Grad Party Information & Permission Form


Grad Party Information & Permission Form
Dear parents of the students of the PHS Senior Class of 2015,
Your senior is invited to attend an awesome Drug and Alcohol Free All Night Grad Party following the Prairie High
School graduation on Thursday June 11th. This annual event, a celebration of their accomplishment, is organized by
parent volunteers, and is fully funded through fundraisers, donations, and ticket sales. The planning committee hopes
that you will encourage your graduate to attend this FUN and MEMORABLE evening. It may be their last chance
to spend time with many of their classmates. It is our hope that Running Start students will want to participate in this
party too!
The party is open to PHS 2015 graduates only at Big Al’s and is chaperoned by 1 parent for every 10 students, in addition
to employees of the facility and party planning company. The seniors are transported by bus from Battle Ground High
School after graduation (at about 10pm) and returned by bus to Prairie High School the next morning (around 5:30am.)
The seniors will enjoy a multitude of activities such as Cosmic bowling with shoe rental, Xbox Kinect Lounge, 2 Billiards
Tables, Shuffleboard, 3 Dart Boards, Mechanical Bull, Gladiator Joust, TWO special shows – a Game show with $300 in
cash prizes and an amazing Hypnotist , Unlimited Arcade Play & Casino, Prizes… and MUCH MUCH MORE!! Also
includes pizza and unlimited soft drinks, espresso and smoothie bar. No money will be necessary at the party to indulge
in all the fun of the night!
Please bring a comfortable change of clothes to change into after the graduation ceremony. The student can change into
these clothes before being transported to Big Al’s. No bags, purses or backpacks or bottles of any kind will be allowed on
the bus. In order to keep the party safe for all , student cell phones are not allowed. Students will be checking in their
cell phones, wallets/purses and keys after the graduation ceremony on June 11th. Each bag containing the student’s
belongings will be labeled and transported to Big Al’s. Any non-approved items will be bagged, labeled, stored, and
returned to the student upon departure from the bus at PHS. Necessary medications need to be pre-arranged with the
planning committee.
The evening of the party, each student will be checked by an adult prior to boarding the bus. Once at the party, no
graduate will be allowed to leave the facility. Students may leave their car in the PHS parking lot overnight or have a
parent pick them up in the morning.
The cost of the party is a non-refundable $50.00 per student if paid by April 24th (with the exception of those students
whom earned free or half priced admission through their participation in the fundraisers.) The submission of a completed
and signed Parent Permission & Medical Release form is required by all students in order to attend the party. The cost
of the party increases after April 24th as follows: $55.00 between April 27th and May 22nd ; $60.00 between May 26th and
June 5th and $75 at June 11th Graduation Practice.
The form and payment (cash or check) may be turned in at PHS by the ASB office on the following days during STAT
Monday April 13
Wednesday April 29
Friday May 15
Thursday May 28
Thursday April 16
Monday May 4
Wednesday May 20
Monday June 1
Tuesday April 21
Thursday May 7
Friday May 22
Wednesday June 3
Friday April 24
Tuesday May 12
Tuesday May 26
Friday June 5
Monday April 27
*June 11 during graduation practice
The form and payment may also be mailed to the committee chair:
Nathalie Lindsay
4818 NE 142nd street
Vancouver, WA 98686
Checks payable to: PHS 2015 Grad Night
Students will be assigned to a bus on a first come, first served basis, and will only be allowed to
sign up once their payment, and completed & signed forms are received.
If you have any questions, please contact the PHS Grad Night Party chair,
Natalie Lindsay by e-mail at
Who can attend the party and what is the location?
The party is open to PHS 2015 graduates only, and is held at Big Al’s.
How does my senior get to the party and back home afterward?
Your son/daughter will be transported by bus from Battle Ground High School after graduation
(at about 10pm) and returned by bus to Prairie High School the next morning (around 5:30am.)
Please plan on their either leaving a car at Prairie before heading to BGHS for the graduation (security
will be provided) or arranging for transportation home after the grad night party from PHS the next morning.
Students need to check in for the party at the Battle Ground High School East Gym no later than 9:30pm.
What do students need to bring to the party?
