Registration Form – 2015 Montreat Conferences on Worship & Music


Registration Form – 2015 Montreat Conferences on Worship & Music
Registration Form – 2015 Montreat Conferences on Worship & Music
Please print clearly. Please fill out a separate form for each person registering. Duplicate this form as needed.
The easiest way to register is online at the PAM website,, where you may also see the class availability.
Registrations will be accepted beginning November 15, 2014.
For registration questions, visit the PAM website:, or email or call 888-728-7228, xt. 5288.
Name Badge Information
First Name or Nickname, eg “Bob” ____________________________
Full Name _______________________________________________
Church Name ____________________________________________
Church City and State __________________________ , _________
Registration Information
I am registering for: o Week 1 (June 21-26) o Week 2 (June 28-July 3)
I am registering as: o Adult (age 22+)
o Chaperone - (not attending adult classes)
o Young Adult attending Adult Choir (age 18-21)
o Young Adult attending Sr. High Choir (age 18-21)
o Sr. High
o Middler
o Child
Mailing Address_____________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Daytime Phone _____________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name ___________________________________
Emergency Contact Phone ___________________________________
Check the following statements that are applicable:
o I want to receive the Call to Worship print edition
o I am a professional musician or in charge of a church music program
o I am an ordained minister
o I want to receive the daily news emails while at Montreat
o This is my first time to the Montreat Worship & Music conference
o I would like to assist in worship
All Groups larger than 10 are required to register online.
Electives and Auditioned Ensembles
Using the course descriptions, choose the electives for which you desire
to enroll. Choirs for all ages meet 2 of the 7 periods each day. Being
enrolled in a course will be dependent upon availability at the time your
registration is received. Indicate which level of handbells you desire and/
or which instrument you will bring if auditioning for an ensemble.
There is no pre-registration for auditioned choirs or instrumental
ensembles. If you wish to audition for one of those, you may sign up for
an alternate class in case you are not selected for the auditioned group.
Audition results will be posted early on Monday morning. If chosen for an
auditioned ensemble, your schedule will be adjusted accordingly.
Adult/Young Adult Classes – Choose classes to fill a maximum of 7
time periods. Note that Adult Choir or Sr. High Choir will fill 2 periods
each day.
Senior High Classes – choose up to 3 electives in addition to Choir,
Bible, and Living the Life.
Middler Classes – choose up to 3 electives in addition to Choir, Bible,
and Fun and Games.
Children Classes – choose up to 2 electives in addition to Choir, Bible,
and Fun and Games. Children do not have 4:30 classes.
Class Choices (in priority order)
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
Group Leader Information
5. _____________________________________________________
(person to whom confirmations should be sent for youth or children)
6. _____________________________________________________
Group Leader Full Name _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address or P.O. Box ___________________________________
o I am bringing an Instrument for Instrumental Ensembles.
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________
Instrument _______________________________ Years exp. ________
Email Address _____________________________________________
o Our group is bringing chaperones. All chaperones are required to
register as a chaperone and pay the chaperone fee if they are not registered
to attend adult classes. Children not registered for the conference may
attend “Montreat Clubs.” Call 800-572-2257 for details.
Registration Fees
BeforeAfter AfterAfter
Jan. 3 Jan. 2 Apr. 15 Jun. 7
Adult (age 22 and up)
Young Adult (age 18-21)
Senior High (rising grades 10-12)
Middler (rising grades 7-9)
Child (rising grades 4-6)
Chaperone (not attending adult classes)
o Bus Ticket to Monday Evening Organ Recital: $20
o Art Workshop Fee: $15
o PAM Annual Fund Donation $____________
o PAM Scholarship Fund Donation $____________
For Payment by Credit/Debit Card:
o Visa
o MasterCard
o Discover
Total to be charged $______________
Card Number _______________________________________________________
Exp. Date ______/______
Name on Card ______________________________________________________
Credit Card Billing Zip Code _____________ CVC Security Code on back _______
Signature __________________________________________________
For Payment by Check:
The full registration fee must accompany the completed form. Make check
payable to Presbyterian Association of Musicians.
o I am bringing a child that is in the age range of newborn to 5 years of
age to participate in the Music for Young Children demonstration class.
Child’s name _____________________________ Child’s age _______
Cancellation Policy
Requests for refunds of conference registration fees must be submitted
in writing, either by email to or by surface mail. Refund
requests received or postmarked on or before April 15 will be made, after
deduction of a $50 per person service charge. Refund requests received
or postmarked after April 15 and through May 24 will be considered on a
case-by-case basis. No refunds will be made for requests received
or postmarked after May 24. Requests for refunds of lodging, food or
other fees are controlled by the policies of the organizations with which
these arrangements have been made.
Permission to Photograph
By participating in a program or attending a PAM event at Montreat
Conference Center, your image, name, and voice, as well as any
presentation, speech, or written document submitted by you may be used,
reproduced, and/or modified for use as publicity in a variety of media
including, but not limited to, print, video, photographic, television and
radio broadcasts, and sound recordings, all of which may be available on
the Internet. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the PAM
National Office at 502-569-5288 or email
Mail Form and Payment to:
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Or Fax Form and Payment to: 502-569-8465
The easiest way to register is online at the PAM website: