May 15 newsletter
May 15 newsletter
Non-Profit US Postage PAID Prattmont Baptist Church 814 Smith Ave Prattville, AL 36067 334-365-0023 Prattville, Al 36066 Permit 12 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED MONTHY BUDGET-April-Monthly Need-$30,017.25 General Fund Designated Funds Building Fund “Together We Grow” Total: $757.37 5 $ 10,059.00 12 5,200.50 19 4,082.00 26 2,514.00 5 $ 180.00 12 50.00 19 50.00 26 0.00 $ 21,855.50 $ 280.00 Dear Church Family: Thank you all so much for the prayers, calls, cards and wonderful meals. They were such a blessing during my surgery and recovery. God is good! Angie Shaver Christian Sympathy Extended to: Ottis Smitherman and family in the passing of his sister, Voncile Scott. Gayle Cotton and family in the passing of her cousin, Lee Kelly. Family and friends in the passing of Ollie Strickland. Lisa Baker and family in the passing of her grandfather, Donald Frost. Donnie Ruffin and family in the passing of her son, Don Ruffin. Jayra Smith and family in the passing of her grandmother, Ruby Sealy. 5 $ 1,680.00 12 935.00 19 435.00 26 1,960.00 $ 5,010.00 Money Counters 3 - D. Ruffin 10 - M. Dennis/A. Hand 17 - T. Reid/B. Hurston 24 - K. Schuffert 31 - D. Ruffin Deacon of the Week May 3 - Warren Cook May 10 - Stan Hollon May 17 - Robin McDonald May 24 - Jimmy Morgan May 31 - Tommy Noah First Touch Deacon Team May 4 - Jimmy Barrett/Jimmy Morgan May 11 - Tommy Noah/Stan Hollon May 18 - Gerald Batchelor/Warren Cook May 25 - Robin McDonald/Greg Charlton Memorials: In memory of Ollie Strickland by Wayne & Joyce Gray, Dollie Woodfin and Derril & Belinda Strickland. New Sermon Series Beginning Sunday morning, May 24th BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH - Jennifer Sims Kyle Wiggins Mike Lowe Ottis Smitherman Amanda Wolfe Jenni Payne Craig White, Sr. Jimmy Jones Debbie Carruth Tommy Missildine 7 - Elise Smith 8 - Luke Powell 10 - Nancy Bishop 11 - Josh Noah 12 - Shirley Brown 15 - Bonnie Rogers 18 - Nicholas Noah 19 - Mari Grayson Luckie 20 - Jimmy Powell 21 - Emilee Lowe 22 24 25 27 27 29 30 31 - Andy Cotton Tom Karrh Hanna Cooper Chad Jordan Steven Tice Neal Jones Kensley Jarman Cristy Stockman Office Hours MonMon-Thur: 8:30 - 2:30 p.m. Closed Friday New Discipleship Training class beginning Sunday, May 3rd at 5 p.m. Tommy Noah will be leading this class. May 2015 Senior Adult Day Sunday, May 3rd There will be a youth catered luncheon following the 11 a.m. worship service for all senior adults. Please sign up on the activities board. Staff Home Telephone Numbers Pastor Randall Tucker…......361-0183 Minister to Families Pa y Burns................467-0067 Minister of Music Ron Burns………….590-9224 Financial Administra ve Assistant Melissa Bazzell……..…285-9687 Parrish Nurse Andrea Irwin………...224-0414 In honor of Dollie Woodfin’s 92nd birthday. We love you very much! Joyce & Wayne Gray; Milton & Deborah Woodfin; Clifford Woodfin 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 7 Church Office - 365365-0023 www.pra Email - contactus@pra Administra ve Assistant Lori Lowe……….....657-9413 Honorariums: Youth Musical Sunday, May 17th 8:45 a.m. A monthly newsle er published by Pra mont Bap st Church Sunday Schedule Praise & Worship...8:45 a.m. Holy Grounds Coffee Shoppe... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School….10:00 a.m. Morning Worship...11:00 a.m. Adult Choir Prac ce...3:45 p.m. Evening Ac vi es………..5:00 p.m. Wednesday Schedule Fellowship Supper….5:30 p.m. Preschool & Children …6:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study…..6:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Mee ng…..6:30 p.m. Ladies’ Bible Study...6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study….6:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School June 7th-11th Preschool Sunday - Thursday: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1st - 6th graders Sunday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon - Thurs: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Register online at or fill out a form in the foyer. VBS Leadership Meeting Sunday, May 3rd at 5 p.m. “Lift You Up” Wednesday, May 20th 6:30 p.m. May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 McGriff Scholarship Applications are available in the church office. Adult 3 Senior Day & Walking Class 8:15 a.m. 4 5 6 Walking Class 8:15 a.m. VBS Leadership Meeting 5 p.m. Worship Service 6 p.m. Church Council 6 p.m. Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Class 11 Walking 12 8:15 a.m. 7 Here are just five of the many reasons we should all sing passionately in church this Sunday: 2 No Evening Activities Class 13 Walking 14 8:15 a.m. 9 F. H. Reserved 3 - 9 p.m. Gym Reserved 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 15 16 Judy Hooper & John Moore Wedding 4 p.m. Sanctuary Reserved 3-5 p.m. Sanctuary Reserved Class 18 Walking 19 8:15 a.m. 8 Fisher’s of Men Banquet Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. Mother’s Day Youth 17Musical Sat 1. We are commanded to sing. We are called to sing — indeed, the Scriptures command us more than 250 <mes to sing. It’s hardly one of those “controversial” issues that is hard to ascertain precisely what scripture is saying. It’s not a choice. It’s not dependent on “feeling like it.” It’s not our preroga<ve. Luncheon 10 Fri Class 20 Walking 21 8:15 a.m. 22 Sanctuary Reserved 23 8:45 a.m. “One Voice” 11 a.m. Graduate Recognition Service 5 p.m. 24 I Am a Prattmont Church Member Series Begins 31 GPS Kids Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Reserved 6-8 p.m. 25 Memorial Day Church Office Closed 5 Reasons You Have No Choice But to Sing in Church on Sunday 26 3. Singing is an expression of brotherhood and unites genera,ons. Singing together is a picture here on earth of the hope of heaven where every tribe, tongue, and na<on will sing to God. Throughout history, God’s people have both discovered and affirmed their solidarity in <mes of celebra<on and in <mes of tragedy through singing. 4. We are what we sing. Singing affects how we pray, think, and feel. It influences our memory banks and even the deepest parts of our subconscious. Class 27 Walking 28 8:15 a.m. Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. 2. Singing together completes our joy. Celebra<ng with each other is as natural as breathing. At our kid’s soccer game or when we watch football or March Madness, it’s not enough for our team to win. We want to revel in the moment and share it with others. Marking a birthday, winning a prize, or geEng a raise are all incomplete un<l we get to share them with those we love. Similarly, for the faithful, the joy of living, of praying, of studying Scripture cannot be complete un<l shared. Singing together reminds us — not just intellectually, but experien<ally — that we are not slaves to the rugged individualism promoted by society. We’re actually responsible to one another. Autauga Co Schools Closed 29 30 Autauga Co last day of school & graduation F. H. Reserved 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. By Letter Mike & Lisa Baker Dawson & Branden 1280 Adell St Prattville, AL 36066 651-2176 5. Singing bears tes,mony to our faith. How we sing, if we sing, how passionately we sing — our singing itself — is a witness to those looking on. There is no choice in the maHer. In the level of our engagement with the songs and par<cipa<on in the singing, we tes<fy to the joy of an excited believer or betray the chill of a disinterested spectator. This ar<cle is taken from a WorshipLife blog wriHen by Keith GeHy, most known for his hymn, “In Christ Alone.” If you would like to read the blog in its en<rety, go to: See you Sunday! Ron For several years our family had season tickets to the A lab a ma Gymnastics meets. We loved to go and watch these very talented & graceful ladies perform. As we arrived you could feel the anticipation and excitement growing in the coliseum. Then the lights would go out, the music would begin to blast and we’d hear . . . “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!” Cheering would break out across the arena. The excitement and anticipation was so thick you could almost touch it! We were ready to do what ever needed to see our girls win! No, I’m not suggesting we get ready to rumble, but I am suggesting, let’s get busy workin’ for Jesus! I wonder if we have the same excitement and anticipation when we come to church that we have when we go to watch our favorite gymnastics team or football team, little league game or dance recital? When we walk into the foyer of the church or into the worship center does the excitement that we’re about to meet Jesus and worship with our church family cause us to get butterflies? Does the anticipation for what’s going to happen next cause us to sit on the edge of our seats? I’m sorry to say, I don’t think so. But I’m eager to say, “Why not?!” Isn’t Jesus better than anything else we can imagine? Isn’t being in Jesus’ presence the best thing E-V-E-R?!?! Maybe one difference is when we go to a favorite sporting event or recital we are actively involved. We cheer and clap and jump up and down! Or maybe at a recital we watch with such intensity and dance every move with our team/child. When we leave we almost feel physically weak because we “worked” so hard at helping the team win! Can we say the same things about when we come to worship? Are we singing and praising with enthusiasm? Are we serving in the nursery, or teaching a Sunday School class, or singing in the choir or greeting people as they arrive or collecting the offering or…. You name it!? Easter Sunday morning I felt something different as I arrived. I wish every Sunday felt like Easter Sunday! And so, this has become my prayer. I pray that we all might have a wonder and awe each week as we enter these doors. I pray that our hearts and hands are ready to worship and work for Jesus. WE WERE CREATED TO WORSHIP . . . GOD!