Students do not need to bring anything to the party. Students are to bring a comfortable change of clothes to
change into after the graduation ceremony before boarding the buses to Big Al’s. Any non-approved items will be
bagged, labeled, stored, and returned to the student upon departure from the bus at PHS. Necessary medications
need to be pre-arranged with the planning committee. The evening of the party, every senior will be checked by an
adult prior to boarding the bus. No bags, purses or bottles of any kind will be allowed on the bus.
Student cell phones are not allowed. Cell phones, wallets and keys will be bagged, tagged and transported to
Big Al’s. They will be returned to the student after the party.
Once at the party, students will not be allowed to leave the facility.
In an emergency, they will have access to a phone to contact a parent.
What items ARE NOT ALLOWED at the party?
Any electronic items including cell phones
Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and weapons
Food and beverages (including bottled water)
What should my senior wear to the party?
Comfortable, casual, gym type clothes
What if my son/daughter needs medication during the party?
Please contact Nathalie Lindsay to make arrangements. This includes prescription and
over-the-counter products. Medications will be recorded and distributed by an adult.
** Please make sure you list a phone number on the Parent Permission & Medical Release form
at which you will be available on the night of the party in case of an emergency. **
NOTE: A photographer will be at the party taking candid photos of all the kids. These shots will then be uploaded
to a website from which you/they will be able to download them for your own use at no cost.
Shifts available at Big Al’s:
the whole night, 10:30pm - 4:30am; the early shift, 10:30pm - 1:30am; the late shift, 1:30 - 4:30am
Please let Natalie know if you can be a part of this memorable night for our kids!
Prairie High School Class of 2015
All Night Drug & Alcohol Free Grad Night Party – June 11, 2015
We, the Parent Planning Committee for the Class of 2015 Prairie High School All Night Graduation Party, are dedicated to providing a drug and
alcohol free event. The committee has devoted a lot of time and energy organizing a party for the senior class to enjoy and remember. However,
to have a successful party there are rules that must be understood and adhered to by the senior parents, students, and chaperones.
The use or possession of alcohol and/or other drugs (including paraphernalia) or any weapons will not be tolerated.
Any student who is in possession of or under the influence of any non-prescription drug, alcohol, or intoxicant will be denied
transportation to the party with NO TICKET REFUND.
Any alcohol, drug, or tobacco product found in a student’s possession will be confiscated.
Any student under the influence of alcohol or any other drug will be removed from the party. Parents will be notified to transport their
student home or the student will be released to the state police.
Students are expected to behave as responsible young adults. Any behavior to the contrary could result in removal from the party.
Smoking is not allowed at any time.
No cell phones or pagers are allowed. Any brought to the party will be held by the committee and returned upon completion of the event.
We acknowledge this all-night Graduation Party for the Prairie High School Class of 2013 is not a school-sponsored event. We agree to follow
the rules established by the Parent Planning Committee, which is comprised of senior parents who have organized the event.
The undersigned,
being the parent or legal guardian of ________________________________________________________, give their graduate permission to
attend the above event and assume all risks associated with attendance. Furthermore, we hereby release PHS senior parents together with its
agents and employees from all actions, damages, claims or demands which our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have against Prairie
High School and /or the above described parties for all personal injuries known or unknown which may be incurred by participating in the above
We have read this release and understand all its terms and execute it voluntarily and with knowledge of its
We hereby authorize PHS Senior parents and/or its employees and agents to consent to the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by a
licensed physician, surgeon or dentist; and/or the transfer of said student, including but not limited to: ambulance expense, costs of paramedics,
hospital expenses and/or physician charges.
The following information is needed by any hospital or practitioner not having access to the student’s medical history:
Medication that will need to be taken DURING the party: _____________________________________________________________
Other medication being taken currently: _______________________________________Date of last Tetanus shot: _______________
Physical impairments or environmental allergies: ____________________________________________________________________
Any food allergies or dietary restrictions: __________________________________________________________________________
Other pertinent medical information: ______________________________________________________________________________
We have read, understand and agree to the stated RULES and RELEASE AUTHORIZATION.
Date: _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Street Address
Medical Insurance Provider
Policy Number and Phone Number
PHONE # TO REACH PARENT on the night of the party Preferred doctor & phone number / hospital
Would you like to sponsor a senior to go to the party?
Amount of sponsorship $_____________
Would you like to provide a donation for the 2015 Senior party?
Amount of donation$_____________
Thank you for your donation!