DATE: April 10th, 2015 TO - University of Connecticut


DATE: April 10th, 2015 TO - University of Connecticut
DATE: April 10th, 2015
Prospective Respondents
FROM: Joseph Lastrina, Purchasing Agent I
Addendum #1 RFP # JL040215, Strategic Marketing Partnership for the Division of Athletics
All Respondents are hereby advised of the following amendments to the Request for Proposal
document(s) which are made an integral part of the bid documents. Respondents are required to
acknowledge receipt of this addendum in their proposal response, as well as include a signed copy of
this addendum with their RFP response.
Item # 1:
The University has waived the mandatory requirement for financial statements as outlined in section 4.2
as part of the initial submission of proposals in response to this RFP, although Respondents or prospective
awardees may be required to submit information substantiating their financial surety as the RFP process
continues in advance of a final selection.
Item # 2:
The University is augmenting its requirements for references to not require five (5) institutions of higher
education, but references should be relevant to the overall requirements of this RFP and demonstrate
experience providing service similar to those outlined in the RFP. A preference exists for firms whose
references demonstrate experience with collegiate athletics and/or professional sports programs.
Item # 3:
Below are responses to inquiries received prior to the deadline established in section 1.3 of the RFP.
In the overview, you mention the "current relative position" of the UCONN Athletics
Department. Would you be able to elaborate on where UCONN Athletics stands today from a
marketing perspective?
UConn Athletics is known nationally thanks to numerous basketball championships. UConn
Athletics is also known throughout CT; however, with conference realignment, UConn is not in
high-profile conferences, nor does football get much attention or TV time nationally.
Where would you rank UCONN Athletics as compared to other major universities' athletic
Powerhouse in basketball. Excitement with new Hockey East conference. Struggling in Football.
Struggling with ticket sales. Not in Power Conferences.
With regards to identifying and developing a positioning statement for the Division of Athletics,
are you referring to branding for each sport or branding of UCONN Athletics as a whole?
Looking to position Athletics globally to leverage its strengths across all sports.
Office of the Associate Vice President
of Finance and Budget
Procurement Services
STORRS, CT 06268-6076
PHONE 860.486.2619
FAX 860.486.5051
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Our firm is not only a leader in providing strategic marketing consulting, but also a global leader
in partnership sales. I realize that this would fall under a supplementary service, but can you tell
us how this might fold into the RFP?
UConn has relationships with sponsors already in place.
How do you envision the party that is awarded this RFP collaborating with IMG College?
Vendor will work closely with development of strategic plan with UConn Athletics – any
collaboration on tactics would be managed through UConn.
Regarding section 1.2, Proposal Evaluations: Understanding of University's Mission: In which
section of the proposal should this be included?
An understanding of the University’s missions should be demonstrated by your response to the
RFP, but is not required in any particular section. It would seem most appropriate to include this
information in the point-by-point response to Appendix A, section 1.0.
Regarding section 1.2, Proposal Evaluations: Creativity and Marketing Effectiveness: In which
section of the proposal should "samples" be included?
There is no requirement for where samples should be included in your proposal. The only
requirement related to the organization of your proposal is outlined in section 2.2.3 of the RFP.
Regarding section 2.2.2, Submission Format: What is meant by "Proposals should be presented in
a format that can easily be incorporated into a contract"?
Please do not allow for this particular section to alter your RFP response. The key language in
this clause is that the University will not accept proposals submitted electronically.
Regarding section 2.3.3, Addenda to the RFP: Will the UConn’s Procurement point of contact
email any RFP addendums to participating vendors/agencies?
As stated in the RFP, “…it is solely the responsibility of Respondents to retrieve any and all
addenda from the University of Connecticut Procurement Services website or the State of
Connecticut’s Department of Administrative Services’ Procurement website.” The following link
will direct you to the website where any and all addenda will be posted:
Regarding Part VI, Form of Proposal: Is the order of documents listed in #11 the order which
materials must be arranged in the original and four (4) copies?
