PODGORIČKA BANKA - Societe Generale Montenegro
PODGORIČKA BANKA - Societe Generale Montenegro
PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA CONTENTS Page Independent Auditors’ Report 1-2 Income Statement 3 Balance Sheet 4 Statement of Changes in Equity 5 Cash Flow Statement 6 Notes to Financial Statements 7 – 37 Analysis to the financial statements for 2011 38 - 50 Short form 51 - 56 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 3 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 4 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 5 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 6 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. FOUNDATION AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY Podgorička Banka A.D., Podgorica was established as a spin-off of Montenegrobanka D.D., Podgorica in the course of 1992. On November 21, 2001, the Central Bank of Montenegro issued an approval enabling the Bank to continue its operations pursuant to Decision 27. Following the aforementioned privatization process that took place in 2005, the majority interest in the Bank is held by Societe Generale, Paris, France. On September 26, 2006, the Bank was inscribed in the Central Register of the Commercial Court in Podgorica under the registration number 40000880/019, operating the activities as Podgorička Banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica. The Bank is licensed to perform credit, depositary and guarantee operations, as well as foreign payments transactions, depo transaction, to provide safekeeping services, issuance, processing and recording of payment instruments (including credit cards, travellers’ and banks’ cheques). The Bank is seated in Podgorica, at the street address Novaka Miloševa 8a. As of December 31, 2011, the Bank was comprised of a Central Office located in Podgorica and 20 branch offices located throughout the territory of Montenegro. As of December 31, 2011, the Bank had 267 employees (December 31, 2010: 255 employees). English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 7 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. BASIS FOR PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2.1. Basis for preparation and presentation of the financial statements The Bank maintains its accounting records and prepares its statutory financial statements in accordance with the Accounting and Auditing Law of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 69/2005, no. 80/2008 and no. 32/2011) and specifically, in accordance with the relevant Decision pertaining to the application of International Accounting Standards (“IAS”) in Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 69/2002). Accordingly, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are applicable for financial statements starting from January 1, 2003. The financial statements are presented in the format required under Articles 17 and 18 of the Accounting and Auditing Law of Montenegro and European Union Directive numbered 86/635/EEC dated December 8, 1986, which relates to the annual reports of banks and other financial institutions. Such statements represent the complete set of financial statements as defined under the law, which differ in some respects from those defined under the of IAS 1, “Presentation of Financial Statements”. The accounting policies adopted in the preparation and presentation of the financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2011 differ from the IFRS requirements primarily in the allowances for the impairment of financial instruments as required by IAS 39 – “Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement” and disclosures of financial instruments as required by IFRS 7 – “Financial instruments: Disclosures“. The impairment of financial instruments was estimated in accordance with the applicable Regulations of the Central Bank of Montenegro (Note 3.7). Such policy might result in significant differences from the amounts which would be determined, had the allowances for the impairment of financial instruments been estimated based on discounted expected future cash flows by applying the original effective interest rate, as required by IAS 39, “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”. In addition, the Bank suspended calculated interest on loans classified in categories C, D and E (“impaired assets” in accordance with the Decision of the Central Bank on minimum standards for risk management in banks), the decision also stipulates that the risk assets classified as category E should be written off from balance sheet assets and recorded as off balance sheet under “written-off loans”. Due to the potentially significant effects of the above-described matters, the accompanying financial statements cannot be described as having been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. In the preparation of the accompanying financial statements, the Bank has adhered to the accounting policies described in Note 3, which are in conformity with the accounting, banking and tax regulations prevailing in Montenegro. The official currency in Montenegro and the Bank’s functional currency is Euro (EUR). English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 8 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. BASIS FOR PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) 2.2. Use of estimates The presentation of financial statements requires the Bank’s management to make best estimates and reasonable assumptions that affect the assets and liabilities’ amounts, as well as the disclosure of contingent liabilities and assets as of the date of the preparation of the financial statements, and the income and expenses arising during the accounting period. These estimations and assumptions are based on information available as of the date of the financial statements preparation. However, actual outcome may vary from the estimated values. The most important estimates were performed on the following balance sheet positions: Provisions on loans and interest receivables Provisions on deposits placed in other banks Provision on equity investments Provisions on off - balance sheet items Provisions on employee benefits Provisions on litigations and claims Useful life of intangible and tangible assets Bank's financial statements include provisions, calculated by an actuary, based on the estimated present value of retirement benefits and jubilee awards to employees upon vesting in respective rights, using of Projected Unit Credit method. However, the Bank’s future operating results may vary from the estimated values. 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 3.1. Income and Expense Recognition Interest income and expense are recognized in the income statement for all instruments measured at amortized value using the effective interest method. The effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability and of allocating the interest income or interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts over the expected life of a financial instrument or, where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. When calculating the effective interest rate, the Bank estimates cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial instrument (i.e. prepaid payment options) but does not consider future credit losses. The calculations include all fees and commissions paid or received between parties to the contract that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts. Interest income and interest expense, including penalty interest and operating income and expenses related to interest-bearing assets and liabilities are accounted for on an accrual basis. Fees for banking services and fee and commission expenses are recorded when due, i.e., when realized. Income and expenses arising from loan and guarantee origination are accounted for an accrual basis by using effective interest rate. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 9 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.2. Foreign Exchange Translation Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are transferred into euros by using official average exchange rates prevailing on the Interbank Market effective at the date of each transaction. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into euros by applying the official average exchange rates, as determined on the Interbank Market, prevailing at the balance sheet date. Net foreign exchange gains or losses arising upon the translation of transactions, and the assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are credited or charged to the income statement. Commitments and contingent liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into euros by applying the official average exchange rates prevailing on the Interbank Market, at the balance sheet date. 3.3. Leasing The leases entered into by the Bank are operating leases. The payments made under operating leases are charged to operating expenses in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease agreement duration. 3.4. Taxes and Contributions Income Taxes Current income taxes Income taxes are calculated and paid in accordance with income tax regulations defined under the Montenegrin Income Tax Law, Article 28 (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 80/2004, no. 40/2008 and no.86/2009) as per the effective proportional tax rate of 9% on taxable income. The base for the income tax calculation is determined based on the income stated in its statutory statements of income following certain adjustments to its income and expenses performed in accordance with the Montenegrin Income tax Law (Articles 8 and 9, regarding the adjustment of income and Articles 10 to 20 pertaining to the adjustment of expenses). Capital losses may be set off against capital gains earned in the same year. In case there are outstanding capital losses after the set-off of capital losses against capital gains earned in the same year, these outstanding losses are available for carry-forward in the following 5 years. The Montenegrin tax regulations do not envisage any tax losses of the current period to be used to recover taxes paid within a specific carry-back period. However, any current year losses reported in the annual corporate income tax returns may be carried forward and used to reduce or eliminate taxes to be paid in future accounting periods, but only for a period of a maximum of five years. Deferred income taxes Deferred income tax is determined using the balance sheet liability method, for the temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities, and their carrying values in the stand alone financial statements. The currently-enacted tax rates at the balance sheet date are used to determine the deferred income tax amount. