05.2013 - Portage County Democratic Party


05.2013 - Portage County Democratic Party
MAY 2013
Gary Hawley, Chair Lisa Theo, Co‐Chair Wes Halverson, 1st Vice‐Chair Jan Way, 2nd Vice‐Chair Jack Allgaier, 3th Vice‐Chair Cindy Chelcun, 4th Vice‐Chair Michele Bjella, Statutory Chair Jerry Ugland, Treasurer Carol Gawlik, Secretary Earl Spangenberg, CD Rep Trudy Pederson, Newsletter Editor Patricia Baker, At Large Glen Fink, At Large David Pederson, At Large Karyn Tank, At Large Jed Williams, At Large Headquarters
2220 Division St
CCC Rummage Sale May 11, 2013
The Capital Campaign Committee has organized a rummage sale to raise
funds to help pay off the land contract for our headquarters building on
Division Street. The sale will be held during the All-Village Rummage Sale in
Park Ridge on Saturday, May 11, 2013. Yes, that is this month!
The rummage sale will be held at 21 Maplewood Drive in Park Ridge. The
committee is looking for donations, including baked good. Items may be
dropped off between 5 and 7 pm on Thursday, May 9 or Friday, May 10 at 21
Maplewood Dr. in Park Ridge. If you have questions or want to volunteer,
please contact Jan Way at 715.572.5802 or at janmway@gmail.com. Burn the Mortgage
Did you ever pay off a large debt? Remember how great it felt to pay it
off? You can help us pay off the land contract for our building and be part of
the "Burn the Mortgage" effort lead by the Capital Campaign Committee. As
you know, we felt it was important to have a permanent headquarters. We
signed a land contract to purchase the current headquarters building. Why?
So the party could efficiently represent the interest of all democratic minded
people in Portage County.
Many hands make light work and we are asking that party members consider
setting up a monthly donation to help the Capital Campaign Committee and
Party with this effort. We are half-way to paying off this debt! Anything you can
do to help us with this would be appreciated, and we are suggesting a $10 a
month donation. Some members have already signed up at this amount and
are making a difference.
Search “Portage County Democratic
Party group”
We hope you will "catch the fire" and help us with this effort. We will have
mortgage lighters -- one selected from the lump sum cash donors
and one selected from the monthly donors. A drawing will be held from each
group of donors and those lucky members will get to light the matches to
start the mortgage on fire at the "Burn the Mortgage" party!. If you are
interested please contact your bank to get the ball rolling. The payment
should be made out to the PDCP at 2220 Division Street in Stevens Point,
Wisconsin with “CCC” in the memo. If you have questions, feel free to contact
Jan Way at 715.572.5802 or at janmway@gmail.com or Nichole Lysne at
715.340.2054 or
at nicholelysne@gmail.com
3rd Congressional District Democratic Party of Wisconsin Convention th
‐‐‐‐‐ Prairie du Chien Saturday April 27
By Jack Allgaier As you know, Portage County was re‐districted from the 7th CD to the 3rd CD, a move that made the 7th CD much safer for Republican incumbent Sean Duffy. As a delegate to these conventions over the past decade, I personally found that this CD convention was challenging to attend as all the delegates there (other than our own) were new faces. I had over time developed friendships with many delegates from the 7th and I really did miss seeing them. This convention was the first that delegates from Portage County attended as members of the 3rd. One of the early items of business dealt with setting new district boundaries. The 3rd CD had been divided into three regions: North, Central & South; East was now added to reflect the addition of Portage and Adams Counties along with the southern half of Wood County. Chair Melanie Franklin asked the delegates from these new counties to stand and be recognized with a round of applause. At the right is a listing our Portage County delegates who attended the D E L E G A T E S