The only requirement for the arrangement of content is outlined in section 2.2.3 which reads
“Each proposal must include a table of contents with page numbers for each of the required
components of the proposal.”
Regarding Part VII, Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities: Are participating
agencies/vendors required to complete the "Bidder Contract Compliance Monitoring Report"
pages as part of the proposal submission?
Yes, this is a mandatory submittal.
Regarding Appendix A, section 1.0, Project Overview: Is a response required to Section 1.0?
What is the current situation and goals of the University's Division of Athletics that have
prompted this RFP?
As noted in response to Q6, it would seem appropriate that your response to section 1.0 of
Appendix A would include a demonstrated understanding of the University’s mission. Athletics
has been powerhouse in basketball, has an NCAA Division 1 Football program that has gone to
several bowl games, although not for a few years; however the market is competitive. We vie for
time, engagement, tickets, and conference conversations. We handle most day-to-day marketing
needs in house without the overall umbrella of strategy to get us to new position in the future.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.0, Proposal Requirements: What is the budget for Primary
Services outlined in Section 2.1? How is that budget allocated for agency fees, media, production,
The budget for agency fees and deliverable of strategic plan is in place. Product, media buys, etc.
would be separate funding and should not impact planning or strategy development.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.1.2, Proposal Requirements: What elements is the University
looking for in a 3-year plan? Does the 3-year plan include execution of supplementary services
mentioned in Section 2.2?
Elements in a plan should include, but not be limited to, social media plan, positioning, tactics to
improve in game experience, fan engagement strategies for different sports (with added attention
to football), strategies for conference alignment messaging and reputation building. Supplemental
services are welcome to be included in RFP for future consideration.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.2, Supplementary Services: Can you provide additional
information/details on each supplementary service? What lead to the creation of this list?
Additionally, what is the expectation of the "digital presence analysis"?
While the immediate need is for a strategic plan, the University is open to considering a full suite
of services offered by an agency for current or future needs, as they arise. Digital presence
analysis would include looking at social media for all sports and overall UConn, micro sites, and
web presence to see what new strategies can be employed in this space.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.2, Supplementary Services: Should participating
agencies/vendors factor in costs for these supplementary services? Or will this take the form of a
separate addendum further along in the RFP process?
Any supplementary services being proposed should be outlined in response to section 2.2 of
Appendix A with your initial proposal. All costs associated with any supplementary services
proposed in response to section 2.2 of Appendix A should be included in response to Appendix
A, section 9.2. These supplementary services, may be included in the contract resulting from this
RFP, but will likely not be included in the initial scope of work. Inclusion of any supplementary
services will be at the University’s sole discretion.
Regarding Appendix A, section 3.0, Implementation Timeline: Should this timeline be over 3
years or over the 2-year term of the contract per Appendix A Section 8.0?
The implementation timeline should reflect the period of time it will take to complete the Primary
Services outlined in section 2.1 of Appendix A. The overall term of the contract outlined in
section 8.0 of Appendix A does not intend to imply that is the period of time the University
expects the development of the plan to occur, but the length of the contract resulting from this
RFP. Should a firm propose a 6-month timeline for Primary Services, the balance of the term of
the contract would allow for the University to access any supplementary services proposed at its
sole discretion on an on-call basis.
Regarding Appendix A, section 7.0 Performance Criteria: What success criteria/benchmarks is
the Division of Athletics hoping to measure as part of this initiative?
Improved fan satisfaction, increased engagement, increased ticket sales, movement toward
achievable and agreed upon goals with tactics over three year period.
Regarding Appendix A, section 10.5.1, Required Submittals: What format should the case study
be presented? Where within the bidder's response should client list, list of provided services, and
the case study be?
The only requirement for the arrangement of content of this RFP is outlined in section 2.2.3.
Regarding Appendix E, References: Should participating agencies/vendors use this form to
provide references?
Yes. If there is additional information which a firm would like to provide, please include that as
an attachment on 8 ½” x 11” paper to be included with your response to Appendix E.
Athletic brand: what are the values or attributes? Are they the same as UCONN brand?
