and executor who can both develop a long term vision and implement
that vision to meet goals
Personable, with the ability to quickly build meaningful relationships with both parties and
to motivate and persuade individuals and groups of people
Diplomatic with the ability to firmly and politely defend organizational interests
Creative and “out of the box” thinker
Data- and outcomes-oriented
An outstanding writer and communicator
A multi-tasker, with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
Able to work at a fast pace without compromising quality or long term goals
Able to both recognize and create an outstanding product, regardless of how big or small
Strong sense of personal responsibility and a “no excuses” mentality
Possesses a high level of self-awareness and actively seeks and responds well to feedback
Strong manager with a track record of building successful teams by coaching and
developing individuals in order to improve performance and produce excellent results
All staff members demonstrate alignment with NACSA’s Values
Quality Education – We are mission oriented and driven by the belief that all children
deserve high-quality education options.
Excellence – We do A-level work and set a high bar for performance in order to achieve our
ambitious goals.
Strategic – We begin our work with the end goal in mind, and align our priorities with
NACSA’s Strategic Plan.
Initiative – We proactively bring solutions to problems and do everything possible in order
to reach desired outcomes.
Community – We are part of an inclusive community that seeks opportunities for
collaboration, considers multiple viewpoints and respects and values diversity.
Balance – We prioritize effectively to respect our professional and personal commitments
and foster organizational and individual success.
Between $135,000 and $160,000, commensurate with experience. Medical and disability benefits
provided as well as the option to participate in a 401K matching plan.
Location and Travel
NACSA prefers that the Vice President be based at its headquarters in Chicago. Other locations are
possible, though convenient access to an airport with good national service is required. The Vice
President travels frequently year round and especially during legislative sessions.
To Apply
The review of candidates will begin immediately and continue on a rolling basis until the position is
filled. Applications should consist of a current resume and cover letter tailored to this specific
position and be submitted to