CV - Department of Political Science


CV - Department of Political Science
303 South Kedzie Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(720) 883-7441
Doctor of Philosophy: Political Science
Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
Comprehensive Exams: American Politics and Public Policy
Specialization: Global Urban Studies
April 2015
Dissertation: Defying Expectations: Explaining Municipal Responses to the Homelessness Crisis
Dissertation Committee: Richard Hula (Chair), Laura Reese, Sarah Reckhow, Josh Sapotichne
Master of Arts: Political Science
Michigan State University, Lansing, MI
Focus Areas: American Politics and Public Policy
May 2011
Bachelor of Arts: Political Science
University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO
Minor: Economics
Honors: Summa Cum Laude with Highest University Honors
May 2007
Certificate in College Teaching, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Courses: PLS 993, Readings Course in Teaching and Learning
Professional Certificate in Geographic Information Science (GIS), Michigan State
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
The Institute for Qualitative and Multimethods Research Summer Institute,
Summer 2012
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Modules: Process Tracing, Typology Theory, Designing and Conducting Fieldwork, Strategies of Causal
Inference, Content Analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Fuzzy Sets
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Courses: Applied Multilevel Modeling, Causal Inference
Summer 2011
NVivo 9 Basic and Advanced Training Seminars, East Lansing, MI
Spring 2011
Melanie Bowers, A42799890: CV
Urban Politics
Race and Ethnic Politics
LGBT Politics
Immigration Policy and Politics
Policy Feedback
Policy Process
Teaching and Learning
Environmental Policy
Bowers, Melanie and Robert R. Preuhs. 2009. Collateral Consequences of a Collateral Penalty:The Negative Effect of
Felon Disenfranchisement Laws on the Political Participation of Non-Felons. Social Science Quarterly 90(3), 722-743.
Articles Under Review
Bowers, Melanie. Rights but Not Marriage?: Understanding how Community Context Influences Those who Support Civil
Unions but Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. ( Submitted for Initial Review)
Hula, Richard, Melanie Bowers and William Issac. Science, Politics and Policy: How Citizens Resolve Complex
Environmental Issues. (Submitted for Initial Review)
Bowers, Melanie. Using Infographics to Promote Numeric Literacy and Visual Communication in Undergraduate Political
Science Classrooms. (Submitted for Initial Review)
Working Papers
Bowers, Melanie and Erika Rosebrook. Unintended Consequences or Unstated Goals?: The Effects of State and Local
Immigration Policy on the Political Incorporation of Latino Immigrants.
Hula, Richard, Melanie Bowers, Cameron Whitley. Is it Too Risky?: Understanding Public Risk Assessment of
Environmental Policy.
Josh Sapotichne, Quinton Mayne and Melanie Bowers. Predicting Policy Priorities: Reexamining the Complex
Relationship between Local Institutional Form and Policy Priorities”
Bowers, Melanie. Keeping Problems at Bay?: Understanding Municipal Responsivenessin the Post-Reagan Era. Poster
session presented at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association; August 28-31, 2014;
Washington, DC.
Bowers, Melanie. Responding to Change: Examining the Characteristics of Adaptive Cities. Paper presented at the 109th
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association; August 29-31, 2013; Chicago, IL.
Bowers, Melanie. Municipal Adaptability: Responding to an Ever-Changing Federal Funding Structure. Paper presented at
the 71st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association; April 11-14, 2013; Chicago, IL.
Hula, Richard, Melanie Bowers and William Issac. Determinants Of Complex Policy: Understanding The Role of Science
In Public Policy.” Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association; April 11-14,
Melanie Bowers, A42799890: CV
2013; Chicago, IL.
Hula, Richard and Melanie Bowers. Determinants of Complex Policy: Understanding the Role of Science in Public Policy.
Paper accepted at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association; August 30- September 2, 2012;
New Orleans, LA (meeting canceled).
Bowers, Melanie. Place Matters: The Role of State and Local Context in Predicting Public Opinino on Same-Sex
Relationship Recognition. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association; April
12-15, 2012; Chicago, IL.
Bowers, Melanie. State Context as a Determinant of Opinion on Same-Sex Relationship Recognition. Paper presented at
the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association; September 1-4, 2011; Seattle, WA.