The values are different than the UConn Brand, although we have one voice as a University. All
previous research and brand platforms will be shared upon award of contract.
Do you have existing research and surveys completed for target audience, brand positioning,
competitive review that can be leveraged? If yes, what and how recent? We’re looking to
understand the extent of the research required to get to strategic insights for your positioning.
We have ongoing research through various partnerships, such as hot spots where tickets are sold.
Two years ago comprehensive research was conducted through Nike as part of the Athletics
rebrand, which can be shared.
What will the client reporting/review structure look like? i.e. primary point of contact or multiple
stakeholder committees.
University Communications, the President’s Office and Athletics will create a small leadership
team in support of the efforts being put forth. There will be point person in Athletics and
University Communications assigned to this agency.
What are specific immediate marketing/growth/sales/brand goals?
The Football program is high priority, followed by Hockey, men’s and women’s’ Basketball –in
game experience and ticket sale; conference discussions are always a priority.
Can you provide a list of all digital properties currently in play for athletics? i.e. Website, social,
email, etc.
This can be provided to awarded agency.
Can you provide us with an understanding of your current media mix/landscape?
Connecticut is small state with about 190,000 alumni; Basketball plays in several locations
around state to increase fan base; Football home stadium is 25 miles off campus; Advertising is
mostly Hartford-centric.
From a high level, what is and isn’t working within the current marketing plan and positioning?
Our firm is not only a leader in providing strategic marketing consulting, but also a global leader
in partnership sales. I realize that this would fall under a supplementary service, but can you tell
us how this might fold into the RFP?
We have relationship with IMG and this would need to be a separate conversation as these
partnerships and sponsorships are not within scope of this RFP.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2: Would you provide more detail on what you would expect a
Digital Presence Research/Audit to include?
Social presence, microsites, and main websites; how are they working and serving our various
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.1: Does University require agency to provide research?
Research is not required, but may be needed to complete strategic plan.
Regarding Appendix A, section 2.1: Does the University have existing research on current
Yes, as part of Nike rebrand, extensive brand work was conducted and can be shared with the
contract awardee.
Regarding section 2.2.1 of Appendix A, Supplemental Services: Is the University seeking a
creative approach or actual creative (i.e., TV, print, etc.)?
Creative approach – While the strategic plan is the primary focus, all services are welcome to be
proposed in response to Appendix A, section 2.2 for future needs/opportunities.
Regarding section 2.2.1 of Appendix A, Supplemental Services: Is the University seeking a media
approach or actual media plans?
The University is seeking a media approach and recommendations.
Regarding section 2.2.1 of Appendix A, Supplemental Services: Is there a media budget?
Yes and recommendations are welcome to change current funding model and approach.
Is 9/1/15 the commencement of services or the commencement of the ad campaign?
September 1, 2015 is the anticipated date for the commencement of services.
Regarding section 2.2.2 of Appendix A: Is the contracted agency implementing the digital
presence or just analyzing and recommending? Is the University managing FB, twitter, etc.?
The contracted agency will be responsible for analyzing and making recommendations related to
the digital presence, as UConn manages most social media internally.
Regarding Appendix C, Staffing Plan/Costing Matrix: Are we required to complete Appendix C,
Staffing Plan and Costing Matrix, if we are charging a fixed cap rate for Primary Services
(section 2.1)
Regardless of the cost model being proposed, the University is requiring Appendix C be
completed and returned with your response to the RFP. This matrix will provide the Evaluation
Committee a tool to understand the proposed work efforts of each Respondents, along with an
understanding of how the total cost was calculated.
Could you please clarify whether we are developing a full media plan for the RFP response or if
we are simply showing our methodology and sample media plans we have performed in the past?
A full media plan is not required to be developed in response to this RFP, as Respondents are
only required to show their methodology and sample plans.
Could you please clarify if we're developing the actual 3-year strategic plan or just developing
our Approach/Methodology to media planning, creative, ticket sales, timeliness and what services
we can offer in the areas of institutions of higher education, NCAA Conferences and/or
Professional and/or collegiate sports teams?
