NEW IMQ diploma - Portable Training Services


NEW IMQ diploma - Portable Training Services
ILM International
Management Qualification (IMQ)
IMQ Introductory & Diploma in Management
Are these programmes for you?
Why choose ILM qualifications?
The ILM IMQ Diploma in Management qualifications are for those people who are likely to
be either practicing or aspiring middle managers particularly those who are already in post
but have had little or no formal training. They may work in factories and offices, in hospitals,
in call centres, the building industry, hotels, government agencies. The list is endless.
The Institute of Leadership & Management is a premier awarding body based in the UK
with extensive experience in the field of leadership & management training both in the UK
and internationally. Every year, ILM recognises the professional development achievements
of managers and leaders from junior level to board members, as well as managers of small
businesses. Well over half a million managers have improved their own performance and
brought real benefits to their organisations, by taking ILM qualifications. You could join them!
What do
I do now?
Contact your local
ILM Centre
Wherever people and resources are employed, managers with an ILM Management
Qualification can ensure that they are employed effectively. Both qualifications are designed
to improve your performance in the organisation where you work through their strong focus
on your specific job role. These highly practical programmes can generate significant
payback for your employer in terms of cost savings and quality improvements in your
workplace. You may also have internal short training sessions in your organisation
which can be incorporated into the programme structure.
ILM has a world-wide network of over 2000 approved centres that provide flexible and
practical management development programmes which are quality assured to ILM
standard, giving you the confidence that they will meet your needs, release your
potential and enhance your skills and prospects.
or contact ILM
T + 44 (0) 207 294 2470
F + 44 (0) 207 294 2402
ILM International Management Qualifications (IMQ’s)
‘ILM recognises professional
ILM has developed a new range of International Management Qualifications (IMQ’s) specifically
designed to meet the needs of the international market. The new IMQ’s differ in respect of the
content and the assessment methodology used, although they still retain clear linkages to the
UK framework of qualifications, to enable progression if required.
development achievements
of managers from team
to board
1 Giltspur Street
ILM is part of the City & Guilds Group and is a company limited by guarantee no. 601049 Registered Charity 248226
The City and Guilds of London Institute Incorporated by Royal Charter Founded 1878
All IMQ’s focus on the key areas of Management and Leadership, and according to the
qualification will consist of a variety of core (mandatory) and optional sessions. In order to
meet the learning requirements for each qualification, the candidate must successfully
complete a number of prescribed core sessions, and a number of optional sessions that
can be chosen from the range available to the qualification as appropriate.
What will I have to do for
these qualifications?
ILM IMQ Diploma in Management
The ILM IMQ Diploma in Management is a
comprehensive qualification that covers the
full range of responsibilities for the middle
manager. The aim of the qualification is to
develop practising and potential middle
managers by giving them the knowledge
and skills they need to perform effectively
in this role.
The complete programme for the ILM IMQ
Diploma in Management covers the five Key
Areas and will take a minimum of 220 guided
learning hours, including induction and tutorial
support, but excluding time for assessment
as follows:
3 hours
Tutorial Support
7 hours
Managing Self
30 guided learning hours
Managing People
30 guided learning hours
Managing Information
30 guided learning hours
Managing Activities
60 guided learning hours
Managing Resources
60 guided learning
This qualification is available as an Integrated
qualification (with all modules delivered,
assessed and certificated together) or in
Modular form where all modules are
delivered, assessed and certificated
separately. The latter choice enables a
candidate to have more flexibility in what they
study if they do not require the full programme.
A full overview of the Key Areas and
Sessions for the programme are given in
the qualification profile grid. The programme
consists of a number of core (mandatory)
sessions plus a number of optional sessions
that are chosen from the full range listed to
give flexibility and to meet individual’s needs.
Where do the
qualifications lead?
The main purpose of both qualifications is to
improve your performance, which for some
participants is an end in itself. However, both
qualifications can be a stepping stone to future
personal development and qualifications.
across the
IMQ Introductory Diploma in Management
This short flexible programme will take
minimum of 45 guided learning hours which
provides an introduction to the wide range of
responsibilities of the middle manager. This is
a tightly focused package that uses some of
the modules from the IMQ Introductory
Diploma in Management, and can produce a
step change in a candidate’s management
performance quickly and economically.
Although there are some core (mandatory)
sessions, the flexible structure of this
qualification means that the IMQ Diploma in
Management can be adapted to suit the needs
of the individual and the employer.
If you are a middle manager with little or no
formal training, or returning from a career
break, you can benefit from this programme
which provides an ideal start to your ongoing
future development
Successful completion of the ILM IMQ
Introductory Diploma in Management will
accumulate ‘credit’ study hours for the full IMQ
Diploma in Management which participants
may progress to.
Can I do distance learning?
To reduce your time away from the workplace,
you can take advantage of combining taught
workshops with our flexible learning resources.
The use of alternative delivery methods (such
as open or online learning) allows you to fit
study time around your work and personal life.
ILM, as an organisation at the forefront of
management and leadership training, has
developed a comprehensive range of resources
designed for each level of qualification.
For the ILM IMQ Diploma in Management
qualifications, the Universal Manager resource
enables you to develop skills either for individual
personal development or towards these
qualifications. The Universal Manager is a
mixed media resource, comprising 16 printed
dossiers on key management topics, plus a CD
of development tools and assignments, all
supported by a dedicated website. Further
information on this resource can be obtained
How long will it take?
