Welcome The administration of professional practice in applied


Welcome The administration of professional practice in applied
The administration of professional practice in applied biology differs from other resource professions in
BC in that it falls under two organizations: the College of Applied Biology (the College) which operates
in the public interest, and the Association of Professional Biology (APB) which operates in the member
The College was given stand alone self governing legislation in 2003 and through the College of Applied
Biology Act was given the power to set entrance and conduct standards and holds its members to
account. The APB is a community of dedicated professionals established under the BC Society Act as a
non-profit organization to promote and assist professional practitioners of applied biology.
Membership in the APB is available only to members in good standing of accredited regulatory natural
resource organizations such as the College of Applied Biology and the Alberta Society of Professional
Biologists. For new members of APB the first year in joining is free. Membership in the APB can be
renewed for an annual fee of $85.00 (+$4.25GST) for regular status, $50.00 (+$2.50GST) for retired
members or $25.00 (+$1.25GST) for students. The APB is a community of professionals dedicated to
supporting the profession of Applied Biology and its members through:
• Promoting the role and value of the biological professional,
• Providing a voice to improve the practice of Applied Biology,
• Providing information on professional development opportunities, and
• Providing opportunities for networking, mentoring and information sharing.
The Association of Professional Biology website address is www.professionalbiology.com where member
support information such as upcoming conferences, employment opportunities and affinity programs
can be found.
Some of the benefits of membership in the APB are:
1. Membership on the APB list serves (BioServe and BioNotice),
2. Subscription to the APB newsletter (BioNews),
3. Reduced fees to attend the Annual Applied Biology Conference and other APB sponsored
4. Reduced insurance rates, and
5. Reduced subscription rates to NRC / CNRC journals
If you wish to become a member of the APB please do not hesitate to fill out the attached form and
return it to the APB office by email (registrar@professionalbiology.com), mail (#300-1095 McKenzie Ave.,
Victoria, B.C. V8P 2L5), or fax (250-483-3439). Please contact the APB office if you have any questions!
Yours sincerely,
Isabelle Houde, RPBio
Registrar and Technical Director
APB Membership Application Form
First Name:Last Name:
CAB Membership Number:
ASPB Membership Number:
Membership Type:
Home Mailing Address:
City:Province: Postal Code:
Home Phone Number:Cell Number:
Email: Employer Name:
Employer Mailing Address:
City:Province: Postal Code:
Work Phone Number: Please complete the following declaration regarding your contact information being made
available to other members of the APB on the Secure Members Only Section of the APB web page.
Declaration to release contact information
I, , authorize the APB to place the following contact
information on the members’ only portion of the APB web page for as long as I am a Member in Good
Please check the appropriate box below
Email address:
Yes Office phone: Yes No Home phone: Yes No
No Cell: No
Yes Signature: Date: #300-1095 McKenzie Ave., Victoria, B.C. V8P 2L5
Phone: (250) 483-4283 Fax: (250) 483-3439 Email: registrar@professionalbiology.com