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are recognized for the deductible temporary differences, and the tax effects of income tax losses and credits available for carry forward, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which deferred tax assets may be utilized. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 10 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.4. Taxes and Contributions (continued) Taxes, contributions and other duties not related to operating results Taxes, contributions and other duties that are not related to the Company’s operating results, include property taxes, employer contributions on salaries, and various other taxes and contributions paid pursuant to republic and municipal regulations. 3.5. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash (EUR and foreign currencies), balances with the Central Bank of Montenegro and other banks. 3.6. Loans Loans approved by the Bank are recorded in the books when funds are transferred to the loan beneficiary’s account. Loans are stated in the balance sheet in the amount of placement approved, as decreased by the principal repaid and allowance for impairment which is based on the assessment of risk inherent in certain placements and risks which have been historically identified in the credit portfolio. The Bank’s management applies the methodology prescribed by the Central Bank of Montenegro in its evaluation of the risks (Note 3.7). 3.7. Allowances for Impairment and Provisions for Potential Losses The Decision issued by the Central Bank of Montenegro regarding minimal standards for management of credit risks in banks („Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 60/2008, 41/2009) i.e. the Decision regarding temporary measures for management of credit risks in banks („Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 64/2009, 87/2009, 66/2010 and 70/2010) sets forth the following: elements of credit risk management, minimum criteria and manner of classifying assets and balance sheet items which render the Bank susceptible to credit risk, manner of calculating and suspending uncollected interest, manner of determining the minimum provisions for potential losses contingent on the Bank's exposure to credit risk. The Bank's risk-weighted assets, within the meaning of this Decision, are comprised of loans, interest, fees and commissions, lease receivables, deposits with banks, advances and all other items included in the balance sheet exposing the Bank to default risk, as well as guarantees issued, other sureties, effectuated letters of credit and approved, but undrawn loan facilities, as well as all other off-balance sheet items being the Bank's contingent liabilities. Pursuant to the aforementioned Decision, loans and other risk bearing assets are classified into the following categories: A category (“Good”) – including assets assessed as collectible in full pursuant to the agreement; B category (“Special Mention”) – with B subcategory including items for which there is low probability of loss, but which, still the same, require special attention, as the potential risk, if not adequately monitored, could diminish their collectability; C category (“Substandard assets”) – with C1, C2 and C3 subcategories for which there is high probability of loss, due to the clearly identified collectability issues; D category (“Doubtful assets”) – including items the collection of which is, given the creditworthiness of loan beneficiaries, quality of collaterals, highly unlikely; E category (“Loss”) – including the items which are uncollectible in full, or will be collectible in an insignificant amount. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 11 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.7. Allowances for Impairment and Provisions for Potential Losses (continued) In accordance with the amendments to the above stated decisions on minimal standards for management of credit risks in banks, the Bank applied the following percentages and days of delay by categories of risk: Risk category A B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 D E As of December 31 2011. % provisions Days of delay 0% 3% 3% 15% 30% 50% 75% 100% <30 31-60 61-90 91-150 151-210 211-270 271-365 >365 As of December 31 2010. % provisions Days of delay 0% 3% 3% 15% 30% 50% 75% 100% <30 31-60 61-90 91-150 151-210 211-270 271-365 >365 The amount of provision for potential losses has not been provided for Bank's placements classified into category A. The estimated amount of provision for potential losses is computed by applying the following percentages to the corresponding categories: 3% for placements classified into category B, from 15% to 50% for placements classified into category C, 75% for placements classified into category D and 100% for placements classified into category E. As in accordance with the Decision issued by the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Bank is to suspend any accrued, uncollected interest and should terminate any further accruals of interest on its non-performing assets, unless the non-performing assets are secured by quality collateral and are in the process of collection, to the extent that such asset recoveries are anticipated within a reasonable period of time (generally, not exceeding three months). Following the suspension of interest accruals on non-performing assets, the Bank remains under an obligation to record the subsequent, matured interest on the same basis, on its off-balance sheet records and upon classification, designates the accrued income into E category. The Decision further prescribes that the risk bearing assets classified into E category should be written off from balance sheet items and recorded in the off-balance sheet records under “Loans written off.” Pursuant to the Decision, provisions for potential losses on assets are calculated based on the carrying value net of any deductible items of collaterals based on: cash deposits, irrevocable guarantees of the Government of Montenegro and irrevocable guarantees of the countries or central banks of the OECD member countries, banks with credit rating better than BBB+ pursuant to the ratings of the agency Standard & Poor’s, i.e., any equivalent rating of other internationally acclaimed rating agencies and legal entities whose business operations are under the control of the Central Bank of Montenegro. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 12 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.8. Equity Investments in legal entities and securities available-for-sale Securities available-for-sale include securities which cannot be classified as trading financial assets or as held to maturity and are comprised of equity investments in other legal entities. Equity instruments legal entities that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and for which other methods of reasonably estimating fair value are inappropriate and unworkable, are measured at cost, less any allowance for impairment. Investments in Plantaže A.D., Podgorica are recorded at fair value. After initial recognition, unrealized gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognized directly in equity (revaluation reserves), until the financial asset is derecognized or impaired at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity should be recognized in profit or loss. Dividends on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognized in the income statement when the entity’s right to receive payment is established. 3.9. Held to maturity securities Held to maturity securities relates to purchase of Treasury bills with maturity of 182 days, which are issued by the Government of Montenegro. Income is recognized on a monthly bases based on approved (contracted) discount. Part of the T-bills was funded from obligatory reserve, which the Bank holds with the Central Bank of Montenegro. In accordance with Article 8 of “The decision on reserve requirements for banks to be Held with the Central Bank of Montenegro” (Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 35/2011 dated July 27, 2011) the Bank can hold up to 25% of the Bank’s obligatory reserve requirements in the form of treasury bills issued by the Government of Montenegro. 3.10. Business Premises, Other Property and Equipment and Intangible Assets Business premises, other property, equipment and intangible assets at December 31, 2011 are recorded at purchase value less accumulated depreciation and/or amortization. Purchase value represents the prices billed by suppliers together with all costs incurred in bringing the respective asset to the location and condition necessary for its intended use. Depreciation and/or amortization are calculated on a straight-line basis on purchase value of business premises and other property, equipment and intangible assets in order to write them off over their expected useful lives. Depreciation and/or amortization are calculated using the following prescribed annual rates: Rate in % Property Computer equipment Furniture and other equipment Vehicles Intangible assets English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 3.3 25.0 15.0 15.0 30.0 13 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.10. Business Premises, Other Property and Equipment and Intangible Assets (continued) The calculation of depreciation and/or amortization commences when asset is placed into use. Pursuant to the Article 13, paragraph 6 of the Income Tax Law ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 80/2004 and 40/2008 and 86/09) value of buildings for tax purposes is calculated using the proportional method or equipment and application software by applying digressive method for the entire period, regardless the date of activation. 3.11. Impairment of tangible and Intangible assets At each balance sheet date, the Bank’s management reviews the carrying amounts of the Bank’s tangible and intangible assets. If there is any indication that such assets have been impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. If the recoverable amount of an asset is estimated to be less than its carrying value, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognized as an expense of the current period and is recorded under other operating expenses. Where impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset is increased up to the revised estimate of its recoverable value. However, this is performed so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying value that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. 3.12. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Bank has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, and when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. 