Developing approach and methodology for RFP; upon contract, the 3-year plan is the deliverable.
Is it possible to provide a current budget in an effort to best reflect our work plan to meet those
The current budget is not being made available at this time, although please note the budget will
be reevaluated in coming years to ensure it is aligned with future goals.
Regarding the current Athletic brand: what are the values or attributes? Are they the same as
UCONN brand?
They are different but within one voice; both brand platforms can be shared to awarded vendor.
Is UConn Athletics expecting creative development in response to this RFP?
The initial deliverable of the strategic plan and development of a positioning statement does not
require it, although should a firm choose to propose creative development as a supplementary
service, this should be included in response to Appendix A, section 2.2.
Our Connecticut-based agency has a number of alumni who would love nothing more but to give
back to their university. I’m concerned that we do not have five (5) higher education references
asked for in Section 2.3.7. Are five (5) references solely comprised of institutions of higher
education required?
The requirement for references has been augmented per item 2 above.
Can you provide clarification on what you are seeking in terms of an electronic response to the
template in native file format as it pertains to appendix B. (Desired format)
Please provide responses to all appendices in the same file format they are being provided to you
in (Appendices B and C are both provided in Microsoft Excel .xlsx file format).
Can you provide us with an understanding of your current media mix/landscape?
Please see A26.
Please advise on the correct response format for Appendix B in the excel file as when
downloaded it says it is a locked file and cannot be edited, yet the RFP asks for all responses for
appendix B to be in that document.
All cells in Appendix B are protected, with only the cells that are to capture responses are
formatted as editable. Please contact if you are having trouble
completing any of the appendices.
Regarding Appendix E, References: Via addendum, we request adjustment of the standard
template language of “five institutions, of similar or the same size, where your organization is
currently providing” to “five branding strategy or sports marketing clients from the past five
years, where an agency senior executive has been directly involved or that the organization has
Please see item 2 above. No changes to response templates will occur as a result of this
augmented requirement.
In Part VIII / Appendix A / Section 4.0 and Section 10.4, are thorough career biographies
sufficient rather than multi-page resumes/CVs of various formatting?
Upon likely award of a contract, how might you envision the strategic marketing group’s
collaboration or roles comparison with the function of athletics current advertising agency
The current agency is handling day-to-day needs and small tactics. We expect the new agency to
set the course, vision and messaging that can be carried out in variety of ways – through the
newly selected agency, internally, or providing this direction to current creative agency to fulfill –
or combination of all.
May a joint venture subcontractor for supplementary services be determined in near future and
included at potential on-campus presentation and/or upon award date?
If a Respondent would like to propose a joint venture partnership to provide either primary or
supplemental services, the firm, qualifications, and all related information must be contained in
the original response to the RFP and will not be allowed to be identified following a contract
award, as awards based on joint venture partnerships are based on the combined merits of both
firms. Any Respondent proposing a joint venture partnership must include the requisite power of
attorney as required per section 3.13 of the RFP.
Part VIII / Appendix A / Section 2.2 and 3.0 – with Supplementary Services being set forth in an
amendment to the contract, to what detail should the concepts and implementation timeline be
specified (compared to Primary Services)? Might the Supplementary Services scope and
investment be formalized at the same time of Primary Services contract award?
Supplementary services being proposed must be included in your initial RFP response, although
the initial version of the contract resulting from this RFP will simply allow for those services
moving forward, but will not be within the initial scope. Please see A16 for additional
information related to supplementary services.
We formally request that our private agency be fully exempt of providing financial information
until if/when we are awarded the work, which may require a basic financial summary
demonstrating longevity and stability (labeled confidential, given our proprietary brand marketing
process that is trademarked, and how our LLC is structured).
The University has augmented this requirement as outlined per item 1 above.
BIDDER NOTE: This addendum must be completed, signed and submitted with your proposal
response to be considered for award. If you have already submitted a proposal, please complete the
addendum and submit same in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the RFP number, response date,
and return address. This will be accepted as part of your proposal response, PROVIDING IT IS
acknowledge receipt of this addendum by email to