Italy Supplemental


Italy Supplemental
Pitzer Exchange in Italy Supplemental
1. Sign the Health Information Acknowledgement to indicate that you have read and understood the Health
2. Host Family Letter. Please write a letter introducing yourself to your host family and thanking them for welcoming
you into their home. Include one or two informal photographs of yourself, possibly with family or friends. The letter
should be handwritten (or typed if you handwriting is not legible) on nice stationary. The letter may be in English or
3. Please fill out the Homestay Questionnaire.
4. Complete the DISP Preference form and the Community-based Service Learning Application, if appropriate.
Please type your answers (except the host family letter). Bring, mail, or scan and email (as appropriate) your signed
Health Information Acknowledgement, Host family letter, photographs, Homestay Questionnaire, and DISP Preference
to the Office of Study Abroad no later than the due date listed in your acceptance letter. Save copies for your records.
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
Health Information Acknowledgment
Although there are no specific health advisories for travel to Italy at this time, I understand it would be in my best
interest to make sure my vaccinations are up to date. It is my responsibility to consult with my personal physician and
the Center for Disease Control website regarding preventative measures and their applicability to
my personal health.
Student Name ___________________________________________ Signed at (city name) _________________________
Signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
Homestay Questionnaire
Student Name _________________________________________________________________
Gender ____________
Name you prefer to be called _____________________________________ Major ________________________________
Place of Birth ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth _____________________
Honest and detailed answers will help for a better placement
Food – Is there anything that you absolutely cannot or will not eat (be specific)?
Do you have any allergies (dogs, cats, food etc.)?
Do you like young children? If you have a preference, what age Italian brothers / sisters would you prefer?
How much space do you need or would like in your family living environment? Would you be willing to share a room?
We know this may sound weird, but is there anything that you are afraid of (such as big dogs)?
Do you smoke? If so, would you like to smoke in the house?
Do you mind if your family smokes and to what degree?
What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time (sporting events, plays, operas)?
How much Italian do you know? Do you prefer a family who knows English?
The Director will do her best to fit you with the best family available, but cannot guarantee that all preferences will be
met. If there is any other essential information that you would like to have considered in your placement and/or that
your host family should be aware of, please attach an additional page.
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
DISP Preference
Student Name ______________________________________________ Home College_____________________________
Email Address _______________________________________________ Major ___________________________________
Italian Language: What is the highest level of Italian language course you have taken? Include the name, number, and
description of the course:
How would you describe your proficiency in spoken Italian?
Directed Independent Study Project (DISP): Students on the Pitzer Exchange in Italy program have two choices for
their Directed Independent Study Project: Standard Community-based Service Learning (Standard CBSL) or Studio Art
Community-based Service Learning (Studio Art CBSL).
If you are planning to do a Standard Community-based Service Learning Project check here:
and fill out the Standard CBSL Application.
If you are planning to do a Studio Art Community-based Service Learning Project check here:
and fill out the Studio Art CBSL Application.
Space for Studio Arts CBSLs is limited according to the school/course availability and preference will be given to Studio
Art majors. Please indicate the number of your alternative Standard CBSL choice here:
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
CBSL Community-Based Service Learning Projects
Organization Type
1. Teaching English
Elementary School (age 6-10)
Description of Responsibilities
Assisting English teachers with
conversational activities for
students aged 6 to 10.
Necessary Abilities
Patience and
willingness to work
with children.
No Italian required.
Learning Possibilities
Students learn about the
Italian school system and
teaching methodology.
2. Teaching English
Middle School (age 11-14) and
High School (age 15-19)
Assisting English teachers with
conversational activities and
question/answer sessions for
students aged 11-14/15-19.
Students learn about the
Italian school system and
teaching methodology
3. Working with immigrants
Students assist immigrants on
various issues relating to starting
a life in Italy
4. Professional School
(chefs and mechanics)
Assisting English teachers with
conversational activities to
students age 14-20. Helping with
specific English terminologies.
5. Assisting and playing in
English with
children aged 2-5
Assisting and playing in English
with little children through simple
games, songs etc. at a local preschool.
6. International Library
Students will organize different
events such as conversation in
English with teenagers or adults.
Students will also help in general
everyday duties at the front-desk.
Patience and
willingness to work
with children. Ability
to organize and lead
group discussions.
No Italian required.
Openness to new
Basic conversation
Italian required.
Knowledge of other
languages (French,
Spanish, etc…) is
Patience and
willingness to work
with teenagers.
Ability to organize
and lead group
discussions. Interest
in food.
No Italian required.
Patience and
willingness to work
with little children.
Creativity. Some
experience with little
children is helpful.
No Italian required.
Ability to organize
and lead group
Creativity in
proposing possible
new activities. Good
organizational skills.
No Italian required.
7. Health Program at the Public
Health Service
Students will assist in organizing
activities to promote sexual
awareness to teenagers and other
general health issues. Students
will help working in high schools
and writing the weekly newsletter.
Good organizational
skills. Interest in
health issues and
health education.
Willingness to work
with teenagers.
Italian required.
Understanding immigration
and integration issues in
Parma and Italy.
Becoming acquainted with
new cultures
Students learn about the
Italian school system and
teaching methodology.
Students will also assist
cooking classes.
Students learn about
teaching methodologies
used with little children
and children psychology.
Students will learn about
aspects of the society in
Parma through the people
who frequent the library.
Students will also learn
about the culture and
issues of young Italians
(teenagers and University
Students will learn about
health programs in Italy
and health issues related
to teenagers such as
sexuality, eating disorders,
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
CBSL Community-Based Service Learning Projects
Organization Type
8. Casa della Musica
Description of Responsibilities
Students will assist in organizing
musical activities for children and
adults alike. They will also help
translating English materials and
help in giving tours of the
museum in English.
Necessary Abilities
Good organizational
skills. Interest in
music and art.
Advanced Italian
Learning Possibilities
Students will learn about
the music and art scene in
Parma. They will have the
possibility to assist to
concerts and music
9. Università degli Studi di
Parma – Ufficio relazioni con il
Students will work in the Public
Relation office of the Università.
They will help with translating
University materials in English
and help with the English version
of the their web-site, help
organizing events, deal with
English correspondence with
foreign students.
Good organizational
skills. Interest in
media and
Italian required.
Students will learn about
the organization of the
Italian universities. They
will gain proficiency with
the language by translating
materials into English and
will have the possibility to
meet other foreign
University students
10. Università degli Studi di
Parma – Dipartimento di
Students will work at the Foreign
Language Department. They will
help in the organization of the
language courses, the library and
with the translation of information
material as well as tutoring in
English or other languages.
Students will learn about
the organization of the
Italian universities. They
will gain proficiency with
the language by translating
materials into English and
will have the possibility to
meet University students
11. CSAC – Centro Studi
Archivio Comunicazione
Students will help with the art
archive. They will learn how to
archive different works and help
with their catalogue.
Good organizational
skills. Ability to
organize and lead
group discussions
Interest in foreign
languages. No
Italian required.
Knowledge of other
languages is
Good organizational
skills. Interest in art
and different art
Basic conversation
Italian is useful.
12. Sport (baseball, rugby,
American football)
Students will co-coach the local
junior teams. They will have the
opportunity to interact with
professional players and organize
events and press articles.
Good organizational
skills. Interest and
experience in the
chosen sport. No
Italian required.
13. Università di Parma –
Dipartimento di Chimica (or
other science major)
Students will work on projects
together with Italian BA and PHD
Good knowledge of
chemistry required.
No Italian required.
Students will have the
opportunity to look closely
at many different art works
such as graphic designs,
costume designs, and in
general Italian works of art
of the 1900s. Students will
also learn how to work in
an archive.
Students will learn about
sports in Italy and develop
the interest of young
people in that sport.
Students will learn about
the organization of the
Italian universities and
about the Italian teaching
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
Standard Community-based Service Learning Application
Student Name _____________________________________ Major ____________________________________________
After having carefully read the table of CBSL and taken into consideration the information it contains please answer the
following questions:
Please list your relevant abilities and skills:
Please list your relevant interests:
Of the listed project options, state your top preferences and why you would choose those particular ones
(what you want to learn from the experience, how it’s related to your studies at your home institution etc.).
First Choice
Second Choice
Please note that space is limited according to each organization/agency need and availability.
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email
Pitzer Exchange in Italy
Studio Art Community-based Service Learning Application
Student Name _____________________________________ Major ____________________________________________
Courses offered at the Paolo Toschi Art Institute:
 Drawing and Painting (oil, tempera, watercolour)
 TV/Film Direction
 Graphic and Computer Design
 Sculpture
 Theater (acting and/or directing)
Note: Students at Toschi Institute will be required to tutor Italian students during English Classes.
After carefully reading list of courses please answer the following questions:
Please list your relevant abilities and skills:
Please list your relevant interests:
Of the listed course options, state your top preferences and why you would choose those particular ones
(what you want to learn from the experience, how it’s related to your studies at your home institution etc.).
First Choice
Second Choice
Pitzer College, Office of Study Abroad, West Hall, Suite Q100, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Telephone 909.621.8104  Email