3.13 Employee Benefits Employee Taxes and Contributions for Social Security In accordance with the regulations prevailing in Montenegro, the Bank has an obligation to pay contributions to various State’s social security funds. These obligations involve the payment of contributions on behalf of the employee, by the employer in an amount calculated by applying the specific, legally-prescribed rates. The Bank is also legally obligated to withhold contributions from gross salaries to employees, and on behalf of the employees, to transfer the withheld portions directly to government funds. These contributions payable on behalf of the employee and employer are charged to expenses in the period in which they arise. Retirement benefits and other long term employee benefits In accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Bank has an obligation to disburse an employment retirement benefit to a retiree, in an amount equal to six average net salaries effective in the Bank in the month prior to the employee’s retirement. In addition, employees are entitled to receive jubilee awards at their 10th, 20th and 30th employment anniversaries with the Bank as follows: - for 10 years of service – one minimal salary in the Bank, for 20 years of service – two minimal salaries in the Bank, for 30 years of service – three minimal salaries in the Bank English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 14 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 3.13. Employee Benefits (continued) Retirement Benefits and Other Long Term Employee Benefits (continued) The Bank's financial statements as of December 31, 2011 include provisions calculated by an actuary based on the estimated present value of retirement benefits and jubilee awards to employees upon vesting in respective rights, using of projected unit credit method. 3.14. Financial Liabilities – Borrowings Borrowings are initially recognized at fair value less transaction costs. Subsequently, borrowings are carried at their amortized value; all differences between the realized inflows (less transaction costs) and the amounts repaid are carried through profit and loss over the period of using the amounts borrowed by applying the effective interest rate method. 3.15. Fair Value In accordance with IAS, “Financial Instruments: Disclosures and Presentation”, the fair value of financial assets and liabilities should be disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements. For these purposes, the fair value is defined as an amount at which an asset can be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm’s-length transaction. The Bank should disclose the fair value information of those components of assets and liabilities for which published market information is readily available, and for which their fair value is materially different from their recorded amounts. In Montenegro, sufficient market experience, stability and liquidity do not exist for the purchase and sale of receivables, investments and other financial assets or liabilities, for which published market information is presently not available. Fair value cannot readily be determined in the absence of active capital and financial markets, as generally required under the provisions of IFRS/IAS. According to the opinion of the management of the Bank, the reported carrying amounts are the most valid and useful reporting values under the present market conditions and accounting regulations of Montenegro and Central Bank’s regulations for financial reporting. In the amount of the identified estimated risk that the carrying value will not be realized, a provision is recognized based on a relevant decision of the Bank’s management. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 15 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. INTEREST INCOME AND EXPENSE a) Interest Income In ’000 EUR Deposits with: - foreign banks - Central Bank Loans: - state institutions - corporate customers - retail customers Held to maturities b) 2011 2010 47 25 21 23 72 44 196 9,055 9,971 264 6,232 8,078 19,222 14,574 83 - 19,377 14,618 2011 2010 317 70 716 907 51 69 199 1,165 2,010 1,484 3,936 3,491 5,946 4,975 2011 2010 2,211 257 134 70 (167) 969 576 (5) (80) 60 2,672 1,353 Interest Expense In ’000 EUR Deposits with: - financial institutions - state institutions - corporate customers - retail customers Liabilities arising on loans and other borrowings 5. PROVISIONS FOR LOSSES a) Charge for the Period In ’000 EUR Net, provisions /(release of provisions) based on: - deposits with foreign banks - loans - interest - country risk - off-balance sheet items - operating risk English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 16 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. PROVISIONS FOR LOSSES (continued) b) Movements on the Account of Allowance for Impairment of Uncollectible Receivables and provisions in 2011 In ’000 EUR Balance, beginning of year Charge for the year, net Transfer to off-balance sheet items Balance, end of year Loans and Lease Operations (Note 11) Interest Off-Balance Sheet Items (Note 19) Operating Risk (Note 19) Total 2,733 2,211 9 257 131 134 179 70 3,052 2,672 (1,522) (258) - (17) (1,797) 3,422 8 265 232 3,927 Year 2010 In ’000 EUR Balance, beginning of year Charge for the year, net Reversal of provisions, net Transfer to offbalance sheet items Balance, end of year OffBalance Sheet Items (Note 19) Operating Risk (Note 19) Total Bank deposits Loans and Lease Operations (Note 11) Interest Country risk 167 3,806 12 5 211 119 4,320 - 969 576 - - 60 1,605 (167) - - (5) (80) - (252) - (2,042) (579) - - - (2,621) - 2,733 9 - 131 179 3,052 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 17 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. FEE AND COMMISSION INCOME AND EXPENSE a) Fee and Commission Income In ’000 EUR Loan origination fees Fee and commission income from off-balance-sheet operations Fee and commission income from payment transactions Fee and commission for foreign payments Fees and commission on credit card business Fee and commission for payroll Other fee and commission income b) 2010 1,008 325 1,114 773 1,208 294 532 765 512 1.233 809 1,264 314 548 5,254 5,445 2011 2010 302 108 391 207 336 248 3 276 37 265 135 289 201 20 1,595 1,223 2011 2010 741 34 60 - 1,871 67 54 38 38 174 7 9 1,047 2,046 Fee and Commission Expense In ’000 EUR Fees and commissions payable to the Central Bank Fee and commission expense from payment transactions Deposit insurance premium fees Loan and guarantees fees Visa and Master card fees Fees and commissions for electronic banking Other fee and commission expense 7. 2011 OTHER INCOME, net In ’000 EUR Collected receivables previously written off Income from foreign exchange operations Dividend income Reversal of prior year expenses Revenue from other services – transportation of money and valuables Other income English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 18 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. GENERAL EXPENSES In ’000 EUR Net salaries Taxes and contributions on salaries Jubilee awards and severance pays for voluntary abandonment of workplace Remunerations to the Management Board members Business trip expenses Other fees Rentals Maintenance Depreciation and amortization charge: - property and equipment (Note 12) - intangible assets (Note 15) Security Insurance premiums Taxes payable Sponsorships and donations Advertising Electricity and fuel Telecommunication services and postal expenses Office material Cost of purchasing payment cards Professional services Provisions for employee benefits (Note 18) Expenses from operational losses Other costs 9. INCOME TAXES a) Components of Income Taxes In ’000 EUR Current income taxes Deferred income taxes 2011 2010 3,454 2,194 3,382 1,925 110 69 52 176 441 602 1,294 52 74 232 448 624 688 76 315 146 140 56 488 155 302 63 169 622 40 17 356 854 111 286 118 92 34 333 180 329 62 194 421 (54) 237 414 10,732 11,642 2011 2010 441 (12) 147 140 429 287 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 19 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. INCOME TAXES (continued) b) Numerical reconciliation between tax expense and the product of accounting results multiplied by the applicable tax rate In ’000 EUR 2011 2010 (Loss)/Profit before tax 4,707 2,996 424 270 11 (6) 5 4 8 429 287 9.11% 9.57% Income tax at statutory rate of 9% Tax effects of expenses unrecognized for tax purposes Value of investments not exceeding 5% of the tax group cost Other Income tax reported in income statement Effective interest rate The tax rate used in 2011 and 2010 amounts to 9% and is applied to the taxable profit of legal entities in Montenegro as in accordance with the Corporate Income Tax Law. c) Deferred tax assets In ’000 EUR Arising from the temporary difference between the basis at which property and equipment are recognized in the tax balance and their carrying value Deferred tax assets (Note 15) December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 24 - 12 - 24 12 December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 12 12 - 152 10 (150) 24 12 2011 2010 120 - 120 - Movement during the year was as follows: In ’000 EUR Balance, at the beginning of the year Calculated deferred tax during the year Transferable tax losses d) Deferred tax liabilities (Note 18) In ’000 EUR Deferred tax liability as effect of booked unrealized losses on available for sale financial assets English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 20 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10. CASH AND DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS HELD WITH DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS In ’000 EUR Cash in hand: - in EUR - in foreign currency Gyro account Correspondent accounts with foreign banks Obligatory reserves with the Central Bank of Montenegro Time deposits with foreign banks Other Decembar 31, 2011 Decembar 31, 2010 7,087 761 11,804 1,795 8,747 1,089 17 5,066 686 21,064 1,679 8,851 15,308 8 31,300 52,662 The Bank’s obligatory reserves at December 31, 2011 were set aside in accordance with the Central Bank of Montenegro Regulation with respect to the “The decision on reserve requirements for banks to be held with the Central Bank of Montenegro” (Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 35/2011 dated July 27, 2011). Pursuant to the afforested, the obligatory reserve is calculated by applying the reserve percentages as of: - 9,5% on deposits base which is consisted of demand deposits and deposits with agreed maturity up to one year, or up to 365 days and 8.5% on deposit base which is consisted of deposits with agreed maturity over one year, or over 365 days. On deposits with agreed maturity over one year, or 365 days, and clause on possibility of termination of the deposit within less than one year, the rate appiled is 9.5%. The obligatory reserve is to be calculated by applying the aforementioned ratios on average amount of deposits during the previous week, two days before the expiry of the maintenance period. The Bank’s obligatory reserves represent the minimum deposits set aside onto domestic accounts of obligatory reserves and/or onto the accounts of the Central Bank of Montenegro (“CBM”) held abroad, In accordance with the Decision, the Bank can hold up to 25% of the Bank’s obligatory reserve requirements by restricting the treasury bills issued by the Government of Montenegro. For the amount of 25% of the obligatory reserve requirement deposited by banks, the Central Bank pays interest at the annual rate of 1% up to the eighth day of the month for the preceding month. The obligatory reserve is held in EUR. As of December 31, 2011, time deposits with foreign banks in the amount of EUR 1,089 thousand relate to a deposit placed with Societe Generale New York maturing over the period of four days and accruing interest at an annual rate of 0.8%. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 21 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11. LOANS AND LEASES 31. decembar 2011. 31. decembar 2010. 279 2,249 135 1,455 13 232 2,389 202 1,375 5 Short-term loans: - Government - municipalities (public institutions) - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities - retail customers - other 8,000 9 37,383 3 2,054 7 13 29,205 2,134 30 Long-term loans: - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities interest - municipalities (public institutions) - retail customers - other 74,862 8,312 2,419 96,077 44 64,518 7,842 1,776 87,564 53 233,301 (3,422) 197,338 (2,733) 229,879 194,605 In ’000 EUR Matured loans: - municipalities (public institutions) - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities interest - retail customers - other Less: Provisions for credit losses on loans Short-term loans to corporate entities are mostly approved for working assets with maturities from 1 to 12 months, while long-term loans are mostly approved with maturities from 12 to 180 months and mostly relate to corporate entities operating in the field of trade, mining and energy and construction industry. Short-term loans to corporate entities are mostly approved at an interest rate of 2.5% to 19% per annum. Short-term loans to retail customers are approved with maturities from 6 to 12 months at rates ranging from 8% to 17.5% annually. Long-term loans to retail customers include loans for housing construction, adaptation of residential and business premises, financing the purchase of consumables and other purposes, maturing within 13 to 360 months at an annual interest rate from 0.74% to 21.9%. As for the geographic concentration of loans to customers, the Bank’s portfolio mostly includes loans to customers residing on the territory of Montenegro. As of 31 December 2011, the total amount of loans that are secured by parent bank guarantees, guarantees of some other members of the Societe Generale Group or guarantee issued by Government of Montenegro is EUR 29,951 thousand. These loans are secured by guarantees in the amount of EUR 30,670 thousand. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 22 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11. LOANS AND LEASES (continued) The concentration of the Bank’s gross loan placements with clients per separate industries was as follows: December 31, December 31, In ’000 EUR 2011 2010 Agriculture, hunting and fishing Construction Mining industry and energy Real-estate trade Trade Service industry, tourism and accommodation industry Transport, storage, post and telecommunication Administration and other public utilities Retail customers Other 7,600 16,139 6,116 23,169 47,772 1,356 4,503 9,602 99,587 17,457 126 10,675 13,143 25,463 40,818 858 666 1,809 88,077 15,703 233,301 197,338 Buildings Equipment and Other Assets Total Cost Balance, January 1, 2010 Additions Sale and disposal 3,670 39 (65) 5,041 239 (39) 8,711 278 (104) Balance, December 31, 2010 3,644 5,241 8,885 7559 - 154 (575) 7713 (575) 11,203 4,820 16,023 1035 121 (17) 3,266 733 (37) 4,301 854 (54) 1,139 3,962 5,101 121 - 567 (555) 688 (555) Balance, December 31, 2011 1,260 3,974 5,234 Net Book Value: - December 31, 2011 9,943 846 10,789 - December 31, 2010 2,505 1,279 3,784 12. BUSINESS PREMISES AND OTHER FIXED ASSETS Movements in 2011 and 2010 are presented in the following table: Additions Sale and disposal Balance, December 31, 2011 Accumulated Depreciation Balance, January 1, 2010 Amortization (Note 8) Sale and disposal Balance, December 31, 2010 Amortization (Note 8) Sale and disposal As of December 31, 2011, the Bank doesn’t have property under pledge to ensure repayment of loans and other liabilities. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 23 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 13. EQUITY INVESTMENTS IN OTHER LEGAL ENTITIES In ’000 EUR Banks and financial institutions: - AIK banka A.D., Niš, Republic of Serbia - JUBMES banka A.D., Belgrade, Republic of Serbia - Beogradska berza A.D., Belgrade, Republic of Serbia - Lovćen osiguranje A.D., Podgorica - CG Broker A.D., Podgorica (the Bank's equity interest 11.57%) Other legal entities: - Plantaže A.D., Podgorica (the Bank's equity interest 9.23%) - Central Depository Agency, Podgorica A.D., Podgorica - Tržište novca A.D., Belgrade, Republic of Serbia - Montenegro Airlines A.D., Podgorica 14. December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 7 3 6 10 32 7 3 6 10 32 58 58 3,158 5 5 3 5,317 5 5 3 3,171 5,330 3,229 5,388 SECURITIES HELD TO MATURITY As of December 31, 2011 securities held to maturity amounted EUR 5,438 thousand and it relates to purchase Treasury bills with maturity of 182 days, which are issued by the Ministry of finance of Montenegro. On 4th auction dated August 29, 2011, the Bank purchased EUR 3.5 million T bills, with interest rate 3.25% annually, and on 7th auction dated December 27, 2011 additional EUR 2 million, with interest rate of 4.5% annually. Unamortized discount of T-bills at the end of period amounted EUR 62 thousand. Part of T-bills was funded from obligatory reserve, which Bank holds with the Central Bank of Montenegro. In accordance with Article 8 of “Decision on reserve requirements for banks to be held with the Central Bank of Montenegro” (Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 35/2011 issued on July 27, 2011) the Bank can hold up to 25% of the Bank’s obligatory reserve requirements in T-bills. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 24 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. OTHER ASSETS December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 Interest, fee and commission receivables Deferred interest income Deferred management fee on loans received Intangible assets 708 828 105 214 697 600 134 129 Prepaid expenses: - leasehold improvements - other expenses Receivables from employees Deferred tax assets (Note 9) Receivables arising from advance payments of income tax Receivables from dividends Receivables from clients for legal costs Other receivables 195 81 55 24 104 106 213 107 109 55 12 57 52 65 25 2,633 2,042 In ‘000 EUR Intangible assets are mostly comprised of licenses and software. The movements on intangible assets in the course of 2011 and 2010 were as follows: December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 Cost Balance, January 1, Additions 607 161 526 81 Balance, December 31, 768 607 Provisions Balance, January 1, Amortization 478 76 367 111 Balance, December 31, 554 478 Net Book Value: Balance, December 31, 214 129 In ’000 EUR English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 25 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16. DEPOSITS In ’000 EUR Demand deposits: - Government of Montenegro - financial institutions - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities - municipalities (public institutions) - funds - retail customers - non-profit organizations - other Short-term deposits: - Government of Montenegro - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities - municipalities (public institutions) - retail customers -non-profit organizations Long-term deposits: - financial institutions - retail customers - privately-owned corporate entities - state owned corporate entities December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 4,054 502 29,115 1,861 2,750 594 26,395 4,685 20 4,117 1,174 50,200 140 3,762 493 27,356 4,196 58 69,976 91,496 4,395 9,890 11,944 24,768 21 589 150 293 19,061 20 51,018 20,113 2,765 1 2,028 - 1,000 543 203 500 4,794 2,246 125,788 113,855 Demand deposits of retail customers, corporate customers, public and other organizations are placed at an interest rate from 0.3% to 0.75% annually. Short-term and long-term deposits of retail customers denominated in EUR are deposited at an interest rate ranging from 0.30 % to 8.25% annually. Short-term and long-term deposits of corporate customers denominated in EUR are placed at interest rates ranging from 1.55% to 7% annually. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 26 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 17. LIABILITIES BASED ON LOANS AND BORROWINGS In ’000 EUR Liabilities towards related parties: Societe Generale, Paris, France Liabilities towards foreign creditors: European bank for reconstruction and development („EBRD“) December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 103,500 103,000 15,000 4,000 118,500 107,000 As of December 31, 2011, liabilities based on loans and other borrowings in the amount of EUR 118,500 thousand include loans from parent bank loans in the amount of EUR 103,500 thousand received from the parent bank with maturities up to one year accruing interest at rates ranging from 4.230% to 5.357% annually. As of December 31, 2011, the Bank has liabilities toward the European bank for reconstruction and development in the amount of EUR 15,000 thousand arising from long-term loans. The loan in the amount of EUR 25,000 thousand is obtained for the period of five years and grace period of two years, with interest at rate of 2.65% + 6M EURIBOR for financing development of small and medium enterprises in Montenegro. The loan is to be repaid after grace period, in semi-annual instalments. Undrawn amount of the loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as of 31 December 2011 amounts to EUR 10 million. Maturity of obligations on this basis is as follows: In ’000 EUR Up to 1 year from 1 to 2 years from 2 to 3 years from 3 to 4 years from 4 to 5 years December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 105,642 4,286 4,286 4.286 - 103,000 571 1,142 1,143 1,144 118,500 107,000 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 