The ILM IMQ Diploma in Management will
typically take 12 months to complete but up
to a maximum of 3 years where necessary.
The ILM IMQ Introductory Diploma in
Management may take from as little as two
weeks up to a maximum of one year.
Timescales are flexible according to your
personal and professional needs, and the use
of alternative delivery methods can be effective
in enabling you to fit study around your
personal and work life.
Achievement of these qualifications
also enables candidates to apply for ILM
membership. During the registration period
candidates will have the opportunity to apply
for free student membership status. On
successful completion of either of the IMQ
Diploma in Management qualifications,
candidates will be eligible to apply for
Associate membership of ILM with the post
nominal letters of AMInstLM.
(each session is 6 guided learning hours)
ILM IMQ Introductory Diploma in
ILM IMQ Diploma in Management
A recommended minimum of 45 guided
learning hours, excluding assessment, to be
competed within one year
A recommended 220 guided learning
hours, excluding assessment time, to be
completed within one year, or up to a
maximum of three years
Induction - 2 hours
Tutorial Support – I hour
A mixture of Core and Optional sessions in
each of the Key Areas totalling 42 Hours.
(see grid)
The candidate must complete the three Core
Sessions in the Modules as indicated by an
asterisk ** on the grid.
The candidate must also complete another
four Optional Sessions selected from the grid
– overall there must be one Session selected
in each of the five Key Areas and a maximum
of two in any given Key Area
Induction - 3 hours
Tutorial Support – 7 hours
A mixture of Core and Optional sessions in
each of the Key Areas totalling 210 hours.
(see grid)
The candidate must complete all three Core
Sessions in each module of each Key Area
as shown in bold print on the grid.
The candidate must also complete another
two Optional Sessions in each module in each
Key Area making a total of five Sessions for
each Module in each Key Area
Depending on practical management
experiences, full membership may also be
applied for, with the post nominal letters
of MInstLM.
Membership gives support to candidates by a
range of information services plus annual
subscription to Edge, the UK’s premier
magazine on leadership and management,
which is published 10 times a year. For further
information please contact our membership
team on +44 (0) 1543 266886 or email
Both IMQ’s link directly to components of the
U.K. ILM Level 4 Diploma in Management
qualifications, but there is no exemption from
the assessment requirements of these
These qualifications provide an effective
platform for moving onto the ILM Level 7
qualifications in Executive Management
(available in the UK) or for entry onto some of
the MBA programmes that are offered by
Higher Education providers across the world.
Overview of the Key Areas, Modules and Sessions
Qualification Profile
Modules and sessions
Key Area 01 Managing Self
Module 1 Self Management & Skills
Continuing Professional Development
Grasping Opportunities
Objectives and Targets
Stress Management
Interacting with People
Negotiating Skills
Professional Presentations
Key Area 02 Managing People
Module 1 People Management
Managing Individuals **
Developing and Managing Teams
Addressing People Problems
Identifying Individual Development Needs
Providing Development for Individuals
Human Resource Planning
Managing and Delivering Training
Recruitment and Selection
Key Area 03 Managing Information
Module 1 Information & Communication
Attending Meetings
Gathering Information
Leading Meetings and Briefings
Effective Written Communications
Information Systems
Text Processing for Managers
Key Area 04 Managing Activities
Module 1 Operating Context & Change
Management in Organisations **
Managing Change
Initiating Change
The Legal Framework
Organisations and their Cultures
Managing Ethically
Economic and International Contexts
Key Area 05 Managing resources
Module 1 Planning & Resources
Planning for Efficiency **
Health, Safety and the Environment
Facilities Management
Work Analysis
Managing Equipment
Managing Materials
Project Planning and Control
Successful Project Delivery
Operations Research Techniques
Note: All sessions are 6 hours long
A Work Based Assignment of approximately
2000 words addressing the three
Core Sessions as indicated on the grid
A Reflective Integrated Presentation
(approximately 15 minutes)
A Continuous Professional Development
(CPD) Statement
4 Work Based Assignments of approx.1500
words each (one for each of the Key Areas
02– 05)
and a Consultancy Report of 4-5000 words
and 5 written Personal Development Records
(one for each Key Area)
and a Summative CPD Plan
and An individual summative interview,
including presentation of the Consultancy
Report (organised by the centre) of approx.
30 minutes
Participants will normally be either practising or aspiring middle managers. There are no
formal educational requirements although candidates will need to have sufficient literacy skills
to complete and meet the assessment criteria
Method of
Flexible to suit the requirements of candidates, employers and Centres. Methods can include
classroom teaching, lectures, workshops and elements of open/distance/on-line learning
During the registration period candidates will have the opportunity to apply for free student
membership status and on successful completion of either qualification, will be eligible
to apply for ILM Associate membership with the post nominal letters of AMInstLM.
Modules and sessions
Sessions shown in bold print are the Core
sessions for the Diploma in Management
Sessions shown with an asterisk ** indicate
Core Sessions for the Introductory Diploma in
half a million
have improved their
management performance
with ILM qualifications
…why not join them?’
Key Area 04 Managing Activities
Module 2 Meeting Customer Needs
Planning to Meet Customer Requirements
Understanding the Organisation
Managing Quality
Customer Relations
Product and Service Management
Marketing and Selling
Understanding the Market
Key Area 05 Managing Resources
Module 2 Finance & Numeracy
Managing by Budgets
Making a Financial Case
Understanding Finance
Management Accounting for Managers
Presenting Numerical Data
Analytical Statistics
Spreadsheets for Managers