Teaching Interests
American Politics
Urban Politics
Public Policy
Immigration Policy
Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Minority Politics (Race, Ethnicity and LGBT)
Instructor, Political Science 313: Public Policy Analysis
Michigan State University Online
20 Students
Instructor, Political Science 313: Public Policy Analysis
Michigan State University
35 Students
Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer, Political Science 302: Urban Politics
Michigan State University
70 Students
Invited Lecturer, Integrated Studies in Social Sciences: US Immigration Policy in Perspective
Michigan State University
35 Students
Summer 2014
Spring 2014
Fall 2013
Spring 2011, 2012
Teaching Enhancement and Professional Development
Fellow, Residential College of the Arts and Humanities Teaching Fellowship Program
Michigan State University
Fellow, Preparing Future Faculty for the Assessment of Student Learning
Michigan State University
Participant, Workshop Series on Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Michigan State University
Graduate Student Group Leader, Department of Political Science Online Teaching Preparation
Michigan State University
Student Representative, Department of Political Science’s Committee on Undergraduate Education
Michigan State University
Melanie Bowers, A42799890: CV
Mentored Students and Letters of Recommendation
Hanah Miller, Spring 2014
Emily Meyer, Spring 2014
Hailey Lobb, Spring 2014
Jacob Garriston , Fall 2014
University Distinguished Fellowship
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Total Value: $71,000
Fall 2009 – Spring 2015
Residential College of the Arts and Humanities Teaching Fellowship
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
Total Value: $7,500
Fall 2014- Spring 2015
Graduate Research Fellowship
National Science Foundation, Washington DC
Total Value: $124,500
Fall 2010 - Spring 2013
Summer Enrichment Fellowship
Department of Political Science, Michigan State University
Total Value: $10,000
Travel Grants
Department of Political Science, Michigan State University
Total Value $3000
Graduate School, Michigan State Universit y
Total Value $800
Summer 2011, 2012
2011, 2014
Council of Graduate Students, Michigan State University
College of Social Science, Michigan State University
Department Service
President, Political Science Graduate Student Governing Board
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Student Representative, Department of Political Science’s Graduate Studies Committee
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Chair: Department of Political Science’s Graduate Student Advisory Committee
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Admissions and Academic Standards Committee Representative, Political Science
Melanie Bowers, A42799890: CV
Graduate Student Governing Board
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Coordinator, Workshop Series on Qualitative Research Methodology
Member, Department of Political Science’s Graduate Student Advisory Committee
Community Chair, Political Science Graduate Student Governing Board
University Service
Volunteer, Pastured Swine Production Project Volunteer, Michigan State University Student Organic Farm,
Michigan State University. 2010-2014
Judge, Undergraduate Research Conference, UURAF (April 8, 2011)
Community Service
Volunteer, Capital Area Humane Society, Lansing, MI 2012-Present
Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, Lansing, MI 2012-Present
Volunteer, Aqua Clara Water System Installation Managua, Nicaragua Summer 2010
Volunteer, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, New York, NY 2008-2009.
Volunteer, Women’s Coalition of St. Croix, St. Croix US Virgin Island (Domestic Violence Awareness
Committee) 2006-2007.
Volunteer, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Hurricaine Katrina Disaster Relief, Pearlington, Mississippi Summer
Volunteer, Boulder County Cares: Homeless Street Outreach Program, Boulder, CO 2003-2006
Volunteer, Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, Boulder, CO 2003-2006
Volunteer, Boulder County AIDS Project, Boulder, CO 2003-2006
Volunteer, Environmental Restoration in Garden of the God’s, Colorado Springs, CO. 2005-summer.
Adhoc Reviewer
Journal of Urban Affairs
Political Research Quarterly
American Political Science Association
Urban Politics Section
Public Policy Section
Midwest Political Science Association
Urban Politics Section
Public Policy Section
Melanie Bowers, A42799890: CV
Microsoft Office Suite
National Development Council (NDC)- New York, NY
July 2007-July 2009
Program Information Specialist
 Designed and implemented community impact assessment plans for NDC’s New Markets Tax Credit and
small business lending programs
 Completed qualitative research, including focus groups, intensive interviews and survey work, on seven
New Markets Tax Credit Projects
 Wrote the community impacts section of the Federal New Markets Tax Credit Application, helping to secure
a $100 million allocation
 Completed community impact assessments for NDC’s small business lending subsidiary
 Wrote project profiles that were used in the New Markets Tax Credit Coallition’s Progress Report 2008 to
Congress and the 50 Projects-50 States Report to Congress
 Regularly generated marketing materials and intraorganization updates
 Worked on a greening initiative to help make NDC’s project profile more environmentally responsible
 Provided research support for NDC’s field staff
Virgin Islands Community AIDS Resource and Education, Inc.- Christiansted, USVI
May 2006-May 2007
HIV Testing Specialist
 Coordinated HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR) Program
 Did direct outreach, HIV testing and risk reduction counseling to the homeless, intravenous drug users and sex
 Helped implement HIV rapid testing by creating a quality assurance plan, generating agency policies and
protocols, and establishing an effective referral system
 Generated monthly reports for both the US Virgin Islands Department of Health and Virgin Islands
Community AIDS Resource and Education, Inc
Richard C. Hula
Professor of Political Science
Michigan State University
Sarah Reckhow
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Michigan State University
Laura A. Reese
Professor of Political Science
Michigan State University
Joshua Sapotichne
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Michigan State University