LEGO® Serious Play® Workshops


LEGO® Serious Play® Workshops
LEGO® Serious Play® Workshops
4-16 hour workshops designed to build teams, enhance
innovation and improve business performance
• It’s hands-on, minds-on learning experience used to
produce a deeper, more meaningful understanding of
the world and its possibilities.
• The LSP methodology taps into the human
ability to imagine – to describe and make
sense of the business at hand, to initiate
change and improvement, and even to
create something radically new.
• Organizations use the LSP methodology
when they want unlock the full potential of
their employees – and when they want
everyone to participate, contribute and
commit to the solution. Typically, the
workshops focus on challenging issues,
developing strategies or team building.
• At its core, LSP is about solving complex
issues by building models using LEGO®
bricks. The metaphors in the models serve
as the basis for group discussion,
knowledge sharing and problem solving and
help foster creative thinking and finding
unique solutions.
Building Teams
Building Personal
Building Commitment
to the Solution
The LSP method is effective when:
• You have a situation in which a few members
tend to dominate the discussions and you want
to break that routine without offending anyone
• It is important that everyone participates in the
discussions and contributes with his or her
knowledge and opinions
• The subject is complex and multifaceted and
there is a need to grasp the bigger picture, find
connections and explore options and potential
• It is important to reach decisions which everyone
commits to and honors after the meeting even
though he or she may not agree 100%
• There is more than one possible solution
• You want to create a level playing field for
• Your meetings or learning events tend to focus
more on the messengers than on the messages
• You want to avoid excuses or lack of initiative
after the meeting
• You want to ensure that all participants share a
common understanding and frame of reference
Brought to you by:
Building New Ways to
Generate Ideas
Laura E. Coe, Certified LSP Facilitator
Pittsburgh, PA