Being a Doctor Means to Choose a Lifelong Learning


Being a Doctor Means to Choose a Lifelong Learning
Being a Doctor Means to Choose a Lifelong Learning
Submit by humas3 on April 30, 2015 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 1327
The Dean of FK-UB, Dr. dr.
Sri Andarini, M.Kes., gives
congratulation to the fresh
Medical science is a knowledge that never stops to develop. There is a term, a lifelong learner, means that choosing
to be a doctor is to choose lifelong learning. It was said by a fresh graduate doctor, dr. Yordan Wicaksono Ashari,
S.Ked., in the doctor oath on Thursday (30/04/2015) in Samantha Krida Building, Brawijaya University (UB).
“Although we have already succeeded to get a medical degree, do not be satisfied, great, and being the most
intelligent doctor. We must continually hone our abilities, to renew insights, in order to face the ever-changing
dynamics of life," said Jordan.
Explained by the Head of Medical Science Study Program-Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Teguh W. Sardjono, DTM&H,
M.Sc, SpParK, the doctor oath was followed by 186 new doctors as the yudisium result of 09/04/2015 and
04/16/2015. This doctor oath is the obligation of a new doctor that will run their profession and mark the
completion of the process of education in academic and profession officially, so that they are entitled to hold the
title of doctor.
“This doctor oath is the third generation since the enactment of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) in FK-UB.
For practicing their doctor profession, they still have the obligation to pass internship period in a class B of public
hospital and health center for a year," he said.
From 186 new doctors, those who have graduated on time and get cum laud are 63 doctors. The four best doctors
are achieved by dr. Iraky Mardya Rakhmadan, S.Ked., with a GPA of 3.86; dr. Zakiya Zulaifah, S.Ked., (3.77); dr.
Tia Maya Affrita, S.Ked., (3.76); and dr. Rahmanda Rizal Akbar, S.Ked., (3.76). While the new doctors that get the
best Computer Based Test (CBT) score are dr. Deasy Claurita Natalina, S.Ked., with the score of 87; dr. Iraky
Mardya Rakhmadan, S.Ked., (86.5); dr. Andreas Moekoe, S.Ked., (86.5); and dr. Agra Dhira Narendraputra,
S.Ked., (85.5). [Irene/Humas UB/translated by uswatun-agung]
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