convention. In all, there were 83 delegates who attended ‐‐ representing 17 Jack & Leigh Allgaier counties in our 3rd CD. Our 15 delegates were around 18% of all the Rob Golla delegates. Portage Co was allotted up to 49 delegates, but I realize the 3 ½ Gary Hawley hour drive to the Convention site discouraged many. The good news is that Dan Kursevski the 3rd CD Convention will be held right here in Portage County next year and Liz McDonald we will fill all 49 of those seats! Dave & Trudy Pederson Rep Katrina Shankland One of the highlights of the convention was driving down the day before so that we could meet with our former newsletter editor and hard worker – Greg Henry Smith Karyn Tank Ubbelohde, who still is a member of the Portage County Dems, even though Greg Ubbelohde he has a job teaching English in the Wauzeka‐Steuben school district. Eight of Jerry Ugland us were able to gather that evening with Greg for a fish‐fry. It was warm Jan Way enough afterwards to spend some time on the shores of the Mississippi River Jed Williams enjoying our fellowship. Two of our delegates were elected to positions in the 3rd CD. Gary Hawley was elected to serve as the 3rd CD representative to the DPW’s Administrative Committee. Jerry Ugland was elected to serve as treasurer of the Dem Party of the 3rd CD (with Chair Melanie Franklin saying some very complimentary words in his support) and as a member on the DPW Platform and Resolutions Committee for a term of 3 years. Delegate Greg U There were, of course, many speeches from the elected officials in the 3rd. I will highlight only three. Cong. Ron Kind reported that in 2012, we “lost many races in the 3rd by just a few votes,” which can be won in 2014. Ron believed that Democrats could easily regain the State Senate in 2014 and make progress on the road to recovery in the Assembly – all that is needed is for all of us to engage our neighbors, our friends, and our relatives. I felt that one portion of his speech would be of interest to our members. Ron described himself as a legislator who has received both As and Fs from the NRA and that their grade did not influence his votes in Congress. He related that he had recently won a rifle as part of a raffle held by the Turkeys’ Unlimited fundraiser in his home county. To pick‐up the rifle, he went to the gun shop that provided the gun and underwent a background check. It took only two minutes. Cong. Kind cannot understand why gun shows and internet sales should not do the same. The list is there already – it just expands the law to cover all sales. He has gone on record in support of the bill that didn’t pass the Senate covering background check and “straw sales.” Cong. Ron Kind
Our own Rep. Katrina Shankland gave a wonderful speech outlining how she came to become a candidate for the Assembly – mainly through many, many friends encouraging her to run. She said that the Party can not get great candidates unless you ask them to run. Possibly the best speech was held to the end with State Senate Kathleen Vinehout – giving the charge for all of the delegates to work hard firing up members back home to work in the 2014 elections. She strongly Rep. Shankland felt that even though many of our Senate and Assembly seats were re‐districted to give Republicans the advantage, the Republicans are not being good stewards of their majority and will lose it. The last portion of the meeting dealt with resolutions. There were 37 resolutions, ten of which were submitted by Portage County. Several of the resolutions, which addressed the same issue, were combined to help reduce the number of resolutions. For example, there were five dealing with frac‐
sand mining, a hot issue in Jackson County. These were combined into one resolution, increasing the chance of its winning the vote. Each delegate was allowed to vote for up to ten resolutions, with the top ten being passed onto the state DPW convention for consideration by all the delegates. Senator Vinehout
These top ten resolutions are listed below. Those submitted by us have a PCDP after their name. If you would like to help any of these resolutions become part of the state party platform, consider becoming a delegate to the state convention. The process to become a state delegate is printed elsewhere in this newsletter. The Ten Resolutions from the 3rd CD Convention 1. Protecting Wisconsin's Public Schools 2. Repeal of Corporate Personhood 3. Non‐Partisan Redistricting System 4. Universal Voting Rights (PCDP) 5. Supporting Single Payer Health Care (PCDP) 6. Keeping Social Security Solvent (PCDP) 7. Labor Bargaining Rights (PCDP) 8. Just Cause for All Employees (PCDP) 9. Protecting our Water Resources (PCDP) 10. Citizen Protections from Industrial Frac Sand Mining Page 3 Delegate Gary Hawley at the microphone Trivia 2013 Thank You
Events Chair, Jan Way
Hats off to a great volunteer crew who answered phones for Trivia ’13
“That’s Not All Folks”.
