April Update - Parkland Regional Library
April Update - Parkland Regional Library
April Update Subscribe Share Past Issues PRL Update is also available in PDF on our website... Translate View this email in your browser April 2015 Table of Contents Mark Your Calendar Address List & Library Fee Changes Schedule Changes Staff Update Technical Services Systems Ordering Cataloguing Collections Extras Mark Your Calendar April - National Poetry Month April 12-18 - National Volunteer Week April 20 - Spring PD Day at PRL - Focusing on Social Media Fire up your social media strategy and explore the power of video in our upcoming PD workshop on April 20 at PRL. Find out more at http://www.prl.ab.ca/conference and then sign up at http://www.prl.ab.ca/registration. Registration is limited to 40! Parkland Needs Assessment Facilitated Meetings: April April April April 21 22 23 24 - Olds Public Library - 5217 52 Avenue Olds; Parkland Regional Library - 5404 56 Avenue Lacombe; Galahad Community Centre - 201 Lady Vivian Avenue W, Galahad Camrose Public Library - 4710 - 50 Avenue, Camrose. Registration deadline for the meetings is Wednesday, April 15. Register by emailing Anna Alexander at aalexander@prl.ab.ca; or by calling Anna at (403) 782-3850. A memo invite has been sent via van delivery, mail and email to library board chairs, library staff, member municipal councils, and Parkland 's board members. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] RSS April Update April 30 - May 3 - Alberta Library Conference, Jasper Summer Reading Workshop - Saturday, June 6 at PRL Headquarters. September 21 - Professional Development Day at the Lacombe Memorial Centre. Address List & Library Fee Changes The Address List has been updated for the following libraries: Cremona Public - new board chair - Ms. Tracy Westerson Delburne Public Library - new hours: Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 11:00-5:00; Wed. 11:008:00; Sat. 11:00-2:00 Innisfail Public - new library manager - Mr. Matthew Barabash Sylvan Lake Public - new board chair - Ms. Lynda Fiedler Library Card Fees have changed for the following libraries: Hay Lakes Library - Individual $15; Family $30. The new list can be found in the Q Drive to print for your library, if you so choose. Schedule Changes Staff Meeting - Wednesday April 8 at 9:00 a.m. Office Closure - Good Friday, April 3 and Easter Monday, April 6. Staff Update Network Support Technician - Parkland has successfully hired a Network Support Technician. Steven Dobrowloski is returning to Parkland starting on April 1. Welcome back Steven! Technical Services Systems Batch Changing Notification Settings to Send Email Contact Marquita if you would like all your patrons with email addresses in Horizon to be included in the overdue, hold, and membership renewal notices. We can change all your patrons at once. (Currently your patrons will not receive emails unless their "notice by" field is set to "email" and "phone type" contains "noTC".) If you would like a list of your patrons with email addresses who have the wrong settings in Horizon to receive email, go to WebReporter > Borrower Reports > All Borrowers Reports > Borrowers with Email Addresses that will not receive Email Notices. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] April Update Barcodes Added to Title Request List The Title Request List now displays item barcodes. This is to clarify which patron should be mailed the item, if there are multiple "mail to" requests for it. ME patron "home" libraries and fines/fees ME patrons are created with ALAP as their home library by default. However, if an item belonging to you is lost or damaged by a ME patron, you should contact them directly (Parkland does not do this). If a ME patron is using your library as their preferred location, you can change their location in Horizon from ALAP to your own library code. However, if the record is already set to another library's location within Parkland, you should talk to them before changing it. CNIB has been changed to Print Disabled in our Catalogue: Services for the print disabled in Alberta have changed. Instead of the CNIB Partners Program, we now have access to CELA (Centre for Equitable Library Access) and NNELS (National Network for Equitable Library Services). We previously used "CNIB" to indicate an item was for print disabled only. Since libraries no longer deal directly with CNIB, the "CNIB" code has been switched to "PDO" (Print Disabled Only) in Horizon, reflecting that a print disability can be more than a visual impairment. Read the Print Disabled Only Records document for details on this change. The Borrower Handout & Item Handout have been updated to reflect these changes. These documents can be found on our website: Training & Resources > Connect with Patrons > Services for Print Disabled Membership Renewal Notice Format Change Parkland began producing this new type of notice on 11 Mar, 2015. It sends email notification to patrons approximately 30 days prior to their card’s expiry date. The borrower’s name, card number and expiry date have been added to these notifications. Example: Just a reminder—the "Pre-Expiry Notice" block on the borrower’s record is what allows the email notifications to work so do not delete these when you come across them. They will delete on their own. Staff Initials field added to Borrower Records A new field has been added to Borrower Records—Staff Initials. Unfortunately, this field can only accept predetermined values—you have to select from a list of numbers. You can assign each staff member at your library a number from 1 to 50 to use when they are creating borrower records. It is up to library managers to track the numbers assigned to staff members; this information is not kept in Horizon. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] April Update You are not sharing the numbers between other libraries in Parkland, so number assignments are completely up to your library. Because this is not as convenient as adding initials, this field is not mandatory. You will find the field next to the Expiry Date: Ordering Blackstone Audio's Discount Seasons Have Changed From 3 to 4 Per Year! Parkland is signed up for the CD12 plan: We have agreed to buy 36 CDs per season (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec) to enjoy the following discounts: 1) We will never pay more than $40 USD per Audio CD title. (If the title is $150, we will pay $40) 2) CDs $60 or less will receive a 35% discount. 3) MP3s will receive a 20% discount. (MP3s do not count towards our 48 CDs per season agreement). Want to know how much we’ve ordered this season? Go to WebReporter: Acquisitions Reports > Vendor Discount Reports > Blackstone Audio Orders. To find Blackstone Audio titles, go to www.blackstonelibrary.com. You will need to order these through Purchase Request in Horizon. The April ILL Hot Picks list is up! These are titles that have been requested by Parkland patrons through interlibrary loan. Ordering? See Selection List instructions on our Horizon page. Library Services Center slists are updated monthly. For April there are additions to Adult, Audio-Visual, French, and Juvenile categories. View new lists on our vendor catalogues page. New patron suggestions are available at: Q:\Collections\Collection Development\Recommended Titles to http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] April Update Buy\Patron purchase suggestions. Suggestions are region-wide (you will have received your own patrons' suggestions by email). Looking for 3M ordering ideas? Check out the 3 lists on the Q: drive folder: Q:\Collections\Collection Development\Recommended Titles to Buy\3M - top picks Top 10 Requested by Title and Ratio http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] April Update Want the top 50 requested titles? Go to: Q:\Collections\Collection Development\Recommended Titles to Buy\Horizon - top requested by title and ratio Cataloguing Process Only Queue - Currently working on items sent in: Purchased: March 18 Donation: February 19 Collections Check out our new non-fiction titles by following the link below: prl.ab.ca/files/PRL_Non_Fiction_March_2015.pdf. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM] April Update PRL Audiobook Collection Check out our newest audiobook titles by following the link below: http://www.prl.ab.ca/files/March_2015_Audiobooks.pdf. Extras Hoopla, 3M, and OneClickdigital all have new apps / new websites. We have updated the patron instructions - please discard any printed copies you have and re-print them. See: prl.ab.ca/econtenthelp Public Library Services Branch (PLSB) has recently updated the SuperNet Operational Policy. Please add to your records. Click here to access a PDF. Facebook Twitter Website Copyright © 2015 Parkland Regional Library, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=314bf9280b61133f5194d6cb7&id=3a3e5413b7&e=[UNIQID][3/27/2015 3:40:09 PM]