may newsletter pdf


may newsletter pdf
I s s ue 1
Po o l H o u s e E q u i n e Cl i n i c
MAY 2015
Special Offers
Equipalazone - £75.36 box
Danilon - £71.11 box
Ventipulmin - £55.86 tub
Prascend - £175.36 box
Clenil Inhaler - £36.23
Sedalin Gel - 20.12 tube
Joint Supplement - 47.84
Hoof Supplement - £40.70
Gastroguard - £171.60 box
These are available if paid for
at time of collection and are on
prescription. Payment by cash,
card or cheque. Orders taken
over phone collection from
Crown Inn or Pool House Hospital Fosseway by prior arrangement.
WORMING - Spring is
an ideal time to ensure
your worming programme is up to date. If
you follow a sampling
programme then send a
poo sample into us for
our trained nurses to
analyse in our on site
laboratory and a vet will
contact you with the results. We are only need a
small amount of dung,
approximately a table
spoon, and we can provide the sample pots for
you. All samples must
be clearly labelled with
your surname and horses name and results usually take 3-5 days. The
price for one sample is
£11.40, for two or more
it's £10.20. Equest Pramox wormers are currently at a cash sale
price of £17.50. With
every wormer purchased, you get a voucher for £3 off your next
worm egg count. please
ring to place your order.
The sun is finally shining and the
sodden ground drying up. Exciting
things are happening at Crown Inn
Farm with lots of new arrivals of
both equine, human, stables and
diagnostic machine!
information can be
found on our website and referrals
can be made by
01283 799700.
As some may
most exciting
addition of an
MRI service is
now well and
Our new stable block
truly up and
running. We feel very proud to be
able to offer this important service
in the area. MRI is a non-invasive
diagnostic technique that permits
fine details of both bone and soft
tissues structures within the foot
(and other locations) to be visualised and assessed
permitting very accurate diagnosis of
problems. In turn this
means that targeted
treatment can be given and a more accurate prognosis at an
early stage of the disease process. More Springtime Hack
We are also welcoming some new
members to our expanding team to
ensure we can offer the very best service to our clients. We now have
three on site interns with the new
additions of Andrea and Ron completing our team. On our website you
can find more details about all our
staff here at Crown Inn.
Emilie, our
stud vet has
welcoming many
into spring.
Foal Cam capturing mare in
second stage of labour,
have an on
site facility that enables 24 hour cctv
monitoring, for mares that come in
for foaling, to ensure we are ready to
assist in the amazing process of new
Now is the perfect time to get
our fields manicured by fertilising (if needed),
chain harrowing
and rolling. This
helps establish good new growth of
grass, one of the most important elements of a horses diet. It is also a time
to be careful, as with the influx of new
fresh spring grass, it can lead to problems in horses and ponies susceptible
to laminitis and increased weight gain.
It is a good idea to monitor your equines closely and restrict grazing as
necessary with turning out for shorter
periods of time, using electric strip grazing sections or using a grazing muzzle.
It is also essential to check your grazing
regularly for any poisonous plants such
as ragwort and sycamore saplings.
This months word search has a tack room
theme, see if you can find all the words!
Time to get the sunnies out!!
KANNAN - Number 1 Show
Jumping Stallion. Semen
now available.
We are proud to say we
have been chosen by The
Stallion Company to stock
semen from their number
one jumping stallion Kannan. A tall rangey stallion
he brings power, movement and scope. He is noted for his style, balance,
temperament and good
We are offering frozen semen at a cost of €2050 +
10 % vat .
We are also stocking semen of Bentley Van De
Heffinck, Grafenstolz,
Leprince Des Bois, and
Quintero La Silla.
More information can be
f o u n d
o n
om. For more information
about our stud packages
please get in touch.
Pool House Equine Clinic
Putting your horse first
Crown Inn Farm
Rykneld Street
Phone: 01283 799700
Fax: 01283 799707
This month’s star horse is
J'Yvole, a 16hh thoroughbred
bay mare, who has had a
tough year. She is owned by
Mr Paul Murphy. In 2014
after a non eventful pregnancy J'Yvole sadly lost her foal
three weeks before her due
date. After successfully getting in foal to a thoroughbred
stallion last year J'Yvoles
pregnancy started well. Unfortunately in July she had
severe colic which needed
surgery under general anaesthetic. She had a displaced
colon and massive distension of the small intestine.
J'Yvole recovered well and
managed to hold on to the
pregnancy and was well
enough to be discharged just
over a week later. The unborn foal and J'Yvole had
regular checks to ensure
both were doing well. In September she had to come
back to the clinic as colic
struck again. Another severe
episode led to her needing a
second colic surgery, this
was high risk due to a further
general anaesthetic within
three months and the impact of
major surgery to both the mare
and the foal. The surgery was
again a success, the large colon
displacement and the small intestine displacement around the
pregnant horn were manually
corrected and she recovered
well. She had round the clock
care and monitoring for two
weeks at the clinic before returning home, and was still showing a
healthy strong pregnancy on
New years' day saw J'Yvoles return to the clinic with colic yet
again, this time it was non surgical and was managed medically.
J'Yvole then stayed with us under
constant supervision and round
the clock care to ensure she
stayed as comfortable and
healthy as possible in the run up
to foaling.
On the 3rd March at 2.56am
J'Yvole gave birth without complication to a strong healthy chestnut colt! Unfortunately she then
coliced once more and had to
have surgery the very next day.
The odds weren't stacked in her
favour but it was the only option
and surgery was performed. This
time it was a gassy colic with
fortunately no intestine displaced. This mare is certainly
made of strong stuff and
coped very well with a third
general anaesthetic and
major surgery and was up
and back with her foal within
a few hours. After two weeks
of further close monitoring
and hospital care J'Yvole
finally went home, where she
is enjoying motherhood with
her foal and is healthy and
The journey has been a rocky
one for this lovely stoic mare
and it is the first time we
have performed three major
colic operations on the same
horse, and all in the same
With our highly knowledgeable and experienced team
we could offer the required
treatment, after care and
support for the mare, foal
and owner ensuring the best
possible outcome. We wish
J'Yvole and her foal 'Richard'
all the very best!
If you would like to appear in
next months newsletter then
please email your story and a
p h o t o
t o
e q We
would love to hear about your
horses success stories, whether
it be coming back from injury,
surviving surgery, having a foal
or for just being your best friend,
please get in touch.