27 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 18. OTHER LIABILITIES In ’000 EUR Deferred interest on deposits Deferred loan fees Interest accrued on loans and deposits Provisions for employee benefits Insurance premiums for loans issued to retail customers Payment transactions with foreign countries Taxes payable Deferred tax (Note 9) Advances received Liabilities arising from foreign currency savings deposits Dividends payable Accounts payable to suppliers Commission jobs Payables to employees Payables to merchants - installment purchases Accrued liabilities Other liabilities December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 537 1,114 765 510 401 362 567 120 420 266 285 329 97 470 303 208 180 363 807 2,889 470 542 93 271 599 291 285 96 87 443 215 215 215 6,934 7,881 The provisions for employee benefits as of December 31, 2011 in the amount of EUR 510 thousand present value of the expected future payments to employees with regard to retirement benefits and jubilee awards after fulfilling the conditions, which is calculated by an authorized actuary using Projected Unit Credit method. The assumptions used for the purpose of assessment of the present value of expected future outflows for leaving payments, retirement and jubilee awards are summarized in the table below: The assessment on December 31, December 31, 2011 2010 % % Discount rate – Retirement benefits Discount rate – Jubilee awards Movement of labour Inflation rate The expected growth rate of salaries 3.99 3.56 1 1.65 - 3.99 3.56 1 1.65 - The movements in the provisions for employee benefits are summarized in the table below: 2011 2010 Balance, beginning of the year Provisions during the year (Note 8) 470 40 524 (54) Balance, December 31, 510 470 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 28 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19. PROVISIONS FOR LOSSES ON OFF-BALANCE SHEET CREDIT EXPOSURES December 31, 2011 In ’000 EUR December 31, 2010 265 232 131 179 497 310 Provisions for losses contingent on: - off-balance sheet items (Note 5) - operational risk (Note 5) 20. EQUITY As of December 31, 2011 the Bank's equity was comprised of 96,736 common shares (December 31, 2010: 96,736 common shares), having the par value of EUR 255.65. The Law on Banks (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 17/2008 and 44/2010) defines the minimum amount of initial capital of Bank in the amount of EUR 5,000 thousand. As of December 31, 2011 the Bank’s equity complied with the prescribed minimum capital requirements. The ownership structure of the Bank’s equity as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 was as follows: Naziv akcionara Societe Generale, Paris, France Plantaže A.D., Podgorica Hrvatska poštanska banka AD NFD Aureus global developed O.I.F., Croatia East Capital Holding, Stockholm, Sweeden Others 21. Number of Shares 2011 In '000 EUR Number of Shares 2010 In '000 EUR % Share % Share 87,602 2,824 22,395 722 90.56% 2.92% 87,602 2,824 22.395 722 90.56% 2.92% - - - 2,851 731 2.95% 1,834 469 1.90% - - - 1,116 3,360 285 860 1.15% 3.47% 1,116 2,343 285 598 1.15% 2.42% 96,736 24,731 100.00% 96,736 24,731 100.00% COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF MONTENEGRO In accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Bank is obliged to maintain the minimum capital adequacy ratio of 10%. The Bank is also required to maintain certain ratios pertaining to the volume of its activities and composition of risk assets in compliance with the Law on Banks (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 17/2008 and no. 44/2010) and regulations of the Central Bank of Montenegro. The Bank’s solvency ratio as of December 31, 2011 amounted to 14.85% (December 31, 2010: 15.83%). English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 29 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 22. OFF-BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS In ‘000 EUR December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 Guarantees, other contingent liabilities and commitments: Guarantees to corporate entities: - payment guarantees - performance bonds Irrevocable commitments for undrawn credit facilities Unsecured letters of credit 17,099 7,375 16,427 2,829 13,070 5,120 7,537 1,757 Guaranties received 38,515 50,334 25,483 222,269 360,522 292,503 107,860 18,299 5,645 171,509 39 11,633 178,763 302,829 228,780 80,940 10,142 2,283 117,154 39 7,060 6,492 1,393 1,619 7,489 5,379 1,471 1,209 1,302,938 1,025,929 Received collaterals: - administrative ban - guarantees and pledge - bonds - mortgage and fiduciary - - insurance policies - movables - deposits - pledge of movable property - other Other off-balance sheet items: - commission business - loans written-off - other written-off assets - written-off and suspended interest English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 30 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Related party transactions relate to Parent Bank, other members of Societe Generale Group, Bank’s shareholders, Bank’s management and employees of the Bank. December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 1,036 77 3 - 833 75 29 57 7 1,116 1,001 1,089 13,800 1,508 1,089 15,308 6,142 4,998 6,142 4,998 3,157 5,317 3,157 5,317 11,504 26,624 603 170 206 4 35 983 35 103,500 103,000 103,500 103,000 30 1,852 30 1,852 236 65 236 65 Total liabilities 104,749 104,952 Receivables / (Liabilities), net (93,245) (78,328) In ’000 EUR Receivables Correspondent accounts with foreign banks: - Societe Generale Paris - Societe Generale New York - Societe Generale Banka Serbia A.D., Belgrade - SKB Banka, Ljubljana - Societe Generale Zurich Branch Time deposits with related parties: - Societe Generale Paris - Societe Generale New York Loans: - Plantaža A.D, Podgorica Equity investments in other legal entities: - Plantaža A.D, Podgorica Total receivables Payables Deposits: - Građevinar d.o.o. - Lovćen osiguraje - Klinički centar Crne Gore - Plantaža A.D., Podgorica Borrowings: - Societe Generale Paris Interest payables: - Societe Generale Paris Other payables: - Societe Generale Paris As of 31 December 2011, the total amount of guarantees received from the Parent bank and other members of Societe Generale Group, used as collaterals for loans, amount to EUR 27,455 thousand. Also, Societe Generale Group issued guarantees to the Banks client for the deposit placed to the Bank in amount of EUR 7 millions. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 31 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) At December 31, 2011, loans to employees amounted to EUR 3,183 thousand (December 31, 2010: EUR 2,817 thousand) and mostly referred to the approved long-term loans bearing interest rates ranging from 4% + 6M Euribor to 8.02% + 6M Euribor annually. Expenses and revenues as a result of related party transactions during 2011 and 2010 are listed below: In thousand of EUR December 31, December 31, 2011 2010 Off-balance-sheet items Guarantees issued: - Plantaža A.D, Podgorica 100 50 - Građevinar d.o.o., 153 153 Guarantees received: - Societe Generale Paris In ’000 EUR Income Interest income: - Plantaža A.D, Podgorica - Societe Generale Paris Fee and commission income: - Plantaža A.D, Podgorica Total income Expenses Interest and fees expenses: - Građevinar d.o.o. - Lovćen Osiguranje - Societe Generale Paris Other expenses: - Societe Generale Paris Total expenses Expenses, net 253 203 34,455 46,600 34,455 46,600 2011 2010 304 46 342 21 350 363 17 4 17 4 367 367 1 1 3,573 4,629 3,575 4,629 380 222 380 222 3,955 4,851 (3,588) (4,484) English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 32 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. MATURITY ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES The Bank is exposed to daily calls on its available cash resources which influence the available cash resources held on the current accounts or from deposits. The Bank does not maintain cash resources to meet all of these needs since historical experience demonstrates that a minimum level of reinvestment of maturing funds can be predicted with a high degree of certainty. The contractual maturities of the Bank’s asset and liability components as of December 31, 2011 were as follows: In '000 EUR Up to one month From 1 to 3 month From 3 to 6 month From 6 to 12 month From 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total 31,300 - - - - - 31,300 9,591 14,025 30,364 45,420 94,857 39,044 233,301 1,419 3,472 1,208 1,966 - - 3,229 - 5,438 5,856 42,310 18,705 32,330 45,420 98,086 39,044 275,895 74,236 7,272 6,220 29,904 8,155 1 125,788 27,000 5,602 18,142 20 15,000 20 45,500 313 12,858 262 281 118,500 6,498 Total 106,838 25,434 21,240 75,717 21,275 282 250,786 Maturity gap: - December 31, 2010 (88,677) (15,185) (4,491) 18,517 85,242 33,220 28,626 - December 31, 2011 (64,528) (6,729) 11,090 (30,297) 76,811 38,762 25,109 - December 31, 2010 (88,677) (103,862) (108,353) (89,836) (4,594) 28,626 - December 31, 2011 (64,528) (71,257) (60,167) (90,464) (13,653) 25,109 % of total liquidity-bearing assets: - December 31, 2010 (38.80%) (45.40%) (47.40%) (39.30%) (2%) 12.50% - December 31, 2011 (25.70%) (28.40%) (24.00%) (36.10%) (5%) 10.00% Financial assets Cash balances and deposit accounts with depository institutions (Note 10) Loans and other receivables (Note 11) Securities held to maturity (Note 14) Other financial assets Total Financial liabilities Deposits (Note 16) Obligations based on loans and other borrowings (Note 17) Other financial liabilities Cumulative GAP: The Bank’s liquidity, characterized by its ability to settle its due obligation, depends on one hand on the balance sheet structure, and on the other hand, on the matching between cash inflows and outflows. The structure of the Bank’s financial assets and liabilities classified according to their relevant maturities at December 31, 2011 indicates the existence of a liquidity gap in the period upto-one-year. The primary reason for this gap lies with the fact that the short-term sources of funds have maturities from one month up to one year, while loans from the Parent Bank have been placed for longer periods of time. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 33 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. INTEREST RATE RISK The Bank is exposed to various risks associated to changes in levels of market interest rates that consequently affect the Bank’s financial position and cash flows. Interest rate risk requires special treatment under the existing local circumstances of frequent interest rate movements, and the irregular relationship between capital supply and demand. Interest rate risk is unfavourable when there is fluctuation in the price of a loan with respect to the level of the interest rates applied to deposits, on one side, and the potential to reduce the optimal difference between the average interest rates on loans, and those on deposits, on the other. The table below shows the Bank’s exposure to interest rate risk as of December 31, 2011: In ’000 EUR Up to one month From 1 to 3 month From 3 to 6 month From 6 to 12 month Over 1 year Total 3,276 150,225 3,472 29,199 1,966 6,952 11,483 35,442 3,276 5,438 233,301 153,501 32,671 8,918 11,483 35,442 242,015 63.43% 13.50% 3.68% 4.74% 14.64% 100.00% 61,659 68,500 7,216 50,000 6,006 - 29,795 - 8,264 - 112,940 118,500 130,159 57,216 6,006 29,795 8,264 231,440 56.24% 24.72% 2.60% 12.87% 3.57% 100% 9,393 (2,580) (19,807) 1,882 29,412 18,300 - December 31, 2011 23,342 (24,545) 2,912 (18,312) 27,178 10,575 Cumulative GAP: - December 31, 2010 9,393 6,813 (12,994) (11,112) 18,300 - December 31, 2011 23,342 (1,203) 1,709 (16,603) 10,575 Interest rate sensitive assets Interest-bearing deposits in other institutions Securities held to maturity (Note 14) Loans and other receivables Total: % of total interest-bearing assets Interest rate sensitive liabilities Interest bearing deposits Interest-bearing borrowings (Note17) Total: % of total interest-bearing liabilities Interest rate exposure: - December 31, 2010 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 34 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26. CURRENCY RISK The following table summarizes the net foreign currency exposure of the Bank as of December 31, 2011. The Bank takes on exposure resulting from fluctuations in prevailing foreign currency exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows. The management establishes limitations on the exposure level per currencies and in total amount and monitors such exposure on regular basis. In ’000 EUR RSD USD GBP CHF Other Total - 2,031 111 221 144 2,507 - 2,148 12 55 1 2,216 Assets in foreign currencies Contracts for the purchase foreign currencies and other off-balance sheet accounts for foreign currency exchange Liabilities in foreign currencies Contracts for the sale of foreign currencies and other off-balance sheet accounts for foreign currency exchange Net foreign exchange exposure: - December 31, 2011 - - - - - - - (117) 99 166 143 291 - December 31, 2010 - 40 77 71 60 248 % of first-tier capital: - December 31, 2011 - (0.37%) 0.32% 0.53% 0.46% - December 31, 2010 - 0.15% 0.28% 0.26% 0.22% Aggregate open position: - December 31, 2011 291 - December 31, 2010 248 % of first-tier capital: - December 31, 2011 0.94% - December 31, 2010 0.91% 27. LITIGATION As of December 31, 2011, the Bank was involved in several litigations filed by legal entities and individuals, while the Bank runs a case against one legal entity for unlawful benefit. According to the assessments made by the Bank’s Legal Department, as of December 31, 2011 the total amount sought in legal suits against the Bank totals EUR 2,500 thousand. As of December 31, 2011, the Bank disclosed in the accompanying financial statements provisions for potential losses on litigations in the amount of EUR 232 thousand. In addition, the Bank filed several litigations against legal entities and private individuals to collect receivables in the total amount of EUR 4,905 thousand. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 35 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 28. OPERATING LEASE Agreements on operating lease, along with the contracted lease period refer to the lease of business and residential premises. The Bank is not allowed to purchase the leased business premise after the lease period expires. During 2011, the lease expense amounted to EUR 441 thousand (2010: EUR 448 thousand). The lease of business and residential premises represent the commitments for the average period from 1 to 6.5 years with reference to the agreements concluded with the legal entities, i.e. from 2 to 5 years with reference to the agreements concluded with individuals. Commitments arising from the agreements on operating lease of business and residential premises for the period ended as of balance sheet date not disclosed in the financial statements are as follows: Up to 1 year from 1 to 2 years from 2 to 3 years from 3 to 4 years from 4 to 5 years 29. December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 288 228 217 171 85 206 138 31 - 989 375 EARNINGS PER SHARE Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the annual net profit attributable to ordinary shares owners with a weighted average number of ordinary shares that were outstanding during the period. The Bank is registered as a limited liability company whose share capital consists of 96.736 common shares. Earnings per share on 31 December 2011 amounted to EUR 44.22 (December 31, 2010: EUR 28.01). 30. TAX RISKS Montenegrin tax legislation is subjected to varying interpretations, and legislative changes occur frequently. The interpretation of tax legislation by tax authorities as applied to the transactions and activities of the Company may not concur with the views of the Bank’s management. Consequently, transactions may be challenged by the relevant tax authorities and the Company could be assessed additional taxes, penalties and interest. The fiscal periods remain open for review by the tax authorities with regard to the tax-paying entity’s tax liabilities for a period of five years. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 36 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES The official exchange rates for major currencies used in the translation of balance sheet items denominated in foreign currencies, into euros as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 were as follows: USD CHF GBP 32. December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 0.7729 0.8226 1.1972 0.7530 0.8016 1.1625 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE Management is not aware of any other events after the balance sheet date that would require either adjustments or additional disclosures in the financial statements. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 37 ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2011 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS A ANALYSIS TO FINАNCIAL STATEMENTS I INTRODUCTION Financial Statements of Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica (the "Bank"), which were subject of audit have been prepared in accordance with Accounting standards and regulations of Montenegro and regulations of Central Bank of Montenegro governing financial reporting of banks. The prescribed forms of financial statements were submitted in due time to the Central Bank of Montenegro. II INCOME STATEMENT AND BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS Detailed analysis of the balance sheet and income statement is provided within Notes 4 and 31 to the financial statements. B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK I QUALITY OF THE BANK’S ASSET Classification of asset and the corresponding balance sheet items, in terms of determining asset quality, was carried out in accordance with the Decision of the classification of bank assets, provisions and reserves for loan losses issued by the Central Bank of Montenegro (,,Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 41/2010) and the Decision of the Central Bank of Montenegro on temporary measures for managing credit risk in banks ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 64/2009, 87/2009, 66/2010 and 70/2010). On the basis of classification performed and in accordance with internal policies, the Bank has made provisions for potential losses as of December 31, 2011 in amount of EUR 3,927 thousand (December 31, 2010: EUR 3,052 thousand). Based on audit performed and classification of the selected sample of bank’s debtor checked, the auditor, based on relevant Decisions of the Central Bank of Montenegro, has confirmed the classification performed by the Bank. Available information on indicators of business of the debtor are taken into account when determining the classification of assets and the required reserves for potential losses of the Bank, as well as the quality of debt service, renewal of loans to the same debtors during the year, the quality of the collection instruments and evidence of credit and interest charges in 2011. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 38 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) I QUALITY OF THE BANK’S ASSET (continued) Summing up the results of a quality of balance sheet and off-balance sheet assets of the Bank from the point of payment collection and the need to create reserves for the provision of the Bank from potential losses in accordance with the stated approach, the following relations and parameters were provided: Risk bearing balance sheet and off-balance sheet assets of the Bank as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 consists of the following: In ‘000 EUR 2011 Loans Less: Loans secured by cash deposit Less: Loans secured by guarantees Amount In % Formed reserve Amount In % Formed reserve 233,301 - 3,422 197,338 - 2,733 (1,777) - - (1,564) - - (30,670) - - (49,671) - 123 200,854 83 3,422 146,103 76 2,856 422 7,479 3 8 - 577 23,816 12 9 - 34,175 14 265 22,117 12 310 242,930 100 3,695 192,613 100 3,175 Accrued interest Other asset items Taken over and potential obligations Total exposure to risk 2010 As of December 31, 2011, the structure of the Bank’s investments made by risk categories, decreased for cash deposits and Government guarantees as well as guarantees of the banks with the rating BBB+ or higher, is as follows: In ‘000 EUR Category Loans Calculated interest Other asset Off-balance record Total In % A B C D 163,721 29,266 6,935 932 157 235 24 6 7,479 - 26,487 7,427 261 - 228,514 36,928 7,220 938 84 13 3 - 200,854 422 7,479 34,175 242,930 100 As of December 31, 2011, risk bearing balance sheet and off-balance sheet assets comprise the total sum of assets classified from the point of collectibility and represent 85.35% of total assets (before taking into consideration impairment for loan losses and impairment losses on other assets). The loan policy of the Bank is in compliance with the Decision of the Central Bank of Montenegro on minimum standards for the management of loans concentration and doing business with related entities. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 39 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) II CAPITAL AND CAPITAL ADEQUACY As of December 31, 2011 the share capital of the Bank comprises of 96,736 common shares with nominal value of 255.65 EUR. As of December 31, 2011, retained earnings amount to EUR 5,420 thousand (December 31, 2010: EUR 1,142 thousand). The core capital of the Bank, formed in accordance with the Decision on Adequacy of equity ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 60/2008, 41/2009), as of December 31, 2011 amounts to EUR 31,350 thousand. The core capital of the Bank as of December 31, 2011 comprises of the basic elements of the Bank's own funds: paid share capital at nominal value, reserves that were formed at the expense of profit after tax (legal, statutory and other reserves) and retained earnings, decreased for deductions. Supplementary capital of the bank as of December 31, 2011 amounted to EUR 1,343 thousand and consists of revaluation surplus achieved by reducing to the market fair value of investments in equity of other legal entities. Bank’s own funds as of December 31, 2011 amounts EUR 32,661 thousand and represent the sum of core capital, supplementary capital and deduction in the amount of EUR 32 thousands for investment in the other financial institution. Risk-weighted balance sheet assets, formed in accordance with the Decision on Adequacy of equity of the Bank at December 31, 2011 amounted to EUR 164,148 thousand, while risk-weighted offbalance assets amounted to EUR 24,517 thousand. As of December 31, 2011 the solvency ratio of the Bank amounted to 14.85%. III LIQUIDITY OF THE BANK Liquidity risk management is defined by the Procedure for managing liquidity risk which defines the responsibilities of the fund departments (handling the funds and the first level of responsibility), financial director (the function of financial control and the second level of responsibility) and General Executive director (the highest level of responsibility) and ALCO Committee. Liquidity of the Bank is defined as its ability to settle its liabilities as these fall due. The Bank is exposed to daily management of withdrawal of funds by customers, affecting the funds available from current accounts, deposits, withdrawals of loans. The Bank does not have a need to maintain the level of funds so that it could come out to meet all potential claims, estimating that the minimum level of reinvestment of maturing funds can be predicted with certainty. Compliance and controlled non-compliance of maturities and interest rates of assets and liabilities are fundamental for the Bank's management. It is unusual for banks to ever fully agree on investments and resources, since the different types of business transactions are carried out for an indefinite period. Procedure for managing liquidity risk defines that the Bank's liquidity is based on a regular and stable collection of receivables in their due dates, and accordingly the Bank monitors the funds disbursed from the point of probability of charging in due time. The primary sources of Bank’s funds are deposits of domestic legal entities and individuals as well as short-term loan lines approved by the parent bank. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 40 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) III LIQUIDITY OF THE BANK (continued) The Bank maintains its liquidity by constantly monitoring the alignment of resources and placements in order to be able to settle all of its commitments and commitments of its depositors, while at the same time trying to meet the needs of the founder and business customers in approving the loans, i.e. to adjust maturities of loans with borrower’s needs. Liquidity of the Bank as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 can be closely looked from the following indicators: 2011 2010 Loans ---------------------Deposits = 233,301 ---------------------125,788 x 100 = 185.47% 173.28% Liquid assets ---------------------Deposits = 31,300 ---------------------125,788 x 100 = 24.88% 46.24% Liquid assets ---------------------Total assets = 31,300 ---------------------284,626 x 100 = 11.00% 20.26% Liquid assets ---------------------Short-term liabilities = 31,300 ---------------------229,229 x 100 = 13.65% 23.68% Maturity alignment of financial assets and Bank’s liabilities as of December 31, 2011 has been shown in note 24 to financial statements. IV INTEREST RATE RISK Existing interest rates are determined by a decision on the interest rate for the individuals and legal entities. This decision defines the basic goals and guidelines for interest rate policy, principles and methods of determining the interest rates, by which the Bank arranges agreements, calculate and charge interest on loans and other receivables, i.e. pays on deposits and other funds received. The Bank is exposed to various risks associated with the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates on its financial position and cash flows. In accordance with the policy for managing market risks, the Bank controls the risk of interest rate fluctuations by establishing internal limitations for the ratio of total bank exposure to interest rate changes in each period and total assets of 6%. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 41 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) IV INTEREST RATE RISK (continued) Lending interest rates applied to loans granted to corporate entities during 2011 are as follows: Type of a loan Interest rate Corporate entities: - short-term loans from a Bank - short-term loans from other resources - short-term loans provided to banks and other financial organizations - arranging loan - long-term loans from Bank - long-term loans from other resources - loans for small and medium entities up to 24 months - loans for small and medium entities over 24 months - loans for entrepreneurs up to 24 months - loans for entrepreneurs over 24 months 8.36% to 18% p.a. by individual contracts by individual contracts by individual contracts 3M EURIBOR + 8.64% do 16.50% p.a. by individual contracts from 9,90% to 18% p.a. 3M EURIBOR + 8.69% to 16.50% p.a. from 11% to 19% p.a. 3M EURIBOR + 11.50% to 16.50% p.a. Lending interest rates applied to loans granted to individuals during 2011 are as follows: Type of a loan Interest rate Individuals: - cash loans - customers loans - car loans - loans for renovation and financing up to 40 months - loans for renovation and financing over 60 months - housing loans 7.00% - 17.50% p.a. 11.00% - 15.00% p.a. 6.95% - 14,50% p.a. 9.55% - 14.55% p.a. 3M euribor + 8.25% to 15.75% 6M EURIBOR + 5.3% to 11.12% p.a. Deposit interest rates which were applicable on corporate during 2011 were as follows: Deposit type Interest rate Deposits on demand Short-term deposits Long-term deposits from 0.30% p.a. to 0.75% p.a. by individual contracts by individual contracts English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 42 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) IV INTEREST RATE RISK (continued) Deposit interest rates which were applicable on deposits of retail customers during 2011 were as follows: Deposit type Interest rate Deposits on demand Savings deposits: - EUR - other currencies Time deposits in EUR: - a month - three months - six months - 12 months - 24 months - 36 months Time deposits in foreign currencies (USD): - three months - six months - 12 months V 0.30% - 0.75% p.a. 0.50% p.a. Interest free 1.00% - 2.15% p.a. 1.50% - 6.25% p.a. 3.50% - 5.30% p.a. 4.00% - 8.25% p.a. 4.50% - 6.00% p.a. 5.75% - 6.50% p.a. 0.30% p.a. 0.60% p.a. 0.75% p.a. CURRENCY RISK The Decision issued by the Central Bank of Montenegro regarding minimal standards for management of credit risks in banks („Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 60/2008) establishes the following limits regarding the open foreign currency position: Individual open position at the end of the day for the currencies of daily exchange rate on the reference list of the European Central Bank - max 15% of the core capital. The aggregate open position at the end of the day for the currencies of daily exchange rate on the reference list of the European Central Bank - max 20% of the core capital The net open positions at the end of the day for other currencies, may amount to no more than 5% of the core capital on an individual basis (currencies which are not at the reference exchange rate list of the European Central Bank) The net open positions at the end of the day for other currencies, may amount to no more than 10% of the core capital on an aggregate basis. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 43 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) V CURRENCY RISK (continued) As of December 31, 2011 foreign currency exposure of the Bank was as follows: In ’000 EUR RSD USD GBP CHF Other Total - 2,031 111 221 144 2,507 - 2,148 12 55 1 2,216 Assets in foreign currencies Contracts for the purchase of foreign currencies and other off-balance sheet accounts for foreign currency exchange Liabilities in foreign currencies Contracts for the sale of foreign currencies and other off-balance sheet accounts for foreign currency exchange Net foreign exchange exposure: - December 31, 2011 - - - - - - - (117) 99 166 143 291 - December 31, 2010 - 40 77 71 60 248 % of first-tier capital: - December 31, 2011 - (0.37%) 0.32% 0.53% 0.46% - December 31, 2010 - 0.15% 0.28% 0.26% 0.22% Aggregate open position: - December 31, 2011 291 - December 31, 2010 248 % of first-tier capital: - December 31, 2011 0.94% - December 31, 2010 0.91% English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 44 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) VI COUNTRY RISK In accordance with the Decision on minimum standards for Country Risk management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” no. 08/05), the Bank has adopted a Policy and Procedures of country risk management. Country risk presents a probability of incurring losses to the Bank, due to the inability to collect receivables from entities outside Montenegro because of political, social and economic reasons of the country where the seat of the debtor is. As of December 31, 2011, the Country risk as well as the required capital for country risk was calculated using the current Decision on methodology for measuring country risk in the banks ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 60/08 dated on October 9, 2008). Country risk as of December 31, 2011 was calculated using the current methodology rating of debtor countries. Country risk management policy defines the following percentages of reserves in line with the “rating” of land the bank has exposure to (Standard & Poors'): Risk categories Non-risk countries Low-risk countries Medium-risk countries High-risk countries Risk weight 0% 50-100% 150-250% minimum 300% During 2010, the Bank has presented income from cancellation of reserves from the Bank's exposure to country risk in the amount of EUR 5 thousand. VII OPERATIONAL RISK In accordance with the Decision on minimum standards for operational risk management in banks ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 24/2009), which was adopted at the Council meeting of the Central Bank of Montenegro, held on February 23 and 24, 2009 the Bank has adopted a Policy for managing operational risk. Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss due to improper or inappropriate conduct and actions of employees, inadequate and / or errors in processes and organization, inadequate and / or errors in systems and infrastructure or due to external factors and influences. In accordance with the Decision of the Central Bank of Montenegro, the Bank is obliged to inform the Central Bank of losses arising from operational risk exceeding 1% of venture capital, within eight working days from the date of loss. As of December 31, 2011, the provisions for operational risk amount to EUR 232 thousand (December 31, 2010: EUR 179 thousand). English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 45 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE BANK (continued) VIII INTERNAL CONTROL AND INTENAL AUDIT SYSTEM Organizational structure of the Bank establishes levels and lines of authority and responsibility with a clear delimitation between the function of management and leadership function. The management bodies are: the Assembly of the Bank and the Board of Directors of the Bank. Bank is managed by the General Executive Director of the Bank. The Bank, as a separate organizational unit, organized Internal Audit department. Internal audit department performs its activities in accordance with the internal audit procedures and annual plan of activities. In accordance with these internal procedures the internal audit activities include but are not limited to: Compliance with relevant rules, guidelines, instructions and standards; Evaluation of the reliability of rules and diversification of duties within the banking operations; Review and estimation of effectiveness and benefits of financial and administrative controls; Monitoring the adequacy, reliability, safety integrity of accounting and other management information systems; Review of effectiveness and efficiency of banking operations; Testing the validity of measures used to achieve banking operations; Test and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control system; Review of application and effectiveness of risk management procedures and assessment of the methodology of risk assessment; Assessment of information systems, with special emphasis on electronic information systems and banking application; Assessment of the accuracy and reliability of accounting financial statements; Assessment of the banking system in the determination of capital in relation to the estimated risk; Testing of transactions and functioning of specific internal control procedures; Adherence to legal and statutory regulations, code of ethics, implementation of policies and procedures; Conducting special investigations. When reporting to the Bank's management, internal audit operates independently in order to establish and report on the adequacy, reliability and effectiveness of controls used by the Bank's risk management, which has a preventive effect on achievement of the objectives of banking, and reporting whether the banking resources are used efficiently and effectively in achieving the objectives of banking. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 46 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C REVIEW OF BANK’S ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Bank is seated in Podgorica with branch offices in Podgorica, Danilovgrad, Nikšić, Kolašin, Biјelo Polje, Rožaje, Berane, Cetinje, Ulcinj, Bar, Budva, Tivat, Igalo and Kotor. Bank is managed by Board of Directors Sectors responsible to Board of directors are: Prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing Monitoring Bank’s compliance with the legislations Internal Audit The Bank has two main business areas, which are managed by Executives Officers: - Main Banking Operations Management Area Main Banking Operations Management Support Area The Bank performs its activity through the following organizational units – Departments, i.e. Independent Departments, which are: Main Banking Operations Management Area: Risk management – RISK - Operational and market risk Credit risk Recovery Legal affairs General secretariat Internal communication - Commercial Division Retail (branch offices) - Central region South region North region Corporate - Operations with Bank’s key clients- KAM Loan analysis Quality department Strategy, marketing & advertising - Product development Advertising and communication English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 47 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C REVIEW OF BANK’S ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (continued) Main Banking Operations Management Support Area: - Finance Division Accounting department Treasury Main Vault Financial planning and control - Resources Division Human resources Projects and organization – DPO Real estate and security Informative technologies – IT Supply and Logistics - Back Office Division: Retail back office Corporate back office Means of payment Cards and E-banking - Cards E – banking As of December 31, 2011, the Bank had 267 employees (December 31, 2010: 255 employees). English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 48 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C REVIEW OF BANK’S ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (Continued) Qualification structure of the Bank, as of December 31, 2011 was as follows: No. of employees Ph.D. Masters University degree College degree High school degree Qualified Low qualification In % 1 3 119 20 116 2 6 0.37 1.12 44.57 7.49 43.45 0,75 2.25 267 100.00 As of December 31, 2011 the General Executive Director of Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group А.D., Podgoricа was Mrs. Branka Pavlović. The members of Board of Directors as of December 31, 2011 were: Name Bank/Company Jean-Dider Reigner Branka Pavlović Andre-Marc Prudent Didier Colin Sonja Miladinovska Verica Maraš Marc Monel Societe Generale Group, France Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Societe Generale Bank, Slovenia Societe Generale Group, France Societe Generale banka, Serbia Plantaže A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Societe Generale Group, France Function President Member Member Member Member Member Member The members of Risk Committee, as of December 31, 2011 were: Name Andre-Marc Prudent Jean-Didier Reigner Marc Monel Bank/Company Splitska banka, Croatia Societe Generale Group, France Societe Generale Group, France Function President Member Member The members of Credit Risk Management Committee, as of December 31, 2011 were: Name Bank Tamara Koljenšić Radule Raonić Slobodan Vujović Branka Pavlović Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Function President Member Member Member English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 49 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA ANALYSIS TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C REVIEW OF BANK’S ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (Continued) The members of the Audit Board, as of December 2011, were: Name Bank Jitka Pantučkova Marc Monel Nataša MohorčičZobec D Ohridska banka Macedonia Societe Generale Group France Societe Generale Bank Slovenia Function President Member Member REPORT IN SHORT FORM In accordance with the Decision on Reports which banks submit to the Central Bank of Montenegro, the report in a short form consists of Auditor’s opinion on financial statements of the bank, Income Statement and Balance Sheet, data on the composition of the Board of Directors, the Committee on Credit Risk Management and Supervisory Committee, information about the General Executive director and Internal Auditor of the Bank and data on performance indicators. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 50 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 53 English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 54 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA SHORT FORM OPINION DATA ON BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPOSITION, CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE, GENERAL DIRECTOR AND INTERNAL AUDITOR OF THE BANK As of December 31, 2011 the members of Bank’s Board directors were: Name Bank/Company Jean-Dider Reigner Branka Pavlović Andre-Marc Prudent Didier Colin Sonja Miladinovska Verica Maraš Marc Monel Societe Generale Group, France Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Monetenegro Societe Generale Bank Slovenia Societe Generale Group, France Societe Generale banka, Serbia Plantaže A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Societe Generale Group, Francuska Function President Member Member Member Member Member Member The members of Risk Committee, as of December 31, 2011 were: Name Bank/Company Andre-Marc Prudent Jean-Didier Reigner Marc Monel Splitska banka, Croatia Societe Generale Group, France Societe Generale Group, France Function President Member Member As of December 31, 2011 the members of Credit risk management committee were: Name Bank Tamara Koljenšić Radule Raonić Slobodan Vujović Branka Pavlović Function Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro President Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group A.D., Podgorica, Montenegro Member Member Member The members of the Audit Board, as of December 31, 2011 were: Name Bank Jitka Pantučkova Marc Monel Nataša MohorčičZobec Ohridska banka, Macedonia Societe Generale Group, France Societe Generale banka, Slovenia Function President Member Member As of December 31, 2011 the General Executive director of Podgorička banka Societe Generale Group А.D., Podgoricа was Mrs. Branka Pavlović. As 0f December 31, 2011 the director of Internal audit department was Mrs. Vukosava Kuburović. English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 55 PODGORIČKA BANKA SOCIETE GENERALE GROUP A.D., PODGORICA SHORT FORM OPINION BANK’S PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2011 Bank’s performance indicators as of December 31, 2011 were as follows: Indicators Achieved Core equity Additional equity Bank’s funds Weighted balance sheet assets Weighted off-balance sheet assets Solvency ratio Return on average assets Return on average capital 31,350 thousand EUR 1,343 thousand EUR 32,661 thousand EUR 164,148 thousand EUR 24,517 thousand EUR 14.85% 1.61% 13.61% English Translation of Financial Statements issued in Montenegrin Language 56
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as guarantees issued, other sureties, effectuated letters of credit and approved, but undrawn loan
facilities, as well as all other off-balance sheet items being the Bank's contingent liabilities.