On a cool Saturday evening in April,
eighteen of us joined in on the Democratic Party Team to answer
phones, laugh a lot and be treated to food from Gratzies, Rocky
Rococo, Emy Js and Belts. Oz thanked the Dems for doing a terrific
job. Those participating this year were Trish Baker, Corey Laddick,
Katrina Shankland, Sue Hall, Susan Barrett, Carie Winn, Jessica
Hoerter, George & Miriam Meeks, Gerry and Heidi Zastrow, Jan Way,
Sharon Morell, Jack & Leigh Allagier, Wes Halverson, Jerry Ugland,
Mary Tierney-Ley and Raechel Ley. We are already looking forward to
Trivia 2014.
Fighting the Mining Bill By Jack Allgaier As you well know, the mining bill passed both the state senate and assembly and was signed into law by our Governor this spring. For those opposed to the mining bill, the hope now is litigation from tribal groups, environmental groups, and tourism groups will slow down or even prevent the operation of the proposed mine. The most successful legal challenge may rest with the treaties signed with the Indian tribes in Wisconsin. Please consider making a cash contribution to the Bad River Tribe legal fund to help prevent mining in the Bad River Watershed (write in the memo portion of your check legal defense contribution) and mail to: The Bad River Tribe PO Box 39 Odawah, WI 54861 You may also contribute on their website: http://badriver-nsn.gov/
For more information about the proposed Penokee Hills mine, go to http://www.miningimpactcoalition.org/index.html
NOTICE!!!! Special Time May 14th Program Special Time
Dr. Eric Yonke, International Program Director at UWSP, attended our January meeting
to describe UWSP’s education abroad initiatives where undergraduates can study
abroad taking courses for their majors and for general education while living and
experiencing a new culture. At that time, he encouraged us to invite to a future
meeting some students who were in Cuba in January. At our May meeting, Erin
Jensen and Bailey Abraham will describe their experiences in Cuba and answer the
question, “How was this experience abroad important for your career?” Their
presentation will begin promptly at 7 pm – with the business meeting to follow.
Page 4
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin 2013 State Convention
June 7 & 8, 2013
The Olympia Resort & Conference Center
1350 Royale Mile Road
Oconomowoc, WI (1‐800‐558‐9573 to reserve a room)
Friday, June 7 – Registration 3‐8 PM; meeting starts at 6 pm
Saturday, June 8: Registration 8 – 11 AM; meeting closes by 2 pm
Advanced Registration $20 on DPW website
If you are interested in attending either convention as a delegate, please contact
Jack Lisa or Gary. If you might attend, but cannot say for sure today, sign up as
an alternate delegate. If Portage County does not have enough delegates, the
alternate delegates can be moved up to delegates and then will be allowed to
Gary Hawley Lisa Theo Jack Allgaier 715-321-0111
gary.hawley@softhome.net Lisa.jl.theo@gmail.com allgaiers@gmail.com
Membership notice from Jerry Ugland Treasurer…If you receive a message from the state party indicating your membership is due and you know that you are paid up, just ignore the message. You can check your membership status at the HQ on any meeting night. A membership form is attached if needed. ________________________
Sign me up for:
F $10 Senior/ Student/ Limited Income
F $25 Individual general membership
F $35 Pairs (includes 2 memberships)
F $45 Activist (includes up to 3
F $75 Family (includes all family members)
Make check payable to PCDP
Newsletter will then be sent by e-mail (saving printing & postage)
Includes membership in county, congressional district & state
Democratic parties.
Join the Portage County Democratic Party!
Address ___________________________________
City __________________ State ___ Zip ________
*Er address _________________________________
*City _____________________ St _____ Zip _______
*State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing
occupation and name and address of principle employer of individuals
whose contributions exceed $100 in a calendar year.
Membership dues are political contributions, and are not deductible
for federal or state income tax purposes. Your contribution may be
used in connection with state or federal elections, and is subject to
the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act
and state election statutes.
Mail to: PCDP, PO Box 515,
Stevens Point, WI 54481-0515
Office use: date received: _________________
CD: 3rd
Page 6
Senator Lassa Meets With the PCDP Gun Safety Committee
Senator Julie Lassa met with the PCDP's Gun Safety Committee on Tuesday April 16th. Our
discussion centered on the bills in the US Senate regarding background checks for gun
purchasers. Julie shared that important issues such as gun legislation, are a process and that
the process does not always move along as quickly as we would like. She also stated that it is
unlikely the Wisconsin Republican legislature will bring any gun legislation to the floor during
this session. We thank Julie for meeting with us and acknowledging our concerns regarding
gun safety.
Thank You Contributors of $25 or more to the sponsorship of the PCDP newsletter!
Jack & Leigh Allgaier in memory of Kay Strouse
Char Figge
Jan Way
Susan Goetting
Walter Hetchler
Patrick Schulfer
Anonymous (2)
Janice Doxtator
Ken & Sue Hall
Robert Ellingson
Richard Christofferson, Sr. (2) in appreciation of service to the PCDP by Richard Christofferson Jr.
A comprehensive listing of contributors of $25 or more will be included in each month’s newsletter. Please send your check,
payable to the PCDP to PO Box 515, Stevens Point 54481. Include newsletter in your check memo line. Thanks!
Comments of a first-time delegate to the 3rd Congressional District Convention
By Trudy Pederson
It was the best weather day of the spring so far. 80+ delegates were meeting in a banquet hall
with little opportunity to enjoy the great weather outside. It didn’t matter! The Democratic spirit,
camaraderie, enthusiasm and inspiration shared that day, made every minute spent indoors on this
beautiful spring day well worth it.
The Portage, Wood and Adams County delegates were all new to this convention as a result of
the Republican gerrymandering of the Congressional districts, but there were some familiar faces and
we were welcomed like old friends.
Along with the business of the 3rd CD and the election of the 3rd CD officers for the future, our
Democratic representatives filled the day with inspiring speeches. To a person, these politically savvy
speakers acknowledged that we are the party that has the advantage in future elections. To ensure
success and our continued effort to restore Wisconsin to the Progressive state that we know it to be, we
must continue to reach out to find and engage our friends, neighbors and casual acquaintances that
share our beliefs, our values and our vision for our state, but that are not engaged politically.
A spirit of cooperation was evidenced by an effort of all of the delegates to work together to
acknowledge and then pass a resolution that affects the northwestern areas of the district, sand frac
mining, but has little direct impact on the remainder of the district. Imagine what could be accomplished
in Madison if there was the same spirit of cooperation.
Page 7 Portage County Democratic Party PO Box 515 Stevens Point, WI 54481‐0515 PORTAGE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY GENERAL MEETING Date: Tuesday May 7, 2013 Program Time Change 7 PM Time: 7:00 PM Tues May 7th Socializing begins at 6:30 PM Followed immediately by the program Erin Jensen and Bailey Abraham, UWSP students, will describe their experiences Location: Portage County Democratic in Cuba as part of the education abroad Party Headquarters program. Their presentation will begin 2220 Division St. Stevens Point promptly at 7 pm – with the business meeting to follow Agenda Highlights: •
UWSP Student presentation • Planned visit by Mahlon Mitchell, former Lt. Governor candidate • Business meeting Authorized and Paid for by the Portage County Democratic Party. Jerry Ugland, Treasurer